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The Laptop Millionaire

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The Laptop Millionaire provides 32 easy to follow step-by-step strategies proven to make real money online. You’ll learn how you can replace your income in 90 days or less, and forget about having a job – instead, create your own economy!

The Laptop Millionaire reveals the exact strategies author Mark Anastasi used to make millions of dollars online and includes the success stories of over 100 of Mark’s students from around the world.

Whether you need an extra hundred dollars a week or you want to start an Internet empire, this book gives you the tools and advice you need. His no-fluff, no-filler strategies provide a blueprint to online success allowing you to discover the laptop entrepreneur lifestyle for yourself.

You’ll discover:

• How financial independence starts at just 400 clicks per day

• How millions of people worldwide are making a full-time living from home, thanks to the Internet

• How your laptop can give you the freedom and ability to live anywhere you want in the world

• How 7 simple “Millionaire Secrets” can transform your life

• How you can make $700 to $3,000 a week thanks to Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube

• How to turn $400 into a $10,000 a month business thanks to ‘ebooks’!

• How to make $6,000 to $20,000 in 90 minutes thanks to ‘Joint Venture Webinars’!

If you read and apply the principles from The Laptop Millionaire you will be well on your way to living your dream lifestyle and mastering your financial destiny.

237 pages, Hardcover

First published April 24, 2012

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About the author

Mark Anastasi



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews
Profile Image for Richard.
Author5 books28 followers
February 18, 2015
A friend kindly sent me a copy of The Laptop Millionaire, and while I was sceptical of the content based on the sub-title of "Anyone can escape the 9 to 5 and make money online", the book contained chapters on interesting topics such as how to make money from affiliate programmes, social media, webinars, members websites, online marketing and much more.

The author Mark Anastasi, shares his own story of rags to riches while mentored by a mysterious "Laptop Millionaire" -- a man he meets who seemingly makes millions with ease and lives a comfortable life living in exotic locations. The life most of us dream of.

Is the Laptop Millionaire a real person? Is the book a parable, which we are meant to learn from but not take literally? It's here I became confused (and dare I say, suspicious) as the book moves between conversations with the author and the "is he real/is he a character" Laptop Millionaire, as well as sharing real-life testimonials from normal people who have gone on to make hundreds, thousands and millions of dollars from the techniques shared within the book. It all comes across as rather sales-ey and a bit hard to believe I'm afraid.

The techniques the author shares are, on the whole, very sound and if implemented consistently may lead to great results. The cynic in me certainly thinks that they aren't quite as easy to implement as the author suggests though -- although without trying them myself, I can't say one way or another.

I was deeply uncomfortable with some of the other techniques shared in the book, such as "buying followers" for Twitter and Facebook. Some of the other techniques bordered on spam, and while it's not difficult to attract hundreds or tens of thousands of followers by using these methods, I find it hard to believe the followers you've "bought" would be valuable or turn into paying customers.

Yet the book does contain some nuggests and certainly gives pause for thought. The chapter on outsourcing is one of the most useful.

Overall though the book does feel like a more simplistic and slightly lower-rent version of "The Four Hour Work Week" by Tim Ferris.

Could I recommend this book? Probably not. Despite the useful techniques and ideas it contains, there's a lack of credibility that I can't quite put my finger on that I find uncomfortable.
Profile Image for February Four.
1,428 reviews32 followers
July 25, 2013
Some of the talk left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth (very used-car-salesman), but I understand the "create value for others" exhortation and think that the core of the message is to use every tool at your disposal. I won't be doing what this book says (I'm afraid I just can't get my skin to thicken up at the moment), but at the same time, this was an eye-opener, if nothing else.

An unexpected takeaway I got from this book: it explains why I am currently getting so many webinar sign-up e-mails that I am getting truly sick and tired of them. I may have been interested in the topics in the beginning (I'm a tax accountant and I'm on some mailing lists), but too many of these webinars have been of the shallow, scratch-the-surface type, and the delivery seemed much more along the lines of trying to generate as much content as possible than to convey actual useful knowledge/know-how. The constant sell-sell-sell pressure I am getting is enough to make me look for an unsubscribe button for every mailing list that sends me a webinar that either doesn't seem connected to my interests, or worse, is a complete waste of 30 minutes to an hour of my time that I could have used for actual productivity and not rehashed information I can get from a Google search. Only two of the webinars I've been invited to were even remotely any good; the rest of them were disappointingly unhelpful, and in one case the webinar was only barely connected to the promised topic.

