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Bad Boy Reformed#3

Breaking Ryann

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He promised to leave me alone, but that was a lie. I should have known he’d have this pull on me—seeping through my skin and into my bones, burning me from the outside in. It’s just like when we were kids, and I can no longer avoid him. I’ve accepted it, but what will it take to convince him that I am no longer his? Is that really what I want?

I told her I’d leave her alone. But who was I kidding? I’ve never been one to back away from a challenge. He stole my girl—my future—from me. I’m coming back with a vengeance. I’m taking back what he took from me. After all the secrets and lies, can we come back from this? Even if it breaks me, I’ll stop at nothing to protect what’s always been mine.

210 pages

First published August 28, 2015

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About the author

Alyssa Rae Taylor

USA Today Bestselling author Alyssa Rae Taylor lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, their three daughters, two English bulldogs and a miniature pig. Her hobbies include reading, writing, watching Sam & Dean Winchester, fight off scary creatures on the WB, Sons of Anarchy and reality television. She enjoys stories that tug at her emotions and include lots of sexual tension. Her dream is to travel the world with her husband and children beside her. The first time she started writing, she couldn’t stop, which leads to the publishing of the Bad Boy Reformed Series.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 116 reviews
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,051 reviews354 followers
September 7, 2015
Breaking Ryann...finally the conclusion to Alyssa Rae Taylor's Bad Boy Reformed series. Seems like this was a long time coming, so long I may have needed to refresh my memory with the events leading up to Luke an Reese's separation!

It did not take long to restart my memory and BOOM, back to the story. Reese is newly "in love" with Sean, which is quite annoying. Luke is the longing neighbor who "isn't giving up on her." From the start I was bit on the fence. I am not a fan of triangles and I strongly dislike cheating so at this point I was a bit nervous! The tale opens hot and steamy with the new couple, but it does not take long to read that the actions do not mimic the heart. Reese spends quite a bit of time trying her hand at intimacy with her new man only to be plagued with thoughts of a another.

Before panicking, Please note that no lines are crossed. Physical cheating does not occur...but that first emotional love is hard to overcome turning the heart into a traitor!

Back and forth, Luke and Reese dance around one another...as friends...longing for more but still so much miscommunication. "If Only" seems to be the key words as...if only Reese would have listened to Luke, If only Reese would have asked Luke questions, If only Reese's BFF Gia would open her mouth, If only, If only....UGH!

Then again there would not have been a tale. So here lies the angst. Once the picture is clear then another BOOM! Fast forward into full throttle lust, love and a forever future. For those who have followed Luke and Reese then yes, the HEA we all wanted is here and it is done with everything we wanted! Luke and Reese coming together was both sweet and hot. It was passionately perfect, body claiming, and soul stealing.

Some of my issue: The author does throw another twist to the gut near the end...kinda of unnecessary for me. Then what happened to Luke's "wife?" Kinda the catalyst for the whole tale, but never a part of the story? Sean...just NO on so many levels! Overall I liked the HEA of this couple, it was well deserved so that is what I will take away from this read the most! If you enjoyed books 1 & 2 then this is a definite YES to see Luke and Reese through!
Profile Image for Kim.
2,668 reviews166 followers
August 25, 2015
4.5 stars

After literally fighting for his life Luke is back and ready to win back Reese. But this might the hardest fight of his life. Reese says she wants him to leave her alone. And as much as he wants to honor her wishes, he knows staying away is probably not going to happen.

Reese isn't really willing to give him a chance or listen to excuses.She thinks she knows his story and is hurt, angry, insecure, and untrusting. She's trying to move on with a safer choice. She lets her fears rule her and just wants to avoid temptation.

But giving up is not in Luke's nature. He knows what he wants and is relentless. But secrets, lies, misconceptions are in their way. He's dealing with his own guilt and feeling the loss of her. But also is a bit angry that she is so quick not to trust him. He is a protective alpha, but is also intense, sweet and devoted. But his secrets are killing them both.

Will the truth hurt her more than the story she already believes?

These two have a lot of baggage to wade through if they will just start actually communicating and really listening. But there are a lot of hidden, unresolved feelings, fight or flight, avoidance and running. Not to mention other potential love interests and some other underlying suspenseful situations.

This brings back their best friends Gia and Logan. We get to see them all working through some life situations. I like the camaraderie support, and humor they provide each other.

