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The Bear and the Piano#1

The Bear and the Piano

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One day, a young bear stumbles upon something he has never seen before in the forest. As time passes, he teaches himself how to play the strange instrument, and eventually the beautiful sounds are heard by a father and son who are picnicking in the woods. The bear goes with them on an incredible journey to New York, where his piano playing makes him a huge star. He has fame, fortune and all the music in the world, but he misses the friends and family he has left behind. A moving tale of exploration and belonging from an exciting debut author-illustrator.

40 pages, Hardcover

First published September 3, 2015

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About the author

David Litchfield

David Litchfield is a multi-award winning illustrator and author represented by The Bright Agency.
David first started to draw when he was very young, creating Star Wars and Indiana Jones ‘mash up’ comics for his older brother and sister. Since then David’s work has appeared in magazines, newspapers, books and on T-shirts. He has also exhibited his illustrations in both solo and group shows in the U.K, Europe and America.

David’s author/illustrator picture books ‘The Bear & The Piano’ ‘Grandad’s Secret Giant’ ‘The Bear, The Piano, The Dog & The Fiddle’ ‘Lights On Cotton Rock’ and ‘The Bear, The Piano & Little Bear’s Concert’ and ‘Kid Christmas: Of The Claus Brothers Toyshop’ are all out now.

David has also illustrated a number of picture books and novels for authors such as Ross Montgomery, Gregory Maguire, David Almond and Smriti Halls as well as book covers for Kate Dicamillo, Neil Patrick Harris, Katya Balen and many more.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 631 reviews
Profile Image for Alex Sarll.
6,513 reviews330 followers
August 31, 2015
Essentially the same plot as every music biopic ever, but much better because a) it's shorter and b) the musician is a bear.
Profile Image for sAmAnE.
1,154 reviews126 followers
November 17, 2023
روزی روزگاری یک بچه خرس توی جنگل یک پیانو پیدا می کنه. این شروع داستانیه درباره موفقیت، شهرت، دودلی، تنهایی و احساس تعلق.
Profile Image for Maksym Karpovets.
329 reviews141 followers
July 29, 2018
Напевно, такими й повинні бути дитячі книжки: лаконічні й зрозумілі. Це своєрідний мінімалізм у цьому жанрі, де усе зайве відсікається, а основне - залишається. Не зважаючи на формальні ознаки, історія "Ведмідь-піаніст" підкуповує своєю щирістю, душевністю і, як не дивно, людяністю. Якщо звести до певного месиджу, то він тут такий: потрібно мріяти. Саме це найбільш важливо для дітей, для людей, що переконливо доводить цей маленький шедевр від ВСЛ. Можна спокійно брати для домашньої колекції, не переймаючись, що вам вже давно не три роки.
Profile Image for Zeynab.
165 reviews62 followers
December 16, 2022
چقدر کت و شلوار به خرسه میومد. کاراکتر جذابی داشت:)
Profile Image for Zahra Labbafan.
547 reviews29 followers
April 16, 2023
نمره ۲.۵

برای کودکان مطمئنا جذابه و اهمیت دوست و خانواده رو قشنگ توضیح میده
نقاشی هاش بامزه بود مخصوصا وقتی کت و شلوار پوشید:))
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,231 reviews181 followers
April 9, 2020
Красива, нежна, трогателна, поетична, смислена. Прекрасно композирана книга, чиято история върви като по ноти! Такава е картинната книга „Мечокът и пианото” (изд. „Фют” ), донесла известност и немалко награди на своя създател, талантливият илюстратор Дейвид Личфийлд. Едно малко мече ненадейно попада на чудноват предмет – истинско пиано, кой знае как попаднало насред гората. Под тежестта на тромавата мечешка лапа от пианото се разнася ужасното дрънчене, което прогонва младия откривател... и събужда любопитството му. На следващия ден мечето се престрашава и идва отново. Идва и на следващия ден... И на по-следващия... То продължава да идва ден след ден, седмици, месеци и дори години наред. А с всяко следващо посещение звуците на пианото се променяли и постепенно, с много труд и практика, страшното дрънчене се превърнало в омагьосваща музика. А какво се случва след това?Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле":https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/202...
Profile Image for Jason.
1,280 reviews133 followers
May 26, 2017
Found a couple of copies of this on a table at work with a sign saying "Free to those with kids" no idea who put them there, this looked like an interesting book so a nabbed a copy.

