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The Screwfly Solution

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The Screwfly Solution "is a 1977 science fiction short story by Raccoona Sheldon, a pen name for psychologist Alice Sheldon, who was better known by her other nom de plume, James Tiptree, Jr. It received the Nebula Award for Best Novelette, and has been adapted into a television film.

22 pages

First published June 1, 1977

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About the author

Raccoona Sheldon

Pseudonym of science fiction authorJames Tiptree, Jr.(Alice Bradley Sheldon).


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 118 reviews
Profile Image for Nicholas Perez.
504 reviews113 followers
June 29, 2022
Read here.

I am not sure how to feel about the ending of this otherwise haunting, brilliantly written, and poignant sci-fi horror story by Raccoona Sheldon, a.k.a Alice Sheldon, a.k.a James Tiptree, Jr.

"The Screwfly Solution" is an apocalyptic short story where men across the world start violently sexually assaulting and killing women for unexplained reasons. Told primarily through letters between husband and wife pair Alan and Anne, we gradually see the rising deaths of women and the hyper-aggression of men come out. Many millenarian religious groups, such as the Sons of Adam, spring up trying to theologically explain why this happens: that killing women, the animalistic half of humanity (an actually very ancient misogynistic stereotype), will bring one closer to God. Some other religious prejudices towards women get reaffirmed.

However, the religious fundamentalism is merely one aspect of the story. Throughout the story there is constant debate as to how such a phenomenon--femicide--is possible. Alan later links it to men's sexual desires for women being converted into violent impulses. There's even commentary about the age-old discussion of men's sexuality being tied to their aggression.

I was hooked on this story because of its themes of male aggression and how certain philosophical or religious doctrines can justify certain appalling behaviors. There was nuance as it showed not all men were inherently aggressive or dangerous and that there were some men who tried to help the women from being attacked.

Until the ending.

A lot people liked the ending, but I'm conflicted about it. At the end, Anne later learns that aliens have been controlling the men of Earth to attack women and everyone else so that the human population can be wiped out so the aliens can take over. The reasons I'm conflicted is because it seems like a "Gotcha!" thing, as one other reviewer said, and somewhat throws out the musing and discussion that Sheldon had written into the text. On the other hand, it seems like it can parallel Sheldon's comments on the philosophical and religious fundamentalism justifying certain behaviors. Although, with the latter issue, the story shows that this springs up as response to the femicide phenomenon, not as a cause to it. So, I'm conflicted. The story seems to be a warning about male sexual aggression but then it seems to give an unsatisfactory reasons behind it.

Perhaps the alien thing is meant to show how an outside observer can even see the fraught relationship between men and women...I don't know. Other than that, I really liked Sheldon's prose and writing.
Profile Image for Viv JM.
705 reviews169 followers
February 12, 2017
I read this short story in the anthologySisters of the Revolution: A Feminist Speculative Fiction Anthology.Frankly, it is terrifying!! It tells the story of a future world where something seems to be driving men to femicide, and cults are growing up that justify this - for example in America are the Sons of Adam who believe that God is telling them to eliminate women. The growing sense of fear and chaos feels only too realistic, especially considering this is only a short story. I've never read any James Tiptree Jr, but I am keen to do so after reading this.
Profile Image for Tras.
212 reviews51 followers
July 20, 2018
Holy shit! This is one truly terrifying short story.
Profile Image for Netanella.
4,439 reviews12 followers
January 24, 2023
This way there's no muss, no fuss. Just like what we did to the screwfly. Pinpoint the weak link, wait a bit while we do it for them.

Holy apocalypse, this was effin' good, and well deserved of Nebula, Hugo, and Locus nods. Published in 1977, this tense story, told in a series of letters and notes, reads extremely well as SF horror almost fifty years later. The title refers to the "sterile insect technique" that scientists use to control and eliminate the population of parasitic insects. The full meaning of the title is revealed at the very end of the story, and adds an additional layer of horror. Personally, I loved the twist at the end.

While reading this, I learned that the excellent "Masters of Horror" tv series created an installment for this back in 2006, Season 2, Episode 7, which I must now track down and watch.
Profile Image for Graeme Rodaughan.
Author9 books393 followers
February 26, 2023
Artfully written story where humanity gets the treatment...

