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Janna Cachola Janna Cachola > Quotes

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“Professionalism shouldn't be defined by a persons paycheck, role or title. It should be defined by a persons work ethic”
Janna Cachola
“Do not be obsessed with expensive things.
Instead, be obsessed with excellence.
Things don't make you excellent.
However, excellence will make you expensive.”
Janna Cachola
“Boldness isn't second nature to everyone, it is intentionality”
Janna Cachola, Lead by choice, not by checks
“I wear a lot of pink cos' seeing pink activates endorphins and energizes my creativity. It is a colour of femininity and fierceness”
Janna Cachola
“[Team player vs team builder]
Players focus on the wins and the loses.
Builders focus on the team and future of the vision.
Let's move our members from team player to team builder.”
Janna Cachola
“You have a right to be you. It is a privilege for others to be around you.”
Janna Cachola, Short journey
“Don't let people intimidate you into downgrading your goals. They intimidate only because they are intimidated by your goals.”
Janna Cachola
“No voice is too soft when that voice speaks for others.”
Janna Cachola
“There is always a shade of pink for every color because Pink matches everything”
janna cachola
“We weren't born to create excuses, we were born to create excellence.”
Janna Cachola
“If you have a voice, use it.
If you have legs, stand up.
If you have feet, step up.
If you have eachother, fight together.”
Janna Cachola
“Being disciplined is a form of self care”
Janna Cachola
“It's not harsh to be assertive, its harsher when people take advantage of you”
Janna Cachola
“Goals and dreams are not purposed to please others. I'd rather be the jester who adds value to those around me than a King with no vision or intention of making a difference.”
Janna Cachola, Short journey
“Resilience is not about being able to bounce back like nothing has happened. Resilience is your consistent resistance to give up.”
Janna Cachola
“Telling people what to do is showmanship.
Showing people how to do it is leadership.”
Janna Cachola
“Great results occur when great responsibility is given. Your job as a leader is to give responsibility NOT take responsibility.”
Janna Cachola
“When your pain gets tough, your game needs to get rough.”
Janna Cachola
“Rephrase the words" staff members "into team members. Because the people in our team are far more than employees, or colleagues. We are a unit!”
Janna Cachola
“Chronic excusers never take responsibility for their actions or accountability for the consequences either. They are under cover narcissists.”
Janna Cachola
“The power of the brain is stronger than the pain”
Janna Cachola
“It should never be ME against the world but WE against the world.”
Janna Cachola
“People don't need to know how good you are.
Just smile, just slay and just show.”
Janna Cachola
“When your team member makes a request, take it seriously. Those who make an effort of asking cares about your organisation, those who don't ask don't care.”
Janna Cachola
“Don't let other people's template of beauty be your standard. You create your own standard for yourself. Be healthy, and be strong.”
Janna Cachola
“Having a sense of urgency is good, but ensure to bring an essence of excellence in what you do.”
Janna Cachola, Lead by choice, not by checks
“Eyes are the windows to the soul. A smile is the mirror of the heart”
Janna Cachola
“A woman with vision is unstoppable, a woman who is always increasing her skills multiplies. Along with passion this woman is undeniable.”
Janna Cachola
“You can't achieve excellence in life if you fear opinion.”
Janna Cachola
“Leadership is not a position. It is who you are.”
Janna Cachola, Lead by choice, not by checks

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Janna Cachola
Short journey Short journey
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