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Edie Spence#4


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Edie Spence just wanted a vacation. A nice, relaxing, stress free, non-adventure away from the craziness that's dominated her life since becoming a nurse for paranormal creatures. But from the start, her trip on the Maraschino, a cruise ship bound for Hawaii, has been anything but stress free, especially when Edie's boyfriend Asher recognizes someone he used to know. Someone from his not-so-nice past. With their lives in the balance, will Edie and Asher be able to save their growing family or will this adventure be their end?

283 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published December 31, 2013

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Cassie Alexander

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Hi there! I'm a registered nurse and author. As Cassandra, I wrote the Year of the Nurse: A Covid-19 Pandemic Memoir. As Cassie, I've written numerous (and very hot!) paranormal romances, sometimes with my friend Kara Lockharte. I live in the Bay Area with one husband, two cats, and one million succulents.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews
Profile Image for Lauren.
343 reviews37 followers
July 10, 2023
Many thanks to Booksirens for the chance to read and review this book. Just like that 🤌, and I am drawn right back into Edie Spence's world. What was supposed to be a fun relaxing vacation turns into anything but for Edie and Asher. This book left me with more questions and so much anticipation for the next book. I'm so excited to see what Cassie Alexander has set up for book 5.
Profile Image for Lauren.
343 reviews37 followers
July 19, 2023
Many thanks to Booksirens for the chance to read and review this book. Just like that 🤌, and I am drawn right back into Edie Spence's world. What was supposed to be a fun relaxing vacation turns into anything but for Edie and Asher. This book left me with more questions and so much anticipation for the next book. I'm so excited to see what Cassie Alexander has set up for book 5.
Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,017 reviews1,925 followers
May 3, 2013
Here I am after yet another adventure with nurse Edie Spence. Our relationship is so full of ups and downs, but there is a certain honesty and quality to Cassie Alexander’s writing that draws me back in every single time.

To her credit, Alexander doesn’t hesitate to create her setting from scratch for each new book. Edie is long gone from Y4, the hospital wing for supernatural patients where she used to work. Even though I always expected her to return, the author keeps taking her to new places instead. In Deadshifted, she goes on a cruise ship with her boyfriend Asher, where she encounters the most dangerous enemy so far.

Being a nurse herself, and with a main character who is also a nurse, Cassie Alexander was never one to shy away from bloody, gory details, and the same is true for Deadshifted. Her descriptions often turn my stomach, but I appreciate the authenticity they give to Edie’s character. The creatures she brought in this time are second only to her zombies in the amount of disgust they provoke.

After struggling with loneliness for years, Edie finally found some peace with the shapeshifter Asher. Needless to say, I was thrilled when these two found their way to each other after so mall the obstacles they had to overcome. However, now that they’re together and we finally get to know Asher a bit more, I’m not sure that Edie wasn’t better off alone. A woman will never change a man – this is something Alexander approaches extremely realistically – and Asher has lived far too many lives and done what he wanted for far too long to start taking someone else’s feelings into account now. Be that as it may, it seems that he and Edie are here to stay – regardless of his arrogant, hardheaded and extremely unlikeable personality. I don’t doubt that he loves Edie, but I doubt his capacity to love like she deserves.

Unlike the previous book, which wrapped up neatly and beautifully, Deadshifted ends with a pretty nasty cliffhanger. Now, I know you all know this, but it bears repeating: I. Do. Not. Appreciate. Cliffhangers. Suddenly there are cliffhangers everywhere, and I’m getting a bit tired of trying to remember where I left which character.

Cassie Alexander takes everything just a bit further than your average urban fantasy author. She is not in the business of writing fairy tales, nor does she aim to please her fans. She writes it how it is, sparing no one in the process, especially not her protagonist, poor Edie Spence.

Profile Image for Angela Carr.
732 reviews82 followers
August 10, 2016

Edie and Asher go on a cruise for a vacay attempting time away from their work. Unfortunately, paranormals and trouble seem to always follow Edie wherever she goes. In this case, they go to a cruise ship which Ash’s old not-do-good acquaintance is on the boat with them. Evil plot is brewing, and Edie and Ash will be in the middle of chaos yet again.

