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The Kane Chronicles#3

The Serpent's Shadow

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He's b-a-a-ack! Despite their best efforts, Carter and Sadie Kane can't seem to keep Apophis, the chaos snake, down. Now Apophis is threatening to plunge the world into eternal darkness, and the Kanes are faced with the impossible task of having to destroy him once and for all. Unfortunately, the magicians of the House of Life are on the brink of civil war, the gods are divided, and the young initiates of Brooklyn House stand almost alone against the forces of chaos. The Kanes' only hope is an ancient spell that might turn the serpent's own shadow into a weapon, but the magic has been lost for a millennia. To find the answer they need, the Kanes must rely on the murderous ghost of a powerful magician who might be able to lead them to the serpent's shadow... or might lead them to their deaths in the depths of the underworld. Nothing less than the mortal world is at stake when the Kane family fulfills its destiny in this thrilling conclusion to the Kane Chronicles.

406 pages, Hardcover

First published May 1, 2012

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About the author

Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan is the #1New York Timesbestselling author of many books, including the Percy Jackson series.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,893 reviews
Profile Image for Jayson.
2,422 reviews3,635 followers
April 29, 2024
(B) 75%| More than Satisfactory
Notes:Depth-deprived, it's too contrived, its romance short of sparks, no pulse (robotic), ends chaotic, hardly leaves a mark.

*Check out progress updates for detailed commentary:
Profile Image for Ellie .
537 reviews18 followers
December 20, 2014
*edit, a few years later* Please excuse the unrestrained, hysterical ranting below. It was late and I was twelve.


AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! WHY DOES THIS HAVE TO BE ONLY A TRILOGY?!?!?!?!? DARN DARN DARN DARN DARN!!!!!!!!!!! 5 OR AT LEAST 4 BOOKS PLEEEAAAAAAAAAZEEEEEE RICK RIORDAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!! S&A S&A S&AS&AS&AS&AS&AS&AS&A ARGH ARGH ARGH ARGH ARGH ARGH!!!!!!!! "The Kane Chronicles is currently set to be a trilogy, making this the final installment. It is currently untitled and is set to release in Spring of 2012." ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOLLOW UP SERIES!!!!!!!! NEED ONE!!!!! BAD!!!!!!!

May first! May first! Maaayyyyfiiiirrrrrrst!!!!!

So isanyoneTeam A? A lot of people are Team W, and I admit, that does seem the likelier of the two.

IT CAME OUT TODAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, please, please, please, please, PLEASE let me read this soon!!!!!! D: D: D:



So....it's been about a month since I've read the book. Terrible. And I have yet to write a review! (A real review, I mean, not like the gibberish up there. *cringes*) Well, I WAS in Seattle with limited internet connection. And there would have been no time to sit down and write a review. So I guess that's my excuse.

But I'm back and I don't have an excuse now! So here goes.

This was the last book of the trilogy, and also the shortest one. I was moaning over that to other people (mainly my unsympathetic parents) as I read it. Still, it was reaaallly good. It was also probably the darkest of the Kane Chronicles, perhaps even darker than the Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus books, as it mentioned lots of deaths (most of them very minor characters) and even some torture, which wasn't graphic in any way--it wasn't narrated, just mentioned--but which served to give a darker feeling overall.

I've mentioned before somewhere that I never give Rick Riordan books any less than five stars, (unless they're really and truly awful, and I haven't come across any like that yet) even if they're more of a four stars. I'd give this a 4.5.

I liked how certain characters--mostly Walt--were made more 3D. (Does that make any sense?) In The Throne of Fire, the book before this, one of the reasons I hated the possibility of Sadie and Walt together was because Walt seemed so...not real. Predictable. Boring. But Uncle Rick apparently worked on making him more believable, because I was able to sympathize a lot more with him.

The plot seemed to be mostly the same as other books--you know, the enemy threatens Carter and Sadie, they try and find a way to destroy him, which takes most of the book, and then there is a fight at the end that temporarily destroys--or wipes out--the enemy. All of this was the same, except for the battle at the end. There was so much focus on other things that happened in the book (quite a bit of it was love triangle drama) that when the battle to get rid of the enemy finally rolled around, and they defeated the serpent (what? You knew they would!), I felt kind of...cheated. I thought, "Really? It just happened? Wait, wasn't there something more?" Because the two books before had a lot more tension and drama (drama relating to the battle, I mean) leading up to the climax, it just seemed a lot less impressive.

The end of the book made it so obvious that Rick is leaving the door open for a follow-up series, like he did with Percy Jackson. In fact, it was even more obvious in this book than in the last Percy Jackson book. The Serpent's Shadow ends on pretty much the same notes as The Red Pyramid, now that I think about it, except with a less obvious threat.

The love triangle. Aargh. How I hate those. If only Riordan didn't put it in. (But that'd erase, like, fifty pages of the book.) But, oh well, he did. And I must say, I wasn't entirely satisfied with the way it concluded. It seemed so predictable. I won't say any more, because I know if I was reading this, I would be freaking out. "Oh NO! Does that mean that ___ gets Sadie??!" (Sadie would probably hate that way of telling it, but really, what other ways are there to describe it?) (Actually, there are several, but that's the one I'm going to use. Sorry, Sadie.) So, no more. But it really wasn't an awful way of dealing with it, just a bit...weird. And predictable.


Minor spoiler ahead--a sort of easter egg not important to the plot in any way, but I liked discovering it for myself.

Winding down, finally, this was, on the whole, a very good conclusion. Especially with the almost-promise of another series! It wasn't everything I hoped for, but it was pretty darn close.

