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House of Secrets#2

Battle of the Beasts

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Since the siblings' last adventure, life in the Walker household is much improved—the family is rich and the Wind Witch is banished. But no Walker will be safe until she is found, and summoning her to San Francisco brings all the danger that comes with her and puts the Walkers in the crosshairs of a mysterious journey through Denver Kristoff's books. As the Walkers travel from ancient Rome to World War II to Tibet, they'll be tested in ways that cut deeper than before, by Denver Kristoff, the Wind Witch, and each other.

465 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2014

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About the author

Chris Columbus

Chris Joseph Columbus is an American film director, producer and screenwriter. Columbus is known for such movies as Gremlins, The Goonies, Mrs. Doubtfire, and Home Alone, the last receiving a British Comedy Award for Best Comedy Film.


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Profile Image for Mohammed Arabey.
709 reviews6,142 followers
April 19, 2017
كم مرة شعرت أن الهروب لمغامرة بداخل رواية أمرا أجمل من واقعنا الرتيب ومتاعبه؟

لكن بالنسبة للثلاث أشقاء ووكر هذا يعتبر لعنة، فهم سجناء في عالم خيالي مزيج من 3 روايات رهيبة كابوسية

ولكن هل هذا فعلا أسوأ من الواقع؟ألم يصير الجميع هاربا بالفعل؟
هذه هي التيمة الأساسية بالجزء الثاني..هذه المرة يتلاعب بيت الأسرار بهم ليقنعهم أن العالم الخيالي هو أفضل من عالمهم الواقعي..المحطم،البائس
"ما الذي تتحدث عنه؟"
قالتها كورديلا التي شعرت فجأه أنها تدافع عن حياتها بأكملها
"سان فرانسيسكو مبهرة"
"حقا؟ حيث كل الناس دائما يحدقون في تليفوناتهم، ويضغطون بأصابعهم؟ أنا أراهم من نوافذ المقاهي..ينقرون بأصابعهم كأنهم مصابين بمرض ما"
"أنت تبالغ بشدــ"
"وماذا عن هذه الأماكن التي تسمونها مركز اللياقة؟ كل هؤلاء الناس مرتبطون بأجهزة,يجرون في أماكنهم كفأر تجارب؟ ما المغزي؟"
"ليبقوا في لياقة وشكل مناسب"
"إذن لم لا يجتمع بعض الاصدقاء لدورة كرة قدم؟ النقطة هنا هي أن الناس في عالمك يفضلون البقاء وحدهم عن البقاء مع شخص أخر. ولكن هناـ"
نزل ويل بالطائرة ورفعها مرة اخري,فأطلقت كورديلا صرخة رعب
"ـ" هنا نحن في مغامرة

هذا العيب الرهيب بعالمنا.. كل منا في عالمه في هاتفه...والذي تحدثت عليه من قبل في مقالاتأخترنا لكهي ما لعبت روح المؤلف الكابوسي كريستوف التي تطاردهم من خلال رواياته التي يعيشون أهوالها
فهم يعيشون في بيته بسان فرانسيسكو، لم يعلموا أن كتب مكتبته بها لعنة تحبسهم بداخل مغامراته المهولة

في الجزء الثاني تستمر المغامرات، تستمر اللعنة والتي بالرغم من انها تبدأ بشكل مختلف هذه المرة الا انها ليست بالقوة التي بدأت بها أحداث الجزء السابق

تبدأ بأن الأشقاء الثلاث يقابلهم مشاكل سواء عائلية أو في الدراسة.. وبسبب حدث ما في النادي البوهيمي بسان فرانسسكو بعودة كريستوف له
أنفسهم مرة اخري ينتقلون بمنزلهم، منزل الأسرار ، لثلاث عوالم خيالية مختلفة من روايات كريستوف الجهنمية
رواية في أجواء الرومان وصراعات المصارعين الوحشية مع وحوش رهيبة، والتي يشرف عليها امبراطور روماني سادي مجنون
وآخري في اجواء الحرب العالمية الثانية ، ولكن هنا يقوم النازيون بإستخدام جنود من الروبوت، وحشية مصفحة ضد الموت
وقصة ثالثة في اجواء التبت الجليدية القارصة، ومعبد للرهبان البوذيين يواجهه وحوشا خرافية
ليجد أصدقائنا الثلاثة ، براندون و اليانور وكورديلا ، وينضم لهم ويل مرة اخري في عوالم كابوسية سجناء بها والخروج منها صار اصعب

