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With Angel's Wings

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Laura’s world spins as pediatricians throw words at her like heart failure, seizures, and g-tube feeds...when all she wants is to hold her baby tightly and be the mom she’d always dreamed of being. Join Laura on her emotional journey as she strives to rise to the unexpected challenge of motherhood to two special needs daughters. Witness her dance along the edge of sanity through a whirlwind of mind-numbing diagnoses, from a rare chromosomal disorder to autism. Experience heart-wrenching medical drama, from IV cut-downs to code blues. And share in the joy of true love discovered... just as Laura begins to lose all hope. With Angel's Wings - an honest and raw, 100% true story.

302 pages, Paperback

First published September 17, 2013

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About the author

Stephanie A. Collins

I am a busy mother of 4, a loving wife, and an unsuspecting author of a true medical drama/unconventional love story called With Angel's Wings. With Angel's Wings is my story. I wrote therapeutically as I was introduced to/initiated into life as a special needs mother. Years later friends, therapists, and nurses convinced me to share my tale. All names were changed in the book, out of respect for those who would not appreciate being mentioned by name, but aside from names, the story is 100% true. If, after reading With Angel's Wings, you are left with questions, please do not hesitate to ask. On the book's website (www.withangelswings.net) there is an "Ask the Author Forum", and all questions and feedback are more than welcome. Also on the website are an epilogue, "deleted scenes" and "real life" pictures that correlate with each of the book's chapters. Some of those pictures are featured in With Angel's Wings ~ A Trailer @http://youtu.be/d1feuCdh8dcThanks, and enjoy!


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews
Profile Image for SA Krishnan.
Author31 books207 followers
April 21, 2021

A gritty story of a mother raising two children with special needs without any help.

In between, she receives help from unexpected sources.

Emotional and powerful book highlighting the power of love, at all costs.

Definite tear jerker and intense.
Profile Image for Dianna Caley.
138 reviews13 followers
March 15, 2016
I know the author, so I put off reading this book. I was afraid it would be boring and formulaic. It is neither. I couldn't put it down. The story is about a mother of two special needs children, one who is severely disabled, but it is much more than that. It is a coming of age novel where I was totally wrapped up in the decisions of the main character and fascinated by her development. It is also one of the best love stories I have read in a long time. It left me with a renewed hope and appreciation for all that human beings are and what they can accomplish, especially when they find a partner who is equally exceptional. Whether you enjoy books about parenting challenges, stories of personal triumph, or just a really good romance this book is well worth your time.
Profile Image for Brenda Perlin.
Author13 books176 followers
April 29, 2014

What struck me most when I first started reading “With Angel's Wings” by Stephanie Collins was how honest she was since this was from her real life experience. I felt as if I knew her in an instant. Her writing has a way of comforting her reader and pulling them right in. We could have been long lost friends even though our lives are so different. I just connected to her and her story right away.

This book moved me and touched me deep down inside. I felt for this person and for the family who had to deal with so much. I mean, isn't life hard enough?Still, this is not a "woe is me" story and certainly not a downer. It just shines a light on issues that many of us will never have to fully understand. But still the human existence makes us want to understand so we can be compassionate to the unknown. I can't image how many people will and can be touched by this story. It seems like a story that NEEDED to be told and there are people out there that NEED to read this.

“With Angel’s Wing’s” will be helpful to people who are just starting to come to the realization that their child is not other children. For me who does not have a child this book has given me new insight and maybe a bit more appreciation all across the board.

There is nothing worse getting caught up in the medical system. Actually, that is not true. There is NOTHING worse than getting caught up in the medical system when the patient is a baby or child. Can't be anything in the world worse than that.

This heart wrenching account at times was so difficult to read that I wanted to close my eyes but I couldn't because I needed to know what was happening. We are transported right back in time and I can feel the anguish and complete despair. And if this wasn't enough to deal with there was bureaucracy, more than one sick child to deal with and a husband that was not making things any easier. And this was just the beginning.

