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Bỉ thị bỉ nữ の sự tình [Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou]#21

Kare Kano: His and Her Circumstances, Vol. 21

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After Soichiro threatens Yukino's status as most popular, Yukino tries to regain her idol-like popularity, struggling with her own inner problems while they develop a unique relationship.

186 pages, Paperback

First published August 5, 2005

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About the author

Masami Tsuda

Name (in native language):Tân điền nhã mỹ

Tsuda is a tea-loving, crazy manga-ka who lives in Japan. Her most famous work that has been translated into several languages isKare Kano(orHis and Her Circumstances).

Tsuda likes operas, historical sites, and classic children's tales.


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Profile Image for Luisa... Per aspera ad astra ❤️.
152 reviews128 followers
September 8, 2019
Di sicuro la capacità di comprendere cosa sia la felicità e cosa l'infelicità risiede in un luogo che la mano dell'uomo non può raggiungere.

Dopo Fruits basket (letto il mese scorso), un altro manga che mi ha abbastanza devastato è Karekano... no, non volevo farmi del male a distanza di poco tempo però mi chiamava, ero curiosa di iniziarlo pertanto mi sono buttata nella lettura.
La storia mi ha intrigato fin dai primi volumi: leggeri, spassosi, divertenti quasi. E pian piano ho fatto la conoscenza di tutti i molteplici personaggi che sono ben caratterizzati e molto umani, ognuno con i propri difetti, paure, colpe, segreti a cui è impossibile non affezionarsi ♥
In particolare le tematiche affrontate - oltre a quelle tipiche dell'adolescenza (amore, amicizia, prime difficoltà della vita) - riguardano soprattutto il reprimere la propria personalità e l'apparire belli e perfetti per essere accettati, l'indossare una maschera per integrarsi nella società e rispettare le convenzioni sociali perchè altrimenti non sei nessuno; l'importanza che si dà alla materialità; l'abbandono; l'abuso e la violenza (fisica e psicologica) domestica; le dinamiche famigliari e l'educazione; la solitudine; il perdono e la redenzione. Insomma tematiche delicate ed attuali, difficili da mandare giù, che portano inevitabilmente a riflettere, a guardarsi dentro.
E' un manga diverso dal solito, forte e intenso, che ferisce... infatti verso la metà comincia a prendere una piega più cupa e dolorosa e quanta angoscia e tristezza ho provato! Quasi avevo paura di proseguire... ma d'altronde così è la vita: si va avanti nonostante i dolori e i traumi. Alcuni purtroppo si lasciano inghiottire dalle tenebre senza avere la fortuna di incontrare qualcuno che li aiuti; altri invece che, come Soichirou, dopo aver toccato il fondo riescono ad affrontare se stessi e i demoni interiori in un percorso di rinascita e trasformazione per arrivare all'agognato lieto fine, sentendosi finalmente alleggeriti e liberi. Perchè io pur trattandosi "solo" di un manga, voglio ancora crederci che esista un lieto fine anche nella vita reale nonostante le sofferenze. Il passato non può e non deve essere dimenticato ma bisogna che venga superato per riuscire a voltare pagina. Le situazioni di Lui&Lei insegna proprio che il cambiamento in positivo è possibile, quando meno ce lo si aspetta e magari nel momento in cui si smette di sperare in un futuro migliore. Insegna quanto sia necessario andare oltre le apparenze, le etichette che affibbiamo e ci vengono affibbiate a causa dei pregiudizi; che imparare dai piccoli e grandi errori serve per mettere in moto la vita e giungere ad una felicità duratura.
Dal punto di vista grafico ammetto che i disegni a tratti mi piacevano a tratti non tanto, li trovavo poco espressivi e curati. In ogni caso gradevoli.
Detto ciò: se cercate una storia divertente, commovente, dolceamara, nostalgica, introspettiva e che lasci il segno non può che fare al caso vostro. Io la consiglio assolutamente! E non fatevi spaventare dalla mole (21 volumi) perchè scorre e si divora che è un piacere.
Mi mancherà:')
Profile Image for Eressea.
1,684 reviews68 followers
August 20, 2021
Nhân vi động họa phong MOD thượng liễu am dã đích động họa
Khán liễu tam tứ tập nhất thời trùng động mãi liễu chỉnh sáo nhị thủ thư
Hoàn hảo giá sáo bất quý, 21 tập lục bách đa nhi dĩ
Cân kỳ tha phong cuồng sĩ giới đích nhị thủ bỉ khởi lai thân dân đa liễu

