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Bob The Cat#1

A Street Cat Named Bob: And How He Saved My Life

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When James Bowen found an injured, ginger street cat curled up in the hallway of his sheltered accommodation, he had no idea just how much his life was about to change. James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London and the last thing he needed was a pet.

Yet James couldn't resist helping the strikingly intelligent tom cat, whom he quickly christened Bob. He slowly nursed Bob back to health and then sent the cat on his way, imagining he would never see him again. But Bob had other ideas.

Soon the two were inseparable and their diverse, comic and occasionally dangerous adventures would transform both their lives, slowly healing the scars of each other's troubled pasts.

A Street Cat Named Bob is a moving and uplifting story that will touch the heart of anyone who reads it

279 pages, Hardcover

First published March 1, 2012

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About the author

James Bowen

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

James Bowen is an author and musician currently based in London. He is author of A Street Cat Named Bob, which tells his life story.

James Bowen was born in Surrey in 1979. Following his parents’ divorce, he moved to Australia with his mother and stepfather. Home life was tense and, because the family moved frequently, James was unsettled at school. He was frequently bullied, and began sniffing glue while still in education, becoming a self-confessed “tearaway kid” who would later be diagnosed with ADHD, schizophrenia and manic depression. In 1997 he returned to the UK and lived with his half-sister, but this arrangement did not last; in time, he became homeless and began sleeping on the streets. From this point, James spent almost 10 years either sleeping rough or staying briefly in charity-run shelters; it was during this time that he began to use heroin in an attempt to escape the realities of homelessness.

In Spring 2007, James was enrolled on a methadone programme, busking in Covent Garden, and living in sheltered accommodation in Tottenham. One evening he returned home to find a ginger cat in the hallway of his building; assuming it belonged to another resident, he simply returned to his flat. When the cat was still there the following day, and the day after that, James became concerned and discovered the cat was wearing no collar or ID tag, and had an infected wound on his leg. James checked with other residents to see if the stray belonged to any of them, and when none of them claimed ownership of the animal James decided to help the cat himself.

He took the cat to a nearby veterinary surgery run by an animal charity, which provided antibiotics to treat the infected wound. In order to make sure he received the full two-week course of medication, James decided to take him in for a time while he continued to look for the stray’s owner. When he couldn’t find any information, he released the cat back on to the street, hoping he’d find his own way home. Instead, he began to follow James around, even following him onto the bus when he left to go busking. Concerned that the cat had nowhere else to go, James took him in on a permanent basis, naming him Bob after a character from the television drama Twin Peaks.[3]

Since Bob seemed keen to accompany James to work, he constructed a harness from shoelaces and began to bring him along to his regular spots in Covent Garden and Piccadilly, travelling in the window seat of the number 73 bus. The public reaction was positive and the pair became popular, their visibility increasing still further when James began selling the Big Issue. Soon the public began uploading videos of James and Bob to YouTube, and tourists from across the world would visit Covent Garden to see them. During this time, James decided to withdraw the methadone treatment; he credits his success to Bob, saying “I believe it came down to this little man. He came and asked me for help, and he needed me more than I needed to abuse my own body. He is what I wake up for every day now... he’s definitely given me the right direction to live my life.”

In time, James and Bob’s public appearances attracted the attention of Mary Pachnos, the literary agent responsible for the UK rights to John Grogan’s Marley and Me, who secured the pair a book deal with the publishers Hodder & Stoughton after she heard their story. The book was co-written by Garry Jenkins, and since its publication has sold over 250,000 copies, been translated into 22 languages and spent over 45 weeks at the top of the Sunday Times’ bestseller list in both its hardback and paperback format.

As of November 2012, two further books were at the planning stage - a follow-up to A Street Cat Named Bob, and a version of the book for children.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 5,837 reviews
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author23 books272 followers
April 24, 2012
Please don't think me churlish, but I will kick off by saying that this book is not terribly well crafted - it's repetitive and poorly copy edited. So, if you're snobby about writing, I suggest you give it a miss. That said, it'll be your loss, as it is a heartwarming book with an important message, for reasons other than its prose.

Bowen describes how he was `invisible' when he was homeless, and the difference it made when he found Bob and took him busking with him. Suddenly people - the public - saw James, interacted with him, respected him. Having Bob humanised the man who was with him, and helped James turn his life around.

It echoes why this book matters: were it entitled `A Man Named James' I strongly suspect it would be invisible too. I doubt it would be published, let alone topping the bestseller charts, with James on TV sharing his experience. As a cat lover, it was Bob that made me gravitate to the story, and I'm sure I'm not alone (he is a particularly fine feline for all sorts of reasons) but there's so much more to this than fluff: through telling us about Bob, James is also able to share what it's like living on the streets, to busk, to sell the Big Issue and to come off drugs - all things most of us would otherwise shy away from reading about.

