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15 July 2015

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Changsha Ecological Zoo Helps Animals to Escape Summer Heat

2024-07-21 Download Print

On July 18, giant panda "Qing Qing" played with ice at the Changsha Ecological Zoo. Changsha recently has experienced continuous high temperature. The zoo has installed automatic sprinklers and sprays, thermostatic pools, sunshades, and other facilities for animals to beat the summer heat. This aims to ensure that the animals live safely and comfortably throughout the summer. (Photo/Gu Pengbo, Hunan Daily)

On July 18, a keeper fed a hippo with vegetables at the Changsha Ecological Zoo.

On July 18, long-tailed macaques played in the shade at Changsha Ecological Zoo.

On July 18, a tiger escaped the scorching sun in the shade at the Changsha Ecological Zoo.

On July 18, a black bear soaked in the pool to enjoy the coolness at the Changsha Ecological Zoo.

This article is from the Hunan Provincial Government

Translator: Yu Jiangjiang

Chinese source: hunantoday