Họa phong pha bất hỉ hoan
Tuy nhiên tòng hậu kỳ đích đan hành bổn khán lai
Tác giả thị hữu bạn pháp họa xuất ngã hỉ hoan đích tả thật phong cách đích
Đãn khả năng vi liễu như kỳ liên tái tựu giản hóa liễu
Hoặc thị đương thời tựu lưu hành giá chủng phong cách?

Tổng chi giá chủng sung mãn phấn hồng phao phao đích kịch tình thật tại bất thái đối ngã đích vị
Hữu mã đích hắc lịch sử cân tuyết dã cảo xuất nhân mệnh nhượng ngã chỉnh cá giác đắc WTF...
Niệm nhĩ thị nhất đại đại tác, cấp tam khỏa tinh
Chí ô am dã bản mạ... Nhất trực dĩ vi tại khán EVA, yếu kế tục khán hoàn mạ?
Profile Image for Jerjonji.
Author4 books17 followers
June 19, 2008

The story begins when Yukino begins high school. Yukino has devoted most of her young life to being the best in everything she does. She is the top student at school, perfectly dressed, and her peers adore her. Content to live life with this mask on, Yukino is convinced that she has life under control. Things start to crumble around her when the newest student in school, Soichiro Arima, shows her up in every area. Soichiro has his own problems. Unable to live the life he wants, he is determined to be the "good kid" so that his aunt and uncle will never be disappointed in him. The abuse he suffered as a child has severely scarred him and it is doubtful that he will ever be able to take off the mask he wears and be himself. This is the Kare Kano storyline I love- angsty, emo-ish, full of hurt and anger, and a lot of love to redeem things. As Yukino finds her hatred of Soichiro turning into love and they try to figure out who they are without the masks, the story takes you back to Arima's past and his parents mistakes. For most of the volumes, the manga-ka did a fine balancing act between dark and light, and I eagerly waited each book. After volume 20, the story felt done to me and I couldn't believe there was one more... the mop up volume in which she ties up all the loose ends, I guess.

I'm trying to figure out exactly what I hated about volume 21. It may be that she started the story off in the future with Arima dead and Yukino married to Arima's best friend, Hideaki, and then took it back. It was like that was the story she wanted to write, but since it didn't go anywhere, she pulled away from it. And then there was the storyline where Yukino and Arima tell Hideaki that Yukino is pregnant, and Hideaki knows 1. it's a girl and 2. it's his soulmake. So when Yukino's daughter is 17, she tells Hideaki that she loves him. It felt way too contrived and WRONG to me. Plus, she tries to reveal the truth about Hideaki's past (and only kind of does it) when she should have put that story string in much earlier when we all cared about why he was a womanizer.

But in the end, I think it's because she makes life so much easier for them after they grow up. They have children too young, have to put a career on hold, and everything is sweet and beautiful. Soichiro works too much, but everyone loves him anyway. Yukino's kids are beautiful and perfect. Hideaki is a famous artist who lives next door and babysits while Yukino goes to med school and then starts work... it's like she totally doesn't know how tough it is to be a real adult. It doesn't ring true and it feels likes lies. She lost her way in this story, I think, and went for the easy ending- the one people wanted to read instead of the ending the story required. I'm sure all the fans are happy, but I'm a bit disappointed. This was the manga-ka who had the courage to tell the producers of the anime that they couldn't use her storyline anymore if that's what they were going to do with it. I wonder if she's happy with the ending or just happy that it's over....
Profile Image for Dyah.
1,110 reviews63 followers
March 9, 2020
Macam-macam reaksi (lucu) orang terhadap kehamilan Yukino dan keputusan dia dan Souichiro untuk langsung menikah berlanjut...