I have had my eyes on Ash since the first book of this series. Obviously, he finally gets together with Edie. This book started several months after Shapeshifted had ended. Though Ms Alexander does a great job with recap, i can’t help but feel like I missed something. I’m kinda bummed I didn’t see their honeymoon stage. No worries, Ms.

Alexander does give Ash and Edie some smexy time. I could just eat up the pages when Ash is totally sweet on Edie.

There were some decisions that Edie makes that I didn’t quite agree with. But as a Nurse, the compulsion of saving others is unavoidable and I guess I can understand. However, Edie and Ash takes decisions to a higher level that it always ends in some kind of turmoil, and it risks not only their relationship but also their lives. It’s a bit frustrating to witness but I have been and will always cheer for them.

Though Deadshifted is not my fave, I can still tell you that Ms. Alexander did a good job with this installment. I like that she is not afraid to add on creatures who are not in your typical Urban Fantasy or PNR novels. I also want to mention that the cover is by far the best of this series.

A heed of warning. There is a cliffhanger that will leave you wanting for more.

Review copy provided by Publisher
Profile Image for Kara-karina.
1,681 reviews288 followers
January 23, 2014
This is one of the few series, my dear readers, where each consecutive book is much stronger than the previous one. Kate Daniels by Ilona Andrews is another series that comes to mind.

Cassie Alexander likes shaking things up. Her heroine not only goes from bad to worse, she also changes locations and her situation just when we start feeling comfortable about it. And damn, for a change, this is sooo good!

Deadshifted is one of the best urban fantasies I've read in a while. The whole thing happens on a cruise ship, for God's sake! How fantastic is that?

Archer, Edie's shapeshifter boyfriend surprises her with a romantic cruise to Hawaii, and for once Edie is looking forward to some relaxation time with her steady and suave man candy. However, everything goes to shit pretty quickly when first Archer recognises a villain he dealt with in his previous "incarnation" as one of the guests on the cruise and then kids begin falling ill and die one after another, and the whole cruise ship becomes one eery, dangerous quarantine zone.

With Archer trying to find out what's going on under his guise as a doctor, Edie is left to her own devices with passengers throwing themselves overboard, attacking each other for food or spilling their guts in hot tubs all around her.

Even Edie who is used to all sort of disgusting, horrible things from her job as a nurse is taken aback and is really very afraid. The death toll goes higher and higher, there is no sign of Archer, and along with a crippled old couple and an orphaned little girl she has to find a way to survive and get off the goddamn cruise ship.

Gripping, suspenseful, scary and with an unbelievable twist in the end, this is a glorious read! Highly recommended, and I honestly cannot wait to see what comes next.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
5,807 reviews217 followers
February 9, 2016
I read this book a long time ago but I only got about half way. As part of my goal to tackle my to be read pile I grabbed this book and started from the beginning again. It was then that I remembered why I like this series...Edie and Asher. They make such a good couple. Edie is so easy going. Asher may be a shapeshifter and he may have a human for a girlfriend but he treats her like royalty. With each book their love has grown more powerful. It is really evident in this book. Thus the reason that the ending was a sad one. I now have to pick up a copy of the next book to see what happens to Edie and Asher.

Oh and by the way, the events in this book were full of action and flowed so well that I was able to just keep reading. I might just have to avoid booking a cruise trip anytime soon.
Profile Image for Stacy.
1,335 reviews63 followers
January 4, 2014
I am starting this review kind of conflicted. There are parts of DEADSHIFTED that I really enjoyed, there were parts of the book that were ok and there were parts of the book (like the ending) that I was left wondering 'what the hell, did that seriously just happen after all of that?'. Sigh...

Book 4 ends up being pretty grim for the most part. There are a lot of dark times and death involved. I enjoyed meeting some of the new characters that are present for most of the book and hope to see them again in future books. Edie as always is headstrong and caring. There is a pretty big medical crisis going on and although she's worried about herself she worries a lot more about others. I didn't always agree with how she handled things and I cringed many times when she put others before herself considering what she was going through. Asher has started to grow on me. He still isn't my favorite person but considering what Edie has dated in the past he is a step up and he seems to treat her well.

The setting was interesting. The whole book takes place on a cruise ship. It does NOT go well. There is some pretty big news revealed in the beginning and it makes the story that much more stressful to witness. Fair warning, the author describes things in great detail and again there is a LOT of death. She really did a good job making you feel you were right there.

