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Mirror's Edge: Exordium#1-6

Mirror's Edge: Exordium

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Leading up to the events of the highly anticipated newMirror's Edgegame--and scripted by the writer of the game, Christofer Emgård--comes an exhilarating comic event! Delve into the rich dystopian futuristic world of Mirror's Edge through the story of Faith, one of the most celebrated heroines in video games!

Yearning to prove herself in the fast paced, high stakes world of the Runners, Faith gets a job offer that may be too good to be true--and makes a rash decision that will change her life forever! Collects issues #1-#6 of the miniseries--the complete prequel story to the newMirror's Edgegame in one volume!

144 pages, Paperback

First published May 17, 2016

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Christofer Emgård



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Profile Image for Federico DN.
747 reviews2,269 followers
April 17, 2024
More Average.

A prequel comic based on “Mirror's Edge 2: Catalyst”.

The game is fine, but it doesn't compare the wonderful first. This comic is average, and forgettable. Still not worth the time invested.

[2016] [144p] [Comic] [Not Recommendable]

★★☆☆☆1-6 Mirror's Edge
★★☆☆☆1-6 Mirror's Edge: Exordium


Más Regular.

Un comic precuela basado en “Mirror's Edge 2: Catalyst”.

El juego esta bien pero no se compara con el maravilloso primero. Este comic es regular, y olvidable. Sigue sin valer la pena el tiempo.

[2016] [144p] [Comic] [No Recomendable]
Profile Image for Nynke.
244 reviews23 followers
March 3, 2017
My only peeve is that Noah looked so different from in the game. Having played the game, I love all the little hints back and forth. Beatrix Bloch, for example, and Celeste! I really appreciate the broader understanding of the game's story I have now, and I think the artwork is gorgeous (#1-3 more so than #4-6, though). Noah is such a Dad I love it and I have Feelings. 5 stars.
Profile Image for Zaz.
1,761 reviews58 followers
May 7, 2016
As I'm familiar with the video game and loved its design, I was really pleased to jump in the graphic novel. The spirit of the runners was well depicted, with fights, errands and the clear artwork. It was nice to see almost everything again in black, white and red, to slide under things or jump into the void. I also liked to spend some time with the stubborn and talented Faith and the story was ok. I would have liked more emphasis on the dystopian society, but Faith had obviously other things in her mind. My only regret there was the change of artist (chapters 1-3, then 4-6), as I heavily preferred the first artwork, more refined and with better drawn characters in my opinion.
Profile Image for Adam.
290 reviews40 followers
March 4, 2021
As usual with my comic reviews, I read this as separate issues originally. Like the first comic series from the world of Mirror's Edge, Exordium is a prequel of the latest game from the series. The game it self is also a prequel to the original game, so we've got layers of prequels within layers of prequels going on this time around.

First off, compared to the first series of comics the art in this is stunning, initially at least. Halfway through, I'm sad to say they changed artists and the style changed pretty dramatically. The new artist was pretty good, but after such stunning art from the original it was hard to go back. For a small run of comics it's always jarring when this happens and I don't know why it happened or why not get a replacement that can draw close to the original artist?

It had been quite a while since I had played Catalyst before finally diving into these comics, but this is before Faith found out about her father and sister. So, seeing them show up in the first comic, but her thinking they're dead here was confusing at first! However, it makes total sense once I remember Catalyst was an origins story.

Exordium centers around an adventure where Faith is caught up with a major mob boss type who has something of Faith's mother. This guy is extremely dangerous and if you're on his good side, things are going well... if not... well then. This story also explores some of the concepts of the runners code. It's sort of like that "thieves guild" idea that shows up in Fantasy novels where you never steal from another runner. So, Faith is willing to help out the mob boss until it means making a tough decision... this is a great book in the sense that it dives deeper into Faith's personal code in life and what friendship really means to her. Also, it has all those trappings of the "you choose your own family" of sorts, but they really do a great job of writing it in a seamless way as the story unfolds.

I thought Exordium was awesome, aside from the artistic switch halfway through, this was a truly great tale. Given the depth of the Mirror's Edge story I'm sort of surprised they never tried to get into the novel territory of the world, because it really is a cool world and I do enjoy escaping to the adventures there. I can't remember how good Catalyst did in the world of game sales, but reading this comic made me remember how much I liked playing those games and I hope there are more stories to tell within the franchise.

