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When a Mullo Loves a Woman

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222 pages, Paperback

First published December 1, 2010

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JoAnne Kenrick



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Profile Image for Laura.
Author14 books605 followers
January 6, 2011
I didn’t mean to read this, I just wanted a feel for what I’d be getting myself into. But I got so caught up in it, I ended up emailing it to myself and reading it on my phone while I picked my kids up from school, at the park while they played, and finally I was able to finish it at home.

I guess that’s a review in itself.

I liked the heroine, Pearl, but she took a bit of getting used to for me. She’s from Liverpool, and not only her accent, but the way she speaks demonstrate that. Celeste (her bff/roommate) irritated me a ton, at first, but she also grew on me. My favorite scene with her was near the end, when she walked up to a fireman after her apartment went up in flames, and“she complained of being hot and bothered.”My hubby's a fireman, maybe I should complain of that more often?

The plot is mainly about Pearl and this mystery guy who keeps popping up and saving her from unusual circumstances…like a bookstore that isn’t really there, or a woman who both inspires fear and awe…and isn’t really there. A magical amulet, and Pearl’s own Gypsy heritage.
Pearl just wants to go to college and date a cute boy named Evan, but it’s not quite in the cards. Instead she ends up constantly thrown together with Adam, the sultry and mysterious Gypsy boy. And she soon finds out Evan is not quite what he seems, neither is Celeste, nor Celeste’s mother Agatha. While Pearl’s world spins dizzily out of control, she must find a certain book that could hold the key to her whole life.

There were a lot of fun quotes too. This was my favorite:
"So I'm up the ghostie creek without an EMF meter"

It was a quick fun read, but it doesn’t quite have that Urban Fantasy feel. I would classify it as more of a Young Adult Mystery even though it isNOTYoung Adult lit. So if you enjoy YA lit, but want a good sex scene in there, this would be for you. And if you like a good mystery with a huge twist at the end, then this would be for you.

Profile Image for katrina.
964 reviews67 followers
January 24, 2011
Well I’m not sure where to start I have never read a short story so full of everything. It was a fast read but never a dull moment! I really enjoyed it!

When Mullo Loves A Woman - The cover drew me in completely,I loved it!! the Title I was Unsure about, I honestly tried to decipher it... and figured Mullo was a man!! How right I was.
Story begins with Pearl Kissy, she has just moved to England to find out she has a gypsy heritage she never knew existed, there are secrets she has uncovered about her mother and her life and everything changes.
Pearl meets Mr. M - a stranger - he seems to be at every corner and every turn, she is intrigued by him, he's mysterious ( Mr. M ) deviously handsome and good looking and she feels she has an attraction to him, have they met before?

Adam Flint is a gypsy; his visions guide him to those in need - Pearl Kissy - a feisty girl from Liverpool. When he meets Pearl he got more than he bargained for. The amusement between Adam and Pearl and the sexual tension kept me interested and also kept me intrigued to read more. Their desires and attraction for each other they tried to ignore, but a night of passion rekindles a lost love from another life. There are twists and turns- Evan is not who Pearl thought he was, Pearls best friend is not whom they would ever have imagined to be and life is filled with supernatural being and things and that Pearl never thought existed. A mullo who wants her for life and a Mullo who will love her till the end. ** A Mullo being a gypsy vampire who survives on souls ** not blood!!! Interested?? Im sure you wont be dissapointed.

The book was smooth flowing, character development I enjoyed, new characters not so present, but in 115 pages you can only include so much.If you after hot sex and lots of it this is not for you, personally I love my books alot hotter!!!!! but This was a nice change with romance and a differnt story line thats short and sweet this is for you! Not alot of mushy romance- or should I say sex but sexual attraction is defiently present - a small sex scene short but defiantly sweet! Mystery kept me intrigued waiting for the love to start and the mystery to unfold! Chapters flowed freely into each other.
I must say its unique all of its own. I enjoyed the way Jo created her own world of the Mullo something defiantly unique and a nice change to the normal vampire antics.
If your after something with a little bit of romance and a great storyline than When Mullo Loves A WOman is full of it!!
I really enjoyed it!!!!

