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Playing Away#2

Young Wives' Tales

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For Better. For Worse

Lucy stole her friend Rose’s ‘happily ever after’ because she wanted Rose’s husband and Lucy always gets what she wants. Big mistake. Rose was the ideal wife and is the ideal mother; Lucy was the perfect mistress.

As Peter’s interest diminishes and Lucy’s domestic responsibilities increase, Lucy wonders if the ‘happily ever after’ is all a big con. Without a maternal bone in her body she’s always playing catch-up in a game where she doesn’t know the rules and can’t understand what there is to win anyway.

Rose doesn’t have the vocabulary to describe Lucy, she doesn’t like using expletives. A devoted single mum, she fills her life with labeling school uniforms, organic vegetables and car runs for extracurricular activities. She’s an exemplary mother but the boys seem to need her less and less and without them she wonders what she amounts to. Her friends are concerned that her life is devoid of passion, romance or even plans for the future.

They both envy Connie, who is happily married and is effortlessly balancing two kids with a fulfilling career until, that is, a dangerous old flame flickers back into view at the school gates and threatens her marriage.

All three of these women need more than blind belief to negotiate their way through modern life. Things can only get better…or worse. Or better?

569 pages, Hardcover

First published April 26, 2007

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About the author

Adele Parks


Adele Parks MBE is one of the most-loved and biggest-selling women's fiction writers in the UK. She has sold over 4 million books and her work has been translated into 30 different languages.

She has published 21 novels, all of which have been London Times bestsellers.

Adele has written 19 contemporary novels and 2 historical ones, Spare Brides and If You Go Away, which are set during and after WW1. Her latest novels, Both of You, Just My Luck, Lies Lies Lies, I Invited Her In, The Image of You and The Stranger in My Home are twisty, domestic noirs. Adele likes to scrutinize our concepts of family, our theories on love, parenting and fidelity.

During her career Adele has lived in Italy, Botswana and London. Now she lives happily in Surrey, UK with her husband, son and cat.

If you want to stay in touch you can find Adele on Twitter @AdeleParks, Instagram @Adele_Parks or Facebook @OfficialAdeleParks. You can sign up to her newsletter ateepurl.com/cI0land there’s lots more info about Adele and her books onwww.adeleparks.com.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,467 reviews186 followers
January 28, 2023
It doesn't matter what Adele Parks book it is, I can lose myself in it.

Another five star read.
Profile Image for Jamie Rose.
532 reviews15 followers
November 1, 2013

I get given a lot of books, this was one of them.

This is the kind of book that gives women a bad reputation for reading nonsense. I'm not judgemental by nature but this book is written by an idiot, for idiots.

I know there is a point in the life of a reader (especially female readers) when you have babies and toddlers and you still want to read. But your mommy brain is not really up to anything. I totally get that. I read Mills and Boon and dumb-dumb thrillers for around five years because my post-baby brain and schedule could not handle anything more taxing. Even my beloved Stephen King was beyond me at certain points...

So, I was expecting this to be in the area of a nice easy going romance/ brain-candy /grown-up chick-lit / whatever. Maybe I'm missing the point, I just don't see why people enjoy stories about a bunch of vapid, unpleasant and unbelievable characters who glamorise adultery, selfishness and acting like an absolute bitch or martyr...

This was 500+ pages of mind-numbing drivel, each chapter is a day from the (first-person grrrrr) perspective of one of the vile bunch of cliches that make up the central characters. So, either the big problem of the chapter was wrapped up and tucked up unnaturally swiftly or it was left hanging and dragged out again several chapters later.

Rose - the super PTA single mummy, bitter and slightly overweight, judgemental, wonders why nobody loves her and so dull it made me want to scream. Yawn

Lucy -stoleRose's 'happy-ever-after'. Beautiful, Blonde career Mummy. Kid has a stupid pretentious name. Yawn.

John - Horrible, self- obsessed bloke, friends with the headmaster and once had a thing for another Mummy and selfishly decides to try and urge back into bed, despite her being happily married. Boorish, but of course, sees the light and becomes a sensitive chap by the end. Yawn

Craig - glasses wearing headmaster ( I know, but that was the impression the author wasdyingto put across - I know! glasses on a romantic interest?! who'da thunk it -!!!- and, even though he wears glasses hestillsuddenly becomes desirable. Yawn.

Plus assorted equally cliched work mates /friends/ relatives/ children. Many of whom have no actual part in the story but seem to be there anyway. Yawn.
Profile Image for Suad Shamma.
715 reviews201 followers
November 23, 2012
I've just finished reading this book, and I struggled to finish it. It took me a while, and I literally needed breaks in-between chapters because of how frustrated I would get with the characters.

I really did not like any of the characters. I hated John, I hated Lucy, I hated Peter, I hated Connie, and I had huge moments of dislike for Rose.