When the last chapter ended I was left rather disappointed that things took the turn they did. I don't want to ruin the ending so I will just say I really hope the vibe I am getting is wrong and the next book things wont be as bad as I am picturing. =/

* This book was provided free of charge from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Sarah.
820 reviews156 followers
January 3, 2014
This might be my favorite of the series. It shifted the stage for these characters in a way that'll certainly keep the series moving, but it is also the most focused of the four as well. I liked seeing Edie soften up a bit and looking to the future.

Warning: Don't read the summary for the next book if you haven't read this one--it contains a big spoiler for this one.

I wrote a longer review here:http://cleareyesfullshelves.com/blog/...
Profile Image for Natasha.
221 reviews41 followers
February 6, 2014
This has to be my least favorite book in the series to date... after how great Shapeshifted was I guess I had really high expectations for Deadshifted. I am definitely still a fan of Cassie Alexander and her character Edie Spence - I will be picking up Bloodshifted when it's released.
Profile Image for Zen.
2,404 reviews
August 13, 2020
I enjoyed this book as much as I have the others, but for different reasons. As this one takes place away from the hospital and the clinic, it is very different than the others. There is very little interaction with supernatural in this novel, which differs from the ones that come before. I did miss that, but I also liked seeing Edie away from the pressures of her mother's illness and her brothers addiction. It was also nice to see her and Asher together now that their relationship has settled a little.

As far as plot, the threat was not what I expected. It was very reminiscent of Dreamcatcher by Stephen King, tbh. I know that there is only one book left in the series, and although I don't need everything tied up in a neat little bow, I hope most of the conflict is tied up nicely.
July 19, 2023
This was an epic storyline, I’ve got used to Edie books being so fantastic, but I wasn’t prepared for this one,, creepy, gory at times, loved it, drama, tension and suspense, terror I’m here for it. I have to admit Asher annoyed me in this one at times, he seemed so self-centred and I’m thinking he hasn’t changed although their relationship has so much, although I was questioning Edies decisions too 🤣! But I love it, the characters are so good you get reactions like this because you care about them. I mean even the villain is amazing, so evil. It’s fantastic and then that ending, god I don’t want to wait til December, so mean!
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Angie.
647 reviews1,093 followers
April 22, 2014
Originally reviewedhere@ Dear Author

I am a confirmed fan of the Edie Spence series. I got in on the ground floor and have thoroughly enjoyed watching Edie negotiate the near constant threats of her world, sometimes with exasperation, sometimes with blind terror, but always with a sort of scrappy determination I find uniquely hers. She’s a survivor, which means she’s not above crossing the gray line between what is strictly ethical and what is... not. It’s what I like best about her. In a sea of heroically noble (and powerful) urban fantasy heroines, Edie is painfully human. She has no hidden powers. She’s not the long-lost heir of anyone. She’s a night nurse with a messed up family and a serious case of sleep deprivation. Her up close and personal knowledge of the supernatural doesn’t make her special. Rather, it seems to isolate her even further. But she refuses to throw in the towel. And after the fairly catastrophic events of the last book,Shapeshifted,I wondered what in the world could come next.

A cruise isn’t exactly Edie’s idea of a relaxing vacation. But she’s trying to be a good sport and share in her boyfriend Asher’s excitement at this chance to get away from the inner city clinic where they both work, to say nothing of the lingering trauma from the events of six months ago. It seems they’ve been granted a rare period of peace, and she means to enjoy not being alone anymore. So all aboard it is. And things actually seem to go rather swimmingly until Asher spots a face he hoped to never see again. A face from his altogether dodgy past. Edie knows he wasn’t always the fairly straight and competent doctor he pretends to be nowadays. But the fact that he retains the memories of all the people he touched as a shapeshifter does tend to get in the way sometimes. Especially when she has something important she needs to tell him and has no idea at all how he’ll respond. But when the face he spots turns out to belong to a particularly ruthless villain, Asher is determined to find out what he’s doing there. But before they know it, an epidemic breaks out aboard the ship. Passengers are being felled left and right, in inexplicably gruesome ways. Edie finds herself using every nursing skill she has to outrun the disease and keep Asher from being sucked back by the demons of his past.