Much love goes out to Miss Collins and her family.
Profile Image for Robin.
Author1 book373 followers
July 14, 2017
This is a fictionalized memoir of a woman raising two medically-fragile daughters with special needs. It introduces Laura at sixteen years old, and gives an account of her romance and early marriage to Kevin, a marine. It isn’t long before their lack of maturity gives rise to trouble. It isn’t long after that when Laura finds out she is pregnant. And then pregnant again. Her second daughter is three years old when both girls are diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder.

What happens when your children undergo a litany of life-threatening conditions that require repeated surgeries and medical procedures?
What do you do when every day you face a call to action that you can barely fulfill?
At first you think, I can go without sleep or food or leisure time.
At first you think that love will conquer every problem.
And then reality sets in.

This detailed account of the medical implications, procedures and outcomes of Laura’s daughters is thorough and heartbreaking—a reality check for anyone contemplating working with families or children with special needs. Aside from that, I was intrigued by Laura’s
evolution from being a very young parent to a mature adult.

One by one, every normal expectation Laura has for her daughters is ripped away from the realm of possibility. Day by day, every expectation she has of her husband is dashed. A competent and fiercely independent woman, she is forced to learn to ask for help. And yet, if she is going to be the mother she wants to be, her greatest challenge, beyond caring for the girls, is to forgive those who are unable or unwilling to help her. Despite her difficulties, or perhaps due to them, Laura grows in unwavering faith, courage and grace.
Profile Image for Adri Sinclair.
Author10 books45 followers
March 9, 2015
Dear Stephanie,
Let me write you a candid letter, as a review to your book.

First of all, it is not usually something I would read, nor comment on. But your book made me smile. I bought it at 3am this morning and by 8am [between all the chores etc hehe] I was done reading it.

I loved how you brought the very clear, very honest thought process of a tormented mind across. And frankly, 'normal' parenting is a torment - dealing with other contributing factors does make it harder.

The part that struck me the most, was the reflection of my own thoughts at times when I meet people in my own circles:
I do not think Hannah is perfect.- As said by Daniel.
This hit home for me, because one does feel guilty having those thoughts - and yet, there they are on black and white. It made me smile.

This book was so well written, and I almost 'felt' the patience as you lead the reader down the proverbial rabbit hole. There is just enough drama to keep it romantic, just enough romance to keep it hopeful and just enough hope to keep it real.

I think, while this is a beautiful, heart-hitting [not a spelling mistake] reality check, anyone in need of a firm reminder to believe... to feel you are not alone in certain struggles... Pick this one up. Please, pick it up.

With that Stephanie, I thank you for having shared this, so beautifully. You wrote in a crisp, clear manner that made me feel part of your life, part of your story and... well, at least partly understood too!

Thank you, ever.
Sincerely Yours.
Adri Sinclair.
Profile Image for Olivia-Savannah.
932 reviews546 followers
June 2, 2015
This review can originally be found on Olivia's Catastrophe:http://olivia-savannah.blogspot.nl/20...

DNF review

I think the reason I DNFed this at 38% one was partly because it wasn’t for me, but then also partly because of the book itself. I am also feeling very guilty about critiquing this because it is a true story and I do understand that this has happened to them. I am no way judging the story when I mention the negative points – but more so the story and the way it was written. And I did scan through the rest of the novel so I know what happens and can talk about it as a whole.

Reasons it wasn’t for me:

- This book is about pregnancy and marriage and I am a sixteen year old girl. I am not saying it means I am not able to read it, but I probably won’t be able to connect to this one as much as let’s say, a mother would who is married.
- This is a memoir. This goes both ways, actually. I do like reading memoirs, I really do! About anything really – pregnancy and other stuff that is way over my head. I am curious about all of it, especially if it is a true story. But sometimes memoirs can be hard to write right, and if it’s done wrong I am quick to put it down.
- I misjudged. I thought Hannah – the child struggling in question would not remain a baby in the novel but grow up as well. But she didn’t. Hannah remains a baby and well, I was not expecting that. One of the reasons I picked this up was also to see her development and progress as a child too.

