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Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series continues in Warriors: The New Prophecy--now featuring fierce new art. The second book in this second series, Warriors: The New Prophecy #2: Moonrise, brings more adventure, intrigue, and thrilling battles to the epic world of the warrior Clans.

Moons have passed since six cats set out on a journey to save their Clans. Now they are traveling home again, but on their way through the mountains, they meet a tribe of wild cats with a secret...and their own mysterious prophecy to fulfill.

In the forest, Firestar and Leafpaw watch ThunderClan's world crumbling around them. Will the questing cats make it back in time to save the Clans, or will they be too late?

Supports the Common Core State Standards

336 pages, Paperback

First published July 25, 2005

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About the author

Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter is the pseudonym of five people:Kate Cary,Cherith Baldry,Tui T. Sutherland,Gillian Philip,andInbali Iserles,as well as editorVictoria Holmes.Together, they write the Warriors series as well as the Seekers and Survivors series. Erin Hunter is working on a new series now called Bravelands.

Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having a great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior, shaped by her interest in astronomy and standing stones.


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Profile Image for Janeen-san .
265 reviews
November 8, 2008
The six cats chosen from the four wild Clans of the forest--ThunderClan, ShadowClan,RiverClan and WindClan--are finally on their way back home!

In the first book of the New Prophecy,Midnight,the new warrior Bramleclaw gets a disturbing dream from StarClan telling him to join up with three other cats and "listen to what midnight tells you."
They travel to the Sun-Drown-Place (the sea) and find "midnight".
Midnight the BADGER!
She gives them a warning that theymustfollow, or it will mean the quick death of every cat in every clan!

So now, in the second book of the series, the cats are on their way home again, but this time with a heavier burden on their shoulders than before.
Halfway home, they encounter a fierce mountain Tribe--the Tribe of Rushing Water, and they have a prophecy of their own:
"A silver cat will come to save us all."
Lucky for them, but unlcuky for the Clan cats--Stormfurisa silver cat, and the Tribe insists on keeping him prisoner until he can defeat Sharptooth, a evil mountain lion! Will rescue Stormfur?

Meanwhile, in the forestwaaaaayback home, medicine cat apprentice Leafpool is seeing the destruction of all the clans around her. Then she gets kiddnapped by Twolegs!
If you want to find out what happens, read this book! It doesn't matter if you are already a Warroir fan, or never heard of this book before, you WILL LOVE IT!

I really fell in love with this book beucase it NEVER got slow and it was full of action! Yippeee!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kayla.
546 reviews15 followers
June 5, 2011
I love the drama that is in this series! Don't get me wrong there was plenty of drama with Firestars adventures.... But Squirrelflight is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters. Her personality if funny, but she is quick tempered with a retort when needed. She's a lot like me.:-)

I am rewriting this review because the old one was pathetic. I like how the Erins are flip flopping between characters in the rest of their series. It adds a different perspective to the warriors world.:-)

This book has been added to my favorites shelf because of the reuniting scene when Squirrelflight and her friends come back to the clans. This scene is one of my favorites of all time. I still think about it sometimes.:-)

(Review revised on June 4, 2011.)
Profile Image for Brinley.
1,086 reviews72 followers
July 9, 2022
I loved this series when I was younger, so I’ve been enjoying going back and reading through them again. This set definitely isn’t my favorite though, I’ve found that quite a few of the characters irritate me, and I find the plot to be quite lacking in this one especially. Still love this series though!
Profile Image for Maddie.
1,117 reviews169 followers
October 3, 2020
A whole lot of stuff happened in this book, but Stormfur being one of the MCs really decreased my rating! I definitely think I'm too old to fully appreciate this book, and even the nostalgia of years ago can't redeem them. They'll always stay favourites, but I can see they have flaws. Mostly flaws in their emotions and their insta-love:p Can't wait to get to new stories I haven't read before.
October 7, 2020
The 6 cats are on their way to fullfill the phrophecy as explained in the previous book. They discover that Midnight isn't what they thought it was and besides that they meet a new tribe that is in great danger. Danger is lurking ahead, a sacrifice or more has to be made and though decisions has to be taken. This is another book in the Warrior Cats - series, but for now it's my least favorit. Allthough it reads well, it's a bit repetitive and ongoing. There were a few tense moments, but still...I hope the next book will be a bit better.
Profile Image for Marga.
391 reviews8 followers
April 19, 2023
¡Cómo me gusta una buena historia! Y unos buenos personajes lo son todo, aunque sean, como en este, gatos, ¡pero qué maravillosos personajes!
Estoy supurando adrenalina por cada poro de mi piel ahora mismo. A pesar de que el primero de la Nueva profecía me dejó un poco fría por dejar la acción en manos de jovencitos que no tienen muy claro lo que hacía, en este segundo volvemos a encontrarnos con los gatos de la saga original, entremezclando capítulos con la trama nueva.
Ha sido desgarrador ver cómo destruimos el bosque sin pensar en todos esos animales que pierden sus casas, sus familias e incluso sus vidas, por la ambición del ser humano. Ciertamente, han sido los únicos personajes que me han sobrado.
Estoy deseando continuar la saga, se ha quedado en un momento muy emocionante, con muchas posibilidades a la vista, esto tiene muy buena pinta para desarrollarse en un futuro cercano. Totalmente recomendable a todo el mundo.
Profile Image for Amory.
908 reviews34 followers
July 6, 2020
4.5 stars!
I really appreciated having this book largely take place from Feathertail and Stormfur's perspectives. We rarely get narrators from outside of Thunderclan, so this was a nice treat. I also still enjoy the switching from the perspectives of the cats on the journey to the ones back in the forest. That being said, I do wish that the romantic Crowpaw/Feathertail relationship didn't exist. I don't think it adds much to the story and it blossoms way too quickly to feel authentic.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Regina.
99 reviews6 followers
May 3, 2016
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. But it seems, even though I've read them before, I cannot remember it at all. It was still fun to read though, as it was like I was reading it for the first time again.

