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Darken the Stars

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Kyon Ensin finally has what he’s always wanted: possession of Kricket Hollowell, the priestess who foresees the future. Together, their combined power will be unrivaled. Kricket, however, doesn’t crave the crown of Ethar—she has an unbreakable desire to live life on her own terms, a life that she desperately wants to share with her love, Trey Allairis.

As conspiracies rage in the war for Ethar, Kricket’s so-called allies want to use her as a spy. Even those held closest cannot be trusted—including Astrid, her sister, and Giffen, a member of a mysterious order with a hidden agenda. But Kricket’s resolve will not allow her to be used as anyone’s pawn, even as the Brotherhood sharpens its plans to cut out her heart.

As the destiny prophesied by her mother approaches, Kricket will backtrack through her fiery future to reshape it. For she knows one thing above all else: the only person she can truly count on is herself.

10 pages, Audible Audio

First published September 8, 2015

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About the author

Amy A. Bartol

Author of the Secondborn Series:
Secondborn (Book 1)
Traitor Born (Book 2)
Rebel Born (Book 3)

Author of the Premonition Series:
Inescapable (Book 1)
Intuition (Book 2)
Indebted (Book 3)
Incendiary (Book 4)
Iniquity (Book 5)

Author of the Kricket Series:
Under Different Stars (Book 1)
Sea of Stars (Book 2)
Darken the Stars (Book 3)

The Divided - A Science Fiction Romance short story, which is included in the Take Me To Your Reader: An Otherworld Anthology.

Amy A. Bartol is the USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of The Secondborn Series, The Premonition Series, The Kricket Series, and a short story entitled “The Divided.” She has won numerous awards for her writing and been nominated for several more. She's a graduate of Hillsdale College, which inspired the setting of her Premonition Series. Amy lives in Michigan with her husband and two sons, but she travels often, sparking her imagination to create more worlds like the ones with hidden angels, doorways to alien landscapes, and fantastical futuristic societies and technologies. To learn more, visit Amy's website at:https://www.amyabartol.com


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Profile Image for Steph Sinclair.
461 reviews11.3k followers
October 3, 2015
Warning: spoilers.

Absolutely no stars.

I know a lot of people might be confused why I decided to continue this series despite disliking each book along the way. I get that it might seem pointless to subject myself to mediocrity purposefully. But I'll be honest, a small part of myself enjoyed the terribleness in a sense of morbid fascination.

Without a doubt, Darken the Stars is the worst of the three and actually angered me. While books one and two can be swept under the rug as simple wish fulfillment gone terribly wrong, this one is a flaming pile of dog shit.

I didn't really have any intention of reviewing Darken the Stars, but after browsing other reviews, I feel morally obligated to say what no one is talking about. Kricket falls in love with the primary antagonist of the series -- the guy, who at one point, tries to choke her under water into submission. I'm not talking about a poorly written Stockholm syndrome. This is a legitimate romance that the author attempts to sell the reading on and it's so horribly offensive.

The entire novel is based around Kricket finally being in the palm of Kyon's hands, right where he wants her. She's trapped on his beach and makes several attempts at escape with no success. Each time she does try to fight Kyon, he hurts her in some way. He also chooses what she wears and makes it clear that her opinions and wants mean nothing. Basically, he's disgusting and the farthest thing from romantic.

However, somewhere along the lines, Kricket starts to fall for Kyon by way of a forced alliance (of course) and "changes" him. This is so very problematic. First, it completely glosses over the severity of domestic abuse. Second, you can't FIX people, certainly not abusers, with love. Out of the blue Kyon starts showing affection and a little more respect for Kricket. Then we find out that her mother entrusted Kyon to look after Kricket, which is supposed to explain why he sought after her so hard in the first two books. Kricket accepts this and starts to rationalize some of his abusive tendencies and dismiss the others. There's even a point in the book where she refers to him as "my psychopath." Also, there's a lot of sex between them, where Kyon insists on getting Kricket to confess her love as he pounds into her. >insert vomiting<

What's worst is how so many reviewers are so pro Kyon as a love interest and it's got me going HUH? I'm not the kind of person that is usually bothered by how others react to books, but in cases like this, it really disturbs me to see it. And I think it's entirely irresponsible for an author to portray an abusive relationship as romantic. It's sick.

Side note: this entire series revolves around the mental, emotional, and physical abuse of one female character by way of the people who supposedly love her. Who the hell thought this was a good idea?

Anyway, this is a case where my curiosity really did me no good. But I just had to know how it ended and the fact that it was free on Kindle Unlimited didn't help. Next time I'll try to remember that just because I CAN, doesn't mean I SHOULD. I definitely don't recommend this, not even for the lols. Stay far away.
Profile Image for Tara.
493 reviews167 followers
November 28, 2015
I’m actually really heartbroken over writing this review. I keep wavering back and forth between wanting to give it one star and wanting to give it five. Between anger and despair. Between hate and heartbreaking love. Why have you done this to me, Amy?! Why?

I was so invested, so in love, so ready to hand Amy Bartol my heart encased in glass like a trophy, hers to hold forever, because she had rightfully earned it. And then with one book in this series, really even with the final 35% of the book, she completely shattered that heart. I feel betrayed.

I’m so conflicted. On one hand, I kind of understand the ending. It makes sense in a way because of Kricket’s character. And on the other hand, she deserved so much better! I feel so let down. So much of the series set me up to fall in love with certain characters and hate others, only to have that used against me as a weapon. I feel battered and bruised and slightly broken.

I have to say, this is the first time I ever want to give a conditional rating on a book. If this is the final book, I’m so angry that I’m inclined to give it one star. If there will be another, I have enough hope to give it a five simply for the emotions it evoked and the unique and innovative storyline. I’m conservatively giving it three. It’s right in the middle and only fair.

There’s no denying that Amy’s imagination and storytelling ability is impeccable. I mean really, truly flawless. I was on the edge of my seat through most of this series and so in awe. She wields words like a weapon and unfortunately, they damn near killed me with this one.

I really sincerely hope that there is another book. I feel like there are so many loose ends, so many unanswered questions, so much left that needs to happen. I don’t feel any sort of closure at all, in any sense of the word. I so wanted this to be more than it was. How can this be so epically beautiful and tragic and disappointing at the same time?Please, Amy!This is me on my knees. I’m actually sitting on my knees as I type this.Pleasewrite another book! Please give this strong, courageous, beautiful character an ending the likes of which she deserves. My God, she’s earned it! Amy Bartol didn't just darken the stars, she darkened my fucking heart!

I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Edited to add:I have to downgrade my review from 3 stars to 2 stars. It's been more than a month and I'm still angry over this book. I feel completely cheated. The first two books ended up on my "All Time Favorites" shelf and this book completely destroyed the series. I don't remember ever feeling so let down. I may revisit this review for a third time if the author ever publishes another book in the series but if this is truly the end, I could not be more disappointed.
Profile Image for Angela.
859 reviews1,492 followers
March 23, 2019
"Deep down, however, I fear that I've come to love a lie."
Thanks Amy, for confusing the crap out of me... my heart doesn't know what direction it wants to go in. This book messed with my head for multiple different reasons.

