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Sea of Stars

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Eighteen-year-old Kricket Hollowell was looking for her place in the world when she discovered that the universe was bigger—and more dangerous—than she had ever dreamed. Now, whisked across space to the planet Ethar, Kricket learns that her genetic ability to see the future makes her a sought-after commodity…and the catalyst for war between her star-crossed parents’ clans. According to Alameedan prophecy, one house will rise to power and the other will be completely wiped out, and Kricket’s precognition is believed to be the weapon that will tip the scales. A target of both the Rafe and the Alameeda houses, Kricket finds protection—and a home—in the arms of Trey, her Etharian bodyguard-turned-boyfriend. But her visions of what’s to come disturb her deeply, especially since she must discover whether the gift of foresight will allow her to rewrite the future, or if her fate is as immovable as the stars. The highly anticipated sequel to Under Different Stars, winner of four 2014 utopYA Awards.

10 pages, Audible Audio

First published March 31, 2015

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About the author

Amy A. Bartol

Author of the Secondborn Series:
Secondborn (Book 1)
Traitor Born (Book 2)
Rebel Born (Book 3)

Author of the Premonition Series:
Inescapable (Book 1)
Intuition (Book 2)
Indebted (Book 3)
Incendiary (Book 4)
Iniquity (Book 5)

Author of the Kricket Series:
Under Different Stars (Book 1)
Sea of Stars (Book 2)
Darken the Stars (Book 3)

The Divided - A Science Fiction Romance short story, which is included in the Take Me To Your Reader: An Otherworld Anthology.

Amy A. Bartol is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Secondborn Series, The Premonition Series, The Kricket Series, and a short story entitled “The Divided.” She has won numerous awards for her writing and been nominated for several more. She's a graduate of Hillsdale College, which inspired the setting of her Premonition Series. Amy lives in Michigan with her husband and two sons, but she travels often, sparking her imagination to create more worlds like the ones with hidden angels, doorways to alien landscapes, and fantastical futuristic societies and technologies. To learn more, visit Amy's website at:https://www.amyabartol.com


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 924 reviews
Profile Image for Simge.
85 reviews6 followers
March 15, 2017

**UPDATE 12/16 **

3,5 Stars

“I have a paper heart and he has written notes all over it.”

I finally got around to reading this, and more than two years passed since I read the first book. Considering that it was pretty easy to get back into the world, and remember characters and such.
First of all, I didn't dislike the story in general, no in fact I'm still andalwayswill be impressed by Bartols story writing, still in awe of her ability to create such worlds and write in a way that’s deep and easy at the same time.

I'm just going to ratter of the notes I took while reading

This overall felt like a filler book. It was one fight scene after another, rarely any breaks, and you know it was like romantic dancing in one line, and in the next line they’re literally being attacked by what- or whomever. Not something bad if you want to keep readers on edge, but I personally like my breaks. Not against the story, just a personal preference.

Romance was rushed, but since everything was a bit rushed and hectic, the romance between Kricket and Trey was the least one that bothered me. In fact, their moments were probably my highlights of the entire book.

I’m a fast reader, meaning I unintentionally skip over unnecessary words or lines that are hard for me to understand (English is not my native language friends) or even just straight up boring. And I got to say I flew over maybe 30% of the entire book? Not only because it was boring, but because this is obviously a Sci-Fi book, including Sci-Fi language, and Sci-Fi slang or whatever, add the made up language in the made up world to it, and fight scenes that seem repetitive and I kept losing track of what’s actually happening. Once again, nothing against Bartol, just a personal thing, because war and fighting and too much action is not something I enjoy a lot.

Ok, so Kricket badass witty character, who apparently doesn’t care when people die over her, but as soon as some not ever mentioned name pops up, she runs to the nearest pond or whatever and gets some sort of breakdown. The same as when she found out that a few people, that were supposed to be dead, were not dead. No emotional reactions to that either. The world was literally, literally!! exploding around them, and she was looking out, and suggesting that combat training might be good for her. Question Mark???

Another thing is the language, I don’t mind the *whatever it’s called* Alien language, I think it gives the story something of it’s own, but why is it that the translator in Kricket understands everything else, and then other words are just not automatically translated? At one point it was mentioned that it didn’t include slang and such, but I’m sure their versions of Mom and Dad are not considered slang. Did I miss some explanation for this?

This isn’t a book filled with plot twists and gasp moments, a lot happened that didn’t really bring us further into the story, but I’m sure that all questions answered in next and final (?) book.

And I know this all sounds like I hate it, but I really really didn’t, I’m going to read the next book as soon as I’m in the mood.
Profile Image for Ash.
383 reviews39 followers
January 22, 2016
This book...is probablyone of the best sequelsI have ever read. it definitely surpassed UDS in romance and action and heartbreaking moments(and humor haha, oh yes, definitely).This book was beautiful and dark and heartbreaking and so well written. the cliffhanger of course killed me....but most of the book had me dying anyway.

I am so sad that I read this all on its release date because I should have savored it.Luckily the third book comes out in SEPTEMBER!
Profile Image for Steph Sinclair.
461 reviews11.3k followers
August 9, 2015
Actual rating: 1.5 stars.