Recommended (on technical grounds). 5 'Exterminate, Exterminate, Exterminate,' stars.

(The Dalek reference is deliberate...).
Profile Image for Peter Tillman.
3,764 reviews420 followers
January 31, 2019
Online copy:https://lexal.net/scifi/scifiction/cl...
Or (better?):https://web.archive.org/web/200807022...
Formerly on the defunct scifi.com classics reprints. You may want to copy the story and paste it as plain text, to get rid of the annoying gray background.

Many paper reprints as well. Excellent, chilling story. One to read, as James Nicoll used to say, when your will-to-live gets too strong. The last line is classic:
Profile Image for Cliff Jr..
Author8 books42 followers
August 22, 2018
Holy crap. This is a good one. Without spoiling anything, I'd say it's sort of like a zombie movie or an alien invasion movie but all the more gripping because it's horrifyingly close to real psychological issues that we're already dealing with today.
18 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2022
Warning: as this review contains analysis of the story, I will not be holding back on spoilers. Please read at your own discretion!

Even now, with the all the advances of the 21st century, women are still the gender getting the short end of the stick. While not immediately obvious in the bulk of modern civilization, there are still heavy dregs remaining in the cup of human society. Boys are still expected to partake in activities of strength and courage. Girls are still expected to be soft and submissive and focus on attracting a partner. That was the reality of Raccoona Sheldon (real name Alice Sheldon) knew in 1977 America. Sexism may have been quite stronger then, with domestic abuse being a lighthearted topic among American men (like in the show Mad Men). But even now, seeing Sheldon’s story take that abuse of women to horrific extremes still strikes a chord within our hearts.

The Screwfly Solution, while written by a passionate feminist (and it shows) still incredibly feels possible in our day and age.

At the town of Cuyapan in Mexico, Adam Alstein is working on a biological process to exterminate the local population of caneflies. These insects lay their eggs inside humans, the former of which hatch into larvae that feed on their host’s interior. During the humid nights he reads letters from his wife Ann back in the USA. She tells him of the daily joys and troubles in their household with him away, but as the letters keep arriving, Ann focuses more and more on a single terrifying topic: a sudden exploding movement of men murdering (and maybe also raping) any and all females around them.

What quickly struck me was that almost the entire story (save for Adam on his travels, being the reader) is told through letters. Most of the context and lore behind the story world is revealed by Anne’s recounting and Barney’s documents. Sheldon actually does a really good job putting herself in the shoes of a letter-writer: not too much, but still enough. The right amount of witty humor and imagery, but never getting too carried away with the prose.

The development of the female massacre movement across the globe is a master stroke of storytelling. What starts out as a global shock and crisis comparable (actually not) to the Russo-Ukrainian war gradually and steadily transforms into a wrecked, burning dystopia of femicide. Ann’s decision to commit suicide rather than die a slow, freezing death was an unexpected blow to the reader, but after everything that happened, (and with the twist at the end) it actually feels quite fitting in hindsight.

The ending twist of The Screwfly Solution was the perfect ribbon of plot threads, the chef’s kiss of the story. In Ann’s final letter in which she announces the decision to kill herself, she finally recounts something she saw in the forest before writing the letter to Barney (which would likely never reach him). It was what some of the femicide-crazed men had called “an angel from God”: a Christianity-based cult had formed among the femicidal men, claiming that God had ordered humanity to purge itself of females for the next stage of human life. Ann now realizes that the “angel” is in fact an extraterrestrial lifeform-of a race that had spread stimulating substances across Earth’s atmosphere, causing men to become murderously violent against women. And with no more reproduction, humanity would soon become extinct, freeing up space for the alien race to set up shop. A real estate agent.

The true twist is that the aliens are a further reflection of humanity’s superiority complex over all other lifeforms on Earth. Being the only known species on the planet to have gained intelligence and created civilization, we see all other lifeforms simply as resources to reap or nuisances to exterminate. Much like we treat cockroaches, rats and mosquitoes with irritation and violence, not thinking of how they must think and feel.

I personally call this the “nesting doll technique”. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (by Douglass Adams), a fleet of space faring Vogons vaporize Earth for construction purposes, at the same time that protagonist Arthur Dent’s house is being demolished by the local British authorities for the same thing. In The Screwfly Solution, Adam sees the local caneflies a menace, taking joy in sterilizing the female fly populations to send the species to extinction-only ever seeing these living creatures as a dangerous nuisance.

