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“2021 năm 6 nguyệt đại học tiếng Anh lục cấp khảo thí đáp án ( hoàn chỉnh bản )” khảo sau tuyên bố, càng nhiều về tiếng Anh lục cấp khảo thí thật đề đáp án, thỉnh WeChat tìm tòi “VạnĐề khoTiếng Anh CET-4-6 khảo thí”Hoặc phỏng vấnKhảo thí điCET-4-6 khảo thí võng.

6 nguyệt tứ cấp thật đề đáp ánĐánh giá phânLục cấp thật đề đáp án

Viết văn đệ nhất bộ:

For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the graph below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the graph and comment on China’s achievements in urbanization. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The chart above displays the progress of urbanization in China over the last four decades. We can see that, in less than 40 years, the number of people in China who lived in cities had more than tripled. From 1980 to 2010, the share of urban population had grown from 19.39% to 49.96%, which was a record high worldwide.

As far as I am concerned, China’s extraordinary urbanization has gone hand-in-hand with its economic boom. Since its reform and opening-up in 1978, China’s economy has taken off. During the past four decades, China underwent vast changes to its economic system and abundant opportunities emerged in the coastal area. As a result, people living in the rural areas came to big cities in the costal area to pursuit a better life, which speeded up the progress of urbanization.

Urbanization, in return, contributes to the development of China’s fast-growing economy. Take, for example, the basic infrastructures in big cities. The government has invested a lot of money in buildings and facilities, which enables people to live and work in high-density in tall buildings, which greatly improvs efficiency and productivity.

In conclusion, the urbanization in China not only enables people to enjoy a better living condition, but also lays foundations for sustainable economic growth. It is a great achievement and has far-reaching benefits.

Viết văn đệ nhị bộ:


For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the chart below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China’s achievements in poverty alleviation. You should write at least150 words but no more than 200 words.


We can see clearly from this chart that the rural population in poverty in China has decreased sharply from the year of 2012 to 2020, from around 95 million, consisting of 12 percent population of the whole country in 2012, to almost none. Such achievements in poverty alleviation are marvelous and must have gone beyond the imagination of many.

The cold hard data depicted on the graph might be a little abstract, but the real changes happening in the life of the Chinese people over the past decade are much more eloquent. For example, in the past, people were very much concerned about whether they have enough food to eat most of the time, but now they are more interested in whether the food they eat is healthy enough. What's more, in the last decade, an increasing number of students have had the chance to go to college, which was impossible for them to do in the past.

I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to the central government of China and the whole people of the nation. Had it not been their joint efforts in the past decade, China could never have achieved such a success in poverty elimination.

Viết văn đệ tam bộ:


For this part, you are allowed 30 mimites to write an essay based on the chart below. You should start your essay with a brief description of the chart and comment on China’s achievements in higher education. You should write at least150 words but no more than 200 words.


The bar chart issued by Ministry of Education contains the gross enrolment ratio in higher education in China from 3.4% in the year of 1990 to 51.6% in 2019. Obviously, what it endeavors / tries to convey is that this era has witnessed an enormous increase in China's higher education development.

Firstly, the government has provided a series of beneficial policies and financial investment in ensuring citizens the opportunity of receiving higher education. Students, even poor ones in rural counties will be encouraged to attend universities after middle school. Interest-free loans are provided to students who cannot afford the fees. Secondly, the growing per capita GDP has shifted parents' opinion from earning money as soon as their children grow up to equipping them with more specialized knowledge for long-term development. Last but not least, due to the research achievements and the improvement of education level, China's institutions of higher education are now highly admitted. We can find from the QS World University Ranking list that Qinghua University and Beijing University have peaked in this year.

In a nutshell, China has witnessed a great progress in its higher education, which enables more citizens to achieve a higher degree and provides more specialized knowledge in pursuing a fulfilling life.

Thính lực đệ nhị bộ:

1. A) Weird.

2. B) They are ignorant.

3. B) They can air their views.

4. C) It enables people to learn and grow.

5. A) He kept looking for the best place to stay.

6. B) Stretch out the process in search of the optimal

7. C) Modern technology.

8. A) Research as many different options as possible.

9. D) It is not of much help to younger children.

10. A) It may put some students in remote areas at a disadvantage.

11. C) Doing homework exerts a positive effect on kids' personality development.

12. B) It was ridiculed by the New York Times.

13. A) It was of great significance to rocket science.

14. B) Its climate was ideal for year-round rocket launching.

15. C) He was granted over 200 patents in rocket technology.

16.D)It can be rather risky.

17.C) It reduces conflict among team members.