I was surprised to find this one set several months after the end of the last book. I guess I expected to ease into things along with Edie and Asher. Instead, they have a very comfortable feel to them from page one. And initially I felt as though I was playing a little bit of catch-up as to the status of their relationship. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been on board with Asher from way back. I couldn’t wait to see how they were as a couple. And on that front, I felt incredibly rewarded with this installment. It felt right.Theyfelt right. The fact that they were for all intents and purposes stowed away on an ocean liner allowed them a level of intimacy and a reprieve from prying eyes that they never would have been afforded at home. I appreciated the trust and space they gave each other. Neither of them are shy violets. And yet they share a history of isolation, of loneliness. In each other, they seem to have found acceptance, if not absolute security. Their interactions are full of care and, if Asher is a bit reckless by nature, I felt safe in his feelings toward Edie. Of course, all too soon the training wheels are ripped away and the thrill ride begins in earnest.

This series has never shied away from the gruesome, andDeadshiftedmakes a bid to be the grisliest of the lot. The vacation becomes a living nightmare as the epidemic victims behave in increasingly bizarre ways before succumbing in an alarmingly short period of time. Everything about this book felt chilled. In fact, it felt a bit like I was on the sinkingTitanic,with doom hanging directly overhead and an unnamed horror just below the surface of every pool of water. The collective ambiance was effective in the extreme, at once gripping and claustrophobic. As always, Edie is an absolute force. True to her nature, she’s in no way content to stay put while Asher tracks down his man. Determined to do anything she can to save lives, her own and Asher’s included, she tracks down the makeshift infirmary and plunges in. Asher is not the only one being followed. As things creep closer and closer to complete anarchy, fascinating alliances and relationships develop between the few desperate passengers who are still standing. This forthright attention to the way mere humans react against a backdrop of mythic disaster remains one of the most compelling strengths of this series. As is the fact that consequences always play an extensive role. In this case, the consequences are sure to be myriad, as the shuddering, game-changer of an ending opens a whole new can of blood-sucking worms.
Profile Image for Danielle (reading.w.kenz_n_dee).
252 reviews23 followers
October 24, 2023
In this fourth book of the series, Nurse Edie Spence is really far removed from her normal environment. There was an acknowledgment to the recent pandemic; however, this book was written before it's time. How can an author tell the future, once asks? Well, read on...

In Deadshifted, Edie and her hubby take a beautiful and well-needed vacation on a cruise ship! Of course, there is a sickness that is spreading around, until everyone is quarantined. But who better to investigate, than the couple who have battled many supernatural creatures before! But is it too much for them?

This story had me on the edge of my seat the whole time wondering what else could happen next! Definitely not for the faint of heart or anyone who may have trauma from the pandemic. But this story was full of Cassie Alexander's imagination, it literally went wild!
Profile Image for Crystalclearwpg.
286 reviews7 followers
March 30, 2024
This book was a huge turn around for Edie. Her and Asher just wanted to have a stress free vacation where they can explore each other and the growing love between them. But as usual trouble can not leave these 2 alone and again they are thrown into a heap of bodies in no time. Edie is put to the test of how far will she go for the ones she loves along with exploring her own morals. Being a nurse has put her into many situations where she can separated herself from her surroundings but this time she is in a non controllable environment dealing with something she has never seen before. Again Alexander has shown us how strong and unselfish Edie can be while also given us a glimpse into how vulnerable Edie really was and how she has finally learning to let her guard down with someone. This by far was a great read and I am so looking forward to the 5th book.
I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Jen.
1,434 reviews137 followers
May 4, 2016
I really enjoyed this fourth outing with Edie, though I found it hard to stick to reading it. I have now figured out that this easily-distracted state-of-mind was mostly because I'd read the story once before. I really don't know why I'm having so much trouble with this series. I reread books all the time, but this is the only series where I have such trouble with the déjà vu feelings.:-(

I think the fact that what was wrong on the cruise ship was quite creepy may have also impeded my ability to read this book in one sitting.need to be taken in small doses, apparently.;-) In any event, once I realized that this was yet another book in this series that I HAD read before, I started settling into it and enjoying it more even despite the creep-factor.:-)

I struggled a bit with Edie's descriptions of the cruise. I had to tell myself that this was probably not a cruise like any I'd been on before and so the ship was probably smaller than what I kept trying to envision.

