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The Sleeping Beauty in the Woods

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Two classic fairy tales by Charles Perrault with illustrations by Walter Crane.

43 pages, Kindle Edition

Published February 20, 2014

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About the author

Charles Perrault

Charles Perrault was a French author who laid foundations for a new literary genre, the fairy tale, and whose best known tales, offered as if they were pre-existing folk tales, include: Little Red Riding Hood, Sleeping Beauty, Puss in Boots, Cinderella, Bluebeard, Hop o' My Thumb), Diamonds and Toads, Patient Griselda, The Ridiculous Wishes...

Perrault's most famous stories are still in print today and have been made into operas, ballets (e.g., Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty), plays, musicals, and films, both live-action and animation.

The Brothers Grimm retold their own versions of some of Perrault's fairy tales.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 35 reviews
Profile Image for Antonella Imperiali.
1,208 reviews126 followers
March 22, 2020
Una delle più conosciute tra le fiabe senza tempo, resa ancor più popolare grazie al film di animazione della Disney.
Edizione impreziosita da alcune belle illustrazioni dai particolari classicheggianti e dai colori vivaci, che richiamano però - come risultato finale - le vetrate in stile Art Noveau, un po’ alla Alfons Mucha per intenderci.

Evasione e giochi a cui partecipare...


⛓ RC 2020 - Catena mar/20 (4)
🦄 Nel regno della fantasia
Profile Image for Federico DN.
747 reviews2,225 followers
April 24, 2024

This was almost perfect, but not going to review it.

For the moment at least.

It’s public domain. You can find itHERE.

[1700] [10p] [Children's] [4.5] [Highly Recommendable]


Esto fue casi perfecto, pero no voy a reseñarlo.

Al menos por ahora.

Es dominio público, lo pueden encontrarACA.

[1700] [10p] [Niños] [4.5] [Altamente Recomendable]
Profile Image for Radwa.
Author1 book2,221 followers
May 24, 2016
Another "Sleeping Beauty" retelling, and despite sharing some common events, I like this way better than Giambattista Basile's version "Sun, Moon, Talia."

This shows the basic story we know from Disney's movie (except there's no Maleficent, instead there's an evil mother-in-law), but the difference is that it goes beyond the movie, and what happens in later year with some weird twists. It's not so gory and creepy, just your basic fairy tale, and I liked it.
Profile Image for Sara.
566 reviews197 followers
April 25, 2014
Beautiful illustration and format

The kindle format is lovely and beautifully illustrated. This classic version is interesting and even a little funny. The kids were enchanted by this presentation.
Profile Image for Ylenia.
165 reviews15 followers
March 2, 2020
Storie magnifiche senza tempo 💕💕
Profile Image for Erin Greene.
176 reviews5 followers
November 11, 2020
I liked this, in the sense that it was interesting, finding that an evil ogress, and mother of the prince is in fact the villain, and the old fairy (named Maleficent by Disney), is but a small nameless blip in the story. Otherwise, the story is not as well-written as I had hoped, and appears to be trying to teach a moral that falls completely flat.
218 reviews
May 15, 2024
I enjoyed it!

I enjoyed the story despite it being more sinister than Disney's version. I was curious about the original story and stumbled upon it. I wouldn't recommend it for kids though.
June 5, 2022
La Bella Durmiente destaca por ser una historia que mantiene entretenido a el lector, haciendo que se pregunté qué sucederá con la princesa a medida que trascurre la narración. Las ilustraciones de ese libro son bastante alegres, tienen muchos colores y junto a el apoyo de la narración logran transportar exitosamente al lector a la edad medieval, donde existen hadas, ogros, dragones y un sinfín de criaturas místicas. Este cuento, por una parte, destaca la curiosidad y lo que esta puede desencadenar, ejemplo de ello es cuando Aurora de curiosa decide subir a la torre más alta a pesar de que lo tuviera prohibido. Por otra parte, el cuento realiza una crítica indirecta a los modales, ya que la trama de la historia se desencadena debido a que los reyes no fueron capaces de invitar a una de las hermanas de las hadas a la fiesta. Si bien la historia es bastante corta, en ella se desarrollan acciones bastante detalladas, existe en ella un toque mágico, este es proporcionado tanto por las hadas y por la bruja. El autor juega bastante con el tiempo en el relato, lo cual logra mantener interesado a el lector. La historia hace creer que ya no hay esperanzas para el reino, pero, al mismo tiempo, la historia te hace mantener la esperanza de que, aunque sucedan cosas malas, siempre puede haber una solución.
Sin dudas es una historia entretenida y bastante bonita. Mantiene a el lector entretenido, y su lectura no es tediosa, la narración es bastante simple lo cual hace que sea rápido leerlo. En mi opinión es recomendable leerlo desde los 7 años, la lectura a temprana edad permitirá a los niños desarrollar habilidades cognitivas mayores, siendo capaces de imaginar y crear en sus cabezas lo que van leyendo; resulta ser una excelente opción para tu biblioteca.