The romance isn't too bad in this one if you forget the fact that it's an Insta love romance. It has a good amount of cringe worthy moments that'll make you vomit in your mouth, same amount of wish fulfillment wankery and moments of intense eye rolling. But this time with sexy times! Sex in a bed! Sex in a dirt hole! Sex against a tree! Whoo hoo, sex, baby, yeah!


So why did I read it despite disliking the first book?

Answer: The narrator is pretty great and it was free on Kindle Unlimited. I was curious on where the story would go, so I decided to give it a chance, and I was entertained. I can see why people like the book even though it's not really my cup of tea. And yet, I'll probably end up listening to the last book, because at this point, why not?

I almost gave Sea of Stars 2 stars because it is a better novel than the first. But thanks to that ridiculous plot twist at the end, I'm knocking off half a star. Review to come.
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,043 followers
December 23, 2015
4 stars
“Love is the worst...It sets fire to us just to see who it can kill.”

Kricket's story continues in the arms of the man she loves. How can you feel so much for someone that it hurts to think of them ever leaving your side. Knowing the inevitable is about to happen, she does what she does best;survive.Kricket is the definition of strength, honor and truth; holding her own against anoasis in a sea of scary.As the truth of her past is revealed, she realizes that there is only one person who can save them and that is her.
“No matter what happens, Kricket, I’ll fight for you. Until death do us part... and then forever after that."

Sea of Starsis the second installment in the The Kricket Series, one that is full of action and anticipation. So many secrets and so many lies, Kricket is not only running from a man who sees her as his possession, but a new threat, one that seems to only want to use her. Kricket is more than capable of getting out of sticky situations, but that didn't stop me from cheering Trey on each time he came near. The love between the two is beyond measure, readily willing to turn their backs on everything just to be with each other. It's an amazing world, one that has to be experienced. Recommended for those who enjoy a fantasy world that leaves you butterflies in your heart.

ARC kindly provided by 47North, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

***Quotes above are taken from the ARC version of the book and may differ upon publication.
Profile Image for Shelly Crane.
Author31 books5,840 followers
November 9, 2014
"I swooned, laughed, gasped, and then swooned some more. Bartol writes an epic story!"
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,799 reviews1,369 followers
November 21, 2015
(Source: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to Amazon Publishing and NetGalley.)

“Has anybody ever told you that you’re irritating?”
“No. Everybody loves me,”

This was an okay sequel, but I did find it confusing in places.

Kricket seemed to need constant baby sitting in this book, which wasn’t quite what I expected. It just seemed like she’d constantly got someone with her looking after her and trying to keep her safe, and I was surprised that she put up with it!

The storyline in this confused me a bit, and I found it hard to follow. The romance angle moved forward, and we even got some naked scenes, but I did find it really hard to keep track of what exactly was going on. This felt like a bit of a filler book for me, and it didn’t seem like much happened, other than just keeping Kricket safe, and discussing how brilliant her hair was (cutting it causes her to not age?).

The ending to this also confused me a bit, but based on where it ended, the ending was a bit of a cliff-hanger.

6 out of 10
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,671 followers
November 19, 2015
Picking up where 'Under Different Stars' left off, Kricket is cast into an unfamiliar world of civil wars and forced unions. She finds herself to be an object of obsession for many. Everyone seems to want to either own her and control her, or to want to eliminate her as a threat. It is getting harder and harder to decipher who she should trust and what everyone's motives are.

This second book in the series is full of action and adventure. Imprisoned and tortured at times, on the run at other times. Kricket is a wanted woman. She is only beginning to see the dangers that surround her first-hand.

While on the run, she finally pursues the relationship she really wants with Trey. Unable to deny their feelings, the two set out to conquer the world together. Their love is intense and passionate. They spend their time together stealing intimate moments whenever they can and never knowing when their luck might run out.

As expected, this book ends with a huge cliffhanger. Kricket's visions of the future left me cringing and praying for any other outcome than the one she sees. However, I have faith that she'll work her magic to change the future. I'm hoping that Kricket and Trey will get their HEA. After everything that they've been through, they definitely deserve it.

I'm still loving this story and will be diving into the next book immediately. I'm hooked and I have to see what lies in store for Kricket and Trey.
Profile Image for JAIME LOUISE.
380 reviews241 followers
February 16, 2015
This book is strange, in that a bunch of stuff goes down - but, I got to the end of the book and felt like not a lot happened. There wasn't enough feeling in the events to make them seem real. And, for me, moments that could have been huge were simplified by Kricket saying something stupid about the sexy way Trey smells - and that happened more than once. I mean, people are dying all around you, and that is what is running through your mind?!

Kricket herself, is one of the worst characters I have ever read. She is just so pathetic. Where she could have been written as badass - and trust me, the character is DYING to be badass, she is just a one dimensional fool.

I hate comparing author's works, but I've read a bunch of Amy's books, and I can't help feeling that Evie (The Premonition Series) and Kricket are exactly the same person. And, that is by no way complimentary.

The plot lines between the Premonition Series and the Kricket Series are becoming increasingly similar also.

I will likely continue with the series since I've invested so much time already, but that was disappointing.

ARC via NetGalley.
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,943 reviews1,516 followers
August 3, 2015
5 Consume me with Love Stars

Sea of Stars is the second book of the Kricket series.

I love young adult books and I love young adult books with a touch of fantasy, epic love and romance and intense story-line.

All the reviews are justified and you will be gripping the pages from start to finish and never wanting to let go. I did an audio read with this one and it was the BEST way. I love the narrator and brilliance audio produces really great books.