James Bowen isn't a writer, and he acknowledges at the end that he had some help in putting his story together anyway. But whilst A Streetcat Named Bob might not be great literature, it increases our understanding of people who often don't have a voice, and for that deserves its plaudits.
Profile Image for Tracy.
6 reviews27 followers
May 15, 2012
Looking through the reviews for this book there is a lot of hype against the writing so I won't bother writing anything about it, you'll see for yourself!
I loved this book for so many reasons!
Living in Britain (Probably anywhere, in fact) There is a lot of irritation and even anger towards homeless people, it's very close-minded and I think ANYONE could benefit from reading this book. You see it from a whole new perspective and I do believe Bob makes that easier. Humans seem to find it easier to feel compassion towards animals and not our own which is why this book will catch ANY animal lovers heart. You can feel James has a connection with Bob, he makes it so evident.
It's a wonderfully tale of a mans journey through, most likely, the hardest experience anyone could ever endure. Addiction isn't easy.
I've been enlightened and my heart has softened considerably to 'Big issue' sellers and to those I once thought slightly lowly of before. A street cat named Bob has the ability, if you let it, to start seeing the stereotypes differently.
To sum this crappy review up
Cat lovers and happy-ending lovers READ THIS! Anyone who is a close-minded, 'The sun' reader you MUST read this.
Bob is a baaaaabe!
Profile Image for Sean Barrs .
1,122 reviews46.9k followers
June 17, 2020
The right friend, at the right time, really can change your life. - RIP Bob.

“There's a famous quote I read somewhere. It says we are all given second chances every day of our lives. They are there for the taking, it's just that we don't usually take them.”


And friends aren’t limited to other humans. Anyone who has had a beloved pet will know exactly what I mean. The thing about other people is that they can eventually turn on you and then vanish out of your life. Ghosting, the millennials call it. Non-human friends, on the other hand, remain loyal unto death. And here Bob becomes his human’s second chance: he changes his life.

Technically and structurally speaking, this novel isn’t anything special. It’s not particularly well crafted or well written. It’s okay. It’s basic. But I’m completely willing to overlook these elements because of the power of the story. It’s a story that needed to be told because it is an important one and it’s very touching. The author is not a writer by trade, and he knows his weaknesses: he just needed a way to get his story out there.

And I am very glad he did. It’s a book about second chances. It’s a book about how people can completely turn their lives around given the opportunity. It’s a book that teaches us not to judge the washed-up junkies that are so desperately looking for a small glimmer of hope to grasp hold of.

It’s a book about a cat and his human. And it's beautiful. I give it the most sincere and highest of recommendations.

Given our current situation, this is a story that will certainly put a smile on your face.

Profile Image for Peter.
3,460 reviews656 followers
July 7, 2017
Me and Sir Pelzi (a British Shorthair gentle cat) absolutely loved this book. The way Bob entered the life of James is fantastic and especially the episode with the Rottweiler made us both laugh. Cats are the finest fellows and friends. A clear recommendation to everyone!
Profile Image for Corey Dutson.
171 reviews19 followers
July 19, 2012
I actually met James and Bob a couple years ago around Covent Garden. Both of them are wonderfully brilliant characters in their own right. Back then, I recall him telling me and Theresa about a book that he was putting out, but I didn't really give it much thought.

Fast-forward to a month ago, and what do I find in a bookstore but a stack of this book! I'm so happy he actually managed to get it out there for everyone to read.

This is an warming, enjoyable book that is both heart-felt as well as educational. Those of us that haven't had to live on the streets don't really get a handle on just how hard a life that is. This book not only details one mans struggle to get off his feet and out of the rough life, but also about the ginger cat that gave him that push.

It's not a difficult read, but I would highly recommend it to everyone. Brought a lot of smiles to my face during its reading.
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,465 reviews184 followers
June 19, 2020
This book is everything. Meet James, a heroin addict who then meets Bob, both are homeless and the most wonderful friendship grows. I never got to see James and Bob in London but they were quite the duo selling The Big Issue. I've since watched the film which is equally as good. As true stories go, this one is the cats whiskers!

2020 update - this book has sprung back into my mind having heard about the death of Bob. RIP Bob, you literally are the most famous cat in the world! Sleep well little one.
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,214 reviews233 followers
July 11, 2016
James Bowden was a homeless man living on the streets of London struggling with a drug addiction. During the day he would do busking to make a bit of money to support himself. Having spent time in hostels for the homeless, he was finally given his own flat.

