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Sandra C Bibb Sandra C Bibb > Quotes

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“No matter what conditions look like around you—keep on believing, keep on persisting—keep on going—keep on growing. Just like wildflowers grow wherever they choose, no matter the conditions—be and be becoming all that you were created to be and become.”
Sandra C Bibb
“In every situation, on every occasion integrity matters! Don’t trade in your character, values, authentic self for even a moment of status.”
Sandra C Bibb
“Fear is not defeating; fear is not oppressive.
But “living afraid” can be defeating, oppressive, controlling.... and that is why “fear” of anything should be looked in the face, otherwise the act of not facing fear turns into the habit of living afraid.”
Sandra C Bibb
“Live in the present and become good at being grateful.”
Sandra C Bibb
“I believe that I am purposed to make a difference in the lives of others and without the Practice of Gratitude, my making a difference is just not possible!”
Sandra C Bibb
“The Practice of Gratitude is about Gratefulness and Gratefulness is about:
- Being Thankful
- Being Appreciative
- Being Kind
- Being Joyful
- Being Blessed”
Sandra C Bibb
“Consider the value of listening and learning versus making assumptions. An assumption, in short, is ‘a thought or statement taken for granted’ while prejudice, in short, ‘is a preconceived judgement or opinion’. Be the difference that makes a difference—always listen and learn first.”
Sandra C Bibb
“Self-examination is a lifestyle that requires courage, commitment, and conviction… it is a very important step in committing to the lifelong, enduring process of cultural competence and the ongoing practice of cultural humility.”
Sandra C Bibb
“Celebrate today and every day. Live in the present and never be too busy to enjoy every aspect of your life!”
Sandra C Bibb
“Cultural competence is an
enduring, lifelong, continuous
process that begins with a
commitment to practicing cultural
humility and is cultivated through
ongoing self-reflection, increasing
cultural awareness; and
progressive development and
demonstration of cross-cultural
communication skills.”
Sandra C Bibb
“Faith for today, hope for tommorrow, strength for the journey, joy everlasting…”
Sandra C Bibb
“There is so much freedom, peace, joy, and contentment in ‘being out of control of my life’. I recognized a long time ago that no matter what I thought or did I could not be in control. I have not arrived but I am on my way! I am out of control and loving it!”
Sandra C Bibb
“Transformation is an ongoing process… A process that requires clarity of purpose, persistence, passion and perseverance… A process that requires that I see myself and the world through God’s Word…. A process that will keep me on purpose, persistent and passionate…as long as I do not try to take control of the process...”
Sandra C Bibb
“Gratefulness is the result of practicing gratitude in thoughts, attitude, words, and actions...”
Sandra C Bibb
“The Practice of Gratitude is about making a difference in the lives of others.”
Sandra C Bibb
“Choose to be the difference that makes the difference. Purpose to be the change you want to see. Persistently and consistently be and be becoming authentically you… the person you were created to be and be becoming. Have faith. Sustain hope. Be grateful. Be thankful. Live Blessed. Enjoy the journey.”
Sandra C Bibb
“Someone else is guiding on your wisdom. So persist, persevere, pursue your purpose! If not for you then for those who are standing on your shoulders.”
Sandra C Bibb
“As I have become more comfortable with extending grace towards myself it has been so much easier to extend grace to others. My assessment is that as I study and evaluate me and who I am, and am becoming, it is easier to accept others for who they are and are becoming.”
Sandra C Bibb
“In the quiet of the day I connect with and strengthen my faith and reflect on and assess my progress in being and becoming who I was created to be and be becoming.”
Sandra C Bibb
“…Grace is what I receive daily from God. The least I can do is to allow that grace to flow through me to others...”
Sandra C Bibb
tags: grace
“Being transformed requires daily practice, purpose, persistence and perseverance… During my ongoing observation of my inner thoughts, interactions with others, actions and behaviors, I have noticed progressive transformation. I am so very grateful!”
Sandra C Bibb
“Choose to put persistence and faith into action, daily, to maintain focus and live in inner peace. Day-to-day choices guided by persistence and faith are an opportunity to grow and develop daily, while thriving and flourishing in a life of inner peace.”
Sandra C Bibb
“As I think about the times when I have become disturbed by a comment or my perception of a boundary someone has crossed; or how they have treated me— I can trace my “emotional reaction” back to a focus on me, my feelings, or how I perceive I am being treated instead of focusing on my demonstration of the Attitude of Jesus.”
Sandra C Bibb
“Know your purpose. Live your purpose. Be and be becoming your purpose.”
Sandra C Bibb