Sea of Stars picks up where Under Different Stars ends. Rafe and Alameeda continue to fight against each other and tensions are at a high. That’s all great, but the main and heart of the book is Trey and Kricket’s love for each other. There was never a dull moment with them. The majority of the book focuses on Trey and Kricket’s relationship and that’s what hit it for me.

You will love Trey hard, if you had mild feelings for him, it will be piping hot after you finish this book. He really steps his game up and he does everything he can to protect and be with Kricket. And Kricket reciprocates the feelings back, but Kyon is there and he wants Kricket. Kyon will stop at nothing to have Kricket as his and I’ll be honest, this was super-hot for me. Kyon is a villain you love to hate. I love his possessiveness over Kricket and a part of me (tiny part) made me root for him too (I’m crazy like that).

“My desire for him is insane. He’s not sentimental—neither of us is—and yet he says things to me that strike at the core of my being and speak to the fighter in me. He makes me crave him in the most vulnerable way. I can’t lose him—ever.”

“I’m the dark secret that he can’t keep hidden—his crossed fingers—his hold-my-breath-to-keep-from-feeling. But I make him feel everything.”

“I have a paper heart and he has written notes all over

I love Kricket. I love how strong she is and how she keeps her wits up throughout the whole book, even as she is getting the you know what beat out of her.

“From an early age, you've learned never to trust anyone but yourself. You let almost no one help you, but the ones you do allow into your life have special significance to you: you love them, even when sometimes you wish that you didn't. Because when you love someone, Kricket, it means you're completely loyal to that person, you'll sacrifice anything for him - even your life. How am I doing so far?”

With each book I read in this series, it just gets better and better. Sea of Stars blew my expectations out of the water. Gah, the writing was perfection. I couldn’t get enough of it and I never wanted the story to end. Trey and Kricket consumed me and I loved every second of it.

Audio Questions
What made the experience of listening to Sea of Stars the most enjoyable?

The combination of witty and epic story-line with a wonderful narrator made the story for me. I enjoyed listening to Trey and Kricket’s love and all the issues that they had to face and I enjoyed listening to it from a very good narrator.

Who was your favorite character and why?
I love Trey and Kricket because they are the main Hero and Heroine of the book, but I also have to give props to Kyon, the epic villain. He really adds a great dynamic to the read and I loved him as the villain

Which character – as performed by Kate Rudd – was your favorite?
I’m a major fan of Kate. I love love love her voice. It sounds young and it fits Kricket’s perfectly. I’m a major fan of dual POV, but I didn’t mind only listening to Kate’s. She conveys the emotions so well and I love her voice transitions. I liked listening to her as Trey and the other characters.

Did you have an extreme reaction to this book? Did it make you laugh or cry?
I felt an array of emotions during this book and it was all wonderful. I think my heart was going to beat out of my chest because of all the action and intense, but great scenes. I enjoyed this book very much.

Under Different Stars (Kricket, #1) by Amy A. Bartol Under Different StarsREVIEW|AMAZON
Sea of Stars (Kricket, #2) by Amy A. Bartol Sea of StarsAMAZON
Profile Image for Angela.
859 reviews1,492 followers
November 13, 2023
Sea of Starsliterally picks up whereUnder Different Starsleft off. We are still following Krickets story as she continues to be a fugitive. Kricket in this novel, much like the first, is still a force to be reckoned with. She is still strong and still insanely smart. The big difference between book one and two is that this one is over-packed with action (yes this is a good thing). You’ll find yourself barely having time to breath with all the twists and turns that are happening. The first "OMG" moment happens so early on in the book that I’m still floored by it. All the action in this book has a snowball effect…. Gets going right away and as the novel continues just gets bigger and bigger.

We get to learn not just more about Kricket’s powers but more about her past. This makes her an even stronger character than she was in the previous novel. The other character plus in this book is Trey. If you’ve readUnder Different Starsthen you know how amazing and swoon-worthy he was in book one… InSea of Starshe gets even better. As much as I did like him in theUDSI wanted so much more out of his character and I got it in this book. We also get re/introduced to several characters. We still have Trey's boys like Jax and Wayra. I wish I would have gotten more of them in this book, but never was let down when they were present. We still have Kyon as the villain. Loved him in this book! He is an amazingly written villain and just can't wait to get more of him in the next book. I enjoyed getting a little peek into his softer sides as well. We finally get to meet Charisma, Trey’s parents (Sadly kept calling his father Vasline in my head, didn’t mean to but couldn’t stop myself). All were great sub characters, but none I have yet to connect with. My favorite however is Griffin. To me he gives off this Ronan fromHeir of Firefeel. Which I loved! He still has a lot of mystery surrounding him, but I look forward to seeing him in book three. I think he is going to add something so grand to this series. I want to go more into detail about him because I really liked his character, but for spoiling reasons I'll leave the convo about him at that.

On to my favorite thing… The romance!BE STILL MY BEATING HEART! I’M SWOONING ALL OVER THE SOUTH!I loved that this book had a lot more Tricket moments (Yeah, I went there). I loved getting to see them be on a more personal level, I loved their banter, and I love how they are towards each other. I feel like in a lot of books like this relationships are built of half truth and a lot of hidden secrets. This isn’t the case with them and I really enjoyed that.