The story is pretty good, a bear that can play the piano and he becomes famous and is soon selling out theatres. By far the best part of the book are the full page illustrations, great use of colours and the bears look fantastic.

I recommend this for those with little kids, so if you see it sat on a table at work going for free grab one quick.
Profile Image for Belinda.
Author1 book22 followers
June 5, 2016
Bear finds piano
in a wood full of green light,
dandelion seed, flowers.
Bear is young, the sounds
of each key are discordant.

Days and days bear comes
to play each key until
there are clear patterns,
sounds that mimic the light
that finds its way through
rough barked branches.

A girl and father hear music
coming from a copse where bears
listen to sounds clean, strong, gentle.
Come, they say to bear, play in our city.

Such a woodless new place
yet bear plays his pieces,
appreciated, lauded, contented
except for a hollow under his
heart, a need for home.

On his return the woods
unchanged, a scent of clear air,
perfume, the deep loam underfoot.
Bear follows grey bear to his old
copse, his once familiar piano,
playing for friends always friends
music, always music,
leaving never more than
measured distance, the
unmeasured love of bears.
Profile Image for Brooke.
872 reviews459 followers
May 27, 2018
One day, a bear cub finds something strange and wonderful in the forest. When he touches the keys, they make a horrible noise. Yet he is drawn back again and again. Eventually, he learns to play beautiful sounds, much to the delight of the woodland friends. Then the bear is invited to leave the forest and share his sounds with new friends in the city. He longs to explore the world beyond his home, to hear new things, and to play bigger and better than before. But he knows that if he leaves, the other bears will be very sad.

Beautifully illustrated and sensitively told, “The Bear and the Piano”, will delight the whole family. Have I mentioned how much I love children’s stories? The wonderful messages that weave constantly throughout, and are told in whimsical fashion will always find a special place in my heart.
Profile Image for Karen Ireland &#x1f1ee;&#x1f1ea;.
310 reviews27 followers
November 29, 2018
This is a heart warming story for children, and the is a meaning behind the story, no how much money or fame you have if your not happy within yourself, all the other think won't bring happens
Profile Image for Luisa Knight.
2,934 reviews1,069 followers
March 13, 2018
You know who the Piano Guys are, right? They play beautiful music in breath-taking natural settings, such as on top of a sunset plateau, at a white sandy beach, or in a elf-ish like forest... Well this is the story of what happened to one of the pianos they left behind after a shoot.;)

Ages: 4 - 8

**Like my reviews? I also have hundreds of detailed reports that I offer too. These reports give a complete break-down of everything in the book, so you'll know just how clean it is or isn't. I also have Clean Guides (downloadable PDFs) which enable you to clean up your book before reading it! Visit my website: The Book Radar.
Profile Image for Abigail.
7,522 reviews230 followers
March 5, 2019
When a young bear discovers a piano in the woods one day, his first experiments in playing are unsuccessful, and he produces an awful noise. But something draws him back again and again as he grows to maturity, until finally the full-grown bear is an accomplished pianist. Although his skill wins him the admiration of his woodland kin, the bear is eventually drawn away from the wild, led by a young girl and her father to journey to the city, there to discover more music than he ever dreamed possible, and to pursue his great passion. But although he earns fame and fortune in his chosen career, a part of the bear will always be tied to his childhood home, something highlighted when he returns for a visit...

A stunning debut from British author/illustrator David Litchfield,The Bear and the Pianooffers a lovely, heartfelt exploration of the meaning of home and family, especially when one chooses to leave their society of origin to travel to another. It can be read so many ways - as an exploration of the immigrant experience, of leaving and then returning home; as a depiction of following one's artistic passion while also staying connected to one's roots - and is engaging, however it is interpreted. The artwork is beautiful, with vivid colors and magical scenes. The illustrations in which the bear discovers the piano in the woods were particularly enchanting - I was reminded of Lucy's discovery of the lamppost in Narnia! All in all, a very strong debut, both in terms of story and with regards to the artwork - I will be looking for more from the talented Mr. Litchfield!
Profile Image for Nouru-éddine.
1,273 reviews232 followers
March 20, 2019
This story is a great sample of all thoughts and feelings I have inside my heart. It gave me trust again to believe in my own thoughts and feelings I have no one to share with.

