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A félvérek egész évben harcra készülődtek, de tudták, hogy nem sok esélyük van a győzelemre. Kronosz serege erősebb volt, mint valaha, és minden átállt istennel és félistennel nagyobb lett. Amíg az olimposziak a pusztító Tüphónt próbálták megállítani, addig Kronosz bevonult New Yorkba, ahol az Olimposz gyakorlatilag őrizetlenül állt. Az Idő Urának megállítása Percy Jacksonra és a fiatal félistenek csapatára várt. A New York Times sikersorozatának várva várt befejező részében beteljesül a Percy tizenhatodik születésnapjára jövendölt prófécia. Miközben Manhattan utcáin tovább dúl a nyugati világ megmentéséért vívott harc, Percyn az a szörnyű gyanú lesz úrrá, hogy saját sorsa ellen küzd. "Magával sodró történet, egyszerre izgalmas, gondolatébresztő és könnyfacsaró. A regénysorozat méltó befejezése." - (Kirkus Review) "A magasfeszültségű izgalmak és a pezsgő humor nagyszerű kombinációja" - (Booklist) "Percy Jackson ötödik és egyben utolsó kalandja egy robbanással kezdődik, és egyre bombasztikusabban folytatódik. A rajongók nem fognak csalódni!" - (Publisher Weekly)

356 pages, Hardcover

First published May 5, 2009

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About the author

Rick Riordan

Rick Riordan is the #1New York Timesbestselling author of many books, including the Percy Jackson series.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 45,072 reviews
Profile Image for Sasha Alsberg.
Author8 books65.2k followers
April 27, 2016
Wow that was a great ending to this very fantastical series! I cannot wait to go into more detail in my series review which will be out probably next week. I'll be covering my opinions on all 5 books and then my overall opinion of the series. I am so happy I FINALLY read PJO! This was a "dam" good series (lol get it? "Dam" )
Profile Image for Jesse (JesseTheReader).
559 reviews176k followers
October 25, 2016
wow wow wow still need to get all my thoughts together but wow wow wow full video review coming soon
Profile Image for Federico DN.
762 reviews2,726 followers
June 23, 2023

Doomsday is at the doorstep. The invincible Kronos, Lord of Time, Luke, and the unstoppable army of gods, demigods and monsters progressively approach Manhattan to finally destroy a lightly guarded Mount Olympus. Percy, Annabeth, Grover and a handful of determined demigods and allies, the only obstacles in their way. Nothing can stop the incoming onslaught, and the fulfillment of the so dreaded prophecy. Everything will be settled in an epic godlike battle that will forever decide the fate of the Olympians, and the future of the whole western civilization.

This is it, the end of the line. Gosh! This was so EPIC! So many things happening you can barely recount them all. The assault on Princess Andromeda, the exploration of Luke’s origins, Underworld’s River Styx, the Battle of Manhattan... Virtually every single character that had ever been part of the series had some sort of involvement in this final adventure. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Clarisse, Nico, Tyson, Rachel, Mrs. O'Leary, Thalia, the Hunters of Artemis, Charles and Silena… So many of the gods too, like Poseidon, Amphitrite, Triton, Hestia, Hades, Persephone, Achilles, Athena, Hermes, Hecate… And the terrifying Titans, like Kronos, Typhon, Oceanus, Morpheus, Prometheus, Hyperion, Drakon… Everyone bringing their small or big contribution to this grand final confrontation. So many events, plot twists and conflicting sides fighting for their ideals, and still simple enough for one to never lose perspective of the big picture, never too overcrowded, or difficult to grasp the magnitude of it. After five books the build up was just explosive. Words fail me to describe such amount of EPICNESS, only comparable to the Battle of Hogwarts, or the Siege of Gondor. Unparalleled, and truly unforgettable.

This ended just right, beautifully in its way, although it was not a happy ending for everyone. Such an amazing conclusion to one of my most beloved series. And a universe I definitely plan to revisit soon, with Heroes of Olympus, and any of the other many series of the author. Bye all my dearest Heroes! And Percabeth Forever <3!

[2009] [381p] [Fantasy] [YA] [4.5] [Highly Recommendable]

★★★★☆1. The Lightning Thief
★★★★☆2. The Sea of Monsters[4.5]
★★★★★3. The Titan's Curse
★★★★☆4. The Battle of the Labyrinth
★★★★☆5. The Last Olympian[4.5]



El Día del Juicio Final ha llegado. El invencible Cronos, Señor del Tiempo, y el imparable ejército de dioses, semidioses y monstruos progresivamente se acerca a Manhattan para finalmente destruir un Monte Olimpo levemente defendido. Percy, Annabeth, Grover y un puñado de determinados semidioses y aliados, el único obstáculo en su camino. Nada puede detener el inevitable asalto, y el cumplimiento de la tan temida profecía. Todo va a decidirse en una épica batalla divina que por siempre sellará el destino de los Olímpicos, y el futuro de toda la civilización occidental.