This one was certainly different - the introduction of a new group of cats The Tribe of Rushing Water. They are desperate but they're not dangerous cats, they just want rid of Sharptooth. And I could have sworn Brook or some other tribe cat went back with them because Stormfur was starting to fall in love with her.

I can't help think Feathertail's death was an answer for hers and Crowpaw's love because they wouldn't be able to see each other once they went home (to their new home, not the one they are in throughout the first series). All the same, and it was sad. But it was bad how they didn't even look or think about the other cats fur, they just automatically took Stormfur as the cat who was going to save them. I'm pretty sure Feathertail and the others would know what colour their own fur is.

What's good and makes you press on is that there's cliffhangers at the end of nearly every chapter, and it's crucial how the story jumps from different cats pov's (especially adding in Stormfurs).

I can't help feeling that the dream that Stormfur got from his mother Silverstream, was a really weak storyline to have, to make him go back to the tribe. I mean they wasted all that time trying to get away and when he gets a dream from StarClan, he admits that they may need him and go back. I supposed there wouldn't have been much of a storyline if that just had happened.

I supposed there wouldn't have been much of a storyline if StarClan had just told all the cats what would happen to the forest, instead of making 4 (turned out to be 6) walk miles to talking to a badger; a cats natural enemy, near the sea. Still, they are great books and I'm sure every book or movie has got a plot that could easily be turned in to 2 pages or something.

If the new tribe hadn't of been introduced I'm pretty sure this book, and only this one, would have been boring. They were already on a mission when they came in to another one, and now it's time to go home. I am dying to read the next book because I really cannot remember what happens even though I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

I feel the characters are really hard to remember, I still probably could not name all the cats who went on the journey. Stormfur, Squirrelpaw, Tawnypaw, Bramblepaw, Feathertail and Crowpaw. Well, maybe I can (and I didn't even need to look at the book), but yeah. The introduction of the new kittypets was interesting, I wonder where they will all end up. I'm dying to hear about Sasha and what she has to say as well, being cooped up where Leafpaw, Mistyfoot, Cloudtail and Brightheart are all being kept. At least Sorreltail will be able to go back and tell Firestar what happened, as long as she wasn't caught (which I don't think she was because she would be in the same place as Leafpaw, unless there are more of the cages in another room or something).

I love all the different cats languages and it's fun picking up what they're saying. I've noticed how the kittypets use language like humans do in real life, they know what cages are even though there's yet to be a group of cats who actually know the word "human". They know their own species so why not ours?