خاصا عندما يشعرون ان ذلك العالم الخيالي قد يكون افضل من الواقع...ولكن العالم الخيالي سيتحول لكابوسا بحق عندما تبدأ صراعات الوحوش
للأسف لم يتم استخدام جزء النادي البوهيمي بشكل جيد كما كان متوقعا ان يكون اكبر، فهو بالجزء الاول شعرت أنه سيربط الأحداث التاريخية بالفانتازيا بالأخص تم البناء لفكرة هامة به منذ الجزء الأول -ربما ايضا توقعت ان يكون هناك دورا للماسونية ربما ولكن يبدو أنها تم تأجيلها ربما من المؤلفان لكتاب قادم لا نعلم مصيره بعد-

التطور في الشخصيات كان ممتازا واكثر واقعية ونضجا ، وأن كان غريب بالنسبة للتغير في حياة والدهم.. أيضا من الأسئلة المفتوحة حتي الجزء القادم
أعجبني جدا بالربع الأول الشعور بروح وحياة الأخوات، المشاكل اليومية التي تواجههم في البيت او المدرسة، الأثارة لشراء طلب من عن طريق الأنترنت ، سخرية زملاء المدرسة من أمور تافهة ، وغيرها الكثير
وبالرغم من أن الأنتقال للعوالم الثلاثة لم يكن جديدا ولكن الأحداث به هي التي كانت جديدة ومختلفة عن الجزء الأول
عالم الرومان وحلبات الصراع الوحشي
عالم الحرب العالمية الثانية -بعد الحرب العالمية الأولي بالجزء الأول- والنازيين الآليين
ثم عالم التبت ووحوش الجليد والرهبان البوذيين
وظل التشويق والاثارة بها ممتدا حتي النهاية.. فكما قالت جي كي رولينج عن الجزء الاول انه كالارجوحة الافعوانية ترفعك وتهبط بك بسرعة في احداث متلاحقة لاهثة مثيرة
ستظل هكذا حتي النهاية، وهل سيخرج عائلة ووكر من تلك العوالم الكابوسية أم لا، وهل ستنتهي تلك اللعنة اخيرا؟
لعنة بيت الأسرار
حسنا لكل رواية قيمة ما
وأعتقد أنك ستدرك مغزاها بالنهاية
حتي وأن كانت كنهايات الأفلام الهوليوودية التقليدية,ألا أنك ستخرج من أحداث الرواية بشعور جيد
ان تقبل الواقع بتحدياته
وتواجه تلك التحديات ، اعتبرها وحوشك وواجهها واهزمها ولا تهرب منها
ايا كانت تلك الوحوش
جليدية، مفترسة، آلية، امبراطور او قائد عسكري فاسد مستبد
كلها تحديات
ولكن لا مانع من أضافة بعض السحر والخيال من حين لأخر

كانت أخر قراءة ب2014 لأبطال عشقت مغامراتهم من اخر قراءة معهم في العام الماضي
وسأفتقد سحر مغامراتهم لحين معرفة هل سيصدر جزء جديد من بيت الأسرار أم لا

Dedicated to Ned Vizzini 1981 - 2013

محمد العربي
من 18 ديسمبر 2014
إلي 25 ديسمبر 2014


ومن سحر الخيال, للعمل بنصيحة الرواية وقراءة التاريخ والواقع وعدم الهروب منه
إلي رحلة لا أعلم بعد عقباها إلي الحرب العالمية الأولي
بدون وحوش
وأن كنت أري أن بعض البشر وقتها كانوا وحوشا بما فيه الكفاية

أولي قراءتي التاريخية وكين فوليت..ًصراع العمالقة
Profile Image for Clara.
139 reviews
February 19, 2014
I loved the book. So much emotion and thrilling adventure. Some books aren't as good without some loss but it is fabulous.
Profile Image for Karolina.
44 reviews1 follower
July 31, 2023
Mogłaby być o połowe krótsza ale i tak bawiłam się dobrze. Czekam na kontynuacje o ile będzie.Zakończenie zmiotło mnie z planszy, bo w ogóle nie spodziewałam się że to zakończenie może iść w tą stronę.
Profile Image for Rob Slaven.
480 reviews65 followers
March 14, 2014
Firstly and as usual I received this book for free in exchange for a review. Despite that kind consideration I give my scrupulously honest opinions below.

