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Bad Boy Reformed#2

Resisting Ryann

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USA Todaybestselling authorAlyssa Rae Tayloramplifies the angst-filled love story that started inRaising Ryann.

What happens when the person you love becomes threatened by your very existence? How far will you go to keep them safe?

Luke Ryann will do anything to protect the woman he loves, even if it means shattering her heart. When the mystery of his past comes back to haunt him, he leaves Reese behind and enters the life of crime he had worked so hard to escape. When all is said and done, will he be able to get out of this alive, or will he be in over his head?

She's been in love with him since her childhood, but now she questions everything. After Reese Johnson discovers Luke's disappearance has nothing to do with the MMA, she faces a difficult choice. Can she find it in her heart to forgive him? Or will the secrets and lies be too damaging for her to trust again? Will this couple ever have a chance? You know what they say.

Sometimes... love just isn't enough.

Resisting Ryannis the second book inThe Bad Boy Reformedtrilogy. This story isn't just a romance. It's filled with action, suspense, mystery, and a touch of humor.New adult romance. Recommended for mature readers due to situations of abuse, violence, language, and sexual content.

205 pages

First published May 26, 2014

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About the author

Alyssa Rae Taylor

USA Today Bestselling author Alyssa Rae Taylor lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her husband, their three daughters, two English bulldogs and a miniature pig. Her hobbies include reading, writing, watching Sam & Dean Winchester, fight off scary creatures on the WB, Sons of Anarchy and reality television. She enjoys stories that tug at her emotions and include lots of sexual tension. Her dream is to travel the world with her husband and children beside her. The first time she started writing, she couldn’t stop, which leads to the publishing of the Bad Boy Reformed Series.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 reviews
Profile Image for Jordan.
55 reviews
May 31, 2014
When is the release date of this book. The last one left with a major cliff hanger x I hope it's out before 2014 x
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,051 reviews354 followers
May 27, 2014
NO WAY! DAMN! UGH....do not leave it Like that! I want my HEA!!!!

Well, Luke Ryann is back, and he is more fabulous that ever...

I mean, not completely in the world of happy sunshine, but he is back in my literary world. Last heard from him with his mysterious Kiss goodbye to Reese...breaking her and my heart! But all in the name of true love right? What a doozie of a cliffy with that little bomb drop at the end!

So life is trying to move on for Reese all while Luke is immersed in total darkness and violence all in the hopes to make a clear safe path for them in the future....he must eliminate his father at any cost...but is the deep cover too much? Can Reese really wait for him? Can he go any longer without her?

Seems like that is a negative, and thank God! Appearing in her bedroom
was exactly what Reese needed and while she didn't get 100% truth, she did get all of Luke's heart and soul.

Sounds so damn promising...then BAM! Alyssa Rae Taylor has wrecked me again! High stakes, drama, action and violence rip apart the plans for ending the game Luke is playing. Reese suffers the worst of consequences when the game to keep her safe goes awry. Instead of finding Luke's arms for comfort she finds nothing by deceit, miscommunication, and a "douche" friend ready to cash in on her heartbreak. DO NOT TRUST this man girl! Left in the dark as to what happened to her loved ones, she can make assumptions as to her future, finally saying goodbye to Luke...He will not stop fighting....

But I have complete faith in Ms Taylor that all of Luke's efforts and sacrifice with pay off in the end...I sit patiently and wait for more!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
204 reviews4 followers
June 7, 2014
Update: I have just reread raising ryann and now resisting ryann. I am not sure what to say I am so disappointed that this is another cliffhanger...but worse than the first book. I couldn't figure out how Reese dad, Andrew, for into the picture. Ugghhh...major heart break! I really loved the book but I don't know kind of getting tired of the series style writing. I say that now only because when I read a stand alone I get pissed because I want more. There is just no making me happy: ( oh well.

I highly recommend the series lots of sexual angst but not a lot of explicit sexual encounters. Love the supporting characters Logan and Gia! They are placed well and don't distract from the story.

So, Sean, where do we go from here? Can't wait for the final installment and the showdown between a man in love and woman divided!

Holy Mary Mother... I just read an excerpt for this book... He becomes a mercenary! Oh how I hope this is sooooo much better than the first book!