Oh my gosh, this review is insanely long.
Profile Image for Isa Cantos (Crónicas de una Merodeadora).
1,009 reviews42.2k followers
September 27, 2019
“For what it’s worth: trust your feelings. I can’t promise that you’ll never get hurt again, but I can promise you the risk is worth it".

¡Amé muchísimo esta trilogía! ¡Dioses del Oli...Duat! Terminé de leer este libro hace días, pero aún sigo pensando en Carter, Sadie, Zia, Anubis y Walt. Me encantó leer cómo empezó todo enLa Pirámide Roja,con ellos dándose cuenta de que descendían de poderosos faraones egipcios, y cómo terminó todo enLa Sombra de la Serpiente,con ellos enfrentándose a las fuerzas más oscuras del caos de la mitología egipcia mientras, además, intentaban descifrar cómo sobrevivir al encuentro con Apofis y cómo salvar a Walt de su maldición inminente.

No saben lo que sufría con cada una de las misiones en las que Carter y Sadie tenían que separarse. Estaban preparando todo para esa batalla final, pero ninguno de los dos sabía si su energía sería suficiente para detener a Apofis y lanzar el hechizo final que lo despojaría de su sombra. ¡Y mueren personajes! ¡Hace mucho tiempo no sufría con una muerte en un libro de Rick Riordan! Bueno... no desde Beckendorf. Ay.

Creo que, como siempre, lo que más disfruté de todo el libro fueron los problemas amorosos de Sadie con Anubis y Walt. Todo es tan absurdo en medio del apocalipsis que están intentando evitar, pero aún así me encantaba verla confundida porque le gustaba muchísimo Walt, pero se estaban quedando sin tiempo antes de que la maldición se lo llevara. Y luego está Anubis, a quien los dioses le han prohibido acercarse a Sadie, pero él sigue buscándola y apareciéndose en los lugares más absurdos... ¡como un baile de secundaria! ¡LO AMO! Y nada, NUNCA, me hubiera preparado para la resolución de este pequeño triángulo amoroso. ¡ES TODO TAN DISPARATADO QUE HASTA TIENE SENTIDO AL FINAL!

En fin, creo que la batalla final del libro fue absolutamente épica y muy bien escrita en términos de tensión e incertidumbre. ¡Y lo mejor de todo es que Rick Riordan deja muy clara la posibilidad de que puede volver al mundo de los Kane en otra saga!
Profile Image for Lee  (the Book Butcher).
315 reviews73 followers
May 11, 2023
Great conclusion to my favorite Riordan series which is saying a lot over the Percy Jackson, Apollo, and Magnus chase series.

The Kane Chronicles finishes with a fight between order, the kane's/Egyptian gods and apophis egypt's chaos snake. This added a lot of depth to the story. The Kane have fully taken over Brooklyn house with young students learning the magic of the gods. Both Sadie and Carter are caught in strange love stories that are advanced for high school literature. The Kanes have to get on the same page with the gods. Bring back Dwarf god bes and defeat apophis. Then they can settle their love life with Zia and Walt.

This series is a fun, exciting, and fast paced read. From one of my favorites Rick Riordan. I still think Riordan outlandishly funny.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews224 followers
October 13, 2019
The Serpent's Shadow (Kane Chronicles, #3), Rick Riordan
The Serpent's Shadow is a 2012 fantasy adventure novel based on Egyptian mythology written by American author Rick Riordan. It is the third and final novel in The Kane Chronicles series. This book begins six months after the events of the preceding novel, when Carter Kane and Sadie Kane travel to the 51st nome, Dallas, with their initiates and meet J.D. Grissom, the leader of the nome. They tell him that they need a magic scroll from the King Tut exhibit at the Dallas Museum of Art, or his nome will get attacked and destroyed by the forces of Apophis, the god of chaos, who will rise, swallow the sun, and destroy the world in three days time. Sadie sees a face in the wall which tells them they instead need a golden box. However, the nome is attacked, and the scroll is destroyed. To save everyone from getting killed, Sadie summons Ma'at, repulsing the forces of chaos but blacks out from the experience, later learning that for two minutes, she had no heartbeat. They discover that all the 51st nome has been destroyed, and all of the magicians killed. At the 21st nome in Brooklyn, they discover that the golden box Sadie was told to retrieve is a shadow box of King Tut....

تاریخ نخستین خوتنش: روز چهاردهم ماه اکتبر سال 2016 میلادی
عنوان: سایه مار؛ نویسنده: ریک ریوردان؛ مترجم: آیدا کشوری؛ تهران‏‫: بهنام‬‏‫، 1394؛ در 407 ص؛ شابک: 9786007132067؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان ایالات متحده آمریکا - سده 21 م‮‬