I'm really struggling to write this review. Does it show? I enjoyed it while I was reading it - and I know I enjoyed it enough to give it four stars - but the ending is all I can think about now. That ending... Wow! Cruel is one word for it. (Cruel for both Edie and the reader.) So what happened? Well,everyoneon the ship

But in the end,

Can you say, "Argh!"? Because I did.:-( Luckily, I was able to go to the library today and check out book five,Bloodshifted,so I'll soon be able to continue the story and find out what will happen next.Questions, questions. I hopeBloodshiftedwill give me answers.

One last thought (sort of an addendum, as I only remembered about this "last thought" while I was proofreading the above for posting): I loved Claire and Hal.:-)

Here's a true addendum: I totally forgot to share the lines that I found LOL worthy! It's not as funny reading it "alone," but when I was in the moment, I found this exchange on page 51 (Chapter Seven) to be worth a laugh or three::-)
Profile Image for Miki.
959 reviews40 followers
July 20, 2020
i did like this book but less than the previous instalment Edie really ends up in bad situation and it never stop but i love how no matter what she still look out for other even when she had right to be selfish for once. She is a nurse and acts like one.

Now reading this during covid crisis was strange ( hand sanitizer everywhere, masks explanation) Edie was in advance for what we are living (and we can be grateful we are not on a cruise for sure)

Only one book left in the series and with the huge cliffhanger in this one i will need to get my hand on it and soon even if i hate when series stop
Profile Image for Mila.
99 reviews
March 3, 2016
Before I go on with my very short rant, I have to say that I loved Edie in the first 3 book. She's smarter than most urban fantasy heroine and doesn't annoy me as much.

However with this book, she's not qualify for that position anymore. I don't want to give any spoilers but let's just say any women who intentionally put their own child at risk to do stupid things/save strangers to prove that they're a good person are in fact, smart. It's like the conflict in batman: 'I will not kill this psychopath who if I let leave will kill many innocent people because killing is evil'.

Ahead are some mild spoilers.

I don't know about you but if I'm pregnant and there is a deadly disease that is spreading around, I won't go around the sick. Or at least make an effort not to get sick like to wear that hazard mask that she have to prevent herself and her child from contracting it. Also I could never put myself and my child in harm way by staying alone with a man who you know like to run experiment on human and killed his wife and young kid. I would tell other people instead of covering up for him when he pops your arm out of your socket and assaulted you for whatever reason. There are 3 against 1. You know he could have been stopped.

And other minor things that disturb me about her was when she was mad at her partner, she took all of the money in his wallet and gave it away. Is this a joke? I get that he can afford it but that is not your money. Also that is all he carry. What will happen after they arrived at their foreign destination? How childish can you be? Not only did she waste money, she also wasted food; she knew she was in a lock down at a ship where food will very soon become scarce. And I get that when you have morning sickness, you can't keep food down. So if you're not hungry and knew that anything you eat wont stay down. Why the hell are you licking salt off fries and throwing them out?

Now that we all know how much she cares about her pregnancy, now that her life is at risk, instead of taking the pills that can save her, instead she didn't because she didn't want to risk her child. See the irony? She could have a child later. It's not like her pregnancy is guaranteed specially that early on and with 1 pregnancy test to determine that she's pregnant. In addition, she had to know that she had the worm because she was in contact with it. If she died because of the worm then the baby does too.

Her decision making skills are absolutely horrible. She asked her injured partner who loves her very much risk not only his life but her and their child to save obnoxious stranger and expect him to be okay with it. Why do you do this to me mrs Author. I liked this series very much. Now I had to put my E reader down every 5 mins because Edie does something stupid. It's like I'm not even reading about her anymore.

And lastly. After she risked everything to save strangers. They wouldn't accept her into the evacuating ship because she's infected. Now Asher punched the guy who refused to let her in. Instead of cheering him on she asked him to stop and that she'll find another ship. Why does she want to die that much?
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews391 followers
December 27, 2013
Reviewed by:Rabid Reads

The EDIE SPENCE series has been all over the map for me; it took a while for me to get into the story line but after giving the last installment 5 stars, I thought that Cassie Alexander had finally hit her stride. Unfortunately in DEADSHIFTED’s case it was more of a one step forward and two steps back type of scenario. This book takes place solely on a cruise ship which is almost always bad news in my opinion; having only the one local put a damper on the plot development and caused the action to become monotonous after a while. Edie and Asher’s relationship is also on the fritz in this novel and there’s an obscene amount of deaths on board the Maraschino which made the overall tone of this installment pretty dark and depressing. The whole experience left me feeling rather… blah. I miss the shenanigans and quirky coworkers from Y4.

