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Bad Boy Reformed#1

Raising Ryann

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He's the stereotypical fighter- 100 percent alpha male. The kind of guy a girl should avoid at all costs. When he's hired to privately train me, avoiding him isn't an option. Most girls would love to drop their panties, even if it is just to catch a glimpse of his dimpled smile. I won't fall victim to his charm. That's what I tell myself at least, though it's torture when my mind's at war with my body. Something about the tattooed bad boy draws me in. It isn't just the broad shoulders, piercing eyes, and muscular frame that has me entranced. Luke Ryann has a secret. And I plan to find out what it is.

Recommended for mature audiences due to language, violence and sexual situations.

277 pages

First published August 6, 2013

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About the author

Alyssa Rae Taylor

USA Today Bestselling author Alyssa Rae Taylor lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, their three daughters, two English bulldogs and a miniature pig. Her hobbies include reading, writing, watching Sam & Dean Winchester, fight off scary creatures on the WB, Sons of Anarchy and reality television. She enjoys stories that tug at her emotions and include lots of sexual tension. Her dream is to travel the world with her husband and children beside her. The first time she started writing, she couldn’t stop, which leads to the publishing of the Bad Boy Reformed Series.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 606 reviews
Profile Image for Dina Rivera.
67 reviews6 followers
August 19, 2013
This book is such a tease! And I don't mean it in a good way. The book starts off fun and flirty, and there is this huge build up. I kept reading and reading waiting for this huge climax, every now and then i would look at the bottom of my kindle and notice i was almost towards the end, i kept thinking WTF!?!?!. The climax never came. Pun intended! lol The book ends surprise, surprise, with a sort of cliff hanger. What was meant to make you want to keep reading just makes you want your.99 cents back! If your thinking this is going to be a hot and steamy book cus your sample starts off all flirty... let me save you some time and money, the characters never make it there! ( "there" being sexy time) I wouldn't have minded so much if the author didn't build towards it. At the end of the book they are in a relationship with no sex, and even the way they finally get together again, was anti climactic. It was like they kiss, he tells her he wants to be with her and then it goes into the next chapter and a couple of weeks have passed....ANTI CLIMACTIC! its like at least have this huge grand gesture to finally bring them together. Anyways, don't bother with this one, you'll just be disappointed. There are waaaaayyyy better books out there!
Profile Image for Kim Person.
530 reviews180 followers
August 8, 2013
I had the HONOR to receive an ARC of Raising Ryann from the author in exchange for an honest review! I actually had heard about the book from someone else and when I read the synopsis I was all aboard and when I received the ARC I was..

Reese grew up with a mother that swapped men faster than most people change their underwear. What this poor girl went through when six years earlier from where the book starts I was....

Reese is a survivor! I loved her character she wasn't a helpless creature she stood up for self and took action to ensure she was never put in a situation in which she was helpless ever again. I was totally.

Reese remembers who saved her all those years ago. She dreams about him. He is the ONLY one for her but he's not around anymore. Her life is school, teaching self-defense classes at a local gym to young girls and helping her mother. Well Reese was in for a big...

Luke is a former MMA fighter ~ he walked away from the fame & glory cause he realized how shallow the life he was leading. He walks away at the top and agrees to work at his friend's (well they are more than friends but you can read about them) gym. Luke also knows that Reese is working there and he remembers Reese as a "kid" since he stayed with his friends that lived across the street from Reese's house. He also has a secret, more than one, that he doesn't want Reese to know! I had to...

when he decides he isn't going to let Reese in on that secret. We all know how that typically goes. Luke comes to realize very quickly that Reese isn't that "little" girl he recalls. It was fun to watch a friendship begin and then ultimately a relationship blossom. I so tried to restrain myself from..

Sadly, Luke decides to fight those feelings in the beginning and this totally had me wanting to...

some sense into the man ~ Luke is the kind of guy that women would say.

and literally do anything to get his attention. He is that "hot" guy.

As the story continues there were parts of this book where I was so...

for what I thought was about to come. The author did a FANTASTIC job of drawing the reader in where you could literally feel the sexual tension between Luke and Reese. They shared quite of few...

but the emotional component of the story was at the forefront and KUDOS to the author for not making this story all about "sex"! I was..

because I loved that things were taken slow and at the right pace. They don't know everything about each other well perhaps Reese didn't know everything about Luke ~ There were a few times where I was..

towards the end of the book! Things became complicated ~ very ~ and very quickly. I also shed a few tears when Luke finally opened up to Reese and shared his childhood with her. I was totally...

when I got near the end of the book! I was starting to...