Anyway, I can't think of much else to write because it was mainly about travelling but I must say that they keep me going.
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Profile Image for Nalle.
432 reviews54 followers
February 13, 2019
Cada vez que comienzo un libro de estas sagas me pasa lo mismo. Me atrapan de inmediato y me rompen el morado corazón. Siguiendo la narrativa de su antecesor, la historia es contada a dos voces y en dos lugares distintos. El campamento del clan del trueno que la está pasando muy mal a causa de los dos patas y unas cuevas en las montañas, dónde habita una tribu de gatos distinta pero con muchas cosas en común con los clanes que ya conocemos. Este libro está lleno de momentos de tensión, realmente estás esperando la siguiente catástrofe y aunque sabes que no acabará bien, nada te prepara para lo que sucede.
En este libro vemos a Estrella de Fuego como un líder que se siente abandonado por el clan estelar, a todos los gatos pasando hambre y enfermedad. Incluso algunos han desaparecido (independiente de los gatos que partieron en busca de Medianoche en el libro anterior) y al descubrir la verdad respecta eso crece la incertidumbre al querer saber que más sucederá. Pero a la vez no u.u
Profile Image for Julia Pozsonyi.
40 reviews21 followers
July 3, 2021
I loved this series as a child and still do now. I'm just re-reading for fun!
Profile Image for Fioletowe Książki Zuzy.
92 reviews1 follower
May 17, 2024
Hmmm, mam dość mieszane uczucia. Pierwsza seria ☝️☝️☝️ale ta druga, cóż… zrobili z Ognistego jakiegoś pizdusia jakby wtf, autorki już zapomniały, jaki był ważny?? Mieszane POV też były dość uciążliwe. Poza tym w tym tomie oni głównie po prostu idą, ale nie nudziło mi się, bo mimo, że mam wrażenie, że na ten tom autorkom się skończyły pomysły, bo o ile jeszcze poprzedni w miarę trzymał poziom to oni tutaj tylko… no, szli. Ale oczywiście przeczytam następne tomy bo KOCHAM Wojowników i oddałam im serce już na pierwszym tomie, mimo że seria „Nowa Przepowiednia” nie do końca na nie zasługuje.
Profile Image for Jessi (Novel Heartbeat).
1,075 reviews732 followers
March 17, 2019
The first 2/3 of this one was just as slow as the first book was, but thankfully around the 200 page mark it picked up and brought back the magic of the series that I fell in love with - in all of its action and heartbreaking brutality! I'm so glad, too, because I was starting to wonder if maybe the second series wasn't for me and that maybe I was falling out of love with the series. The last 100 pages reminded me why I fell in love in the first place!

The first book may have been on the boring side, but I confess it lulled me into a false sense of security, haha. Erin reminded me how harsh she can be in this one. Once again we see the hardship of the cats' lives in the wild - starvation, sickness, predators, humans, and conflict with other Clans. The threat of the Twolegs (humans) added a sense of direness to the story that I know we'll see more of. I can't wait to see how things get resolved!
Profile Image for Noella.
1,047 reviews65 followers
August 21, 2019
Als de katten terug naar huis gaan, moeten ze door de bergen. Daar komen ze in contact met een andere groep katten, die hen eerst vriendelijk behandelen, maar als ze verder willen trekken, laten deze bergkatten hen niet gaan. Ze worden namelijk al heel lang geteisterd door een bergleeuw, en ook zij hebben een profetie gekregen, waarin hun beloofd werd dat een zilvergrijze kat hen zal redden. Ze zijn er van overtuigd dat Stormvacht hun redder is. Dus onze reislustige vrienden moeten weer heel wat gevaren doorstaan, en dat terwijl ze zo dringend naar huis moeten, omdat hun thuisclans ook een groot gevaar onder ogen moeten zien.
De verhoudingen tussen de katten zijn fijn uitgewerkt. Hoewel ze nog zich nog wel allemaal verbonden voelen met hun eigen clan, wordt de saamhorigheid onder de leden van de verschillende clans in het reisgezelschap almaar groter. Ze beginnen te beseffen dat clangrenzen en regels kunnen verbroken worden in het licht van het grotere geheel. En ik denk dat ze met deze wetenschap en ervaringen hun clans zullen moeten overtuigen om samen te werken, eens ze terug thuis zijn.
Ik lees deze serie graag, en eigenlijk ga ik zo op in het verhaal, dat ik er niet erg op let of dat het me totaal niet stoort als er weer eens overdreven wordt met bepaalde eigenschappen van sommige katten. En dus vond ik dit ook weer een heel goed boek.
Profile Image for ~♥~ Sil.
377 reviews6 followers
August 27, 2015

Este segundo libro me ha gustado más, ya que podemos ver como la travesía de nuestros gatos no es todo camino de rosas, se van encontrando con peligros y adversidades que tendrán que aprender a superar juntos, la más curiosa es cuando aparece un nueva profecía de una tribu de las montañas, donde uno de los gatos tendrá que afrontar su destino.
Profile Image for Willemijn jufwillemijnopallstars.
617 reviews59 followers
March 15, 2019
De katten zijn op de terugweg van hun reis naar Middernacht. Onderweg sluiten ze tijdelijk aan bij wilde katten. Ze spreken net een andere taal, maar ze kunnen elkaar goed verstaan. De wilde katten wonen op de rotsen in de bergen, ze wonen in een grote achter een waterval. Zij zien Stormvacht als hun redder. Maar waarvoor eigenlijk? Dat wordt niet meteen duidelijk voor de katten uit het woud.

