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There will be three, Kin of you kin....Who hold the Power of the stars In their paws. A secret prophecy shapes the lives of Firestar's grandchildren, but only one of the three knows about it. Jaypaw is captivated by the power it promises, and he believes the key to that power may lie buried in the distant past -- with the ancient cats who once walked these woods and now prowl through his dreams.His search for answers leads him toward the mountains -- the home of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Lionpaw and Hollypaw feel drawn to the mountains too, for different reasons. But the mountains hide secrets as well as answers, and if the three cats find a way to get there, they may discover more than they ever expected.

320 pages, Paperback

First published April 22, 2008

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About the author

Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter is the pseudonym of five people:Kate Cary,Cherith Baldry,Tui T. Sutherland,Gillian Philip,andInbali Iserles,as well as editorVictoria Holmes.Together, they write the Warriors series as well as the Seekers and Survivors series. Erin Hunter is working on a new series now called Bravelands.

Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having a great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior, shaped by her interest in astronomy and standing stones.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 603 reviews
Profile Image for Deborah Pickstone.
852 reviews93 followers
April 16, 2017
Cultures collide. I was waiting for Jaypaw to dream up a Tribe solution at the end rather than the Clan solution that emerged. Then it turned out that the whole thing had occurred just because the three (two of whom don't even know about the prophecy yet) had to go to the mountains and be damned to the Tribe! And I am unclear what the three were to learn - or did learn - after going there. Still enjoyable but sometimes seems like there is little point in it?
Profile Image for Noella.
1,047 reviews65 followers
September 12, 2020
Ik heb dit boek in één ruk uitgelezen. Zoals bijna alle boeken uit de Warrior Cats serie eigenlijk.
Het verhaal van de kleinkinderen van Vuurster gaat verder. Gaaipoot, Hulstpoot en Leeuwpoot hebben allemaal het gevoel dat ze naar de Stamkatten in de bergen moeten, elk voor hun eigen reden. En alsof het zo moet zijn, komen er ineens twee Stamkatten de Donderclan bezoeken, eigenlijk om hulp vragen. De Stam van de Waterstromen heeft erg veel last van een talrijke bende indringers, die hen domineren, en in hun buurt op prooi komen jagen, zodat de Stamkatten erg hongerig zijn, verzwakt en moedeloos.
Vuurster staat toe dat enkele van zijn krijgers en leerlingen meegaan, en ook enkele katten van de andere clans gaan mee. In de bergen aangekomen, blijkt echter dat de leider, Steenspreker, hun komst niet echt kan waarderen. Uiteindelijk kunnen de Clankatten hem toch overtuigen van hun plan om te proberen de Stamkatten wat krijgstechnieken te leren zodat ze zich kunnen verdedigen. Hoewel de Stamkatten leren vechten, en samen met de Clankatten zelfs een groot gevecht tegen de indringers winnen, beseffen beide groepen toch dat dit niet de oplossing is; de Clankatten kunnen niet eeuwig in de bergen blijven om de Stam te helpen, en de Stam zal zich nooit volledig kunnen aanpassen aan de gewoontes en leefcodes van de Clans.
Gaaipoot weet dit, door informatie van de Geestkatten, en die hebben hem nu ook verteld dat hij zijn broer en zus deelgenoot moet maken van de profetie die hun drieën aangaat.
Spannend einde dat geen echt einde is. Ik kan niet wachten om het volgende deel te lezen.
Profile Image for Micheline.
322 reviews153 followers
November 3, 2016
The Power of Three series seems to get more compelling as we learn more and more about 'The Chosen Three's' powers, skills and as they themselves mature, and Outcast is definitely no exception. In book 3 of the PO3 series, the surviving original members of the journey to Sun-Drown place: BrambleClaw, SquirrelFlight, CrowFeather & TawnyPelt set off to help the tribe of the mountains that they had encountered in 'The New Prophecy series'. The twist is this time, the original cats of the 1st journey take their children, who are now apprentices with them. JayPaw is certain that the Tribe will offer answers about the ominous prophecy regarding himself, his sister and brother. Despite HollyPaw & LionPaw not being aware of the prophecy surrounding them, still find that they too are drawn to the mountains...but their journey there, and the answers they find are not necessarily what they expect...

