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I'll Be Seeing You

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Carley Mattea never expected to become friends with a boy as handsome as Kyle Westin--especially not in the hospital. Seventeen-year-old Kyle was blinded when a chemistry experiment exploded. His doctors don't know whether he'll get his vision back, and he's deeply depressed. Carley understands how miserable it is to be in the hospital. At sixteen, she's had plenty of experience. But Carley is keeping a secret from Kyle. She knows boys like girls who are pretty--and she's not. Scarred by a facial deformity, she has always used her sense of humor to cope. But now that she's become so close to Kyle, she's worried that if his bandages are removed and he sees her, it will be the end of their relationship. Carley wants what's best for Kyle. But what will that mean for her?

208 pages, Paperback

First published June 1, 1996

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About the author

Lurlene McDaniel

Lurlene McDaniel (born c. 1948) is an author who has written over 50 young adult books. She is well known for writing about characters struggling with chronic and terminal illnesses, such as cancer, diabetes, and organ failure.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 140 reviews
Profile Image for Trisha.
5,196 reviews197 followers
July 1, 2017
“People can't help the way they look, just the way they act.”

This was cute. Carly is in the hospital after breaking her leg but it's not her first visit - when she was younger, they found her headaches were from a tumor and had to operate. The operation left her changed - her face not the same it was before.

Carly faces the world with humor. It's a little dark and sometimes she over does it, but at least she is facing the world. I think Carly's frustrations with people not being nice and being shallow is still accurate today.

I liked Reba and thought she was a great addition to the story. I also liked Janelle, her sister. Kyle was almost too good to be true but I know he's possible.

The tape player and lack of cell phone or computer/laptop was the only thing to really make this story feel dated. It was cute and I enjoyed it for the quick read it was.
Profile Image for kyliemm.
132 reviews12 followers
May 10, 2010
This romance novel is about a girl named Carley who has a terrible facial deformity. While in the hospital with a broken leg, she meets a boy named Kyle who has temporarily lost his eyesight because of a chemistry experiment that went terribly wrong. The two kind of seem to fall in love, but Carley is too frightened to tell Kyle that she is secretly ugly, and her refusal to see him almost ruins their friendship/romance. I think that Lurlene McDaniel’s intentions in writing this novel were initially good: she wants to appeal to teenagers who are 1) insecure about their appearance, and 2) desperately want a boyfriend and/or girlfriend. I therefore think she’s trying to push for teenagers to be less superficial and accept themselves as they really are, as well as telling them that they can eventually find someone who will love them (romantically) regardless of their outside features. However, McDaniel ultimately undercuts this emphasis on the inside rather than outside person; Carley is an angsty brat—even more so than most teenagers, including myself, which is saying something—who only surmounts the challenge of her facial deformity because she gets plastic surgery. Kyle says he accepts Carley regardless of her appearance, but he is still repulsed by her misshapen face. This novel lacked character development, a coherent plot, or a follow-through in the moral that people should love you regardless of your personal appearance. I didn’t read many romance novels as a teenager, but the ones I did (like Nicola and the Viscount and Victoria and the Rogue by Meg Cabot) at least featured strong female heroines and moral male leads, neither of whom needed plastic surgery to feel good about themselves. I understand why this novel and its attempted themes would seem to appeal to teens; however, for a novel that deals more explicitly and directly with teens coming to terms with the fact that people judge them based on their personal appearance, teenagers and adults should try something like Goth Girl by Barry Lyga or Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson—both of which feature developed characters, interesting plotlines, and problems that aren’t fixed with solutions as easy as Carley’s plastic surgery.
Profile Image for Jay girl not boy.
19 reviews3 followers
August 1, 2017

Growing up this was on my top 10 list of favorite books. It's a short novel and although I would have loved at least 100 more pages or a sequel, I can't help but love this book. I discovered this book as a teenager and read it all in one night, going to school glassy eyed from not sleeping. hehe.

The story of Carly and Kyle is just lovely. Carly represents so many girls.. If you've ever been insecure about yourself, lack confidence, been teased for the way you look, or have a sister who is gorgeous and standing next to her you fall short, you can relate to Carly. She's this beautiful person in the inside who's outside doesn't reflect that. Scarred and disfigured from cancer to save her life Carly is the "dog-faced" girl. (And before you ask why she just doesn't fix her face with plastic surgery; take into account that this book took place in the early 90s and that no doctor wants to risk working on her face from the amount that had to be cut out of her face.)

