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Before there is peace, blood will spill blood, and the lake will run red...

The gripping adventure that began with a small housecat in Into the Wild continues with Book Four of the thrilling Warriors spin–off series The New Prophecy. These cats' devoted fans have catapulted them onto national bestseller lists, and the support for the series grows stronger with every book.

Now the warrior Clans have finally reached their new home, but their troubles are far from over. Don't miss the next adventure of Brambleclaw, Firestar, and ThunderClan in Starlight, featuring new maps of the Clans' unfamiliar territory at the front.

368 pages, Paperback

First published April 4, 2006

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About the author

Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter is the pseudonym of five people:Kate Cary,Cherith Baldry,Tui T. Sutherland,Gillian Philip,andInbali Iserles,as well as editorVictoria Holmes.Together, they write the Warriors series as well as the Seekers and Survivors series. Erin Hunter is working on a new series now called Bravelands.

Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having a great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior, shaped by her interest in astronomy and standing stones.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 685 reviews
Profile Image for Mothman.
238 reviews
November 13, 2017
In this one, everyone yells for 598 hours about borders and who should run Windclan. Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight refuse to talk to each other over stupid reasons, and Leafpool has a sexual awakening realizing Crowfeather is hawt, but remembers she is a magical nun. Fun times.
Profile Image for Benjamin Thomas.
1,980 reviews354 followers
September 5, 2014
I've completed the 4th book in Erin Hunter's "Warrior: The New Prophecy" series, "Starlight". My regular readers will remember that I'm working my way through this young adult series that depicts the lives of an entire culture of cats living in the wild. This is the second set of six books about these cats and I am happy to report this book returns to the roots of what makes these books great.

I really enjoyed the first 6 "Warriors" books and felt the series stood complete at the end of that first set of novels. It was a complete cycle. I had been sceptical about starting a new set of books, wary of a "next generation" syndrome that may have succombed to being only a copy of the original. Trying to "do it again" only to enhance the financial income of the authors/publishers as opposed to moving on to something else is something I am always concerned with because I tend to read quite a few series. And sure enough, when I tried the first book of this "New Prophecy" series,Midnight,my worries seemed well founded. It was difficult for me to switch gears to a new set of protagonists while the old ones were still around. The Firestar character from the first 6 books was a genuine hero but now he would have to be squeezed into a supporting role.

The books were still well written, and absorbing in their own way but it has taken me until this 4th book to get comfortable in the new skin. Perhaps I am just used to this new set of heroes now but I think it is due more to the plot settling down. The first 3 books of this set were all about moving the entire society of cats to a new home due to the infestation of human activity at their old home. Danger was everywhere with no time to rest. But now they have found their new home and this book is much more about building their new home, setting clan boundaries, and becoming 4 clans once again, instead of one bigger uneasy clan. We get to see a return to normalcy in many respects including naming ceremonies, warrior training, and consultations with the spirtual Star Clan ancesters. Clan differences are once again allowed to provide conflict and adventure instead of relying on the great unknown for everything. In short, this novel brings the series back to its roots. And it doesn't hurt that I am comfortable with the new heroes now.

Don't get me wrong; I don't blame the authors at all for having to uproot everything we have come to know and love about this feline society. That's the only way to prevent the "let's do it again" syndrome. And now, after completing Starlight, I am confident that I will look back at the end of this second set of 6 books and see it as another fantastic addtion to the universe of young adult literature. Two more books to go and I'll be sure to let you know!
Profile Image for Kayla.
546 reviews15 followers
August 21, 2009
This book wasn't one of my favorites in the Warriors series, I don't like the way Brambleclaw is acting right now. He keeps worrying about Tigerstar and all that stuff.... It's getting a little bit annoying when the Tigerstar thing keeps being brought up. But, it was still a good book, just compared to the others it was a little slow.
January 6, 2021
I really loved this one! It was full of suspense and intrigues that I just needed to finish it as soon as possible.
The 4 clans have now found their new home and marked their territories, but the old grudges are still there. As good as Firestar is, he just can't fix everything. I wonder when he'll be able to see that. There are some storylines that I look forward to: Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight, Leafpool and Crawfeather, but also the plans of Hawkwind.
Profile Image for Alex Richey.
513 reviews18 followers
August 27, 2019
Ok, am I the only one that didn't see Leaf Pool and Crow Feather coming? Because that was so freaking sweet and I loved it.