Reasons it might not be the best written book:

- Laura gets whiny. I think she has every right to panic. She doesn’t have a supportive husband at all and she is dealing with a child who is going through severe issues. But after 38% of hearing the same thoughts continuously swim through her mind, it started to get bothersome and I couldn’t enjoy the book as much because it was too repetitive! When it comes to writing a memoir I do think it is important that we hear the main characters thoughts. But when it comes to being the same, we don’t need them again but we need a simple sentence like ‘the same worries continued plaguing her mind’ or so. Or maybe a situation in which we see her worries being acted out, instead of having to read through them again. What I can appreciate about Laura is that she does try to think positive, no matter how dire her situation sometimes becomes.

- It was predictable? If a memoir can be? With saying this, I don’t mean the situation with Hannah. Because I had no idea how that would end (which was why I continued to scan through the novel.) But when it comes to things like her marriage and love it was pretty predictable.
- The main characters were basically the two kids who can’t say much for themselves, Laura, and Kevin. And when I say that was the cast, I mean THAT’S IT. The nurses usually didn’t have names and well, the main nurse was there just to give information. There were basically no secondary characters that continued to really appear.

BUT I would like to say this was a meaningful story. I wish more people had support from their families in situations like Laura’s, and I do think writing a book is a good way to get the word out involving rare diseases/syndromes.

I am sure other people might enjoy this one more than me:)
May 4, 2015
At an age when girls her age are out partying and having fun, Laura finds herself embroiled in a souring marriage with her high school boyfriend. Every time she wants to quit, she decides to give it another six months. Time moves forward quickly for her as she finds herself pregnant for the second time and the day her younger daughter is born, her life takes an altogether different turn. Little Hannah is diagnosed with a rare genetic heart disease that keeps her more inside the hospital than outside. Laura is torn between her need to stay with Hannah and tend to her older daughter Emily. Her unsupportive husband Kevin and family members who are incapable of providing the kind of support she requires only add to her woes. Enter Daniel, who is sweet and sensitive, someone who can read her mind before she knows it. The only problem - Daniel is her stepbrother. Laura struggles to keep her sanity juggling between tending to care for Hannah and Emily and her feelings for Daniel. After her marriage breaks down, she finds strength and support in Daniel who loves her just as much. But can Laura cope with the divorce and Hannah's worsening health and Emily's diagnosis as a special needs child? Will Daniel stay or will he leave her alone and struggling just as Laura fears?

With Angel's Wings is a story of struggle and triumph of the human spirit. A fast paced and no-nonsense read, the story takes the reader into the mind of the protagonist as she faces numerous challenges every hour of the day. Based on Stephanie's own experiences, With Angel's Wings touches the heart in a very special way.
Profile Image for Shaheen Darr.
Author5 books30 followers
January 8, 2016
Laura’s second child Hannah suffers from a rare genetic disorder called Wolf-Hirshhorn Syndrome. In Angel's Wings Stephanie Collins describes in minute details the effects of the disease and the treatments Hannah has to undergo. The story is both disturbing and heart wrenching because it is not fictional but based upon the writer’s own life. I found the scenes of the IV drips being inserted in various areas of the baby’s body quite harrowing. The writer does not hide or soften any facet of the disease but shares every experience without holding back. The lack of support from Laura’s husband Kevin is deplorable; he leaves her to deal with many of the difficult and traumatic experiences alone. Laura discovers that in difficult times you can find love and support from the most unexpected people.
Angel's Wings is a tribute to mothers who cope with children with special needs while simultaneously trying to maintain some semblance of normality in their day to day lives. It is depressing to read because it is so real but it will touch your heart and soul and at the end of it you have to give thanks for any small blessing you have in your own life.
Profile Image for denise marcum.
4 reviews2 followers
November 4, 2014
Relationships / Souls are within us