I would have to say though that the only plot that actually kept me interested long enough to finish the book was Rose and Craig's storyline. It just drove me insane how each of the characters were absolute jerks! Especially Lucy and John. Yeah yeah, I'll probably get the whole "but they redeemed themselves at the end". Well, it was a little too late for me. 50 chapters, and I had to wait till chapter 46 for me to feel the least bit of sympathy and understanding for either of them?

And I don't understand why Connie was made to seem like a central role at the back of the book, when John was the one given his own chapters. We don't even hear of John until his name pops up in Chapter 3. That's just me being picky I suppose, but I did wonder about it and so I'm mentioning it

I gave this book 3 stars for two reasons. 1. As much as I did not enjoy this book, I have to give it to Adele Parks. She writes impeccably. She is an extremely skilled writer, and her characterisation, flow of dialogue and thoughts, structure, and all of that was absolutely flawless. Sure, I did not like neither the book nor the storyline, but I appreciated her writing skills.

And 2. It is not her fault I did not enjoy this story. She is a great writer, but I am simply the wrong target audience for this book. I am neither a wife, nor a mother, and this book seems to be targeted at both, and probably a wider bunch of females. I am not one of them, I did not relate to the situations, and I did not connect to the characters the way I'm sure others have. I am simply put, not the targeted audience for this book.

For that, I admit that it is completely on me for buying this book and reading it in the first place, because it was made clear on the back what the book would be about. I guess I was just curious because it received such great reviews.

I'm sure there are many who would love this book. I was just not one of them.
359 reviews7 followers
June 28, 2022
I did enjoy this one, I really like the author and am reading her back catalogue. I love the complexity and depth of her characters and the way there is always a redeeming gesture in even the worst!
Quite a predictable ending, I didn't really see the point of John's character, he didnt seem to contribute a lot to the storyline, but I did enjoy the book
Profile Image for Maria.
238 reviews
August 7, 2011
Not my cup of tea. The characters lack subtlety and too much a caricature of the stay at home mom and the trying to have it all career woman with child. You can relate to elements of each character, but just not enough to keep me engaged. This is the only book of hers I have read, but not really tempted to try any more. That being said, it is a hugely easy read and good if you want to veg out reading instead of watching TV.
Profile Image for Anissa.
930 reviews294 followers
May 7, 2015
I don't often read chick-lit but when I do, I most enjoy Brit chick. Honestly, I'm not sure if this is strictly Chick Lit or more Women's Fiction but I found it a page turning, tantalizing read that I really liked. I picked this up as my Amazon Prime monthly freebie because it seemed interesting and I've bought another book by the author that's been sitting on my Kindle far too long (I've pushed that up on my TBR list now).

We follow Rose, Lucy & John over a series of months from each character's POV. Rose, ex-wife to Peter and mother of their twin sons, Sebastian and Henry, is struggling six years on, having a life outside of said children and out of the shadow of the ruins of her marriage. Lucy, current wife and ex-mistress to Peter and mother of their daughter (named Auriol and I swear all I could think of was how unfortunate a name it was because it just reminded me or "aureole" ). And finally there's John, who's narrative POV purpose wasn't quite clear to me initially but it seems he serves to give counter point to Rose and Lucy by imparting the story of Connie (friend to both Rose and Lucy) and also to give us an entry and insight to Craig (the headmaster at the childrens' school). There's so much to tell but I won't spoil here, as it's well worth the read but I will say that I was impressed with the way the story of Rose and even more, Lucy unfolded. I really didn't know which way things were going to go with Connie but I was hoping she'd not fall into past mistakes. The case seems never to have been made to me about what made Peter so desirable or sought after and that's saying something as the book is about the two women who've loved him. I don't think he was worth nearly amount of angst and hand-wringing Rose and Lucy expended. Luckily, he's a means to an end to tell the story of these women and how they come to terms with the past, present and hopes for their futures. I liked Rose most as a person and sympathized with her plight but I found Lucy the more interesting character and found I was always happy when her chapters turned up. I didn't exactly care for her being helped out of the mess she made at work because I wanted to see her be the big city brassy broad and handle her business, not be reduced to having a man solve it for her. That was somewhat unsatisfying but I don't hold too high a strike against the overall story for it.

Be aware, the Kindle edition does have some typos and I think the publisher may want to go back over this one. There are between 7-10 instances of "I'm" being printed as "Pm". It's simple enough to figure it out in context but it's an error nonetheless. There are three others toward the end of the book that were just blatantly misspelled & took me out of the story flow to ascertain what was actually intended but I didn't highlight them to note them here. Overall, I very much enjoyed this story and would recommend it. Also, I look forward to reading more from Parks.
Profile Image for Brie.
54 reviews2 followers
January 26, 2009
This book sucks... it's the cotton candy of literature. I can't even classify it as "chick lit"... it's just bad.
Profile Image for Eugenia.
209 reviews8 followers
August 24, 2018
Pertama kali baca karya Adele Parks dan sebenarnya cukup penasaran apa sih "Contemporary Romance" itu? Dan setelah berjuang menamatkan membaca, belum nemu apa maksud genre ini.