Profile Image for Garrett.
13 reviews3 followers
April 16, 2018
While it's not quite as exciting as playing the game, it does give a decent explanation as to why Faith is released from juvie in Catalyst. The big glaring problem in relation to the game is that while this explains the history between some of the characters, the game doesn't, and will leave you wondering why they know each other. Not everyone will have read or even known there was a series of graphic novels and that this is pretty much required reading for understanding the start of Mirrors Edge: Catalyst.
For those of us that did read this GN and have played the prequel, this intelligently expands the lore of the city of Glass and it's people. It paces itself as though it were part of the game series. Faith's stubborn nature and youth are ever-present while her heart shines through. It doesn't spend a lot of time on secondary characters so they end up having little depth and they end up feeling as though they don't have an impact on the story overall.
While the artwork isn't exceptional, it has weight to it. It's hard to translate the rapid movement of a runner into art but the ones who worked on it did the best they could. In Catalyst, the city itself feels like a character with all the paths, nooks, and crannies. Here it's just background.
The graphic novels weren't needed and all of this could have been explained better in the game, which actually ends up hurting the game. It's just an example of one medium branching out to another that only ends up as, no other words for it, real-life downloadable content (DLC): it's nice to have, just not necessary.
Profile Image for ekin.
134 reviews32 followers
June 25, 2016
Reading this reminded me just how much I missed the world of Mirror's Edge and Faith. This is a great graphic novel for a game that's (finally) coming out in a couple of days. It captures the atmosphere of the game perfectly and it sets the story up for the game which is supposed to be a prequel of some sort. I would recommend this to people who are planning on buying and playing the game because I simply cannot wait any longer and reading this helped ease my impatience.

Edit // after finishing the game: READ THIS. The game's storyline is a mess and if you don't know what happened preceding the events of the game, you will be even more confused.
Profile Image for Emma Oldroyd.
79 reviews4 followers
December 26, 2016
This was my first comic/graphic novel i've ever read and I did quite enjoy it! Some of the drawings were pretty amazing, and I could hear the score for mirror's edge while reading some of the things Faith was saying. I ended up listening to the music while reading it which was pretty cool. I still don't really know how much I like comics or graphic novels yet, I think I find it hard to get engrossed in the story with so little words. I still really enjoyed it even though the storyline was not really how I thought it might be.
Profile Image for Nathan.
56 reviews1 follower
April 24, 2016
The book compiles a prequel story to the Mirror's Edge: Catalyst game. It re-introduces the protagonist, Faith Connors, and the story delivers the character to the circumstances presumably in the video game's intro. Though I preferred Rhianna Pratchett's storytelling in earlier versions of the series' video game and graphic novel (and despite my pet peeve that they killed off an adult main character from the first series as a child during this retcon), it was a fun read.
Profile Image for Kevin.
401 reviews1 follower
May 17, 2020
Para ser una historia donde el Parkour es importante, la ilustración se ve estática y sin vida. Los colores sobrios no dan ganas de seguir leyendo. Quizás se llevan del hecho que es un mundo futurista, pero no recuerdo haber ido a la reunión donde se estableció que el futuro tiene que verse aburrido. Con lo fácil que se responden preguntas, la intriga es inexistente. Los enfoques cercanos ayudaron con percibir las emociones, pero fallaron con expresar el movimiento de manera fluida. Y eso no hubiese sido un problema tan grave, si esto no fuese Mirror's Edge. Un videojuego basado en el movimiento constante y por no haber capturado ese espíritu, que debió haber sido el primer objetivo.

Todo esto deja de ser un problema para el cuarto capítulo. El cambio de dibujante fue para bien. El movimiento es dinámico e impactante. Hay líneas del movimiento que ayudan al ojo a imaginar un mejor desplazamiento y le da más tensión a los paneles. Lo cual me ayudó a disfrutar de una trama que parecía genérica, pero que se tuerce mientras avanza poniendo en aprietos más fuertes a nuestra protagonista.

Profile Image for Alex.
9 reviews3 followers
June 28, 2017
A decent backstory to the start of the Mirror's Edge Catalyst game. It wasn't spectacular, it didn't evoke much emotion other than some occasional outrage at Faith's stubbornness. The writing in the comic is as uninspired as the writing in the game itself, so I guess I'm not surprised. Don't get me wrong, the game itself is fantastic, and Mirror's Edge is one of my favorite franchises based entirely on gameplay (and the AMAZING soundtracks), but writing is definitely their weakest point I think. I was also unimpressed with the art. There were panels where I couldn't recognize that it was Dogen or Noah talking because they look nothing like they do in game. I've read enough comics based on games or tv shows to know that the print characters don't generally look like carbon copies of the originals, but they should be instantly recognizable as who they are. It shouldn't take me several pages to work it out via context clues.