As I read this I felt a longing for complete love and understanding to come true; I wasn't disappointed.We all have problems in our life's; troubles we have to bare. Having two children with life problems is bad enough but having a man (ex husband) like hers-- well he just couldn't be for real! That mana child himself and heartless! To find Daniel -- What a blessing! With Angel's Wings is a very good read. It will make your heart break and then that same heart be so happy otherwise. Two little girls that needed care- love - happiness and family; are getting just that and more! Life is never simple and this book will show you heartache and heartbreak with all the joy in the world all rolled up in it too. A wonderful read.
9 reviews3 followers
August 6, 2014
Great book!! Very honestly explores the unique challenges of raising 2 special needs children, and how everyone grows with it. It's also an incredible lover story, and one that redeems your faith in humanity. A must read!!
1 review
December 14, 2013
I want more! When I finished the book I felt like I wanted it to continue. Stephanie please write one more!
Profile Image for Kathleen Pooler.
Author3 books34 followers
July 13, 2015
The beauty of memoir is, when written effectively, we can step into someone else’s story and feel as if we are living the experience with the author. In Stephanie Collins’ case, she leads us straight into the heart of her story about what it feels like to be the mother of two special needs children. With raw honesty and gripping prose, she leaves no doubt in the reader’s mind of the devastating and daunting circumstances she has to face. She also leaves no doubt about her fierce mother love and incredible resilience as she negotiates her way, often times single-handedly, through a complex and insensitive medical system.

I’ll admit that there were times that were so intense, I needed to take a break from reading while also wanting to keep turning the pages. There was no sugar-coating of the details of daily life which were haunting and overwhelming. This gave me a clear understanding of what it meant to be a mother of two special needs children. Add to that an irresponsible and restless husband who did not want to participate in the care of the second child and you have enough tension and conflict to keep the drama going.

In my opinion, memoirs that combine light moments with the darkness provide relief for the reader. Stephanie does this very well by weaving in the love story between her and Daniel. In the end, it’s the love of a supportive partner and the love of a mother toward her children that guide her out of the darkness into the light.

This is a beautifully-written memoir of love, hope and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds. I highly recommend this memoir for anyone who has a special needs child or for health care workers who serve the special-needs population. Beyond that, it is a poignant love story, a labor of love.
Profile Image for M. Matheson.
Author11 books47 followers
March 12, 2015
Raw, transparent read of struggles beyond comprehension.

As Stephanie says in her prologue, “This is a work of fiction, but not.” This is a true account of one woman’s flailing attempt to survive a swarm of challenges any one of which might lead a lesser soul to utter despair.

‘Blessed’ with two special needs children, one severely handicapped, Stephanie records in narrative form her day-to-day struggle to just keep her head above water. Add to the challenging children a failed marriage to a partner that could care less, it’s a wonder the Author survived to write this book.

Refreshing in the fact it is not some sugar coated pabulum about how she rode over the top of her problems, she lays out the real truth of desperate struggle and shares in narrative her deepest and darkest thoughts. This book is as real and raw as it gets. The writing is flawless and well edited.

This book got under my skin and made for some some sleepless nights that I couldn’t stop reading.

The ending is not some miracle cure for her children but the resolution of living well with the life she has been given. Bravo!

Profile Image for Jonel.
1,717 reviews311 followers
December 12, 2014
This was definitely an emotional novel that is rather cathartic at times. That said, I also found it to be a bit of a heavy read. There were times when I simply had to put the story down and give myself a bit of a break. Challenges at home combine with those in the outside world for a sense of oppressing odds, but with a sense of hope at the end of the tunnel. The honest and straightforward writing style of the novel adds to that feeling.

As a whole, this was a very emotionally draining novel. It was enjoyable, and I would most definitely recommend it to others, but only if you’re in the mood for it.