نقل از متن: «فصل دوم: با هرج و مرج گفتگویی میکنم: سادی: اگر بگویم همه چیز بد پیش رفت، تعجب میکنید؟ - فکر نکنم. اولین تلفاتمان پنگوئنهای فلیکس بودند. کریوسفینکس ها بر روی پرنده های بخت برگشته آتش ریختند، و آنها تبدیل به گِل شدند. فلیکس فریاد کشید: «نه!»؛ اتاق اینبار قویتر از پیش غرید. خوفو جیغ کشید و روی سر کارتر پرید و او را به زمین انداخت. در شرایطی خنده دار به نظر میرسید، اما فهمیدم که با اینکار جان برادرم را نجات داده است. جاییکه کارتر ایستاده بود، زمین از هم پاشید. کاشیهای مرمر خرد میشدند. گویی با مته ای نامرئی از هم میپاشیدند. منطقه ی شکافته شده مارپیچ وار از عرض اتاق میگذشت، هر چیزی را در سر راهش نابود میکرد، آثار باستانی را به درون زمین میکشید و آنها را میجوید. بله... مارپیچ وار واژه ی خوبی است. شکاف دقیقاً مانند یک مار یکراست به سوی دیوار پشتی و کتاب غلبه بر آپوفیس پیش میرفت. فریاد زدم: «طومار!» به نظر میرسید کسی نمیشنود. کارتر هنوز روی زمین بود و تلاش میکرد خوفو را ا�� سرش دور کند. فلیکس شوک زده در کنار باقیمانده ی پنگوئنهایش زانو زده بود و والت و آلیسا تلاش میکردند او را از کریوسفینکسهای آتشین دور کنند. چوبدستیم را از کمربندم بیرون کشیدم و اولین واژه ی قدرتی را که به ذهنم میرسید، فریاد کشیدم: «دروواه!» هیروگلیفهای طلایی ـ وِرد مرز ـ در هوا شعله ور شد. دیواری از نور بین قفسه ی شیشه ای و خط پیشرو ویرانگر برق زد:
از این وِرد معمولاً برای جدا کردن کارآموزانی که دعوا میکردند یا برای حفاظت از کمد خوراکیها از حمله های نیمه شبانه استفاده میکردم. اما هرگز برای چنین مسئله ی مهمی امتحانش نکرده بودم. همینکه مته ی نامرئی به سپرم رسید، ورد شروع به از هم پاشیدن کرد. آشوب روی دیوارِ نور، پخش شد و آن را لرزاند. سعی کردم تمرکز کنم اما نیرویی خیلی قویتر ـ خود هرج و مرج ـ در برابرم تلاش میکرد و به ذهنم حمله ور میشد و جادویم را پراکنده میکرد. در لحظه ای وحشت آور، فهمیدم که نمیتوانم رهایش کنم. در جنگی گیر افتاده بودم که در آن پیروز نبودم. آپوفیس به همان آسانی که زمین را خرد کرد، افکار مرا هم نابود میکرد. والت چوبدستی را از دستم انداخت. در تاریکی غرق شده بودم. درون بازوان والت افتادم. وقتی دیدم واضح شد، دستانم سوخته بودند و دود میکردند. آنقدر شوکه شده بودم که درد را حس نمیکردم. کتاب غلبه بر آپوفیس رفته بود. جز پشته ای سنگ و سوراخی بزرگ در دیوار چیزی باقی نمانده بود انگار تانکی از آن رد شده باشد. ناامیدی به گلویم چنگ انداخت، اما دوستانم دورم جمع شدند. والت مرا سرپا نگه داشت. کارتر شمشیرش را کشید. خوفو دندانهایش را عریان و به سوی کریوسفنیکسها غرش کرد. آلیسا دستانش را دور فلیکس گریان انداخته بود. با از بین رفتن پنگوئنهایش، به سرعت شجاعتش را از دست داده بود. به سوی کریوسفنیکسها فریاد کشیدم: «همش همین؟ طومار رو سوزوندی و مثل همیشه فرار کردی؟ اونقدر میترسی که خود واقعیت رو نشون نمیدی؟» قهقهه ی بیشتری در اتاق طنین انداخت. کریوسفنیکسها بیحرکت در چارچوب ایستاده بودند اما مجسمه ها و جواهرات در قفسه های شیشه ای لرزیدند. با صدای شکستن دردناکی، مجسمه ی بابون طلایی که خوفو با آن دوست شده بود، ناگهان سرش را برگرداند. مار از دهان مجسمه حرف زد: «اما من همه جا هستم. هر چیزی و هر کسی رو که برات ارزش داره، میتونم از بین ببرم...» خوفو با خشم جیغ کشید. خودش را به سمت بابون پرت کرد و آن را انداخت. مجسمه به کپه ای از طلای مذاب تبدیل شد. مجسمه ای دیگر زنده شد ـ فرعون چوبی مطلایی با نیزه ی شکار. چشمانش به رنگ خون بود. دهان تراشیده اش تبدیل به لبخندی کج و کوله شد. «جادوت ضعیفه، سادی کین. تمدن انسانی قدیمی و فاسد شده. من ایزد خورشید رو میبلعم و دنیاتون رو غرق تاریکی میکنم. دریای هرج و مرج همه تون رو از پا درمیآره.» مجسمه ی فرعون منفجر شد گویی انرژی برایش زیادی بود. پایه اش از هم پاشید و خط شرور دیگری از جادوی مته ای در اتاق مارپیچ وار به حرکت درآمد و کاشیهای کف را به حرکت واداشت. به سوی یک جعبه ی طلایی کوچک در قفسه ای مقابل دیوار شرقی رفت. صدایی درونم گفت، نجاتش بده ـ احتمالاً ناخودآگاهم یا احتمالاً صدای آیزیس، ایزدبانوی حامی ام. آنقدر در افکار هم شریک شده بودیم که تشخیص آن سخت بود. چیزی را که صورت درون دیوار گفته بود، به یاد آوردم... برو دنبال جعبه ی طلایی. درباره ی چیزی که میخوای بهت یه نشونه میده. فریاد کشیدم: «جعبه! جلوش رو بگیرین!» دوستانم به من خیره شدند. از جایی در بیرون، انفجاری دیگر ساختمان را لرزاند. تکه های گچ از سقف پایین ریخت. - بهتر از این بچه ها نداشتی که برای جنگیدن با من بفرستی؟ آپوفیس از یک شابتی عاجی در نزدیکترین قفسه حرف میزد ـ ملوانی مینیاتوری بر روی قایقی کوچک. «والت استون... تو خوش شانسترینی. حتی اگه امشب زنده بمونی، مریضیت قبل از پیروزی بزرگ من میکشتت. اونوقت مجبور نمیشی که نابودی دنیا رو ببینی.» والت تلوتلو خورد که من او را گرفتم. دستان سوخته ام به شدت درد میکرد و باید با حالت تهوعی قوی مبارزه میکردم. خط ویرانگر روی زمین پیش میرفت؛ هنوز هم رو به سوی جعبه ی طلایی داشت. آلیسا عصایش را نشانه رفت و وردی را به زبان آورد. لحظه ای زمین ثابت ماند و به ورقه ی جامدی از سنگ خاکستری تغییر کرد. بعد شکستگی های جدیدی ظاهر شدند و نیروی هرج و مرج راهش را با فشار از میان آن گشود. مار گفت: «آلیسای شجاع. زمینی که دوستش داری در هرج و مرج نابود میشه. دیگه جایی نداری که بایستی!» عصای آلیسا شعله ور شد. آلیسا جیغی کشید و آن را به گوشه ای انداخت. فلیکس فریاد کشید: «بس کن!» قفسه ی شیشه ای را با عصایش شکست و ملوان مینیاتوری را همراه با یه دوجین شابتی دیگر خرد کرد. صدای آپوفیس خیلی ساده به طلسم سبزرنگ آیزیس روی نزدیکترین مانکن منتقل شد. «وای فلیکس کوچولو، خیلی باحالی. شاید به عنوان حیوون خونگی نگهت دارم، مثل همون پرنده های مسخره ای که دوستشون داری. توی این فکرم که چقدر طول می کشه تا عقلت رو از دست بدی.» فلیکس چوبدستی اش را پرت کرد و مانکن را انداخت. رد هرج و مرج کم کم داشت به جعبه ی طلایی میرسید. به سختی گفتم: «دنبال اون جعبه است! مراقب جعبه باشین!» باید بگویم فریادم چندان جنگ آورانه نبود اما به نظر میرسید کارتر متوجه شده است. جلوی هرج و مرج پیش رونده پرید و شمشیرش را به زمین کوبید. تیغه ی شمشیر مانند بستنی کاشی مرمر را برید. خط آبی جادویی ��ز هر سو گسترده شده ـ نسخه ی کارتری میدان نیرو. خط ویرانگر به مانع برخورد و متوقف شد. - کارتر کین بیچاره. حالا صدای مار از هر سو شنیده میشد ـ از اثری باستانی به اثری دیگر میپرید و همه از نیروی هرج و مرج منفجر میشدند. «رهبریتت محکوم به فناس. هر چیزی که سعی کردی بسازی داره نابود میشه. کسایی رو که بیشتر از همه دوستشون داری، از دست میدی.» خط دفاعی آبی کارتر شروع به سوسوزدن کرد. اگر فوراً کمکش نمیکردم...»؛ پایان نقل. ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,854 reviews6,051 followers
May 18, 2020
#1The Red Pyramid★★★★☆
#2The Throne of Fire★★★☆☆
#3The Serpent's Shadow★★★☆☆