Alyssa: write faster, I seriously can not wait I already having panty combustion!

Update: Out March 2014
Profile Image for Auhmanduh.
446 reviews
August 13, 2016
Given that book one has a cliff hanger; waiting for this book before I start book one!
Profile Image for Desirae (Dee).
1,073 reviews59 followers
May 22, 2014
I'm trying to write a review based on this book and not my deep hatred for cliff hangers. I liked the first book of this series, no scrap that, I LOVED it. So I had high expectations for this book. I don't know that I can narrow it down but I didn't connect with it as much as I did book one. I liked where the story line went. I liked that Luke was still valuing his virtue as much as he did and wouldn't just use her and leave. And I love that he couldn't stay away while doing what he was going. I don't trust Rachelle at all. I don't know what it is that gave off this not trustable vibe when I was reading. And Sean. I don't trust that man either. Yes he was saying all the right things and doing all the right things, but he was almost too perfect. Too perfect is never good. Too good to be true I guess. I love the man luke is and that he stayed true to that even under the circumstances. I honestly didn't expect him to, but I was wrong- he did. I guess I just wanted more. I was left with such heart break for so many different reasons that I just wanted more. Not more waiting, more story.
Profile Image for Heather andrews.
9,520 reviews160 followers
May 18, 2014
Alright I know this is a trilogy but why does every book have to end in a cliffhanger? Don't authors know it really does kill the readers, well alright not ALL readers just me. Luke I missed that boy horribly, "my chest rises and falls as his open mouth presses against my ear." I think about being inside you, "he says huskily." I just love how cute Reese was wanting to take care of her man, "don't you dare," I tell him. He raises his brows, and I point to his d***. "I want to take care of you," I say softly. "Please, teach. It's only fair." I keep thinking if Luke was only honest the boy wouldn't be in the pickle he is now, well I shouldn't say he's never honest his feelings for Reese are all honest, "he flinches." I came here for you. And yeah, I'm going to stare at you. Besides the fact that you're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, I don't want to take my eyes off you because it's been months since I've been able to look at you. "I have a funny feeling there's going to be a situation in the next book I'm not going to like to read about (can't say as it's a SPOILER!)
Profile Image for ✿kawehi.reviews.
1,453 reviews417 followers
May 21, 2014
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☆I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you!!☆

”Sometimes… love just isn’t enough.”

The sequel toRaising Ryann,
Alyssa Rae Taylor does not disappoint readers as more angst, drama, and an ending to keep you hanging keep you on your hands and toes are added to the mix of things.

Taking place just as where book one left off, answering what happens after the big cliffhanger. From there, let's just say that our lovers have a lot to hash out as of course secrets plague the way to their HEA. [Reviewer's Note: Well, at least I'm hoping for that outcome anyway.]

Sounds typical right? Well, some of it was kind of.

Over all though, there was a nice balance of revelations, steam, as well as surprises to keep you guessing!

Luke, I must say, has A LOT on his plate as the current predicament he faces now could be the ultimate game changer between his and Reese's relationship.

And as for Reese, will Luke's web of entanglements lead her to walking away or fighting even harder to make it work between them? Is their love salvageable to be worth proving? Or will her findings be too damaging for her to give him another chance?

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My thoughts: You know, I keep on thinking to myself that if Luke had been more trusting and honest with Reese then maybe he wouldn't have been in such a situation that he is in. But that's just my wishful thinking making itself present.

In a way though, this book hammers out a lot of the detrimental subject matter that will now lead to the climatic third novel finale where everything is on the line. I will not go into detail as to what I think it could be, as it would lead to potential spoilers, but I think both Reese and particularly Luke are going to find themselves making some hard and heartfelt decisions that could change their fates entirely.

I am definitely intrigued as to where Ms. Taylor is going to take the final book of the series as from the cliffy ending, the future of Luke and Reese's love is still in the hanging. Will they get the coveted HEA that they so strive to achieve? Or will everything they've worked for blow up in their faces? Read and you will get one step closer to finding out!
Profile Image for Reckless Readers.
1,707 reviews89 followers
May 22, 2014
****author gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review****

LOVED IT!!!!! I've been waiting for this book. I needed like I need air to breathe. Alyssa you did an amazing job. The story had me hooked and read the whole book in one day. I was on a roller coaster ride of emotions. And you did it again a cliffhanger. Please Hurry up with book three. I'll be bugging you.

