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Left Behind#4

Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides

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Having survived the wrath of the Lamb--a global earthquake in the 21st month of the Tribulation--pilot Rayford Steele and reporter Buck Williams now embark on a journey of absorbing adventure and Christian triumph.Soul Harvestis book four in the enormously popular Left Behind series (seven books are planned in all), based on those who are left behind in the Rapture. Written with the same gripping pace of Tom Clancy and John Grisham (film rights have already been sold for the first two books), the authors take us to Iraq, America, underground shelters, and the bottom of the Tigris river as Steele and Williams search for loved ones. Meanwhile, biblical prophecies are fulfilled at every turn, including the great soul harvest. For many Christian followers, this series has become a tangible and thrilling testament to the Book of Revelations.--Gail Hudson

424 pages, Paperback

First published June 23, 1998

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About the author

Tim LaHaye

Timothy "Tim" F. LaHaye was an American evangelical Christian minister, author, and speaker, best known for theLeft Behindseries of apocalyptic fiction, which he co-wrote withJerry B. Jenkins.

He has written over 50 books, both fiction and non-fiction.


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Profile Image for Amanda.
259 reviews62 followers
July 23, 2011
As one who always reads other reviews before reading and reviewing a book, I feel like I should respond to what some of the other reviewers have to say. First of all, some complain that the writing style is too sophomoric. Well, every writer has his voice, and how interesting would the world be if everyone wrote or spoke exactly the same way? Yes, the writing style is simple, but that just makes the book(s) easier to read. Secondly, as to the complaints that the books are sexist, that's just silly. The character Chloe is as strong a female lead as anyone can hope for.

The biggest improvement in this book over the preceding books is that the writers have really developed their suspense. Without giving too much away, let me just say that in the beginning, there are two characters who are missing, and it takes the entire book to find out what has become of them. There is also question of certain characters' true loyalty, and that too is a twisting, turning, precarious adventure. I very much enjoyed this book and look forward to the rest.
Profile Image for Stepheny.
382 reviews581 followers
August 2, 2018
Book 3 ends with a bang…or better yet, an earthquake. Not just any earthquake, the mother of all Earthquakes:the Wrath of the Lamb.This is a world-wide earthquake that wipes out nearly a quarter of the world’s already depleted population. With our Tribulation Saints scattered world-wide, the need to know where everyone is will have you picking up book 4 without a moment’s hesitation.

Rayford’s new wife, Amanda, is MIA. The last anyone knew she boarded a plane to land at headquarters in New Babylon…but that plane crashed after having to pull out of their landing due to the earthquake. Surely Amanda can’t be lying dead at the bottom of the Tigris River. He’s already suffered the loss of his son and first wife to the rapture, his beloved leader and best friend. Has he now lost his second wife?

Chloe was last seen running out of the safe house. Buck goes there and tears the place apart, what’s left of it anyway. The streets are filled with carnage. Houses lie in heaps. There are lines down everywhere. Chaos ensues. Will Buck be able to track Chloe down while thousands of others are searching for their own lost loved ones?

Hattie, pregnant with the child of the Antichrist, is said to be at an abortion clinic. Is attempting a rescue safe? Can our Tribulation Saints risk running right into a trap? Especially when Hattie is refusing to accept Christ into her life? Is it fair for the Tribulation Saints to turn their back on non-believers?

The second and third Trumpet Judgements are threatening to wipe out yet more of the world’s population. We’ve got asteroids, poisoned waters and disease, people. It’s the fucking END OF DAYS and there is nothing you can do to stop it. And atop all of this, our Tribulation Saints are being asked to convert as many followers as possible.

These are merely a few of the things happening in this book. I can’t stress enough how exciting, fast-paced and action-packed these books truly are. It’s amazing how much gets squeezed between the covers. The split narrative makes for anticipation and excitement that is unrivaled.
Profile Image for Noah Eigenfeld.
57 reviews4 followers
July 25, 2020
Left Behind: Soul Harvest is the best book in the series so far, but even at it’s peak, this series is unable to rise to the level of “competent.”

The most important point to acknowledge about Soul Harvest is that it’s the first book in the Left Behind series with any narrative thrust. This is the first time one conflict carries a book from beginning to end, and any actual tension is allowed to develop. HOWEVER, it achieves that accolade at the expense of the entire female cast. “Our women are missing. Where are our women???” is the plot for 95% of the book. The authors seem to be aware that they have trouble writing female characters. While books 1 and 2 struggled to make them anything more than objects to be protected and pursued, book 3 consigned them to stay home, and ended with all of them either dead or in jeopardy. Book 4 solves its how-do-we-write-women problem by not having any until 2/3 of the way through its word count. On the one hand, the smaller focus improves the narrative and unifies the book behind a single theme. On the other hand, there are no women in the first 2/3 of this book about rescuing women.