To begin, this is a children's book so I judge by different criteria than I would an adult novel. The first point of judgment, and one that has been known to blow a book out of the water by itself, is the presence of inappropriate content for children. I have absolutely no tolerance for sex, drugs and other such topics in kid's books. This book is safe on that account though it does have quite a bit of violence. It's nothing profoundly graphic but it will get young readers attention and might arouse a question or two.

The second criterion is basically an answer to the question of whether the reader will learn anything or gain anything positive from the book. In this case, the book scores pretty highly. This is a rather broad romp through history and the author isn't afraid to throw out solid historical terms from Roman times through the P-51 mustang. These factoids are woven very skillfully through the narrative in such a way that the little ones might not actually be aware they're learning much of anything. So in this case the book is likely to cause more than a few questions and Wikipedia searches. I'm forty years old and I ended up doing some searches of my own throughout the course of the book so kids will get plenty of new tidbits.

Lastly, I ponder whether kids will enjoy the book. Here's where I think the book may have problems. It is a wild and unpredictable ride to be sure but at times it's just utterly preposterous and openly defiant of logic. In general I'm OK with some of that, especially for a book aimed at very young children, but the reading level of this feels like it's more in the 10-13 range and that's the age where children start to question plausibility, when those exclamations of "cool!" started turning into "what?!" instead. To put is simply, I think the kids who can read it won't buy into it and the kids who are young enough to buy into it can't read it.

In summary, this is a solid "maybe" in my book. It's great on many points but the last third of the book just wobbles too violently and I think readers will get lost in it. You'll need to be the judge of just how much your kids will tolerate wacky madcap zaniness in their magical adventure novels and make your decision from there.
Profile Image for Kayla.
1,618 reviews65 followers
May 19, 2017
If you've been following my reviews for a few years, you know that I absolutely hated the first House of Secrets book. There were very few redeeming qualities in it. At first, I was very iffy about whether I wanted to continue the series or not. When I got a chance to read the second book on Edelweiss, I figured that I didn't have much else to read, so I would give it a try. I'm so glad I did.

Battle of the Beasts was a welcome change from the first House of Secrets book. The character's seemed like they had a lot of character development that the reader didn't get to see between the first and second books. They were more mature, which made reading the book a lot more enjoyable. I didn't want to pull my hair out at some of the things that they did. I also loved that the author brought back some of the minor characters. I wasn't expecting that at all, and it was a pleasant surprise.

The plot was action packed. There was never a dull moment. At times, it was so tense that I wanted to jump up and down and tell at the characters that they could survive this, and that's a feeling that I've only ever gotten a few times while reading. It comes with the feeling that you know you're reading a really good book. My favorite scene was the one with the pirates. It was action packed and kept me on the edge of my seat. I had no idea what was going to happen.

Battle of the Beasts ends on a surprising cliffhanger. I was not expecting it at all. It should be interesting to see where the story goes from here. I will definitely be reading the final book in the trilogy as soon as it is released. Even though I was hesitant in the beginning, I'm so glad I continued on with this trilogy.
Profile Image for ♠ TABI⁷ ♠.
Author15 books507 followers
August 5, 2015
This sequel follows the crazy, fast-paced, twist-filled plot of the first book...only a little more. The Walker siblings survived being stuck in Denver Kristoff's novels once, but now they're going to have to do it again. And this time, there's more at stake then just getting home - they're going to have to try and stick together as well, which is harder than it seems.

I loved this book just as much as I loved the first. Again, it is written in an omnipotent voice that bounces between characters pretty frequently, but it at least it isn't confusing. You always know whose head you're in. And as far as the writing, as fresh and action-packed as always.

As far as the characters, they're still awesome: Brendan with his snappy wisecracks, Eleanor with her honesty and courage no matter what is happening, Cordelia with her book-knowledge and wits, and Will with his British charm, derring-do attitude, and humor. But there are also a few new characters thrown in: the monks from any part of the world who battle frost creatures, Nazi cyborgs (yes, you heard that right), a crazy Roman emperor, and Felix, the Greek gladiator who kinda ended up getting married to Cordelia (spoiler, whoops).