18. B) They often work without any

19. D) They are better able to survive or handle disease.

20. A) They have a limited reproductive ability.

21. D) The resolution of aging-related diseases will solve the mystery of aging.

22. A They are reluctant to follow instruction.

23. B They are not satisfied with the management.

24. C When they find their supervisors helpful.

25. A They are a useless tool for managers to change employee behavior.

Tuyển từ lấp chỗ trống đệ nhất bộ:

I'm always baffled when I walk into a pharmacy and see shelves bursting with various vitamins...

26.O) ultimately

27.F) expended

28.A) abundance

29. E) equation

30. G) feat

31.D) envisaged

32.B) astonishment

33.L) plight

34.J) overhaul

35.C) entailed

Tuyển từ lấp chỗ trống đệ nhị bộ:

A new study has drawn a bleak picture of cultural inclusiveness reflected in the...

26.F) investigated

27.E) housed

28.1) representation

29.H) portraying

30.K) secondary

31.C) bias

32.B) appreciation

33.G) overwhelming

34.A) alienating

35.L) superiority

Tuyển từ lấp chỗ trống đệ tam bộ:

At 43, I've reached the stage where women are warned to watch out for the creeping...

26.H) fragility

27.E) diminished

28.J) obscurity

29.B) authentic

30.0) suppress

31.F) drowned

32.M) purchasable


34.A) adversity

35.D) depictions

Tin tức xứng đôi đệ nhất bộ:

36, 1) The interior minister, Christophe Castaner, visited the cathedral on Tuesday afternoon to see the extent of the devastation.

37, D) The cathedral is owned by the French state and has been at the centre of a years-long dispute over who should finance restoration work of the collapsing staircases, crumbling statues and cracked walls.

38, K) French political commentators noted the devastating fire had succeeded where Macron had failed in uniting the country.

39, F) The fire,which had started at the base of the 93-metre spire at about 6:40pm on Monday, spread through the cathedral' s roof, made up of hundreds of oak beams,some dating back to the 13th century.

40, B) The revelation of how close France came to losing its most famous cathedral emerged as police investigators questioned workers involved in the restoration of the monument to try to establish the cause of the devastating blaze.

41, H) While the world looked on,the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers,where the cathedral bells hang.

42, H) While the world looked on,the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers,where the cathedral bells hang.

43, J) The culture minister, Franck Riester, said religious relics saved from the cathedral were being securely held at the Hotel de Ville, and works of art that sustained smoke damage were being taken to the Louvre,the world' s largest art museum,where they would be dried out,repaired and stored.

44, D) The cathedral is owned by the French state and has been at the centre of a years-long dispute over who should finance restoration work of the collapsing staircases,crumbling statues and cracked walls.

45, G) A collection of dramatic videos and photos quickly spread across social media,showing the horrifying destruction,and attracting emotional responses from people all over the word.

Tin tức xứng đôi đệ nhị bộ:

France’S beloved cathedral only minutes away from com-plete destruction

36.1) The interior minister,Christophe Castaner,visited the cathedral on Tuesday afternoon. to see the extent of the devastation.

37.D) The cathedral is owned by the French state and has been at the centre of a years-long dispute over who should finance restoration work of the collapsing staircases,crum-bling statues and cracked walls.

38.K) French political commentators noted the devastating fire had succeeded where Macron had failed in uniting the country.

39.F) The fire,which had started at the base of the 93-metre spire ( tiêm tháp ) at about 6:40pm on Monday, spread through the cathedral' s roof,made up a of hundreds of oak beams,some dating back to the 13th century.

40.B) The revelation of how close France came to losing its most famous cathedral emerged as police investigators questioned workers involved in the restoration of the monu-ment to try to establish the cause of the devastating blaze.

41.H) While the world looked on,the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers,where the cathedral bells hang.

42.H) While the world looked on,the 500 firefighters at the scene then battled to prevent the flames from reaching the two main towers,where the cathedral bells hang.

43.J) The culture minister,Franck Riester, said religious relics saved from the cathedral were being securely held at the Hotel de Ville, and works of art that sustained smoke damage were being taken to the Louvre,the world’s largest art museum,where they would be dried out,repaired and stored.

44.D) The cathedral is owned by the French state and has been at the centre of a years-long dispute over who should finance restoration work of the collapsing staircases,crum-bling statues and cracked walls.

45.G) A collection of dramatic videos and photos quickly spread across social media,showing the horrifying destruc-tion,and attracting emotional responses from people all over the word.

Tin tức xứng đôi đệ tam bộ:

What Are the Ethies of CGI Actors-And Wil They Replace Real Ones?