I have spent a lot of time bemoaning the treatment of female characters in this series. However, each book invents new ways of being terrible to them. Once they do limp back onto the page, they aren’t relegated any additional agency. I had to laugh when Hattie was reintroduced over the phone mid-weeping breakdown. Meanwhile, the female characters seem to get the worst of the book’s uncomfortable glee at pain and suffering.

As we saw in book 3, Jenkins *loves* to write about tragedy. Not dramatic tragedy, such as a story with flawed characters doomed to fail, but rather physical tragedy and wholesale destruction. The passages of death, suffering, and trauma are the most polished and lovingly crafted in the book. From a writing perspective, these are the standout moments because they are successfully evocative. But over time, they become uncomfortable to read. The narrator is too excited to tell you the gruesome, gory details. Early in the book, one of our protagonists is unable to retrieve the body of an established character from the previous books. But every time we return to that setting, the narrator takes a moment to update us on what new desecration the corpse has suffered. Later on, when Chloe finally re-enters the story, there is a half-page dissection of the injuries she has sustained. From that point on, the narrator constantly remarks that Chloe is Buck’s “sweet, innocent wife on one side and a monster on the other.” These are just two examples, but there are more. When Jenkins writes about characters enduring suffering, it feels sadistic. We, the audience, are to look upon them with horror, not empathy or sadness. They are puppets whose pain is a warning to us: “Better accept Christ now, or you’ll end up in their shoes.”

A few miscellaneous points worth checking in on:

The abortion stuff is there, but it’s more of a plot device than ethical quandary, so it doesn’t feel as gross as it did in the previous books, even though we’re technically engaging with it in a worse way. The bad guys giving Hattie an abortion has as much weight as the villains from Spaceballs giving Princess Vespa her old nose back. It’s a nebulous threat from which the damsel must be saved.

The 4-act structure of books 1-3 is scrapped for something way less coherent. I broke the book into 5 distinct acts, but the first two take up about 70% of the book. The final act just feels like somebody pressed x4 on the TV remote, covering more ground than the actual plot did.

There was a twist that surprised me at the end, but there aren’t enough details confirmed to discuss it here. When I do a full-series breakdown, I’ll make sure to hit on Amanda as a character and whether she was necessary in the story at all.

Just like book 3, the title has nothing to do with the plot. The “soul harvesting” is happening on the internet in the background. I guess two members of the cast become Christians in the book, but that’s hardly connected to the titular work being done by Tsion.

Finally, there wasn’t nearly enough of Minnesota in this book. I’m offended, but in the same way you might be if a thief robbed all the houses on your block except yours. “What, was Minnesota not important enough to destroy? You didn’t feel like trashing the Mall of America for a while?” With eight books to go, there’s still plenty of time for that, I suppose.

And with all that, I have to remind myself that I’m still in the section of the series that fans tend to like. WHAT’S IN THE “BAD” BOOKS?

(As always, notes for this book are over on the Left Behind 12 book collection. Book 4 notes start on page 26 and end on page 36)
Profile Image for A..
Author1 book9 followers
October 21, 2008
Why I hate these books, in two sentences: "Sandy Moore had been at the table with her newspaper and coffee when a huge oak tree crashed through the roof with such force that it flattened her and the heavy wood table... Had not the rest of her body been compressed to inches, she might have appeared to be dozing."

Compressed to inches? ah... ah... AHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA

Terrible, terrible writing. Terrible.
Profile Image for Shannon.
200 reviews7 followers
February 26, 2013
Good things about this book:

1. Ken Ritz
2. Dr. Charles (mostly)
3. Earthquakes and other cool judgementy actiony type things

Bad things about this book:

