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Enhancing Early Warning Systems and Climate Services in the Pacific: Critical for a Resilient Tourism Sector

Early Warning Systems (EWSs) stand as crucial pillars for effective disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation measures, saving lives and offering significant benefits globally.

Recently, the Pacific Tourism Organisation (SPTO) participated in the Regional Stakeholder Consultation on Early Warning Systems and Climate Services in the Pacific. Strengthening these systems and services in the Pacific requires concerted efforts in enhancing governance, fostering partnerships, securing sustainable financing, establishing feedback mechanisms and implementing monitoring, and evaluation, making them more multi-hazard, end-to-end, people-centred, and inclusive.

The meeting, convened by the United Nations Disaster Risk Reduction Office along with partners such as the Secretariat of the Regional Environment Programme the World Meteorological Organisation, the International Telecommunication Union, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the United Nations Office Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific, aimed to unite stakeholders in bolstering the resilience of Pacific nations against natural disasters and climate change impacts.

SPTO’s Manager Sustainable Tourism, Christina Leala-Gale stressed the importance of collaboration with partners and stakeholders to enhance early warning systems and climate services in the Pacific.

She highlighted SPTO’s commitment in addressing climate-related challenges affecting tourism in the region and underscored the significance of partnerships in strengthening the resilience of the tourism sector in the face of ever-changing climatic patterns and increased frequency and intensity of natural disasters.

The consultation brought together a diverse group of stakeholders and partners, to exchange insights and share information on two prominent regional initiatives: the Early Warning for All (EW4ALL) and the Weather Ready Pacific (WRP) programme. The meeting also brought together the National Meteorological and Hydrological Services and the National Disaster Management Organisations as well as representatives from regional organisations.

Mrs. Leala-Gale highlighted the importance of reliable and effective EWS for economic sectors like tourism given their susceptibility to weather and climatic disruptions. She emphasised the necessity of integrating risk reduction measures into every facet of tourism venture and destination development planning.

“The participation of SPTO is pivotal in advancing the climate and disaster resilience goals of Pacific Sustainable Tourism Policy Framework (PSTPF). It also presents a unique opportunity to strengthen the collaboration between tourism stakeholders and the National Meteorological Services as well as the National Disaster Management Offices,” Mrs Leala-Gale said.

She further emphasised the proactive role of the tourism sector in ensuring the utility of EWSs and Climate Services, urging stakeholders to actively voice their needs, provide constructive feedback to technical agencies, and seek assistance in simplifying technical information for informed planning and decision-making.

As the EW4ALL and WRP Programme unfold across the region, sectoral input aimed at enhancing EWSs and Climate Services will receive continued support, signaling a concerted effort toward building a more resilient Pacific.