“I want to discover every thought… every look… every other freckle." "Why every other freckle? Why not all of them?”

“Well, I didn't want to sound obsessed, and also some freckles aren’t as good-natured as others" As I laugh harder, Trey rises on his elbows, smiling down at me. "That's the sound that I want to live in for the rest of my life."

Sigh, I just loved it. Any and every moment these two are present was written to perfection. I'm on pins and needles waiting to see where their relationship goes next. I want NEED more of these two.

As far as the plot went, as I stated before, it's massively action packed. We never get a moment to rest our legs. It's just one insane moment after the next. *Small Spoiler ahead if you haven't read book one* My favorite thing about this book was how Kricket is learning more about her powers and how she can control them. I fear Kricket being able to see into the future would be hard to write and have played out well, but Amy does it flawlessly. I can't stress enough how much Iabsolutely lovedhow all the vision played out! Seriously did not see it coming! It's just great! Found myself having to pick my jaw up off the floor after everything is revealed and comes together. Oh and that ending... Seriously!!!

This is torture! How can you leave us hanging like that?!?! I mean, hey I'm super thankful for such an amazing ending and book, but I don't know how I'll be able to wait for the next!

Profile Image for Alaina.
6,636 reviews214 followers
July 23, 2023

I still liked this book and this series but Kricket seemed to be more serious than her fun and sassy self?!? Maybe that's just me. I still hate Kyon so freaking much. I AM STILL IN LOVE WITH TREY. I will continue to ship Trey and Kricket - I don't care what anyone says, they are perfect for each other and a god damn goal of a couple.

I have no idea what the third book will be about and I don't want to know until I have it in my hands or on my kindle OR if I freaking find time to read it in my endless pile of books. I'm glad thatSea of Starsdidn't become a second book tragedy and I'm definitely in it for the long haul. I hope that the third book doesn't break my heart or my soul.
Profile Image for Dana.
440 reviews299 followers
May 2, 2015

Whelp...that was a departure from the first book. We were left in YA and started off again in the very erotic NA. I mean I'm no prude, but I like a little more meat in my stories than just..well, meat. The first half of the book wasliterallya single drawn out fight scene, and the second half was mostly just Kricket and Trey making out. I like romance as much as the next person, but when the story is just a series of love scenes my interest wanes.

This dramatic shift in story priority didn't sit well with me, and I found myself struggling to finish this book. The characters are still decent, and when they actually stopped sucking face long enough to do something, I was interested. Unfortunately those moments were few and far between. I did like learning more about Kricket's family near the very end of the book, but I am not sure if this last minute tidbit will be enough to entice me to read the next book.

Overall, while this book was a disappointment for me, I still think that there is enough potential to turn the series around in the next book. However my continuation of this series will most likely depend on my current TBR list, rather than an actual desire to finish the story.

Buy, Borrow or Bin Verdict: Bin

Note: I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews320 followers
March 30, 2015
Sea of Stars (Kricket #2) by Amy Bartol
5 stars!!

“If this doesn’t work out for us, Kricket, know that I’ve loved you from the moment I held you in my arms on Ethar, and every moment in between. I will love you even after my final breath.”

I am in total awe of Amy Bartol, every book I read of hers just gets better and better. This series needs to be a film, seriously!! I feel the same about the Premonition series too...Amy has this incredible talent for scene setting, she brings her books to life through words, but so vivid and descriptive are those words that you can picture yourself in these places in the midst of battle and you cannot help but be drawn in to these worlds that she painstakingly creates. Ethar is no different, while reading I felt as if I was there watching the action unfold before my eyes, I could feel it and I could see it.

“What good is seeing the future if you cannot get out of its way?”

This book continues where Under Different Stars ended. The political discord in Ethar is reaching an all-time high and Kricket is unfortunately at the centre of it. With Alameeda declaring war on all houses the battles that ensue are epic. With Rafe and Alameeda fighting each other Kricket has to use all her powers to keep ahead of the enemy, an enemy that want Kricket and her powers all for themselves knowing that they could tip the balance in their favour. As we found out in Under Different Stars there is a prophecy that one house in Ethar will rise and the other will fall and Rafe and Alameeda are both determined that they will not be the fallen, no matter the cost or the consequences.

“Think about what I said. You need me to bring the future back to you.”

Trey and Kricket’s relationship gathers momentum in this instalment and while their priorities are firmly set on survival there are a few moments where we are treated to the Trey and Kricket show. The few amounts of down time that they have are not wasted and Trey is one guy that you cannot help but swoon over. He will do anything in his power to protect Kricket and this is not through allegiance to Alameeda but is born from the sheer love that he feels for Kricket and the feeling is reciprocated. Even though Kricket knows her mere presence puts everyone in danger, Kricket cannot help the pull or the love that she has for Trey and this is one instance you will be rooting for love conquering all.

“It’s a paper heart now, like I told you before, and your name is written all over it.”

It was great to catch up with the others that are totally behind Kricket and Trey’s adventures, especially Jax and Wayra and Amy Bartol introduces a host of new characters that are just as intriguing as everyone else and I am sure have an interesting story of their own to tell. Kyon is still hot on their heels determined to make Kricket his no matter who he has to destroy in the process to get to her. This man is resilient and persistent, however, even though I shouldn’t I can’t help but have that twinge of “like” for him. This is one thing that frustrates me with Amy’s writing in the nicest possible way, she has this knack of making you like the bad guys too and you feel guilty for doing so.