Esto es él, el final de la línea. ¡Dios! ¡Esto fue tan EPICO! Tantas cosas sucediendo que apenas pueden enumerarse todas. El asalto al Princesa Andrómeda, la exploración de los orígenes de Luke, el Río Estigio en el Inframundo, la Batalla por Manhattan… Prácticamente todos y cada uno de los personajes que alguna vez tuvieron algún papel en la serie tuvo algún grado de intervención en esta aventura final. Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Clarisse, Nico, Tyson, Rachel, Señora. O'Leary, Thalia, las Cazadoras de Artemisa, Charles y Silena… Muchos de los dioses también, como Poseidón, Anfitrite, Tritón, Hestia, Hades, Perséfone, Aquiles, Atenea, Hermes, Hecate… Y los terroríficos Titanes, como Cronos, Tifón, Océano, Morfeo, Prometeo, Hiperión, Drakon… Todos aportando su pequeña o grande contribución para esta gran confrontación final. Tantos eventos, vueltas de trama y partes conflictivas luchando por sus ideales, y aun así suficientemente simple para que uno nunca pierda perspectiva de la totalidad del panorama, nunca demasiado superpoblado, o difícil de comprender la intensidad de todo. Después de cinco libros todo lo armado ya era simplemente explosivo. Las palabras me fallan para describir semejante magnitud de EPICIDAD, solamente comparable con la Batalla de Hogwarts, o el Asedio de Gondor. Incomparable, y verdaderamente inolvidable.

Esto acabó de la forma correcta, hermosamente a su manera, aunque no fue un final feliz para todos. Una maravillosa conclusión para una de mis más amadas series. Y un universo que planeo volver a visitar pronto, con los Héroes del Olimpo, y cualquiera de las muchas series del autor. Adiós a todos mis queridos Héroes. ¡Y Percabeth por siempre <3!

[2009] [381p] [Fantasía] [Joven Adulto] [4.5] [Altamente Recomendable]
Profile Image for SK.
487 reviews8,052 followers
August 9, 2024
✅ Reread (August 2024)

Get you a man who turns down immortality and being a god, just so he can be with you 😌

I cried again when this book ended and it's safe to say I still love this series and characters, even tho they can't catch a break. Can't wait to continue the journey in Heroes of Olympus.

PJO fans, how would you rank the series?
My revised ranking would be-
1. The Last Olympian
2. Titan's Curse
3. Battle of Labyrinth
4. The Lightning Thief
5. Sea of Monsters

Original Review-

ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! UNPUTDOWNABLE. (I got slightly carried away with the caps on but I mean every word).

The Last Olympian immediately grips the reader and there's never a dull moment. Not even Morpheus's magic will put you to sleep.

Percy Jackson is the perfect hero. No other words just PERFECT. If anyone wants to fight me on that, go to Tartarus.:))

The Percabeth moments in this one are just perfect. Emphasis on the unforgettable underwater kiss. We all need a Percy in our lives let's just admit it. The fact they both gave up immortality for each other just gives me butterflies. Also, turns out there's a lot of foreshadowing in this one and it absolutely took me by surprise.

"Family Luke, you promised!" That made me tear up (among many other moments). Luke is such a well written villian/hero. Kudos to Rick. There are so many great quotes in this one I wish I could list them all here but that would be too lengthy of a review lol.

Honestly, I would read a spin off series based on the characters of Clarisse, Beckendorf, Ethan Nakamura, Silena even the Stoll brothers; basically more Camp Half Blood.

Well, Rachel has given a new prophecy and am so looking forward to re-reading it and getting lost in the world of the Lost Hero.
Profile Image for Cara.
290 reviews732 followers
July 14, 2014
I'm a little sad actually because I didn't want to say goodbye to our hero, the one and only Percy Jackson.

From the beginning we can already see things are going to move quickly. Kronos has a lot of things up his sleeve and won't let Percy and the other demigods have a break. The book pretty much starts off with a bang and doesn't slow down from there. Annabeth and Percy's relationship is kind of strained and Rachel showing up isn't helping matters. I have to say all the books have a lot of action, but this one takes the prize. They have to make a movie of this one, it would be insanely cool. We finally get to see how the prophecy plays out, Luke's past, and many other secrets that come to light.

One of things I always appreciated about the series is that we see things from all angles. We can get why some of the demigods would side with Kronos and how nobody is free from blame. Everybody and I meaneverybody and their brothercomes back in this book. It was fun to see some old faces and some unexpected heroes emerge. I can't pick a favorite book of the series but if forced to give an answer this one would be it. Filled with action, tough choices, betrayals, and heart, you can't beat that.

The book ends with a new prophecy for theThe Lost Hero.I can't see how any series could top this one, but I will be reading it of course. Towards the last part I seriously was getting kind of misty-eyed to see it all end but it was so good.So good.
Profile Image for Tharindu Dissanayake.
300 reviews783 followers
January 29, 2021
"God of medicine, at your service."
"Follow that pig!"

It is chaos, chaos, and then more chaos. Final journey of Percy Jackson is ready to reveal itself, where all those seemingly loose ends are about to come together. The Last Olympian arrives with fully battle-prepped Percy Jackson, along with rest of the gang.

"With great power... comes great need to take a nap."

We enter full-battle-mode right off the bat with Titan army pounding everyone in their path. Though this battle has been a long time coming, Rick Riordan does not come up short in his ability to introduce entertaining twists all over the place. We have a series of battles with this last book, and almost all of the latter half of the book is devoted to a thoroughly enjoyable final battle. Disappointment, defeat, heartbreak and death are what we have to except for the majority of the story, but, as always, a way to a thrilling ending is paved beautifully. And the author is not done with the twists, even until the last couple of chapters. And the ending: it was the best!