Book 1 left us with a cliffhanger wondering what's next for Reese and Luke. Let's just say my heart ached for her. I don't wanna give away anything. She's trying to deal with Luke's departure and build a relationship with her father.

And poor Luke, the sacrifices he's making for Reese. You know just by what he's going through how much he truly loves her. He's doing everything he can to protect her.

And don't get me started on the ending. Why?? I was in tears. The huge misunderstanding. And then it ends. I desperately need the final book.

Alyssa you have done a exceptional job on this series and I am a huge fan. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review it. xoxo
Profile Image for Dawn.
1,462 reviews281 followers
May 28, 2014
**Arc received from author in exchange for an honest opinion and blog tour**

Killing me softly, but I am a patient woman...WAIT...that's a lie, but I can wait for my HEA, I get one right? AAAAHHHHHH..loved it..Resisting Ryann Review
Profile Image for Jean.
912 reviews37 followers
March 3, 2019
** Spoilers **

I was a little lenient with the rating for book one, I will not be for this one.

The second book starts off with an intimate scene with Reese and Sean that has me cringing.
Reese is so "frickin" stupid.

Before Luke came into of the picture in book one and works with Reees at the gym,
Reese states that she really had not found a guy interesting enough and she had a rep for being hard on guys.

So, I would like to know why, at the first sign of problems with Luke, that she runs to another guy?
A guy she really does not know, a new neighbor in fact.

So, Reese's father visits her for the first time in her new apartment / condo:
"My father’s been silent since the moment he stepped inside,
“I’m impressed. Do you always keep it this clean?”
Heading back toward the living room, his eyes continue appraising the home. “Really, Reese, this
is great. I’m happy for you.” His approval means more to me than I’d imagined.
“You said you own this free and clear?”
“Yes, free and clear.” Saying the words out loud feels humbling.
And that’s a regular thing for Luke to do? Hand out free homes to beautiful women?” His eyes
crinkle at the sides.
“Sounds like he really cares for you.”

I don't understand.. why it takes her father to point that out to her.

And, the story line just keeps getting worse.

It PISSSED me off that Andrew died.
I can understand if he were injured but to kill him off is unforgivable. I can't stand when authors kill off their characters for shock and awe. I guess that;s why I like reading paranormal and fantasy, the characters are much more difficult to just kill off.

Luke and Andrew both were stupid for going undercover.
They were stupid for not telling Reese what was going on.
They didn't have to go into of details but they could have said we are going under a covert mission, something.

After the entire book of Luke trying to get his dad put in prison, Luke ends up shooting, rendering the entire book pointless because why didn't he just kill Glenn in the first place?

And, I can not believe that Luke does not go see Reese or communicate with her in
any way until 3 months after her father dies.

Why couldn't Luke send his Sister try to talk to Reese or get a message to her through Logan??

One reviewer said:
"I think that this story gave me as a reader a more insight to the secondary characters and made us fall in love with Luke a bit more."

I agree slightly but this book nor the author did anything to endear Reese's character.

I only read these books for Luke.
He was Reese's Guardian Angel but she was too stupid to appreciate it.
During the first book, Luke kept asking her to trust him and that things weren't what they seemed and that he would tell her everything eventually.

Do you think that she thought about that?
No, she was too busy sucking face with Sean and "making" herself have feelings for him.

Luke is loyal and determined to get Reese back and honestly, I do not know why.
Reese is selfish, everything is always about her, even her father's death is about her.

She gave her father a hard time and didn't really appreciate him until AFTER he told her he was leaving.

Luke is too good for her, this is part of his conversation with Sean:
"If you do anything to hurt Reese—if there’s one single hair on her
head out of place, I’ll knock out all your teeth and wear them as a necklace.
I’m taking back what you stole from me.”

This book and series / trilogy had so much potential but did not pull through.
The events were disappointing.
The miscommunication was disappointing.
Reese over reaction was disappointing....

