Despised or pitied?

Fifteen years before the arrival of the new dauphine of France, on the 2nd of November 1770, the city of Lisbon woke to a devastating earthquake, in which some thirty thousand lives perished. On the very same day, All Souls’ Day, far from the terrible disaster, Marie Antoinette was born in the gay city of Vienna.

The pretty, strawberry-blond daughter of the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria was best described by the great historian of the French Revolution, Thomas Carlyle, as that “Beautiful Highborn that wert so foully hurled low.”

Yes, the princess would become one of the best-beloved, the best-hated, and the most miserable women of her time. First known for her dignity and grace, later her faults and follies would help fuel the fires of a revolution that would make her the last queen of France.

Whether despised or pitied, Queen Marie Antoinette’s remains, after more than two hundred years later, one of the most fascinating characters in history.
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Published onAugust 05, 2013 13:43
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message 1: by Kris (new)

Kris Dickinson I love reading everything I can about Marie - Antoinette so Im keeping my fingers crossed for this contest. I do enjoy reading about all of the world's queens but M.A. is my favorite.:) In doing both mine and my husbnds geneologies, I found French ancestry on both sides. A small part of me is hoping theres a link to her. Unfortunately, I have books about her on my TBR list that I cant find or afford but someday I WILL get to them all!! Thanks for contest opportunity!

message 2: by Will (new)

Will Bashor Let me know if you do not win the contest, Kris, and I'll see what I can do.

message 3: by Kris (new)

Kris Dickinson Thanks! Ive got my fingers crossed!

message 4: by Tami (new)

Tami Nelson Kris wrote: "I love reading everything I can about Marie - Antoinette so Im keeping my fingers crossed for this contest. I do enjoy reading about all of the world's queens but M.A. is my favorite.:) In doing b..."

u and me both kris

SoundofSilence_BookFan I just saw the book on Amazon for Preorder on Kindle. Of course, I quickly ordered. Thank you so much for making it available as an ebook! If only there were not 16 days remaining to wait...

message 6: by Kris (new)

Kris Dickinson I hope its in other formats other than ebook......I dont own an ereader!

SoundofSilence_BookFan It is and has been available for preorder for a good six months. It was not originally available in ebook format. As someone who no longer buys any hard copy books, I'm thrilled to see it in ebook form, too!

message 8: by Kris (new)

Kris Dickinson I entered the contest for this book so Im waiting!

message 9: by Kris (new)

Kris Dickinson Well, congrats to the winner.:) Better luck next time for me I suppose!

message 10: by Will (new)

Will Bashor Kris wrote: "Well, congrats to the winner.:) Better luck next time for me I suppose!"

Kris, send me your address and I will be happy to send you a copy.


message 11: by Kris (new)

Kris Dickinson Wow! That is very nice of you!

message 12: by Tami (new)

Tami Nelson Lucky duck

message 13: by Sheilamarie (new)

Sheilamarie Kris wrote: "Well, congrats to the winner.:) Better luck next time for me I suppose!"

Thank you! Glad you are getting a copy too!

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Marie Antoinette's Head

Will Bashor
Interesting tidbits about Marie Antoinette, her life at Versailles, and her towering poufs.
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