This is a story about survival, sacrifice, trust, friendship, and love. I had to go back and reread the end ofResisting Ryannsince it has been awhile and I honestly had forgotten some of the intricate story line, but then was able to remember and move on with the story. This one is back delving more into their interpersonal issues versus the danger and undercover scenarios of the last book. But they are still dealing with the fall out from the detour Luke's life took.

I adored Luke. He was a swoon worthy hero who was always willing to sacrifice for and protect Reese no matter what the personal cost. Reese could get on my nerves with her judgment, avoidance, and running. But all along this series I have felt their connection, chemistry and that they belonged together. This ties up all of the story lines and brings everything to the forefront, and gives Luke and Reese a chance to figure out what they really want and need. But nothing for them is ever easy and they will have to be prepared to fight for their own happiness. But will it be enough to break them or are they strong enough to finally win?

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,616 reviews420 followers
August 24, 2015
Review by Lisa Kane

Will the misunderstandings that were prevalent in the first two books finally be cleared up? Reese is still in the dark about where Luke has been and what he has been doing. He's not aware that she thinks he is married to Rachelle (otherwise known as the lusting skank!) and her heart and trust are shattered. He has such guilt regarding this mission and the repercussions for her father. Reese needs Luke to be there as her world is falling apart, but he is no where to be found.

Sean meanwhile, has gotten closer to Reese, although they haven't had sex yet. She still has issues resulting from the attack she suffered as a child. Besides, she always thought Luke would be her first lover and her mind just hasn't caught up with her body. He is frustrated, but says he will wait impatiently. I'm not sure if I trust this guy or not.

Reese is trying to move on with Sean, but Luke comes back to town determined to get back his girl. Is Reese willing to hear what he has to say?

"Why won't you let me explain? What are you afraid of?"

Things become awfully uncomfortable for Reese as her roommate and best friend Gia is still with Logan, Luke's best friend so they keep running into each other. Not to mention, Luke is now working at the gym. Double awkward. But he makes sure that he is there for whatever Reese needs-rides to work when her car breaks down, a shoulder to cry on when her issue ridden mother adds more drama to Reese's life, help with teaching her classes at the gym, lots of little things to keep them talking at least.

What does it take for the woman to realize what she means to me-the lengths I would go to make her happy? I'm convinced the boyfriend had something to do with her nixing the private lessons. He doesn't like our working together, worried I'm gonna take back what he took from me.

Secrets have a way of coming out, no matter how hard we try to keep them hidden. Luke's secrets are no different. Some will clear things up and some may cause a bigger break to the canyon that already exists between them. Reese may be placing her trust where it doesn't belong and Luke wants to make sure that he is the one that will be there if things go wrong.

I was waiting for these two to get their acts together. Reese never got the answers she needed before and Luke, well he frustrated me beyond belief. Keeping quiet to keep her safe is one thing, but letting her believe hurtful lies is another. He redeemed himself at the end and I can put him back on my list of book boyfriends! Very nice conclusion to the Bad Boy Reformed series!

"I know I don't deserve you..." But I'm asking you to take a chance on me, Reese. "
Profile Image for Michelle Giles.
47 reviews
September 1, 2015

Absolutely, positively, hands down you have to read this series!! Finally after a long wait the third and final book was released. I made quick work of it finishing it in a day (a work day even ha!) I finished all them like that. This book is funny, romantic, sexy, deep, climatic, and so worth it! I'm an avid reader and I haven't been this excited for a book release in a while. I re-read the other two to get the full effect. 5 stars and definitely recommend! Thank you Alyssa Rae Taylor for an incredible series!
August 29, 2015
I was given a copy in exchange for an honest review.

Once I got started reading, I couldn't put it down. I just had to know if Luke and Reese were going to get their act together and get their happily ever after. There were so many misunderstandings and secrets I feared that wouldn't happen. I loved these two together. This book was full of suspense, some mystery and some hot sexy scenes.

Review done by Cat for Cat's Guilty Pleasure
Profile Image for Jessica.
4 reviews1 follower
August 31, 2015
It's 12:03 am 8-31 guess what I'm starting!?!?