The unique medical aspect of this series was at the forefront once again in this latest book; from Edie’s obsessive hand washing compulsion to feeling like she’s betraying her entire profession by dating a doctor. Her compassionate nature and dedication to helping others really shines through in DEADSHIFTED even though at times I couldn’t exactly understand it. Her willingness to sacrifice her and her unborn child’s lives to help complete strangers baffled me; she wouldn’t take a little pill because it “might” hurt her baby but she’s willing to give herself up to this story’s big bad to save three Maraschino crew members. I couldn’t help but feel like her priorities were a little off.

Alexander does a fantastic job of describing the death and destruction that takes place on board the cruise ship. Personally, I would have preferred there to have been a lighter side to this installment but I can’t fault the author for her honest rendition of a fatal outbreak. I couldn’t help but be morbidly fascinated by the rows upon rows of dead bodies and by the harsh reality the infected were forced to face.

Edie Spence has the worst taste in men. Seriously! I’m finally over her creepy zombie ex boyfriend but I’m not entirely convinced that Asher is much better. Sure, he doesn’t stink or have pieces falling off but he has hundreds of personalities inside his head and is used to doing pretty much whatever he wants. He also unnecessarily risks himself and his relationship with Edie to satisfy his curiosity. Maybe I’d be a bigger Asher fan if Alexander hadn’t completely skipped over the 6 months after SHAPESHIFTED when they were happy. I’ve never really gotten to see these two lovebirds at their best so it’s hard to say whether they are a good match.

I’m giving you fair warning because this installment ends on a monster of a cliffhanger with implications that could potentially change the entire direction of this series. DEADSHIFTED is a dark, twisted and frustrating read that’ll have you hating yourself for wanting more but, you will want more.
Profile Image for Dianne.
1,725 reviews142 followers
July 2, 2014
This was by far one of the most exciting and horrific novels I have read in a long time. This novel went a long way from a speculative fiction novel and straight on to a horror novel. This was something I would have expected Stephen King or one of his ilk to concoct.

I must warn you that this novel does end on a bit of a ‘cliff-hanger’ note and you will need to read the next one (Bloodshifted An Edie Spence Novel (Book 5) St. Martin's Paperbacks (July 1, 2014) - to find out just how Edie is going to get out of her predicament, or if she even does.

Edie and Asher are taking a little cruise 10 days to be precise. While on the first leg out to Hawaii passengers start getting very sick. At the same time Asher thinks, and then is sure, that there is someone on board who he knew in one of Asher’s previous shapes. Someone who has done evil and is still be doing it.

Now Edie must find Asher who is missing on the ship AND try to see if she can help passengers during this catastrophe. Time is running out though, as Edie and her little band of misfits tries to save the day.

I hate to be clichéd or trite, but I hate the fact that I started this novel late last night. I wanted to stay up all night to read it and to find out just what the heck was happening, but sleep overtook me…darn need to sleep!

Ms. Alexander has done a fine job with this novel. Edie is no longer spouting off about nursing on every page and has grown quite well as a character. The secondary characters are interesting and the plot line is quite riveting. There are a few new ‘other-worldly characters introduced into this story as well and that is always a good thing, although I would have liked their parts to have been bigger.

Profile Image for Nancy (The Avid Reader).
2,675 reviews118 followers
June 13, 2023
Deadshifted is the fourth book in the Edie Spence series and just as good if not better than the three books that came before it. This time around Edie and Asher have decided they need a vacation and a well-deserved one after all the things they have been through in the past. They are going on a cruise to Hawaii.

Edie and Asher are having the time of their life, especially after Edie’s wonderful news. But then things take a turn for the worse when the children start getting sick and dying. Then the adults start to get sick as well. People start acting very strangely and start throwing themselves overboard.

Then Asher sees someone from his past. Asher is trying his best to be a different person than he used to be but after seeing this guy it doesn’t seem to be that easy for him. Can Asher change? Will Edie’s love be enough to help him change? Or better yet is Asher’s love for Edie strong enough?

