Darryl Chislett's Blog

October 19, 2021

ebook free for a couple of days

Not sure how to communicate with people here - BUT I think people who follow me should get this ( I think lol! ) Oct 20 and 21st

A search for meaning and a life worth living - reality is about the information we receive. Check the book out on Goodreads and read a few pages on Amazon to see if it catches your interest - it's a blend of 'what's it all about' and changes can be wonderful - life is worth living when you have friends and the potential for even greater adventures. Magic is there if you let it in!

Of Harleys and Healing

Thanks and apologies if I'm doing anything wrong here!!!
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Published onOctober 19, 2021 13:51

October 14, 2021

A strange occurrence

Just down the road from us a mother and son raise chickens for their eggs. They have around 20 chickens and we buy our eggs off them. This past Saturday we were out of eggs and it was time to restock - myself and the wife got into a conversation all about going back to the land and all that jazz - not an uncommon topic - our daughter has become a 'homesteader', or is at least trying!
We have a big country kitchen with a large table and one end is my wife's and my kind of office. She uses an ad blocker on her computer and I don't. The only thing I ever google and shop for is motorcycle parts and tools - it's good to let the ads come as I sometimes get better prices. Anyway we also have one of those Google home things that I mainly use for a radio or a timer when I'm baking bread - it also tries to answer questions when we ask it, but it's not so good at that! Our conversation about raising chickens and how much better fresh eggs are ended and the wife left to go get the eggs - I logged onto my computer to check the morning news and my favourite buy and sell site. Ads appear on the site - the top ad was for an egg candler!! ( I've never seen anything remotely like this before. ) Maybe some of those 'conspiracy theories' floating around out there are closer to the truth than I would like to believe - just saying, that's all - makes one wonder!
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Published onOctober 14, 2021 16:46

July 7, 2021

The Quarantine

As part of going back to work this summer I have to quarantine in a hotel for a week before the job starts. The part of the world I live in has had very little Covid. But the ship I am going on is coming up from Brazil, and in a case like this, 'better safe than sorry'!
I'm not a very social person at the best of times and certainly had no hesitation about the quarantine, but as the old saying goes, ' You don't know what you've until it's gone'! Yes, all interactions with other humans may not always be stellar or of great spiritual enlightenment - but the smallest of them can have value. That's something I am realizing as the 4th day begins and tech cannot replace human interaction - and I hope that's not the way we are going. Never be afraid to meet another persons eye, give a nod, or even a slight smile - it's all good!
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Published onJuly 07, 2021 06:28

April 2, 2021

Thank God for Downton Abbey

My wife gave up watching and listening to news years ago - she's very much an empath and it was just affecting her too much. Yes, she still knows what's going on from her social circles but she very much chooses what to be concerned about. In the evenings we watch TV - no commercials - we download or stream everything. We've pretty much run out good programming, we don't like violence or silly dramas, and there's just too much of that out there. We've started rewatching Downton Abbey, Call the Midwife is next. Yes there were issues back then - but it all just seems so much more civilized. We like that.
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Published onApril 02, 2021 06:56

March 30, 2021

When you think about what other people are thinking!

There's a shed next to my house and that's where I spend a lot of my time as spring approaches and I'm getting our motorcycles ready to go. As I work I either listen to CBC radio shows or my music collection. The music is good to really get something done to. I listen to the same music I did when younger, 60's, 70's super groups and some 80's ( Punk and new wave ). I've also been known to blast some classical - Mozart's Requiem is one of my favourites. I only have one neighbour and they're several hundred feet away. They're younger and listen to country music, but only on rare occasions. They're friendly and our dogs play together - but I don't think they really know what to make of me - the husband in particular, i hear him talking to other people, but he can't seem to really follow where I go when I'm talking to him. That's on me I know. I spent one day getting right back into Frank Zappa. My music is loud and our motorcycles are loud - the wife's is louder than mine, she like it that way - I'll tell you why someday. Heavy, Hard and Loud - It's a 'lifestyle choice'. That's just the way I'm feeling today. Take Care all.
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Published onMarch 30, 2021 15:02

February 16, 2021

I made my wife happy!

My wife is many great things - tall is not one of them. When we had a new kitchen installed 10 years ago the microwave cupboard was was put in the same height as the rest of the cabinets. Karen has always had trouble reaching it and it opened opposite for easy access. Yesterday I took the cabinet down, moved it lower and over closer to clear floor space. It was wonderful - one of those jobs I should have done years ago - and more importantly - it's not good always to listen to other people. The kitchen installer insisted his way was the way it had to go and would look best. He was totally wrong - I'm sorry here - so called experts are sometimes just plain wrong!! Two days later, the wife is still happy. AND instead of writing I'm now doing more little jobs around! That's life - other peoples happiness is important!
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Published onFebruary 16, 2021 11:12

January 10, 2021

One job leads to ten!

That's an expression we have around here. And it's true - you want to do one thing and then there's other jobs that have to be done before that or there's other jobs that then crop their head. Yes, I'm sure that's normal. My wife can multitask and do all the jobs at once - I've got to do them one at a time and in order. It's caused conflict, but that's usually a result of my desire for perfection. We were putting shingles on our roof once - she was up helping and being far to controlling making sure everything was all lined up. In my opinion she was just slapping the shingles down way too fast. We ended up her doing one side of the roof and me the other. She finished first, you couldn't tell the difference, and the roof never leaked! Yes, God may be in the details, but at the end of the day, it's the big picture that matters. The moral I suppose - is don't get all caught in the little things. All for now!
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Published onJanuary 10, 2021 10:59

December 14, 2020

First snow fall

Silent snow, secret snow. That's always my first thought of winter - the title is from a short story we had to read back in high school. If i remember correctly, it's about a character with schizophrenia. My second thought is always - will the snowblower work. My conclusion is i don't have schizophrenia, And i suppose, that's a good thing - then again, maybe i'd be more artistic! Wild where the thoughts go!
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Published onDecember 14, 2020 05:39

December 3, 2020

Never let common sense and fear hold you back.

I always wake up at dawn, I've never needed an alarm clock. A huge full moon was settling over the trees in the front yard. The three biggest trees are named, Desiderata, Bartholomew and Esmeralda. The biggest tree in our garden is Goliath, he's a maple, but he's off to one side and not readily visible from the kitchen window. We've planted most of the trees in our garden, and they all have a story. There's one tree we call 'Mystery' - we don't know what she is, but she loves our garden and is growing fast and strong, and will soon be bigger than Goliath.
When ever I see a full moon, I always think the phrase, 'The Moon is a Harsh Mistress'. It's the title of a Robert A. Heinlein i read many years ago.My wife is very heavily influenced by the phases of the moon. Whenever I was away at sea and the moon was full over whatever sea I was on, I would always send her my love through the moonlight, knowing she was seeing the same light. Fall is here now and it's getting colder. Last winter I finished writing my first novel, this winter I'm rebuilding my wife's motorcycle - then I'm going to write the second book. I didn't know what I was doing then, not sure now - same goes for the future!
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Published onDecember 03, 2020 04:55