Please note that I received a complimentary copy of this work in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for S.J. Hermann.
Author20 books55 followers
August 8, 2015
With Angel's Wings is one of the most emotional, heartwarming books I have read in a while. From the eyes of Laura, we read her struggles as she deals with not only two special needs children, but also the children's father who shows no interest in assisting with their care (He came off as a complete jerk and I found myself waiting for Laura to dump him). I found Laura to be strong, though holding on to her own sanity, throughout the book. From an unexpected place, Laura finds one person that helps her stay calm and guide her. From feeling Laura's concern's and worries, to reading her pull her life together, With Angel's Wings tugs at your heart, and pulls you along on an emotional ride. This is one book that is not to be missed.
Profile Image for Maggie Thom.
Author22 books481 followers
March 24, 2016
This story really shows you the resiliency of the human spirit. This is a woman's struggle with life which includes, being in an unhappy marriage and then having not one but two children who have special needs. As for Hannah the baby it's unbelievable what she went through and to be a mother to see that and be torn between being with one child and not being able to be with the other. Amazing that this mother kept her sanity. I can't imagine how difficult all of this was but she just keeps doing what needs to be done. Definitely a book worth reading, it will pull at your heart-strings but will also keep you cheering for her and praying for the best. Thank you for sharing your journey Ms. Collins.
Profile Image for Robert Nacke.
Author5 books27 followers
June 9, 2014
This is truly a moving piece that touch me so much in my heart,by what Stephanie had go through in her life that is touching by it.I felt all she went though here that touch dearly,where I want help all I can,and after reading this beautiful book I get a better understanding of how life is when you have ones in your life that needs more TLC with them.I highly recommend this to all to read.I have great respect for Stephanie for sharing this with all.
Profile Image for Patty Seitz.
Author6 books21 followers
February 17, 2015
A stunning and true account of a mother’s love for her children, both dealing with special needs, one an infant with a rare condition. The mother’s journey through her loving care of her girls along with handling the other difficulties that come her way, even as she finds a true love of her own, is a wonderful story that shouldn’t be missed. It is well written, showing how the human spirit can and does triumph no matter the obstacles.
Profile Image for Lorraine Carter.
100 reviews6 followers
October 7, 2014
A recommended review on one of the big review sites this proved a real gem of a book. Not only exceptionally well written but also thought provoking. I have always considered myself fortunate and often forget the trials and tribulations others face. This wonderful read was a timely reminder that I should never take anything for granted. Thank you Stephanie Collins.
Profile Image for Christine Grabowski.
Author1 book787 followers
October 15, 2018
I'm very glad I read this book. However, it is not for everyone. It is extremely heartbreaking with a lot of medical details. It is the memoir of a woman, primarily focused on the months following the birth of a medically fragile child. On top of it, she had a three year old with special needs and a terrible marriage.

But the book hooked me from the start and I couldn't put it down. I knew the author had somehow survived this ordeal and was able to write about it 20 years later, and I had to know how she got through it. It is also a love story as the strength she found both in herself and with a new man helped her get through it. (FYI, the text itself ends rather abruptly but it sends you to her website where there is an epilogue complete with photos. If I didn't read the online epilogue, I would have been very disappointed as I needed to know what happened with all the characters.) This might be a good book to read if you are going through a challenging time, or if you have a friend dealing with a child with severe medical issues. It definitely gave me better insight to how challenging that type of life can be both physically and emotionally for the family members.
Profile Image for Julie Haigh.
699 reviews995 followers
May 30, 2015
An excellent memoir.

This is an excellent memoir. I found it very moving, memorable and varied. It has many medical struggles but there's also an unexpected love story running alongside. What an amazing lady Stephanie sounds! This book is her true story, the only details which have been changed are all the names to protect all involved e.g. nurses, doctors etc. who perhaps would not wish to be named. I understand her changing everyone else's names but did wonder about calling herself 'Laura' in the book when her author name is Stephanie-why not just call herself Stephanie but that is just a small point. The book details her experiences from the mid-1990s. It starts right back to meeting her first husband. Their marriage got off to a rocky start but then she was pregnant and everything changed. She was suddenly responsible for children with special needs. More than one of her children have special needs-conditions involved are: Autism, Wolf-Hirschorn Syndrome, and ADHD/Dyslexia. I've read quite a few medical memoirs but I had never heard of Wolf-Hirschorn Syndrome before. As well as there being information about it in the book, I did have a bit of a search on the internet for more facts about it. It is a rare genetic disorder. The prevalence of Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome is estimated to be 1 in 50,000 births. However, this may be an underestimate because it is likely that some affected individuals are never diagnosed. For unknown reasons, Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome occurs in about twice as many females as males. Its short name is 4p- (Four p minus). Stephanie's newborn daughter suffers many medical problems such as heart murmur, seizures and heart failure and she needs around-the-clock care. Despite this, due to later circumstances, Stephanie becomes a nurse on the medical unit of Seattle Children's Hospital for about 10 years so that the family can make ends meet. As this book starts from the 1990s, the children are considerably older now and you can access an Epilogue to the book on the book's website to find out what happened next etc. I would have preferred this section in the book really so it felt more complete in itself. Indeed, there are some people who read this book who maybe don't have a computer or internet-for example, like my parents. That said, the Epilogue has lots of info and there are also photos. It is a well balanced memoir: I must admit on first seeing the book cover and title-I did wonder if it was concerning a child losing its life-with the mention of 'Angels' etc and I thought it would be a very harrowing read. I soon realized that, although the author's daughter suffers lots of medical problems, this book is not about babies dying or anything like that-and there is the most touching and magical love story in here too. It's just like stuff that films are made of-but I won't give away what it is-it's a lovely story for the reader to find out as they go along. I wish her all the success in the world with her book and I'm so pleased she found her special person and has found happiness-she certainly deserves it.
Profile Image for Patient Lee.
Author38 books60 followers
June 13, 2015
I cannot begin to wrap my head around the difficulties this family faced. I commend the author for her extraordinary strength, enduring a difficult marriage and countless difficulties with her special needs children.