In het woud gaat het ook niet goed, alle clans hebben minder prooi en dat terwijl het nog bladkaal moet worden. Loofpoot gaat op onderzoek uit, ontdekt dingen en twijfelt of ze haar vader Vuurster moet inlichten. Op het moment dat er katten verdwijnen op de plek waar tweebenen het bos vernietigen, gaan de katten met Vuurster op zoek naar de verdwenen katten. Loofpoot weet het bijna, maar dan….
Profile Image for Noelle Pielecha.
61 reviews1 follower
December 18, 2023
What the heck…?
It was soooooooooooooooooo slooooooooooow
AND WHAT THE HECK?! THREE DEATHS?? (Technically more)
Profile Image for raisinreadz.
152 reviews
February 8, 2024
uhhh. uh huh. I have thoughts but im in class rn. high highs and low lows….


actually in retrospect, it was more of low lows with an occasional steep hill, which plateaus into a cliff hanger.

boring mostly. I was so frustrated we were in stormfurs POV. it felt like lazy writing. like they were bored of writing brambleclaw and squirrelpaw and moved onto another character. why am I seeing stormfur pine for squirrelpaw/brook???? SHOULDNT I BE SEEING BRAMBLECLAW AND SQUIRRELPAW’S RELATIONSHIP?!?!?.

anyways. and leafpaw’s chapters are so boring. and I am so frustrated that she just missed squirrelpaw. of course she gets caught. if firestar had a quarter for everytime a family member got caught by twolegs he’d have two quarters… which isn’t a lot but…

crowpaw was so mean and I know he’s like.. prototype jayfeather, but he’s really just mean to feathertail. in a way that I would say is not healthy for relationships.

anyways, I hate how sharptooth was only here for a split second, I hate that he couldn’t talk even a little bit of cat. I hate that he died and then that’s it. I hate that HAWKFROST is basically tigerstar reincarnated. that is so boring. I like mothwing’s dilemma where she breaks warrior code but she still tries to be good.

okay i’ve talked a lot of bad. but overall, it was still READABLE. I love the warrior cats world, I love the dynamic and structure of their clan system. so inherently I like the books—as a baseline. the boring or frustrating parts brought it down FOR SURE, but honestly the sharptooth parts are really cool! and I like mothwing. I wish leafpaw was a more enjoyable narrator, but I still like mothwing and her struggle with obeying warrior code or not feels like a TPB character story, which is great. so that’s why I think this is a 3/5. very “okay”
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Rowan .
13 reviews4 followers
July 28, 2022
Mini Review: So I'm trying to decide if this book was better or worse than the previous... I'm not really a fan of Stormfur. He did get better near the end, but his personality is just very bland and sort of a knock off of Brambleclaw's. However, I did love the whole Tribe cat plot, and I'm sad because like Stormfur and Brook are sort of amazing (But not amazing enough for me to tell you in full caps like I do for heartbreaking romances). Anywho, I think the Tribe cats saved it for me. I vaguely remember the Tribe when I read this before, but this refreshed my memory and made me like them even more.
Profile Image for Lanie.
1,055 reviews69 followers
July 24, 2015
This is crap. I hate these characters so freaking much! I just..... Yeah, I just hate them! I miss firestars bravery. I miss Greystripe's snarky sidekick role. I miss dustplet & sandstorm picking on Firestar then slowly growing to like him. I miss yellowfang.

Here, in this 2nd series I have to deal with a painful collection of characters who make me want to rip my hair out & put a bullet in my head. (Not really, but it's still pretty bad.)

Warning! This will be long, ranting, & possibly full of spoilers. Don't read if you haven't read yet, and don't bash my opinions!

so! "moonrise" book 2 of "warriors: the new prohecy."

It sucked. But before I get in to just why I though it sucked, let me tell you a few things I enjoyed about this novel. The length is good. Nice size for kids. The idea is solid. And epic quest with the stakes higher than ever before. In the 1st series it was just Simply war the clans, mostly fueled by Tigerstar's insane need for dominance over all the clans. Now it's not just tha. It's tensions between the clans PLUS all these new outside threats. Poisoned food, twolegs destroying the forest, cats going missing. It's good. It has decent pacing here too. Much better than book 1. Plus we are shown a band new culture, a tribe of strange cats, so very different from our beloved clans. There are great themes of loyalty, courage, and destiny. Leafpaw is ok, not great. But she's sweet & caring & just a little naive. She tolerable. The adventures are good, sharptooth was pretty cool.