When I finishedSea of StarsI was 100% team Trey. Now that I have finishedDarken the StarsI'm so torn between Trey and Kyon... Actually I might not be?!? Ugh I truly don't know where to start! Trey, Kyon, Kricket... I'm a glass case of emotions! Much like I did with my Queen of Shadows review I'm going to do a lot more talking about characters than I am about plot.

I'm not going to lie to you or beat around the bush with this.... We get a lot less Trey in this book than I was ever expecting... and at first this had me super peeved. I was mad that all our free time wasn't again filled with stolen moments and forbidden romance. Needless to say I was a little bit huffy the first few chapters in. That was until it dawned on me that if Amy gave me all the things I "wanted" then it was would be book two repeated and that what I really wanted was something different and new for this series. I got it too.

Trey was just Trey in this book. As much as I still wanted more of him I was again still thankful for what we got instead. He's still seems just as sexy and strong as ever... but he is still the same Trey. The man that thinks he has to stand in front of Kricket instead of besides her as equals.Darken the Starsis more about Kyon and Kricket's story. Yes, you heard right;WE GET A LOT OF KYON!!! Never thought I'd be excited to say that.I'll get to that in a minute though... Kricket is still the whip smart fire cracker that we got in the first two books, but in this one shes a little more vulnerable and dare I say more like-able. Don't get me wrong, I liked her in the previous books, but I liked getting so see the raw more emotional side of her. We get to see more into her thought process and how seeing into the future really effects her. I like her wits over fist persona and her strong will to fight for what she wants. Not what the world needs but for what she needs. Some might think that comment sounds rather selfish for a leading lady, but in my eyes it's refreshing. Then there's Kyon. Everyone from here to Mars knows I love the villains. I always swoon over the bad boy... and what's better than your average bad boy? The bad boy who knows he's bad and doesn't care to be anything else! He owns it. Kyon has the same thing going for him that Warner fromThe Shatter Me Trilogyhas. At first ya boy is beyond creepy and clingy and you're biggest worry is when and where he is going to make a skin suit out of Kricket. As time goes on though you start to see why he is the way he is. That he might be the "villain" but that he gives something to Kricket that no one else has. I also want to mention how I loved how he wants to teach Kricket things. He want to confide in her, and also sees her as an equal. He was the biggest surprise in this book for me. He becomes charming, jokey, romantic, fierce, he's always man-handling someone, he doesn't wear a shirt often....and holy hot half-breed I just want to lick his face... and that seafood dinner scene... Whoosh, sorry. Excuse me. Got caught I up in the moment.

"Courage is a value that you hold dear. You live for
danger... I can't avoid danger. There's a difference... No. You slap
danger in the face and wait for it to react. "

Darken the Starsplot does take a slower pace than the two previous. The first two are all about action packed Wtf moments and chase scenes while this one is more about answering the unanswered questions we had from the others. It's about giving us more of a world history and character development. Also I don't know if I'm the only one whose going to think this, but whatever, I think the plot forDTSis a lot darker as well which I found to be a plus... I don't even want to get into how my number one biggest fears is present in this book. When that bomb gets dropped I almost threw up from being terrified. I'm not even going to mention what it is because I do feel like it's a little bit of a spoiler, but if you know me at all, then you'll already know what it is... because againit's number one on my list of biggest fears. Just shuttering thinking about it again.DTSis more a book that is set into place to set things up for the further installments in the series. The pace really doesn't pick up till closer to the end and takes several turns that I didn't except... And that ending! I just have no idea where this book is headed, what will come in the future, and this has me both stressed and very excited.

Sigh. There's going to be no other way for me to get over this book hangover thatDarken the Starshas given me than watch really low rated movies on Netflix and binge on Ben and Jerry's. Goodbye cruel world.
Profile Image for Emmeline (The Book Herald).
387 reviews45 followers
August 6, 2015
I received this ARC from 47North Amazon Publishing Via NG in return for an honest review.

"Deep down, however, I fear that I’ve come to love a lie.”

Bruised…battered….gutted…in shock. Those are my feelings right now!

Amy Bartol I’m breaking up with you

You led me astray.

You gave me mixed signals.

I trusted you!

I trusted you with my heart and you smashed it with your words.

How could you?

If we were married, I’d want a divorce.

How could you take away the boys? How could you take Jax, Trey and Wayra away from me?

*takes a shuddering breath*

Those first two books, were some of the happiest and most glorious books of my life.

Why did you do it?

Wasn’t my love enough?

Didn’t you know how much I loved Kricket?

You made her into someone else!

I thought you understood where this was going and boy, did I want it to be real! *starts crying*

You ruined me! And demolished my soul with a wrecking ball. Thanks a lot!


*cough* Sorry about that! I’m going to try to be very objective here and ugh…cast my feelings aside for just a momentthough I didn’t exactly do a great job of it at the start

Let’s talk about the plot

Kyon finally has Kricket in his grasp,

Lies are brought forth.

Plots unconcealed.

Lives destroyed.

Not anyone are who they say they are, and things are not as they seem.

Certainty and love are at war.

And sometimes the lines are blurred between lover and enemy.

An Empress will rise if the land of Ethar,

But first we must darken the stars.

Actual rating…2.5 Stars.

This is hard for me guys. I battled with not rating it as a 1 star, because, trying to be objective here- the
writing was still amazing…the plot was complex.

Oh heck, objectivity is over.


*tread careful from this point, potential spoilers below, read at thine own risk!*

I had more of a hate than love relationship with this book.

Now the first book was near perfect to me I gave it a 4.5 stars, the second was a knock out and I gave it a straight 5 stars, heck I’d give it a 6 star out of 5. This one's rating halves the last book!

What happened? Why did you take away Trey? How could you try to make me like Kyon?

What did you do with Kricket? Was it demon possession? Was she abducted and replaced by aliens?

Why did she do a 180? Why was she so different?

Why did the plot change so much!!?

Make me understand!

Was this all a vision that Kricket was having and all this didn’t actually happen? Tell me that’s what’s happening, please!

61% of this book was like a honeymoon of Kyon and Kricket! Again, what the heck?

Warning:- Mother of all love triangles here!

Trey! How could you Bartol? I know it’s within your author rights, but I loved the man! (Don’t worry guys, he’s not dead) but Bartol! He made it into my book-boyfriend list and I hardly got any Trey in my life this time! Why?

I know this review is full of questions, I feel played, used and cheated.

And I’m bitter for it.

I felt everything so keenly, which is why I knew I couldn’t just rate it a 1 star. You got me good Bartol. You got me good. You pulverized my soul.

Ladies and Gents…this book is nothing like what we expected and while this may work for some, it…wrecked me.

It’s a good book. But I thought the story would go a different way. I had hoped it would go a different way. Bartol if you wanted to show the harsh realities of life well played.

Be prepared to be shocked everyone! I certainly was!

I’m so confused about everything here. So many feelings.

Kricket…was one of my favourite characters of all time. This book made me feel murderous…towards her!

Is this the last book? Could it just end like that? Surely not…right?

I’ll stop right there, I can’t go on.

Stay awesome!

