Thundersnow has been reported in Norfolk as temperatures dipped well below freezing on the coldest night of the year so far.

The mercury read as low as -8C in places which saw snow land and roads frozen across the region.

Areas along the eastern coastline were most affected, with communities in Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft reporting up to an inch of snowfall.

Norwich Evening News: Snow fell last night on the coldest night of the year so far

Meteorologist Dan Holley said Caister-on-Sea had "thundersnow" - a thunderstorm while snowing - over the sea just before 4am this morning.

He said: "It is the same principle as thunderstorms in the summer - effectively just cold air above relatively warm air lower down.

"Showers today are being generated by sea temperatures of around 6°C - higher up the temperature is near -40°C at three and a half miles above ground."

Norwich Evening News:

Aweather warning for snow and iceis also in place for the whole of the county until midday today.

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The Met Office has saidsnow showersmay lead to some disruption to travel throughout the morning and journey times by road, bus and train are likely to be delayed.

There is an increased likelihood of injury from slips and falls on icy surfaces.

But according to BBC weather predictions, it will be 15C by Tuesday.

Its forecast shows that temperatures will warm again heading into the weekend and will reach an average of 11C next week.