“A person's shadow stood for his legacy, his impact on the world. Some people cast hardly any shadow at all. Some cast long, deep shadows that endured for centuries.”

Ahh... and finally, the series comes to an end. What a roller coaster ride of a trilogy, my friends. I spent the first book falling in love, the second book gradually feeling less and less pleased with this series, and the final book wishing it would justfinishalready. That said, I should preface this by saying thatThe Serpent's Shadowwas slightly better for me thanThe Throne of Fire,so if you've read the first 2 books and are uncertain as to whether or not you want to finish the series, let me be the first to tell you that you absolutely should. Besides, you've already come this far, right?

Anyways, this book was much of a repeat for the second for me as far as the romances went — still not buying Carter and Zia as an even remotely possible couple, and still super uncomfortable with Sadie's interest in boys at all, much less ones who are thousands of years older than her — but the pacing was a lot better and I enjoyed the action scenes tremendously. I think battle scenes must be tough to write, but every RR book that I've read has featured one whether big or small, and I always walk away thinking Rick has a serious talent for scripting them out.

I might not have loved this series overall, but I'm glad I picked it up and I feel like any fan of Rick Riordan's should give it a chance. If you're feeling hesitant, I highly recommend the audiobooks, as the narrators did a fantastic job. That said, I 100% recommend that this isnotyour introduction to RR's series, because the PJO series is frankly a million times better than this one, and I would warrant a guess that all of his other series are, too.


Buddy read with Ellyn! ♥
Profile Image for Josie  J.
154 reviews20 followers
July 25, 2022
A good ending to an alright series. I really liked how things were wrapped up. I was satisfied with all the character arcs, they all felt right. I love Sadie, she is my favorite. She has grown so much and she has learned so much along the way. She is a very impressive character. I was a little confused by Walt's story line, I wish he would have communicated to Sadie his plan to live. But no, he just decided to become one with Anubis and not tell Sadie. I liked Carter a lot more in this book. I think he's going to be a great leader, he already is. I loved seeing Zia get slowly more comfortable with Carter. It was very sweet. I liked how everything was wrapped up, it felt very right if that makes any sense.
Profile Image for Helen 2.0.
467 reviews1,260 followers
May 29, 2023
Reread 2023: Liked it a lot better this time. Sadie is a riot.