1. The word "rascal" again. Why, God, why?
2. Rayford still can't comprehend heathens actually caring about each other. Seriously dude, what kind of a guy where you before you converted? The fact that you were a douchey heathen doesn't make every other heathen a douche. Rayford sometimes reminds me of a robot, with the whole "what are feelings, creator?" thing he has going on.
3. Of course Chloe is pregnant. Exactly 50% of the major female characters in this book are pregnant, and the only reason that Amanda and Loretta aren't is the fact that they are apparently too old to bear children. Now it is totally up any woman if she wants to have a baby, but this is absolutely the worst and stupidest time to raise a child in approximately the history of forever. Honestly, when Jesus comes back for his round of high fives with all "real" Christians, he's supposed to begin this millennium long reign on earth. Can't people just wait until then to start popping out kids?
4. The pages upon pages devoted to Tsion's not at all scintillating web forum, which is apparently the hottest thing around because he is such an engaging writer. Dear Jerry Jenkins, simply saying that someone is a scintillating writer doesn't make the text that you write on their behalf scintillating. Tsion's an okay character, but his web stuff is pure drudgery.
Profile Image for Grampy.
869 reviews50 followers
April 25, 2012
Due to my personal belief in the Bible, I have found this entire series to be extremely entertaining and sometimes a little scary. I strongly recommend reading the series in chronological order, or there will be a lot of details that won't make sense. I realize atheists, agnostics, other religions, and even some Christian sects will scoff at the whole concept of the series, and that is their prerogative. I still think they might find the books entertaining, regardless of their theistic leaning. I definitely recommend reading these books.
Profile Image for Esau Slodge.
1 review2 followers
April 1, 2008
Read this in the library so I wouldn't give the authors royalties. What a fraudulent piece of shit this series is.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
4 reviews
June 4, 2009
This is a book I absolutly could not put down! I finished it in 2 days flat! If you love adventure,detirmination,and,are or want to become a christian,then you NEED to read this book! My life has never been the same since i've started the Left Behind books!This is, by a landslide, the best book i've ever read (and that says alot 'cause i'm a BIG reader!).I'm waiting for the next book at my libary!I CAN'T WAIT!
Profile Image for Faye.
280 reviews31 followers
February 15, 2023
3.5 stars

My rating doesn't reflect my theological beliefs nor my view of eschatology, my rating is solely based on the entertainment value of the book.
Profile Image for Ryan.
70 reviews10 followers
May 3, 2021
Buck got some soup down for her [Hattie, a sick woman who Buck had kidnapped]. "You want Jesus, don't you?" he whispered, his lips near her ear.

That disturbing line above, which is equally as fucking cringeworthy in all the context possible, is just the tip of the crazy iceberg of Soul Harvest. In terms of plot and action, this one was the worst in the series so far. Buck's entire plot for a good 60% of the book is looking for his wife "Corky" (yeah, someone who professes to like the name Chloe suddenly can't remember it and opts for Corky as a guess).

Perhaps the most atrocious aspect of this book is just how many sins the "tribulation saints" are willing to commit in order to "further the cause of Christ", and also their own agenda - but they're against the Antichrist so it's cool. It also helps to have a God that will forgive ANYTHING as long as he's asked nicely. Buck routinely lies and misrepresents facts in order to get what he wants. He impersonates a doctor, switches patient's names, and commits all manner of fraud, but it's ok because he's just trying to find Chloe. Later, Buck literally murders someone to save Hattie from considering an abortion. This is later excused as self-defense (literally "there was nothing else you could do" ) and Buck doing what he had to do to save Hattie, and that if he didn't murder he'd "... be in heaven. Hattie would be in hell." Just to be clear, Buck murdered someone, sending them to hell for eternity, but maybe Hattie will get saved so it is ok.

Please someone remind me how these are the good guys.

Oh and Rayford, sweet Rayford. Christ this guy is insufferable. Every waking moment he is acting like a spoiled child, just disrespecting Nicolae and anyone who is not Christian. He continues his murder fantasies about Nicolae and is insubordinate every chance he gets. The fact that Ray isn't executed within the first chapter of this book shows incredible restraint and stupidity on Nicolae’s part.

Nicolae isn't off the hook either though. We've had a roller coaster from obvious good-guy (as seen inLeft Behind) to Bond supervillain (Nicolae) and now to Guy Sitting Behind A Desk Trying To Be Cool. Nicolae phones in his actions in this book almost as much as LaHaye phones in his theology while writing.
Profile Image for Dragana Zečević.
222 reviews11 followers
August 24, 2023
Našla bih mana,ali ne mogu... jer ja ovo volim. I kad vidim šta se sve dešava u svijetu trenutno ovo je čak realan scenario ako ikad nastupi Apokalipsa.
Šteta što se za serijal skoro uopšte ne zna kod nas.
Profile Image for Chris Osantowski.
227 reviews8 followers
April 7, 2023
I’m back baby

Dude, Rayford (basically the super cool 50 year old that has young woman all over him) is soooooo sassy to the anti-Christ. Like what in the world. Be careful my guy.

