Ask the Author: Assegid Habtewold

“I'll be answering questions this week about my new book just released this past Thursday on August 26th.” Assegid Habtewold

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Assegid Habtewold Books from Carl Jung, Neal Donald Walsch, Daniel Kahneman, and Dalai Lama. These are on top of my list.
Assegid Habtewold A long time ago, I stopped reading fiction. The reason was selfish. If I started a fiction book, I didn't drop it until finished. I got obsessed and I did read non-stop for days sometimes. I found myself unable to do anything meaningful when I was reading fiction books. Thus, I made a decision not to come close to any fiction books lol I didn't have the discipline nor the courage to control it. Now, to relax and entertain myself, I watch movies since they won't go more than 2 hours at a time:-)
Assegid Habtewold lol Unfortunately, I'm a terrible fiction writer, especially unqualified to attempt to write a horror story, let alone to condense such a story into two lines:-)
Assegid Habtewold Like every writer, I face resistance on a daily basis but I don't allow resistance to stop me from living for my purpose. One of the methods I use to pursue my passion is writing.
Assegid Habtewold You self-reflect and grow...
Assegid Habtewold Right now, I just published a new book, which was Amazon's #1 Hot New Release for days and hit Amazon's #1 Best Seller list within a week of its release. I'm excited and focused on promoting this book to get to the hands of as many first-time leaders as possible.
Assegid Habtewold True and lasting inspiration comes from within. I rarely get inspired by anything outside such as a setting or event. Deep inside, I'm on a mission to empower others to become great and world-class leaders. This calling keeps me motivated to write on a daily basis. Whether I feel like it or not, every day, the volume may vary, I write something for one of my upcoming books, the next article, blog...
Assegid Habtewold Thanks for asking! From my own experience, keep writing on every platform you can get. Use social media to post regularly. Join writer's association's. Most importantly, begin publishing:-) Don't wait till you master writing. Don't wait till you write your first beat seller. You will never master and wrote a bestseller unless you begin somewhere, get feedback, improve, and finetune your writing.
Assegid Habtewold Thanks for asking. Since I coach, mentor, and train leaders, most of my writing ideas come from the challenges my clients face. I also get inspired based on my own experience. If something worked for me well, I would like to share it, and that inspires me to write.

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