More like 2.5 stars. Good, but not great. I was underwhelmed by the ending and thus don't really have much to say.

I will comment on the final relationship between Sadie, Walt, and Anubis. Sadie being torn between the two was a pretty big conflict since the last book, but her just taking BOTH felt like no resolution at all. Does it count as polyandry if Walt/Anubis are more like 1.5 people than 2 people?
Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author15 books507 followers
October 23, 2014
Ok, now I have to wait for this too!?! Still waiting till theThe Son of Neptunecomes out!
Well, not that too many months away I guess. I wonder if there will be anymore hints about the Manhattan side of the river.....
My brother thinks it would be pretty cool if the Kanes met Percy....

WOW!!!! Just saw the COVER!!!! BEST. ONE. YET. CANNOT WAIT!!!!!

AWESOMEAWESOMEAWESOME!!!!! Rick Riordan has done it again. Really wraps up this trilgoy...with hints to a possible follow-up.
Profile Image for Daelyn Bentley-Gottel.
39 reviews16 followers
May 9, 2012
AMAZING!!!!! as usual. Not as much split-your-side humor in this one, but the chapter titles are still hilarious and there are some awesome one-liners in here. Oh, and don't even forget the Sadie-Walt-Anubis triangle. Can you say PLOT TWIST? Definitely didn't see that coming, but I loved it. There are several twists that will make you devour the book, and it's totally worth it.5 stars, no doubt.
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,086 reviews1,158 followers
April 12, 2016
An amazing finale to a series I've come to love. Although I will miss Sadie and Carter so bad, I know they belong to characters I certainly will not forget. I wouldn't mind reading the series all over again to be reminded.:)
Profile Image for Ryan Buckby.
675 reviews93 followers
May 19, 2019
actual rating: 4.5/5 stars

For what it’s worth: trust your feelings. I can’t promise that you’ll never get hurt again, but I can promise you the risk is worth it.

Well its safe to say that i'm really satisfied with how this trilogy ended and that all the loose ends were all tied up and that this story is finally finished for me.

Plot:This last book starts off with a bang *literally* Sadie and Carter get themselves into a spot of trouble when trying to get one of the missing pages which results in the deaths of some trusted allies. I can say out of all three books this one was the one that has kept me interesting from beginning right up until the last page which i found the other two books lacked a little.

Over the course of this series Sadie and Carter have matured so much from when we first meet them right up until them starting this final quest. I love how close these two have become and it's so nice to finally see a sibling duo work together to fight evil and kick some ass. These two characters are both flawed and unique in their own ways and its something that has drawn me to these characters but also i did take me the course of the 3 books to finally like these two.

One thing that i love about Rick's books is that every riddle and question has an answer or multiple answers to it and it's always a game for me to try and find out what it is before its revealed but i'm yet to figure out a lot of things.

I really didn't see Walt and Anubis working together and its one of the major things that i didn't pick up at all and i'm really kicking myself. It was kind of bittersweet and sad at the same time with how things ended but also lucky for Walt who was able to stay alive and host Anubis at the same time so i'm happy for Sadie.

Everything was wrapped up really nicely in this last book and it went the way were i wanted things to go with everyone getting somewhat of a happy ending. Carter and Zia are finally starting the relationship that i was expecting to happen all the series same with Sadie and Walt being now able to start a relationship.

I would actually like to see a cross over with Percy and these two characters and i'm not sure if it exists but if it does i will definitely getting my hands on that one!
Profile Image for Ludodreamer.
302 reviews382 followers
April 20, 2021
Una degna conclusione per una saga spettacolare.
È così che si scrivono i volumi conclusivi, bravo zio Rick!
La trilogia di The Kane Chronicles è ufficialmente tra le mie preferite dell'autore, insieme a Percy Jackson e Magnus Chase.
Sì, l'ho detto.
Ho amato tutte le avventure che hanno vissuto i nostri personaggi per prepararsi allo scontro finale con Adophis. La trama è solida e ben strutturata, ma al tempo stesso vengono riprese storyline dei volumi precedenti e ogni arco narrativo trova una sua chiusura. Inoltre, abbiamo ulteriormente approfondito la mitologia egizia senza appesantire la narrazione. Ho apprezzato molto il concetto di "ombra", già presentato nel secondo, ma ulteriormente analizzato qui.
Poi i colpi di scena!
Ce ne sono stati un paio che proprio non mi aspettavo, ma che hanno senso per il percorso di quei personaggi. Infatti, sono proprio felice di come si sono concluse le storie di Sadie, Carter, Ziah e Walt.
La battaglia finale mi ha tenuta col fiato sospeso e l'autore è stato in grado di gestire i ruoli dei vari personaggi in maniera eccellente, ognuno di loro è stato fondamentale.
Ci sono tanti rimandi al resto della saga, cameo di personaggi già apparsi, e per me questi aspetti sono sempre importantissimi in un ultimo libro, perché ti trasmette la sensazione di essere alla fine.
Il meraviglioso rapporto tra Sadie e Carter rimane un pilastro portante dell'intera trilogia, e qui ne abbiamo la conferma.
È un finale giusto, in parte dolce amaro, ma che mi ha lasciata con un sorriso.
Un cerchio si chiude, però la Brooklyn House sarà sempre lì per noi.
Profile Image for Nels Paulson.
66 reviews4 followers
May 30, 2012
The one and only issue with the book is that we know from the very beginning that we win. It basically starts saying sorry, but at least we stopped doomsday. Even that, because of the tone of the books, really isn't that big of a deal. The series is fun and entertaining. It is chalked with brother sister relationship fun.

