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Are you fit enough to be a tactical medic? Test yourself with these 8 SWAT fitness exercises

TEMS medics need to be in top physical condition to respond with and care for SWAT officers

Officers Shot St Louis

If you are a tactical medic, you must physically train for the fight and rescue. It’s coming! Are you fit for it?

Jeff Roberson/AP

As a SWAT team member how do you ensure that every man or woman in the stack is physically fit for SWAT duty? The answer is simple: Demand the fitness required for successful and safe operations by requiring team-endorsed mandatory annual fitness testing.

It’s important to do three things before you implement physical testing:

1. Have a designated team member get appropriate fitness instructor certifications; 2. Have each team member physician-approved for testing; 3. Identify your testing protocol and determine what a passing score is.

Here are eight exercises I used as part of my team’s testing protocol. They are as simple to administer as they are accurate indicators of overall fitness. They can also be practiced during any team member’s personal workout.

1. The Bent-Knee Sit-Up

Bent-knee sit-ups are an excellent indicator of the muscular endurance of the lower back, as well as an outstanding exercise to build that endurance. Back injuries end more careers than bullets.

Doing 50 sit-ups in 60 seconds would garner a score of 100%.

2. The Sit and Reach

The sit and reach measures lower back flexibility, during three slow and deliberate attempts of the person being tested to reach as far as they could toward or beyond their own feet.

Reaching 2.5 inches beyond your toes is 100%.

3. The Push-Up

Push-ups measure upper-body muscular endurance. Endurance comes in handy when you have to hold aim on a suspect for a great length of time, carry a shield for an extended building search, or even hold a resistive suspect’s arm in position to handcuff.

A total of 49 push-ups correlate to a score of 100%.

4. The Maximum Bench Press

To measure pure upper body muscular strength, which is essential for any SWAT officer summoned to effect the most extreme physical rescues and resistive subject control, nothing tells the tale like the maximum bench press.

215 pounds benched would earn a 100% score, although officers should most certainly be encouraged to continue to build on this number.

When it comes to exercise, supportive equipment is non-negotiable

5. Pull-ups

Pull-ups are often abandoned (even by the fittest) as an exercise option, but they should not be left undone. This exercise develops the upper body muscle group required to pull yourself onto a roof, over a fence, or even to utilize many take-down and hold-down techniques.

For many, one is better than none, but a 100% rating is 14 pull-ups.

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6. Standing Long Jump

A great plyometric measurement of the explosive power of the lower body is the standing long jump. It measures the same power that allows an officer to catch a suspect in the first few steps of a sudden flight on foot. It also propels a team member up a flight of steps in full gear.

To jump 100 inches from a standing position would correspond to 100%.

7. Squat Thrusts

An excellent measure of lower body muscular endurance is the squat thrust. It is essential for team members to practice this exercise. Being successful is 50% fitness and 50% technique. The squat thrust, the pull-up and the push-up are three top-notch exercises to develop muscular endurance.

A total of 20 squat thrusts done in 30 seconds would constitute 100%.

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8. The 12-Minute Run

The last event to be performed should be a 12-minute run. The distance completed in the time allotted is then calculated to determine the score. For example:

  • For a team member under 30 years of age, 100% is 2 miles.
  • For 30–40 years of age, 100% is 1.82 miles.
  • For 40+ years of age, 100% is 1.75 miles.

The 12-minute run measures cardiovascular endurance, but as the team members compete, their grit is on full display as well.

The standard mile-and-a-half run is also an option.

Fit for the FIGHT

As a police trainer for 39 years, I have watched many officers in top condition allow their physical fitness to diminish to the point where they needed assistance to get up from a kneeling position. This is not only sad, but in most cases where injuries were not the cause, completely preventable.

The secret to winning a righteous fight is in the word itself.

F- Fitness I – Intensity and integrity GH – God’s help (realizing God helps those who help themselves) T – Tactics and techniques performed with tenacity

If you are a tactical medic, you must physically train for the fight and rescue. It’s coming! Are you fit for it?

This article, originally published on September 5, 2017, has been updated.

Lt. Dan Marcou is an internationally-recognized police trainer who was a highly-decorated police officer with 33 years of full-time law enforcement experience. Marcou’s awards include Police Officer of the Year, SWAT Officer of the Year, Humanitarian of the Year and Domestic Violence Officer of the Year. Upon retiring, Lt. Marcou began writing. Additional awards Lt. Marcou received were 15 departmental citations (his department’s highest award), two Chief’s Superior Achievement Awards and the Distinguished Service Medal for his response to an active shooter. He is a co-author of “Street Survival II, Tactics for Deadly Encounters,” which is now available. His novels, “The Calling, the Making of a Veteran Cop,” “SWAT, Blue Knights in Black Armor,” “Nobody’s Heroes” and Destiny of Heroes,” as well as his latest non-fiction offering, “Law Dogs, Great Cops in American History,” are all available at Amazon. Dan is a member of the Police1 Editorial Advisory Board.