A good read if you want the complete story, like I did, but you aren't missing anything vital if you skip it.
Profile Image for Javi Vex.
Author1 book1 follower
May 5, 2024
It’s okay. Sincerely it really is just okay. I wouldn’t say it’s bad but it’s far from great. I’m a massive fan of the Mirror’s Edge series as the lore and world building is great. However, this prequel version is kind of flat for me. I get they made this to get people ready for the new reboot originally but by itself it isn’t all that interesting. Still, I enjoyed it for what it is but I don’t think it’s worth the read for someone who has never played the games.

There were just many missed opportunities to cover such interesting world lore that got overlooked to cover Faith having conflict with her own group instead. I get it. This was meant to lead to the introduction of the game. I just wanted a little bit more with this short story. For what we did get, if you’re a fan of the series and want a bit more information to Faith’s background, this is a good starting point.
Profile Image for Sascha Vennemann.
Author55 books12 followers
May 18, 2024
Der Comic mit der Vorgeschichte zum Game „Mirror‘s Edge: Catalyst “trifft auf fantastische Weise den Look und die Atmosphäre des Spiels. Auch wenn die Story nicht sonderlich originell ausfällt, sind es hier vor allem die futuristischen Stadtansichten und die Möglichkeiten, die sich durch die Architektur der Gebäude für die „Runner “bieten, die diesen Comic lesenswert machen - natürlich auch und insbesondere für diejenigen, die das phänomenal gut aussehende und ziemlich herausfordernde Spiel genauso fasziniert gespielt haben, wie ich vor einigen Jahren.
Profile Image for typewriterdeluxe.
377 reviews5 followers
June 19, 2017
Mirror's Edge: Exordiumis a prequel comic for theMirror's Edgeprequel-sequelMirror's Edge: Catalyst.That sounds kind of confusing, but you don't actually have to have played either of theMirrors' Edgegames to enjoy this comic. Fans of the series will appreciate howExordiumties intoCatalyst,while newcomers will appreciate the action and Faith's struggle to identify her loyalties in this harsh dystopian world.
Profile Image for Silvio Carrera.
63 reviews3 followers
October 20, 2019
A must read if you're a fan of the game.

It's great to see Faith if different environments like a night club and having conversations with the other characters. You understand better the beginning of catalyst, her relationship with Noah and Dogen as well. You also get to see more of the city of glass.

The only downside is the character faces. Noah in particularly looks like someone beat him up.
Profile Image for Sara.
56 reviews2 followers
March 10, 2020
Ich mochte die Geschichte und der Hintergrund dazu wie Faith Dogen kennen lernte und wie die Geschichte sich zum Startpunkt von Mirror's Edge Catalyst entwickelt hat.
Die Coloration war auch toll, wie auch der Aufbau der Seiten. Tolle Geometrien. Nur die Wiedererkennung der Gesichter fehlte etwas.
Profile Image for Alejandro Yee.
11 reviews
October 15, 2020
It expands the story that should have been in the game. The game suffers because of it.
I liked a little bit more the story in the original game but it was seeing a more detailed picture of Faith but a little bit "childish".
Profile Image for Drucilla.
2,506 reviews49 followers
January 2, 2021
This wasn't a bad video game tie-in. It really tied into the game. I wasn't questioning weird discrepancies between the two. The art was good too. Though I think I would have been lost in terms of world-building if I hadn't played the game first. The comic doesn't really go into detail.
520 reviews1 follower
August 4, 2019
Have not played the game, this was fun
Profile Image for Milya.
30 reviews1 follower
August 15, 2020
I absolutely love this whole Universe created by the developers. The game which sets after the comic is one of my favorite of all time so I had to finally read this beautiful comic! It's really great I love it.
Profile Image for Jade Hawk52.
2 reviews
November 23, 2016
I honestly fell in love with this book, the way the characters are developed is amazing, and the plot ties in perfectly with the video game (which I also highly recommend) My favorite part is the art style, I draw quite a bit, and I've learned so much from the style the illustrator uses. Definitely a must read!
Profile Image for Michael Alexander.
456 reviews8 followers
July 15, 2016
When Mirror's Edge: Catalyst opens we find Faith being released from prison. This prequel comic tells the story of how she got there. It isn't required reading to play the game, but it does help to flesh out the characters and the backstory a bit more.
Profile Image for Nawafinity.
32 reviews
June 25, 2016
Very well set events that presents the main game generously.. I would recommend this to every Mirror's Edge fan.

#Mirrorsedge #Comic
Profile Image for Zule.
6 reviews
July 17, 2016
the only enjoyable thing about this comic was the art
Profile Image for Leandro Boeriz.
18 reviews
December 27, 2017
Uma Preview para o começo do jogo Mirror´s Edge Catalyst. Várias HQ's contando o passado de Faith Connors
Displaying 1 - 28 of 28 reviews

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