Perhaps the real takeaway here is this: all the techniques in the world cannot disguise the fact that long-term successful internet marketing requires an actual product to deliver, and that ultimately, value is in the eye of the beholder.
94 reviews
September 9, 2018

This book is one of those books that contains basic information that you can find for free online by doing some research. That wouldn’t be funny, if one of the idea to make money in this book suggest just that, that you go online and collect free information, get them into book and sell to people. This is just one of those MLM schemes books, author make money by promoting money making opportunities. Going from zero to fortune by selling (mostly) junk products.

There are so many things that are misleading in this book, especially the case studies presented and unsustainable business models. The majority of sites presented in this book are no longer available. Because their business models was to take advantage of people for their money. I checked the ones that are still available, and some of them are very slow and ugly designed sites; I can’t image that you make so much money but can’t afford decent hosting and design on site.

Idea presented about E-books creating by scraping free sources and selling that book at high price is straight up scam. It’s unethical way of doing business, and that’s why real experts have hard time selling books that are written with very informative content in them.

Also, creating thousands of sites with crappy content just to spam Google and get portion of traffic sound ridiculous from my point of view. And Google has cracked many of these sites and put them out of business – thank you Google! There are many other things in this book that are pure nonsense, just the way to lure you into thinking that it’s easy to create serious business online.

So many people these days just wan’t to take that MLM way and promote money making opportunities, from which they profit. Presenting themselves as some kind of experts on business. This niche is gone so far, that people now rent cars, planes, villas to present themselves like gurus and selling them courses on how to become successful – but everyone of them just take free information available online, other information from cheap books that are available, and create courses that they sell for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

If you are looking to build a serious online business, business that you would like to keep long-term; than this book is not for you, you can skip this one.
Profile Image for Benoit Lelièvre.
Author6 books166 followers
August 2, 2015
This is a good book. I was not the exact right target for it, but there's a lot to learn from THE LAPTOP MILLIONAIRE. I loved what he said about starting an online business without any money, the eBook business, email marketing and webinars. I've learned a lot on these subjects. But since I'm a social media professional myself, I thought Mark Anastasi's advice on how to monetize Facebook and Twitter were a little narrow-minded and not adapted to the reality of existing brands. Matter of fact, you can actually hurt your brand if you apply his social media advice.

Part of the book also discusses the business of web marketing, which I am in right now, so I didn't learn all that much from chapter 4 to 11 (you know, the bulk of the book). Mark Anastasi has some clever ideas about kickstarting a business and a life for yourself, but part of his advice is geared towards immediate monetary gain and doesn't take into account branding and reputation. As usual, with this sort of advice book, you take what's worthwile for you and leave out the rest, so in that regards, THE LAPTOP MILLIONAIRE achieved its purpose.
Profile Image for PG "I ain't finna read that".
87 reviews12 followers
January 3, 2021
It's a half outdated playbook. The tactics labeled have worked and may still work if you update the technologies and social landscape, IE e-mail marketing is much more difficult these days and the new coveted marketing space is in text messages & there are no dedicated chapters for Pinterest or IG although the tactics in other chapters can still be implemented there (probably to astounding effect considering how most users are looking for things to buy). It's not as over hyped as it could be though the figures he alleges his students are making are really high. Regardless the mindset he's trying to install with this book is really wonderful. The tactics are worth looking at and adapting for your own projects.

If I make money off of it you'll see 5 stats over the review.
Profile Image for John Jeffcoat iii.
23 reviews2 followers
September 24, 2012
If you only read one book on Email Marketing / Social Media Marketing / Income Diversification via online marketing... this is the one. Every page is filled with fabulous ideas and insightful advice on building an online cash flow built around either your webiste, or your blog, or just affiliate marketing of informational or physical materials to a targeted Opt-In market in a way that does not involve "spam" at all. This book will give you many great ideas on ways to further your online business and income opportunities. I highly recommend it. It does have a couple chapter that drift into setting up online "webinar" seminars and other things that most online business owners simply cannot practically do, unless they are in very specific types of businesses, and probably with at least a small support staff. Nevertheless, if you just skip through those couple of less-practical "way out there idea" chapters, the bulk of the rest of this book is filled very applicable and brilliant ideas you can easily do by yourself, which will be of great help to you in developing your online marketing for your existing online business (such as mine at:www.GREATSITE.com)... or even starting from scratch and building an online business.
Profile Image for Mike Sambuco.
69 reviews9 followers
December 4, 2018
Mark teaches about many different valuable ideas and examples (case studies) on how to make money through using the power of the internet. I learned of a number of ways that I had not known about, so I was happy with my investment in this book. He identified some needed free tools that will easily offset the cost. He also fleshed out some methods that I am aware of, like PPC ads, so now I know more about them, which was interesting. I still have a bunch of work to do to fully digest and get it all, but he has really helped to get some more wheels turning for the future. His info has already helped to encourage and solidify some direction for my plans and put some numbers to some concepts that will greatly help to measure future success. Rewards go to action-takers!
Profile Image for Steve Holloway.
7 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2015
A worthwhile read that gave me a number of ideas on how to market and sell online. I'll certainly be using some of the strategies from this book in the future.

