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Section A
1. A) All the passengers were killed.
   B) The plane crashed in the night.
   C) No more survivors have been found.
   D) It's too late to search for survivors.

2. A) Its results were just as expected.
   B) It wasn't very well designed.
   C) It fully reflected the students' ability.
   D) Its results fell short of her expectations.

3. A) He believes dancing is enjoyable.
   B) He definitely does not like dancing.
   C) He admires those who dance.
   D) He won't dance until he has done his work.

4. A) His computer doesn't work well.
   B) He isn't getting along with his staff.
   C) He didn't register for a proper course.
   D) He can't apply the theory to his program.

5. A) Reading on the campus lawn.
   B) Depositing money in the bank.
   C) Applying for financial aid.
   D) Reviewing a student's application.

6. A) A new shuttle bus.
   B) A scheduled space flight.
   C) An airplane flight.
   D) The first space flight.

7. A) The deadline is drawing near.
   B) She can't meet the deadline.
   C) She turned in the proposals today.
   D) They are two days ahead of time.

8. A) By going on a diet.
   B) By having fewer meals.
   C) By doing physical exercise.
   D) By eating fruit and vegetables.

9. A) He enjoyed it as a whole.
   B) He didn't think much of it.
   C) He didn't like it at all.
   D) He liked some parts of it.

10. A) It looks quite new.
      B) It needs to be repaired.
      C) It looks old, but it runs well.
      D) Its engine needs to be painted

 Section B

Passage One

Questions 11 to 13 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. A) Experience in negotiating.
       B) A high level of intelligence.
       C) The time they spend on preparation.
       D) The amount of pay they receive.
12. A) Study the case carefully beforehand.
       B) Stick to a set target.
       C) Appear friendly to the other party.
         D) Try to be flexible about their terms.
13. A) Make sure there is no misunderstanding.
       B) Try to persuade by giving various reasons.
       C) Repeat the same reasons.
       D) Listen carefully and patiently to the other party.

Passage Two

Questions 14 to 16 are based on the passage you have just heard.

14. A) They eat huge amounts of food.
       B) They usually eat twice a day.
       C) They usually eat to their hearts' content.
       D) They eat much less than people assume.
15. A) When it is breeding.
       B) When it feels threatened by humans in its territory.
       C) When its offspring is threatened.
       D) When it is suffering from illness.
16. A) They are not as dangerous as people think.
       B) They can be as friendly to humans as dogs.
       C) They attack human beings by nature.
       D) They are really tame sea animals.

Passage Three

Questions 17 to 20 are based on the passage you have just heard.

17. A) Because people might have to migrate there someday.
       B) Because it is very much like the earth.
       C) Because it is easier to explore than other planets.
       D) Because its atmosphere is different from that of the earth.
18. A) Its chemical elements must be studied.
       B) Its temperature must be lowered.
        C) Big spaceships must be built.
          D) Its atmosphere must be changed.
19. A) It influences the surface temperature of Mars.
       B) It protects living beings from harmful rays.
       C) It keeps a planet from overheating.
       D) It is the main component of the air people breathe.
20. A) Man will probably be able to live there in 200 years.
      B) Scientists are rather pessimistic about it.
      C) Man will probably be able to live there in 100,000 years' time.
      D) Scientists are optimistic about overcoming the difficulties soon.


   1.C 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.C  6.B 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.C  11.C 12.D 13.B 14.D 15.B  16.A 17.A    18.D 19.D 20.C

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