I also have great memories of these books from my childhood. I used to pretend I was a clan cat.:) I wanted to be in Riverclan.

These few things saved it from only 1 star.

You know, With all that stuff, "moonrise" and the rest of the series should be very entertaining for me.

But it's not. It's painful & boring. Honestly, I skimmed through the last half of it, struggling to finish. & why? Why did I hate this so damned much?

The characters! The fucking characters!!!!!!! They make or break a book, and this cast doesn't just break it.

They shattered it into little tiny bite sized bits than exploded it with a million atom bombs. Then gathered up all the dust & debris from that explosion & blew it up again with a blast from the death star.

Now, I addressed my 3 most despised characters in the last book. Squirrelpaw, Brambleclaw, & Crowpaw.

Squirrelpaw is a bitch 4 no reason. Brambleclaw is to perfect & the leader of the chosen cats for no reason. & Crowpaw is also a bitch for no freaking reason!

& now stormfur has joined the ranks. See, I kinda liked him at first. He was strong & loyal. But then I got inside the bastard's head. His flaw? He's a fucking hypocrite! See he bitches at his sister for falling for crow paw, yes? (Don't understand what that sweet cat sees in him. Their personalities just don't mix.) well he has no fucking right to do so when with in the 1st few chapters it's established that he has a crush on Squirrelpaw. This isn't so bad, but he kept going on about her. Saying just how great she is. All pretty & strong & how any cat would be luck to have her. No! She's a bitch. A stuck up bitch! He can't keep going on like that then turn right around & tell off Feathertail!

Then he meets brook. A cat from a tribe that lives in the mountains. He falls in insta love with this cat & starts really embracing their ways. Then acts all offended when his friends question his loyalty to the clans. He also talks about how difficult it is being half clan! acting like he just wants to serve riverclan & protect his beloved sister. Then he goes & chose to go back & help the crazy cats who tried to keep him hostage. Endangering all his friends (the cats who hold the fate of their friends & families in their paws) lives in the process.

He's just awful. I wanted to jump in the pages & kick some sense in him!

Insta love to.... He knew brook for like 5 days. Why was he so broken hearted when she & all her tribe members showed their true colors? He barely knew them!

Feathertail too. She's sweet yeah, but flat as cardboard. I couldn't feel bad when she bite the dust. (Honestly, I think she was just killed off so we wouldn't have to deal with all the forbidden love stuff until much later in the series.)

Moth wing..... I can't like a character who is that deliberately stupid, always choosing 2 betray her clan even after she's told what she's doing is against the code.

Look, I could go on, but I don't see much point. Most of the characters are just plain terrible! I keep hoping that maybe the books will be as fun as I remember from my childhood but so far "the new prophecy" has seriously let me down. & I have to get through them all because I promised my sister & myself that I'd re read them all, so I'll keep reading. At least I'll get to right some long ranting reviews out of it. (glad she doesn't read my reviews, because she loves Erin hunters books.)

Recommended for warriors fans who want to read every single book, but that's about it.

Profile Image for Samuel Pettit.
231 reviews2 followers
December 16, 2023
It was kind of good. It was not the best of the warriors series. But it was good like the rest of the warriors books.
Profile Image for Abi.
10 reviews
May 4, 2022
It was amazing except for when feathertail died that bit I did not like at all and I am super sad about it but you get used to it because like almost every character dies so yeah but it was amazing and I loved it
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Deborah Pickstone.
852 reviews93 followers
March 30, 2017
Leafpool gets very annoying constantly wittering about whether to tell her father about where the questing cats have gone. Someone stole Greystripe, one of the best characters and it don't look like he's coming back. This volume left me proper grumpy and out of sorts - and the the Tribe of Rushing Water had their own concept of xenophobia. Tsk!
Profile Image for Nestor.
209 reviews1 follower
January 11, 2022
The more I progress through this second Warriors arc, the more I feel like The New Prophecy is the Legend of Korra to The Prophecies Begin’s The Last Airbender. Make of that what you will. Also, I forgot that the cats got weirdly horny for each other this early in the series.
Profile Image for Anton.
324 reviews23 followers
November 25, 2020
Had some dull moments, but the switching perspectives are still refreshing and interesting. The exciting bits were just epic!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 995 reviews

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