June 27, 2011

Summary: Pearl runs into Adam in the beginning of the book only she thinks he is some crazed stalker killer. Pearl cant get over the fact in that she feels instant attraction to this guy who she thought was going to do her harm. Adam had tracked Pearl down to help her find her Gypsy heritage. In the process he is fighting his feelings for her. Pearl is supposed to meet up for a date with Evan who she has liked for a while, that is, before she seen Adam. Upon leaving a bookstore, after Evan stood her up, a necklace mysteriously appears around her neck. She doesn't know where the necklace came from, and even though she leaves it home, it still winds up on her neck. The necklace is part of her legacy and there is a story to why it keeps appearing bout her neck. Slowly, with the help of her friends and Adam, her legacy comes to light, and the story of everything comes into focus. Adam and Pearl wind up having a night of passion but he leaves the next day. Evan shows up and tries to win her over but Pearl is madly in love with Adam. Soon the prophecy of the Legacy is unraveled once Evan tells who he is and his part in it. The triangle of the legacy is complete and we see how it plays out.

My Thoughts:Joanne Kenrick a breakout author with this book, and had me hooked from the beginning. Pearl had me laughing throughout most the book. I could so see myself hanging out with her. The slow build up of passion between Pearl and Adam had me wanting to scream one minute then grinning from ear to ear the next. The feelings they possess for each other is so pronounced throughout the book you can just feel it. I would say this book was enthralling with some choice villains, a secret family legacy, and true love being reborn.It had some toe curling moments that had me turning the pages begging for more. If this book wasn't on your list before, i would put it on your list now. You get intrigue, suspense, and romance all wrapped into one book. I personally can't wait to see what is next, and will be on the look out to see more of Pearl and Adam, along with the other characters i have grown fond of in the future.
Profile Image for Dahlia (yadkny).
940 reviews140 followers
February 25, 2011
What the heck is a Mullo?

Well I’m not going to spoil it here, but I can tell you that you’ll want to check out this book if not for the sake of satisfying your curiosity of what a gypsy vampire really is, but for the sake of reading an incredibly well plotted story.

The dialogue is witty and kept me engaged to the character’s conversations as well as the inner thoughts of our main character. Pearl is such a unique yet easy character to relate to and her accent came through quite well in Ms. Kenrick’s writing. I think I might’ve even learned a few words and new phrases. Having this story told from Pearl’s POV really helped me envision myself as the character. The rest of the cast surrounding Pearl have incredibly distinct personalities as well, so no getting confused as to who’s talking. I will admit that there were moments that I really would’ve loved to know what another character was thinking and sometimes this cluelessness worked against my enjoyment of the story.

What really grabbed my attention was the absolute unpredictability of the story. Even while the characters are having it out and you’re coming to understand more about the events that led them to where they are, Ms. Kenrick flips the script and something totally unexpected happens. No one in the story is quite what they seem to be whether they know it or not.

My advice to the next reader of this adventure would be to not think this is a light read, and be aware that it may start out somewhat slow in the beginning, but keep at it and in no time you’ll be enthralled. Lot’s of revelations uncovered in this story and since this is the first in a series, it will be fun to see what happens to Pearl and the gang next.

Review also posted @ Happily Ever After Reviews:
Profile Image for Olivia Cunning.
Author62 books10.9k followers
January 2, 2011
Very unique concept! I'd never heard of a mullo before reading this book. I got schooled.

When a Mullo Loves a Womanis an intricately plotted paranormal romance with quirky characters (ala a Scooby gang) and plenty of surprising twists. I hope we get to see more of the relationship between Pearl and "Adam" in future volumes, because while I liked the mystery-esque spooky plot, I craaaaaaved more steamy interactions between the two of them. I was dying for more romance as the plot sometimes overpowered what was developing between the lead characters. When the romance finally did happen, it felt rushed (and what is between the two of them is truly beautiful in concept) because I wanted more. As for Pearl's interactions with that other guy... Evan? Ugh, just ugh. He calls her Chickadee. Really? What is he? 80? Ummm... No spoilers, but I'm glad it ended the way it did.

Sometimes funny, sometimes spooky, occasionally steamy give WAMLAW a read if you're looking for something a little different with lots of amazing plot twists.
Profile Image for Ann Mayburn.
Author90 books1,963 followers
September 5, 2011
Really a clever story with a fantastic hero. I mean seriously yummy.;)
Profile Image for Got Romance!  Reviews.
325 reviews42 followers
October 2, 2011
Title: When a Mullo Loves a Woman
Author: JoAnne Kenrick
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Publication Date: Dec 2010
ISBN: 9781936394432
Genre: Paranormal, vampire, romance
Length: 204
Rating: 4.5 Diamonds
Heat Level: 3
Reviewer: Suki
Date: August 15th 2011

She thought the mullo was just a myth…she was dead wrong.

