
Astronomers produce most sensitive radio image ever of ancient star cluster(1/3)

2024-01-18 11:26:13 Editor:Li Yan

Photo released on Jan. 16, 2024 shows the dense ball of stars that makes up globular cluster 47 Tucanae. (Photo/Agencies)

Astronomers have generated the most sensitive radio image ever of a globular cluster—an ancient, densely-packed ball of stars. This image is of 47 Tucanae, the second brightest globular cluster in the night sky, revealing over a million stars and a remarkably bright and dense core.

Photo released on Jan. 16, 2024 shows a new radio source (white square) in the center of 47 Tucanae (red circle). (Photo/Agencies)

Photo released on Jan. 16, 2024 shows CSIRO’s Australia Telescope Compact Array. (Photo/Agencies)

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