Less than human.

The alien’s own extermination project was a mirror of Adam’s, the bigger Matroyshka doll on top of our own. And humanity is the first to pay the price for its arrogance.

The Screwfly Solution is an amazing commentary on not just human nature, but also how we would likely be treated by the bigger fish when it arrives.

Profile Image for Badseedgirl.
1,383 reviews70 followers
November 8, 2016
In the 60's, the tv series "The Twilight Zone" introduced sci-fi readers to wonderful authors by basing several of the episodes on short stories. What "Twilight Zone" did in the 60's, "The Showtime anthology series" The Masters of Horror "did for me in the 2000's.The Screwfly Solutionwas on of these finds (Season 2, episode 7).

An eerie and, and frankly terrifying story about the destruction of humanity,The Screwfly Solutionis written in a series of letters to and from a husband and wife. It is horrific to watch humanity crumble in this manner. Every time I read one of these excellent short stories I wonder why I don't read more of them.
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,292 reviews167 followers
January 21, 2019
Haunting Hugo, Nebula and Locus award winning tale about sudden and spontaneous outbreaks of men killing women all around the world for mysterious reasons.
Profile Image for Nancy.
1,046 reviews50 followers
February 18, 2019
Absolutely riveting!
Nebula Award 1977 Best Novelette (SF)

My Thoughts

September 1, 2022
After reading this story, I felt perplexed and in awe by how well Raccoona Sheldon executes the concept of humanity getting bested by a superior alien species so brilliantly and flawlessly. Typically, modern science fiction films/stories depict aliens invading Earth with an armada of technologically advanced warships, sophisticated weapons, and all that extravaganza. The results are rather predictable; humanity manages to outsmart the aliens, then finds a way to successfully defeat their invaders. Raccoona Sheldon, being the revolutionary author that she is however, begs to differ.

The Screwfly Solution presents a story where humanity has descended into an apocalypse, with men sexually assaulting women and murdering them due to a mysterious agent being spread into the air, biologically forcing them to commit violent actions against all females. It is revealed later that this is part of a scheme for the aliens to take over the planet-by ridding it of its people!

What I love about The Screwfly Solution was how subtle and unforeseen the context of "a hostile alien takeover" was throughout the story. It neglects your standard expectations of what an alien invasion story would be about, then proceeds to completely blow your mind with its various unexpected twists and turns. Whilst I was reading, I had no idea the plot even involved aliens until the absolute end of the story, where it was finally revealed that the true antagonists behind the plot were not unexplainable ecological disasters or femicide cults, but rather hostile extraterrestrials wanting to take over. The 'take over' does not even involve a fight or destructive bombings. Rather, it occurs swiftly and quietly, in the form of lethal agents being spread in the air without the enemy even realizing it. The once intellectually advanced and bright humans were reduced to mindless animals, slaughtering each other until eventually they proved to be their own undoing.

The term 'Homo Sapiens', meaning 'wise man', is utterly humiliated and belittled by the threat that is being posed in the story. Humans, which are depicted as the smartest and most intelligent species on Earth, were easily manipulated and tricked up to the point that they don't even realize what was going on until it was too late. It suggests to us an idea that maybe humans are not always so smart as they are made out to be. Sheldon's depiction of humans succumbing to their inner desire for violence and sex also brings up an abstract philosophical viewpoint, which suggests that humanity's' actions would ultimately result in their own ruination, due to how irresponsible and reckless man can be when it comes to losing control to his emotions and darkest desires.

Another thing I like about this story is also how the author uses anecdotes and letters to further advance the plot. It helps create a sense of mystery for the reader become more curious and invested in the story, and this technique definitely worked for me. Although the wording and vocabulary was rather complex at times, it felt very rewarding in the end to finish what could only be described as an outstanding masterpiece.