"A half-blood of the eldest dogs..."
"er, Percy? That's gods. Not dogs."
"Oh, right,"

Although now I'm depressed that I'm at the end, I had the most amazing time with Percy Jackson and the Olympians. First two books were good, but it was the third (The Titan's Curse) that made me fall in love with the series. And the fourth (The Battle of the Labyrinth) gave one of the best adventure stories I've ever read, which, for me, is going to keep the favorite-of-series spot. True, final book was more eventful, but The Battle of the Labyrinth is just pure adventure. And finally, it would be remiss of me if I didn't mention how well-written each book was. Everything was so consistent, easy to read, and beautifully organized. I think I'll be able to read entire series many times over in future with never getting tired of it. Oh, if only there were a couple of more books...

"Some day soon, I am going to make Pegasus soup."
Profile Image for ₊.
92 reviews461 followers
November 2, 2023
Profile Image for Mark Lawrence.
Author88 books54.2k followers
December 26, 2023
This is the 5th Percy Jackson book I've read to my daughter Celyn. It's half-term and we've not had many carers (Celyn is very disabled and gets respite care) so we've had a chance to finish the book off.

As always Celyn has supplied the rating and left the review to me.

The concluding (well - we could go to book 4.5 & 5.5) volume of the Percy Jackson series continues in the same vein as the previous volumes, though with an added sense of danger and sadness as named/known campers are killed and even PJ himself may be up for the chop.

We've followed Percy from a lad of 11-ish to his 16th birthday, so girlfriends are up for debate too and both Rachel and Annabeth are in the frame.

The Greek pantheon are a great choice for these sort of books as even in the oldest of writings there's very little about them that's godly except for their power. Their pettiness and bickering provide endless opportunities for conflict and plotting even without the resurgence of their titanic forebears.

The final battle is a colossal affair that occupies most of the book. The variety of monsters and weapons keep the thing from getting repetitive and I had a good time reading it. The ending is satisfying with elements of tragedy mixed into the victory. Job well done.

Riordan not only draws on the myths for monsters, gods, demigods, heroes, and bits of plot in overt ways but also in unacknowledged ways that are fun for those who have read the source material. For example, the incident from the Trojan war with Achilles and Patroclus is played out in a similar manner at one point by two female characters.

The only question now is what to read next?

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Profile Image for Virginia Ronan ♥ Herondale ♥.
597 reviews35.1k followers
June 10, 2020
Grover cradled his laurel sapling in his hands. “Well... sure good to be together again. Arguing. Almost dying. Abject terror. Oh, look. It’s our floor.”

Isn’t it lovely to be with your friends? I mean yeah, it’s basically the end of the world they are dealing with, but hey, at least they have each other to argue while they are almost dying, right? You always have to see the positive things. XD Unfortunately the situation in“The Last Olympian”isn’t all sunshine and rainbows though. In fact it’s pretty bad. And I’m not only talking about Percy’s messed up love life here.;-P

”You run away from things when you’re scared.”
I stared at her, completely stunned. “Me? Run away?”
She got right in my face. “Yes, you. You’re a coward, Percy Jackson!”

Ouch! That one hurt. Never thought I’d see Annabeth have a go at Percy like that but I guess there’s only so much a good demigod girl can endure. Sexy red haired beautiful maidens that seem to be interested in your boy are definitely vexing and sort of bound to get on your nerves. Add the apocalypse into the mix and you have a truly pissed off Annabeth. Talk about a solid recipe for disaster! *lol* Despite everything that’s going down I’m glad to say that our heroes got their priorities straight though.

I stared at him. “You’re scared of bunnies?”
“Blah-hah-hah! They’re big bullies. Always stealing celery from defenceless satyrs!”

Okay, now that we dealt with the evil bunnies we can finally focus on the important things. Like for instance the huge storm named Typhon that’s coming for New York and the army of enemies that wants to destroy Mount Olympus. Did I already mention that they are led by Kronos himself? Nope? Oops! But hey it’s just a minor detail, nothing to worry about!;-) Our heroes got this! Totally! I mean Percy didn’t really spare a telkhine because he had a cool Li’l Demons lunchbox! Always those rumours... I already told you our heroes got their priorities straight! XD

”Really, Peter Johnson, how long will it take for you to recognize me on sight?”
“About as long as it’ll take you to figure out my name,” I muttered.

And Percy still didn’t lose his sarcasm, let alone his touch! *lol* One of the best things about this entire book was the way Uncle Rick once again managed to weave old Greek myths and legends into his story. I’ll always be in awe of his genius! <3 I mean alone the story of Silena and Clarisse!!!HellHades, that was so cleverly done I can only take my hat off to Uncle Rick! Brilliant, just brilliant!Plus I’m sure I don’t even have to mention it but of course my baby Nico di Angelo wasAMAZINGtoo!! <333

”Your death,” Nico said, “would be great for me.”
“I’m immortal, you fool! I have escaped Tartarus. You have no business here, and no chance to live.”
Nico drew his sword – a metre long of wicked sharp Stygian iron, black as a nightmare. “I don’t agree.”