I mean come on...

how could this go down like this and then I sat there..

you mean to tell me I have to WAIT for the next book! OMG! yes the book doesn't wrap up all nice and neat at the end! I have a feeling book 2 is going to be seriously intense and I can't wait to see what happens between Luke and Reese. Once I was able to think through everything I was...

I totally didn't expect that ending but boy oh boy am I excited, happy, giddy, and I could go on and on but I'll spare you. Raising Ryann was a 5 star read for me! The author did a brilliant job. It was very well written that as a reader I felt the emotions the characters did.

The book is told from Reese POV primarily but we get a few dashes of Luke in there and it balanced the book well. It wasn't all angst I certainly....

at time or two. Ultimately I felt the story was about two people essentially trying to work through a horrific past that all the sudden becomes there present and whether theses two can survive it together remains to be seen! I highly recommend this read it is so well worth it!!
Profile Image for BookHeroin .
289 reviews363 followers
August 15, 2013
E-ARC provided by Alyssa Rae Taylor in exchange for a fair and honest review
☆☆☆ Stars Book
Author:Alyssa Rae Taylor

Twenty-year-old Reese Johnson is working as a self-defense instructor at a local gym. She is content with her life. With a dark past and heartache, she is trying to move on with the help of her best friend,Gia. When Luke Ryann came to work in the same gym, it was kind of a hate/lust at first sight for her. But it transformed in to something more, something bigger, something deeper. The sexy, tattooed MMA fighter tries to fight the obvious attraction between him and the innocent,young Reese.But will it really work?
Alyssa Taylor comes to you with a great storyline, about the past and present. About love,and lust. About moving on from the past.
Both Reese and Luke have pasts that they are trying to break away from.

As a young person, you want sexy couple, and sexy story to relate to in a YA book. I found that in the book storyline. Loved the idea behind the story, it had great potentials!! But i felt like the Author did a poor job focusing on one plot! She skipped A plot then interned another one! don't get me wrong both of those plot were great, but she needed to focus on one plot. It was original story, i was too afraid to read another fail re-do of Beautiful Disaster by J.M but i really believe that the Author survived this issue.
Blankly, i'm disappointed. I was super excited to get this ARC copy. I thought it will be one of those emotional, unforgettable books. but it wasn't. I felt it was rushed, and the events were all over the place, There were some unnecessarily scenes, So maybe the editor should focus on that.

The characters:
I didn't like the main two characters at all,especially the heroine; a sesxy MMA fighter where could you go wrong right?! Well as i said because the events weren't focused and the suspense wasn't built gradually, and progressively it effected that characters. I like the stock(Flat)characters more.

I am not a professional reviewer. This is merely my personal opinion.

Profile Image for Denise.
671 reviews8 followers
August 31, 2013
No. I seriously don't get it. Does no one bother with editors anymore? Stories need editing for more than grammar and usage. Authors need someone to tell them when their characters fall apart. Female lead, Reese? Hated her. Unfortunately it started out for a silly reason. Just a personal pet peeve when authors make cell phones in to overused props. Throw in some Three Stooges physical humor, which I abhor, and there's no return from the downward spiral.

The dialogue? Cheesy. The fact that she didn't have a clue who he was and 'conveniently' missed his name when the teacher called it? Ugh, flouncing by chapter 4. The conversation between her and the coworker was stereotypical for the scene and pretty much exact same lead female/gay male supporting role cliched, roll your eyes, and flip your iPad off flop.

And please stop dropping band names and other crap in to the story. No one gives a damn that your ringtone is M&S. you're not cool for mentioning them and it actually ticks me off.
I might be a bit harsh but it gets so tiresome. I still have like ten other books in this genre that I bought on Amazon to read and I'm hoping just one of them makes it worth it. At this rate, I'm 90% convinced these were all written by the same person who has fifty different identities. There's just nothing standing out in the style or dialogue.