Surprisingly, despite reviews describing 'The Screwfly Solution' as being violent or disturbing, my mind completely disregarded those feelings and instead opted to focus on how thrilling it felt to see such a fascinating story be brought to life through Sheldon's flawless writing. This will probably be one of my most favorite science fiction books for a long time!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
20 reviews
September 1, 2022
Story – 75 / 100

Language – 75 / 100

Ideas – 90 / 100

Characters – 60 / 100

Enjoyment – 80 / 100

Overall Score – 76 / 100

What’s interesting about this book is the message it conveys. This novel discusses the topics of human sexual desire and sexual violence but through questionably terrifying science fiction. “The Screwfly Solution” is an apocalyptic short story about an infection that makes men murder and commit heinous sexual acts upon the women of the world. The story is told primarily through letters between Alan and Anne, husband and wife. I think that at first it was quite difficult to understand the story through the minds or letters of the characters.

As the story progressed and was revealed through the letters, I found it to be kind of intense and intriguing but not to the point that I was on the edge of my chair. This story was interesting enough to keep me reading it, but what also kept me reading it was how dark and demented this short story was. I truly appreciate how the message was projected through its plot of an alien-instigated disease / infection. In the story, the aliens, who were considered “angels”, set in place some sort of disease that slowly takes over the world. This disease caused men throughout the world to commit femicide, this is where the desire for sex and violence comes in. Although it is dark, I find this theme entertaining, especially in the genre of science fiction. In “The Screwfly Solution”, the men use religious beliefs and philosophy to justify the atrocious attacks on women. Though, there were still some situations where some men did try to help women from being attacked.

One thing that I do not like about the story is its ending. I thought that The Screwfly Solution’s ending was rather dull and boring. I mean, sure, it revealed what really was happening, but I just thought that it could have been some grand introduction to aliens not just a description of what happened through the mind of character. Though I guess since the story is indeed primarily told through letters, it would be quite difficult if not impossible.
25 reviews
September 1, 2022
*Contains Spoilers*

This short story, The Screwfly Solution, is really one of a kind written by a certified psychologist author, Alice Sheldon. Right around I was about to finish reading this, I just realized that the title itself is a huge foreshadowing of the short story. The Screwfly Solution refers to a way to sterile insects by altering the insects’ DNA. The Screwfly Solution is a term used to describe a technique for sterilizing insects by altering their DNA. By releasing these genetically altered, unnatural males into the wild to compete with and outnumber the fertile males for multiple generations until the entire population is totally destroyed, this strategy aids in the eradication of a large population of screw flies. The masculine nature was altered and warped into sexual and violent behaviors, which resulted in catastrophic outcomes and disasters for the human species. This is exactly how the story will play out.

This second Sci-fi story that I read seems to be more interesting for me than the first one, which is The Hanging Stranger by Philip K. Dick. The message Sheldon wants to convey is really what I find very controversial. In this narrative, a biological weapon or disease that makes men crave sex and become violent was released by the "real estate agent" or aliens. This disease spread throughout the world where femicide is happening everywhere. This is again an example of a ‘human issue’ humans experienced, men violating and beating up women. Even though it's already a grim and gloomy topic to discuss, Sheldon took this to another level by making it so that the males no longer felt responsible nor cared about keeping the females alive.

Once more, I admire and adore the idea that every author creates their own stories based on their unique interpretations of science fiction. However, I still found it more enjoyable than The Hanging Stranger since the novel was bold enough to discuss violence at its extremity. Everything was excellent, but it didn't quite stick to its landing because it gives us this brief, fast, unsatisfied conclusion.
September 19, 2023
Screwfly Solution
It’s evident the person who’s written this has a few screws loose in her head. And that’s not
even a disparaging remark, I mean it in a good way, a way that emphasizes its weirdness. An
old work on the contrast between men and women. It’s evident the writer has a vendetta against
men, making them out to be lust monsters who only think of sex and killing women. But I feel
like the writer doesn’t let the women get off scot-free calling them weak, and basically
eluding to the fact they just take the abuse from men. I think the main takeaway is the message
this piece of art sends, as to put it simply this story is used as a mirror to reflect the correlation
between male aggression and male lust, and the fact that when male aggression gets provoked
the female population has to be on the receiving end. Then women have to come up with a
means of resolution, either by dressing up as men or not going out altogether. These acts are
very reminiscent of various societies in our society, past and present. As some cultures preach
that sometimes when a woman displays her femininity, she is responsible for the actions of the
men who see her. Which I believe should be somewhat fought against, presumably with laws, or
communication across the gender divide maybe even personally, holding yourself accountable,
or simply holding yourself to a standard that is appropriate. As long as alien interference doesn’t
mess with our brains, we can curtail male aggression, whilst doing so not having to restrict any
of women’s rights. Overall it was a great book, with a decent message. Though that wasn’t
what made the book stand out, it was a big part, but mainly it was thanks to the unthinkable
twists and turns, the image put into our heads of the scariness and the creepiness of everything.
The fact of how unique this was I’ve never seen a work of literature about men being monsters
so popularized but I guess there’s a first time for everything, the author is clearly talented but
maybe with some schizophrenia pills she’d be more mentally sound.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
9 reviews
September 2, 2022
First of all, I’m just gonna say…. What did I just read? I mean, don’t get me wrong, this story was really captivating and definitely a plot i’ll never forget, but wow did it make me question a lot of things. Lets start with the violence. DO NOT read this book if you are sensitive to things like rape and murder in stories. This book is not for you. There are so many weird scenes in this story that made me want to just take a deep breath and digest all the weird information I just read. There was a scene that I was quite disturbed by and made me question if the main character of this book was even a good person.