I've done it again- even after I learned the hard way last time! I read the first two books a few months ago KNOWING that the third wasn't out yet (why? I'm not sure). Let's just say I went through a little post-book depression there for a while! After obsessively checking updates on the progress of the third book ever since then, I can't tell you how excited I was for it to come out AND reread the first two! Ever since I heard that the book will be out on the 31st, I've been strategically choosing other books to read that will bide my time (I read A LOT) so I can read the three straight through. However, I think I got a little too excited and got ahead of myself because last night I couldn't help but to start reading Raising Ryann again and couldn't slow myself down. Needless to say, I'm now almost finished Resisting Ryann and Breaking Ryann DOESN'T COME OUT FOR ANOTHER 4 DAYS. What have I done????? Does this give an example of just HOW great these books are??
Profile Image for Juli.
726 reviews5 followers
September 3, 2015

I was so excited for this book and it did not disappoint!! This series is awesome! Romance, Suspense, and Angst! Alyssa always keeps you on the edge with anticipation! So many obstacles interfere with the happiness of Reese and Luke! But Luke doesn't give up on Reese! Thank heavens the true colors of Sean comes through and after a Vegas trip, Reese finally lets her feelings free! This conclusion of Reese and Luke's story was totally awesome!! Twists, turns and surprises keeps the pages turning! Alyssa you rock!! Can't wait for the next book Alyssa writes!
Profile Image for Joy Whiteside.
4,472 reviews96 followers
August 26, 2015
This was a very enjoyable book that once I started reading could not put down. The story will keep you interested and entertained throughout and you cannot help but love the characters and you want to see them succeed. This book must be read, you will not be sorry.
Profile Image for Jean.
912 reviews37 followers
March 3, 2019
** Spoilers **

Reese worked on my nerves, seriously.
Reese wouldn't allow Luke to explain his side but she sure kept the condo / apartment that he gave her.
If she was that upset with him, why keep a place that reminded her of him and he would be next door to see her almost everyday?

The whole time she is leaning on Sean, throwing him in Luke's face.

I didn't like or trust Sean and this book starts off with a cringe worthy scene.
I thought that Sean was the one going around abducting, assaulting, women and killing them
so every intimate scene with Reese had me shaking my head.
She didn't know Sean, not really. He was just the pushy rebound guy which made no sense
since in book one, Reese made it a point to state that she just wasn't into guys.

All Reese did the entire book and trilogy was cry all the time and make snap judgments.
--> She cried for any and everything.
--> She cried when Luke leaves.
--> She cried when Luke comes back.
--> She cried when Sean pressures her.
--> She cried when she has to tell Sean about Luke and they are back together.
--> She cried when she stubs her toe... I mean.. enough already!

When Reese finally does see the "light" and realizes that she was the one in the wrong,
it was a little too late for me.
I no longer cared about her HEA.

Luke got the "bum" end of the deal trying to protect her.
His father threatened her, he went undercover, killed two people, was isolated, alone,
saw things that he can not un-see, and what thanks does he get?

He gets Reese with her tantrums and Sean thrown in his face.
Luke said a couple of times that he did not deserve Reese, why?
What has she done for him besides misunderstand him, was disloyal to him, and hurt him?

Reese is such a wuss.
She acts all hard and bad azz but when it boils down to defending herself in a life or death situation,
she wavers.

She has a dumb bell in her hand when Ronald appears
and can't even do anything with it:

"He moves forward, and I feel a wave of dizziness, toppling over the machine
behind me. He rips the dumbbell out of my hand, then slams it to the ground. I scream, crawling
through the space between the machines, shuffling to stand up. My arm is yanked back. He strikes
my face with the back of his other hand, then squeezes my cheeks roughly. Getting in my face, he
yells, “Nobody’s gonna save you this time, bitch!” He slams our mouths together, and I gag, causing him to pull back and meet his gaze. “I’m gonna tear you apart from the inside out. Then, after I kill you, I’ll dump your defiled naked body in the desert. How’s that for payback?”
“Pplease… just let me go!”

"I race to the doorway, my pulse accelerating, then I am shoved forward, my face slamming down on the hardwood floor. I cry out in protest, as he wraps his arms around my knees, dragging me across the floor on my stomach."

This is what I would like to know...............................
- What happened to all of her training?
- What about the Jiu-Jitsu lessons with Luke?
- What about the self-defense classes that she teaches young girls?
- What Wha Wah??

I don't even feel sorry for Reese when she is being attacked.