On returning back home one day James finds a ginger Tom cat outside his flat. It is from this day on that the pair forms a special attachment to one another. James decides to name the cat Bob, and on most days when James started out busking Bob would join him. Bob would sit in the guitar case and watch as the people threw their money in the case.

The friendship that James and Bob form was heartwarming to say the least. This was an emotional, touching, uplifting, but most of all very inspiring tale. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Leo ..
Author9 books408 followers
November 13, 2020
Well I think that James and Bob are kindred spirits. I also think that they saved each others lives. I have an affinity with cats; well all life actually especially animals; I have had cats all my life. Archimedes is at home now waiting for me to come home. I watched the film about Bob and James and although it was a good film as always the book is better. What a lovely story. The stars were lined up for James when the book publisher approached him that fateful day. The rest is history. Well done James and Bob too, well done.🐯👍
Profile Image for Dem.
1,228 reviews1,334 followers
February 4, 2013
This is a wonderful feel goodtruestory about a street Cat named Bob and his owner a recovering heroin addict and the streets of London.

I don’t read books about animals but this sure pulled at my heart strings and made me realise everybody should experience the love of a pet at least once in their lives.

This is a story of love and devotion and how sometimes we are sent little signs of help and encouragement we just have to learn how to recognise them and I am sure that James was so happy that he paid attention to the cat hanging outside his apartment as his life was never the same again.

This is a wonderful feel good read, it’s an inspiring story and its very simply told and yet you must keep reminding yourself "this really happened" and it’s a story about a man and his beloved cat. This book made me realise you canpass a man in the street without giving him a second glance but try passing a cute ginger cat with a man in the street and you will have eyes only for the cat

If you are a cat/pet lover you will enjoy this book and it will put a smile on your face and if it doesn’t appeal to you check out youtube for "A street Cat named Bob" and fall in love with a cute kitty.
Profile Image for Andrei Bădică.
392 reviews5 followers
June 26, 2017
"Adevărul este că eram încă nehotărât ce să fac cu Bob. În ciuda sentimentului pe care îl aveam, că pisica asta și cu mine eram cumva sortiți să fim împreună, eram aproape convins cumva că în cele din urmă tot o să plece, croindu-și propriul drum în viață."
"Bănuiesc că avusesem noroc cu Bob până în momentul acela. De când îl luasem în grija mea, fusese perfect sănătos, sută la sută în formă. Avusese purici la început, dar asta era de așteptat la o pisică stradală. De când îi făcusem tratament și îi dădusem preventiv pastile împotriva paraziților, nu mai suferise de pe urma nici unor probleme de sănătate."
Profile Image for Beth.
383 reviews10 followers
August 28, 2013
One of the good things about this book is that the cat doesn't die. All the best stories about beloved animals end w/ the inevitable, and, while I know all sweet pets die, I'd just rather they didn't do it in their own book. Another really good thing is that Bob is a real cat. I know that because I liked his Facebook page, which is totally current, and watched some videos of him on YouTube, and even saw him and James on the Today Show. Yes, I know, if some people believe the moon landing was faked, one could believe this was all photo-shopped or whatever, but I'm a believer...in moon landings AND Bob. At first, I DID think maybe this was just another A Million Little Pieces -- about a dysfunctional, depressed, drug dependent soul, who also told a good story but played pretty loose w/ the facts, and oh, by the way, had a cat...a very remarkable cat, but still. But no, it really happened and because it happened, two very sad lives got much better. Good things still seem to be happening to James and Bob, and that's another of the best things about the book. It's not soaring prose or deeply philosophical musings, it just a sweet, amazing story about a sweet man and an amazing cat, and that's the best thing.
Profile Image for Candace.
932 reviews
April 13, 2018
James Bowen is a recovering drug addict living in accommodate housing in London. One day he sees a male, ginger cat in the hallway near his flat. Last thing he needs is a pet when he is living hand-to-mouth, but the two take a shine to each other. James notices the ginger tom cat is injured. He takes it to the local RSPCA for treatment. Soon the street cat, who he names Bob, is on the road to recovery.

Many adventures -- both good and bad -- await this inseparable duo. This intelligent cat, who saved James's life, would become famous with the locals and tourists. He can even be found on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. I'm not one for reading biographies, but I sure am glad I read about James and Bob. I definitely recommend this book.
Profile Image for Claire Martin.
77 reviews8 followers
December 8, 2012
Firstly, as many people have mentioned, this book is not exactly well written, but it is a true and honest account of James & Bobs life - it isn't romanticised, or dramatised, it is what it is. I hear they are making a movie, and I hope they keep this natural account without making it too Hollywood.

