
More foreign tourists wowed by 'China travel' experiences

2024-07-03 ECNS App Download

(ECNS) -- With China's visa-free "friends circle" steadily expanding, many netizens on social media have observed a noticeable increase in foreign tourists. From major cities to renowned attractions in central and western regions, even lesser-known rural villages rarely visited by Chinese locals have become popular destinations for international travelers.

Platforms like Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book) and Douyin (Chinese version of TikTok) are flooded not only with posts from foreign tourists seeking travel tips but also with accounts from foreign friends who spontaneously document their "China Travel" journeys.

Among them is Adam James Mcilmoyle from Northern Ireland, UK. Mcilmoyle has explored many parts of China, capturing unique perspectives through photographs and short videos that reflect local customs and landscapes. With hundreds of thousands of followers on video platforms, he describes China's scenery as "otherworldly."

Interestingly, the "China Travel" trend isn't confined to domestic social media; it garners significant attention on international platforms, too. Overseas bloggers sharing their China travel experiences on YouTube and other video-sharing sites, attracted substantial viewership almost instantly.

These immersive travel vlogs and posts often highlight keywords like "unexpected" and "never imagined." Through various media forms, foreign influencers marvel at China's advancements in modern technology and the quality of life, reshaping their perceptions.

For instance, many foreigners initially skeptical of China's mobile payment convenience for tourists or concerned about its densely populated cities find their preconceptions pleasantly overturned during their visits. They encountered unparalleled convenience facilitated by China's mobile internet infrastructure and robust public transportation system, enhancing their travel experiences. Moreover, China's bustling urban scenes and the warmth of its people contribute to unprecedented social encounters.

According to data from the National Immigration Administration of China, foreign entries and exits reached 13.074 million in the first quarter of 2024, marking a 305.2 percent year-on-year increase and restoring 92.46 percent of the figures from the same period in 2019. However, unlike before, today's foreign tourists not only embark on their China travels but also actively engage with Chinese social media platforms, integrating seamlessly into local customs and conversations.

(Video source: @ á á á á đương )


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