-The Book Herald

Tweet me@thebookherald
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,043 followers
December 29, 2015
2.5 damn the stars
I'm a watercolor, bleeding luminosity in smearing swirls of sorrow.

Really pains me to say this, but I just can't... this third installment took a turn down a road that unfortunately didn't work for me. It has nothing to do with the authors style or skill, just the series of events that occurred in this last installment that just had me wondering if I was still reading the same series.Darken The Starswas a slower paced book while the first two were action packed and full of hope and a future so bright, I guess I should have headed the title of this as a warning, because the stars were indeed darkened. I was heavily invested in this series and I take full responsibility for my having my expectations too high. All the characters took roles I never imagined them taking, and having lived with them, knowing them and seeing what made them tick for two whole books, it was hard to swallow the change in persona. While this was the end, I'm hoping it's an end for now, because while this may not have worked for me, I'd like to think that there is more a possibility of more...

ARC kindly provided by 47North, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review.

***Quotes above are taken from the ARC version of the book and may differ upon publication.

Profile Image for Erika ♥OwlwaysReading♥.
372 reviews159 followers
January 15, 2020
Warning: This review contains F-Bombs and graphic images!

Damn it GR!!! Why can’t I give negative a trillion stars?

TEAM Kyon Bartol!

I LOVE love-triangles!

I have never been so DISTRAUGHT over a book before!!!


DIE a _________ DEATH!!!
A) Miserable
B) Painful
C) Slow
D) All of the above

Answer: D

Kricket… GO F*** yourself!

Trey is MINE!

You know what? NO!

I’m not going to accept this book! I’m going to live in denial! DARKEN THE STARS DOES NOT EXIST!

Book 3

Kricket is murdered(Sucks to suck).

Some crazy a** wack job is shooting up polyjuice! That's my story.

[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>
Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,943 reviews1,516 followers
September 8, 2015
6 Kyon oh My Stars

Darken the Stars is the third novel in the Kricket Series.

I love this series like crazy mad. I love it so much that after I finished reading Darken the Stars, I went ahead and did an audio re-read of the first book, Under Different Stars, I just had to get my fix AGAIN.

You will have to read this series in order, but let me just say… and this is for those who haven’t read the series… you will be awed, delighted and consumed by this read. Amy A. Bartol knows how to write a good fantasy book. I would label this as young adult, but it’s steamier than your normal YA novel. It has everything I look for in a YA read, with intrigue, action and crazy love tension.

You know it’s a good series, when there’s a love triangle and I LOVEEE IT!!!!!

If you have read the first two books and you are on the fence about this one, DO NOT BE. You must read this one. It’s a treat and it’s my favorite so far.

Darken the Stars picks up RIGHT where Sea of Stars left off, I’m talking nano-seconds from where it left off, so you will not be confused at all. Kyon now has Kricket and A LOT of questions are on my mind.

What will Kyon do with Kricket?

What will Kricket do?

How will Trey react?

So many questions… I don’t want to give anything away, but I will say, I’ve been a Kyon fan from the start. Don’t get me wrong, I love Trey, but there’s something about Kyon’s obsession towards Kricket that has left me… with a little crush towards him. I love Kyon because he’s so dominate, ruthless and he will do ANYTHING to have Kricket.

I’m also partial to crazy killers.

Darken the Stars is heavily focused on Kyon. It will show you many sides of him and kind of open to who he is, what he does and why he does the things he does. I REALLY ENJOYED IT. I also love being in Kricket’s mind. She has such a complex. She needs to keep the peace, protect her sister, her loved ones and even her heart.

I love Kricket even more in this book because she remains focus and strong. There are so many factors that come to play in this book. I love how everyone is linked together. Gah, I couldn’t get enough. I read this in one sitting and stayed up till 1am until I finished! I never do that.

It’s an amazing book and an amazing series. I’m in love.

NOTE: The author has a three book contract with the publisher. As of this moment, there is no deal for a fourth book, HOWEVER that can change. I have a feeling that the forth book will be in the works fairly soon.

An ARC was provided

Under Different Stars (Kricket, #1) by Amy A. Bartol Under Different StarsREVIEW|AMAZON
Sea of Stars (Kricket, #2) by Amy A. Bartol Sea of StarsREVIEW>|AMAZON
Darken the Stars (Kricket, #3) by Amy A. Bartol Darken the StarsAMAZON
Profile Image for Aira.
330 reviews69 followers
August 8, 2015
ARC received from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book blew me away. It was better than the first and second book. This just had more depth to it, and I felt more for the characters. I don’t know how I’m going to explain all my feelings about this book. Trust me, I was a mess while reading this.

Kyon finally has Kricket. This guy got her, then lost her, got her, then lost her. I wish I had his determination. I know that Kyon’s not really a good guy; but I like him. Yeah, I lost my marbles. In the first and second book, I just liked him, now I love him. He really did love Kricket. Sure, he was extremely possessive, but it was because of how he was raised. He scared me, and I liked him, but I didn’t really want him with Kricket in the end, because I thought he was unstable. He changed though. He really did. He was still extremely possessive, but not in a scary way anymore. Okay, I’m talking so much about him, moving on.

Kricket now has new enemies, and even greater problems. Her supposed allies, were even her enemies. Everyone wants her dead, except for a few people. You’ll be surprised who wants her dead. They didn’t really say it, but it was obvious. It broke my heart. I felt so bad for Kricket. Her existence is basically only for the use of others. I wanted to give her a hug.

Trey. Oh no. I don’t even know what to say about him. I love him, I really do, but he made mistakes in this book. I don’t know how I feel about him anymore. I want to hug him, but I also want to punch him in the face.


Kricket’s father is supposed to be the good guy, and he is the good guy for some, but I don’t really agree with them. He cares for one daughter, and doesn’t give a shit about the other. I don’t care what the future entails and all that crap. You don’t do that to your child. Kricket’s father is a fucking douchcanoe. I wanted to murder this guy! He’s fucking useless and he’s heartless. Just a reminder for Kricket’s father.


This book was just really intense for me. It was awesome, but I was scared to turn pages. Kricket really didn’t need any more problems.

This was supposed to be a trilogy, but I just cannot accept that ending. I thought I was being punked, but then I remembered that no one really knows who I am besides my family. If the author decides that this will be the last book, I will die. Not literally, in case you were wondering. Nope, this is not the end. I refuse to accept that ending. Do you guys know how many times I cried while reading?! Too many to mention. It’s not even a sad book!!! I mean, some parts were really sad, but I usually don’t cry this much. I’m too emotionally invested in this series. I need to read or watch something really happy to get over this.

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,672 followers
February 7, 2017
***I received a complimentary ARC of this book from the publisher, through Netgalley.com, in exchange for honest feedback.***

After finishing this book, I feel so conflicted. It definitely didn't end the way I had envisioned. As much as I loved the unpredictable plot twists, I can't say that I ever fully caught up with the twists and turns. I'm emotionally "stuck" in book 2 and I couldn't really move forward. I guess I just don't adjust to change all that well. Here I had Kricket's entire future mapped out for her, and it ended up being nothing like I had imagined. I'm gutted!

That being said, this book was another exceptional story. The characters continue to captivate me. Kyon, in particular, proved to be multidimensional and had far more depth than was revealed in the earlier books. This book was his chance to shine and he did not disappoint!