“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

How is it possible that this fourteen year old kid rocks so much? He didn’t only defy Kronos but also kind of channelled his inner Spiderman and we all know I love myself some decent Spidey! *lol* But seriously, he’s one of the coolest characters in Percy Jackson and I just can’t seem to get enough of him. I already heard that Nico is going to be a part of another series in this universe too so I can’t wait to read more about him! <3 I wish I could read“The Heroes of Olympus”immediately but unfortunately my library will be closed for a while now and I’ll just have to wait until I can dive into the next series.

This said I can’t believe“Percy Jackson and the Olympians”is already over!!! I’m going to miss Percy and his sarcasm (yes he gets an extra mention because he’s so strong he should count as an own personality! *lol*)! This was such a fun ride and a worthy ending for a clever series! XD You still haven’t read any of Uncle Rick’s books?! Well, what are you waiting for?! Go grab it! Happy reading!


Technically I should have lots of time to read now, but since I’m working at an NGO I’ve to work from home. (Sort of tough with a little kid, but I’m managing somehow. *lol*)

So right now all I need is something light and funny and a world I’m already familiar with.
Which brings me right to“Percy Jackson and the last Olympian”.=))

This is the last book and it makes me kind of sad but at the same time I really want to know how it ends. (This better be a happy ending though, because I really need one right now!!! XD)

Let’s do this! Percy Jackson and Nico Di Angelo, here I come! <333
Profile Image for jessica.
2,592 reviews45.1k followers
August 11, 2019
i am so so so pleased with the conclusion of this series and i am surprisingly happy with how much i have really come to enjoy reading this books. the first couple of books were okay but, as the characters started to grow and the plot became more developed and complex, i really had fun with this.

this last installment is so action packed - there are no fillers, no down time - its the epic finale that this story (and percy) deserves. i also appreciate how everything ties together nicely. things from the beginning of the story are brought back into play and it comes full circle at the end.

again, the strength of these books, especially this last one, is the way riordan makes greek myths so quirky and relatable. the ancient gods are so human, its hilarious. i feel like every greek hero, god, and myth were talked about at least once. such an educational and approachable series i wish i had as a kid!

4 stars
Profile Image for may ➹.
516 reviews2,422 followers
December 31, 2020
rereading this book is literally just me crying over every Percy and Annabeth moment

12/30/20: I finished this book and The Battle of the Labyrinth in the same day so you can imagine the kind of Percabeth brainrot I’m going through right now
Profile Image for ♛ may.
816 reviews4,386 followers
March 13, 2017

Hello, my name is PJO Trash™ nice to meet you.


I’ve been blessed to join this fandom due to the INCREDIBLE and significant amounts of fan art. It helps me survive.

The Last Olympiancontinues off from the previous book. Kronos’s army is gaining rapid strength and the Half-Bloods are having a hard enough time holding the crazy beast, Typhon. Kronos takes his chance and begins advancing on New York City, home to an unguarded Mouth Olympus.

Also, let’s not forget, Percy’s terrible prophecy is days away and the future ain’t looking so bright. But these heroes aren’t going to stop until they give it their all and believe me, it’s SO INCREIDLBY EXCITING!

I listened to the audiobook and Jesse Bernstein’s voice is EXACTLY how I imagined Percy. 10/10

Also, the sass levels on every single character is notable. I am thoroughly impressed, Uncle Rick.

Minor Spoilers Aheadnot like anyone cares I mean basically EVERYONE has read this

Me being #percabeth trash is no news to anyone, but I’ve stumbled upon a goldmine of fanart and I’m very happy here plz don’t take me away from my happiness.

Wanna know what caused my death? THIS SCENE:



And that ending, good Lord, that was the best, most cutest, fitting ending ever. My heart is so content.


This was me every #Percabeth scene (I know, it’s getting ridiculous):

Okay, enough from me, I’m just rambling now.

“It's hard to enjoy practical jokes when your whole life feels like one.”

4.5 stars!!
Profile Image for RoseBane (Jess).
197 reviews542 followers
January 4, 2021
2020: “And it was pretty much the best underwater kiss of all time.” I forgot how good this feeling is. Great re-read (and a fast one too, tho I’m not surprised).
2016: So they're a couple now. Oh. Okay.
Yeah, of course I'm fine!!! Why wouldn't I be???!?!
Profile Image for Era ➴.
221 reviews671 followers
March 16, 2022

Profile Image for Tina ➹ lives in Fandoms.
455 reviews460 followers
April 10, 2023
Percy Jacksonseries: ★★★★★/5

the Lightning Thief:★★★★(★)/5
the Sea of Monsters:★★★★(★)/5
the Titan's Curse:★★★★★/5
the Battle of Labyrinth:★★★★★/5
the Last Olympian: ★★★★★/5

AnotherComplete 5 Golden Stars
another favourite book in this series.

reading is dreaming with open eyes.
- Yoyo

I love how the scenes revive in front of my eyes, in my mind, while reading, like watching a movie, don't you? watching the act of bravery of Percy Jackson & his friends, warriors, heroes, defenders. Watching the Olympus, the eternal city, shining above the empire states building.
every times, every books.
& it always looks the same.

Why I love Percy (or main Heroes in general); because He (they) knew this dangerous plan needed to be done, even though he was afraid. He knew his friends look at him as the leader, waited for his plan, & he couldn't show his fear or weakness. He should inspire them & give them hope.
he is afraid, like any normal human, but he had the courage to do it, to move forward.
I really admired that.