The next scene is basically the epilogue where the reader finds out Reese

Book one started off with promise but went down hill from there.
Three books were not needed and it seemed as though the author was...
stalling with the story line.
The story could have been finished with two books and Luke should not have been gone for so long.

Overall, a very disappointing trilogy that had so much potential.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Natasha.
728 reviews18 followers
August 31, 2015
I received a ARC from the author in exchange for a honest review.
5* read.
I've really enjoyed this series of books and the way the characters have grew throughout. You do need to read the other books first and if you have you know we were left with a massive cliffhanger and i think everyone's been on the edge of the seat waiting for this conclusion. I don't want to give to much away but this book was a great ending to a amazing series and Luke and Reese have had me gripped since book one. As a reader the author pulled me in and took me on a journey throughout these books with the characters and made me fall in love with them.
I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.
Profile Image for Mell Unangst.
4 reviews2 followers
September 2, 2015
Well, ladies, he is back! Luke Ryann makes a storming entrance into Reese's life. It is important to me that we all learn to fight the way Reese does, in more than one way. She fights for herself and against Luke. She fights for her life. But that is what makes her different from the average girl-meets-boy; she FIGHTS. Whether she wins those battles is something you need to read the book to find out!
Profile Image for HMS.
1,466 reviews76 followers
September 11, 2015
I waited to read this series until the 3rd book was released and I am so disappointed. The author had a good solid base, but needed editing and better developed, more mature characters. Writing is difficult and tedious and I hope the author continues to write.
Profile Image for Perri.
32 reviews
November 27, 2014
I've just read the 1st and 2nd book in one day..... I need to know what happens...
I hope we don't have too long to wait
Profile Image for Natasha Cooper.
44 reviews
August 31, 2015
Well worth the wait

I was so glad to wake you to this final installment. Luke and Reese so deserved their HEA. Great job, Alyssa! Can't wait to see what you do next!
Profile Image for Tamara.
1,687 reviews2 followers
September 11, 2015

Just reread all the books in this series and I fell in love allover again perfect ending. Amazing story amazing writer
Profile Image for Chrissy.
1,305 reviews100 followers
September 27, 2015
The conclusion of Luke and Reese's story is finally here and what a powerful ending this was. I have devoured this series and couldn't wait to see how things end up for Luke and Reese after how Resisting Ryann ended, and WOW is all I have to say!

With all the misunderstandings that happened with these two in the second book, I wasn't sure how they were going to move forward and realize what had happened. It takes a while for these two to finally talk, and even then they are still not aware that the other has no clue what they are thinking/saying.

Sean and Reese are still together, but as much as she tries she can't fully give herself over to him as she's still in love with Luke (even though she refuses to admit it). I am definitely not a fan of Sean's, and no it's not just because I want her with Luke. He is different in this book and I wanted to slap him and pull Reese away from him multiple times. The way he treats her and the things he says are just not something that a man in love would say or do, and how he treats Reese when Luke is around? Insecurity...........

Reese tries her hardest to get Luke to understand that she's with Sean now, but when they are forced to be around one another, it's hard for her to forget how much she longs for him. It takes a while, and some unexpected events before these two can finally have that heart to heart that they need to finally get on the same page. I did find it hilarious how Luke found out what Reese believed he was admitting to that night. He handled it well and even though I wanted him to run over and tell her it wasn't true, I believe she needed a bit of payback for not believing in Luke like she should have.

Breaking Ryann is definitely a fast paced book and it's a lot more angsty than the other books in my opinion. I think it's because things are so unknown for the two characters and how things are going to work out for them. There are many ups and downs in this book, just like the others in the series, but Breaking Ryann gives us an ending that I adored for these characters. Not only do we get to see how things ended up for Luke and Reese, but also Logan and Gia (who I LOVE!). This book is a definite must read if you've read the previous two books in the series, as it's the end of Luke and Reese's story and you have to read to find out how everything works out.
Profile Image for What Makes Patri.
298 reviews203 followers
November 1, 2015
We areThe Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club,to know more about this book, go to the post in our website:

Breaking Ryann (Bad Boy Reformed #3) by Alyssa Rae Taylor

If you are interested, you can visit our website:

The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club

The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club's Review:

Rate:4 stars


I think Breaking Ryann is my favorite book in the Bad Boy Reformed series. This is the story of the happy ending we were promised when we started reading Alyssa's series and she didn't disappointed her fans.