I read this book in little under three hours. I laughed quite a few times, was surprised at some points, and then shouted "Whaaat??? no!!!!" at several parts as well. Let's just say that I'm hoping there will be a third book soon, because there needs to be. Please. This series can't end like this!
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,132 reviews176 followers
September 25, 2016
След като вече прочетохме с голям интерес и отразихме първата книга от трилогията, идва ред и на „Къщата на тайните: Битката на зверовете”! Режисьорът и сценарист Крис Кълъмбъс в ново амплоа, този път се изявява като писател на детско фентъзи, а компания му прави неговият съавтор Нед Везини. След като в предния том от трилогията сестрите Кордилия и Елинор Уокър и брат им Брендан се оказаха хванати в капана на смъртоносното въображение на окултния писател Денвър Кристоф, сега тяхното шеметно пътешествие през света на книгите продължава с пълна пара. Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле":

Profile Image for Caroline.
326 reviews33 followers
January 27, 2021
I first found this book in a second hand bookstore years ago and only recently found it on my bookshelf.

I haven't read the first book, so there were at times where I was bit lost at what was happening but conversations between the Walker kids, Wind Witch, Storm King and Will I quickly picked up the gist of it.

The target audience for this series is for younger readers and feel that they will enjoy this series for kids. Perhaps I would've enjoyed and appreciated the story more as a kid.
Profile Image for Lara.
103 reviews
June 9, 2014
This is yet again another brilliant sequel, I loved this book it is even btter then the first one almost certainly, there is so much more to it then you realise. I would really reccomend this to anyone!!!!!!!!
Profile Image for Audrey Smith.
26 reviews
January 16, 2019
I really liked this book although personally I think that it was not as good as the first. I still enjoyed reading it even though it was slightly less enjoyable than the first book.
Profile Image for S.
409 reviews
June 16, 2020
This was definitely not the best sequel I've ever read. In fact, I actually had pretty high expectations for it, and I was let down. Overall, the storyline felt pretty unfocused to me. A lot of things happened without a clear purpose. In fact, a lot of the novel contained content that seemed to just fill space between the first book and the conclusion. I did still enjoy the characters, and I didn't hate reading the book by any means. I just never felt all that invested while reading it.

That said, the target audience for this series is younger readers, and I do think this is a great set of books for children. I think it is something I would've enjoyed more as a kid.
Profile Image for Thomas.
66 reviews9 followers
June 14, 2017
Følger NØYAKTIG samme oppskrift som forgjengeren; her er det action, og kun action, som driver handlingen framover, og ikke ett eneste kapittel vies til noe annet enn det. Voksenpersonen i meg savnet litt mer substans, litt mer karakterskildringer, men den 12-årige versjonen av meg ville elsket denne like mye som den første, da det var action som måtte til for at jeg skulle lese bøker den gang.
Greit tidsfordriv, lettlest, og langt ifra kjedelig. Jeg bare håper andre unge liker den like godt som jeg ville gjort som barn.
Profile Image for Dayla.
2,501 reviews213 followers
March 25, 2014
Review first appeared on my blog:Book Addict 24-7

I received a copy via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review

Battle of the Beastsis the sequel to the middle grade novel,House of Secrets,written by Chris Columbus and the late Ned Vizzini. Though I entered this book with a few doubts, I ended up liking it a lot more than its predecessor. The action was more fluid and the characters were more realistic (with a few exceptions). I also felt like the pacing was a lot better, making it a much faster read--and if you look at the print edition of this book, it's not a little book. More addicting, more exciting, and more gruesome,Battle of the Beastsserves up an awesome adventure.

One of the main issues I had with the previous installment in this series was how immature the narrating felt. I'm one of those readers that reads whatever age group of fiction that I want to, but readingHouse of Secretswas tough because it felt so young (despite the content). Imagine my surprise when I began readingBattle of the Beastsand seeing a much more mature narrator. I know that some time passed since the last adventure the Walker kids had, but it had only been a few weeks, so I attribute it to a better writing style. I felt like the narrating in this one was more welcoming for an older audience.
I also liked the Walkers a lot more this time around. The character growth was a lot greater in this one for the two older children, Cordelia and Bren. I love the idea of this book teaching kids how some of their selfish choices can not only affect the people around them, but also the children themselves.