On the other hand, I found myself disappointed in Trey and, at times, Kricket. Both of them seemed to treat their love as a passing fancy, disposable and easily forgotten. I always want the "original" couple to stay together in my love stories, so I struggle anytime that there is any perceived fallibility on that front. Needless to say, I had a lot of mixed feelings when the dynamics of Kricket's love life began to change.

The ending was shocking to me, but somehow fitting. I felt heartbroken for Kricket and can't blame her for the path that she chose. I'm still not sure how I'd like to see it end, especially after seeing another side to Kyon and Trey. I just know that this book left me feeling gutted.

I want Kricket to get her HEA and I just don't feel like that happened here. However, this book was left wide open for another book in the series. I'm hoping that there will be one shortly to tie up these loose ends and provide some closure. At this point, Kricket got a bum deal.
September 10, 2015
This may be the hardest review I've ever written. It actually breaks my heart to only give this book two stars because I love Amy and I've loved the series up to this point.

There were things I enjoyed about this story. Kricket is amazing as usual and I totally fell for Kyon. There are some tough moments where Kricket makes some decisions readers may not like. I think she did what she needed to do to survive though.

Amy's writing is fun and the magical world she created for this series really comes alive on the pages.

It's almost impossible to go into detail without revealing spoilers so I'll just be honest and say my problem is with the ending. I hit about 75% in and got a very bad feeling. I kept swiping the pages praying for more when it was over and my heart was just crushed.

To be so invested in the series and the characters, I was quite disappointed with the direction the story went and I feel a bit cheated to be honest. It seems all of the character and plot development just kind of got thrown away.

This is/was billed as trilogy and if I knew there were going to be more books, my rating would be much higher than two stars. But as a trilogy, this has left me unsatisfied and I am keeping my fingers crossed that the publisher will approve more books. I honestly think Amy could get two more books out of this series and I would love that! I want more of these characters and more of their story.

So while my review probably seems harsh, it's very honest. Love the characters, love the first two books, love the author's writing but the end of this book ruined the story for me. If this is all there will be, I will leave this series wishing I hadn't started it.
Profile Image for Vilma.
633 reviews2,840 followers
October 7, 2015
Sadly, I didn't connect with this book. The plot went in a direction I didn't understand and it felt abrupt. The protagonists made decisions that felt out of character and I found myself heartbroken and lost. Amy is an amazing storyteller and I've loved everything she's put out there until now. I know she will come back even stronger, especially as we anxiously await Iniquity.
Profile Image for Laura Thalassa.
Author46 books20.7k followers
September 10, 2015
Amy Bartol, you have ravaged my heart! This was soooooo good! I'll save the spoilers for others, but there's plenty of romance, action, and betrayal!
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,843 reviews742 followers
August 29, 2015
Well, first off I will say that I read the ending of this first, like I do with any trilogy ending and I was quite upset by it. In turn, that made me lose all excitement for reading the book. But then I picked it up and was absolutely blown away.

The other thing I will mention is that I was 100% Team Trey, but after this book, my undying devotion is 1000% Team Kyon. There is so much more to Kyon than what we saw in the first two books. He is swoony as fuck and so so so smitten by Kricket that it's near impossible not to love him. Not to mention Kyon teaches her things, confides in her, and sees her as an equal, to stand beside him. Trey only wanted to stand in front of her, doing what he thought was best.

And now Kricket. She's still the snarky, strong girl she has been from the beginning. I love what she did in this book and the choices she went with. There's a side of playfulness I wasn't expecting and really, I just couldn't get enough of her and Kyon together.

That ending that I was bitching about? Yeah, it really works. I absolutely feel like it's open enough for another book, but if we don't ever get one, I've happily concocted the exact HEA that I want. That being said, I ABSOLUTELY WANT MORE.

**Huge thanks to 47North and NetGalley for providing the arc in exchange for an honest review**
Profile Image for Denise Grover Swank.
Author127 books5,676 followers
September 20, 2015
There's a lot of controversy with this book. And while I can see why some readers aren't happy with the end--I agree, this can't be the end for Kricket--I never read this series as ONLY a romance. (Although I DO appreciate the romance in the story.) To me, this story has always been about KRICKET--discovering her true identity, learning who to trust. Kricket has grown into herself and become stronger for it.

If you're reading this series to see who she ends up with at the end, this may not make you happy. But if you're reading this because you recognize Kricket as the survivor she's always been, I think you'll enjoy it. And let's hope Amy will soon announce when she'll release book four.
Profile Image for Shelley.
1,121 reviews10 followers
November 10, 2020
5+ Baw-da-Baw Stars

Just read this series again for the ++++time. Every time I finish it leaves me wanting more. I NEED to know what happens to all these characters. The more I read it the more I see the characters in different lights. Once you know what happens in the end, reading the first ones again I see Kyon throughout the series for what he really is. It is so hard bc I love Trey and Kyon, but lets face it Kyon is her true match. Kricket breaks my heart. For someone who was raised without love, she shows it to all those in her life, even when they don't deserve it. I have to admit I would love to see Pan and Giffin get some of what they deserve.

ARC generously provided by publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

How I feel about Amy Bartol and all her books!


Darken the Starstakes off right whereSea of Starsleaves off. Kricket finds herself in Kyon's possession, torn away from her love, Trey, and forced into a world that wants her dead. Kricket continues to fight what she knows is right and uses her gift to help her do it. Kricket continues to be such a strong lead character and there are lots of surprises with characters that you think you know but you really don't.

There is so much I want to say about this book, but since I was lucky enough to receive an ARC for this book I do not want to give anything away for those who have yet to read it. I will say I have loved Trey from the start and have been torn because Kyon is suppose to be a bad guy and someone you aren't suppose to like but just can't seem to help yourself. Yes Kyon is on the "bad side" but he has proven himself to not be a bad guy especially where Kricket is concerned. So it is so easy to identify with Kricket through out this book.

Once I picked up this book I did not want to put it down. I couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen and then when it was over found myself so sad that this is the last in the series.

Now I refuse to give anything away about this book but I will say I was surprised by the ending. Actually I am not sure how I feel about the ending. I understand it and it completely makes sense to me, and it actually gives me hope that maybe Ms. Bartol might write another story about these characters because it is possible. However it is not the HEA I was looking for or wanting. In the end everyone gets what they want, well everyone but Kricket, her whole life has been about sacrifice and continues to be that way. It is just one more thing that makes her such an amazing character. (Personally I really wanted Giffen and Pan to get some sort of hurt for all they have done to Kricket, alas I am left wondering). I would love to read what happens to all these characters in the future, one can hope!
Profile Image for Rita Stradling.
Author33 books837 followers
September 11, 2015
Before it came out I was like....





I loved it but my feelings are very mixed. Especially that ending, I mean is it really the ENDING, because it read like that but I surely hope not!!! I'll review once I've researched and sorted out my emotions on this....
Profile Image for Paula.
738 reviews89 followers
September 9, 2015
ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

I loved the first two books of this series. Absolutely loved them. I was so excited to read this that I dropped everything to start it. I'm so sad to say that this one just didn't work for me. At all.
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,090 reviews395 followers
August 10, 2015
Amy Bartol has done something that I didn't ever think possible, she made me fall in love with a genre that before now, I never really paid much attention to. Not because I didn't like it necessarily, but because I just never had any interest in it until now.

