Ask the Author: G. Connor Salter

“Ask me a question.” G. Connor Salter

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G. Connor Salter Always look for a way to reuse material. If you wrote a high school essay that was really good, reformat it as an article and send it to magazines. If that doesn't work, make it into a blog. Don't waste anything.

Also, keep asking "why not?" In other words, look at what you've written, see what opportunities you have and ask "why can't I use this opportunity to get my writing out there?" If the only answer you can come up with is "well, no one I know has tried that," then go for it.
G. Connor Salter I find exercise and going back over the material are both helpful. Exercise helps because it seems to get my brain working faster and better. Going back over the material helps because I can see if I've missed something that the story really needs before I move forward.
G. Connor Salter After a 3-month trip through China and Mongolia, I began writing a book about my experiences.
I quickly figured out the book needed to have a specific focus, which meant a lot of little anecdotal stories I wanted to tell wouldn't fit in it.
I began writing those little stories as standalone articles and getting them published in student newspapers, devotionals, anywhere that would accept them.
After a year and a half, I had enough little stories to collect them as a short ebook.

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