He’s not. Also, the author of this book seemed to really hate men! I’m a feminist who believes in the equality of men and women so I understand what she was trying to get out of people by writing this story, but dang she gave men no mercy. She really just exaggerated so much about men’s feelings towards women and how they felt around us. Though it was all a bit over the top, the way she portrayed men, I do believe that the idea she had for this story and describing them like she did will make a lot of people realize that we do live in a really messed up world and there are real men that treat women like this, and it sucks. And that society just treats it like its normal. This story made me think about the real cases where men raped and SA’d girls, and the times women spoke up about it but the men get away with barely a punishment because it’s just what boys do. Now, do I think I believe that every single man is a sexual predator, absolutely NOT. I think most men have decency, but this story showed a scenario where every man was a sexual predator, and that sounds absolutely terrifying. Overall, this book was unforgettable. I wont give it 5 stars though because I did get confused sometimes with the storyline and it wasn’t always a smooth read, but definitely not something i’m going to forget. My rating is an 8/10. Definitely recommend.
Profile Image for Meg Thamthai.
7 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2022
The Screwfly Solution is not a typical science fiction that you wouldn’t normally. It vile, disturbing, and it will leave you in awe. Alice Sheldon is a feminism activist that was ahead of her time. When she wrote the story it was around the time that feminism started to become popular. Her pen named was James Tiptree Jr. and the public didn’t know that the story was written by a women until her death. It was shocking that some of the most disturbing story going against women. The Screwfly Solution went the polar opposite from the idea of feminism. The story is reflecting the issue of sexism that was prevalent during her time. At the time, sexism was still lingering around and men having prejudice toward women. Domestic violence during the 1980s when the story was written and even before seems to be a norm in society. The topic of domestic violence was a laughing matter at the time. Sheldon took both elements and adapted into her story bringing it to the highest height. She meshes these things together very well and hidden details that might make you think it wasn’t science fiction after all.Sheldon tells her stories the interaction between the letters which make these interesting. This creates a sense of mystery that the reader might not all the full picture of what is happening. Overall, I really enjoy this short story and I would recommend it to anyone butagain be warned that the story is graphic and disturbing.
September 1, 2022

The Screwfly Solution

Stories-9, Language-9, Ideas-9, Characters-7, Enjoyment-10, Overall-8.8

This review contains spoilers of the story.

This story took the idea of a hidden biological instinct in humans to the limit nobody could ever imagine. The natural instinct that has secretly been building up inside the human mind through evolution and natural selection for millennia was measly altered and played with, yet it led the delicately evolved human race to an end. By building merging the idea of sexual desires and violence, the story fully stood out amongst the story I have previously read. I give all the gloriousness of this idea to the writer of this story and her psychological background. Who would understand the workings of the human mind better than a person who have spent countless hours studying it? The fact that this idea is possible in the real life just by adding drops of violence into the horniness of the current generations is both thrilling and mesmerizing.