And I refuse to try to even understand the "he's so hot" 5 star reviews. What does that have to do with the writing? I'm sorry but the lead male's hotness, for me, is directly proportionate to the author's writing talent.
Profile Image for  ⚔Irunía⚔ .
430 reviews4,334 followers
September 1, 2019
Although I liked both characters and their chemistry, something is lacking (not sure)
Profile Image for Chan.
765 reviews47 followers
June 11, 2017
Writing:The writing style was okay. I was lost several times in the story. Questions like, ‘where are they,’ ‘how did they get there,’ and ‘what’s going on’ were repeat questions. Very rough scene transitions. Also, I wish there was more from Luke’s POV. 2 POVs. 1st person narration.

Characters:Luke and Reese are the MCs. OMGosh, Reese was an aggravating heroine. She got on my nerves!

She was supposed to be portrayed as an impatient, quick tempered, strong character, but she came across as a whiny, hypocritical brat!

Storyline:Alyssa Rae Taylor introduced an interesting, mysterious story. The beginning really grabbed my attention. But the rest of the ride was good, but not great. Luke’s mysterious and secretive ways held my attention, especially at the end. Like really Alyssa??? We’re going to end it there?

SHORT MILD RANT ALERT:Sooo…the brat gets upset in the story often. However, there are two scenes where she slaps the snot out of Luke. Reese’s reaction after she notices she left a handprint on Luke’s face:

“’I did this.’ I look at him in question, but I already know the answer. I just feel bad that I gave it to him, though I had my reasons.”

Okay class, can anyone tell me what would happen if a man slaps a woman, not twice, but just once and in self-defense?

Intimacy Scenes:There is no sexy time. I think Alyssa was trying to build intense chemistry that didn’t really work until the end of the book.

Overall:The mystery surrounding Luke was really good. Alyssa would give just enough to keep me holding on for more, but not give everything away. But Reese…UGH!
Profile Image for Destini.
364 reviews1 follower
August 6, 2013
OMG! An MMA fighter?!?! Yes, PLEASE!!

Look at that new, gorgeous cover!!! Is it release day yet?!?! The waiting is killing me!!! Not too much longer to go!!

What an awesome book!!! Review to come...
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,943 reviews1,516 followers
June 8, 2014
4 (I kind of like Ryann and I kind of want to smack him) Stars

First off, I need to say it… HUGE CLIFFY!!!!!

Years ago, Reese almost gets raped but Luke Ryann saves her. Its years later, Reese is twenty and Luke is twenty five and they both work at the same gym. Luke knows who Reese is, but Reese doesn’t


I’m kind of mixed on this review because I liked the story, I liked what I read, but I’m kind of angry with Luke and the whole situation. I guess I will just work out my emotions in this review.

The first chapter is a bang and I was glued! You feel for Reese and her sad history. She was almost raped and then on top of that, she’s abused by her father. Not a happy childhood. She’s now a strong woman and teaches self-defense classes.

When Reese and Luke meet for the first time, it’s kind of funny and cute. There are a lot of funny and cute moments through Raising Ryann, which I enjoyed a lot. The thing that kind of gets to me is the pace, I found some parts dragging and the relationship giving me whip lash.

I liked Reese and Luke’s banter at first, it was entertaining and Reese kept on embarrassing herself in front of him, it was cute. I felt like every time some action would happen, something happen and just like that the scene ends. I’m all about tension, but sometimes it can be too much.

I liked how Luke was protective of Reese and was kind of always there when needed her. Reese’s car died, he was there to take her to places. Reese walks around in the middle night and Luke was there to make sure she got home safe. It was cute. HOWEVER, since Reese has this big crush on Luke, she wants him, but Luke doesn’t want to hurt her.

I’m okay with the Hero not wanting to be with the Heroine, because he doesn’t want to hurt her, but several rounds of this was just getting me worked up. We finally get to the ending and I was just like wow. I kind of saw it coming, but then I didn’t and I got angry!

So angry I needed to take a break because I didn’t understanding the situation. So there you had it. Reese and Luke had plenty of angst, tension and crazy ending to get me worked up, but I still liked the read and I will be moving forward with the series.

Raising Ryann (Bad Boy Reformed, #1) by Alyssa Rae Taylor AMAZON
Profile Image for Eve.
32 reviews2 followers
August 11, 2013
I cannot wait to get the complete version. This wattpad original is definitely worth publishing. Great job Alyssa. Hurry and publish so your fans can soak up some more Luke Ryann.

Update: Finally got to finish Raising Ryann and now I am having withdrawals waiting for the second book. Luke and Reese definitely have hott chemistry and Im excited to see where the story is going… keep writing Alyssa! Hurry.
Profile Image for Anna.
484 reviews369 followers
September 4, 2015
Whoa I devoured this one!!!