Luke is back ready to win Reese and it teared my heart out to see Reese at first rejecting him. Like in other stories their drama continues due to Reese misinformation and don't give Luke the chance to explain himself. However, we can now say that we know Luke and he's not willing to give up.

The story has progressed and the same thing can be said about the writing, the characters and the plot. I think that this story is my favorite out of the three books, not only for the awaited finale, but because we have what we were promised in the synopsis. There's drama, there's love, there's old wounds not healed, there's mistrust, sacrifice, friendship and the decision to make from the characters if being in love is enough to keep them together, this time forever.

This book is the chance for the author to get those unsolved topics that were left behind in the first two books, give the characters time to solve their personal problems and decide what to do with their love. I fell for the characters all over again, with Gia, Logan and Reese, and even harder for Luke.

Breaking Ryann is a great tribute for all Bad Boy Reformed fans and a great finale. The author just kept getting better and delivered an emotional story that would make all her readers happy.

I received these two ARCs in exchange of an honest review. Participating in this tour does not affect my opinion in any way.
Profile Image for T..
Author17 books145 followers
October 6, 2015
4.5 stars!!!!

I freaking loved this series! Talk about a roller coaster!

This picks up where book 2 left off, Luke and Reese and oh my what to come!

Reese, hurt by finding out the truth, and feeling betrayed by the one man she's loves, turns to Sean. Trying to make a relationship work with him, she knows her heart isn't in it, but tries to make it work anyway. When Luke comes back into her life, it's again turned upside down and she's not sure what to do. It doesn't help that Sean loves to rub it in Luke's face that he is now with Reese. (the punk)

When Reese and Luke start working together again, she can't help how her body reacts to what Luke does or says. She can feel his presence before seeing him, it's a connection the two have had since she was a young girl.

Luke, back in the complex, back at work, and back in Reese's life. He doesn't understand why she shut him out and moved on, and has no idea what to do, except to get her back. Of course, he has to make it interesting, just coming out and saying the truth would be way too easy.

When the truth does come out, the two can't help how they feel, but how will others react?

Logan and Gia, who are there for Luke and Reese, do what they need to for helping their best friends, and why shouldn't they? They all make great couples.

Things start turning around and people are happy and things are going as planned, but that's when everything goes wrong. Just when you think everything is working out the way it's supposed to, something always happens. The past comes back with a slap in the face, making Reese utilize everything she's learned from Luke.

Can these two overcome all the obstacles that have stood in their way, can they finally have a happily ever after, or will they end up going in two different directions?

Talk about a great ending to a fantastic story!

A must read series!
Profile Image for Rachel.
1,505 reviews27 followers
August 28, 2015
4.5 stars

Reese is stalled in her relationship with her neighbor, Sean. She misses what she had with Luke, but it hurts to think about the things she’s learned about his disappearance. Now that he’s back in town, she does her best to avoid Luke and reassure Sean that she is with him, but both tasks are difficult when both men live so close (and work with her, in Luke’s case) and Sean’s jealousy continues to grow.

Luke is back, but he can’t figure out what happened to turn Reese to Sean while he was gone. Dealing with the repercussions from his time away, he still carries strong feelings for Reese. She. Is. His. And he is willing to fight for her.

It took me a while to remember how Reese and Luke had each reached the points they were at in the beginning of the book. It’s been a year since I read Resisting Ryann, so jumping right back into the story was an adjustment and left me confused early on. Eventually, between my own memory kicking in and casual references, I was able to find a solid footing within this book.

Occasionally scenes or events unfolded in a way that felt rushed or disjointed. But at other points it felt like the story was not moving fast enough. I think part of that feeling stems simply from the fact that I wanted Luke and Reese together, have never liked Sean, and couldn’t wait for them to find their happy together.

As a whole, though, I enjoyed this book and the completion of this as a trilogy. The potential for expansion or continuation of this series certainly exists, but this leaves the characters in a great place and I love that feeling.

I was gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Melissa Mendoza.
2,564 reviews50 followers
August 28, 2015
Received a copy in exchange for an honest review

“His golden eyes blaze down on me with a spark of curiosity in their depths. I stand on the tips of my toes, lightly brushing my breasts against his chest on the way up.”