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Denita Kee.
557 reviews10 followers
May 28, 2014
SPOILER ALERT BEWARE!!!!!!! I'm warning you this has spoilers!!!! Omg! Did that really just end like that? I've been waiting on this book for months. The last cliff hanger just about killed me. But this cliff hanger is ten times worse. Oh my goodness Alyssa you are killing me!!!! Ok now to the book. I am so in love with Luke Ryann. That boy loves Reese so much he's willing to risk his life to protect her. He goes back to working for his father. He's working undercover to bring him down. The whole time Reese thinks he's left her and doesn't love her. Then he finally sneaks around a few times. And Lord help me it was so freaking HOT. They almost have sex, almost, and it was one of the hottest scenes I've ever read. Omg!!! When Reeses dad Andrew goes undercover to help Luke things go terribly wrong. They are both shot several times. Andrew dies unfortunately and poor Reese is devastated. My heart breaks for her. Then as she's leaving the hospital she overhears Rachelle, the undercover agent, asking to see her husband's Luke Ryann. First of all Reese doesn't even know he's there in the hospital and hurt. Secondly, now she thinks he's married and lied to her. Three months later when the case is finally wrapped up and Luke is finally free. He goes to see Reese. He's lit candles, bought her shoes and a dress, and prepared a romantic rooftop dinner. But she's furious. She tells him she can never forgive him and that she knows everything. He things she blames him for her father's death. He doesn't know she thinks he's married and doesn't know about what really happened to her dad or what Luke was doing to take down his dad to protect her. He tells her he'll never stop loving her and walks away. Omg what a cliffhanger. I'm really liking her friend Sean too. He's so sweet to her and he really likes her ALOT. I hate to see him get hurt but I want Luke and Reese together so badly. But I like his character too. Love these books hope we don't have to wait as long as we did for this one.
Profile Image for Christina.
24 reviews1 follower
August 17, 2013
Wow this is not what I expected. Great Read can't wait for book #2
Profile Image for Jean.
912 reviews37 followers
March 3, 2019
** Spoilers **

I was a little lenient with the rating for book one, I will not be for this one.

The second book starts off with an intimate scene with Reese and Sean

that has me cringing.
Reese is so "frickin" stupid.
Before Luke came into of the picture in book one and works with Reees

at the gym,
Reese states that she really had not found a guy interesting enough and

she had a rep for being hard on guys.

So, I would like to know why, at the first sign of problems with Luke, that

she runs to another guy?
A guy she really does not know, a new neighbor in fact.

So, Reese's father visits her for the first time in her new apartment /


"My father’s been silent since the moment he stepped inside,
“I’m impressed. Do you always keep it this clean?”
Heading back toward the living room, his eyes continue appraising the

home. “Really, Reese, this
is great. I’m happy for you.” His approval means more to me than I’d

“You said you own this free and clear?”
“Yes, free and clear.” Saying the words out loud feels humbling.
And that’s a regular thing for Luke to do? Hand out free homes to

beautiful women?” His eyes
crinkle at the sides.
“Sounds like he really cares for you.”

I don't understand why it takes her father to point that out to her.

And, the story line just keeps getting worse.

It PISSSED me off that Andrew died.
I can understand if he were injured but to kill him off is unforgivable.

Luke and Andrew both were stupid for going undercover.
They were stupid for not telling Reese what was going on.
They didn't have to go into of details but they could have said we are

going under a covert mission, something.

After the entire book of Luke trying to get his dad put in prison, Luke

ends up shooting rendering the entire book pointless because why didn't

he just kill Glenn in the first place?

And, I can not believe that Luke does not go see Reese or communicate

with her in
any way until 3 months after her father dies.

Why couldn't Luke send his Sister to talk to Reese or get a message to

her through Logan??

One reviewer said:
"I think that this story gave me as a reader a more insight to the

secondary characters and made us fall in love with Luke a bit more. "

I agree slightly but this book nor the author did anything to endear

Reese's character.

I only read these books for Luke.
He was Reese's Guardian Angel but she was too stupid to appreciate it.
Thought the first two books Luke kept asking her to trust him and that

things weren't what they seemed and that he would tell her everything


Do you think that she thought about that?
No, she was too busy sucking face with Sean and making herself have

feelings for him.