Rayford is explaining his testimony and says that he used to go to, “one of those churches that doesn’t talk about hell,” and that is why he didn’t get raptured. They don’t even try to hide their absolutely depressing distain for those “fake Christians”

All of the world communication goes down so the anti-Christ makes his new cellular company and he calls it…. No lie…. Cell soul. This is too much for me.

All of the men have insanely vivid and violent tendencies and temptations. I get that it’s the end of the world, but literally every male character has a fantasy about killing someone with their bare hands. It’s the classic “wild at heart” masculinity that every Christian book from around this time assumes.

Fun fun they also have toxic complementarianism in this one. Buck (aged 32) has been married to Chloe (22) for two years. She is going to be left behind from one of their missions and she makes a comment about one of them being patronizing and Buck says, “she’s just going through that politically correct phase every 22 year old does.” And then she responds, “I don’t have a problem submitting to you because I know how much you love me. You know I’m going to do what you say, and I’ll get over it if I miss out on something really cool.” And after this fighting the authors have Chloe seductively kiss Buck. I am willing to bet each of the authors have had similar fights with their wives and they wish their wives wanted to immediately make up and make out. Again I cannot emphasize how blatantly everyone in this book is textbook evangelical the second they get saved. It’s almost like the authors have a depressingly narrow view of what Christianity is and they use their influence to fear monger people into subscribing to their ideology.

This book is literally so boring they take entire pages to have a character read another character’s devotional he posted online. Who writes like that?

Also the way they are evangelizing is through an anonymous dashboard that says that the government is evil. Q uhhhhh anon maybe?

Oh my gosh Buck literally punched a dude in the face so hard that he died. Buck felt really bad about it, but then (thank goodness) he had another Christian to convince him it was okay.
Profile Image for Victor Gentile.
2,035 reviews64 followers
July 17, 2011
Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins in their book “Soul Harvest” Book Four in the Left Behind series published by Tyndale House Publishers shows us The World Takes Sides.

"Soul Harvest," picks up after the wrath of the Lamb at the end of book three - a devastating earthquake that killed 25 percent of the earth's population. The Tribulation Force are dealing with the utter devastation the earthquake caused. Much of the book deals with, as the title would suggest, harvesting souls - both on a small, personal scale and large, worldwide scale - touching on the 144,000 witnesses mentioned in the Scriptures. Followers of Christ soon realize they are marked with a seal from God, allowing them to recognize one another. By the end of the book, "the world was taking sides" - between following God or Nicolae Carpathia.

Dr. LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins provide a fictional background for the real events that the final book of The Bible, Revelation, speak about: the end times. The Biblical accuracy in “Soul Harvest” is flawless and the story is a page turning thriller. There are wonderful themes: salvation, faith in what you cannot see and who is in charge despite appearances to the contrary. I do not recommend starting this book late at night because it will cost you sleep as you will not want to put it down. Mr. Jenkins is an excellent writer and knows how to twist your nerve endings as he tightens the suspense. I am looking forward to book five in this series.

If you would like to listen to interviews with other authors and professionals please go towww.kingdomhighlights.orgwhere they are available On Demand.

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Disclosure of Material Connection: I own this book. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Profile Image for Alexander.
76 reviews2 followers
July 21, 2016

This was the fourth book in the Left Behind series and it was really intense. The book built off of where the last one left off. The novel was so intense and filled with so many plot twists that it will keep you reading till the very end.


Clift hangers
Makes you want to read in one sitting
Non stop action
Good writing style
Plot development
Character development



Profile Image for Alyssa Reads.
22 reviews15 followers
October 10, 2019
You know a book series is good when you read one of the books in two days. Man! It just keeps getting better and better. 🙈 So excited to see what happens next.
Profile Image for C. J. Scurria.
174 reviews23 followers
April 23, 2019
The world has been torn apart by an earthquake its scale previously unprecedented. People everywhere are left grieving and picking up the pieces especially Rayford who is torn between how to trust a loved one's motives just months before. Buck Williams is desperately searching for Chloe who was left in a building and might be underneath the rubble. What must the Tribulation Force do since this has been their biggest challenge yet and could the enemy somehow be one step ahead...?

This was a great entry in the book series. While not perfect (especially by how it ties itself up in a surprisingly vague finale) it still holds strong as one of the best ones. I like how the destruction and having characters pick up literal and figurative pieces seem to give it an interesting theme or allegory.