This book was full of events that made me nervous, scared & excited at the same time. Sometimes, these feelings were coming along with crying. when I didn't expect to cry!

a battlefield between good & evil; heroes & villains, trusting & temptations
Co-operation in defending what is right in an epic battle, the last battle
only these heroes can defend the whole human civilization from destruction

this book is Dark; the way I love.
So much Laugh
still so much Cry!
& we havefunnymoments because of Percy's narration.

such a beautiful & exciting ending
Plot: ★★★★★/5
/Excitements: ★★★★★/5
/Feelz: ★★★★★/5
Characters developments: ★★★★★/5
Written style: ★★★★★/5
/HUMOR!: ★★★★★/5
World building: ★★★★★/5

General idea: ★★★★★/5
Profile Image for len ❀ is a little inactive :(.
384 reviews4,255 followers
January 28, 2024
“Then up on Olympus,” I said, “when they wanted to make me a god and stuff, I kept thinking—”
“Oh, you so wanted to.”
“Well, maybe a little. But I didn’t, because I thought— I didn’t want things to stay the same for eternity, because things could always get better. And I was thinking…” My throat felt really dry.
“Anyone in particular?” Annabeth asked, her voice soft.
I looked over and saw that she was trying not to smile.
“You’re laughing at me,” I complained.
“I am not!”
“You are so not making this easy.”
Then she laughed for real, and she put her hands around my neck. “I am never, ever going to make things easy for you, Seaweed Brain. Get used to it.”

If he doesn’t give up immorality for you, he isn’t worth it.

But that’s beside the point.

With that, the journey of Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, the series that started it all, concludes.

In myreviewforThe Battle of the Labyrinth,I stated I was sure this would have a satisfying enough conclusion, and honestly, it was satisfyingenough.Emphasis on the enough. The ending was enough. There’s a happy ending (for now, of course). Percabeth is official, the trio is safe and sound (as they can be), the gods are rebuilding Olympus, and the world can rest. The execution, however, was not. Still, finally getting a hold of this series and witnessing different battles, twists and turns taking place, betrayals and traitors facing their consequences, friendships blossoming, love conquering, and an entire war of Mount Olympus versus the one who started it all, Kronos, has been thoroughly engaging. Despite my love for this series being quite mixed, with my favorite beingThe Titan's Curseand my least favorite beingThe Battle of the Labyrinth,I can confidently say there is no regret on starting this series now. I used to think you were too late to read a particular book or series, either due to one’s age or because the book is no longer “as popular,” but I don’t think it’s ever too late to start something. Just like they say it’s never too late to start a new hobby or have an interest in a new career, it’s never too late to start one of the greatest, most beloved, most popular, and best-selling books and series of all time.

Even though I had no opportunity to read this when I was younger, the name of Percy Jackson never left my ear. Greek mythology was always associated with him throughout my peers and those close to me. Those who read or were a fan of this andHarry Potteralways mentioned it, and I was always envious of anyone who could grow up with these characters. Despite this, reading it now in my 20s, the journey has been a mixed bag, but it has been exhilarating. I’ve learned new things, new names, new places, new histories.

It isn’t a surprise, and it’s nothing new, but my favorite character is Percy. His fatal flaw is so humbling and selfless, and it makes me root for him in every way. I think it can be challenging to create a character like Percy because you’re hoping for character development, and you’re hoping this flaw won’t get in the way of Percy becoming the hero he’s meant to be. I’d argue that, unfortunately, it does get in his way. That is why it is his fatal flaw. There are many moments of Percy’s fatal flaw taking over, like when he lets Ethan Nakamura live or warns the enemy demigods that Princess Andromeda will explode. I can’t lie; it was frustrating. It brings him down, makes him predictable, and weakens him. However, I still applaud how Rick wrote his character. Percy is a natural leader, commanding those with diligence and respect, with no superiority felt just because of who he is, and he isn’t thoughtless about his actions. His actions and words don’t clash, but instead, they come together for the greater good. I think he had character development in this sense, and how he learned from his mistakes. He doesn’t hold grudges for long (that’s Nico’s flaw), and he doesn’t believe he can save everyone (that’s Annabeth’s flaw), but Percy’s fatal flaw doesn’t always crash with his strength. He finds different ways to make up for what he lost, and he shows regrets for how he acted before. He acknowledges his weaknesses even if he struggles to overcome them.

My annoyance with Annabeth in the previous book was strong. I wasn’t a fan of her obnoxious and rude attitude and jealousy towards Rachel, and I couldn’t get behind her concern for Luke. I will say, though, if I were someone who took back what I said, I would be saying I’m taking back what I said about Annabeth. However, I’m not that person, so I won’t be taking back my thoughts because they are still my thoughts and feelings. What I appreciated here was finally understanding why Annabeth felt the way she did in the fourth book. We learn how and why she continued being concerned over Luke and still hoped Luke was fighting Kronos in his body. We learn more critical information on Luke here, learning more about his childhood, his fate, and why he turned against the Olympians. If only Annabeth had talked to Percy in The Battle of Labyrinth about what she spoke to him here, thenmaybeI wouldn’t have grown as frustrated with her. I swear I was reading this and going, “Oh! Well, that makes sense. Too bad you didn’t tell him that before!” Annabeth’s character development was much more prominent here. She understands how her love for Luke weakens her, but she also doesn’t give up altogether. I thought it was balanced here, with her still sticking to Percy’s side more but still showing reluctance regarding Luke.