Luke is loyal and determined to get Reese back and honestly, I do not

know why.
Reese is selfish, everything is always about her, even her father's death is

about her.

She gave her father a hard time and didn't really appreciate him until

AFTER he told her he was leaving.

Luke is too good for her, this is part of his conversation with Sean:
"If you do anything to hurt Reese—if there’s one single hair on her
head out of place, I’ll knock out all your teeth and wear them as a

I’m taking back what you stole from me.”

This book and series / trilogy had so much potential but did not pull

The events were disappointing.
The miscommunication was disappointing.
Reese over reaction was disappointing....
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mallory.
239 reviews12 followers
May 27, 2014
First things first, if you haven’t already read Raising Ryann, the first book in the Bad Boy Reformed series, you need to. This is a trilogy, and if you haven’t read the first book this review and this book will make no sense to you. I also recommend reading the first one again, if it’s been a while. I made the mistake of jumping right back in, and I was a little lost at first.

 photo wait-what_zps7f32dee5.gif

Moving on…
There are two things I avoid at all costs when it comes to my choice in books: Love Triangles and Cliffhangers. Are they not the worst?? I’m here to warn you that this book has both. Honestly, if I would have known these elements were involved, I probably would have passed on this one. I’m glad I was unaware, however, because I loved it.
I love Luke, and his love for Reece. He has such a big heart, and gets pulled into something he wants nothing to do with only to protect her. She has no idea, and thinks he just took off, so this is obviously a book with a lot of misunderstandings. Reece has started an uncomfortable friendship with her neighbor Sean. Logan has turned into one of my favorite characters, with his teasing and overprotective tendencies. He still has faith in his best friend, even when Reece loses hers. This story feels real, even though the plot is a bit unbelievable. So many things are happening that I hate, but I can’t seem to get enough of this story.

 photo tumblr_m31pm0VYzM1r8ob90_zps7b5fe2e3.gif

I can’t wait to get my hands on the last book, so Alyssa can finally give me the happily ever after I deserve after reading two books ending so horribly!! I have fallen in love with your characters, and I want to see them happy. These cliffhangers are killing me.
Profile Image for Victoria Ashley.
Author43 books5,329 followers
May 27, 2014
I absolutelyLOVEDResisting Ryann. I fell in love with Luke back in Raising Ryann and I have to say my love for him only grew. I seriously cannot get enough of this guy and his story. Not only is he strong and protective, but he is sweet and has a bit of a soft side.

"It's not about letting you in, Reese." He pauses. "You're already here."

"When I want something I fight for it." He tucks the hair behind my ear. "And what I want is you."

 photo b52c7b23-d120-4636-95f4-8a2b1a1d09d7_zps2e58b57b.jpg

This book hooked from the very beginning and I had a hard time putting it down. The characters all seem so real to me. The relationships and dialogue in this book were very well written. It made me feel like a apart of their world. I have to say I definitely wouldn't mind being a part of Luke's world. No woman can ever ask for a better man. He is the complete package and will go through anything for the woman he loves. That is aREALman that you can admire.

I also really enjoyed getting the chance to see Reese interact more with her father. I have to say that I actually found myself liking him in this 2nd book. I know he was a real SOB in the first book, but I couldn't help but let him grow on me a bit in Resisting. I'm sure you'll all see why once you pick this book up and devour it. You will fall in love with both Reese and Luke all over again.

There were a couple side characters that I still can't seem to trust 100% but I'll let you all read this and decide for yourself. It all made for great entertainment and kept me on my toes.

This was a5+star read for me. I still can't stop thinking about Luke and all his sexy sweetness. His heart is absolutely beautiful. Just as beautiful as Alyssa's writing. This is a must read and if you haven't read Raising Ryann then you need to get on thatASAP.You will not regret it. I am going to go crazy waiting for the last and final book of this series.

Profile Image for Susanfan1906.
2 reviews
May 24, 2014
Whoa is all I can say honestly. This book had my stomach in knots the whole time! Alyssa never disappoints! I knew it was going to be a roller coaster ride for my emotions and it was a good thing I was equipped with chocolate to help me cope. As much as I bitch and moan, I really did enjoy the hell out of every minute of the ride. It chewed me up, spit me out, and left me wanting more.