She managed to capture my attention from the very first book in the series and not only hold it, but with book two, be in love with it. I couldn't put her books down and devoured them all. To say I have been anxiously awaiting the release of book three, is quite the understatement.

Kricket, Jax, Trey, Wayra and yes, even Griffen and Kyon stole my heart with each new book and I have become so invested in their stories that I just knew this last book, would be epic.

It is never easy reading the last book in a series. You want to devour it at the same time that you want to savor it and if you are anything like me, you war with yourself on which you should do. In the case of Darken the Stars, I had to devour it, I didn't have any other choice. Once I picked it up, I was immediately whisked right back into Kricket's world and I didn't want to leave until her story was over and I was hoping like heck, that however it ended, it would be a good one. One that would finally give Kricket some peace and hopefully happiness and love too.

This book played with my emotions more than any of the others have. I was torn between those characters I already loved and cared about, to liking characters and even loving certain characters, that I never looked twice at or thought I would actually feel for, let alone grow to care and love.

The story took unexpected twists and turns that I wasn't quite ready for. Kricket is in a tough position no matter what she chooses and like always, she has to look out for those that she cares about as well as trying to keep herself safe and protected. There is no easy choice for her.

There is no easy road for her to go on. No matter what, I knew someone was going to get hurt and I thought I would be prepared for that.

My emotions are still all over the place with the ending and honestly, I'm not going to say a whole lot about it other than Bartol made it realistic to the rest of the storyline, to who Kricket has always been throughout the series and for that, I am thankful for it. Was it the one I was expecting? Not. At. All.
But that's okay too, I'm happy with the way it all went down and especially with the fact that with the ending the way it was, I could definitely see a spin off or even a sequel come about eventually.

All in all, a very realistic and believable conclusion to the series.

*An ARC Copy of this was provided by the Publisher in exchange for an honest review.*
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews320 followers
September 8, 2015
Darken the Stars (Kricket #3) by Amy Bartol
4 stars!!

“The stars are no longer aligning for me; they’re bleeding from the sky, turning black, and dying around me. What the people in this room don’t realize is that I’m not the one.”

This is the final book of this series and what an ending. This is one of those books that I cannot give any details away, literally, none. Everything is a spoiler. This is also one of those books whereby for once I am demanding more and not just a “I’m being greedy, I want more”. This is the first case I have come across where the characters demand more, this story still has a lot of legs and while I appreciate and understand the way this finished, for me personally as soon as I had finished, I had already plotted out the next book.


This is also the first time I have sobbed at the ending of a book just because it had finished. Once I had got a hold of myself I sat there and thought “why on earth are you crying woman?” The only thing I could come up with is because I didn’t feel closure; this just couldn’t be the end. The trouble with Amy Bartol is she has a knack of endearing her characters to you on all levels, these characters become a piece of you and because she goes into so much depth you know how and what these characters would do in certain circumstances. I know what should happen, I just hope that the publishers take into account my pleading and option a fourth book. I need to know that these characters are okay after everything they have been through. I just want more...PLEASE!!!

This is my first dystopian series and a genre that I do not typically read but such is the power of Amy Bartol’s draw that I had to give it a go just because I loved her Premonition series so much. I had tried to read this genre in the past but just couldn’t gel with it, but somehow Amy Bartol managed to draw me into this world and made me not only love it, but want more of it.

This final book is about war, the fight for survival, love, trust, betrayal and the most overwhelming fear I have ever had while reading. Fear for these characters, fear for what I thought I knew, fear for actions I never thought I would read about, just shock, horror and confusion but more importantly I understood, everything. While this was not what I was expecting, I could see the whys and wherefores, after all, what we the reader need to remember is that this is Kricket’s story. Kricket's sole aim is to survive and thrive and this is definitely her story.

“I’m stone. I’m stone. I’m stone.”

I found myself loving those I hated and hating those I loved, something that I thought was impossible. With this kind of read you cannot help but move your thoughts ahead a mile a minute and plotting and scheming as to what you want to happen and what you hope would happen, so it when it doesn’t pan out that way you are actually taken aback.

“That’s because you only served to convince me that you’re perfect for me. My little savage – the darkest star.”

Overall, this is one series that I will never forget and one that when I need an escape from reality I will definitely be reading again. I have to applaud Amy Bartol on once again her creativeness and her imagination. Her flair for totally immersing you into her “worlds” so effortlessly only goes to show what a unique talent she has. I also have to applaud her courage in delivering a book that she wanted, the direction that she envisioned her characters taking. While it may not be what we all wanted or expected, kudos to her.

“It’s not alone. It has the world.”

So 47North, my last ditch plea...I need another book, seriously. Not just a maybe, but a definitely.

Profile Image for Ari Reavis.
Author17 books160 followers
March 16, 2017
*ARC received from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review*

Kudos to you, Amy A. Bartol, because you have done what very few are capable of... making me love a love triangle. I dove into this book expecting greatness and I was not disappointed. I didn't think it was possible, but I completely fell in love with Kyon. He won my heart with his devotion and loyalty. He was still crazy and blood hungry, but he wouldn't let anyone harm Kricket and I loved him for it. Trey.. oh Trey, he really let me down with the decisions he made throughout the book. Although I know he loved Kricket, he left me no choice, but to switch teams. Kricket was so strong and smart, even though people were trying to kill her and betraying her left and right. The ending both broke my heart and made me really happy. I loved this book.
Profile Image for Brenda.
1,516 reviews70 followers
October 3, 2015
(I received this from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.)

This is utterly, despicably repulsive. I can't believe that this is a book that has more than 1700 reviews with an average rating of 4.08. I can'tfathomhow this is considered a successful love story, or how people can rate this so highly.

This isabuseandtorturedisguised as a love story. This is one man after another physically harming the main character, and her accepting all of it as regular treatment.

Within the first 10 pages, Kyon is assaulting Kricket. He is forcing himself on her, kissing her and pressing her to his body despite her trying to break away. She bites on his lip hard enough to draw blood and tries to kick him in the balls, and he manages to subdue her.Right away we are shown her saying no, and Kyon disregarding her.

Within the first 10 pages, Kyon is drowning Kricket to make her submit to him:

Kyon's fist tightens again. I'm thrust under the water and held down. The lack of oxygen makes my lungs feel like they'll explode at any second. I panic. Every cell of my body fights for life, except for a small part of me, which is tempted to succumb to the madness of the moment.

He makes it clear that he has no problem sexually dominating her and also beating compliance into her:

"Right now I insist upon your obedience." A wave crashes into my back, pushing me against his chest. I clutch his shoulders and try to steady myself in the water. His hands move from the front of my nightgown to my waist. When the next wave pushes me forward, my breasts press against his chest, and his expression changes from anger to desire. He leans near; his rough cheek rubs against my much softer skin.
"I brought you here to hurt you," Kyon murmurs, the timbre of his voice rumbles through his chest into mine. His words make my heart squeeze tight. "

He continuously forces himself on her:

"I want this." His nose skims up my throat in an intimate caress.
"I don't," I growl between my teeth. "

My muscles go rigid. Kyon kisses my hair and snuggles tight against me. I begin to struggle and try to pull away from him.
"Don't move."
"I don't want you to touch me."
"I don't care what you want. This is what I want. You need to know that I'm the only person to whom you can turn."