Adam Flint's Gypsy visions always guide him to those who need his paranormal gifts. He gets more than he bargained for in Pearl Kizzy, a beautiful spitfire from Liverpool. Adam knows that to save Pearl, he must help her accept her own Gypsy heritage.

Although Adam and Pearl fight their burning attraction for one another, a night of passion sparks memories of their treacherous former lives. Unable to face the loss of Pearl in this century, Adam scrambles for distance from the love of his life. A rejected Pearl falls into the arms of a Mullo - a gypsy vampire - who lays claim to her heart, and her life.

To survive, Adam and Pearl must accept their tragic past, and find a way to kill the undead.

Just the title of this book made me want to read it, that is always a good way to start in my humble opinion. So when I finally got my hands on this book I was itching to get reading. Pearl our feisty heroine is struggling with so many issues in the book from a boyfriend who may or may not be hers to a past that she doesn’t understand and now to building that she knows she was in but that have mysteriously disappeared. And all this is added to by the appearance of the stranger Adam who she can’t be sure is trying to help her hinder her efforts.

This story takes the reader on a rollercoaster ride, the going is slow at first sometimes painstaking, but trust me don’t skim you will need all that information later. If a reader can trudge through the first chapter or two you will be greatly rewarded because once I was into chapter three I couldn’t put this book down. I kept trying to figure out what was going on and failed so eventually just sat back and enjoyed the ride. This is book is what I love most about romances, the romance adds to the story but without the romance you would still have an amazing story.

We are teased that this is Book one in the series and I for one am hoping she is working on the second now.

Profile Image for Christi Snow.
Author68 books745 followers
July 13, 2011
Full review reposted from Yummy Men & Kick-Ass Chicks where I guest-reviewed it...

My Review:
This was a totally original story line for a novel, involving gypsy magic, ghosts, and a bit of voodoo thrown in. Pearl is the heroine in the story and throughout 75% of the story, she doesn't understand what is happening. Thrown into the mix is Celeste, Pearl's best friend and roommate, who seems to know more than she is letting on 1/2 the time and completely flighty the other 1/2 of the time. There is also Evan who seems to have a love interest in Pearl, but his ex, Amy, keeps showing up and he is definitely sending mixed signals. Finally, there is Mr. M (M for mysterious, although later we find out his name is actually Adam) who shows up out of the blue at strange intervals with vague warnings. Regardless of his mystery, Pearl is immediately drawn to him.

There is a lot going on with this book from ghosts to murders, from family secrets to past lives. At times, it gets to feeling a little disjointed esp. when the characters' attitudes in the book jump from one extreme to another within a scene. There is a jumble of story lines going on that vaguely intersect, but I would have preferred that a few things, like the serial murder story line, be left out of the mix completely, because in the end they really didn't affect the story.

Personally, I would have really preferred the story to have focused more on Pearl and Adam because I really did enjoy their love story. I enjoyed how their story line built up slowly to reveal their connection. And while I thought that there were a few issues with the way that Celeste's character was written, I really enjoyed the shocker with her too...it took me completely by surprise.

If you are looking for something really different, this may just be the book for you.
Profile Image for Amy.
738 reviews4 followers
February 26, 2011
I'm really happy to see this labelled as "Pearl Krizzy #1" as it leaves hope for more in the series. It seemed to take me awhile to read, but I believe that was mainly because of the fact that its an ebook which is a rather new thing for me. I will admit that sometimes I got a little bit caught up by a possible typo, but that can happen on about any book and I definitely don't think that should be noted by anyone who isn't a bit ocd about things like that such as me. If you are that kind of person, fix it in your head and move on because the story itself is well worth it.

There was quite a bit of intrigue to keep you going through the book and I really wasn't sure what direction it was going to take. Was Pearl losing her mind? Was her roommate a total flake or was she indeed her best friend? With plenty of twists and turns to mess with your head, it wasn't hard to get a bit involved with the characters as you could empahtize with the main character's frustration.