This is the first Warriors audiobook that I've listened to without MacLeod Andrews. This narrator is very good, but it's hard to change. It's weird that she is using accents to differentiate cats when Andrews used tone.
Profile Image for aleo.
267 reviews4 followers
February 3, 2022
{ 8.99/10 }
→ roundedupbecause ofthis quote.

I am writing this review before I finish this book and give it a rate/10. I'm gonna finish it tomorrow during last period (02-01-22) But I like it!! I am probably one of the only people in the WC fandom who likes the back half of TNP. I love character drama and I like Crowfeather; lol ik I talk about him a lot.

Anyway despite that, this book is fine but it's sad in retrospect... if you don't remember, this book is about WindClan's civil war and Onewhisker's kindness against Mudclaw's ambition. It's just sad because in later books Onestar is a total bitch, which is not anything you need to read between the lines to understand, but inCrowfeather's Trialit is especially harsh. However, the conflict is written very well inStarlightI just get kinda sad reading about Onestar being nice and all.

Hype for the new Onestar SE though ngl

OH I love how Chapter 12 details Brambleclaw getting into that skirmish with ShadowClan and then he is completely unaware of his ambition, and attitude towards Squirreflight. And I just love his quarrel with Squilf too like we need more relationship problems in WC yes!!! It adds realism

Also honorable mention is Birchkit just in general because I think it's just so cute how he's the only small one in the Clan. It makes total sense toobecause his siblings diedbut yeah.

TL;DR - explaining the 8.99
- It should be a 9 but I can't in good conscience give it a 9 because I don't like the Onewhisker storyline and that's like half of this book. It's fine on its own just sad in retrospect
- 5 stars though because it's a comfort book... I'm sorry the 5 star thing is just limited, I can't in good faith give this the same star rating as Moonrise omg
Profile Image for Brinley.
1,086 reviews72 followers
July 10, 2022
Although I definitely enjoyed these more as a kid, I still find them enjoyable. They're a great break from the high fantasy I usually read because they're super quick. Sure, I get irritated by them at times, but they're a nostalgia read for me.

This arc isn't one of my favorites. The angst between Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight is much more irritating than it used to be, as its just miscommunication. Leafpaw played a bit too big of a part in this one for my tastes, her parts are too whiny and the foreshadowing is painfully obvious.

I know this is a children's book, but I do wish the relationships were developed a bit more. Especially the one between Crowfeather and Leafpool. They were professing their love at the end, and it just felt a bit sudden and unnecessary.

I love revisiting this series every few years as a quick read, and this time is no exception
Profile Image for Caitlin Wedge.
38 reviews1 follower
December 8, 2020
This book started out slow but in the 3rd chapter it got real intense. I mostly payed attention on how Crowfeathers feelings. He mostly has emotions to his loss of Feathertail. A Riverclan cat. I also payed attention to how Hawkfrost feels about his half brother Brambleclaw. They start to ease up until the very end when Hawkfrost tries to help Mudclaw kill Onewisker. Onewisker became leader because right before Tallstar died (It was very sad) he made Onewisker deputy. Mudclaw was deputy but Tallstar perfered Onewisker to be leader. I think this is one of my favorite New Prophecy books so far.
Profile Image for V.
222 reviews11 followers
August 8, 2017
My poor babies...

Once again I find myself thoroughly surprised at how much these books make me sad and happy all at the same time. As time goes on I find myself loving this series more and more. I will be so sad when eventually I finish it...
Profile Image for MacKenzie.
131 reviews5 followers
October 5, 2022
This book was such a drag. Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight actually talk out their problems challenge! And Brambleclaw is an idiot for forgiving Hawkfrost in the end. Squilf was a little harsh before the Hawkfrost plotting with Mudclaw thing, but afterwards it's clear she was right. Also the only interesting part of the book, the WindClan civil war, happened in like the last fifty pages. So much of this book felt fillery. Also what was that LeafCrow confession? This book could've been so much better
Profile Image for Maddie.
1,117 reviews169 followers
February 2, 2021
Eh this was okay. Least they're quick audios. I don't like Tallstar's decision in this one, and the anger between Squirrel and Bramble bugs me. I like Leaf's journey, and how they're setting up their new homes. The nostalgia I feel when I read these is so crazy, as they were my favourite childhood series more than 10 years ago. They're definitely aimed towards younger readers
Profile Image for Arlyn Theresa.
88 reviews3 followers
June 28, 2021
Ok. Nada espectacular paso en esta cuarta entrega, pero me dieron romance felino así que no necesito más! LOL