His deep voice murmurs, "I like to hear you wake with my name on your lips." With his shoulders resting against plump, white pillows, Kyon's blue eyes hood as he continues to stare at me. He moves his hand along my hair, stroking me like a favorite pet.

"You belong to me. I won't let you go--not ever."

His controlling behavior comes around again to make sure that Kricket's body is not hers. She must do as he says:

His eyes skim over me slowly, lingering on my breasts in a way that makes me pull the sheet closer.
"You don't have to wear anything. We're alone here."

I slide over to that side of the mattress. When my feet touch the floor, I hold the sheet to me and walk in that direction. I'm halted by a firm tug on the tail of my sheet. Looking over my shoulder, I glare at Kyon, seeing him wrap the end of my sheet around his hand.
"You didn't ask me what you should wear," he says in a stern tone.

Kyon's "love" of Kricket is pure domination:

"You think you have me tamed, Kyon?"
Kyon turns with a cold look in his eyes. "I plan to bring you to your knees again, Kricket."

I narrow my eyes at him. "We're not a couple."
He frowns. "Wearea couple. "
"I don't want to be claimed."
"You have no say in the matter."

This isnot okay.This is not behavior that elicits a strong, healthy, romantic relationship.THIS IS ABUSE, AND IF YOU SAW YOUR SISTER, OR YOUR BEST FRIEND BEING TREATED THIS WAY YOU WOULD NOT BE OKAY WITH IT.I can't fucking believe that this is from a major publisher and that they're endorsing this shit. What the fuck are you telling girls who read YA? The ones who are still figuring out their self-esteem, who need to be built up?Will you break them down by telling them it is okay to be hit, to be sexually molested? That it's okay to be submissive and compliant and stay with the boy who treats them this way?

The worst part is that Kricket falls in love with him.After everything he has pulled, everything he has done to show blatant disrespect and total disregard for her:

A part of me wants to follow him. We're supposed to be a team in this.

"You promised me a dance."
"I did?"
"Yeah, you did," I saw with a smile.

I am so repulsed. I am disgusted and can't seem to shake the nasty feeling I have after finishing this book. I HAVE SO MUCH AMMO THAT PROVES HOW ABUSIVE KYON IS. How do you justify this treatment? How do you look at a 14-year-old and tell her this is okay?I wouldneverlet my younger sister read this trash.There are legitimately good books out there, and this is not one.
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,051 reviews354 followers
March 17, 2017
2.5 sad stars.

I have to say that I was totally invested in this series and once I got to the end of book one I devoured the next 2 in under 2 days. I can't believe the end...the fight to survive and the struggle for love just ended in a "say goodbye" kind of way. I was already torn between Kyon and Trey but I'm not sure I found the connections anymore...it all seemed very dystopian and gray. Hearts were shattered everywhere and so many confrontations needed to happen that didn't. Griffen...still uncertain as to his whole character. Kyon...would never have lether go. Pan...he needed a good slap. Oh well, maybe I'm just jaded that Trey fell out of the story and was left...well they were all left...
Profile Image for Ashlee » libraryinthecountry.
784 reviews776 followers
November 4, 2017
4.5 (This review may have some mild spoilers, but nothing explicitly stated.)

What can I say about this book? First of all, I am writing this review about three months after having originally read it and am so happy I waited. I found myself with a terrible book hangover after finishing this. I loved it, but also wasn't sure what to think of it and really just needed to give myself time to process it. After some time, I really feel differently about it than I did when I first finished.

"I think I’m the most hurt by the fact that I’m not like him. I would’ve chosen him over everything else. The whole world could’ve burned down and I would’ve pulled him from the wreckage of it."

Let me start by saying that this book does not have the pace of the previous two books in the least. Additionally, there is a certain male character that I came to love immensely that does not have as big of a role in this installment as he did in the previous two. At first I found myself very frustrated by this as he was my favorite character in the series and I just wanted more and more of him. Looking back, I do still wish we had more of a look at what he was doing throughout this story when he wasn't present. I really found myself questioning his actions and motives and would love more insight into his mind and what he was thinking at the time. Needless to say, it felt a little personal, as if someone had broken a promise to me.

"I found her. I lost her. I found her. I lost her. I found her."

On the other hand, there is another male character we get a WHOLE LOT OF. A whole lot I did not want or desire initially, but Bartol really knows how to make you go from loving to hate a character to wanting to love them. This is exactly how I felt. Now, let me also make a reference to this character's history throughout the story. He has done some really horrible things and despite the explanations in this story for his actions, I did not feel like they were excusable at all. On the other hand, I still grew to have feelings for him as the story progressed and felt myself even pitying and rooting for him at times. One cannot deny that him and Kricket would make a ruthless and powerful team, as this installment hints at.

"Deep down, however, I fear that I’ve come to love a lie."

Now, onto Kricket herself. It is apparent that Kricket is not the same person she was when this story started. Where are her loyalties? As this story progresses, its clear that Kricket's heart and mind are at war with each other and she is trying hard to understand who can be trusted and who does not have her best interests at heart. Those she was certain would always support her aren't around and those she told herself to guard against are willing to do anything for her, even if they didn't intend for that to happen either. However, perhaps Kricket hasn't changed as much as it appears. The most important person in Kricket's life is herself and at the end of the day she must make the choice that is best for her and so that's exactly what she does. With a little bit of revenge, cunning and fury tossed in there too.

The ending to this story was not at all what I expected. I am not a "must have my HEA!" type person, but this ending really took me by surprise and left me feeling a little unsettled. I totally support and understand Kricket's choice, but I also wish there could have been another way.

Now, if you read this and are wanting more, take a stroll over to Bartol's blog as there is a little sampling of what could be a progression of this story and why she has not published more (at this point). That being said, I feel like there is so much more to be told about this story - Kricket, Trey, Kyon, Ethar & Earth, our boys Jax and Wayra, Charisma and Trey's family, Giffen and Astrid and more. I don't want to be one of THOSE people but if any series could continue past where it was meant to end, this one would be my choice. (I hope you're reading this, 47North!)

At the end of the day, despite the ending taking me by surprise, this is still one of my all-time favorite series and one I will continue to cherish as time goes on.
Profile Image for Susi.
967 reviews99 followers
August 1, 2015
I really can't wait for this one!
Finally she is with Kyon, whom I love (usually I'm Team Bad Guy xD.
Super excited for this book!

Edit 07/31/2015
Recensione anche sul blog Bookish Advisorhttp://bookishadvisor.blogspot.it/
Darken The Stars è il terzo libro della serie Kricket, serie Sci-Fi da gusto Fantasy di cui mi sono perdutamente innamorata.

Amy A. Bartol si scopre sorprendentemente una delle mie autrice preferite in quest'anno di letture: scritta accattivante, storia travolgente e coinvolgente e personaggi di cui non puoi fare a meno di innamorarti.