- Read the full review on my website:Love Story Reads
29 reviews4 followers
October 15, 2011
So I ended up giving this romance novel one star, but I will admit I debated over whether this should be ranked with a "Meh" or "I want those hours of my life back" and I sided with the latter. It was a pretty painful read for me and I am a fairly tolerant reader. Luckily it was a quick read because I think my roommate would have gotten sick of all of my mumblings and grumblings and exasperated sighs. I wasn't too fond of any of the characters and Carley's jokes were painful. It was like listening to your unfunny relative at a family party crack unfunny jokes for two hundred pages. Ok, I am probably being a little unfair, the book offered some interesting perspectives and insights into the life of a teenage girl, particularly a teenage girl with significant hardships. But her hardships were just an extreme version of what most teenage girls go through, the whole thinking-nobody-can-ever-love-you-because-you-aren't-a-supermodel-complex-thing. Also, perhaps this was just me, but the jet flyover thing was a bit much for me to handle and of course it happened on Valentine's day. Were they for real about that? So painful -in fact, almost as painful as all of Carley's little deceptions to trick Kyle the temporarily blind kid. I want those hours of my life back!
Profile Image for Alex Larsen.
31 reviews3 followers
June 14, 2010
Sixteen year old Carley suffers from a facial deformity that was a result of having tumor removed from her brain. Though she recovers, she finds herself spending a little bit of time in the hospital again for an unrelated injury, and this is where she meets Kyle. Kyle has gone blind from a science experiment gone wrong, and this gives Carley the opportunity to get to know him without having to deal with her facial deformity. However, she is not completely honest with Kyle, and this ends up being a problem for both of them as the plot progresses. Though many parts of this romance are a little cheesy and cliche, McDaniels does do soem justice to the theme of judging others based on their looks. I think that this book would work really well with younger girls, because then the fact that it is slightly cheesy will not matter quite as much and will be audience appropriate. Still, even though I criticize the cheesiness it is not anything worse than I have already seen in dozens of chick flicks, and so I think that girls will enjoy it as a fun read and will probably relate to Carley's feelings of anxiety over how she looks.
5 reviews4 followers
November 21, 2008
I'll Be Seeing You really opened my eyes. The challenges you face when you’re not perfect are extraordinary. The book takes you on a life journey of wanting to be normal. And a love story between two young adults that are lost because neither one is normal.

This book is the best book I've read in years. I couldn’t put it down. All a young adult this book grabbed my attention from the first page. No one knows what it’s like to be abnormal and Lurlene does an awesome job at describing it. While I was reading this book I was able to place myself in Carley’s place. As I’ll Be Seeing You Takes you on a journey of a teen struggling to fit in.

Every time I opened this book I did not want to put it down. Although I was able to finish it in one day it was worth reading. I would recommend this book to young women to let them see the affects of teasing some one that is not just like them. Lurlene McDaniel writes many books. Most of them have to deal with a teen suffering with cancer. I am obligated to read more of her books because this one was so excellent.
Profile Image for Allison Morgan.
28 reviews2 followers
December 10, 2009
Genre: Romance/Lurlene McDaniel

Sixteen-year-old Carly's face is deformed after surgery when she was twelve-years-old. After staying in the hospital for knee surgery four years later, she meets Kyle, a boy her age who has temporarily lost his sight. As Carly and Kyle grow closer as friends, Carly begins to fear Kyle gaining his sight back because she doesn't want him to see her deformed face.

This is the second Lurlene McDaniels book I've read and it is very similar to the first. With poor writing and cheesy lines and plot, it was difficult to get through. However, the issues dealing with boys, healing, image, and self-esteem make it a perfect read for teenage girls. No one dies in the novel like in many of McDaniel's other books, but it ends happily, giving a positive, predictable ending to a perfect teenage romance.
Profile Image for Grace Chan.
172 reviews47 followers
October 2, 2021
My 1st Lurlene book!! Just LOOK at the absurdity of this cover though. I thought maybe I was ACTUALLY reading a sultry Harlequin romance novel and they are just playing a kinky sex game on the cover 🤣🤣 HE'S NOT REALLLY BLIND, HE'S JUST PLAYING 🤣🤣 But no, he's just TEMPORARILY blind, from a chemistry experiment blowing up in his face. But meanwhile Carley our protag is disfigured from a life-saving surgery to remove a tumor in her nose when she was 12. Poor girl is Quasimodo on the left side of her face but COME ON, wasn't there reconstructive surgery as an option? This was 1996, not 1935!!