As usual Erin Hunter wastes no time on repetitive details reminding the reader of things they already know, she just dives right in with the action, plot twists and while some secrets are revealed, others still lay undiscovered, and the suspense is killing me!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emily  Reed.
114 reviews
March 30, 2024
WHEN WILL WE FIND OUT WHAT THE HECK THE PROPHECY MEANS!!!!!! I MEAN SERIOUSLY!!!! IT'S THE THIRD BOOK AND JAYPAW AT THE END WAS JUST LIKE "yeah I have something to tell you".....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!! Honestly though I feel like Jaypaw is starting to get power hungry...just slightly.... but hey a plus was that Tigerstar and Hawkfrost were barely even in it! So, yay!!!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for KylaRodas.
22 reviews5 followers
May 23, 2017
I love this series so much that I am flying by these books. The apprentices find out the deepest secret of them all and they travel to the mountain to save The Tribe, and will StarClan and The Tribe of Endless Hunting be with them on this daring journey?
Profile Image for Willemijn jufwillemijnopallstars.
617 reviews59 followers
June 19, 2020
Gaaipoot, Leeuwpoot en Hulstpoot gaan op reis naar de bergen. Gaaipoot heeft in een droom gezien dat ze daar heen moeten gaan. Als ze daar eenmaal zijn, vergaat het ze niet makkelijk. De bergkatten zijn eigenwijs en willen niet luisteren. Maar lukt het om de indringers te verslaan? Dit deel eindigde met een soort cliffhanger. Ik wil niet lang wachten met het volgende deel!
Profile Image for Kate.
263 reviews51 followers
September 12, 2016
There will be three, Kin of you kin....Who hold the Power of the stars In their paws. A secret prophecy shapes the lives of Firestar's grandchildren, but only one of the three knows about it. Jaypaw is captivated by the power it promises, and he believes the key to that power may lie buried in the distant past -- with the ancient cats who once walked these woods and now prowl through his dreams.His search for answers leads him toward the mountains -- the home of the Tribe of Rushing Water. Lionpaw and Hollypaw feel drawn to the mountains too, for different reasons. But the mountains hide secrets as well as answers, and if the three cats find a way to get there, they may discover more than they ever expected.
I had automatically raised my hopes for this book, given that Warrior books get better and better as they go. Unfortunately, this was barely any better than the previous books in the Power of Three series. Don't get me wrong, it had a great plot, but there wasn't any it-blew-my-mind surprises in the plot. It was the same-ol' warrior book, expect them helping in the mountains. The ending had to have been my favorite part. Not about the battle (that part was boring), but about Jaypaw talking to his litter-mates. I admit, it wasn't an exciting ending, but it made me really want to know what happens next.
Even though there wasn't any character development, off the bat Jaypaw was loads better. He didn't have a major attitude, and was actually concerned about other cats. Again, Hollypaw didn't really play a mandatory part. I still really enjoyed her P.O.V., and I'm 100% sure that she'll play an important part in the future, but as of right now, she's just an unnecessary cat (Even though she's my absolute favorite!). Lionpaw is still being haunted by Tigerstar. Although, not near as much in this book. I wish Tigerstar would just stay in the Dark Forest where he belongs. It was cool at first for him to be haunting cats, but after 3, it's just old news.
Overall & Recommendations:
I'm pretty sure everything I just said above was negative, but I still really liked this book. The ending was great, and I can see in the near future the prophecy coming into play. The entire Warrior series is amazing, and I recommend it to everybody.
Profile Image for Leen Gilis.
349 reviews1 follower
July 2, 2016
Een spannend en goed doordacht boek! Het verhaal leest vlot en heeft een open einde. Net zoals in de andere twee boeken zijn ook hier Leeuwpoot, Gaaipoot en Hulstpoot de hoofdpersonages. Ook is de cover weer schitterend, en sluit hij prachtig aan bij de andere boeken. Ik kijk al uit naar het volgende deel dat eind juli verschijnt! Dit boek krijgt van mij vier sterren!
588 reviews12 followers
May 4, 2022
Not very interesting...the cats are just babysitting the Tribe and it doesn't even sound like the outcome is final. Kind of a filler.
Profile Image for Superlopez.
30 reviews3 followers
March 12, 2021
La verdad es que el final me ha dejado un poco confuso.
Muy raro, una parte me lo esperaba y de la otra no entiendo nada.
Profile Image for Michelle *is in a BG3 reading slump*.
769 reviews136 followers
February 21, 2022
3* upon reread. It's painful to rate it so low because Jaypaw (jayfeather) is my favorite character in the whole franchise, but not much happens in the series with anyone but him (Jayfeather's powers are strengthening, while Lionpaw's are just awakening). Leagues better than anything published since Dawn of the Clans (minus maybe the Super Editions, I'm more behind with them at the time of writing this than the main series, I believe).
Profile Image for Patricia.
120 reviews7 followers
February 9, 2021
Me gustó pero le encontré situaciones que no tenían sentido, que eran como ciertos errores en la trama, la tribu anteriormente había tenido problemas graves en las montañas, sin embargo los antepasados los habían ayudado y sabían que el lugar no era perfecto, pero de repente se rinden, mm no se...
Algo que me encantó es la evolución de los personajes principales durante la saga
Profile Image for TheObsidianWolfy.
12 reviews3 followers
March 9, 2023
Welcome, CHildren of thE multiverse, to another ReVIew. (spoiler alert!)