This story also introduced a new perspective to the self-proclaimed smartest species on Earth. What would happen if we were not the smartest? How would we be treated? This one is an example of the infinite ways we would be treated. Even with a fully working nervous system and conscious mind, humanity in the story were easily manipulated without even knowing. We were treated like the screw flies, something I personally would not even imagine ever happening. The story also chose the man to be doing the killing. This deeply reflects men’s supremacy during the time this story was written and gave the book a deeper meaning. I highly recommend it, just be ready for the thrills to come.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Pass.
21 reviews
September 1, 2022
[This review contains spoiler]

The book introduces a very interesting concept regarding the human condition as something that can be manipulated to an extreme that makes human doesn’t seem like human's but an animal. Though the story is written in a very complex way that makes it really hard for newcomers who are getting into books to read and actually understand the story. Even for me I was confused if some of the parts were even connected to each other since the story would cut off quite quickly after an event was mentioned and I would realize it later in discussions about the book. This book would probably make someone never go back to reading again though or it might make them more interested because in the book it does dive into concepts that you think you know well enough about and twist it around. The ending at the end where there was a mention of a “Real estate agent” seemed to be more like the author’s word rather than the character though but this quote right here just describes how insignificant we humans really are in the grand scheme of things in the universe and how we can easily be eradicated just like how the main characters in the story eradicated the screw fly simply out of annoyance rather than having any deep hatred for them. Tough this story might not be suitable for someone who’s very sensitive to gore especially kids so if you ever want them to read it just wait until they become teens first since it would mess with their reality and understanding of the world probably. I would give story around a 4 because the concept is pretty interesting and how much it dives into society though the writing is abit too convoluted for me to understand through first time reading it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
September 4, 2023
The screw fly solution is a abomination of horror and possibility mixed in together. The concept of men sexual desire that sometimes led to violence due to the hard distinction between them. This story is logically scary.

“A potential difficulty for our species has always been implicit in the close linkage between the behavioral expression of aggression/predation and sexual reproduction in the male. This close linkage involves (a) many of the same neuromuscular pathways which are utilized both in predatory and sexual pursuit, grasping, mounting, etc., and (b) similar states of adrenergic arousal which are activated in both.”

This may seem like fiction at first, however this has been proven by scientists to the be trye.

Story wises this story is quite well written. It is written in the format of a diary of a woman that presumably is the last surviving women on earth.

This story also explores how we humans treat other species and nature. We treat it like we are the landlord, swiping of all species that are inconvenience to us (Such as the screw fly).

Overall, I think the story could have been better by incorporating a more underline plot instead of throwing facts at the reader. It could have slowly follow the discovery of the disease and how it affects people. It also could have included the diary of more people instead of focusing on one singly family.

The concept behind the story is scary but the actual horror implementation is just mediocre at best. No details on how horrors are commited just a vagueness of kill, death and kill again. This is why I gave the story only 3 stars due to the many possibilities that this story could’ve been better.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
15 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2023

The Screw fly solution is a great well written short story written by someone who clearly has a lot of contempt for men and women. Which is not surprising considering the time it was written. The characters were ok, but the pacing was perfect, not too fast nor too slow. The plot of it was extremely interesting and captivating.

The plot of it is that an outbreak of a something is causing men to become animals running only based on their primordial desires and instincts. This causes men to go around raping and killing women all over the world. The author sets up the plot and the mystery behind it very well, not letting the readers know the truth behind it and building the mystery up to the very end of the story. The payoff of the mystery is not as rewarding but is someone set up during the story with the people doing experiments.

The characters were developed just enough for me to somewhat care about them but also enough to not waste time or ruin the pacing of the story.

The pacing is great, it is consistent throughout the entire story. The story isn't too fast nor too slow. The story flowed and was great to read. The pacing made time feel fast, the development of the story was just fast enough for me to understand it while not being so slow as to bore me.

The theme of the short story being men are violent and bad while women being peaceful and too docile is kind of dated. It is understandable why the author chose this as the theme, considering the time that it was written.

Overall, 4/5 the way they wrote men really got to me the rest is pretty good. The gore didn’t get to me though I've seen worse on reddit.
Profile Image for Pan.
75 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2022
Story: 7

Language: 6

Ideas: 9

Characters: 6

Enjoyment: 7

Rating: 7

I will literally spoil every page of this book no cap fr fr

I was forced to read this book for a class, but it was not entirely a horrible experience, surprisingly enough.