Profile Image for Antonella.
264 reviews3 followers
June 19, 2023
La bella addormentata nel bosco è una delle fiabe più famose e amate di tutti i tempi, scritta dal grande Charles Perrault. Si tratta di una storia incantevole e avvincente, che narra le vicende di una principessa destinata a cadere in un sonno profondo per colpa di una vecchia fata invidiosa, e di un principe coraggioso che la risveglierà con un bacio d’amore. La bella addormentata nel bosco è una fiaba che parla di amore, di destino, di bene e di male, di sogno e di realtà, e che ci insegna che non bisogna mai lasciarsi sopraffare dall’avidità e dalla gelosia, perché queste portano solo a rovina e infelicità. Al contrario, bisogna coltivare la bontà e la generosità, perché queste portano a felicità e armonia. La fiaba ci insegna anche che l’amore è la forza più potente che esista, capace di superare ogni difficoltà. È una fiaba che ci fa sognare e sperare, che ci fa emozionare e commuovere, che ci fa divertire e riflettere. È una fiaba che non passa mai di moda, perché è una fiaba eterna.
Profile Image for Amanda Kay.
409 reviews3 followers
February 25, 2014
Moving right along. Lady and the Tramp is unique to Disney (well y'know, except for Happy Dan, the Whistling Dog, but don't get me started), so next is the lovely Sleeping Beauty.

I used the pitt.edu edition of this (no illustrations, just story). I think I've only previously read the Grimm version, because I had no recollection of an ogress trying to eat Sleeping Beauty's children!

I also read the pitt.edu edition for the Grimm version of the tale (Lil' Brier Rose). Interesting that Disney quotes this as "based on the classic children's tale by Charles Perrault" when their version aligns more closely with Brier Rose. Ah well, they mix it all together anyway.

Oddly enough, Perrault's version was much more violent than Grimms' for this. I haven't watched this movie in a long time, so I'm excited to watch it on Blu-Ray. After Lady and the Tramp which has some of my favorite animated scenes ever.
Profile Image for •Sincere Nanako•.
71 reviews10 followers
February 13, 2022
This story was kind of creepy when the ogress queen (the mother in law) threatened to eat her grandchildren and the princess (daughter in law)...

At least there was no cheating or rape in the story. I kind of like this version more than Giambattista Basile'sSun, Moon and Talia

I also written a review on that story. You can check it out if you want to:

Pastel Ninja Sun Moon Talia Review
Profile Image for Betty.
459 reviews1 follower
July 25, 2022
Beautiful presentation

This is a beautiful edition with gorgeous typeset, elaborate margins and magnificent drawings. I've never read Sleeping Beauty before, but this was a delicious treat...like a wonderful dessert. Short, sweet, and delightful. Thank you Amazon for these gorgeous Kindle editions of fairy tales. I feel like I found a pot of gold. Absolutely enchanting.
Profile Image for Julie.
555 reviews5 followers
July 25, 2016
Inspired to read the original tale after seeing "Maleficent," to try to determine the accuracy of the whole thing. Pleasantly surprised at the higher level of the plot of the original story, much simplified by Disney's retelling. Simple and to the point. The translation I read was from "Old-Time Stories told by Master Charles Perrault," translated by A. E. Johnson (Dodd Mead and Company, 1921).
Profile Image for Leslie.
1 review
July 29, 2017
Very interesting, this is a different story then I've ever read. The moral of the story at the end is very true. If only more people realized what others already knew! I hope you enjoy this story

Very different from other tellings, I liked the moral at the end. I read many versions to see how there stories very
1 review
September 30, 2020
Nice read,loved it

loved the style difference from American fairytales. Its an interesting and 'chaotic neutral' take on the classic story and I absolutely adored it...maybe more than the American version 🤷🏿‍♀️.
Profile Image for Sonja Coull.
271 reviews2 followers
July 31, 2023
This audible version had a full cast acting out the story. It was entertaining.
Profile Image for Regis.
899 reviews4 followers
May 11, 2017
Was pleasantly surprised that this isn't an exact blueprint of the Disney movie. Though slightly darker in tone, (which I think is a positive), good triumphs in the end. I loved it!
Profile Image for Kayla Reed.
388 reviews42 followers
May 19, 2017
My favorite Disney princess is Sleeping Beauty, so I loved this edition and its beautiful cover!!
Profile Image for gior_gia.
268 reviews7 followers
October 27, 2020
È la storia originale (non quella romanzata di Walt Disney) con meravigliose raffigurazioni che sono vere e proprie opere d'arte di Walter Crane.
Profile Image for Kenneth Reeves.
25 reviews
April 12, 2021
Great telling of a classic fairy tale. I think it's more true to the original fairy tale without the prevalent Disney-fication.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 35 reviews

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