La verdad, los problemas de los clanes me esta pareciendo repetitivo, siempre alguien que quiere apoderarse de todos los clanes y ambición por el poder. Los diálogos mejoraron un poquitín, pero los nombres de guerreros que le dan a los que eran aprendices me parecen horrible. Quién quisiera llamarse Corvino Plumoso??? o Esquiruela???? Que es eso? Qué pasó con Esquirolina?? Era hermoso ese, pero bue…. Es un gusto más personal.

Estoy enojada porque me están arruinando mi parejita de gatitos favorita, pero me están dando otra que en realidad ya se venía venir. Debo decir y RECALCAR, estos libros son super Middle Grade, para chicos de 12 años por ahí, porque la manera de escribir es cero complicada, los personajes no tienen tanta profundidad, pero, aun así, siento que les hace falta conflicto y me hace cuestionar cómo terminará esta saga, porque la verdad siento que la alargan demasiado innecesariamente. Aunque sean Middle grade no creo que sea una excusa para que la trama general sea tan floja.

Con todo esto… la voy a seguir leyendo?….. SI, la voy a seguir leyendo. Quiero saber si mis gatitos quedan juntos o no. 🤣
Profile Image for Noella.
1,047 reviews65 followers
August 31, 2019
De clans gaan hun nieuwe gebied verkennen en hun territoriumgrenzen vastleggen. Sommige katten hebben het moeilijk om terug te wennen aan de afscheiding van de clans, nu ze tijdens hun tocht allemaal samengewerkt hebben en onderling vriendschap hebben gesloten. Voor Langster is de reis te veel geweest, en als hij stervende is, benoemt hij Eensnor tot zijn opvolger, in plaats van Modderklauw, zoals door iedereen verwacht werd. Vele katten twijfelen aan zijn keuze, en de nodige strubbelingen ontstaan.
Loofpoot krijgt een droom en volgt Spikkelblad van de Sterrenclan naar de plek waar de nieuwe Maanpoel is, ter vervanging van de Maansteen in hun vorige gebied. En uiteindelijk vinden de katten ook een geschikte plek om hun maandelijkse vergaderingen te houden.
Dit is ook weer een uitstekend boek over de kattenclans, dat zeer vlot leest en moeilijk weg te leggen is.
Profile Image for D'ale lui Damian.
803 reviews16 followers
February 10, 2024
Strălucirea Stelelor-Erin Hunter

Acest volum dezvăluie drumul celor 4 clanuri spre noua, dar nestiuta locație, deoarece profeția despre războinicul pe moarte ce avea să le dezvăluie unde să se îndrepte, nu s-a mai înfăptuit.
Patru clanuri ce s-au transformat într-unul, al căror miros caracteristic este greu de identificat acum; singurul clan ce a întârziat să-si facă simțită prezența a fost "Clanul Stelelor", ce le face pe toate piscile să se simtă nesigure. O viziune primită de Labă de Frunză dezvăluie locul unde să-și facă tabăra clanurile( acolo unde stele se oglindesc), deja instaurându-se setea de putere și alianțe noi, împărțirea clanurilor.
Decesul conducătorului Clanului Vântului-Stea Înaltă, și ultima dorința a sa de pe "muschiul" de moarte, numirea noului secund Mustăcioară în declasarea din secund în războinic a lui Gheară de Namol, au dus la o alianță între Clanul Vântului și Clanul Râului pt omorârea lui Mustacioară înainte de a primii cele 9 vieți de la Clanul Stelelor.

Clanul Stelelor si-a făcut simțită prezența în visul lui Labă de Frunză, dezvăluind noul loc unde pisicile vraci, dar și noii conducători pot primii (atât profeții, cât și cele 9 vieti) -un loc numit Iazul Lunii.