5 stars!! I love this series!!! This book and this series was so hard to put down! I really loved the characters and the story!! Fantastic work!

He promised to leave me alone, but that was a lie. I should have known he’d have this pull on me—seeping through my skin and into my bones, burning me from the outside in. It’s just like when we were kids, and I can no longer avoid him. I’ve accepted it, but what will it take to convince him that I am no longer his? Is that really what I want?

I told her I’d leave her alone. But who was I kidding? I’ve never been one to back away from a challenge. He stole my girl—my future—from me. I’m coming back with a vengeance. I’m taking back what he took from me. After all the secrets and lies, can we come back from this? Even if it breaks me, I’ll stop at nothing to protect what’s always been mine.

Wow after that cliffhanger in book 2 I didn’t know what to expect with book three! And now let me say, I loved it!! Book three didn’t disappoint at all, it was a great continuation!! I don’t want to give too much away, but trust me when I say this series is worth the read!! It’s hot, romantic and sexy all wrapped up into one wonderful book!!

**Received a copy in exchange for an honest review. Read and reviewed by Melissa for Alpha Book Club**
Profile Image for Vera Quinn.
Author41 books251 followers
June 27, 2017
Well worth the wait and more!

Reese had given her heart away to her childhood hero. He had saved her when she was younger from a horrible situation and kept her safe. She had taken a school girls crush and built on it and she had fallen so deeply in love with Luke Ryann. He should of been her happily ever after but too soon became her biggest heartache. After being crushed she was trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered heart and move on with Sean. Maybe he can help her put her life back together. Luke promised to let her go.
Luke Ryann felt empty and like a part of him was missing. He knows he told Reese he would let her go but how do you let your soul mate go? She owns his heart. She is his, has always been his and will always be his and he won't let her go. Now he is on a mission to reclaim his heart and he will not stop until he has her back.
I loved Breaking Ryann. Misunderstanding and guilt paves the way for more heartache than Reese and Luke could of ever thought of. This is their book of acceptance and healing of a love that burned so hot it may have burned their souls beyond repair. When facts come to light will either be able to forgive the other or will the walls already be built too high to conquer. Breaking Ryann had my emotions all over the place. I felt their anger, betrayal, jealousy, but most of all a basic love and a mutual respect.
I have been anticipating the release of Breaking Ryann since I read the last page of Resisting Ryann. Alyssa Rae Taylor surpassed all my expectations and I loved every minute of it. Great job.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
404 reviews8 followers
August 31, 2015
All I can say is ahhhhhhhh I freaking loved it so much. I'm working on my review will post tomorrow I'm huge fan of this author and this series.

This was by far one of my favorite series I felt like I waited an eternity for these books but they were worth the wait. Luke is just an amazing sexy man. There is no other way to describe him. Reece this poor girl has been through the ringer but omg does she make you proud. The growth this character shows is absolutely amazing. Luke knows what he wants and he will do it one way or another. Reece is hurting still and honestly if you have read the other books which by the way you definitely should then you can understand why she's still so devastated. But this book offers mystery, suspense, comedy, sexual tension. Sometimes in a book things can be dragged out like sex. This series is the perfect example of how much intensity and build up can make you feel. I loved watching the almost happen. This story gives you hope also take advantage of getting into a self defense class with your daughter or friends. We all need to know these things I loved the way it all ended and can't wait to read more from this amazing woman. Reviewing for Night and Day book bloghttp://ndbbr2014.comStephanie Powell
Profile Image for Amy Rogers.
182 reviews7 followers
September 1, 2015
Wow! An epic ending to one of the best book couples ever! I absolutely adore Reese and Luke's story. They have been through quite journey and so much together that my heart was in my throat throughout this book. Their love and connection can be felt in the pages you read. I was so consumed that I just couldn't put the book down. I couldn't get enough of them. Their love makes you believe that no matter where your road leads you that if you stay true to your heart everything will work out. It may not be easy. There will be hurdles to overcome but throughout it all it will make you stronger and wiser. You will appreciate what you have and know that love truly conquers all! I'm so excited for what Alyssa has up her sleeve for the next book she writes. I will be without a doubt anxiously waiting for it. Such a bittersweet ending to say goodbye but so exciting to what the future holds. Amazing job Alyssa! You stepped up the bar and created pure perfection!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 116 reviews

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