This one is great and will leave the reader shocked at the opening chapters to find out who has lived in the "wrath of the Lamb" quake and who has perished in its wake.

And it contains a very intriguing and clever plot point involving Rayford's plight to find his wife as

This book is great. While not as well-crafted as Left Behind to Nicolae it is a definite runner-up to the first three. I hope people will forgive its ending though (aforementioned) as it is the weakest part of the book. Why describe such world changing events but sum them up quickly in only a few scant pages? I don't know but at least it is not as weak as the following book called Apollyon.
Profile Image for Christine Indorf.
1,042 reviews137 followers
February 25, 2021
Book 4 of the Left Behind series Soul Harvest unlocks new and interesting discovering of the end times. The great earthquake happens, who lived and who died? Can Buck find Chloe and how will he do so. You watch Rayford still working for the Anti Christ how long can he work for him and serve God? So many questions in this book. You will uncover the truth and then you will have more questions as the book goes on. At the end you still question, who will make it until Jesus comes back? The best part of the book to see if there are anymore Christian out there to help the cause of the Tribulation force. I will say one thing that I like the most. Rayford is witnessing to Matt a friend and co worker. He doesn't know if he is being set up while doing so. God gives Christian during that time a mark of the cross on their foreheads. I found this exciting. God is in control when the group thinks they aren't in control. I'm taking a book break to read other books but can't wait to see what will happen next. Truly exciting!!
Profile Image for Jennifer Defoy.
282 reviews32 followers
January 29, 2009
I've read this book before but I wanted to get back into the series and I couldn't remember the whole story so I re-read it.

I have to say that I was very entertained by this book. I think that this series is so well written that if you don't believe in the Rapture that you would enjoy the story line.

The characters in this story are so well developed that you can't help but to form a bond with them. The book jumps around a bit, but it is not distracting and it does not deter from the story at all. In fact I think that this is a very well written book.

If you have not read any of the Left Behind books I would encourage you to start at the begining. Although there is enough past written into this book that you could pick up most of what happened I would imagine that there are little things that add to the story that you would miss if you picked up in the middle.

Overall I think this is a great book and a great series. I'm going to start the next book as soon as I can!
Profile Image for David.
34 reviews
October 8, 2008
After getting wrapped up in the characters and feeling the need to find out what happens to them was the only reason I continued to read all the books in the series. The authors definately knew how to draw someone in and keep it just entertaining enough for them not to put it down and never think of it again - barely. I read the series for it's fiction appeal, not the biblical meanings, so was a bit disappointed in the writings. If the authors had cut some of the scripture and backstory each book could have been condensed, or there could have not been 12 books, minus the three prequels that came out also. But, they sure knew how to sell books, which seems to be part of the reason there are so many.
Profile Image for Amy T..
127 reviews4 followers
October 25, 2017
This series is stellar. Its turning into one of my favorites. I had to sit in my car to finish sequences sometimes because it was so riveting. You feel like you know the characters and my heart grew so attached to them!! Having read the previous three books in the sequence, I would have to say this book was not only the best story so far but it was the most well written of the books. There are two supporting characters that make decisions to become Christians and I LOVED both of these characters!! I was mesmerized by the many interesting interpretations of Revelation throughout the book especially the part with the Seal. That was so cool!! Every character was so real and raw and their boldness and zeal was inspiring. My one complaint was several questions that were mysterious throughout the entire book were still left unanswered at the end and it just seemed too abrupt!! I guess I will just have to read the next one!:)
Profile Image for Jaci.
441 reviews
July 23, 2024
I wanted to like this book as much as I liked the previous ones; however, I’m disappointed.
Rayford and Buck are looking for their disappeared wives the 80% of the story. Nicolae didn’t seem to be the antagonist, Hattie’s pregnancy is taking so long (I mentioned this in my review of the previous book) and I couldn’t empathize with the characters.

Overall, I’m qualifying this book like this because of the fictional story and not by its theological background.
But I’m continuing with the series anyway. I know that the next books can be better.
Profile Image for Edwina Book Anaconda.
1,860 reviews69 followers
October 24, 2020
I read this series, years ago, and loved it.
Listening to the audiobooks with my husband now and loving that he (a non-reader) is enjoying them as much as I did - over twenty years ago.
Profile Image for Lyana.
57 reviews1 follower
October 1, 2021
I only wish I could give more than 5 stars!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 744 reviews

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