Luke continues to smoke up the pages with his sizzling sexiness and heart of gold. Alyssa did a great job of making me love him even more - which I thought was impossible. He is the ultimate tortured hero; willing to put everything on the line to save the victims of the tragic situations Alyssa kept throwing our way.

Reese really made me mad. I love the girl for her strength and for having the good sense to love Luke, but she really made me irritated at times. I could understand why she felt the way she did. I just didn't like it though. She knew Luke had this thing about saving people so when he kept sending her texts telling her he missed her even though he sent her that letter, she should have realized what was up. And then when he came back the way he did the first time, well, I just wanted to smack her.

The only reason why I gave this book four stars instead of five was the whole deal with Reese and Luke. I won't get too detailed because I hate spoilers myself, and some tension was to be expected due to the way book one ended - but come on Alyssa! Really?! Did you have to make me cry not once, but twice? I don't enjoy being a blubbering idiot thank you VERY much. And the whole Rachelle and Sean thing, oh my god. I don't trust either of them and they seem to have bad news stamped on their foreheads. We'll just have to wait and see!

I did receive an advanced copy, and let me tell you - make sure you have chocolate, some tissues, and a pillow to scream in before starting this book.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,616 reviews420 followers
August 23, 2015
Review by Lisa Kane

This second installment did not disappoint. After finding out that Luke lied to her about where he went when he left her, Reese thinks she needs to move on from him. He sent a Dear John letter telling her they both needed to move on. In spite of this, his best friend Logan tells he that he will explain everything when he returns. But returns from where?

In the meantime, Sean, her neighbor has been showering her with attention and begging her to go out with him. Reese starts to see him but even though she is attracted to him, she just can't take that further step. She thought her first time would be with Luke and can't move past that.

Luke is in a heap of trouble and just may get himself killed. Living a double life is catching up with him, and there is now a she witch involved who is going to stir this pot of deception even further.

There are lies, and misunderstandings and missed opportunities in this story. But Reese has no idea that not only is Luke involved in this covert operation, someone very close to her is also involved. When she needs Luke the most he isn't there for her. I had a problem with that fact, even after he was "safe" he didn't contact her. I have to say, that tarnished my love affair with the character a bit.

This one ends on a cliffy too, but after these past two installments, you'll be hooked and won't want to wait until the last one releases.
Profile Image for Chantel Cervantes.
74 reviews1 follower
May 29, 2014
****author gifted a copy in exchange for an honest review****

LOVED IT!!!!! I've been waiting for this book. I needed like I need air to breathe. Alyssa you did an amazing job. The story had me hooked and read the whole book in one day. I was on a roller coaster ride of emotions. And you did it again a cliffhanger. Please Hurry up with book three. I'll be bugging you.

Book 1 left us with a cliffhanger wondering what's next for Reese and Luke. Let's just say my heart ached for her. I don't wanna give away anything. She's trying to deal with Luke's departure and build a relationship with her father.

And poor Luke, the sacrifices he's making for Reese. You know just by what he's going through how much he truly loves her. He's doing everything he can to protect her.

And don't get me started on the ending. Why?? I was in tears. The huge misunderstanding. And then it ends. I desperately need the final book.

Alyssa you have done a exceptional job on this series and I am a huge fan. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review it. xoxo
Profile Image for Bridger Bitches.
590 reviews27 followers
May 29, 2014
I can guarantee you that when you get to then end of this book you will be cussing out your kindle!!! The author gave us one hell of a cliffhanger. What a tease, she is!!! She will leave you wanting more. But I guess that just means she is doing her job by being an awesome author:) I loved the first book in the series and it just left me wanting to know what was going to happen to Luke and Reese. Lies suck but sometimes you have to lie to protect those you love. But you can’t expect people to wait either. This series has the perfect mixture of love and drama pulled into one. I am so torn with this book because I love me some Luke but I also like Sean he has kind of grown on me and I don’t want him to get hurt. So for me I have so many different scenarios in my head and I don’t know which one I want to happen! I guess I will have to wait and see what scenario the author decided to pick with the third and final book! I give this book 4.5 star review!