Anyway they meet-cute in the hospital and Carley is glad the cute temporarily blind boy Kyle cant see her. She devises a ruse to have her beautiful sister pretend to be her after homeboy persists in having his friends meet her. And then after he gets out of the hospital and wants to meet her, she lies and says she has a boyfriend. All because she doesn't want him to see her sad gnarly face.

Well ultimately he regains his sight and does SEE her, and initially recoils in disgust.... but still wants to get with her! All is ok! She's gonna get her face fixed after all even though that should've been an option 4 years ago and it's also ok that she was a COMPULSIVE LIAR this whole time to him!! 🤣🤣🤣🙃🙃🙃

This was a highly readable book though, and I breezed right through it. I thought it would be overly maudlin and dramatic but it was actually, dare I say, kinda enjoyable! Even though girlfrand was a self-pitying liar, she made up for it by having a sardonic sense of humor and a sharp wit.

4 out of 5 flirty winks from Kyle. HE CAN SEEEEE AGAIN!
Profile Image for Umi.
392 reviews5 followers
October 30, 2013
Ketika saya masih kecil ibu saya pernah membelikan majalah bekas Aneka Ria (sekarang Aneka Yes) sebagai bacaan saya. Karena di pasar terdekat tempat saya tinggal hanya ada toko buku kecil yang hanya menjual buku pelajaran saya harus puas dengan majalah bekas. Saya ingat dulu setengah dari isi majalah Aneka adalah cerpen, salah satunya yang saya baca bercerita tentang cowok buta yang berteman dengan seorang cewek yang cacat. Tapi cowok itu tidak tahu kalau cewek itu cacat. Waktu cowok itu bisa melihat lagi, si cewek menyuruh saudaranya yang cantik dan normal pura-pura jadi dirinya. Begitu saya baca sinopsis novel ini, saya langsung tertarik dan teringat cerpen itu yang saya lupa judulnya apa.
Carley, 16 tahun memiliki wajah yang aneh karena proses penyembuhan kanker yang dia derita ketika berusia 12 tahun. Dia tidak pernah berpikir akan ada anak laki-laki yang akan menyukainya apalagi seorang cowok cute macam Kyle. Mereka bertemu di rumah sakit ketika Carley sedang dirawat karena kakinya patah dan terkena infeksi sedangkan Kyle tidak bisa melihat karena kecelakaan yang dia alami ketika melakukan eksperimen kimia. Kyle belum terbiasa dengan keadaannya dan merasa depresi. Tapi Carley yang memiliki rasa humor yang tinggi mampu membuat Kyle menjadi ceria dan mulai membiasakan diri dengan keadaannya. Kyle sangat berterima kasih pada Carley dan terang-terangan bilang suka. Carley juga menyukainya, tapi Carley takut suatu hari ketika penglihatan Kyle kembali, dia akan meninggalkan Carley begitu tahu bagaimana rupa aslinya.
Kalau melihat judul-judul karya Lurlene McDaniel, kebanyakan berisi novel tentang tokoh penyakitan. Saya beruntung memilih novel ini sebagai bacaan pertama karya Lurlene McDaniel. Karena biarpun kedua tokohnya mengalami sakit, tapi ini bukan novel tearjeker. Carley yang memiliki humor yang tinggi menceriakan novel ini. Sama seperti dia menceriakan Kyle yang sedang depresi karena buta. Ceritanya juga punya pace yang cepat dan singkat yang agak mengecewakan saya, karena ceritanya bagus, saya ingin baca lebih banyak. Sangat pas sekali dibaca di waktu luang. Karena ceritanya tidak berat dan tetap memberikan isi. Akan lebih bagus lagi kalau ditambahkan satu bab lagi biar genap 20 bab dan tidak gantung. Karena saya tidak suka akhir cerita gantung. Tapi novel ini sangat bagus. Bisa dibaca dengan cepat dan enjoyable.
Profile Image for Spencer.
1,390 reviews18 followers
September 14, 2020
The romance between Carly and Kyle is just beautiful. And I always appreciate a good beauty and the beast story (although in this case the roles are reverse and the damsel is the "dog-face" ). But the beautiful thing about this adaption is that the moral of the story goes beyond saying that everyone deserves love no matter what their appearance is, but it also gives us Carly, a girl that most young teens can relate to. Most young girls might feel a little insecure about their appearances, especially in today's appearance driven world, so having someone who feels beautiful on the inside even though she doesn't feel like she looks beautiful on the outside gives them someone to look up to.