And best of all they hint at the End that there are other gods out there that they might encounter. As in the series, they already hinted that this is the same exact world Percy is a part of, (Book one had a comment about other Gods residing across the bridge in Manhattan, and Cater swearing he saw a flying horse near the Empire State building), it makes for what might happen in the future. One could only hope that the two (or is it now three with rome?) groups will unite for awesomeness to come. I have a feeling it will have to do with Aristotle, the first Greek Pharaoh. Somehow I hope that if they are in another series, that there unique perspective can remain. It is entertaining to have comments from the peanut gallery while the book moves on.

I should add because I didn't catch this but Sophie and the rest of the Kids at Brooklyn house go to a private school were the popular clique seems to be kids from the Aphrodite cabin and Sophie also tries to set up carter with another girl from camp half blood.
Profile Image for Saimi Vasquez.
1,621 reviews85 followers
July 2, 2023
Los Kane se enfrentan a la peor amenaza que puedan imaginar. La serpiente Apofis esta apoderandose cada vez mas del mundo. El dios Ra (a quien despertaron con la esperanza de que los ayudara) no esta en sus "cabales". Su amigo el dios Bes, se encuentra en la Casa de Dioses Jubilados, catatonico. Su amigo Walt esta a un paso de la muerte. Y ellos apenas tienen suficientes magos apoyandolos para mantener a raya a los magos rebeldes.
Pero una vez mas, deben hacer lo imposible, deben buscar la forma de derrotar a Apofis y mantenerse con vida. Quizas si no fueran solo unos chicos de 13 y 14 años sus vidas serian mas faciles?

Este libro es un buen final para la saga, es entretenido, lleno de accion y responde a todas las preguntas que quedaron pendientes en los libros anteriores. Tambien se ve que el autor estaba previendo un cross-over con Percy Jackson, y/o otros Magos de sus otras sagas, asi que sabemos que en otros libros volveremos a saber de ellos. En cuanto a lo que no me gusto, para ser unos niños de 13 y 14 años son demasiado "maduros", afrontan los problemas como jovenes de mas de 18 años. Y si, se que es una serie middle-grade, pero me parece que algunos de los temas que se tocan en este libro son mucho mas avanzados para el publico al que va dirigido.
En fin, es una buena saga, que nos trae nuevos dioses y un universo muy parecido a otras de sus sagas, pero aun con un toque diferente, y que no solo nos entretiene, sino que nos permite abrir la mente a otras mitologias que no son tan conocidas en los tiempos modernos.
Es totalmente recomendada como una lectura para el publico joven, quizas hasta aquellos que esten comenzando en el mundo de la lectura.
Profile Image for P .
691 reviews342 followers
June 26, 2015
อ่านจบทั้งสามเล่มแล้วในหัวเรามีแต่ภาพหุ่น Transformer พระเอกเข้าไปฟิวชั่นกับบัมเบิ้ลบีไรงี้ คือระหว่างเคนกับเพอร์ซีย์จะมีจุดที่ค่อนข้างต่างกันชัดเจนคือเคนจะให้เทพเจ้ามาสิ่งร่าง ถ้าไม่ใช่พลังจากเทพเจ้า จะให้อารมณ์การวาดรูนเหมือนตัวละครใน The Mortal Instruments เลย ส่วนเพอร์ซีย์จะได้รับพลังมาจากเทพเจ้า สิ่งที่เราแอบขัดใจเล็กๆคือความบังเอิญในเนื้อเรื่องที่ดูเหมือนว่าจะบังเอิญเกินไปหลายครั้งจนน่าหมั่นไส้ 555 แบบกำลังเข้าตาจน ความช่วยเหลือจะมาพอดี พยายามคิดอยู่เสมอว่านี่เป็นหนังสือ Middle Grade อ่านแล้วเหมือนดูการ์ตูร ที่อะไรก็เป็นไปได้ทั้งนั้น ขนาดออโรร่า(Sleeping Beauty)เจอเจ้าชาย 3 วิ ยังสามารถชวนกลับกระท่อมได้เลยเนอะ 555

The Serpent's Shadow สนุกในระดับหนึ่ง การดำเนินเรื่องให้โทนคล้ายๆกับเล่มที่ 2 ไม่ได้ตื่นเต้นเร้าใจเหมือนเล่มแรก ซึ่งนี่เป็นตอนจบแล้ว... เรื่องที่ชอบมากที่สุดในเล่มนี้ก็คงเป็นประเด็นระหว่างวอลต์และอะนูบิส ที่ให้อารมณ์คล้ายๆ(ย้ำว่าแค่คล้าย)กับเสียดายที่นิยายของริคไม่ได้เน้นโรมานซ์เลย อย่างมากก็เขียนคำว่า 'จูบ' แล้วก็ไปบรรยายอย่างอื่นแล้ว เราเลยรู้สึกว่าลำดับความสัมพันธ์ระหว่างตัวละครไม่ใช่สิ่งที่น่าโฟกัสสักเท่าไร

ที่น่าเสียดายคือเล่มจบไม่ได้ทำให้เราประทับใจมากมายอะไร ถือว่าอ่านเพลินๆฆ่าเวลาได้ แต่ไม่ได้อยู่ในลิสต์นิยายที่เราโปรดปรานแน่ๆ เนื้อเรื่องยังไม่แน่นพอ ตัวเอกเสียท่าไปกับกลอุบายงี่เง่าของผู้ร้ายบ่อยเกินไป กว่าจะรู้ทันก็ตอนมีดมาจ่ออยู่ที่คอหอยแล้ว อีกเรื่องนึงคือผู้แต่งพยายามจะทำให้หนังสือดูตลก แต่เราก็ไม่ค่อยจะขำ บางทีอ่านผ่านมุกตลกไปสองย่อหน้าเพิ่งจะรู้ตัวว่าตัวเองควรจะขำตั้งแต่ย่อหน้าที่แล้ว งั้นก็ขอหัวเราะย้อนหลังละกันได้มั้ย ฮ่าๆ โดยรวมทั้งสามเล่มดูเหมือนจะจืดไปหน่อย แต่ก็อ่านได้เรื่อยๆนะ...