However, there were two big negatives for me. Hardly a page goes by without ClickBank being mentioned. It might be a fantastic resource for affiliate marketers, but the book really oversold it.

Secondly, the book goes against my personal philosophy of creating value. Perhaps it's the reason that I'm not rich (yet), but this book is about making cash - end of - by selling anything to anyone who will buy it. That doesn't sit well with me.

That said, this book obviously contains a lot of practical advice on how you can make money online, so it's definitely worth reading.
Profile Image for Bookworm.
1,084 reviews
January 22, 2020
“How to Scam People Online” would be a more accurate title.
Suggests “trademarking” other writer’s work so you get all the credit and money - stealing what they made.
Disgusting! How dare they! Evil thieves!
Profile Image for Louise.
Author4 books81 followers
August 2, 2023
Skim-read this, as it is American, so not very relevant, and I also felt it was 'too good to be true'.
33 reviews1 follower
August 5, 2019
To be completely honest, I skipped around a lot in this book. Parts of it are an 'exact' copy of the articles you can see online (for free, by the way), but parts of it seem to be created by the author. My first concern relates to the identity of the Laptop Millionaire. Why not tell the readers who this man is so that we can research him? Every student has their name listed, but not the mentor that started the entire revolution for Mark Anastasi? I find that to be suspicious. Is this a real person? If not, what else is just metaphorical? When something as important as the identity of the millionaire isn't revealed, the credibility of the author seems to downsize as well. Secondly, how ethical is it to BUY followers on Twitter? Or, for that matter, on any social media site? It does nothing but deceive your audience into thinking that you are someone who is able to provide advice, and make money out of that trust. There are better ways to do this! Buying followers is like buying fake reviews for a product. In the eyes of the public, and in the eyes of an honest entrepreneur, such dishonesty is a business sin. And yet the author promotes this practice nonetheless? It's a bit shameful. And lots of other ways to make money never get mentions in the book! And those that do get mentioned, seem to be repeated multiple times at least! The only few things I got out of this read is that you should try to make an ebook, do affiliate marketing, and outsource from the Philippines, or other countries. He doesn't explain the ebook making well (similar to the way he describes the process of making an webinar), his views on affiliate marketing are widely available for free online, but his tips on outsourcing are actually worth reading.
44 reviews
April 8, 2021

Go from ZERO to $10,000 a month in 28 days and discover financial freedom online!

Every day thousands of people are losing their jobs, their income, and their security--perhaps you are one of them. However, with the right strategies, you can easily achieve financial independence.The Laptop Millionaireprovides easy to follow step-by-step strategies you can use to make real money online. Author Mark Anastasi reveals the exact strategies he used to make millions and includes the success stories of other millionaire Internet entrepreneurs. Whether you need an extra hundred dollars a day or want to start an Internet Empire, this book gives you the tools and advice you need.

His no-fluff, no-filler strategies provide a blueprint to online success allowing you to discover the laptop lifestyle for yourself.

How anyone can make $700-3,000 a week thanks to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and other Social Media sites The simple steps to creating an online business--featuring the 3 steps that led Mark to his first $10,000 a month business! How the 21 Millionaire Secrets can transform your life If you read and apply what Anastasi has laid out in his book, you will be well on your way to becoming a millionaire.

Profile Image for Bojan.
9 reviews
June 25, 2023
* A lot of it sounds too good to be true.
* A lot of it sounds too easy (John earned $5000 in one month, James earned $12000 on his first seminar, Sarah farted and $7500 came out...). Who knows, maybe it's me, maybe I'm too cynical, but I have trouble buying it.
* It has that Top Shop show vibe, feels too much like someone trying to sell you crap through repetition.
* A lot of the links in this book can't be opened because the websites don't exist. Some of those that do open lead to ugly sites filled with grammatical errors. It's difficult to believe that they generate such revenue.
* Some of it sounds unbelievable, like, he ran 6000 blogs or 450 sites simultaneously and things like that yet has all the time and freedom in the world. Even checking up on outsourced Phillipino workers for that amount of sites would entail significant amount of work and not just couple of hours a day followed by lying on a beach somewhere as it is portrayed here.

I did learn some new things so it wasn't a complete waste of my time. I was actually indecisive between one and two stars but then I remembered this part: "Experts are a dime a dozen. What there is a lack of...is good marketers!" and I was indecisive no more.