I have however given it a 4* just for the happy story that it is. A story about true companionship, and not only that, but how unique Bob is himself. I have had cats all my life, and I am pretty sure none of them would sit with me on the bus, in the street or anywhere other than when they are in a safe haven of home. This truly is a unique connection and friendship.

It is a story about how love and friendship in whatever form can turn a person (or cats) life around. Bob gave James purpose, and helped him to kick a 10 year habit that he had merely teetered on giving up for good. The most heart warming part being James's 48hrs "cold turkey" from methadone, with Bob comforting him at the worst point - licking his face and letting him know he is there*

The story is obviously about James as much as Bob, his story and how Bob changed the ending to his story. And for once a happy story!

By the end you will be on YouTube looking for videos of Bob!

* I thought I would point out for anyone concerned, James is never using while Bob is in his care, he is already on a recovery programme, he is just stuck in the system, never completing the programme but instead continuing his reliance on methadone. At no point are there any concerns for Bobs welfare, he is very happy where he is!
Profile Image for Paul E.
190 reviews65 followers
October 7, 2017
Sweet tale, not too exciting but a nice read. And a true story which makes things more interesting. And I love cats so...... Ha!
Profile Image for Jenny Lyon.
17 reviews1 follower
January 16, 2014
I must admit I was torn before I read this book. I mean, I'm moggy obsessed, but also word mad, and had read a few reviews commenting on how poorly written this book is. Now I've finished it, I can quite safely say: some people are stupid.
This isn't meant to be a challenging read or a work of great literature. its a true, from-the-heart story about one man and his mog. I actually thought the simple narrative made it really easy to see what James thought of Bob - his excitable use of language when it came to Bob was heartwarming.
Reading this book really restores your faith in humanity - that people are good, thoughtful and kind.
It also struck a chord with me as I have had a 'challenging' time before I found my own 'Bob'. Well, he found me... of course.
Profile Image for Repellent Boy.
552 reviews577 followers
October 9, 2021
4,5. James toca en la calle para ganarse la vida, vive en una casa de protección oficial y está inmerso en un duro proceso para salir de las drogas. Un día de regreso de su jornada habitual, se encuentra en la puerta de su edificio con un gato rubio, que lo mira como si quisiera algo de él. Con su complicada y dura vida, no podía imaginar en ese momento que Bob, como acabará llamándolo poco después, lo había elegido como compañero, y cuando un gato te elige no hay vuelta atrás. Bob ha llegado a su vida para sanarla, para rehacerla y ayudarlo a empezar de nuevo.

Creo que con decir que "Un gato callejero llamado Bob" es la historia en la que he encontrado mayor respeto y cariño por parte de un ser humano hacia otro ser de diferente especie, en este caso un gato, ya os podéis imaginar lo muchísimo que he disfrutado leyéndola. Y no solo es cariño y respeto, es que en ningún momento hay "justificaciones" al respecto. Y lo digo porque cuando leo libros que tratan sobre relaciones bonitas entre humanos y gatos, donde hay mucho cariño y mucho respeto, también hay siempre constantes justificaciones tipo "lo quiero pero no estoy loco", "no soy un loco de los gatos" o "aunque me preocupe no estoy mal de la cabeza". Siempre noto ese regustillo feo, por muy buena intención que tenga la obra, de aclarar a los lectores menos sensibilizados con el tema de que el protagonista no es un bicho a raro pese a que ame y respete a otra especie que no sea humana, casi como si se avergonzara en parte, como si fuera una debilidad. James nunca trata a Bob como un ser inferior, tiene claro que están al mismo nivel. Y esto no es fácil de encontrar.

Una de las cosas más bonitas que nos enseña el propio Bowen en su historia es el gran papel que juega Bob es su recuperación, ya que desde que este aparece en su vida, siente la necesidad de cambiarla, de buscar un mejor futuro que ayude a mantenerlos a salvo tanto a él, como a su mejor amigo, Bob. Una de las cosas que más claras tengo de la vida, es que estoy cien por cien seguro del poder curativo de nuestras relaciones con otros animales. La vida es menos dura y nuestras mentes están más sanas con ellos cerca. Parece que son ellos los que nos necesitan más, pero el libro refleja bien que es más bien al contrario.