Astfel volumul se finalizează prin lupta dintre câțiva membri ai clanurilor: Tunetului, Vântului și Râului, amintindu-le pisicilor de profeția: după ce apa lacului v-a fi rosie de sânge, atunci se v-a instaura pacea...dar nu despre această luptă e vorba...
Profile Image for Jessi (Novel Heartbeat).
1,075 reviews732 followers
March 19, 2019
Sadly, I was rather disappointed in this one. It waseven slowerthan the first book was. I was hopeful that this second series would turn out like the first one, as the last two books picked up quite a bit. I'm still holding out hope for the last two! It breaks my heart that it's lost the magic of the first series - I wasobsessedand I want that back!

Basically nothing happened in this one. NOTHING. The entire 320 pages consisted of nothing but the Clans settling into their new home. Exploring. Determining boundaries. Discovering what risks the new territory holds. More exploring. Yawn.

There was only a tiny bit of conflict, and it ended up not even being a real threat.

I am hoping that Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight resolve their issues in the next book. I'm thinking it's going to take Hawkfrost betraying Brambleclaw for it to happen. It makes me so sad that she told him that they weren't meant to be!! I need them to have babies together, haha.
Profile Image for raisinreadz.
152 reviews
February 20, 2024
2.5. The ending brought it up.5.

okay. mainly boring and redundant except for literally the last 95% where we finally got some inter-clan drama that wasn't border related. I liked that Tallstar choosing Onewhisker instead of Mudclaw snowballed into the climax at the end. I thought that was very 'classic' warrior cats plot. But the beginning... the random romance between leafpool and crowfeather... the 'drama' between squirrelflight and brambleclaw (as if... squirrelflight JUST remembered that brambleclaw was a descendent of Tigerclaw). Hawkfrost is kinda just a Tigerclaw copy. "let me take mudclaw behind this tree... then when he comes back dead ill say a tree killed him..." yeah, i don't believe that for a second.

idk. mainly flaws in this one, but basically okay. Also i can't stand leafpool. I'm sorry, like fr. just can't stand her.
15 reviews3 followers
November 16, 2018
This book added a lot to the clans adjusting to their new home by the lake. I read the Code of the Clans books before this and knew ow somethings would happen, but what surprised me was how late some things happened. The prophecy in this book is, Before peace,Blood will spill blood and the lake will run red. I feel like this has to do with Brambleclaw and Hawkfrost's blood relation to Tigerclaw/Tigerstar and how other cats don't think either of them are loyal to their clans anymore. If anyone has a different prediction feel free to share it!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mitch.
46 reviews1 follower
July 5, 2024
Girly broke up with her boy because he talks to his brother once a month?
Profile Image for Ben Rogers.
133 reviews1 follower
August 27, 2021
Starlightin comparison to many other Warriors books lacks a lot of fighting, but it makes up for it in the sheer amount of drama that transpires on the adventure.

The plot ofStarlightis rather simple, but adds twists and turns that nobody can truly expect or predict. We are in unfamiliar territory now, literally. There is no way to really know where its going, or how we might get there. Instead, we learn what will happen just as the characters do, which is what makesStarlightgreat in my eyes. The fate of many characters is uncertain, and there are no promises, which adds to the suspense and makes it a very difficult book to put down at times. The only caveat is that at times the lack of action can be very noticeable, and it feels like the story itself has been drawn out. I believeStarlightalong withDawnis what made me realize that the plot of Warriors could easily be 5 Stars all across the books if they were not Middle Grade fantasy. It's something I've come to accept, but its interesting to think about how each series would be if they were a trilogy or a quarter, instead of six books with slower parts within each.

Since there has been no major changes in Erin Hunter's style sinceMidnightI feel confident giving this the same five star rating. The books of Warrior Cats, and particularThe New Prophecyare filled with vivid imagery that set them apart from other middle grade reads.

To the version of myself that said the characters were dull back when I readMidnight,you weren't wrong then, but you'd be shocked now. The characters ofStarlightare still the characters of the entire series, but there are just so many on the sidelines now that its almost hard to keep track. And you will find yourself invested in almost every single one. (Perhaps you will even hope some did notexist). As expected with sticking by the narrator's for so long by this point any reader will have come to be both ensnared in many of their actions, and also critical of almost anything stupid they might do. I'm very excited to see where each of the characters' destiny's lie.