It is my agony:


It is tottaly how I deal with beautiful things for the first time in my life:




Profile Image for Bistra Ivanova.
847 reviews209 followers
November 11, 2017
Хареса ми историята за таланта, който се разгръща, пътува по света, печели сърца, но губи своето в близостта на семейството и приятелите. Красива история за завръщането и момента кога да послушаме сърцето си.
Profile Image for James Tostevin.
7 reviews2 followers
May 21, 2018
What a delightful book! An amazing story which conveys a beautiful and important message. A must read!
Profile Image for Rana Heshmati.
590 reviews850 followers
March 25, 2021
چندان به دلم ننشست.
خرسی که مضحکه دست آدما شده و میره تو برادوی پیانو میزنه. گرچه سعی کرده بود مثلاً مفاهیم دوستی و اینا رو درش جا بده.
Profile Image for Tasha.
4,117 reviews129 followers
June 9, 2016
One day a bear cub found something in the woods: a piano. When he touches the keys, the sounds are terrible. But year after year he comes back and presses the keys again. Eventually he learns to play beautiful sounds on the piano. Soon all of the bears in the forest are listening too. When a girl and her father hear the music, they invite the bear to come to the city with them to play. He agrees even though he knows the other bears will be sad. After playing piano to great acclaim and winning awards and fame, the bear starts to long for the forest again. But can he return to the old piano in the woods and the other bears?

Litchfield has created a terrific picture book that tells a full story arc that children and adults will appreciate. The book speaks to the transforming nature of music, the longing for something greater and more, and then the longing to return to one’s origins and roots. It is also about talent and setting someone free to pursue their dreams. The entire book has a tugging nature to it, a bear caught between two worlds and the desire for exploration and the continued tie to home. It is beautifully done.

Litchfield’s illustrations are done in mixed media. They have a translucent and light-filled feel, particularly the forest scenes where sunlight beams in and the page glows. There is a beautiful luminous quality to them, inviting readers deeply into the page and evoking the scent of trees and grass.

An exceptional picture book that is musical, nature-filled and grand. Appropriate for ages 4-6.
Profile Image for Miguel.
460 reviews12 followers
January 8, 2018
(...) O protagonista de 'O Urso e o Piano' fala é um urso preso entre dois mundos, que descobre a alegria da música, o vazio da fama e a importância dos amigos na sua vida. A história tem uma simbólica maior por o autor escolher o urso como o animal central, pois é do conhecimento geral que os ursídeos têm uma qualidade reconfortante e protectora, na medida em que são animais fortes e poderosos, mas ao mesmo tempo são seres vulneráveis. (...)
Profile Image for Ellie Labbett.
301 reviews17 followers
November 24, 2017
A fantastic tale outlining the conflict between staying with those that you love and doing the thing that you love. The dilemma is - can you do both?
I loved reading this story and felt that my understanding deepened after finding more out about Litchfield's inspiration- the song 'Little Room' by The White Stripes'. Perhaps it would be interesting to discuss the concept of the outdoors being a 'room' with children, and find out about their own ambitions beyond their 'room'.
Profile Image for Jillian Heise.
2,358 reviews537 followers
April 12, 2016
A story which at first I thought was headed somewhere else, and then wasn't sure in the middle if I was liking the direction, and then left me with tears in my eyes at the end. Loved it. Would be good to share with students in discussions on theme, building community, perseverance, and friendship.
January 22, 2022
The Bear and the Piano story is a good, pretty good encouraging story for young children to persevere, not give up on their dreams, and keep practicing and doing what makes them happy. The bear finds something he had never seen before. He can play it until the little girl and her dad tells him what it is called, and the bear becomes famous and soon sell out theatres. Although
The bear has found fame, fortune, and all the music in the world, but To me, the book offers several lessons: It teaches you to be persistent. It teaches you to have dreams in a city like New York City. However, the best part of the book is that he misses the friends and family he has left behind.
562 reviews3 followers
July 20, 2022
The book is about, surprise, surprise, a very grizzly grizzly who plays the piano splendidly for all and sundry in the big city, but splendidly and with love for all his furry friends in his home forest
Profile Image for Olivia Tosti.
31 reviews4 followers
October 14, 2017
The illustrations in this book are unreal, combining a magical yet manic world.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 631 reviews

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