Replacement Wraparound Fluorescent Light Covers

Wrap Around Light Covers

In house die making facility for best molded replacement fluorescent wrap around light covers designed specifically for applications that require optimum optical control with low brightness. Ideal for public areas such as schools, airports, libraries, retail stores, and offices. Most of these will fit nicely on Lithonia fixtures as long as the width between the clips is correct. We have more than 10,000 molds for covers, please fill up the Quote form above if you can’t find the wrap around light diffuser you need.

We carry Wrap around Light Diffusers/Fluorescent Light Covers with End Caps, if you’re having difficult time finding them, it’s because they are mostly discontinued but we can make them for you. Linear side prisms control brightness and the small conical male prisms on the bottom minimize lamp image. This design reduces ceiling shadows and sharp contrasts. In addition, we make custom wrap around fluorescent light covers that are hard to find and discontinued light diffusers all the time. Need to replace yellowed, broken light covers for all the fixtures in the building, don’t waste money on replacing fixtures! We can make a cover for you!

On Buy Now page the list of the wrap-around fluorescent light lenses are the one we stock all the time and we ship them within 2-3 days. We have all kind of Commercial building light cover solutions.