Profile Image for Camryn Marie.
2 reviews1 follower
July 19, 2016
As the sequel to Raising Ryann, I knew I was going to love it, and Alyssa Rae Taylor did not disappoint. However, I am now in serious anticipation for the third and final book! The ending was both AMAZING and torture at the same time. Resisting Ryann gave me what I was looking for without even knowing it. The same great characters, with the same great plot I loved, but with some twists and turns I hadn't been expecting. (Which, in my opinion, is always a nice treat. I hate predictability.) Luke is sexier than ever, and Reese has matured and developed into a mature, fun, and sexy little kitten herself. I was on the edge of my seat, cried a few tears, and laughed out loud. This book gave me the whole gamut. A definite must read, and can't wait for the conclusion.
Profile Image for HMS.
1,466 reviews76 followers
September 11, 2015
No idea why the story took this turn. So many other plausible ways the evil dad angle could have played out. The whole drug cartel angle is thin at best. No law enforcement agency would put an inexperienced civilian in the middle of an ongoing investigation/sting op just because he's trying to protect his girl.

Reese is probably the worst heroine I've read in a long time. Her goal is to get pissed off, go to sleep, cry or slap someone. Blek.
Profile Image for Jenny.
1,022 reviews132 followers
September 18, 2015
Whatever happened to people actually taking a minute to hear each other out before jumping to conclusions???

I mean, really, Reese is working my last nerve at this point....

Also, I feel like the premise of the series, Bad Boy Reformed, is really not quite clear to me yet. Hopefully, things change in the next book...for my sake and sanity.
42 reviews1 follower
July 22, 2014
I can't wait 6-9 months for this book. you need to release it sooner!
Profile Image for The Bookish Soaper.
617 reviews41 followers
July 15, 2020
Once again with the terrible female interactions, and now bringing in the love triangle aspect. I’m just a bit frustrated with this book and the lack of basic communication. It’s ok, but I can tell it was written several years ago with all of these frustrating tropes. I’m still going to finish it though.

Ok I’ve thought about it some more- first off I love a good miscommunication if it’s done right, however this wasn’t. There was a lot of plot holes again. Even if Luke couldn’t reach out to her for 3 months you mean to tell me he couldn’t have his sister or his friend reach out to her? That makes no sense. You’re trying to tell me that she finds out her boyfriend is in the same hospital as her father at the same time and she doesn’t check on him? Even with the shock of finding (spoiler) there is nothing that would have stopped me from seeing that the person I loved was ok if my father had just died.

Then she doesn’t talk to her friends about the big spoiler in the book. She doesn’t talk to Logan and ask why he didn’t tell her? That literally makes no sense at all. This was a terrible miscommunication book that just prolongs the story at the readers expense.

I’m not sure if I’m making any sense, but the more I think about it, the more frustrated I become 😂
Profile Image for Patty.
85 reviews2 followers
July 24, 2015
The first book was unimpressive but once you start something, I believe you should finish it, so there I was ready to read another book that was boring.

On the first book you get to see two or three scenes where Reese is with Luke when they are kids. Nothing deep, nothing love worthy. Yes, he saved her from being raped but I don't think that equals love. Gratitude? Definitely. Love? Not so much.
For an unknown reason Luke leaves Reese towards the end of the first book, and here they spend the whole book apart. With no real story to it.
It felt like this was another book, with a complete new plot happening. The cartel, the drug dealing, the weapons, the killing, the whatever was so unnecessary and unexplained that I just kept reading trying to make sense of it all.

First, that I noticed, there is no direct threat on Reese. Luke's dad never mentioned her specifically or in the general sense. So Luke being away, joining his dad's "business" to protect her, "keep her safe" didn't make sense to me. Even if he was working with the police.
Ok, so Luke's dad killed his mom. And...? There was this drug lord of some sort and... what? None of these gets to be explained or were properly explored. Btw, he has this piece of information but does nothing and feel nothing? Really?

Towards the end of the book, everything just turns into this incredibly unbelievable story that just... ugh!

My issue with the book is that from book1 the story is trying to develop and it doesn't. It starts out as a love story between a lonely girl and a lonely boy that was her hero and then it kind of involves mafia and i don't know what... it just seems to not have a direction. This was not a thought out trilogy. It was write as it goes and doesn't work.
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
195 reviews1 follower
January 21, 2015
What just happened!