Es una historia preciosa, que todo el mundo debería leer de manera obligatoria para tratar de sensibilizarse sobre como no tratamos a otras especies y como deberíamos empezar a hacerlo. Me he emocionado en muchísimas ocasiones y no he podido evitar echar algunas lagrimillas al acabarlo. Definitivamente tiene ese algo precioso, que se ve incrementado con el encanto de saber que es una historial real. Buscar vídeos en youtube para conocer a Bob hace que la experiencia sea única. Haceros un favor y leer esta historia que te deja el corazón blandito. Me muero de ganas de ver la película.
Profile Image for Hil.
451 reviews11 followers
December 24, 2014
I thought this book would be a heartwarming story of an interesting cat living through some tough times on the street, that would probably make me cry and probably end in the cat's death. In fact, the cat does not die by the end (which is a good thing!) and the cat is kind of incidental to the story, not the star. What we have here is a self-pitying tale of woe by a semi-homeless junkie who happens upon Bob the Cat outside his flat and they start hanging out together as he goes about his day to day life of busking, methadone and feeling like the world is against him and he never had a break. It seems to me like he threw away so many breaks and got himself into his mess that I had very little sympathy for him, and his judgements about 'chuggers' and 'Staffordshire Terrier owners' were pretty irritating too. Not enough cat and too much twat.
Profile Image for Yousra.
461 reviews80 followers
November 8, 2021
"I've come to believe in the power of animals. I believe they can heal, teach, and push us to be better people"
- Neil Abramson from his bookunsaid

I'd say this quote sums up this book pretty well.

James Bowen writes with absolute honesty and describes life on the streets really well and I feel like I learned a lot from this book; about animals, humans, and London! His story really touched me and I felt a great connection to him that by the end of the book I felt genuinely PROUD of him for getting so far and never giving up. I found it really interesting when he said that before he had Bob he felt invisible but as soon as he got him people started noticing them everywhere and were much more friendly. I'm totally aware he mentioned this in good light but I just couldn't help feeling a little sad about how we rarely reallyseeeach other.

Now for Bob, I had to fight the crazy urge to squeeze the book whenever my eye fell on theohmygodidsqueezehimtodeathcover. Being the crazy cat lady that Iproudlyam, I fell in love with every single detail about Bob and he did remind me a lot of my own cat which obviously doubled his adorableness by 10000000.

Let me just say that this book was very enjoyable and full of hope and I def recommend it to everyone.
Profile Image for Javir11.
609 reviews248 followers
December 24, 2022

Desconocía esta historia y lo cierto es que he disfrutado mucho de esta primera lectura. Es verdad que no es que el libro tenga una narrativa/prosa brillante, pero para aquellos que adoramos a los animales y en especial a los gatos, nos tocará la fibra sensible.

Lo mejor sin duda y el gran punto fuerte de la historia, es la relación entre Bob y James. El modo en el que Bob le cambia la vida a James y le ayuda a salir de las drogas y a enderezar su vida, es algo que nos llega a todos aquellos que tenemos mascotas. Y es que de normal se suele decir que somos nosotros los humanos, los que rescatamos a nuestras mascotas y les damos una vida mejor, pero pocas veces se comenta lo mucho que ellos cambian nuestras vidas para mejor y lo importante que es su compañía y afecto.

Siendo un libro emotivo como es, me gusta que no caiga en busca de la lagrima fácil, de hecho es al contrario y se centra más en un mensaje positivo, algo que me ha gustado bastante.

El gran pero de este libro ya lo he comentado, no es que sea una gran obra de arte de la literatura, de hecho habrá mucha gente que piensa que no está muy bien escrito, pero oye, si dejas de lado eso y te centras en el mensaje y en Bob, creo que casi ni te das cuenta.

Resumiendo, lectura recomendable para aquellos que sean animalistas, creo que entenderán el mensaje y disfrutarán con ella. Si no es tu caso, no te recomiendo que lo leas, ya que no creo que lo disfrutes demasiado.

PD: Que esté basado en hechos reales también le da un plus.

PD2: Creo que pronto me leeré el segundo.
Profile Image for Martin Belcher.
443 reviews37 followers
January 15, 2013
James Bowen was a homeless man living on the streets of London, addicted to drugs and in a bad way, eventually after spending time in homeless hostels he was given his own flat in sheltered accommodation block in North London. One day in 2007 a chance meeting with a ginger Tom cat that James decided to call "Bob" would change and turnaround his life. This is a charming, lovely, heart-warming true story of young man busking in central London along with his new companion the street cat Bob. They share a past filled with problems but together they rebuild each others lives through adventures and some scrapes.
I can't recommend this book more highly, it made me smile and brought a tear to my eye and has forever changed my view of homeless people. Wonderful, please give it a try!
Profile Image for Brittany McCann.
2,353 reviews551 followers
April 13, 2024
Bob is wonderful. I love the relationship that he and James have.

The narrative style was somewhat harder to read, given the language it was written in. But the story was worth reading.