The only truly sad thing for me about this book is that the ending isn't long enough! I'm really happy with the way she ended the story (I'm all about happily ever afters), but I wanted MORE!
6 reviews
August 8, 2009
This was a pretty good book. I was reading it so I could go to sleep (I can't seem to sleep without reading anymore woops =D) and I just couldn't stop reading. I knew I had to wake up early in the morning the next day but I just wanted to know what was going to happen.

I was able to relate to Carely a lot since I went through a difficult stage of having severe acne. The whole story was well-written. I love how the author solved aloof problems, such as the relationship between the main character's sister's boyfriend and her.

I wasn't very happy with the unsatisfying ending. It seemed to abrupt and rushed.
Profile Image for LOL_BOOKS.
2,817 reviews54 followers
September 1, 2015



This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emily.
804 reviews41 followers
September 5, 2011
I read this book all in one day and was surprised. It had a good ending!! I was happy about that. This book is very sweet at the end but also in a way annoying because Carley doesn't trust Kyle to still like even after he can see her face which is partially deformed. She lies and even uses her sister to prevent herself from getting hurt. Eventually though after a long time she gets proven wrong in that she thought that Kyle would never go for a girl like her who "isn't pretty." One thing I didn't like was how just when the book seems to be getting good it ends.
3 reviews1 follower
November 6, 2009
I chose this book because the back-cover blurb reminded me of a short story called "Jared" that I really like to use with students--similar situation that the main character faces.
I was very interested in the plot, but not at all taken with the writer's style. However, it was very straightforward, and I will recommend the book to adolescent readers, especially those who might need a fairly quick, easy read.
36 reviews
November 13, 2009
This book was about a girl named Carley made friends with a guy named Kyle and they meet at the hospital. Kyle's eye was blinded by the chemical explosion he performed. Carley is worried that if Kyle gets his vision back, would he abandoned her as friend because she is not "pretty."
In this story, I learned that not everything in the world is based on appearance. There is always other factors that effects the inside of something and would cover the importance of appearance.
Profile Image for Ashley dillon.
38 reviews
May 11, 2010
Another one by lurlene Mcdaniel that i thought to be poorly written. yes, it had a great idea behind it, and the relationship between the main characters was pretty cute. but really, no one acts like that. it was an easy read and i got thru it pretty quickly. wasnt horrible but could have been alot bettter.
Profile Image for Becca.
1 review1 follower
February 26, 2009
I really loved this book!! I have read it several times and I just can't get enough of it. Lurlene McDaniel is an amazing writer, she truly understands the hardships that young adults must go through. I have read several of her novels and find them all amazing.
21 reviews
March 10, 2011
To see or not to see that is question. Even if you have the ability to see some times you never truely see.
Profile Image for Viviana.
96 reviews
December 16, 2010
The fisrt book that I haven't really cried like a baby from Ms. Mcdaniel great story!!
Profile Image for Annie.
133 reviews1 follower
October 20, 2023
Found this one during a trip home a while back, it was one of my favourites when I was about 11 or 12. Decided to reread it as an adult during my vacation, and enjoyed the short and wholesome read. 20 years ago I would've rated this 5 stars, but just 3 for adult Annie. 😊
Profile Image for Kayla Cunningham.
Author1 book268 followers
July 15, 2023
I'll Be Seeing You by Lurlene McDaniel is a poignant novel that delves into the themes of love, loss, and the resilience of the human spirit. While the book explores emotional depth and tackles sensitive subjects, it falls slightly short of its full potential.

McDaniel's writing style in I'll Be Seeing You effectively captures the emotions and challenges faced by the characters. The story follows the journey of seventeen-year-old Kayla, who is diagnosed with cancer and forms a bond with a fellow patient, a young soldier named Nick. The novel navigates their blossoming friendship and the emotional complexities that arise from their shared experiences.

The exploration of themes such as illness, loss, and the impact of war on personal lives is handled with sensitivity and care. McDaniel presents the challenges faced by the characters in a realistic and relatable manner, creating opportunities for readers to empathize and reflect on the fragility of life and the strength of human connections.