The most striking aspect of the book were the thought-provoking ideas and perspectives. Quite impressive for a quick read like this. The author telling me, a male, that men are biologically hardwired to conflate sex with violence was a bit outlandish, but the explanations and writing made her views strangely understandable as I was reading it. I think the best part was at the twist ending where the parallel between how humans exterminate lesser species that are a nuisance and superior aliens doing the same thing to humans is made. To think that all the death and violence that the characters enjoyed throughout the story was done without malice, just an extermination some primate pests for the aliens, was chilling.

The plot was quite hard to follow at times due to how it is presented as letters, so it took me a second read to really grasp what was going on. When I did understand it, it was alright, if not a little predictable. The characters are decent enough and I enjoy the impression of PhD level dialogue. However, as this is a short story, they don’t quite get the full development to make them truly interesting.

The subject matter would and probably should evoke some strong emotions for the average respectable person, and that was certainly the intention of the author. However, I’m quite desensitized and I didn’t quite get the entire experience. Even without the strong reaction from me, it was still an interesting and decently enjoyable read, a bit of a page turner as this site likes to put it
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
2 reviews
September 2, 2022
The Screwfly solution is a short science fiction story about how the alien uses a certain particle to invoke the vulnerable points and weaknesses in humans to clear off the whole human population, which in this case are human's belief system, violence-natured, and lust. The story progressed through the viewpoint of a character that is being turned into a murderer from a normal man and this causes other events in the plot of the story later on. However, this story doesn't really focus on the character's personality and development but more on the plot and the concept that the author established.

I think the writer describes the speaker's feeling and thought really well so that it makes the reader really understand what's going on inside the speaker and thus has a convincing effect on the reader's thought and the way the reader perceived the information given in the story as well. When finished reading the story, I feel like the way that the writer makes me understand the point of view of the character too much causes me to naturally (without realizing) think that something about the story is kind of reasonable. I think the writer does a really good job of making the reader unrealizable thinking in the same style as the character in the story. However, that doesn't mean this book would be enjoyable to everyone since the contents contain violence and a kind of psychopath thought of characters. Therefore after reading the text you might have some kind of overthinking mood about stuff. Therefore, this story would be good for people who have an interest in horror stories or reflections on human issues in society.
Profile Image for Ing Mungkung.
14 reviews
September 1, 2023
This is definitely one of the most disturbing stories I have ever read in my entire life, and I’m definitely never reading it again. Honestly speaking, I didn’t really know what was going on throughout the story. The main point I got was that aliens came to Earth and made all the men go on a killing spree, murdering and raping all the women the moment they see them.

The story overall was okay. Not great, but not bad. Other than all the gory things that happen in this story, the plot is simple (so basically everybody dies at in the end and aliens take over Earth). I don’t think there is a big plot twist or anything. I didn’t really feel anything other than uneasiness reading the story. However, I don’t think the point of the author writing “The Screwfly Solution” was for entertaining people (well, unless you enjoy reading things like things in which I recommend you go get some help). After learning about the author Raccoona Sheldon, I thought that she was so cool. She served in WW2 and was also a spy? Just wow. Setting aside her ridiculous accomplishments, “The Screwfly Solution” reflects on the problems she might have seen or experienced, mainly about violence and sexual desires against women. The reason why the book was so brutal, and disturbing was to show the reader the harsh realities some women face. Considering the time this story was written, I truly respect Raccoona Sheldon for writing this story and spreading awareness of sexual and physical violence against women which was still normalized back then.

Even though my brain is telling me to give this story 2 stars, my heart is telling me I need to rate it higher. So I’ll give it a 3.5 stars. Maybe I am still too immature to be reading a story like this. I think I’ll like it more when I’m older.
14 reviews
September 4, 2023
“The Screwfly Solution” is a provoking science ficton story that explores into the themes of alien, gender and violence, and social commentary. They story is presented in a letter format exchanged between a husband and wife. To be honest, I didn’t know what going on throughout the story; I didn’t grasp anything until very last pages. Persoanlly, I find this short story quite impressive, from the author’s background to the hidden value behind the story.
Since Raccoona Sheldom, the author of this story, served as a photo-intelligence officer in the U.S. Army Air during World War II, she was able to witness the brutal treatment of women by men. At first, she was believed to be a male writer due to the remarkable male-like realism in her writing style. Finally, in the year 1977, it was revealed that she was a woman. Some people even claim that her male-like writing style may have been influenced by her firsthand observation of how men violently treat women. And the idea that aliens employ social commentary as a means to destroy humanity is genius, considering how a small factor can have a far-reaching impact that could potentially collapse the survival of humanity. More importantly, the author also uses “The Screwfly Solution” to reflects social issues – domestics discrimination and violence against women. I truly appreciated how Raccoona Sheldom uses her writing to raise and spread awareness of discrimination against women