It is great to find inspiration in the stories of others and be thankful for all the blessings in life. Animals are amazing, and we make the lives of one another better if we can truly take the time to care for one another. Bob was an excellent example of this.

Solid 3 Stars.
Profile Image for Morana Mazor.
417 reviews83 followers
March 7, 2015
Jednostavna, životna, a tako prekrasna i topla priča... Znam da samo subjektivno mogu doživjeti ovu knjigu, budući da i sama dijelim svoj život sa dvije mace, ali zaista mislim da "Fantastični mačak Bob" malo koga može ostaviti ravnodušnim.. Oni koje ne vole mačke, neće je niti uzeti u ruke..a svi ostali, sigurno će, kao i ja, od prve do posljednje stranice s cijelom paletom osjećaja proživljavati uspone i padove Jamesa I Boba..Posebno vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca koji će jako dobro prepoznati mnoge osjećaje i detalj iz svoje svakodnevice.. Mogla bih sada toliko toga napisati o ovoj knjizi, jednostavno sam preplavljena emocijama, ali ne volim duge osvrte pa se neću u to upuštati, samo poruka onima koji to još nisu, neka svakako pročitaju ovu "malu" priču sa velikom porukom..
Profile Image for Fahime.
329 reviews248 followers
April 16, 2018
این کتاب، روایت واقعی زندگی نویسندهست که گربهای به نام باب واردش میشه و برای همیشه تغییرش میده.
من تا اواخر کتاب فکر میکردم با یک داستان یا فیکشن طرفم و به همین خاطر به نظرم خیلی معمولی و بدون اتفاق بود. اما بعد که فهمیدم واقعیه، و سرچ کردم و مطمئن شدم واقعیه، نظرم در موردش تغییر کرد. به عنوان یک روایت واقعی از زندگی یک فرد، خیلی دلگرمکننده و امیدوارکنندهست و میشه از خوندنش لذت برد.
Profile Image for  Li'l Owl.
398 reviews271 followers
August 6, 2019
If you're a cat lover, dog lover, or animal lover, this story brings home how much an animal baby can make life sweeter and more fulfilling. It takes a non negotiable, selfless commitment to care for an animal, and it's not for everyone. In James's case, it took something special for him to bring Bob into his life and to take full responsibility for him. In the end, he got more unconditional love in return
then he could ever have possibly imagined.
This book is a true to life, wonderfully heartwarming, and an incredibly uplifting story that everyone can enjoy, no matter who you are. I fell in love with James and Bob! And I think you will too!
Profile Image for Sheila Beaumont.
1,102 reviews165 followers
December 4, 2019
I loved this heartwarming, uplifting, sometimes very funny, true story about James, a recovering drug addict, and the ailing ginger tomcat he finds, nurses back to health, and adopts as his own. In return, this cat named Bob gives James his total devotion and even saves his life. This is a delightful, feel-good read that any cat lover or animal lover will enjoy. I saw an iPhone video of James and Bob on YouTube, and you can tell that Bob is not only very handsome, but also an unusually intelligent cat with a lot of personality.
Profile Image for Wilma.
108 reviews52 followers
March 3, 2016
De liefde tussen mens en dier, the struggle for life...prachtig beschreven!
Zonder sentiment beschrijft James Bowen zijn verslaafde/zwervers bestaan met daaruit voortvloeiend zijn liefde en zorg voor Bob...prachtig! Door zijn liefde, zorg en verantwoordelijkheid voor Bob weet hij de juiste keuzes te maken en uiteindelijk zijn verslaving te overwinnen.
Profile Image for Minh Nhân Nguyễn.
173 reviews308 followers
April 9, 2017
4 sao.

Một câu chuyện đáng đọc.

Hơn cả một câu chuyện về thú nuôi, cuốn sách này còn là một sự truyền cảm hứng lớn. Ban đầu truyện tập trung viết về chú mèo Bob, nhân vật người chủ chỉ là phụ thôi, nhưng dần dần về sau, tác giả đã khéo léo mượn những lúc kể chuyện hằng ngày về Bob mà lồng vào câu chuyện của chính mình. Việc dẫn dắt từng chút như vậy khiến cho người đọc - chủ yếu đến vì Bob - cũng đồng thời làm quen luôn "người bạn đường" của cậu. Và giá trị cuốn sách này nằm ở chính câu chuyện cuộc đời James. Là sự cố gắng để hoàn thiện bản thân mình, rời bỏ lối sống cũ để hướng tới cái tốt đẹp hơn. Dù như anh nói là nhờ có Bob nhưng sự thay đổi đó phải nhờ vào nỗ lực của bản thân anh mới có thể đạt được. Đến về cuối thì thành ra mèo Bob ta chỉ còn là nhân vật phụ thôi, chính những diễn biến mới trong cuộc đời James mới là cái thu hút người đọc dõi theo.