The one character that was slightly disappointing was Eleanor. Other than the fact that the name Eleanor is old-fashioned and often alludes to a person full of wisdom, this character is only eight years-old. A reviewer of the first book stated that it seemed a bit unrealistic that a child with dyslexia could nearly read a full adult novel on her own, and I have to agree. In the short time between the first book and the second book, Eleanor has become a much better reader and though this is a fantastic boost of self-esteem for other children in similar situations when it comes to reading, it's also unrealistic. Plus, there were instances where she acted like a mini adult inBattle of the Beasts,but then regressed to acting like a child again. This discontinuity made Eleanor a bit intolerable at times.

If it weren’t for the gore and slightly disturbing cinematic moments, this could almost be read as a hallmark movie book adaptation. Especially when the children share their love and teach each other life lessons through mistakes and dangerous situations.

I would recommend this one to kids who are on the cusp of teenage-hood. The descriptions and situations in this installment are a lot darker than the first novel, making it a bit too old for the 9-12 age group. If you like adventure, quirky characters, and a story that doesn't revolve around romance, then you'll enjoy this one!
Profile Image for Sarah.
31 reviews2 followers
April 6, 2014
Disclaimer - I won this book before it was published!

This book was better than the first! The adventures in this book were more adventurous and seemed to mesh very well together. I'm glad at the outcome but I'm curious to see how Fat Jagger gets out of this new sticky situation he has gotten himself in - can the Walkers save him? Also I wonder if Felix and Will, will return in the 3rd book because I think Will plays a major role in the Walker life but I'm not sure if Felix should return but I'm sure he will have to because of what happened between Cordelia and him - plus we have to know what happens to him!

I also hope that the next book covers more of how this book ended. It didnt really explain what happened and why. I guess I will just have to wait!
Profile Image for Danii Allen.
311 reviews6 followers
February 23, 2017
Read as part of the PopSugar Reading Challenge 2017, to fill15) A book with a subtitle.

This series might be fun and adventurous for kids, but it's really going downhill for me. There are just way too many plot holes and coincidences for it to even be slightly believable.

The only mildly likeable character is Eleanor, and even she gets on my nerves sometimes. The relationship between Cordelia and Will isridiculous;the whole first book she was swooning over him and he had no interest, in this book the roles are completely reversed for no apparent reason other than Will's jealousy.

Also I'm pretty sure the Nazi storyline is horrendously offensive.

I'm reading the third book, but only because I already own it.
Profile Image for Kari.
1,301 reviews
October 9, 2014
I didn't read book one, so I was a little lost at times, but not so much as to distract from the story line. The a Walker children are running from the Wind Witch and find themselves transported to another of Denver Kristoff's books, landing in the middle of the roman Collesium. After defeating the lions by magic, the Emperor thinks Bren is the highest warrior.
Adventures also include a trip to a cold mountain top where the kids battle the frost beasts.
The adventures divide them, but in the end, they realize that family binds them together.
Profile Image for Truly.
2,500 reviews3 followers
July 20, 2015

Bagian favorit saya:

Sebuah rak buku.
Benda itu mirip rak kayu apung yang mereka lihat di petualangan terdahulu. Rak itu benar-benar berada di bawah permukaan air kolam. Dan di setiap raknya, terlihat jelas meski berada dalam air, berjejer lusinan manuskrip.

Sebuah rak penuh buku berada di bawah air tanpa merusak buku! OK saya mau pesan satu zat atau mantera apalah yang bisa membuat koleksi saya menjadi seperti itu. Lumayan, menghemat tempat penyimpanan.
1,207 reviews11 followers
April 8, 2014
Most definitely part of a kids series - as the Walker family children have adventures taken from the pages of the books of a man named Denver Kristoff's library. How else could an entire house time travel and land in the Roman coliseum only to find themselves by Nazis from yet another book. A fun adventure for kids who are able to suspend all logic and just take things as they come.
Profile Image for K.
1,050 reviews4 followers
October 25, 2021
Didn’t think it could get worse
114 reviews2 followers
May 25, 2024
W ramach terapii popotopowej sięgnąłem sobie po sequel książki dla dzieci, którą ostatnio zaklasyfikowalem jako "całkiem spoko, choć wymagająca podrasowania pozycję". Na pewno jej kontynuacja będzie po prostu lepszą wersją oryginału, prawda?