The characters in I'll Be Seeing You are well-developed, and their struggles elicit empathy from readers. Kayla's journey as she faces her own mortality is heartrending, while Nick's internal conflicts and emotional growth add depth to the story. The supporting cast, including family members and friends, also contribute to the emotional resonance of the narrative.

However, the pacing of the book may feel uneven at times, with certain sections feeling rushed while others drag on. Some readers may find themselves yearning for more exploration and development of certain plot points and character arcs.

Additionally, while the novel deals with emotional subjects, the emotional impact may not resonate as deeply as anticipated. There are moments where the story feels predictable or lacks the intensity required to fully engage readers on an emotional level.

In conclusion, I'll Be Seeing You offers a heartfelt exploration of love, loss, and the indomitable spirit of the human experience. Lurlene McDaniel tackles sensitive subjects with care, presenting relatable characters and thought-provoking themes. However, the uneven pacing and occasional lack of emotional resonance prevent the book from reaching its full potential.

Note: I'll Be Seeing You can be appreciated by readers seeking a poignant and introspective read, particularly those interested in stories that tackle themes of illness, friendship, and the strength found in unexpected connections.

Profile Image for AlohaMyPikachu.
252 reviews6 followers
July 5, 2014
This is the first novel by this author that I've read. I have to say that I became so engrossed in the story that when it ended, I was surprised. Despite this being a young adult novel for older teens, because most of the book takes place in a hospital, I forgot that I was reading a YA novel.

What I enjoyed about this book was the interaction between the characters. I especially enjoyed the two sisters. The relationship, if we can call it that, between Carley and her sister's boyfriend was interesting to see evolve. Carley despises the boyfriend, but the two eventually come to an understanding. Perhaps not all teens can be so forgiving or the other be so aware of their own faults. Regardless of that fact, I'm always happy to see characters grow, evolve and become better people by the last page, even if it's a little bit.

As for Carley herself...perhaps some will find her too much. The lengths she goes to in order to keep Kyle knowing of her facial deformity is maybe over the top. However, even in fiction, I would never presume to know the suffering one person has endured because of a disability.

Some might find Carley's self-deprecating humor too much or corny, but I thought it amusing. In a world that looks bleak, sometimes the only way to get through each day or the hard times is to crack a joke, no matter how silly or corny.

If I had a problem with this book is that it was over too soon. As I mentioned, I forgot it was a YA novel and was enjoying the pace of the story. Then suddenly it was over. I also somewhat feel the ending was anticlimactic in some sense. That's when I read the last line...and then that was it, I felt almost slow and stupid. I couldn't believe it would end just like that. I did have to remind myself, young adult novel, of course. It's not going to go into more detail because that's not how it rolls.

Overall, an excellent novel. Also, as the world of those with visual impairments is no stranger to me, I thought this book did a good job of explanining the limitations and issues that the sight-impaired go through. It wasn't too much, but it was a little bit for those not aware of how those who suddenly lose their sight cope.