[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>
Profile Image for Ardent Reader.
221 reviews261 followers
October 5, 2020
And the series is finished.
Glad to finish this trilogy.
Didn't enjoy as the percy jackson series.
Since I'm a big fan of Riordan's books, I'll recommend the series to read.
Profile Image for tappkalina.
675 reviews512 followers
December 19, 2020
The soul of this entire series was Sadie. I listened to the audiobook and the narrator was amazing, she gave her so much life.
And the Anubis + Walt thing was such a nice twist on love triangles!
Profile Image for ☠tsukino☠.
1,236 reviews158 followers
January 22, 2021

GDL con Edicola & Libreria: le nostre passioni...

Questa serie non è mai decollata, si è portata stancamente alla fine.
La colpa principalmente è dei personaggi: Carter dal buon potenziale è rimasto nella mediocrità, soverchiato dall’extra esposizione della sorella super potenziata.
Sadie si conferma un personaggio odioso dall’inizio alla fine. Credo sia tra i personaggi di cui ho letto con cui ho meno empatia in assoluto.
Troppi Dei, alla fine erano solo un’accozzaglia di nomi; si salvano solo Bast e Bes.
Tanti maghi poco sfruttati e lasciati in secondo piano.
Non parliamo poi della scontatissima soluzione Walt/Anubi.
Questa serie l'ho trovata molto più per "ragazzi" rispetto a quella di Percy.
La colpa di Riordan e di aver creato un personaggio difficilmente raggiungibile: Percy; al momento come Testa d’alghe nessuno (in compenso ne ha creato uno difficilmente raggiungibile in odiosità).
Speriamo in Magnus Chase ^^
Profile Image for Bogdan Teodorescu.
94 reviews86 followers
December 28, 2016
Soo, I'm really glad to say that this was the best book of the series:)). It really impressed me. I wasn't expecting at very much since the first two book weren't at that "Rick level". But this was veery good. And... like I said it before, Walt Stone is officially my favorite character:).

After all, the book was a good read and the plot was really nice. I never expectedto come back!! Never! But it was cool. It was pretty predictable that Walt was going to "become"but it's ok. Of course the "little love" stories and dramas that took part through the book were great.

I will never compare the Kane Chronicles with PJO because I can't. Those are FAR better. Anyway, that's what I think. Still 5 stars, just because of the Riordan magic:)))

Happy New Year everyone!
Profile Image for Charisse.
79 reviews41 followers
May 22, 2012
EDIT:01/13/13 Just saw how wrong some of my grammar were in this review and how I did not properly explained why I only gave this book 2 stars. So, I guess I shall rewrite it. Anyway, as of now, I shall warn you about this review I wrote. 1st: It is angsty. 2nd: there are a lot of wrong grammars. 3rd: I failed to explain my side logically. 4th: I think I misunderstood the ending (but that still didn't change my perspective to this whole trilogy). 5th: If you LOVE the ending of this book, I recommendNOTto continue reading any further. This review is full of rants towards that matter. So, until I rewrite this, you can't read this.BUTif you also dislike the ending, and reading quite a lot of wrong grammars is okay with you, then you may proceed. We might have the same perspective in this book.

My Review:

Profile Image for Booknut 101.
849 reviews1,001 followers
May 5, 2012
The third (and hopefully not final) instalment in the series, The Serpent's Shadow brings to light the upcoming apocalypse. Except, it isn't upcoming. It's here. The showdown we've all been waiting for - Apophis vs Ra, The Way of the Gods vs the House of Life, Good vs Evil and Protein Bars vs Macho Nachos. But, as usual, nothing goes to plan.

The Kanes face a dilemma. Apophis, using the power of Chaos, is slowly destroying the artefacts that could lead to his destruction. When the Book of Overcoming Apophis - their last hope - is snatched away before their eyes, Sadie and Carter have no choice but to follow Plan B. And if you know anything about Plan Bs, they are Plan Bs for a reason. Because they normally involve allying yourselves with evil magicians, talking to mentally unstable gods, debating over the 'hotness level' of guys, searching for lostsheut,hosting gods, fighting with gods, talking to your dead parents and trying to save the world from eternal Chaos and destruction.

So obviously, they go with Plan B.

But Ma'at isn't always on their side. The Kane siblings are forced to make heart-tearing decisions that could hold the lives of others in the balance, as well as having to work both together and apart. Can they resist the lure of Isis and Horus - and should they?