The relationship between these two was lovely in this installment. I’ve enjoyed seeing how the rivalry turned to friendship and then to love. I love how the author keeps their personalities the same, where they still share a rivalry but are much more soft. Annabeth continues calling Percy ‘Seaweed Brain,’ and Annabeth is still ‘Wise Girl’ to him. Their banter is much more fun here, with different feelings and emotions growing between them. Their teenage angst is realistic and unfairly relatable. They struggle to communicate at times but make up for it in other ways. I swear their love languages are either acts of service or quality time. No matter an argument they had before, they both make it up through snarky banter one second and the next, they’re saving each other from fights. I adored seeing their progression here. Annabeth’s jealousy did not feel silly but instead adorable. I still found her attitude towards Rachel rude, and I wasn’t a fan of the sudden change at the end, which was done just because Annabeth now knew Percy didn’t like Rachel. Still, Annabeth felt more like herself: optimistic, willing, and brave.

Once again, this author’s writing is stellar. His details are descriptively satisfactory, giving me an idea of what to imagine. I’ve loved the hidden messages in the writing, with remote points in quotes and statements that one can agree with. There is also enough detail on the characters, making it easy to imagine them and have them come to life. His writing continues not to feel as juvenile as expected in these books. Even if this is the fifth book and is more YA than middle-school, the writing has never felt too juvenile or childish, as if it’s written for that audience. With this being the most action-packed installment, there is not a single moment where nothing is happening. A war is brewing, Manhattan is being destroyed, and an evil army is forming. Rick’s attention to detail is splendid.

Many of the side characters close to Percy were a fantastic addition—Grover being his caring self, Tyson being adorable, Mrs. O’Leary being the best fictional hellhound ever, Dionysus being hilarious as usual, Apollo being cocky, Thalia coming to the rescue, Nico being precious. I am especially excited to see Nico in the rest of the books. I enjoyed seeing the progression of him here. His fatal flaw is holding grudges, but even he has been having his character development concerning that. As for Clarisse, I’m neutral about her. I don’t hate her anymore, but she’s a little irrelevant to me as well. Also, finally meeting Will Solace, even briefly, made me excited. Knowing he and Nico end up together in the future makes me anticipate the rest of the books. And finally, I still couldn’t bring myself to hate Luke. From what we find out through Annabeth and Percy, Luke’s character had no other way. I love how Rick wrote his villain.

With that being said, I can’t help but feel disappointed with the overall execution.

While I love Percy’s character in terms of who he is, I still expected more ofwho he is.The final battle every previous book has led to felt incredibly underwhelming. It was one of those kinds that felt like it could’ve happened anywhere, and there was no requirement for the location of Mount Olympus. I expected more battle overall, more execution, more grit after everything everyone went through. Additionally, Percy’s character as a demigod has been baffling. Sometimes it feels like him being half-blood is irrelevant, as if it doesn’t make a difference, because thereisno difference. This book had one (1) scene where his powers came to shine, where he could show the Titans his capability. Yet, when the battle against Kronos came, there was no tension. I feel like we were robbed of what Percy can do. He’s said to be one of the strongest demigods, but we don’t see this happening. Even after five books, Percy’s powers feel trivial, as if they aren’t one of the leading and most significant points of this series. It doesn’t matter if this final installment is the most action-packed and thrilling if there isn’t any proof of it. Plus, the entire battle scene of Percy versus Kronos was simply unsatisfactory. It was one of those scenes that made me go, “That’s it? After everything!?��� I was underwhelmed. Let down. Upset. Disappointed.

On a final note, I still enjoyed this series overall. It has been a fun journey, and finally getting to meet these demigods and members of camp half-blood was worth it. I am excited to move on to the next series and meet the new characters, as well as reunite with older friends. I’ve already checked out the entire Heroes of Olympus series from my library, so I’m excited to get to it soon.
Profile Image for Zoë.
328 reviews64.8k followers
December 26, 2014
WOW JUST WOW. Easily my favorite book in the series! It wrapped up this series perfectly and gave hints to what would happen in the Heroes of Olympus series! I'm definitely a little in love with Percy now and have a total girl crush on Annabeth and those last couple of pages killed me (in a good way). I'm so glad I finished this series and I can't wait to start the Heroes of Olympus next year!
Profile Image for Cece (ProblemsOfaBookNerd).
334 reviews7,044 followers
August 15, 2016
My favorite of the series for sure! This is a great conclusion to the story, and definitely a book worth the build up of the rest of the series. It is so much fun to see how far our characters have come, and how big their fight really is. Absolutely fantastic. (upping my previous rating of four stars to five stars because I just enjoyed so many parts of this book!)
Profile Image for Bangadybangz.
30 reviews844 followers
January 31, 2017
Man, I loved this series so much! Totally rekindled my love for Greek mythology:)
Now I cannot WAIT to start the Heroes of Olympus series!!
Profile Image for ✨    jami   ✨.
727 reviews4,201 followers
July 15, 2018
OKAY I FINISHED READING PJO FOR THEFIRST TIMEI FEEL SO ACCOMPLISHEDI mean this is soo many people's favourite series and I'd never read it but now I have! I feel like a true reader!