Will Edie and Asher make it off the ship alive or is this the end of the line for them? Will Edie and or Asher come down with the evil sickness that seems to be taking over the ship at an alarming rate?

The descriptions are so vividly written making it so much easier to see it all play out in my head and making the story so much better than it would be otherwise. I love all things gory. The gorier they are the better I like it.

Deadshifted kept me on the edge of my seat waiting and wondering what was going to happen next. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough as I wanted to know now besides the moment I read that first page I was drawn in so far that I never came up for air until the last page was read. I can’t wait to see what comes next in the fifth Edie Spenser book Bloodshifted especially after that ending.

I invite you to grab a copy of Deadshifted today!
Profile Image for Lorena.
743 reviews22 followers
June 17, 2023
Deadshifted is the fourth novel in the Edie Spence series of urban fantasy/paranormal suspense, though I would actually consider this story more horror than anything else. Although it can be enjoyed on its own, I recommend reading all of the books in order. They’re so good, you’re going to want to read the whole series anyhow.

What starts as a romantic cruise vacation for Edie and her boyfriend Asher turns into a horrific situation that they may be unable to escape. This story offers plenty of mystery, suspense, and surprises as well as a bit of humor and romance. I wish the author had explained a few aspects of the plot better, but that didn’t ruin the fun for me. There are some truly creepy scenes that are probably going to haunt me, and the story ends on a dark note that left me anxious for the next book.

Nurse Edie is a heroine you’ll love to cheer for, and I liked many of the secondary characters too. I love the rich mythology of this series. I won’t ruin any surprises, but this book adds some new creatures to the shapeshifters, vampires, zombies, shadows, and other mystical creatures introduced in the previous books. Despite all of the violence and dark situations, there’s also plenty of loyalty, support, and cooperation.

I highly recommend this book and the entire series for fans of urban fantasy and paranormal suspense. Note that the book contains violence, gore, body horror, and swearing.

I received a free ARC from the author. I volunteered to provide an honest review.
Profile Image for Vannessa.
1,071 reviews22 followers
July 2, 2023
When the holiday of a lifetime ends up being a holiday from hell instead! I loved this book and wasn't expecting any of this to happen at all. I thought we would get a little romance bit at the beginning with Edie and Asher on their cruise and then once they got to their destination, something would happen, but oh no! Everything that could go wrong on the cruise ship, did!

It was a great story plot, a bit creepy and disgusting in places with a lot of turmoil and terror thrown in for good measure as well. Great supporting friendships made along the way and a great villain, even if he was totally evil!

In all the other books, I liked Asher, but he slightly fell out of favour with me in this one. He came across as being rather selfish and didn't seem to care enough about Edie to put her feelings above his own especially when she was quite clearly very concerned and scared. He's never really going to change who he is deep down despite how their relationship has changed, but I did think he would put Edie first for a change! And some of Edie's choices were a bit questionable as well considering her situation! But I guess being a nurse and taking care of others comes before taking care of yourself sometimes!

This book was great and I only stopped reading when I feel asleep! The cliff hanger ending has definitely left me wanting more even if I was completely gobsmacked by it! It almost felt unfair after everything Edie and Asher had just been through!

I received an ARC copy of this book through Book Sirens but this review is my own honest one!
Profile Image for Susan.
1,108 reviews21 followers
June 12, 2023
It's book 4 and things are getting serious between Eddie and Asher as they embark on a relaxing cruise bound for Hawaii to destress and unwind from their crazy lives and enjoy some quality couple time.

As always trouble just seems to follow Eddie no matter where she goes and her relaxing break is anything but. When a mysterious illness starts sweeping through the passengers Eddie and Asher have to fight for answers before it's to late.

I'm loving Eddie more and more, she just can't seem escape from paranormal creatures and those creepy shadows that never seem to leave her alone. Most would shy away with fear but Eddie faces everything head on and puts others before herself every time. Once a nurse always a nurse.

I enjoyed the story, it kept me entertained throughout. I love all the different characters in this series. I'm slightly dissapointed there's only 1 book left. I was hoping for more from Eddie and the creatures that go bump in the night. With so much going on I wonder how the author will fit it all in.