Carter struggles with the weight of his new duties and expectations as well as his undeniable attraction to Zia Rashid, a girl whose role in the upcoming war is paramount and shrouded in mystery. As for Sadie...guy troubles aren't the only thing worrying our feisty heroine! Sure, Walt's days are numbered and the drop-dead gorgeous God of the Dead Anubis is as mind-boggling as ever (he still speaks in riddles), but a girl has bigger things to worry about. (I was very pleased with the amount of Anubis-ness in this book - yes, yes, I am getting as bad as Sadie but cut me some slack...the guy is cute as!:D)

My favourite quotes:

- "(Carter) I resisted the urge to spike the pigeon." Yes. But Sadie found this shadow box. She thinks it's some sort of clue. You wouldn't know anything about using shadows against Apophis, would you? "
The pigeon (Horus) turned its head sideways. "Not really. My understanding of magic is fairly straightforward. Hit enemies with a sword until they're dead. If they rise again, hit them again. Repeat if necessary."

- "Each time he (Ammit the Devourer) crashed, he shook his lion's mane and crocodile snout and yipped happily. Carter is scolding me, as always. He says Ammit is female. I'll admit I can't prove it either way, but I've always thought of Ammit as a boy monster. He's much too hyper to be otherwise and the way he marks his territory...but never mind.
"There's my baby!" I cried, quite carried away. "There's my Poochiekins!"
"My lord Osiris!" Disturber lost the bottom of his scroll again. "This is an outrage!"
"Sadie," Dad said firmly, "please do not refer to the Devourer of Souls as Poochiekins."
"Sorry," I muttered and let Ammit down.

- "Sadie it's all right," Anubis said. "Your friends are only unconscious. Shu just lowered the air pressure."
"Shoe?" I demanded. "Show who?"
Anubis pressed his fingers to his temples. "Sadie...this is Shu, my great-grandfather."
"Ah. The god of...flip-flops. No, wait. Leaky balloons. No___"
"Air!" Shu hissed. "God of the air!"

- "In the Duat, Anubis look as he always had, with tousled dark hair and lovely brown eyes, but I (Sadie) had never seen him filled with such rage. I realised that anyone who dared to hurt me would suffer his full wrath."

Brilliant book and I give three cheers for Rick Riordan - the guy who brought us the world of demigods, gods, more gods and pharaoh descendants!:D
Profile Image for Vampress Bathory.
467 reviews90 followers
March 6, 2017
I loved it, obviously, but of course there isn't a book written by Rick Riordan that I don end up loving so there's that.
I like mythology in general, but there is something about Ancient Egypt that makes my nerdy heart go boom boom boom chica boom so I feel like The Kane Chronicles was written epecially for me. Ha! I wish! I loved all the characters be them good or evil. Yes, I admit that I find Set really funny:)). Besides Carter and Sadie I also adored Zia, Ra, Bast and Bes and omg be still my fangirl heart I fell in love with Anubis, I know, I know. Kinda reminds me of Nico di Angelo. Speaking of the Anubis business, the whole Walt thing didn't sit so well with me at first, just because in the second book Sadies' attraction for Walt felt too sudden for me so I didn't felt their attraction at all. But I understand the need for Walt as a character and I accepted him just because Anubis and Sadie couldn't happen without him. Oh? I got your attention with this non? Well I guess you have to read it in order to see what happens. Of course this whole Anubis/Sadie/Walt thingie is just a small part of what this series is about so don't freak ok? I just wanted to talk about it because that was the only thing that I could get snippy about, the rest was just epic as usual.
Yep! I recommend it!!!
Profile Image for Brigid ✩.
581 reviews1,844 followers
Want to read
January 12, 2012
OH BOY. The third Kane Chronicles book! (And the last one too, I think... AAAAH.) Pretty cover. It has a giant phallus in the background. I mean, the Washington Monument.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,626 reviews214 followers
August 28, 2021
The Serpent's Shadowis the third, and final, installment ofThe Kane Chronicles.It was an interesting and fast paced series to randomly dive into. Yes, I mean randomly because I totally forgot that I added these books to my TBR but one day I just came across the first book and decided it was time to dive into it.

From there, meeting Carter and Sadie was a tornado on fire kind of experience. The adventures they went on sort of kept me on my toes but left me endless unanswered questions. Each book was, again, fast paced in my eyes and didn't shy away from the drama or the action. It also felt like this was great for family bonding since Carter and Sadie basically lived different lives from one another.

The relationships struggles definitely made me laugh because of how awkward they were. Sadie with boys was probably way more awkward than Carter with girls but it all just made me laugh because it just felt realistic to me.

In the end, I'm (sort of) glad that I got to dive into these. I'll definitely have to check out the next series by Rick Riordan - which I think is Magnus Chase? Or Trials of Apollo? Honestly.. I don't even think I finished The Heroes of Olympus.. oops?
Profile Image for Savi3.
2 reviews16 followers
May 9, 2012
Um well frigging amazing!! Any fans of rick? Well have you read the lost hero and remember the awesome aphrodite kids that helped piper and then there was drew well... Just like the first line on the back of the book THEY ARE BACK!!!! And apperently Sadie is all buddy buddy with Lucy and hates drew... Just one more reason I wish Sadie Kane was real so I could hug her! And OMG!!!! Zia and Carter!!! Now we need a awesome name like percabeth(Percy Annabeth) or Jipper( Jason piper) or even Peo(piper Leo) should we call them Cia or Zarter? I honestly don't know!
Profile Image for A_ bookbound _soul.
187 reviews41 followers
April 2, 2019
Nerve wreaking and full of adrenaline rush. This one is my favourite from the Kane Chronicles Series. Love triangles are one of my pet peeves but I liked it in this one. At some point the book became quite predictable though. Walt hosting Anubis, I saw that one coming already. There was no character development in the series. It is a good treat for Rick Riordan fans.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 6,893 reviews

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