O wiele częściej w tej książce miałem do czynienia z dobrym built-upem. Częściej myślałem "WOW, to jest całkiem mądre wykorzystanie wcześniej przedstawionych zasad". Chociaż wciąż wiele plot twistów wyskakuje jak Filip z konopi, a najbardziej to boli w zakończeniu, które nawet nie do końca ma sens. W ogóle wiele aspektów tej książki zdaje się nie mieć sensu i wychodzi poza ramy "intencjonalnie przerysowanej logiki ksiazek dla dzieci", jak lubię to nazywać. SPOILERY No bo niby dlaczego portal w książce Kristoffa prowadzi do prawdziwego świata, a wcześniej wymaga ujrzenia swojej przyszłości? Dlaczego nie zabito Brendana po tym jak stracił przytomność w środku walki? Wichrowa Wiedźma została przeniesiona do serca Kordelii dosłownie, czy metaforycznie? Co się działo z rodzicami tych dzieci, kiedy one i ich dom przeniesiono do świata książek Kristoffa? Jak ci bohaterowie teleportowali się na szczyt góry?

Jak właściwie działa ten świat książek Kristoffa? Czy Wichrowa Wiedźma zawsze tworzy go od zera? Chyba nie, skoro jest w nich ukryta księga i, z tego co zrozumiałem, jakieś inne pradawne moce fikcyjnego pisarza. Ba, on sam się w nim ukrywał. Ale po co? Jaki był cel? Jak to działa? Jak można się tam dostać? Jeśli są to wszystkie jego książki, ale ostatecznie i tak kręcimy się wokół trzech?

Jedną z tych książek, do których teleportują się główni bohaterowie jest dzieło o tytule "Atak nazistowskich cyborgów". Nie żartuję. Naprawdę trzeba to było tu umieścić? Wątek nazistów w książce dla dzieci? I to jeszcze w formie robotów? Nie wiem, wydaje mi sie to bardzo niesmaczne.

Miałem nadzieję, że wyjaśnimy w tej części wątek nagłej nienawiści między Denverem Kristoffem, a przodkiem Walkerów, ale w paradokumentacbh rzeczywistości nie dowiadujemy się niczego nowego, nie dostajemy nawet wskazówek. A propos Kristoffa - system magiczny w tym świecie nie ma sensu. Nie ma żadnych ograniczeń, pozwala robić na wszystko, co zostaje zebrane w postaci "Księgi życzeń i zagłady". Zasady jej pojawienia się w fabule brzmią "jeśli tego chcą protagoniści, to czemu nie".

Ta część to powtórka z rozrywki z pierwszego tomu, chociaż jest w niej wprowadzonych całkiem sporo niuansów, które jednak oddzielają ją od "Domu tajemnic". Tylko dlaczego podtytuł to "Starcie potworów"? Tutaj dosłownie mamy jeden gatunek potworów, który walczy z ludźmi. WTF.

Tę książkę absolutnie zabija tłumaczenie. Jest upstrzone błędami w postaci zbędnych przecinków i pisaniu z małej litery po wielokropku (który jest swoją drogą nadużywany przez pisarzy). Nawet nie wiem, czy mogę ocenić styl autorów, bo przy takiej kalce z angielskiego, czy nazwaniu postaci ewidentnie pełniącej funkcje ochroniarza "strażnikiem", wątpię aby ów styl został wiernie odzwierciedlony.

Najlepiej w tej książce napisane jest rodzeństwo. Ich dynamika, psychika i relacje. Wolałbym aby to była młodzieżówka rozgrywająca się w prawdziwym świecie, bo ten aspekt wychodzi twórcom bezbłędnie. Uwielbiam Eleanor, o dziwo, Brendan dalej bawi, a Kordelia jest całkiem interesująca.

Jakościowo, niestety, nie odbiegamy daleko od pierwszego tomu. Liczyłem na rozwój, oszlifowamie swego warsztatu i tego świata, ale ostatecznie nie skręcamy w tą stronę. Dalej jest to dobra rozrywka, ale mogłaby być lepsza. 3,5/5 z zaokrągleniem do 3.
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