Anyway, I got to see my mans Percy Jackson go from a scared 12 year old who wouldn't breathe in Ares direction for fear of pissing him off to a 16 year old boy who pretty much told all the gods to go fuck themselves because they're disrespectful trash and I'm living for it

“She looked at me, like she was drinking in the fact that I was still here. And I realized I was doing the same thing. The world was collapsing, and the only thing that really mattered to me was that she was alive.”

Okay so this was definitely my favourite of the seriesI loved how everything came together and all the character development and getting to see so many gods in one book. It was super fun and full of action plus my heart was FULFILLED with that Percabeth content.

I love the characters in this series so much. That is mostly what kept me so invested in finishing this series

🌲Percy Jacksonis the sweetest, funniest and most precious bean. I love him. He kind of reminds me of Harry Potter and I do love Harry Potter. He's also super impulsive and doesn't think things through, but I liked how he developed as a character around that. Anyway, he is so endearing and I love him.
🌲Annabeth Chasecould punch me in the face and rob my home and I would thank her. I LOVE HER. What a wise, badass legend. Deserves the world. She did the MOST for the camp and I just love her so much.
🌲Grover Underwoodabsolutely hilarious and also so sweet. I loved his friendship with Percy and what happened to him at the end. He's so loyal and an absolute dork and also deserves the world.
🌲Luke CastellanHE HURTS MEEE. I was surprised at how much this book broke my heart in regards to Luke. He deserved better but I loved how his story ends and I was so surprised in how invested I ended up in him considering he's the villain throughout the series
🌲Rachael Elizabeth Dareshe was involved in this more than I expected but I liked it! I really liked her character but hate how Riordan tried to assassinate it by putting her in that weird love triangle. I am glad her and Annabeth made up they deserve to be best friends not enemies
🌲Nico di AngeloI LOVE MY SON. An Iconic Legend. I am so excited that Heroes of Olympus follows him more because I literally love him so much.

“It's hard to enjoy practical jokes when your whole life feels like one.”

okay but thatROMANCEI am SO GLAD that finally happened. Half the reason I finally read this series was because I wanted to be invested in this romance everyone loves and I surely am. I am so glad at how things worked out for them and the slow burn romance really gave me life. What a Blessing. I just wish it hadn't been hindered by the whole love triangle things, it was annoying, especially since it was boring to make Annabeth hate Rachael when they could have been friends.

I also really liked how everythingisn't as it seemsthe entire prophecy, the spy, and the end. I was SHOOK by some of the plot twists and how things turned out which was so surprising! I thought I would guess everything that happens but I did not.

I loved the amount of backstory we get in thisespecially about Luke's past and the time he, Annabeth and Thalia spent together. It definitely helped to develop Luke as a character and create so much sympathy and depth around him.

But on that, I didn't like the way Luke's mum was talked about.the implication she was a terrible mother because she was mentally unwell was... messythere are lots of really good parents who are mentally ill!

On that, one of the things I didn't like about this was some of the ableism and how heteronormative it is. I know that Riordan makes his series more diverse going forward but it still annoyed me here.

“I found myself staring at her, which was stupid since I'd seen her a billion times. Still, she seemed so much more mature. It was kind of intimidating. I mean, sure, she'd always been cute, but she was starting to be seriously beautiful.”

I am really glad I finally finished this series! I kind of wish I had read it when I was younger as I think I would have really loved it but it was still fun to read as an adult. The characters really took my heart and these books went by so fast because they were so entertaining. I will definitely move onto Heroes of Olympus because I want to know what happens to my boy Nico.
Profile Image for destiny ♡ howling libraries.
1,886 reviews6,121 followers
December 29, 2021
#1The Lightning Thief★★★★☆
#2The Sea of Monsters★★★★☆
#3The Titan’s Curse★★★★☆
#4The Battle of the Labyrinth★★★★★
#5The Last Olympian★★★★★

Wow, I can't believe this series is over! I thought it was an amazing close to this part of Percy's adventure but I'm also SO HAPPY that I have another series to look forward to with these characters (and some new ones, I'm sure).

Buddy read withSylwia!
Profile Image for Reynita ★ The Night Reader ★.
124 reviews1,108 followers
September 20, 2018

So actually I have finished reading this book a week ago but I just have the time to write the review today ( okay, I'm lying, I was just being lazy hahaha 😂 )

I read this book while I was in reading slump and IT WAS THE WORST READING SLUMP I HAVE EVER BEEN IN. IT LAST FOR A FEW WEEKS. I swear those days when I was in reading slump, I felt hollow, empty and I didn't know what to do and I was frustrated a bit for not being able to read like I usually did and thank God, this book was the book which got me out of my slump. When I read this book, I didn't feel excited or surprised or anything even when I didn't expect something to happen but it wasn't a bad read either. It was pretty fun but I honestly didn't feel anything and LET'S BLAME THAT TO THE READING SLUMP. Reading slump sucks!

This series isn't my favorite but and my favorite book in this series is just the first book because it was so amazing and I loved it but the next books were just okay. Honestly, I continued reading this series because of the writing style. It was so good and hilarious! I loved it.

Overall, I quite enjoyed reading this book even though I didn't feel any kind of emotions while reading it and this book got me out of my slump, so YAY!