Kricket è nelle mani di Kyon, per salvare la vita di Trey ha deciso di mettersi nelle mani dell'uomo che ha quasi distrutto un mondo per poterla avere per sé. La fuga è impossibile in più il compito che le è stato affidato è di vitale importanza per le forze della resistenza. Pian piano quella che era una prigione diventa la sua casa, e colui che era il suo carceriere diventa la sua famiglia. In un mondo in subbuglio, tra fazioni che si rimescolano e che si schierano e i sentimenti che cambiano Kricket farà di tutto per rimanere in vita e allo stesso tempo cercare di salvare la vita alle persone a cui ha imparato ad amare.

Kricket una delle eroine che più ho preferito in questo ambiente Sci-Fi, una ragazza forte che non ha bisogno di nessuno per scampare dalle situazioni difficili, una ragazza che trova sempre il modo di cavarsela in qualsiasi ambiente. Una ragazza che non ha paura di affrontare la vita e le conseguenze delle sue azioni, ma allo stesso tempo una ragazza in cerca di affetto, di amore, di quella famiglia capace di proteggerla, e le attenzioni di uomo capace di metterla al primo posto.

Kyon, vi ho mai detto quanto ami questo personaggio? Per quanto possa amare il tipo di personaggio che rispecchia i canoni del Principe Azzurro il mio cuore trova sempre il modo per simpatizzare per il Bad Boy della situazione e già dal secondo libro questa tendenza era diventata percepibile ma con questo terzo libro ho avuto finalmente la conferma che dietro questo personaggio si nasconde molto di più del crudele assassino, dello spregevole killer pronto a tutto per ritrovare Kricket, si cela un animo sì forte de autoritario ma anche un cuore capace di amare e provare dei sentimenti veri, soprattutto quella quella ragazzina “selvaggia” che pian piano ha tracciato dentro di lui le impronte del suo passaggio e del suo particolare modo di amare.

Trey ha un ruolo marginale in questo libro, ma non meno importante, un ragazzo combattuto tra il suo amore genuino e l'affetto che prova per la sua famiglia.

Darken The Stars è un libro che ti rapisce dal primo istante, una lettera che ti coinvolge e appassiona come pochi libri portandoti a finire il libro in quelli che sono tempi record!

Libro appassionate e super eccitante, risvolti inaspettati che complicano ulteriormente la trama: nuovi segreti, nuove rivelazioni ma soprattutto nuovi nemici e nemici che si rivelano più preziosi di qualsiasi arma.

Ma non è solo un insieme di battaglie, fughe rocambolesche, e l'innegabile maestria con la quale la trama è stata organizzata, il worldbuilding di questo terzo libro arriva ad un ulteriore livello: la scoperta di nuovi ambienti e spazi per i quali perdere a testa, tra sensazioni percepibili sulla pelle e descrizioni che ti portano a vedere cristallinamente la scena davanti ai tuoi come se fosse reale.

Darken The Stars è un libro completo, unico, sia per gli amanti di un buon Sci-Fi/Fantasy ma soprattutto coloro che non disdegnano una buona dose di Romance: i sentimenti dei protagonisti sono percepibili, veri e l'empatia che prova il lettore è fortissima, più e più volte mi sono ritrovata a leggere passaggi con un sorriso gigantesco sulle labbra e un cuore che pompava a mille solo grazie alla bravura dell'autrice di regalare scene piene di emozioni, scene frizzanti dalla tensione palpabile e incontri sensuali e dolci, tormentati e turbolenti tra i protagonisti di questo imprevedibile triangolo amoroso che si viene a creare.
Un libro che non è solo la metafora della lotta tra il Bene e il Male ma l'espressione del concetto fondamentale: di come possa essere vero che a volte il fine giustifica i mezzi, e di come alle volte si debba venire a patto con la parte più oscura di noi stessi, non tutti sono perfetti e non per questo è possibile farne una colpa.

L'unico aspetto per il quale ho storto un po' il naso è dovuto alla percezione che ho avuto in alcune scene dove sembrava che la protagonista fosse vittima della sindrome di Stoccolma, Kyon è sempre stato il cattivo/antagonista della storia sia chiaro quindi mi aspettavo una evoluzione alquanto graduale che portasse il personaggio a riabilitarsi agli occhi del lettore.

Infine un epilogo, forse un po' troppo frettoloso, diciamo che avrei voluto che fosse presa una piega più concreta, che lascia molte strade aperte e che non mette del tutto la parola fine a questa trilogia.
Concludo questa recensione con la speranza che venga scritto un altro libro.

4 Stelle

I received this copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Grazie infinitamente l'editore e NetGalley per avermi concesso di leggere questo titolo in anteprima!
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,614 reviews521 followers
March 28, 2016
4.5 stars
I think I liked this book the best. I get why others didn't but I really enjoyed the twists. I started out hating Kyon but in this book, the author humanized him. He was still a feral animal but he chose Krickett in a way no one, not even Trey had. Maybe Kyon had nothing of worth to lose like Trey had (his family) but Kyon never wavered on his desire for Krickett above all things and he would sacrifice her for the good of others. That's what ultimately made me switch to Team Kyon.

I hope Krickett's family mainly the sperm donor who begot her (he's not worthy of honored title "father" ) gets eaten by those worm things. Astrid too. They all got what they wanted by working together towards this common goal. Krickett had to make her own way. I just wished that.Perhaps it's better that he didn't but one thing is for sure. This story isn't over!
Profile Image for Patricia .
317 reviews50 followers
September 13, 2015
Darken The Stars is a tumultuous journey of self-preservation where illusions of love will reconstruct your beliefs in what happily-ever-after really encompasses.

This is one of the most difficult reviews I have ever written. I have spent the better part of the last 8 days mulling over the story and trying to get a handle on my emotions. I have chatted with my book friends and engaged other readers in discussion in the hopes that I might find something that would make me feel better. Unfortunately, that is not the case and so I am going to attempt to address some of the issues that lead to my rating.

Character consistency is something that is definitely hard to maintain throughout a series. I don’t envy authors who have to balance character growth among the myriad of other elements of writing to create a story that is well written and keeps the reader engaged. I don’t feel like character consistency was achieved in this book because the Kricket and Trey I fell in love with in the first two books were almost unrecognizable in Darken the Stars.

I was captivated by these characters and truly believed that Kricket was the most determined heroine I had ever encountered. This snippet from the synopsis perfectly describes the Kricket I was expecting to see in DTS.

“…she has an unbreakable desire to live life on her own terms, a life that she desperately wants to share with her love, Trey Allairis” – Synopsis for DTS

But this Kricket shook my belief. It was as if she had been broken and lost her will to really live and succumbed to the powers others exerted over her. What happened to the fighter? I have no doubt she had to make difficult choices to survive under the circumstances and with all the new information that came to light. But she felt like a shell of the Kricket I love.

While there were glimpses of the Trey I had come to love, this Trey felt like an imposter to me. What happened to the Rafe soldier who would do whatever it took to protect Kricket? I miss the man who loved with such all-consuming passion; the man who abandoned his duties to his people to protect those he loves.
I generally strive to keep my reviews spoiler free. But I have an overwhelming need to address some of the things that just did not work for me with DTS.

