Ask the Author: Allyson Kennedy

“How's it going, Arrowheads? Feel free to leave your questions here!” Allyson Kennedy

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Allyson Kennedy Hey, Joy, and thank you so much!:) I first came up with the idea for The Crush sometime back in the early 2010s, and it was based on a personal life event. How the main character and her love interest met were the same back then, but the overall story, and the characters, are now completely different. I let the story sit incomplete for years while I published my first two books, and picked The Crush back up in 2018 or 2019. From there, I did a complete rewrite, now with the topics of music and mental health in mind, and the characters went through several name changes and overhauls. The version of The Crush that exists today is 100% different than the personal event it was based off in the beginning, but it's much better than what was originally written. The original was a dumpster fire, lol!

For your second question, I'd definitely consult the Bible for what it says on mental health topics, but also portray the characters realistically. Christian characters, like real-life Christians, are going to mess up, especially when they're enduring poor mental health, so don't be afraid to get messy. But, always be sure to point it back to God in the midst of the mess. Also, pray for your own mental health while writing, if you endure similar circumstances as your characters (such as depression or anxiety). When I was writing The Fall, I was enduring my own grief after a loved one unexpectedly passed away a month into writing the book, and I went through a very depressed phase sorting through both Emery's grief and my own. Be sure to rely on God wholeheartedly throughout the process, no matter what.

I hope this helps, and thank you so much for your questions!:)
Allyson Kennedy I didn't get a wink of sleep last night. And, when I ventured to the kitchen, the coffee pot was empty.
Allyson Kennedy Definitely The Moon and More and Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen. Hopefully I can get to all those other books I got for Christmas. I've been a slacker in the reading department lately!
Allyson Kennedy I'm currently working on three novels, but for this question I'd like to focus on Speak Your Mind. The idea of writing a middle grade novel about a girl with extreme shyness came to me when I was a junior in high school, after I had finished the first draft of Can't Beat the Heart of a Carolina Girl. I was extremely shy in elementary and middle school to the point where I seldom talked to others while I was at school. This resulted in kids making fun of me for not talking, which is also addressed in the novel. The novel focuses on battling shyness and realizing that you're never alone in the world, as we're all children of God. Overall, I aim for Speak Your Mind to be a source of hope for shy kids, and I can't wait to share this story with you all soon!:)
Allyson Kennedy Start simple. I started out writing paragraph-long short stories when I was seven, and drew illustrations underneath. This later evolved into longer stories, and then my first novel! So if you're interested in writing your own novel, it may take baby steps to get there, but it'll be worth it when you have a quality piece of writing in the end!
Allyson Kennedy I'm currently working on three stand-alone novels with the following names: The Crush, Speak Your Mind, and On the Flip Side. The Crush is my longest WIP to date, while On the Flip Side is the newest. Speak Your Mind is my first attempt at a middle grade novel, and it is my favorite to work on.
Allyson Kennedy I loved books from an early age, but my aunt was the one who inspired me to start writing. When I was seven, she gave me a Mary-Kate and Ashley notebook for Christmas, casually mentioning that I should try writing stories. From elementary to middle school, I ended up filling four notebooks full of short stories about my stuffed animals, my little sister, and random other stories. I started writingCan't Beat the Heart of a Carolina Girlthe summer after my freshman year of high school. Thanks for your question!:)
Allyson Kennedy As weird as it sounds, I play The Sims to combat writer's block. I create characters from my books as Sims, and then have them interact with each other. Carter, the love interest from Can't Beat the Heart of a Carolina Girl, was actually my first character to be created as a Sim. He was soon followed by his cousin, Ethan, who is featured in my WIPs.
Allyson Kennedy You can finally put names to all the ideas floating around in your head. Your made up Sims can become characters in writing. You can finally express those thoughts you were too afraid to say out loud. Being a writer means putting your imagination into action, and that is one of the greatest gifts God has given us.
Allyson Kennedy Lizzie Bennet and Mr. Darcy. Why? No one can resist Mr. Darcy. No one. XD

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