“You are the brightest star among the Sea of Stars, Kricket.” - Kyon

Trey is such a fantastic character, you cannot help but fall in love with him, his fierce sense of loyalty and protectiveness can you bring you to your knees, he is just a good guy inside and out. Kricket really develops in this book, she has to mature and adapt quickly and is so far living up to everyone’s expectations. She does have her moments where she makes some rash and silly decisions but you can always see the method to her madness. I love Kricket with a passion and for someone who is feeling love for the first time you cannot help but hope she gets her happy ever after.

“Since when are you afraid of anyone or anything?”
“Since I found something I don’t want to lose.”
“There is no chance of you losing me.”
“You must not have heard about me. I’m trouble.”

I seriously cannot wait for book 3, Darken the Stars. Even though you have that deep seated sense of foreboding you always have that sense that good will conquer evil and I cannot wait to read this series climax.


Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,090 reviews395 followers
March 17, 2015
4.5 Stars!

Sea of Stars picks up right where the last ended, with Kricket and the gang hanging low and jumpy at every whisper, creak, or sudden noise, and for good reason, there are people out there that still want her. That still believe she belongs to them.

When I read the first book last year, it completely surprised me with how much I enjoyed it. This isn't typically my go to genre but Kricket, Trey, Jax, and Wayra won me over heart and soul. In fact, the boys are what really make this series. Their bond, loyalty and friendship is something to be envied. I love how they interact with one another and with Kricket. They are fierce warriors with hearts of pure gold and they will do anything to protect her. Their witty banter and great one liners are just a few of the things that make this series truly fantastic and such a joy to read.

Can we talk just about Trey for a moment? Look out girls, because if you loved him in the first one, you are going to be drooling over him in this. He ramps everything up, and I do mean everything!

He and Kricker together were just magic. It isn't easy for them, I mean, is it ever but these two work together like no other and I loved seeing their relationship bud and blossom. Heck, I loved seeing Kricket blossom. She grows a lot and the weakness that she had in the first book, is pretty much gone. Gone is the meek girl and instead we have one who is willing to fight and to survive. She might have Trey, Jax, and Wayra on her side, but they have her on their side as well. She fought every bit as much and as hard for them in this as they did for her and I absolutely loved it.

Not only is Kricket growing as a fighter but her powers are too. We learn so much more about her. About what she is capable of and a little more about her parents as well. So many questions were answered that I had from the first book but of course like all good trilogies, this second installments also raised so many more new ones that need to be answered as well.

Kyon was, well Kyon. He is evil and mad and yet you see that weird softer side of him every now and then and you can't help but hope...well, just have hope that there is so much more to him. That a good guy, a good heart, exists somewhere in that body of his.

I absolutely loved this. It was such an amazing sequel to the first. It lived up to the goodness of the first book and amplified all that I loved about it. There was more action, more romance and it was so much darn fun to read. Once again I was blown away by how much I enjoyed this. I just couldn't get enough of it.
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,325 reviews531 followers
February 15, 2015
Sea of Stars is the second book in the series and Iloved it.

I love the settings the author created with bits of new words and technologies. In this book, Alameeda declares war to Rafe and it's getting really dangerous for the characters. There was a lot of action and I wasn't bored. I liked seing Kricket and Trey together, they make a great couple. They love each other and manage to find each other again even in some surprising situations. We also learn more about Kricket's family and the other priestesses. Kyon is still trying to get her but we saw a nicer and gentler side of him we didn't have in the first book. It was a little surprising but I enjoyed it and I can't wait to read the next book!

***I received an ARC through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for Angela.
325 reviews25 followers
March 31, 2015
*I received a copy of this book from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.*

I have loved Amy Bartol's books since I began reading the Premonition series way back when. However, when I started reading Under Different Stars, I was even more enamored with her. Yes, I love Evie and Reed and the rest of the gang, but there is something about Kricket and Trey and the world of Erath that speaks to my soul. Yes, you read right. This series affected me differently than the Premonition series. I'll try to explain it as best as I can.

I think for me, the love between Trey and Kricket feels more emotionally driven and passionate. Some may argue that point with me, but read book 2 first before you comment. Amy intensified this in Sea of Stars. It's not that she takes their relationship to a new level, it's that she gets into the tiny little cracks and crevices of it. She puts a voice to their feelings and you can actually feel the little intricacies of their love. You can tell that she pours emotion into her writing and that there is a truth behind the words. The relationship feels real. Both Trey and Kricket are intelligent, strong, and I feel like I'm reading about real people.

I said she took their relationship farther and she does. The way that she progresses their relationship to a more intimate place is beautiful. I was telling her that I was glad that she moved things to a physical relationship because it was time. If she had done the whole "Twilight" thing where they waited until marriage, it wouldn't have felt real and would have been groan and eye roll inducing. You can't be that intensely close to someone and go through the roller coaster that they have and NOT take it farther. I loved the scenes that she wrote. I thought they were alluring, romantic, sensual, and absolutely perfect. I know Amy is worried about the reaction to these moments by her readers, but I believe that it will all be for naught.