Tác giả vốn không phải là một người của văn chương chữ nghĩa, nhưng chính điều đó đã mang lại cho cuốn sách một đặc điểm riêng: sự chân thật và chân thành. Từng câu chữ hiện lên đơn giản, dễ đọc, dễ hiểu, tạo cho mình cảm giác đang được nghe tác giả thuật lại câu chuyện của mình vậy. Chỉ là những chuyện hằng ngày, những va chạm, khó khăn thường tình trong công việc, có thể đọc qua thì chẳng có gì lớn lao nhưng nếu thực sự đặt mình vào hoàn cảnh đó ta sẽ thấu hiểu được những suy nghĩ, hành động mà James cảm nhận. Mặt khác, chính vì được nhìn từ một góc độ rất mới lạ thông qua James - là người hát rong và sau đó bán báo rong mà ta có cái nhìn thiết thực và sống động hơn về đời sống đường phố ở Luân Đôn. Những quy tắc, các mối quan hệ, những khó khăn của những con người sinh sống nơi đây hiện lên một cách chân thật mà chắc nếu không đọc cuốn này mình sẽ khó có cơ hội biết được.

Tuy vậy sách còn có một số điểm mình chưa hài lòng cho lắm. Có thể mối quan hệ giữa Bob và James rất thân thiết nhưng khi đọc một số đoạn mà tác giả mô tả thái độ của Bob như lo lắng cho chủ, lưu luyến này nọ chẳng khác nào con người làm mình thấy không được thuyết phục cho lắm. Có thể do James là một người sống tình cảm nên đã "diễn dịch" những hành vi của Bob thành ra mang nhiều cảm xúc như vậy, hoặc cũng có thể đúng là Bob đã có những hành động lạ thường so với những con mèo khác thể hiện ra rõ những thái độ như thế.

Mình thì tin là có những con mèo đặc biệt thông minh. Ở nơi mình sống có một chú mèo như thế. Chú ta rất nhạy và lanh lợi, luôn nhìn thẳng vào mắt người đối diện, thậm chí có thể đoán được ý định của một người thông qua những cử chỉ rất nhỏ nhặt của họ, làm cho mình ban đầu cảm thấy hết sức ngạc nhiên, khi so với đám mèo "ù lì" bên cạnh thì chú ta lại càng nổi bật. Mình tin rằng mèo Bob cũng là một con mèo như thế nên mới có thể thu hút được nhiều người qua đường như tác giả đã kể. Nhưng dù gì việc sử dụng những từ quá mang tính "người" như thế cho Bob theo mình cũng không ổn cho lắm, làm mất đi phần nào tính chân thật mà tác phẩm đã tạo dựng nơi người đọc.

Một điểm không ổn nữa lại xuất phát từ sự chân thật này. James có thể là một nguồn cảm hứng, khơi dậy niềm tin vào cái tươi đẹp nơi người đọc, nhưng bên cạnh đó anh cũng vẫn còn nhiều thiếu sót khác trong tính cách. Điều này thể hiện thấp thoáng đâu đó trong lời kể của James, qua cách suy nghĩ của anh mà có lẽ do khá "nhạy cảm" nên mình đã cảm thấy. Đó chỉ là những chi tiết nhỏ nhặt thôi, chẳng hạn như việc anh lôi một người khác ra, phân tích điểm xấu của họ để thấy rằng họ tệ hơn anh trong lúc biện hộ cho khó khăn mình gặp phải thì mình không được đồng tình cho lắm. Nhưng đây không phải là một cuốn sách lý tưởng hóa, James cũng không cố để mình trở thành một hình tượng hay thứ gì cả, còn con người thì chẳng có ai toàn diện. Và đó chỉ là những điểm rất nhỏ thôi mà mình "soi mói" ra, chứ tổng thể mình vẫn thấy James là một anh chàng tốt, mà thực chất nhờ việc bộc bạch hết suy nghĩ của mình ra như thế càng làm nổi bật lên tính "thực" của cuốn sách này.