Profile Image for Mason Reynolds.
16 reviews
January 16, 2023
Overall the book provided much insight into online business. He taught the process of starting and running a variety of online business very well. I found this to be very inspirational. The one critique I do have is how much the author self promoted his seminars and courses throughout the book. It wouldn’t have been frustrating if he offered his promotions only a few times, but it seemed as if every other page had to be announced that you can go to his website and pay for a seminar. I still would recommend this book to those who need ideas but be aware of how repetitive his self promotions will be.
Profile Image for Hoan.
197 reviews1 follower
February 10, 2019
This was very informative with great wealth of information for anyone to get started. The tips were realistic and helpful. Great resources listed and educational. The success stories were a bit much as most of them were probably the exception. I wish this spoke more about the timing to get ramped up and effort that something would require. Also would feel more genuine o it listed the failures and reasons for things not working out. Overall, it was inspiring and I’ll definitely use this as a reference guide for starting my own side hustle.
60 reviews1 follower
February 15, 2024
Buying aused laptopcan be a smart choice for those looking to save money without compromising on functionality. However, it's crucial to thoroughly inspect the device, checking for any signs of wear and tear, ensuring all components are in working order, and verifying its specifications meet your needs. Additionally, purchasing from a reputable seller or certified refurbished program can provide added peace of mind. With careful consideration, a used laptop can offer great value and performance.
August 16, 2023
This is a good book for new entrepreneurs to boost their motivation for the future. I heard about it onhttps://laptopnight.com/and read some good reviews here. Would recommend it to some friends and buying for myself too.
Profile Image for Cherie.
491 reviews4 followers
September 3, 2023
This book contains some useful information, but be warned that a lot of the references/methods are outdated. Overall, the sentiment of the book is the main takeaway: there are other viable (and often more lucrative) career paths besides the traditional 9-5.
Profile Image for Jesse.
69 reviews1 follower
May 9, 2017
Some good ideas about business and internet marketing, a lot of fluff or useless (to me) material, and one or two ethically questionable suggestions. I'll take what seems interesting and move on.
Profile Image for June Thalin.
2 reviews
February 7, 2023
An alright book for the time. However, 2012 is quite a long time ago considering social-media and internet. For people who know nothing about working online, this is alright.
Profile Image for W. Whalin.
Author44 books403 followers
January 2, 2014
If you've spent much time online, I'm certain you've seen this type of material. Mark Anastasi has written the skeleton of how to make money online and gives some of the details--but often not enough detail for a reader with no background to successfully imitate his results.

This book is loaded with his personal websites to additional webinars and recorded events. I watched a number of them and they gave good information to get people started yet often you have to purchase some additional coaching or additional program to get the full picture.

The book is loaded with "case studies" which recount success stories. Unfortunately these case studies also lack the application detail for the reader to model it in their own life.

The writing is lackluster and another reason I ranked it with three stars. Buried in the pages are some nuggets of information and insight. It's just a bit too light weight to merit the hardcover $22.95 price tag. I'd recommend caution for THE LAPTOP MILLIONAIRE. In general, it over promises and under delivers--which is not a recipe for success.
Profile Image for Russ.
558 reviews15 followers
July 25, 2016
The title is misleading but who would really read, "make more money through the internet." This is a resource heavy book that reads more like a reference book than a get rich quick scheme. The author gives several types of examples of how to either start new businesses or improve your own business through internet marketing. It may be a little dated as internet marketing moves at a lightening pace but what if just one of his suggestions made your business more profitable? Could it mean getting out of debt, saving for retirement, paying off the mortgage, etc?

I'm going to try some of his suggestions to help grow my businesses.
Profile Image for Anthony Cheng.
138 reviews
March 19, 2013
The Laptop Millionaire could have been a 2 or a 4 out of 5, so I settled on a 3. The information, though dated in places, was generally helpful but the scammy vibe (there are a lot of exclamation points... a lot) kept this from being a next-level book like 4-Hour Workweek. The anonymous-millionaire-who-gives-advice angle was also done to death in the Rich Dad, Poor Dad series. Don't need another.
Profile Image for Chris Henthorn.
13 reviews4 followers
May 2, 2013
There are a lot of good ideas in the Laptop Millionaire. I agree some of these ideas seem old and dated, especially marketing clickbank products… The book itself points the reader in few different directions as far as where to get information on-line. I have found some of the on-line resources to be useful. After you sit back and process the information found within this book you might walk away with a few useful nuggets of wisdom.
440 reviews
December 23, 2013
I enjoyed reading this, even if it sometimes felt like a sales pitch and even though the pros and cons of each idea weren't evenly presented. Some of them seem spammy, some unrealistic, and others are just made to seem easier than they actually are.

I will be looking into many of the ideas the author presents, and since I read it free from the library I'm sure I'll be getting my investment back at the very least:)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 63 reviews

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