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GhanaWeb is just not a website, it represents what daily happens in Ghana with constant updates of news, opinions and information related to Ghana. GhanaWeb is simply anything and everything Ghana.

Current Traffic Statistics

  • Most popular newsplatform in Ghana (Alexa)
  • Over 3-4 million unique visitors per month, 350,000 uniques per day and 90 million monthly pageviews
  • 60 % traffic from Ghana, 40 % diaspora traffic (USA, UK, Canada, Germany, etc)

Who is handling the advertising on GhanaWeb?

SuperWeb Technologies Ltd. is the official Ghanaian representative for selling advertising space on GhanaWeb.

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Display Advertising and Marketing Solutions

On our news platforms, we offer a broad range of display advertising formats that all comply with the IAB standards. SuperWeb Technologies Ltd. platforms offer advertising possibilities on both GhanaWebs desktop and mobile platforms.

Our main objective of our display advertising and marketing solutions is to promote the message of the advertiser through different options, e.g. videos, newsletters, event coverage, banner placement, public announcement, guest appearance, live streaming etc.

In the organization of our news platforms the different departments work together to make creative marketing solutions available to advertisers. As such, we can support any customer journey and help you with your marketing objectives in the most effective way.

  • 790x90 pixels leaderboard, 300x600 pixels wide-banner, 300x250 pixels rectangle, take-overs on desktop and mobile
  • CPM and fixed placements
  • Geographical targetting
  • Targeting by section (e.g. news, business, sports, entertainment)
  • Newsletters
  • Banner design

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Self Service Ads

On behalf of, SuperWeb Technologies Ltd. provides you with the possibility to create your own ad and place it on the most visited website of Ghana,

The creation and placement can be done in an easy access workflow and makes it possible to convert visitors of the website of to visitors of your website or other actions that you may prefer.

After the creation of the ad, you will have to make some choices as to the visibility of your ad. Based upon these choices, an automatic calculator will calculate the amount that you will have to pay online in order to proceed and place your ad. Your ad will become visible to residents of Ghana.

Before you place your ad, you will have to tell us the type of advertising you want to buy, and the amount you wish to spend. If we accept your ad, we will deliver your ads to the audience of as inventory becomes available.

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3rd most popular website in Ghana (Alexa)
100 million pageviews per month
Over 3 million unique visitors per month, 350,000 uniques per day
Multiple formats
Optimised mobile design