I loved the chemistry between these two!!! Thank god I have the next book GAHHHH!!! I need these two to get it together!!!

I love reading a debut novel and then diving into the next book. Love finding new-to-me authors ❤️
Profile Image for ~`*Ella Lee*`~.
546 reviews48 followers
August 7, 2013
Ugh! I am so freaking frustrated! Like rip my hair out, need a drink frustrated.
First of all, I liked the book - I mean DUH! 4 stars, but mother f-er could this have strung me along like a virgin in high school anymore?!
*Deep Breath* I'm sorry, I'm taking my anger out on you. I probably should have waited to write this review, but I just had to put this anger into something.
So, let's finally get to the story.
OBVIOUSLY, this is a cliff hanger. What upset's me more than an unknown cliff hanger? Oh I dunno, running over dogs, starving children, and maybe that shirt you wore just 1 time, you know, that really nice satiny one that makes your boobs look huge and your gut look like you didn't pop out 2 kids, gets a snag in it. That's right A F-ING SNAG IN MY NEW G-DAMN SHIRT THAT MAKES ME LOOK AMAZING. That's right, this book is my shirt and NOW ITS RUINED! RUINED! Okay, not ruined, but, I'll have to like just "lean" the right way for about 12 hours straight so no one at work notices my snag. And of course, I'll cringe every time I think about it. How wonderful it was and how wonderful it could be, but it will forever have a snag (well unless I take it to Grandma Sue, but that's neither here nor there good sir).
So Luke Ryann is a retiring MMA fighter and he goes home to help out at the family gym where his old neighbor Reese works as a self-defense instructor. Side Note Part I: When Luke was 16 he heard Reese screaming for help because she was about to be raped by her mother's boy friend and he saved her)
I'm literally about 57% in and getting tired of taking my panties off to air them out with the blow dryer (because hey - why create more laundry than is necessary) and they still haven't had sex. Nope they just deny deny deny...or rather our hero does. Our heroine pulls the straps up and let's all her feelings hang out. This is my favorite type of heroine by the way. Side Note Part II: Oh and she's a virgin and he's decided to put his male whore days behind him.
Side Note Part III: For some reason he's decided to retire and reform himself from the party man life style. It never really goes into detail as to why, just that he's tired of it.
So what did I like so much since, in the whole book, there was no sex, no blow jobs and no nipple suckage occuring at all? Well, I just liked the feel of it, the writing style. Sure there were some grammer issues, but, I'd be a bitch if that's what makes me complain...well more of a bitch. I could tell that when "it" happened, it would be AMAZEballs - but it just wouldn't happen. It was however plenty steamy. There's also the whole Alpha Know's Best syndrome our hero was suffering from. It was definitely at the highest possible level with Luke. There were plenty of shady characters that she needed saving from AND whatever the hell was going on with her father and Luke's father is going to develop into something exciting. I mean his dad was crazy! He's a shark! (Shark Week People).
So, even though I felt "rode hard and hung up yet" I will move forward with the next one. I mean, obviously I have to now *pouty face*
I just hope it's like tomorrow so that I can try to avoid drowning sorrows in a bottle of whiskey and Grandma Sue's prescription meds.
Profile Image for Shannon.
355 reviews57 followers
August 26, 2013
Yeah this one was 5 stars for me for SURE!!

Reese was saved as a teenager, by the foster kid who lived next door. Years later they meet up at the gym she teaches self defense courses at to young girls.

Luke is freaking HOT. He is a former MMA fighter and he is the very same person who saved Reese when she was 14 years old. He is a bad boy to the bone, he has the women, he has the means to do what he wants and he is a total alpha male.

Reese likes Luke, Luke likes Reese, but this book didn't contain insta love. Which actually rocked and worked really well. They have to work at it. They get to be friends first, but you always kind of wonder if the other wants more.

There are some dark people in this story, some people that deserve redemption and some people who deserve the inside of a prison cell for the rest of their lives. It's not all sunshine and butterflies in this book. Both Luke and Reese have baggage they need to work through especially Luke, his past problems don't really come to a head until the very end. Which leads us on a cliffhanger, I wasn't really liking that, but who likes a cliffhanger lol.