I honestly only bought this second book because I was way too curious. At the beginning we already established what Luke was up to so there was no hidden surprise there. But what I do not understand within a few months of him being gone Reese can just pick up and start dating being friends with hanging out with whatever you want to call it with another man. Considering in the first book she was always apprehensive about men all of a sudden she's okay to hang out with them.
The first book in itself, was kind of choppy a lot of grammar errors and it was really no depth of the characters. Yes we found out both Luke and Reese had a horrible life growing up. It kind of established who they were as adults. Reese went from a more independent going to school working two jobs just to make her way all of a sudden comes in and it's funny fix your car let me do this for you let you stay in a condo for free. she never had handouts for whole life shows that work for and she like to be independent and all of a sudden it's like okay I'll just have all this free stuff put up a little bit of an argument and that's it.
The third thing that was rather frustrating was a reese character in total. I understand that she was 21-22 years old but a lot of her behavior acted like an immature 12-year-old. I have read several books where children grow up in a horrible home and some have to grow up faster, mature faster, and it seems that Reese just kind got stuck in forwarded mode and now that she's an adult, she's acting like a little child.
I can chalk up to a lot of her behavior as being a young twenty something year-old but in reality it was just way too immature of a character. she refused to listen, she refused to take the time to sit down and have a conversation with Luke. If she that they would be absolutely no confusion everything would've been been cleared up.
Luke was only trying to protect Reese I can see where his motive to everything was. But he could've told her what he was planning. he could have told her this is dangerous I don't want you to get caught in the middle, I don't want anything happen to you. I am going to do what I have to do and I will come back for you. See no confusion she was stuck by him she would have waited instead within a few months of him being gone she takes up another guy. and then within a few months after that she's dating him. its just nothing makes sense. you love someone you wait, you love someone you dont move on within 3-4 months of said person departing, running away,being the way,whatever, you just don't. it takes your heart a lot more time to heal. considering she was so apprehensive about men to begin with, you would think that Luke leaving would have a much drastic effect on her life and not just hang on to the next available guy who shows interest in her.
I honestly wish I could get my money back but sadly I cannot. The only reason I gave this book two stars was because Luke was a somewhat romantic and was trying to protect Reese. Reese is an immature character and I will not be reading the next book.
Profile Image for Heather.
330 reviews
May 30, 2014
Luke has a past, one that he doesn’t want to include Reese in. So when his past comes back and stirs up trouble for him, he will stop at nothing to keep Reese away from it. He will protect her once again, even if it means breaking her heart. All that matter to Luke is that Reese is safe. He will risk his own life to ensure Reese's safety.

"She means everything to me. She's my light in the darkness. That woman will be the death of me; I guarantee it." ~ Luke Ryann

How far would you go to protect the ones you love? If it means that they are safe, do you walk away? Will Luke ever forgive himself for doing what he felt is necessary to keep Reese safe? In life we have to make choices, did Luke make the right one? Things aren't always how they appear. Will Reese be able to pick up the pieces of her broken heart, when Luke leaves? If Reese was to find out the truth of Luke's past, would she be able to look past it? Would she still love him? Will she ever understand why Luke made the choice that he did? Will she trust him when he asks her to?

Reese has been in love with Luke Ryann since she could remember. Luke has always had her heart, even when he didn't realize he did.

"The thought of another man touching you," he says, shaking his head. "I can't even describe the rage it brings." If I have to fight for you, I will, no matter which path you choose, because the way I see it, you're mine. You'll always be mine. "~ Luke Ryann

I absolutely LOVED this book. I read it in one sitting. Luke cherishes Reese. Luke made a choice to protect her. She may not see it now, but when and if she gives him the chance to explain she will love him even more for it. Reese has always been a priority to Luke, she just doesn't see it. I cannot wait for the 3rd installment in this series. I am patiently waiting for it and I sure hope Alyssa Rae Taylor writes quickly, because she left me on the edge of my seat desperately wanting more!!! Resisting Ryan will have you wanting more as it is filled with suspense and several twists that I did not see coming.

I am TEAM LUKE, and I want both Reese and Luke to get what they both deserve, happiness and love. I just hope Alyssa gives them what I want.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 244 reviews

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