Ya, saya berjuang menyelesaikan buku ini dengan satu alasan, ingin tahu nasib Rose pada akhirnya. Apakah ibu tunggal yang mengalami perceraian, yang berusaha keras menata hidupnya dan kedua anak kembarnya agar baik-baik saja ini, mendapatkan akhir yang bahagia. Sesederhana itu.

Young Wives' Tales bercerita tentang tiga sahabat: Rose, Lucy, dan Connie. Para istri dengan cerita masing-masing. Cerita dikemas ke dalam cerita tiga tokoh yang menceritakan versinya dari sudut pandang masing-masing. Sayangnya, saya benar-benar kurang bisa berempati kepada dua karakter yang lain yang bertugas membawakan cerita. Selain Rose, ada Lucy, si selingkuh yang mencuri suami Rose dan yang (bisa dibilang) lama kelamaan tidak menyukai peran istri dan ibu. Dan John, mantan Connie sekaligus figur penggoda-agar-berselingkuh-di-masa-kini. Ceritanya sendiri mengalir biasa, tidak ada konflik besar yang membuat keempatnya bersinggungan. Malah, cerita Connie dan John bisa dikeluarkan dan dibuat novel sendiri.

Buat saya, penokohannya kurang kuat. Konfliknya kurang membuat saya berempati. Selain itu, cara bercerita yang penuh deskripsi panjang dan minim dialog ini cukup melelahkan. Atau memang, tema selingkuh dalam sebuah pernikahan bukan favorit saya;)

Selamat membaca!
Profile Image for Jody.
327 reviews4 followers
May 5, 2020
Here we re-join the lives of Connie and her friends, Rose, Lucy and Daisy following on from their stories in Playing Away, set before Lie, Lies, Lies.

Rose is quite happy with her role as a full time and very devoted mother to her twin boys when her best friend Connie and sister Daisy admit that they need to push her to want more. Uncomfortable at first Rose finds herself taking new and eventually exciting adventures.

Lucy is married to Peter, Rose’s ex-husband and living the dream life or so it seems but it’s not enough for Lucy. Constantly panicked that her husband will find a new model and exhausted by her demanding daughter, life is not what Lucy expected and she throws herself into her career that she loves until one-night changes everything.

Connie’s eye is turned again by a blast from the past but what will she do?

I really enjoyed reading more about the lives of these four friends, Daisy is quite overlooked again after her romance in the last book but I’m sure her time will come. A light-hearted read that explores these different lives and above all for me the compassion and discovery of Rose through her new adventures and working on her thoughts and feelings after her split from her ex-husband years before. Great to see a character grow and provides some food for thought on your own life and perspectives.
1,121 reviews12 followers
November 24, 2022
Three wives - Rose, who's husband Peter has left her for a new love - the self obsessed, materialistic, non-maternal Lucy and Connie, happily married, but who strayed early in her marriage.

The tale involves how Rose gets her life back, balancing her young twin sons and her hatred of Lucy against finding a new relationship. Lucy is just a brittle, workaholic who should never have had a chil, who is foisted onto a series of nannies and treated as a fashion accessory - a really unloveable character. And Connie, who's past mistake is about to reappear in her life to try to win her back.

The men are perhaps even more interesting - John, who is chasing Connie; Craig who fancies Rose and Peter who is so pathetic, he appears one-dimensional and happy with the awful Lucy.

The result is an interesting mix of modern relationships, and at times the reader is rooting for various characters. Rose lost some credibility with me when she was finally on a date with Craig, and then ran off when she heard something about Lucy and Peter that was absolutely none of her business. I was so pleased when her new friends agreed with me!