Sea of Stars is an emotionally charged, action packed, tumultuous ride that will leave you breathless, frustrated, and completely spent at the end. There is a cliff hanger because Amy is a sadistic literary drug dealer who supplies you with the "crack" and then takes it away and dangles it in front of you right after you are hooked. And I love her for it. What does that say about me??;)
Profile Image for starryeyedjen.
1,710 reviews1,261 followers
April 2, 2015
Grrrr. I hate when I stop paying attention to how much time I have left on the audio and I get caught unawares by a semi-cliffy like that.

I felt like they were all just playing a sick game of keep-away with poor Kricket for the majority of this book. Kinda made my head spin how many times she was abducted or almost taken. Still, she remains unflappable and never resorts to being a damsel in distress.

And I really appreciate that, so far, the romance hasn't gone intothatterritory, neither with Kricket in the middle or Trey. Because it was looking very possible, but the author shut it down, much to my elation. I rather like Kricket and Trey together.

Enjoyable sequel. Ready for the next bookyesterday.
Profile Image for Vilma.
633 reviews2,840 followers
May 1, 2015
Sea of Stars is a riveting, romantic, richly imagined fantasy.

If you haven’t read bestselling author Amy A. Bartol yet, you must. Her stories consume you. Her writing makes you feel. Her heroes make your heart race. And her heroines are fearless and inspiring.

Sea of Stars (her second installment in the urban fantasy Kricket series) is a riveting romance that thrums to life in the vibrant, imaginative and also perilous world of Ethar. It’s exciting, action-packed, suspenseful and immediately absorbing.

In the first book of the series, Under Different Stars, we meet Kricket Holowell, a girl who grew up in the foster care system in Chicago. She had to be tough and independent under her childhood’s harsh circumstances. When a trio of mysterious men whisk her away to a new world, divulging the truth of her existence, Kricket embarks on an adventure where houses (lands) battle, secrets hold power, and where she wields magic that promises to either help them survive, or be the weapon some intend for her to be. In the process, she falls for the enigmatic Trey Allairis, who is intrigued by Kricket’s strength, beauty and tenacity. Sea of Stars picks up after disaster strikes, as Kricket, Trey and the other Cavars are on the run. Alameedan Kyon Ensin is determined to find Kricket and make her his… he’ll happily kill anyone in his way.

“I’ll tear your heart off your sleeve and bury it deep in my chest. Your savage heart will beat for me. Run if you think you can—I’ll hunt you down.”

Sea of Stars ratchets up the action and suspense as we see Alameeda go to war with Rafe. According to a prophecy, one house will rise to rule, while the other will be demolished. Kricket’s ability to see the future is entwined with this chilling oracle and her powers promise to tip the scales one way or the other. Safety is transient, and every moment brims with nail-biting tension as we wait to see what happens next. For the first time in her life, Kricket finds herself needing—loving—someone, and she knows she’ll do anything to remain at Trey’s side, even though her very presence puts everyone at peril.

“I’ll risk everything to stay with you.”

To make matters worse, every vision Kricket has of the future is more horrible than the last… bloodier, uglier, more hopeless. She must figure out how to take control of her powers so she can change the future. So she can keep them safe.

Kricket is everything a heroine should be. Fearless. Determined. Inspiring. Intelligent. The same can be said for our one-of-a-kind hero, Trey. I love that both Kricket and Trey are fierce and strong, but at the same time, kind and loving. Their romance is epic, enlivened by words that are sure to make every romance reader melt.

“Know that I’ve loved you from the moment I held you in my arms on Ethar, and every moment in between. I will love you even after my final breath.”

Once again, Bartol leaves us begging for more at the flip of the final page. The third and concluding book in the series, Darken The Stars, is scheduled to release some time this summer.

“No matter what happens, Kricket, I’ll fight for you. Until death do us part… and then forever after that.”

✦ ✦ ✦ ✦

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Profile Image for Shelley.
1,121 reviews10 followers
February 16, 2015
5 Sonic Sayzer Sizzling Stars

ARC generously provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I must start by saying that five stars just doesn't seem enough for me, if I could I would give this book 10 stars. I should also say that I am a huge fan of Amy Bartol's writing, her Premonition series is one of my all time favorites. So when she started the Kricket series I was a little nervous because I wasn't sure how she could write characters I loved just as much as her other ones. Well there was no need to worry. InUnder Different StarsI feel in love with Kricket and Trey, as well as all of the Cavars.

So what makes Amy Bartol's writing different, some how and I don't know how, Ms. Bartol makes the "bad guys" likable. Even though you want the girl to end up with the hero you can't help but think that the bad guy (Kyon in this case) isn't so bad, in fact he is quite appealing.

SoSea of Starsis the second book in the Kricket series. If you have not readUnder Different Starsdrop what you are doing right now and go read it. Then read this one, if you read this one first you will be lost, confused, and missing so much good stuff.

We begin right whereUnder Different Starsleft off. Kricket is safe with Trey and trying to come to grips with what she witnessed at the palace massacre. Then boom right of the start this book starts with action and then before you can even take a breath you are half way through the book. I am not sure if I have ever read a book with so much going on in the first half. I don't want to give anything away so I am going to tread very lightly on the story line so I don't spoil anything.

We meet some new characters, Giffen (yeah, don't like him at all), new members of Ethar's military who cannot be trusted, Alameeda priestess that will give you the creeps, and family members who will endear you to them. Kricket is such an amazing female lead, she is tough and smart but tender when she is with those she loves and trusts. You just cant help but to love her. This is a wild ride and I was amazed how quickly I read the book. In fact I kept looking at my kindle and getting upset because it was going too quickly.