The story is so compelling, I read very quickly, racing to the end to see how the author's family made it through their challenges. I rooted for them right through to the end. Any parent of a special needs child should read this book. Some will come to realize that their own situations could be much worse. Some will be inspired by the author's strength and endurance.

I wish this book was marketed as a memoir, rather than a novel, because that did affect the lens through which I viewed the story. The story was plenty dramatic, but it wasn't the kind of drama I'd expect in a work of fiction. It was real, gritty, and relentless. I did find myself wondering what kind of climax to the story I could expect, and was pleased to see that it was a happy one.

The author writes well technically. My suggestion for future writings would be a tightening of the prose. There is a heavy reliance on adverbs and wordy phrases. I agree with other reviewers that there is an abundance of repetition which could have been condensed, but as the parent of children with life-threatening food allergies, I understand. The challenges can be like the movie Groundhog Day, and the repetition in this book drives the cycle of difficulties home. It wasn't once or twice Baby Hannah was in heart failure; it was a way of life.

I'm recommending this book to my mother right away! Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Profile Image for Kimberly.
Author2 books19 followers
February 23, 2015
The book "With Angel's Wings" by Stephanie Collins was a difficult book to continue reading due to the emotional ups and downs. I was greatly affected by the ordeals Laura had to endure, starting with her the discovery of her child’s heart murmur. The split between her and her husband added to Laura’s stress and worries by leaving her to deal with her children alone.

This book is a true story about the struggles of having children with special needs that turns into a love story. The author is very brave in writing her true feelings and thoughts in her book even if they seem harsh. Many of us have had thoughts that we regretted later but would never admit to, let alone write it in a book about their life.

I found the book cover to be very pleasing to look at without clutter and easy to see the title and author’s name. An attractive book cover is very important and I feel the author has achieved this.
Profile Image for Sandra Kerns.
Author43 books108 followers
September 2, 2015
I was blown away. Yep. I was totally expecting, well, I don't know what I expected exactly, but I got SO much more! Stephanie Collins wrote this 'novel' / true story with so much heart. I learned gobs of stuff while I was totally enthralled by the story. Is it heart twisting and emotional? Yes. It's also uplifting, interesting, and enjoyable.

All of the turmoil Laura goes through with her entire family (extended and immediate), had me wanting to bop a few people on the head and say, "Wake up!" Laura's mind may have strayed to depression a few times, but she never gave up on her girls. I can't even imagine dealing with all the jerks, opinions, and health issues Laura did. To know this is a true story breaks my heart and gives me hope at the same time. If the author can come through this with a smile, I'm going to find it hard to complain about anything ever again.