That ending was unexpected and thrilling, I can't wait to see what happens next.
Eddie is a survivor so I know she won't give up without a fight.
Profile Image for TC Rittenhouse.
594 reviews8 followers
June 30, 2023
Deadshifted picks up 8 months after the events of Shapeshifted as Edie and Asher take a vacation on a cruise ship. But this apparently is not going to be a peaceful cruise as Asher spies a person from his shadier past... then the sickness starts.

This was an interesting read, especially given the events of the real world with the COVID19 pandemic, which Cassie touches on in her opening author notes, which I very much appreciated. This book kinda combines old school Robin Cook medical mysteries with the Poseidon disaster movie. Honestly, I really liked the mystery side of figuring out what the heck was going on, but this wasn't quite as cohesive as the previous books, partially due to the very fast pacing, but I am still completely invested with what happens to Edie after this book.

The story is highly addictive, and very fast paced, with some nice spicy scenes between Edie and Asher at the beginning.

4 out of 5 stars, and a 2 out of 5 for the spice level.

I received an advance review copy for free via BookSirens, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
Profile Image for Amber Simon.
141 reviews2 followers
June 20, 2023
This might be my favorite in the series! Getting Edie out of her usual territory and into someplace new really opened up her character. I also loved Asher in previous books so I was happy to see him here and with her. This book gave me Poseidon vibes (that movie about the ship?) as well as The Thing / general ick vibes with the mysterious illness going around the ship - but in a good way! It kept me on the edge of my seat as I read and tried to figure out what was going on. Definitely didn't expect the book to end that way (my only complaint, I think) but I'm super curious to see what happens to Edie next!

"I'd always wanted to think that love could heal anything. But I realized lying there, eyes closed, listening to him breathe, that really love is what happens when you find out that it can't."

Received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for merlin513.
252 reviews2 followers
June 26, 2023
Edies's really gotten herself into the soup this time!

After the events of the last book Asher and Edie decide it's time for a long vacation and a 2 week cruise to Hawaii seems just the ticket!
But as with all of Edie's luck, it turns out to be anything BUT relaxing.

This is a quicker read than the previous books. A pandemic on a cruise ship is nothing surprising but Asher has his suspicion's about the cause of this one.

I enjoyed several of the side characters extremely much! Vacationing octogenarians Clarissa & Hal were a welcome addition to the story. Along with their surprising backstory!

After all the deaths from covid it was a somewhat tough read but it sets up Edie's continuing story and leaves one panting for more.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.
740 reviews3 followers
January 21, 2024
Getting a preview at the end of book 3, I knew Asher and Edie's vacation was not the relaxation fest they were imagining.

Having cruised before, I could picture the ship and halls as described throughout the story. Helped make it come alive.

I liked knowing they got off the ship from the beginning, but that left me wondering who else made it, why did they have to get off the ship, how far into the story did this happen.

Story was worth it - an Edie size emotional roller coaster. This girl does nothing small or simple and the story delivered on that front. Ending gives a new dimension to what they have to tackle next. Not sure how that is going to work, but cannot wait to read next story to find out.

I received a copy of this story from the author and am voluntarily leaving my honest review.
1,764 reviews7 followers
June 15, 2023
They need a vacation, so Edie (nurse) and Asher (doctor) get on a cruise to Hawaii, unfortunately things are not going to be as relaxing as they thought. For Asher sees a blast from his past (Nathaniel), and he doesn't trust that this guy has changed his ways. Can Edie and Asher get a proper break? Or will the chaos outweigh it? I enjoyed Edie and Asher's cruise adventure, with Edie's nose for trouble it was bound to be chaos. I liked Edie's interactions with the Shadows, the drama/angst, danger and interesting story. I need to know what happens next.
I am voluntarily reviewing a copy I received, and giving my thoughts and opinions on it.
June 19, 2023
Edie's boyfriend, Archer, surprises her with a romantic cruise to Hawaii… At first all seems to be happiness and cuddles, until Archer spots someone from his past, an old familiar face that he is not too happy to see again… Soon after, kids begin falling ill and dying with little to no explanation as to why… Like something out of the days of Covid past, the cruise ship becomes a quarantine zone with no one on or off the boat... Can Archer and Edie find what is going on and stop it?? Read the book to find out… This is book 4 of this urban fantasy series, and I highly recommend it to everyone.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 142 reviews

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