Starlightdefinitely builds on the end ofDawnin all the expected ways, however it poses far more questions than it really answers (though what Warriors Cat book really answers questions besides the Super Editions?). You'll also find that the return to "life" inWarriorsis a bit dull. Not in the sense that it is boring, but in that you had hoped things would bedifferentnow. However, the characters are with you, so not all hope is lost.TwilightandSunsetcertainly have their work cut out for them.
Profile Image for Andrew  William.
208 reviews2 followers
September 23, 2022
This series is not as good as the first series so far, I'm having fun but I'm not as engaged with the characters or plot yet
Profile Image for Braintwich.
5 reviews1 follower
March 25, 2011
Basic synopsis: Now that the clans have found their new home, tensions again rise as territory is sorted out, death of a leader brings rise to uncertainty in all clans, and they must find a way to contact Starclan before it's too late. A new prophecy arises: Before there is peace, blood will spill blood and the lake will run red.

More character development! PLEASE! Leafpaw and Brambleclaw are the cats this book follows and Leafpaw...falls in love. Well...sort of. There isn't much development between her and Crowfeather and I wish there were more. It seems rushed and uncertain, as if the Erins didn't know how to handle their relationship. Brambleclaw on the other hand trades in Squirrelflight for his half brother Hawkfrost, though I do identify more with Brambleclaw's way of thinking than Squirrelflight. He doesn't know of his half brothers dangerous ambitions and Squirrelflight is only going off hearsay from her sister's knowledge of the Riverclan warrior. Poor Brambleclaw lost his sister to Shadowclan, and his father who he never knew much, he's had to outlive his father's shadow time and again and here he finds he has more kin in Riverclan and he ends up losing his lover now too. I think Brambleclaw's and Squirrelflight's parts were written well.
Profile Image for Braiden.
6 reviews
October 10, 2014
In the book I am currently reading called WARRIORS, STARLIGHT, the main characters are Brambleclaw, Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, Mistyfoot, and Squirrelflight. Brambleclaw is a warrior from thunderclan and is a dark brown tabby tom with amber eyes. Crowfeather is a warrior from windclan and is a dark gray, almost black tabby withblue eyes. Tawnypelt is a warrior from shadowclan and is a tortoishell she-cat with green eyes. Mistyfoot is the deputy of riverclan and is a gray she-cat with blue eyes. Last but not least, Squirrelflight is a warrior from thunderclan and is a dark ginger she-cat with green eyes. So far in the story windclan, shadowclan, thunderclan, and riverclan had to leave the forest because twolegs where starting to tear it down. After three days of walking, they finally find another forest to live in. They send five cats, Brambleclaw, Crowfeather, Tawnypelt, Mistyfoot, and squirrelflight to look around the lake and find a place for all of the clans to live. The prediction that I have for this book is that I think that all of the clans will find a home and they will be able to build up their base to defend out any unwanted predators.
588 reviews12 followers
February 14, 2022
There was a change of narrator, so it took me some time to get used to it, but Savard is also very good. The book is a bit slow, but not necessarily boring, as the clans adapt to a new life in new homes. Will the old ways prevail, or have they found a more progressive, collaborative society?

***Spoiler*** I loved how Hawkfrost, like his daddy did, teams up with other clans to organize and support an insurrection, and when things don't go his way he acts like it was no biggie. Sorry, Onewhisker, I thought you were not the rightful leader of WindClan, so I thought I should kill a bunch of you, but no worries now, hope it's all cool. The cats, learning nothing from past jerks like BrokenStar or TigerStar, give him a second chance that will surely come back to haint them.
Profile Image for Maddie.
1,117 reviews169 followers
April 23, 2018
This book was average to me. I think it annoyed me more than anything. Got me very riled up. All of the relationship mess and shit in this one blew my mind. ThetheOnewhisker'sHope the next one's better.
Profile Image for Amory.
908 reviews34 followers
July 22, 2020
I loved seeing the clans find new places to host Gatherings and a new spot to meet with Starclan. Leafpaw really shined in this book, and I loved that for her. However, the tension between Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight irked me a bit the longer it went on.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 685 reviews

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