Gia is awesome. She's the best kind of friend for a girl to have, and I can't wait to see more of her in the next book.. Logan is good too, I like he and Gia together:)

I'll be picking up the next book for sure. I just hope we don't want to have to wait until late next year. So here is to hoping it's released SOON:)
263 reviews16 followers
August 22, 2017
2.5/3 stars

The story had so much potential. It pisses me off how the author wasted such a good plot and characters. Everything started out really great and to be honest I was enjoying the book, but all of a sudden I got lost in the middle of this nonsense. It was all over the damn place. I hated how the author spent time "building up" Reese and Luke's relationship and then rushed everything between them. I didn't know what I was reading anymore. And if you think for one second that you're getting steamy scenes out of this mess, you're WRONG with capital W, my friend. All you get is sexual tension and nothing else. Again, what the hell?

For the first time I hate the cliffhanger with all the strength in me. Usually I love it when it ends with one because at least I get one or two questions answered before it hits, but in this? I get none. Part of me wants to stop this right here and not look back ever again but the other part is dying to know what's the deal with Luke. This guy is full of secrets and I want to know them all... now!!!

I just want the author to write the next book better than this. Also more of Luke's POV please! I enjoyed the little we got. Hell, I liked him.

So yeah... I'll be reading the sequel because I want to torture myself again.
Profile Image for Angel21.
1 review
June 25, 2013
This book is so incredibly amazing, I have read a lot of books and this was literally one of the best!! I started reading it on wattpad and was so hooked that I could not stop. The wait for the final publication is killing me, I'm counting down the days!!! Absolutely adored this book!
Profile Image for Emily Mabry.
1 review
June 20, 2013
I started to read this book on wattpad and fell in love with it I woul love to read the whole thing but can't find it any where
Profile Image for Christine.
235 reviews34 followers
August 6, 2013
Can you ever have too many tattooed bad boys? Nope. Never. Good answer. Throw in a confident, strong, funny female lead and you have yourself the perfect combination.

Reese. She is such a strong character. I love when the female is written to be strong, confident and hard working. She had a troubled past, with an event that if it had been successful would have been more than most could handle. She took the fear from that event and turned it into something positive. She now teaches young girls self defence. I have so much respect for that. She does play a few games when it comes to Luke, but they were completely understandable. He was completely giving mixed signals for a while, and to be honest I think I would have handled the situation exactly the same.

Luke. Wow. Luke is the perfect combination of bad boy and sweet romantic. Once he gives in to the feelings that he has for Reese it is all systems go. But, I think my favorite characteristic for Luke is that he is 100% an alpha character, however he allows Reese to be her own person. When there are events that require her to stand up for herself, he stays to the side and allows her to handle it. He is of course there if the situation goes South, but he lets her fight her own battles. I really like that. He is strong, supportive, sweet and caring. However, he isn't an open book, so there is a lot to learn about him and his past. He slowly starts to give information, but as the story goes you see just how much more there is learn about him. He holds on to a lot of secrets.

I really enjoyed these two together. They are playful and fun. The banter is witty and it kept me smiling throughout the story. And their sexual chemistry? Off the charts. The pages practically sizzle. Being that they are training together at the gym a lot of the time, there are plenty of chances for them to have their hands all over each other. So yeah… H. O. T.

I also like that even when things get confused between them, it is not all that terrible. I didn't find myself getting frustrated with either of them, I felt the emotions and feelings they were having were justified and logical given the circumstances.

There are two storylines that are ongoing, but I think they are more connected than we know. Slowly, all of the pieces start to come together… then BAM. That ending. Can I just start begging for book two right now? I knew this was going to be a series, and I thought I knew how it was going to be ending but there is a twist, beyond all twists at the end that will leave you questioning everything you read in the last quarter of the book. My mind was racing with thoughts and possibilities. Honestly... I just need book two.

As of the time of this review there has not been an announced release date for Resisting Ryann, but I am sure Alyssa Rae Taylor is hard at work on it. But please, don't use the twist as a reason to wait to read Raising Ryann. Honestly, everybody is in a safe position at the end, it's just a nice twist thrown at you, at a time when you think you have it all figured out.

So yes, go forth and read Raising Ryann. I think you will fall in love with Reese and Luke, just as I did. This is a strong debut novel, that I managed to read in one sitting. In fact I just couldn’t put my Kindle down… the pages wouldn't turn fast enough for me.