36.[G] Legally, a person's rights to control the commercial use of their name and image beyond their death differ between and even within countries.

37.[C] The James Dean film is a way to keep the actor's image relevant for younger generations, says Mark Roesler of CMG Worldwide, the firm that represents Dean's estate.

38.[J] This refers to the idea that when objects trying to re-semble humans aren't quite perfect, they can make viewers feel uneasy because they fall somewhere between obviously non-human and fully human.

39.[A] Digital humans are coming to a screen near you.

40.[F] Ahidden hazard of digitally recreating a deccased ( quá cố )elebrity is the risk of damaging their legacy.

41.[L] Webber expects that we will see more digital humans on screen.

42.[B]Late in 2019,it was announced that US actor James Dean, who died in 1955, will star in a Vietnam War film sched-uled for release later this year.

43.[H]A recreation, however itlke, willneser be indistinguishable fiom real actor,

says Webber.

44.[E] Now, a person can be animated from scratch.

45.[I] As it becomes easier to digitally recreate celebrities and to entirely manufacture on-screen identities,could this kind of technology put actors out of jobs?

Cẩn thận đọc đệ nhất bộ:

We often think of drawing as something that takes inborn talent, but this kind of thinking

46. A) It is a gift creative people are endowed with.

47. C) They add beauty and charm to the world.

48. A) Everybody is born with the capacity to draw.

49. D) It helps improve concentration and memory.

50. D) Precision in visual perception

The car has reshaped our cities. It seems to offer autonomy for everyone...

51. B) They present a false picture of the autonomy cars provide.

52.C) Only some can be put to use under current traffic con-ditions.

53. A) It is likely to create traffic jams in other places.

54. B) It seldom delivers all the benefits as promised.

55. C) Technological innovation should be properly regulat-

Cẩn thận đọc đệ nhị bộ:

Humans are fascinated by the source of their failings and vir-tues. This preoccupati..

46.D) Students academic performance is determ ined by their genes

47.A) Its result was questionable.

48.B)It is not one of cause and effiect.

49.A) Take all relevant factors into account in interpreting their data.

50.D) Promoting discrimination in the name of science.

Nicola Sturgeon’S speech last Tuesday setting out the Scottish government' S legislative programme...

51.B) Tourists will have to pay a tax to visit Scotland.

52.C) Its ruling party is opposed to taxes and regulation.

53.D) Ease its financial burden of providing local services

54.A) They don' t seem to care about the social cost of tour-ism..


Cẩn thận đọc đệ tam bộ:

You can’t see it, smell it, or hear it, and people disagree on how precisely to define it, or where exactly it comes from.....

46. D) G It contributes to intellectual growth but can easily be skilled.,

47.B) Cultivation of creativity should permeate the entire school curriculum.

48.C) Test-oriented teaching.

49.B) They attach great importance to arts education.

50.C) Providing all children with equal access to arts education.

Emulating your conversation partner’ s actions is a common human behavior classified as “mirroring. and has bee.....

51.C) Ilmitate their partners' gestures without their knowing it.

52.B) When both sides have a lot of things in common.

53.A) It encourages people to imitate.

54.A) It facilitates the creation of one’s own writing style.

55.D) It may do harm as well as good.

Phiên dịch đệ nhất bộ:

Thanh hải là Trung Quốc Tây Bắc bộ một cái tỉnh, bình quân độ cao so với mặt biển 3 cây số trở lên, đại bộ phận khu vực vì núi cao cùng cao nguyên. Thanh hải đỡ phải danh với cả nước lớn nhất hồ nước mặn thanh hải hồ. Thanh hải hồ bị dự vì “Trung Quốc đẹp nhất ao hồ”, là được hoan nghênh nhất điểm du lịch chi nhất, cũng là nhiếp ảnh gia cùng nghệ thuật gia thiên đường. Thanh Hải Sơn xuyên tráng lệ, đất rộng của nhiều. Dầu mỏ cùng khí thiên nhiên số lượng dự trữ phong phú, tỉnh nội rất nhiều thành thị kinh tế ở dầu mỏ cùng khí thiên nhiên công nghiệp kéo hạ được đến nhảy vọt phát triển. Thanh hải đặc biệt thủy tài nguyên phong phú mà nổi tiếng, là Trung Quốc tam đại con sông Trường Giang, Hoàng Hà cùng lan thương giang nơi khởi nguyên, ở Trung Quốc thủy sinh thái trung phát huy quan trọng tác dụng.