Overall, this short story is impressive to me, but it might be disturbing for others, as I enjoy reading books that involve violent content.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sebastian Yeong.
21 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2022
The book “The Screwfly Solution” by Raccoona Sheldon is frankly the only book that has ever creeped me out and really woke me up from being half-asleep in class. I am not saying that this book is horrible, it is a terrific book to read, just a weird one. After finding out more about the author, everything in the book made more sense. She was Raccoona Sheldon, an author who had drafted many books allegedly both as a male and a female. Back then on how society was structured, she knew she would get flamed for authoring such different stories as a female, so she had authored books under the name James Tiptree Jr. That is not something you would hear every day. Coincidently, her story was very much relevant to this story.

All right enough of the author, let us talk about the book. To begin with, it is really disturbing, but interesting. I do not want to spoil a lot, but it is story where men started violently/sexually assaulting and killing women rapidly, written by a woman. Weirdly, there is also seemed to not be any hate towards men in the story, but instead towards women. As I read this story, it made me think that by men killing all women, it would be the equivalent act of ending humanity. It is ironic how some writers already admit how humanity can end horrendously just because of dumb decisions and motive, whatever that may be is their imagination, by authoring a story about it. I could just say that this book is a plot-twister.
Profile Image for Mo.
14 reviews1 follower
September 1, 2023
The Screwfly Solution could be one of the most terrifying books I ever read; I can’t imagine what goes through the author’s mind. Is she insane, or is she creative? I truly do love how the author brings what has been inside our species for a long time: violence. Violence toward everything, sexual desire, and violence acts towards women It blew me away how easy it is to destroy humankind. It is like an ant; when the queen dies, the entire colony is slowly dying. It’s a cruel but smart way to sweep entire existence to become history. It’s easy to manipulate people by using religion or beliefs to convey men's desire to attack women. After doing some research, I understand that the title is a foreshadowing of the entire story! To summarize, the screwfly solution is a technique for eradicating the population of screwflies by releasing large amounts of sterilized males that will compete with fertile females. By doing so, the consequences will be reduced of populations for each generation. It’s amazing! Everything is well executed; the author is borderline insane, and I truly love it. In my opinion, I really love this book because it disturbs me in a way that I never felt before. I feel weird and I feel disturbed, and more curious about what will happen next. In the end, humans can be manipulated in such an extreme way that there won’t be any noticeable trace that someone is controlling them, and we are easy to eradicate from this vast big infinite universe by higher-intelligence species.
6 reviews
September 4, 2023
I was told that this story was going to be disturbing but I was prepared and didn’t expect anything. First page in and I’m like… WOW. MEN………………..

I’ve read quite a few stories where letters were used to narrate the story back and forth, and I like how this was used here as well. The author also did an amazing job reflecting on a lot of real-world problems like sexual abuse, misogyny, cults, racism, politics, and many more. The terrifying graphic description of all the violent and sexual scenes really adds to the writing and it felt so real at some point. It made me wonder what kind of person this author has to be to write something like this. After learning more about the life of Raccoona Sheldon/James Tiptree Jr., it makes sense.

It feels a bit wrong to say I liked the plot since the content is definitely not something likable, but I think it was good. By “like” I mean I just like the overall plot of the story, but I think the twist at the end was a bit bland? It did not have as much impact as it should have in my opinion. I get that the aliens are supposed to symbolize how humans treat others or something along that line, but maybe it might have been better if early on in the story there was a hint or mystery that brings us towards the aliens instead of it just popping up like that. The screwfly solution symbolism was very creative though.

Giving it a 4 star because overall it was a good read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 118 reviews

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