Rainy Day Reads
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,616 reviews420 followers
August 23, 2015
Review by Lisa Kane

Really loved this first installment about Reese and Luke. Reese has the life from hell with her abusive father and alcoholic mother. Luke is the gorgeous, troubled teen who saves her from further abuse. Ten year old Reese never forgot the 16 year old that changed her life.

Years later, Luke is a champion fighter, who retires and ends up at his foster parents gym. Reese works at that gym and knows there is some reason he seems familiar. But he isn't forth coming with any info. But Reese isn't a little girl anymore and this twenty year old fights her attraction to Luke. Men bring problems and she's had enough.

There are lots of secrets in this one, and quite the cliffy ending, but it's so worth it!
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,462 reviews281 followers
August 6, 2013
That is the end? Are you frickin kidding me? I am going to hold out to review until the next book is out..and T this is not a bam bam book..FYI..but I liked it

 photo ernie_zps6822bc9a.gif
Profile Image for Kara.
1,359 reviews24 followers
October 7, 2013
Rating: 3.75 stars

This is a good book. I enjoyed reading it. It kept me entertained & intrigued. Story line was fresh. Plus a fighter-yum.

Where is book 2?!
(This damn book has a cliffy)

Profile Image for Fran.
777 reviews84 followers
September 26, 2015
PPFF Rating:3/5 Stars
MMA fighter, self-defense instructor, intertwined paths.

"Oh, and just so you know, when we train together..." He smirks, then leaning in, he whispers against my ear, "I’m the one in control."

I was immediately hooked by the blurb - Reese Johnson, the girl with a past, initially had a lust/hate relationship with MMA fighter Luke Ryann (he sounds like your typical hot, alpha male character with an edge) who was brought in to train her. Luke tried to fight his growing attraction for herbut we all know how that usually ends up.

"I said I was taking a break from alcohol, not taking a vow with the Jonas Brothers."

This book has some pretty funny scenes. It had me laughing and even slightly cringing with embarrassment for Reese. It's a given that I can always appreciate a book with a smart and witty dialogue.

"Say I fight like a goddess, or I’ll beat you senseless.”
"Fair enough. You fight like a goddess."

In the beginning, I was really enjoying the book but quite honestly, I felt like it sort of fell apart around the middle. The story didn't seem cohesive enough, there were so many things going on at once that they were almost like they were just thrown in but without clear premises. I struggled a bit tobelievein whatever was happening at that point because the latter chapters just seemed open-ended.

In other words, I'm disappointed because I had truly expectedRaising Ryannto be a great read from the blurb.

Another thing that was an issue for me was the lack of intensity between Luke and Reese. At first, I could feel the tension between them especially when Luke was being overly protective of her but it just fell flat. Nothing much happened. I mean, you'd think there would be at least a couple of really steamy scenes considering they supposedly had that lust/hate going on for them. He was supposed to be an MMA fighter so we totally wouldn't have blamed him if he turned major alpha male on her but no, that didn't exactly happen.

"Why'd you have to go and ruin a perfectly good night?" There's a commotion in the crowd as the song, "Yellow", plays in the background. "I mean... I love Coldplay!" I shout. "And you spit on me! What the hell!"

I understand this wasAlyssa Rae Taylor's debut novel. In fairness to her, this book had its moments -there were several funny scenes plus Luke mentioned that he loves Linkin Park and Fort Minor (love them!)- and the story had a lot of potential but it was ultimately just too all over the place for me in the end.

***Check out my blog:Press Pause, Fast Forward
Profile Image for Heather.
330 reviews
May 30, 2014
Reese has been in love with Luke Ryann since she could remember. Every night when she closes her eyes, he floods her dreams. Luke was always there when Reese needed him growing up, but as the two got older, Luke moved away to pursue his career. Even though Luke was no longer her neighbor, he was never far from Reese’s thoughts. He has always held her heart since she was a teenager. Luke just didn’t know it.

After years of being on the road as a MMA fighter, Luke Ryann decides it is time to come home. When he returns, he never expected to see how much Reese has changed. In his head, she was always the broken girl from across the street. He always looked after her, protected her. Luke always had a soft spot for Reese. Luke knew what it was like to be hurt, so he wanted to make sure that Reese wouldn’t endure the same pain he did. When Luke finally sees Reese, he can’t believe that she is the same girl he had left behind. Reese is now a beautiful mature women, not a scared little girl. Luke isn’t sure if Reese remembers him, so he doesn’t want to remind her of who he is. He is hoping that they can just work together and go on their merry way. Little does he know, Reese knows exactly who he is.