There was a chemistry between Trey and Kricket from the beginning. That chemistry escalated into an EPIC love story that complemented Kricket’s riveting adventures on Ethar. I realize there is so much more to this story than Kricket’s love life, but I can’t help but feel cheated with the way the series concludes. I most definitely have a new appreciate for Kyon and that surprised me given that I despised him in the first two books. But I never felt that Kyon and Kricket shared a connection that was remotely close to what Trey and Kricket shared.

“You cannot thrive under the wrong stars, Kricket” - it all comes back to that statement courtesy of Trey in Under Different Stars. Whether the correct stars are on Earth or Ethar, makes no difference to me. But the ending leaves so much unresolved conflict and the illusion of a HEA (Happily Ever After), when in reality it felt more like a HFN (Happy For Now).

Kricket has endured so much on this journey and I refuse to believe her story ends here. She is destined for so much more – I can feel it in my bones and I hope that I will have the opportunity to see that play out. If this is truly how the series ends, then I am sad to say this did not work for me because I have absolutely no closure with these characters or this story.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Justadele.
889 reviews1 follower
August 2, 2015
**ARC received courtesy of the publisher via NetGalley for my honest review**

I am so torn about the ending of this book half of me thinks it's genius & the other half wanted more!!! I guess that wanting more is better than having it all delivered in a neat package with a bow on top.

This book pulls you in from the first page & I was gripped until the last.

I loved Cricket she really comes into her own & we really get to see how resilient & strong she is.

I did a total 360 on my feelings for Kyon & I ended up feeling heartbroken for him.

All in all I think this book was a perfect ending to the story, I gave it 4 stars.
Profile Image for Carol.
786 reviews58 followers
April 10, 2021
This was an awesome book just like the last two in the series it's really fast paced and extremally well put together. The most of all shockers in this book was I actually warmed to Kyon in this last book, I felt that given Krickets situation and everything she has to deal with Kyon is the better choice for her to have relationship with wow! Did not see that coming.

The only problem I have is that I think this is the last book and I think there should be more.
Profile Image for Christina.
574 reviews72 followers
August 24, 2015
I reviewed this title with one of my co-bloggers, Ana. Our original review of this title can be found here on The Book Hookup.

**Note:This book was provided to the Book Hookup by the publisher via NetGalley, but that did not influence this review in any way.

Ana: 5 *wow that was intense* stars!!!I finished this book several days ago and my feelings are still raw. I feel like I don't have the words (as I stare at my mostly blank computer screen) to convey how this book pleased me, saddened me, and made me fall in love with this world all over again. So many secrets are shared, so many story lines unraveled, and so many characters surprised me. From the very first page, I was lost to this amazing world that Ms. Bartol has created and I'm not sorry that I traded sleep for the opportunity to spend every possible moment immersed in this story.

I love that Kricket really came into her own here. She's always been an intelligent, sassy character but, in this book, she's fierce. She's not afraid to take on the challenges before her, she's not afraid to make decisions that may surprise you, and, most of all, she's not afraid to open her heart in some unlikely ways. As the pieces of her destiny come together, she struggles to find the answers but never gives up. She's strong and she untimely has to make sacrifices...ones I didn't see coming!

Now, if you haven't read the book yet, what I'm about to tell you may be a bit of a *SPOILER*...so proceed with caution!!

You'll probably read some reviews that focus on the end of this book (an ending which some will love, some will hate and some, like me, will pray is not really the end) but I'd much rather focus on the amazing world building, the fantastic characters and the unexpected surprises...all of which come together to create a phenomenal series!! So, if you haven't picked this up, you are definitely missing out. Go get it now!!!

Then you too can join #TeamKyon!!

Christina: 5 stars!I don't even know where toevenfreaking start, especially after Ana already elaborated about the best parts. My thoughts are a tangled web of emotions and the more I try to unravel them, the more entrapped I become. I guess the easiest place to start is by saying this: Ms. Amy "Badass" Bartol has done it again! This woman is a world builder if I've ever read one. I always know that once I begin her stories, I'll be thrust into a new world that will undoubtedly transport my mind and be bent to her creative authorly will. I absolutely loved coming back to Ethar, and, specifically during this novel, "living" on Kyon's island in the Sea of Stars and staying on his Alameedan estate. Another thing you can count on Bartol to deliver is the action. As Kricket's story evolves, you'll find the betrayals run deeper, new scarier enemies are uncovered, and there are surprises around every corner, ones that will have you racing through the pages to see how it all works out. I always enjoy reading Bartol's books simply because just when you feel like you have discovered which way it's going to go, that theory will explode in your face and hundreds of other potential scenarios will be born in an instant. It always makes for a fascinating, thrilling journey. Aside from those other glorious factors that bring about awesome books, Bartol is also guaranteed to give you exceptional characters. Ones that will twist your heart this way and that, tug you along emotionally, as they develop until these people leap off of the page and in to your heart, leaving you feeling wrung dry and physically spent. I love watching her characters evolve as we progress through each subsequent novel, and thisKricketseries is no different. I've thoroughly enjoyed watching Kricket grow even more into her own person, becoming even more fierce, vibrant, and bold. And, of course, if you mention Kricket, you have to mention her love interests. Yes, plural. I love the push and pull of a good triangle, and this author knows how to do them right. She takes the time to build the relationships and to show the building of that connection. I adore Trey, don't get me wrong, but I have been enthralled with Kyon from the very beginning, way back in the first novel of this series. Bartol knows how to work the mind of the anti-hero and before you have a chance to blink, you'll be ensnared in his wicked spell of doom and demise. Though her bad guys are phenomenally good at being oh so very, very bad, I love that Ms. Amy gives us the time to know them, to see their depth and development, to recognize the person beneath that "monster" façade. Kyon was the perfect portrayal of her talent in that area for me. I do love me a bad guy; the more deviously, deliciously dark, the better. (Don't judge me, it's a weakness.)

Now for the elephant in the room (aside from the blasted love triangle other readers have no doubt ranted/raved/threw a giant hissy fit about), that traitorous ending! Spoiler alert:...she chose herself and her freedom, which is absolutely something that I can respect. Lord knows that while it has it's loose ends and storylines felt unfinished, not everything in life can be so easily gathered in starlight and sprinkled with fairy dust to work out perfectly, so I can appreciate this journey for what it worked itself out to be: A girl that truly found herself. That being said, which publisher person do I need tobegspeak with to make at least one more book happen.

As always, thank you Ms. Bartol for giving me an epic adventure and for giving me the bad boy that others love to hate and that I... well,really freaking love.Those boys make my heart pitter-patter like no other, well, aside from you. *squeeeeeeze* Now, if you wanted some other priestess-- say you wanted to name her, oh, I don't know... Christina, to help Kyon mend his broken heart in the absence of Kricket, well, I wouldn't hate you one bit for it. *cough*Pretty please make this happen. At least for me. You can send it directly to my inbox.*cough*

A very special thanks to 47North and NetGalley for providing us with an advanced copy of this title in exchange for our honest review.
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