Today, it's warriors again. who could have guessed??? Outcast is what we have all dreaded...bringing back some of thebestparts of the second story arc! THE WALKING. That's right!! Half of this book is the SAME GROUP walking BACK to the mountains!! Yayyyy....

But, back to our main three, yes?

LionpawIs still dumb! Yes, I know. You'd think he'd get a little smarter after walking to the mountains for three-quarters of a book. but, nope! Instead, he's granted with invulnerability from starclan and still remains the clueless little kit he's always been. Also, they kept bringing up this new cat with strange markings on her face. (NamedTwistin the allegiances, BUT NEVER GIVEN ANY LORE OR ANYTHING????

HollypawIs also a bit dull, but at least she's not as bad as Lionpaw. and for a kit who's OBSESSED with following the warrior code, we don't get as much of her obsessing over it until around the end of the book where Brambleclaw is trying to force the clan ways on the tribe cats/

Jaypawremains the best of the three (change my mind), and tries to look for answers to this mYsTeRiOuS new prophecy with his new (and very old) friend named rock, who apparently already knew him!!-? He makes no progress on his fear of drowning, that appears to have vanished(?), and instead is now scared of a multitude of other things, like being alone and falling! Someone get this cat therapy!!!

See you next time, where we meet a new (and sus) stranger??
Profile Image for William.
4 reviews
May 26, 2011

This book, once again, follows Jaypaw, Hollypaw, and Lionpaw. When visitors from the Tribe Of Rushing Water come to visit Stormfur and Brook (Brook Where Small Fish Swim) who are currently living in ThunderClan. The three littermates all have their reasons for wanting to go to the mountains where the Tribe makes their home. Jaypaw wants to go to find more about the mysterious prophecy that affects him and his littermates ( "There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws." Skywatcher,Warriors Powere Of Three: The Sight), Hollypaw and Lionpaw want to go to see how the Tribe lives and works. But when they Jaypaw discoveres more than he expects, and the other two find themselves caught in a battle that seems impossible to win.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Spoilers Below~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I don't like in the end how after all the battling, bloodshed, and hostilty, why the intruders just decide to share the mountains with the Tribe when they made such a to-do about not caring about borders and killing all the Tribe. That's what made this book lose a star. If the Tribe and Clan cats would have just got rid of or driven of the intruders that would have been a lot better.
Profile Image for Scott.
228 reviews
May 30, 2011
This was a book that definitely picked up the pace of the PO3 series as each of Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw's litter begin to embrace, develop, and understand their gifts. However, we learn much about Jaypaw as his curiousity takes him on a dreamquest to weave a tapestry from the tattered dreams he has shared, as well as invaded, with StarClan, the Tribe of Endless Hunting, and the Ancient Cats.

The three of this prophesy all find themselves drawn to the mountains but for different reasons... and through a strange twist of fate, find themselves on a quest to help the Tribe of Rushing Water in its our of need... despite the Tribe's wishes against that. The remaining members of the original journey to the Sun Drowned place all reunite in this quest, along with Crowfether's son, Breezepaw, who displays his father's original negativity during this rescue adventure.

An excellent third book in the series that leaves the reader with a closing cliffhanger that will whet the appetite to move right into the 4th book in the PO3 Series, "Eclipse." Make sure you have a copy handy and ready to go...
Profile Image for aleo.
267 reviews4 followers
May 9, 2022
Kind of like: 9.5/10 & 5/10
It's a very borderline 4 out of 5 stars, just pushed up because it's Warriors.

This book started off really interesting, a lot of characters are developed (ex: Berrynose, Breezepaw, Tawnypelt) and I love all the callbacks to TNP. Traveling books are pretty widely hated but I love the journey cats.