I really want to tell you all about the story but I will refrain so as to not ruin it for you, but you must read it. It is full of surprises and leaves you dying for more. Now I must wait for the next one, so not to be too pushy but please Ms. Bartol write as fast as you can.
Profile Image for Katie.
634 reviews170 followers
January 24, 2016
ARC received via NetGalley

This book is the continuation of Kricket's story. I loved the first book in this series and this one did not disappoint. Everything I loved about the first book, is in this one as well. There is still a strong, captivating storyline. This book, compared to the previous, is much more action-packed which made it very engrossing to read. There were also some plot twists that I wasn't expecting.

"You are the brightest star among the Sea of Stars, Kricket."

During this book, there are some new characters thrown into the mix. You don't really get to see much of them or as much as I probably would have liked, so I am looking forward to hopefully seeing more of them in the future book. As for the characters we know from the first book, by the end of this story they are more strong, developed characters. It's hard not to fall in love with them. The relationship between the main characters, Kricket and Trey, has grown a lot - there is more romance in this book compared to the previous.

"His whispering voice is soft upon the shell of my ear," If this doesn't work out for us, Kricket, know that I've loved you from the moment I held you in my arms on Ethar, and every moment in between. I will love you even after my final breath. "

I am really looking forward to reading the final book in this series and finding out how it all concludes.
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,843 reviews742 followers
February 28, 2015
I just don't have words for this book. Rarely do I enjoy a second book more than the first, but somehow I think this one has done it.

Kricket and Trey are fantastic together. Trey brings some serious swoons this round and it was hard not to just sit and reread all of the things. Jax and Wayra are just as much fun as they were in book 2. Maybe even more so because they really care for Kricket, so their interactions have more behind them.

The were a couple of twists I didn't see coming and I was delighted at some of the outcomes. The ending makes me insane and why can't I have book 3 now?

**Huge thanks to 47North and NetGalley for providing the arc in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Rebecca Elizabeth.
392 reviews43 followers
September 7, 2016
I liked this one way more than book 1. Kyon is still my favorite character. He's so complex and he's definitely the most interesting character to me. I feel sorry for him because I think he really does have true feelings for Kricket.

"I want you...your beautiful face, your taste, your mouth full of lies, your sad, violet eyes-I hate them, but I want them."
Profile Image for Aira.
330 reviews69 followers
February 19, 2015
ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review

I loved it.

This book picks up where Under Different Stars left off. Kricket and Trey are finally free to be together, for about a night. The next day everything goes to shit.

The Alameeda declares war against everyone. I loved how the book was so action packed. There was never a dull moment. Kricket, this girl had it hard. EVERYONE wanted to capture her and use her. She was kind of like the ring that everyone wanted to get a hold of on Lord of the Rings.

Kyon was like the energizer bunny on crack. This dude just doesn't stop! He gets Kricket, Kricket escapes, he captures her again, she escapes again. KYON IS ONE PATIENT DUDE.

I know I'm not supposed to like him since he's the bad guy, but I kinda do like him. Don't get me wrong, I love Trey, but I like Kyon too. Sue me.

The new character, Giffen, is one of those people who want to capture Kricket. Yeah I'm not really feeling this guy. I kind of wanted him to die, but hey some of you may like him. Who am I to judge when I like Kyon.

We finally get to meet Charisma. Charisma was supposed to be Trey's consort, but he broke it off with her because he never felt anything other than friendship for Charisma, and the feeling was mutual. I'm glad Charisma did not turn out to be this raging bitch. I'm tired of reading about how the ex is always mean and extremely unlikable.

I loved seeing Kricket and Trey together. Trey was very swoon worthy and I really felt how much he loved Kricket.

That ending though. It wasn't exactly a cliffhanger, but I still feel like I might die a little inside while waiting for the next book.
Profile Image for Carol.
786 reviews58 followers
April 8, 2021
Amazing series there is nothing about this book I don't like, the world building is amazing and really adds to the story. I love learning everything from Krickets point of view us she was not aware that she wasn't human till a few month's ago and is trying to navigate this new world us best she can always running for her life and just hoping for a few moments together with Tray.
Profile Image for Emmeline (The Book Herald).
387 reviews45 followers
August 3, 2015
I received a copy of this book from 47North Amazon Publishing via NG in return for an honest review!


This was this easiest 5 stars that i've given to a book in a while.
I didn't question it.
I had no need to second guess myself.
It's a 5 star for sure!!

Okay I'm going to be jumping straight into it and write a rendition of the plot!

"We stand together as a unified force of destiny. In this, Our most monumental moment, we teeter upon the precipice of a new dawn: the rise of the House of Alameeda."

In a land beyond time and space,
between the vast equilibrium of time,
beyond the knowledge of dimensions,
Ethar rises.
The five houses: Alameeda, Wurthem, Peney, Comantre, and Rafe are doomed.
"One House of Ethar will fall...One House will rule."
The Fate of Rafe and Alameeda are blurred in the ashes of war and obsession.
One thing they desire above all.
To possess the child born of the two houses,
the child who has the gift of precognition.
Kricket will have to fight or be used by the whims of men,
One thing is for sure, she will not be separated from Trey,
She will kill anyone who stands in her way.
There may be a sea of stars but this ocean is one Kricket will concur to survive.