It is obvious that the two are attracted to each other. Luke tries to keep Reese at arms length, but at the same time, keep an eye on her. He feels as though she deserves better than what he has to offer. Reese is innocent and pure. Reese has other plans though. When push comes to shove, one of them is bound to give in. Will it be Reese, or will it be Luke? You can only fight what your heart wants for so long. Yes, our heads tell us to do one thing, but most of the time, the heart wins. The chemistry between Reese and Luke is evident. It is rather explosive to be honest with you. Can a relationship work between Reese and Luke? Will Luke be able to resist Reese? How long will Luke fight his attraction to Reese? You can only fight the inevitable for so long!

I absolutely LOVED this book. I read it in one sitting and I was left wanting more. I look forward to reading the rest of this series and getting more of LUKE RYANN.
Profile Image for Ashley Christin.
Author5 books116 followers
August 8, 2013
5 Strong Protecting Stars:)

This book was nothing like I expected, and to me, that is a good thing. I hate to predict the outcome before I even get through the book! But, Alyssa kept me on my toes. If the steaminess between the characters doesn't keep you on the edge then Luke's secrets will. I mean what could be so bad that he is hiding? Well let me tell you, it's not bad, it is crazy bad! The kind of bad that you feel no one can help you with, even if you tried.
Luke Ryann is a badass MMA fighter who helped save Reese from a bad situation when they were kids. Ever since Reese has been drawn to him. Luke leaves for about 6 years and when he comes back, he realizes Reese is not such a kid anymore.....
This story to me, had it all a good story line with twist and turns a long the way to keep you hooked. I read this book in one sitting I love it so much. I was laughing aloud at some parts because seriously Reese is funny, and so is her BFF.
Alyssa really built this book up and I canNOTwait for Resisting Ryann !!
Considering this is Alyssa's first novel I for one can't wait to see where this road takes her, you have a fan here Alyssa!
-Ashley Christin,
Blogger at Fiction's Our Addiction, Click here to follow us!

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Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews160 followers
August 3, 2013
First off the ending I didn't like. Luke has way to many damn secrets and I'm ready for book two to come out so I can see what the hell they are. It gets me thinking, does he have a secret life? Married with kids? Is he into something illegal? Is he in the mafia? Many more scenarios are going through my mind but let's focus on what happened in this book. Well Reese she's a take charge kind of women, has been brought up in sh** circumstances and she's done well for herself, "get over yourself! I wasn't spying one you," I hiss. "I was headed to the locker room and heard my name. I didn't hear much except for the fact that you said..." Ticking off on my fingers, "I'm not your type, and oh yeah, I'm just a kid. Whatever that means." Luke he's a bossy a**, "I said I'd get your car fixed," he says softly, and I'm entranced by the intensity of his stare. "I'll look at your A/C, too." He grins. "But I can't promise I'll know what I'm doing." Reese is learning to let people in thanks to Luke, "I'm hurt because you gave them something that you'll never give to me. I'm hurt because those women have all seen a part of you that I won't get to see." As I said I wasn't pleased with how it ended, it left me with unanswered questions, BUT I did like the book, now all I need is the happy ending.
Profile Image for Hollie.
1,675 reviews
August 26, 2013
books like this only piss me off

I'm just mad. I had no idea this was a series...... and a shitty one at that. Very immature. It's sad because at points I did see potential....but the fact this had no ending and it wasn't openly disclosed infuriates me. I also found the heroine quite juvenile and lame. I swear her "blush" was referenced every page or so. Ugh....such a waste of my time and money. I will definitely not be continuing this series or this writer's work. I was willing to overlook numerous grammatical errors etc but a book with no ending, or warning of such, is just a disrespect towards the readers.
Profile Image for Chantel Cervantes.
74 reviews1 follower
October 13, 2013
OMG........what a cliffhanger. I need book 2 ASAP. Luke Ryann I'm totally loving you. Did I mention I need book two? Awesome Job Alyssa. I will be stalking and hounding you for my new obession Luke.
Profile Image for Jen.
160 reviews
July 24, 2016
Holy Crap

That was INTENSE! This is the 1st book that I've read by Alyssa. I.Am.Hooked! It has depth, angst, intensity and mystery. Already starting the next book....
Displaying 1 - 30 of 606 reviews

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