Its a fun read.
Profile Image for Yunita Taman.
277 reviews12 followers
April 8, 2024
Novel yang panjang namun ceritanya sebenarnya tidak rumit-rumit amat. Hanya saja, terlalu detail, belum lagi tokoh utamanya banyak.
Jadi ceritanya Rose ini punya teman namanya Lucy, mereka bersahabat baik. Rose, adiknya yang bernama Daisy, Lucy, dan Connie adalah 4 sekawan yang kompak. Suatu saat Lucy berselingkuh dengan suami Rose dan akhirnya suaminya meninggalkannya dengan sepasang anak kembar laki-laki yang masih balita. Kesan saya awalnya kesal sekali atas kekejaman pasangan selingkuh ini. Tapi bukan ini sebenarnya inti ceritanya. Lebih ke hubungan para wanita ini pasca perceraian Rose dan bagaimana Rose sebenarnya belum move on meski sudah lewat enam tahun.
Ceritanya slow, tapi jika sabar sampai halaman 300 an ceritanya mulai menunjukkan hal-hal menarik dan ada plotwist juga.
Cerita yang bagus tapi untuk baca karya pengarang yang sama butuh waktu bagi saya untuk mencoba membacanya lagi karena membaca novel ini saja butuh energi besar dengan panjangnya halaman dan juga tokoh-tokoh yang sifat-sifatnya tidak semuanya disukai.
26 reviews
August 18, 2017
i have conflicting feelings about this book. i took quite a while to finish it because i didnt like the characters, nor did i like the whole idea of to have an affair or not. even before i finished i was ready to rate it one or two stars only but the ending saved it because Rose became so much more likeable and Lucy was less of an idiot and the ending gave me warm feelings. overall not a very good book, just saved by the ending, similar to how movies make endings emotional so watchers forget that the plot wasnt that good and only remember the emotion high they get at the end, making it a "good" movie
Profile Image for Jane Hodgkinson.
260 reviews2 followers
August 25, 2018
Really enjoyed this book. Hadn’t realised it was a sequel but it didn’t affect my enjoyment of the story. I understand complaints about the way working mothers are portrayed but really the reality is women are faced with this constant conflict, an you have it all? Connie seems to have found a balance but the others struggle.
Profile Image for M D.
93 reviews7 followers
March 9, 2020
This is a great book, the second in the series featuring the characters introduced in Playing Away. It’s wonderful to catch up with them again, and it is great to see Lucy’s point of view. Lucy is my favourite character of this group of friends, I feel she is misunderstood by the others and she’s a good friend really.

This is classic Adele Parks, a really really good read.
Profile Image for Amanda.
707 reviews99 followers
December 20, 2019
It took me ages to read this book, because I found the characters deeply unpleasant and didn't want to spend much time with them. I also disliked how storylines were resolved so quickly and without any particular tension. It was a mindless read, but not fun.
7 reviews
April 24, 2020
A nice follow up

This book was nice to see how the characters moved on with their lives. Although I feel that the story was... A lot of nothing! Very minor outcome albeit a pleasant one. I guess I was hoping for a grittier /juicer book.
42 reviews
May 5, 2021
It was a very average book. It did not hold my interest that well. And I expected it also to be funnier. But generally speaking it is a nice relaxing read but it is not one of those that will leave you with unforgettable memories
September 6, 2021
Young wives

It was a bit rambling and I skipped through a lot as you knew how it would all pan out. Lighthearted and easy to read and everything turned out ok. Quite sweet. Prefer something more intriguing and unable to work out the ending so easily.
36 reviews
October 19, 2021
Un bon roman pour se relaxer. Une histoire un petit peu banale mais bien décrite, des personnages attachants, quelques réflexions sur la vie d'une femme, mère, épouse qui sont pas mal.
Le seul hic c'est l'édition qui comporte pas mal de fautes, erreurs de frappe, c'est décevant.
Profile Image for Melissa Hyde.
83 reviews
March 4, 2024
It's not really a story that did it for me. Wasn't a terrible read, but I also kinda had to force myself to finish. Wasn't the biggest fan of any of the characters here, and there were several typos that don't typically bother me, but for whatever reason it did with this book.
Profile Image for Margaret Haigh.
548 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2019
Not really my cup of tea, but the last of the books I “inherited “when we cleared Mum’s flat so felt duty bound to finish it.
Profile Image for Marlene Bate.
58 reviews
August 31, 2019
Good sequel

Good, well paced story with consistent characters
Great continuation of, "playing away"
Adele Parks is.excellent at capturing real life. Great read
13 reviews
April 8, 2020
Easy read, fairly obvious whats going to happen but enjoyable all the same
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
7 reviews
July 31, 2020
Classic adele parks

I'm an avid reader, I love a rom com and Adele Parks never disappoints. Funny yet heart warming and relatable.
276 reviews1 follower
September 25, 2020
Just.......yuck. The characters were so cliched I gave up at 7%. Most unlike me, as I usually try to give a book a chance to see if it takes off. I just couldnt bare to read any more!
Profile Image for Andrea.
236 reviews
February 12, 2022
Characters truly brought to life.
A really enjoyable read, I could envisage each and every one of them.
As descriptive as a J Trollope book.
Very much enjoyed and lovely ending!
312 reviews1 follower
February 6, 2024
Great ending to the lives of Connie, Luke, Rose, Craig, and all the others, would of like to of know more about Rose and her life... Great testament to friendship
Profile Image for F Key.
13 reviews
April 16, 2024
I read this book despite not really liking any of the characters or enjoying the plot to be honest! I thought Connie and Lucy seemed spoilt and self obsessed, and John a complete man child!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 61 reviews

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