Once they get to the Tribe it's weird. The Clan cats forcing their religion on the Tribe cats... nahhhh. Also the Tribe is sooo boring imo. I skipped like the last 4 chapters of this book, I honestly would just skip it starting from when Stoneteller decides to let the cats meddle. This book ends on a cliffhanger anyways so you can just skip to Eclipse. man I am so excited for Sol 😐
Profile Image for Kayla.
546 reviews15 followers
September 22, 2009
I was so happy when Purdy was brought into this book even if only for a short time; I just love Purdy.
In this book all the cats that went to the Sundrowned place along with Jaypaw, Hollypaw, Lionpaw and Breezepaw go on a special mission to help some old friends. The secrets of why Stormfur and Brook left the Tribe Of Rushing Waters is revealed.
Meanwhile, Lionpaw is being coaxed away by Tigerstar's evil presence. And Jaypaw is wondering whether or not he should tell his litter mates about the--so far--secret prophesy... or is it really that secret? Read this book and you will discover who really knows about the prophecy, and who doesn't.
Profile Image for Christina.
1,517 reviews20 followers
May 17, 2008
I'm not sure why but I am having a harder time enjoying this particular story arc. They are still very well written and the prophecy they are following is intriguing but I'm not loving it as much. Still would recommend it to kids and adults!
Profile Image for Hot Space.
2 reviews
July 30, 2020
Zaczęłam dopiero 20 min temu a jestem na 150 stronie, z czego można wywnioskować że jest to strasznie wciągająca lektura (Tak jak wszystkie książki Erin Hunter). Gorąco polecam. Jest to 3 tom Potęgi Trójcy.
Profile Image for Emma.
229 reviews8 followers
September 8, 2021
I love this series so much, however I think I will stop reading these once I finish The Power of Three Series. I will pick them up again next summer but I want to branch out a little more during the School Year. I can't wait to read the next!
Profile Image for Juli.
89 reviews3 followers
May 26, 2022
reread 5/26/22:
**some spoilers**
again 5 ⭐️ for all the memories attached with this. like some of the others it only deserved 4, because there wasn't much sufficient things that happened.

hollypaw- im starting to like hollypaw more because shes a classic overthinker and she's definitely ocd and paranoid which i relate to. her story is really sad once you've read the whole series.

lionpaw- y'all our boi is finally realizing he's got powers. ngl i can see some red flags 🚩 in him, for one he's really immature, kinda stupid if we're being honest, he's also kinda blood-thirsty. so i guess we just are going to watch out for that

✨jaypaw✨- ma boi is just so curious and grumpy it's definitely a vibe, love this guy. i definitely like jaypaws character development, he gets more mature and wise each book. i love how his sibs are just like "how did he know that" and jay is just like "you wish you knew" i love it.

plot- meh this was kinda a pointless book because at the end we find out they weren't even wanted there at all by The Tribe of Endless Hunting or StarClan. so it was basically pointless. how nice..... i still loved this book.

well i'll see you in my next review, have a great day:)
Profile Image for bugreadbook.
268 reviews2 followers
June 4, 2022
this one was ok. i kinda don’t understand what’s going on with the tribe and the prophecy but i think we’re not meant to understand and that it’ll all make sense in later books. this third season feels like a part 2 of season 2. they’re wrapping up loose ends from season 2, which i suppose makes sense, but i kinda liked how in season 1 everything was wrapped up in a self-contained story. this third season is better than the second one, but i just hope everything gets wrapped up in the next 3 books.
Profile Image for Jordan.
624 reviews42 followers
March 8, 2023
Reread, All-Time Fave

I enjoyed this one! We return to the Tribe of Rushing Water, which I enjoyed. I feel like this one is a little less interesting than the last one though. It was interesting to hear all the discourse on how to help the Tribe bc so many of the characters had reservations about what they were doing but no compromise. That was a bit frustrating. Also it’s really funny to see how heavy handed some of the foreshadowing is in terms of one of the major reveals if the series. I definitely didn’t notice it until I read it as an adult.
Profile Image for Smaug the Unmerciful Editor.
90 reviews35 followers
August 10, 2019
This book is the filler for the series. Nothing outstanding, cool, incredible or really anything important happens here. It could easily be summed up in a chapter, in a recollection scene or something. I suppose Jaypaw could have gotten all the info he needed from the Tribe cats living with ThunderClan as well, instead of trek all the way to the mountains just to learn some mystical things.
Skip this book, if you wish. It won't make much of a difference.
Profile Image for Reian.
126 reviews
May 16, 2019
Oh my God this was absolutely LOADED I need to write something thoughtful that isnt possible at 11.20pm
Displaying 1 - 30 of 603 reviews

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