Qinghai is a province in northwestern China with an average altitude of more than 3 kilometers. Most areas of the province are high mountains and plateaus. The province is named after Qinghai Lake, the largest saltwater lake in the country, which is also known as the most beautiful lake in China. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions nationwide, as well as a paradise for photographers and artists. Qinghai features magnificent landscapes, vast territory and abundant resources. The rich oil and natural gas reserves have contributed to the rapid and constant economy growth of many cities within the province. Qinghai is especially renowned for its abundant water resources. It serves as the headstreams of China's three major rivers – the Yangtze River, the Yellow River and the Lancang River, thus playing an vital role in China's water ecosystem.

Phiên dịch đệ nhị bộ:

Vân Nam là ở vào Trung Quốc Tây Nam một cái tỉnh, bình quân độ cao so với mặt biển 1500 mễ. Vân Nam lịch sử đã lâu, phong cảnh tú lệ, khí hậu hợp lòng người. Vân Nam sinh thái hoàn cảnh ưu việt, sinh vật nhiều mặt, bị dự vì hoang dại động thực vật thiên đường. Vân Nam còn có bao nhiêu loại khoáng sản cùng sung túc thủy tài nguyên, vì toàn tỉnh kinh tế có thể liên tục phát triển cung cấp có lợi điều kiện. Vân Nam cư trú 25 cái dân tộc thiểu số, bọn họ phần lớn có chính mình ngôn ngữ tập tục cùng tôn giáo. Vân Nam độc đáo tự nhiên cảnh sắc cùng phong phú dân tộc văn hóa làm này trở thành Trung Quốc được hoan nghênh nhất du lịch mục đích địa chi nhất, mỗi năm đều hấp dẫn rất nhiều trong ngoài nước du khách đi trước ngắm cảnh du lịch.

Yunnan is a province located in the southwest of China with an average altitude of 1500 meters. Yunnan has a long history, beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate. With a superior ecological environment and a wide variety of living creatures, Yunnan is known as a paradise for wild animals and plants. Yunnan also has a variety of mineral resources and adequate water resources, which provide favorable conditions for the sustainable development of the whole province's economy. The province is home to 25 ethnic minorities, most of whom have their own languages, customs and religions. Its unique natural scenery and rich national culture have made it one of the most popular tourist destinations in China, attracting large numbers of domestic and foreign tourists each year.

Phiên dịch đệ tam bộ:

Hải Nam là chỉ ở sau Đài Loan Trung Quốc đệ nhị đại đảo, là ở vào Trung Quốc phía nam nhất tỉnh. Đảo Hải Nam phong cảnh tú lệ, khí hậu hợp lòng người, ánh mặt trời sung túc, sinh vật đa dạng, suối nước nóng dày đặc, nước biển thanh triệt, đại bộ phận bãi biển cơ hồ cả năm đều là bơi lội cùng tắm nắng lý tưởng nơi, cho nên bị dự vì Trung Quốc bốn mùa hoa viên cùng nghỉ phép thắng địa, mỗi năm đều hấp dẫn rất nhiều trung ngoại du khách. Hải Nam 1988 năm lập tỉnh tới nay, khách du lịch, phục vụ nghiệp, cao tân kỹ thuật sản nghiệp bay nhanh phát triển, là Trung Quốc duy nhất tỉnh cấp kinh tế đặc khu. Ở trung ương chính phủ cùng cả nước nhân dân mạnh mẽ duy trì hạ, Hải Nam đem kiến thành Trung Quốc lớn nhất tự do mậu dịch thí nghiệm khu.

Hainan Island is the second largest island in China after Taiwan Island and is the province located in the southernmost part of China. Hainan Island has beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, abundant sunshine, diverse creatures, dense hot springs and clear sea water. Most of the beaches are ideal places for swimming and sunbathing almost all year round. Therefore, it is known as China's all-season garden and resort, attracting a large number of tourists domestic and overseas every year. Since Hainan was established as a province in 1988, its tourism, service and high-tech industries have developed rapidly. It is the only provincial special economic zone in China. With the strong support of the central government and the people of the whole country, Hainan will become China's largest pilot free trade zone.

Tương quan đề cử:

2021 năm 6 nguyệt tiếng Anh tứ cấp khảo thí đáp án|2021 năm 6 nguyệt đại học tiếng Anh lục cấp khảo thí đáp án

2021 năm 6 nguyệt đại học tiếng Anh tứ cấp khảo thí thật đề|2021 năm 6 nguyệt tiếng Anh lục cấp khảo thí thật đề

2021 năm 6 nguyệt tiếng Anh CET-4-6 thành tích tuần tra|CET-4-6 cho điểm tiêu chuẩn|CET-4-6 báo danh thời gian

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