Kudos, Ms. Collins. You have a gift for making a hard story a blessing to read.
Profile Image for Eeva Lancaster.
Author23 books88 followers
May 4, 2015
With Angel's Wings is a true story of trials and the power of the human spirit to rise above it. I'd recommend it to parents who are going through the same situation - caring for children with Special Needs. It contains a detailed account of the diagnosis and related medical condition. As if problems with her children's health was not enough, Laura had to deal with problems in her marriage at the same time. It's a challenging book to read. The synopsis is right, it is raw. But for those who are in the same situation, the way Laura withstood these personal trials is proof that everything turns out okay in the end, if you just keep on going. Personally, I admire the author's tenacity and I'm happy that her story had a happy ending. She deserves it after everything she's been through.
Profile Image for Jim Heskett.
Author66 books253 followers
April 10, 2015
This memoir isn't normally my cup of tea, but I took a chance on it and was not disappointed. As a father, I related to all of the struggles of raising kids, and the fact that life doesn't come with an instruction manual. I love how this book explores so many different themes of love and pain without hitting you over the head with the message. Recommended for anyone with kids, (special-needs or not), and someone looking for a story to give them a little bit of escape and uplift.
Profile Image for J'anne Grenier.
Author3 books52 followers
August 31, 2014
With Angels Wings is an endearing and heartfelt account about true courage and unconditional love. The author intimately describes her struggles not only as a single parent, but with two disabled children. Her experiences are eye opening and a must read for every parent. Thank you for sharing your journey.
Profile Image for Annette Spratte.
Author55 books38 followers
May 10, 2018
How do you review a memoir? It feels wrong to apply the same criteria I would apply to fiction. This isn’t a story someone has written to entertain the reader. This is someone’s life.
“With angel’s wings” is the brutally honest account of life with two handicapped children – one of them often closer to death than alive – and the resulting fight on many different fronts. Family, doctors, authorities, friends – there is no area of life unaffected.
If this was fiction, I would criticize the fact that problems are brought up in the course of the story which are not resolved satisfactorily. For example, one moment the situation with the children’s father escalates seemingly beyond repair and in the next moment his older daughter spends the weekend with him. How was the problem solved? I don’t know. But I do know that life is crazy; that other, more pressing things come up. While a fiction author has time to spend on happily resolving problems to make the story perfect, a special needs mom is simply glad she doesn’t have to worry about one thing anymore while five others hit her in the face. That’s what this book mirrors.
You do not read it to enjoy carefully composed literature. You read it because you want to know how anyone can survive such an ordeal. You want to know what a true hero looks like – and how deep the emotional pit is she has to crawl out of over and over again.
It will touch you, unless you have a heart of stone.
459 reviews2 followers
May 8, 2018

Hardest story to read, but also someone with other family members in the same situation. I totally understand. You never know someone until you walk in their shoes. But after reading this,you understand more.
Very well written. All from heart and soul. It ended with a HEA, and hopefully a balanced and happier life. Best to all.
Profile Image for Shree.
Author2 books9 followers
June 5, 2015
Note: This review is up in my blog -Book And Ink

Laura, our protagonist is a 25 year old new mum whose life turns upside down when her 13 day old second daughter is diagnosed with heart murmurs. Subsequently she is diagnosed with severe disability. Adding to her misery, her first daughter is also diagnosed with learning disabilities. The lack of a proper emotional and financial support system for her Marine husband, Kevin makes life all the more difficult for her until Daniel comes along. The story is an account of how Laura and her kids beat all the odds of survival and finally find peace.

I truly wonder if I could handle even half of what Laura went through. Taking care of one special needs child is mammoth task. Taking care of 2 such kids without a proper support system sounds just impossible. The writer, Stephanie has delivered a tear jerker effortlessly. It might be her real live story but penning it down and reliving all of it in the process is simply painful. There were parts in the book that just left me thinking, why she really chose to struggle. She had the option of euthanasia, but she never really considered that to be an option at all. That is simply inspiring, the choice to give her little girl a chance at life though it would make her own life a struggle No matter how much trouble she faced, she simply kept slogging without deterring.

Needless to say, the writing was powerful, effective and packed quite a punch. Characterization on the other hand, had a lot of room for improvement. Stephanie focused more on the primary characters, as in Emily, Kevin, Daniel, Hannah and her doctor. The high point of characterization would be the differences the writer showed between Kevin and Daniel. I felt she could have given a wee bit more importance to other characters. But then, the book being a memoir, it would be unwise of me judge characterization.

MY SAY: A must read for anyone who thinks their life is miserable. The book taught me to be thankful for life that I live today.

RATING: 10/10

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