At a certain point in the book, I was ready to google "mullo" just to find out what it was, but I was afraid it would spoil something, so I kept going...finding out as Pearl did. Yeah, I know that it was in the description of the book on here, but since I won the book that wasn't how I chose it and I didn't want any spoilers. I definitely think this was a fun read, and am very interested in reading more stories by Ms. Kenrick. If you're a fan of paranormal fiction and you're looking for something a little bit different, I would highly recommend this book!
July 2, 2012
When Pearl runs into Adam right at the beginning it gets pretty obvious that the romance element will form between these two and of course Pearl thinks he's some sort of stalker. You know, as you do. Pearl likes another guy Evan but we know that won't work out even if she won't admit her feelings to Adam. Her gypsy legacy comes to light with a necklace that keeps appearing on her neck even when she has taken it off. But Evan has information on her legacy and he is part of it. So it's Evan... or is it Adam...

I'm not going to spoil that part for you but I found the book okay, not bad but not great. The first thing with the title was I kept telling people I was reading "When a Man Loves a Woman" and then quickly had to correct myself. Or sing the song. For a paranormal romance this is very tame and would fit into the young adult category. Some of the language used like "heebie jeebies" and "not on your nelly" just made me laugh but I'm clearly not the audience that the author was writing this for.

The book is relatively short but you may want to give up reading before the end but then you really won't know how all the legacy is formed and basically it's all tied up at the end. I struggled with the first 80 or so pages as I had no clue where the story was going so if you do start keep with it. Depending on your requirements for a romantic story keep in mind this is based for a young audience and although the smexy stuff doesn't have to be in every romantic story you'll be disappointed if you're after passion.
Profile Image for WereVamps.
175 reviews17 followers
June 16, 2011
What the heck is a Mullo I asked myself when I heard the name. A gypsy vampire. ohhhh. Overall I did enjoy the story, but it did take some getting used to. The characters do take some getting used to.. They are not the run of the mill, readers tend to get use to. The beginning was a little slow but it did pick up. When it did, hold on for an totally unexpected ride. There is no way I could figure out what was around the corner, or on the next page if you will. Though I was told this was a paranormal romance / mystery, i was kinda bummed there was not a lot of romance. The book did seem focus more on the mystery. The plot was amazing. Overall it was a good read. I would recommend this book, to readers who enjoy, quirky characters in a mystery with a side of paranormal romance. A little something different.

Check out the showcase on Were Vamps Romance:http://www.werevampsromance.org/apps/...
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,009 reviews1 follower
May 31, 2011
I really enjoyed this book it's probably a 4.5/5 for me:)

This is the first book I've ever read where the main character is of Gypsy heritage, throw in the supernatural aspects of Ghosts, Mullo, past lives and it was a really enjoyable read. Lots of action, betrayal, twists and love. Everything you need for an enjoyable read.

I couldn't put it down once I started, finished it by torchlight as I was putting my daughter down for the night. I can't wait to see where the series takes us next!
Profile Image for Karin.
123 reviews1 follower
August 21, 2016
I received this book as a Goodreads First Read.

I wasn't sure I was going to like this book at first but I read pretty much anything that has vampires in it so I thought I would give it a try. & I was pleasantly surprised! I did feel it started off a little slow but once it got going it was well worth the wait. There really isn't any of the traditional vampire action in this book but it brings enough Paranormal activities to compensate for that. I am looking forward to seeing where this series is going!
Profile Image for Amanda The Book Slayer.
474 reviews147 followers
Want to read
June 13, 2012
I am so excited it has a Gypsy Man. Ever sinceLisa KleypasThe Hathaways series especially Mine Till Midnight (The Hathaways, #1) by Lisa Kleypas & Seduce Me at Sunrise (The Hathaways, #2) by Lisa Kleypas I have been dying for another read like them. I am crossing my fingers and hoping this is a hit! Thanks Michelle.
4 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2011
Not long started reading this book, and am alread enthralled by it. Love the characters and the plot. Just need to find more time to sit down and read it, need more me time. But would highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys romantic fiction with a bit of a twist to it xxxxxxx
February 6, 2011
LOVED this book! Nobody is as they seem. Just when I thought I had it all figured out, something else would be revealed. Very well written and very hard to put down. I recommend this book to everyone that likes a little mystery thrown in with their romance!
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