Anyway, I would recommend this novel for those looking for a short, light read. I would suggest it for adults and young adutls alike, but with a caution. It might be too teenage-ish for some older folks. And some, like me, might enjoy a humorous read.
Profile Image for Vivian.
130 reviews
October 17, 2011
Out of the three books in True Love, i liked this one the best. First of there was humor, since Carly was the type of person to have something funny to say. And then there's Kyle, who's momentarily blind. Carly, despite being "ugly" because of cancer's effect, was a beautiful person, other than the fact that she lied to Kyle, she was a character i liked. And that's why i liked this book. Society these days only like you if you're good looking. You can be the worst actor, singer, etc... and just because of your looks, you'll get to places. I find this really unfair because the public have to view such garbage, but thats the sad truth.
However since Kyle is blind he doesn't know how she looks. He only knows her for her smell, her sexy voice, and that awesome personality of her's. This got me thinking, what happened if everyone was blind? There would be so much people who gets acknowledge for their talents and skills, not their dolled up face and bodies. Imagine if everyone only got to see when they actually know the beauty of something. That would be epic.
There was also a time in the book where Kyle mentions that even though he can't physically, he can see. i found this a very deep oxymoron. But i understood, because i close my eyes to day dream, although my eyes are closed there are still images in my head. Then there was this other time where kyle asked if you ever wished an event wouldn't happen, in his case a rocket blowing at his face (the reason why he's blind), but if that was the cause he would've never met Carly. So even if something bad occurs, something good can come out of it too. Which is why people shouldnt dwell over the past and just build up upon it.
Profile Image for Bailey Stanley.
95 reviews3 followers
August 25, 2014
*Correction 3.5 stars. *
Overall, I really enjoyed this book. Although it was not my favorite Lurlene McDaniel book, It was still pretty well written. My reason for the 3.5 stars is pretty much all because of the ending. Now this review contains Spoilers so be prepared.
I'll Be Seeing You is about a girl named Carley who is in the hospital because of an infection in her broken leg. But there is a catch, she had brain cancer and because of the surgery to remove the tumor from her brain, she is left with a disfigured face. She is stuck to believe that no one will love her or think she is beautiful.
so when Kyle, her next door neighbor is admitted to the hospital, she decides to meet him; at 3 in the morning.
throughout this book Kyle and Carley form a bond that no one can break. Or can they....
Carley refuses to tell Kyle about her face, so when Kyle finds out the truth it's ugly. Now the reason why I didn't like the ending is because it skipped ahead months in like.. a page turn, and a plane flew over the High School saying 'Carley,be mine. K.W. "and then the book ended....
It seriously irritated me and i was just like... What. The. Fuck.
Profile Image for Karen.
155 reviews
March 5, 2014
Carley Mattea had a tumor in her face and now it is very scarred. She is in the hospital because she broke her leg roller blading. She meets Kyle, who was burned in a chemical explosion at school and is blinded. Carley's room is right next to Kyle's so she hangs out with him. She is very self conscious about her face and likes the fact that Kyle can't see her. They become very good friends. Carley's sister Jan is one of her greatest supporters, even masquerading as Carley when Kyle's friends come over.

This book is a good lesson in "beauty is only skin deep." Carley has a fantastic sense of humor, and had me laughing out loud in some areas. She takes great pains to hide her scarred side of her face. I enjoyed the interaction between the characters. They are real teens with exceptional problems.
Profile Image for Shelbymarie159.
409 reviews20 followers
September 20, 2021
I remember reading this book when I was younger and now that I have a daughter who is curious about all the books I read and have read I wanted to go back and find ones that would be perfect for her.

So on that note, this book is perfect for younger girls especially nowadays with how people treat each other and the rude remarks and bullying girls suffer. It teaches them that beauty is deeper than physical appearances. I believe this story is good for those who do suffer with self esteem issues and that it teaches them to not only love themselves but also, to be brave and not shy away.

I gave it a lesser star rating only because I know others along with myself would have liked to see a little bit of a better ending with finding out what exactly happened after the banner but all in all a sweet and easy read
Profile Image for Jessica.
44 reviews51 followers
December 7, 2009
This was a quick fun read that was granted cheesy and slightly ridiculous, but it had a good message and I have found that these novels have an immense attraction to young teenage girls. This was my first McDaniels book, but my sisters have read dozens of them and absolutely love them. This one is the story of a young girl who has recovered from cancer, but it left her facial deformed. While in the hospital she meets and falls in love with a boy who has been blinded by a chemistry explosion. Their relationship grows, but she is afraid that if his sight returns and he sees her appearance it will all come to an end. This wasn’t my favorite by far, but I would recommend it to reluctant young female readers.
11 reviews24 followers
January 22, 2015
The book "I'll Be Seeing You" is about the boy and this girl become close friends when they are both in the hospital at the same time. Carley's face was deformed at birth, but Kyle is this gorgeous guy who is blind at the moment so he can't see Carley. But Kyle isn't going to be blind forever so when he is able too see again Carley is worried that he won't like her anymore. So she lies and has her sister pretend to be her when they both get out of the hospital and Kyle is able to see again. Carley's sister is this beautiful girl that all of the guys love. But then Carley's sister finally tells Carley that she's going to have to tell Kyle the truth. So when she does at the end Kyle still loves Carley and he ends up asking her out on Valentine's Day.
Profile Image for Chelsea Eller.
17 reviews
December 11, 2012
This was a good book but I was disappointed in the ending. I wasn't happy about the way that Kyle responded to Carley when he first saw her face. I know she should have told him up front,and I didn't like how she lied to him, but you know it had to crush her the way he reacted when he first saw it and the harsh words he used before he left. I was shocked to read about the event at the very end that brought them back together, but it just left me hanging. I was wanting to know more that would happen. This was a good book, but not one of the ones that I would have to read again or go out to buy a copy for myself to keep. It was a fast read and the typical love story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 140 reviews

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