Sorry I had to make it all dramatic!

Oh my goodness this book!
Wow, wow, wow.

Boy am I glad to have kept going with this story!
Bartol I applaud you and your beautiful imagination!

This book was everything I love in a story and more, there is a romance that makes my heart sing, there is a love character (Trey) that I wish was real and is now in my book- boyfriends list. There is adventure and action, there is so much intrigue and machinations that it boggles my mind when i attempt to think of what is next!

I love this book, I love this book.

Kricket has got to be hands down one of my ultimate favourite characters. Hands down.
Her sarcasm and unbelievable ingenuity makes her one of the most appealing and amazing character.

I'm sorry, I know I sound like I'm having a gush-fest but honestly, these books are the boss.

Trey...oh, my Trey, why can't you be real? *wipes drool*
Now this is a romance I love!

"You are the brightest star among the Sea of Stars, Kricket."

Being willing to die for the person you love, to be with them, to fight for them. To never give up on each other. That's the kind of love you can expect.

"If this doesn't work out for us, Kricket, know that i've loved you from the moment I held you in my arms on Ethar, and every moment in between. I will love you even after my final breath.'

If that didn't make you swoon, and sigh, my goodness there may be something wrong with either you... or me. I'm betting on me

Side note- This is very much of a New Adult book, however, Bartol did it in a way that I actually Love. When there was a *cough-cough* scene, she didn't go into detail! bravo! I really liked that, because i don't need to know every detail of that, if you know what I mean.

Dang it, I'm gushing again!

Anyway, the plot twists in this book, the banter, the love story, the world- building is incredible.

I recommend this book with a good- conscience because I know you'll love this book.

This didn't have the 2nd book syndrome at all. just saying. It got even better than the first book.

Some of my favourite Kricket moments:-

(kyon)- "I find pleasure in your ability to reason. I'm growing tired of inane blonds."
(Kricket)- "That sounds like a cultural hazard for you as an Alameeda. Most of you are pretty stupid."

"Why is he obsessed with you?"
(Kricket) "Who? Kyon?...well that's simple...I ran away from from him and swore to him that i'd never do anything he says. You should try it sometime. It's called 'I hate you, leave me alone..."

God this character makes me laugh!

That's all for now my lovelies, you guys just need to read this book!

That ending was insanely good too, I'm glad i have a ARC of the 3rd book! hallelujah, i may have lost my mind if i didn't!

Stay awesome!

-The Book Herald

Tweet me@thebookherald
Profile Image for S.E. Anderson.
Author28 books158 followers
April 14, 2015
I was given an advance copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I have to admit... I did not like this novel. Though the world created was fascinating, the characters were incredibly one dimensional. Anyone but Trey and Kricket seemed to have a single character trait (if any), and were somewhat forgettable.

It had a bad case of 'Mary Sue'-itis, with the main protagonist being unrealistic and, admittedly, quite annoying. The reader is constantly dragged away from the plot as Kricket incessantly reminds us how attractive and sexy Trey is. And we're always reminded how perfect Kricket is, how attractive she is even though she's so very short, how intelligent and amazing she is - oh, right, she just can't swim! Every five pages or so someone reminds us how smart she is, or how she's perfect at everything she tries. I feel like Kricket could have been a strong character, if she only had more depth than just "perfect and oh so meek about her perfection". She could have even been a little badass. There are some moments when it feel it in her, but then... sigh... we get sidetracked.

And then there is the fact that she's constantly reminding us how platinum blond her hair is. Or how she's super attractive and that means everyone hates her for it / fawns over her like she's a kitten. Which Trey calls her often.

The plot also annoyingly predictable and repetitive. Kricket sees the future. Enemies attack. They hide. They get separated. Find each other. Now she's hurt, but won't admit it. She may be dying at some points, or be surrounded by war and death, but she remembers to point out how amazing Trev is smelling, or how sultry his voice sounds. I finished the book feeling as if not much had actually happened. The ending itself seemed rushed, the most interesting part of the book spilling out over the last twenty pages or so, as if the author had just wanted to get us to that point, and used the rest of the novel as a long and winding means to get there.

I found the characters shallow and the plot lacking, and the novel suffered from a case of too much exposition as well. Admittedly, I did like the world created, and the visuals described were astounding. Maybe this novel would do better on the screen, as a movie perhaps, or a show. Then more time could be spent on the plot and the intrigue rather than on Trey's attractive sculpted abs.

The thing is, i see nothing but glowing reviews for this novel. I'm sorry to be the unpopular opinion. I'll see myself out.
Profile Image for The Y.A. Bookworm Blogger.
175 reviews1,131 followers
February 16, 2015
Soooo, book three? Where is it?!?!

I've been waiting for this book for a long time now and I'm so thrilled to have gotten the opportunity to read it a little bit earlier than its release date. Amy Bartol has an impressive gift for writing great stories with even greater romances...So much chemistry and swooniness....my ebook is littered with highlights everywhere!! Trey reminded me once again why he's one of my favourite book boyfriends! Wowzah!

Lovey-dovey-ness aside, Sea of Stars was a solid sequel with tons of action. The ending was crazy and Kricket proved to be stronger than ever. This world and the characters living inside it make me one happy bookworm:)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 924 reviews

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