Thank you for reading and liking this review. I appreciate it so much, guys! ❤️




I'm in reading slump and I seriously need a book that can help me to get out of my reading slump. I want to be able to enjoy reading again 😭😭hopefully, I'll enjoy reading it.
Profile Image for Ishika .
197 reviews598 followers
October 25, 2021
THE LAST BOOK IN MY FAVORITE SERIES. I was a sobbing mess after reading this book not because the ending was sad, but because I was sad because it was ending. I know a whole new series exist but I couldn’t bring myself to complete the first book of that series (because wasn’t there). But let's not talk about this. Let's talk about how a masterpiece written by our great teacher Uncle Rick- someone who taught me that Greek mythology is very interesting and most of the things I know of Greek mythology is because of him- ended.

Highlights of this book: die (nothing new), Percy dreams a lot, Percy gets betrayed, Percy gets kissed by *wink* ____, Percy nearly dies (nothing new again), Percy gets threatened by her future mother in law *wink*.

The Percy Jackson and the Olympians series might be the most relatable series you'll ever read. Just look at the conversation between the characters (these conversations are from the entire series just to make everyone who's read this series feel nostalgic):

1. “Let us find the dam snack bar” Zoë said. “We should eat while we can”
Grover cracked a smile. "The dam snack bar?"
Zoë blinked. "Yes. What is funny?"
"Nothing," Grover said, trying to keep a straight face. "I could use some dam french fries."
Even Thalia smiled at that. "And I need to use the dam restroom."......I started cracking up, and Thalia and Grover joined in, while Zoë just looked at me. "I do not understand."
"I want to use the dam water fountain," Grover said.
"And..." Thalia tried to catch her breath. "I want to buy a dam t-shirt.”

2. “Deadlines just aren’t real to me until I’m staring one in the face.”

3. “With great power…comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”

4. “I’m calm,” Rachel insisted. “Every time I’m around you, some monsters attack us. What’s to be nervous about?”
“Look,” I said. “I’m sorry about the band room. I hope they didn’t kick you our or anything.”
“Nah. They asked me a lot of questions about you. I played dumb.”
“Was it hard?” Annabeth asked.

5. "Ever come home and found your room messed up? Like some helpful person (hi, Mom) has tried to “clean” it, and suddenly you can’t find anything? And even if nothing is missing, you get that creepy feeling like somebody’s been looking through your private stuff and dusting everything with lemon furniture polish? "

6. "Grover was sniffing the wind, looking nervous. He fished out his acorns and threw them into the sand, then played his pipes. They rearranged themselves in a pattern that made no sense to me, but Grover looked concerned.
"That's us," he said. "Those five nuts right there."
"Which one is me?" I asked.
"The little deformed one," Zoe suggested.
"Oh, shut up."

7. “But I've never even been to Olympus! Zeus is crazy!"
Chiron and Grover glanced nervously at the sky. The clouds didn't seem to be parting around us, as Grover had promised. They were rolling straight over our valley, sealing us in like a coffin lid.
Er, Percy...? "Grover said." We don't use the c-word to describe the Lord of the Sky.”

8. “My brother broke into a toothy grin." Yay! Your brain works!”

At last I would like to say:
1. I love this series.
2. I love Nico.
3. I love Percabeth.
4. I don't give a shit about Rachel. Girl just stay away from Percy.
5. I really regret L___'s death. I couldn't bring myself to hate him.
6. Some greek gods arestupidnot that bad.


Profile Image for peachygirl.
291 reviews838 followers
October 26, 2020
All hail Uncle Rick, an underrated hero of the YA fantasy genre and a myth master.
Profile Image for Luffy Sempai.
756 reviews1,033 followers
August 23, 2020
The book didn't upset me, make me want to hurl, or make me depressed. However, it never rode above the niche of mediocrity that it carved for itself.

I couldn't be lenient. Being so might have guaranteed me more likes, but difficult as it is, it feels right not to cut the book any slack.

The driving force behind this book especially, is the literary power of the prophecies.

Rick Riordan deserves the rewards he has reaped due to his work. Nevertheless, I don't know if this book is the result of hard work or the formula of a paint by numbers mentality. The Last Olympian is such an iniquitous title. That's it.
Profile Image for prag ♻.
611 reviews632 followers
May 12, 2020
literary masterpiece👌

i really want to take it down but my wild 2017 not-a-review is still valid tbh



● It’s the perfect blend of puns and humour.
● Despite the overwhelming situations and terrifying plot, it never fails in what intended to deliver: a lighthearted read with loveable characters.
There are satyrs, centaurs, demigods, root beer, deaths and pizzas.
● The chapter titles are the best things you’ve ever read (I Buy Some New Friends; I Sit On The Hot Seat; My Parents Go Commando)
● So. Much. Drama.
● There’s betrayal, there are prophecies, and there are sword fights. Andthen,there’s underwater kissing.
● Mighty age old gods reduced to a variety of food (I counted there wasn’t a single like Demeter said that didn’t involve the wordscereal,orwheat.)
Thalia Grace.
● Thought provoking quotes slipped in the narrative:“With great power... comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.”
● Nico Di Angelo, the precious snowflake I will protect forever.
The promise that everything will be okay.

GODS OF OLYMPUS, I NEEDED THAT. IKNEWSOME RICK WOULD CHEER ME UP.I am forever trash for this series.Honestly, reading this makes me feel like it's 2011 all over again. Nowthat'sa nice thought.
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