Tóm lại đây là cuốn sách mà những ai yêu mến động vật, nhất là loài mèo sẽ thích thú khi đọc. Là một câu chuyện có thực, tình tiết chẳng hoành tráng, ly kỳ như những cuốn tiểu thuyết, nhưng nó lại hơn đứt tiểu thuyết ở cái chất thực của nó. Những gì James và Bob đã trải qua vẫn khiến ta cảm thấy thú vị, ấm lòng và tràn đầy cảm hứng, vì đây là một câu chuyện đẹp về tình bạn, tình yêu gia đình, về nỗ lực hướng về cái tươi sáng, tốt đẹp trong cuộc đời.
Profile Image for Holliekins.
67 reviews26 followers
April 20, 2013
As a huge cat lover, it will come as no surprise that the most inspirational and affecting book I have read so far this year is A Street Cat Named Bob by James Bowen. I first heard of James and Bob via their Twitter feed and couldn't wait to read their story, although I did have to wait as my local Waterstones had sold out within a few days of it being released!

James was living hand to mouth on the streets of London when he first met the injured ginger cat. He nursed him back to health and when he was fully fit again, he tried to encourage him to go back on the streets believing him to be a stray. Bob refused and was soon following James onto the bus and across London to James' job busking in Covent Garden. Since then the pair have been insperable and the best of friends and have appeared in newspapers and magazines and on news programmes across the globe.

I have read many stories about cats, but this is by far by favourite. Not only is Bob lovable, clever and a bit fiesty, James comes across as an incredibly warm and clever man, with a real knowledge about cats and the perfect owner for Bob. Their story is funny, emotional and uplifting and reminds you that all you need is a best friend to help you get through life. There are some great pieces of information about cats and I was also surprised to learn exactly how the Big Issue works, something that I didn't quite understand before.

Although there are some horrible tales of some unkind and ignorant Londoners, the lengths of other people's kindness towards James and Bob really restores your faith in human nature and the work of the RSPCA and the Blue Cross is fantastic.

I have a feeling I shall be buying this as a present for my cat fan friends a lot this year and I find myself recommending it to anyone who will listen. Please do read this book, you will not be disappionted!
Profile Image for Carmo.
701 reviews529 followers
July 13, 2016
Não costumo ler este tipo de livros. Tenho sempre a ideia de que não passam de tentativas de transformar um qualquer azar num dramalhão, apelando à solidariedade alheia no intuito de ganhar uns cobres. Sou desconfiada, fazer o quê?
Desta vez fui mais condescendente, e a culpa corresponde inteiramente à bolinha de pelo amarelo da capa. Afinal, um gato que permite que lhe ponham um cachecol ao pescoço, merece que lhe dediquemos algum do nosso tempo.
E foi um tempo bem entregue. Gatófila (eu sei que esta palavra não existe mas eu gosto dela) assumida rendi-me desde logo ao Bob. Para quem conhece bem as manias dos gatos revê nele muitos dos hábitos dos felinos, mas também é verdade que o bichano revelou uma personalidade e uma maneira de estar perante os humanos surpreendente. Um gato que passeia com uma trela e se aninha no ombro do dono enquanto atravessam Londres, indiferente a uma multidão de gente e ao ruido do tráfego é um gato fora do comum.
A forma como se ligaram um ao outro, essa, conheço-a bem:)
Também a história do James, foi contada de forma simples e natural, sem demasiados dramatismos. Sempre reconheceu os erros que cometeu e admitiu as fraquezas. O seu passado foi uma sucessão de más opções que o levaram a conhecer intimamente a dependência das drogas e a viver na solidão das ruas de forma desumana.
Quando encontrou o Bob, já estava num plano de recuperação e o gato foi a tábua de salvação que surgiu na hora certa, e lhe deu forças para não desistir. A maior certeza deste livro é o amor que une aqueles dois seres desavindos com a vida.

"Toda a gente precisa de ajuda, toda a gente merece uma segunda oportunidade. Bob e eu aproveitámos a nossa..."

Fiquei com ciscos nos olhos por diversas vezes, sim senhor, mas no final achei que valeu a pena ter quebrado a regra e ter lido o livro. E se por acaso, chegarem a fazer o filme(fala-se nisso) lá estarei, eu e um pacote de lenços.
O Bob tornou-se uma celebridade além fronteiras e está por todo o lado na internet. Vão lá vê-lo e apaixonem-se pelo gatinho.

503 reviews25 followers
December 1, 2023
James and Bob make a "Purrfect" match!

As a cat lover, I really enjoyed this touching and inspiring memoir by James Bowen detailing his life with the street wise Bob. What a super cat!
What put this tale a bit above the usual fuzzy animal story was Bowen's sincere attempts to change his life for the better and the vital role played by a non-judgmental animal companion.

Bizarre as it may seem, I even had dreams about my 14-year-old cat Pawtucket following me to work but when you live like a prince why would you bother stepping out of the front garden?

Love the cover picture; pity there wasn't a photo spread inside the book.
Later made into a very good movie starring Bob and a lot of paw-ins.
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