Bibi Eiko datang berkunjung ke rumah Arima dengan maksud mencemooh Souichiro, yang seperti ayah kandungnya, menghamili anak gadis sebelum nikah. Souichiro udah siap perang mulut aja tuh, udah melontarkan kata-kata tajam dan dingin. Tapi...

Souichiro: Aku cemas. Mereka (anggota keluarga Arima lainnya) pasti tak mengira kalau istrikulah yang akan jadi dokter. Mungkin Yukino akan mengalami hal kurang menyenangkan.
Yukino (sambil tersenyum misterius): Tenang saja, aku sudah menyiapkan strategi. Kau pikir aku akan diam saja... Setelah mendengar ceritamu disiksa oleh para sepupumu? Pakai saja otak untuk menghadapi mereka tanpa kekerasan, maka mereka akan merasa "lebih baik aku tidak dilahirkan di dunia ini"...
-Dibandingkan Souichiro, Yukino punya lebih banyak ide jahat-

Kemudian, cerita 16 tahun kemudian...
Dibuka dengan lawakan Yukino dan Asaba
Ditutup dengan reunian kelompok pertemanan Yukino dan Souichiro di konser Yin Yang. Ini pertama kalinya mereka kumpul lengkap setelah lulus SMA. Masing-masing menjalani hidupnya dengan sebaik mungkin, dan ke depannya pun akan terus demikian.

Ini akhir yang cukup memuaskan untuk kisah Kare Kano.
Meskipun tentu saja aku ingin tahu kelanjutan kisah rumah tangga Yukino-Souichiro dan kisah ketiga anak mereka.
Profile Image for Hira.
153 reviews415 followers
February 10, 2016
Second Reread:
The past few days I've read some shoujo manga, and I felt like they were trying too hard to make the stories sound meaningful and I recalled having read Kare Kano, one of the series that I had actually enjoyed. I felt like revisiting Kare Kano's story, so i went back and started reading from Volume 1.

It starts off as a relatively typical comedy series. Some people may have felt like it's all wrapped up in the first volume even and don't bother to read further because of the cliche nature of the series, however they'd be surprised when they see what comes in the later volumes. Reading the first few volumes, you may think that Miyazawa is the main character, however Arima's character is the most worked on throughout the series, and the most complex imo.

As the series progressed, more characters were introduced, and each of them were given their own stories that were told. Not just the main leads' characters developed, but so did everyone attached to them. The only one of their stories I felt lacking was Asaba's, he was one of the more central side characters yet we are not given closure.

I wasn't expecting how dark this series would be. It deals with individuality and people who struggle with it, our need to be loved and also how to love. Another thing I loved about this was how they wrap up the relationship aspect pretty early on (I think the first/second volume?) - and focuses more on their emotional growth IN the relationship. Having read so many manga where they deal with the leads barely holding hands until the end of the series, it was a fresh breath of air.

Overall I'd rate this a solid 9.5/10 (I did not like the final volume), and hope to revisit it again sometime in the future.

First Reread:
Finished within 2-3 days. It starts off as a pretty fluffy read, first volume is fairly interesting, and it grows darker as the story progresses. Arima's character develops much throughout, and Miyazawa's is developed in the first few. All characters are interesting enough and each have stories of their own. They have stereotypes involved, like most manga, but these are bearable, and doesn't lessen how much you enjoy the story. Arima's story was the one most focused on, and the darkest. The ending was kind of typical-ish and made me cringe...but oh well. Overall a nice enough read.
Profile Image for Carmen.
559 reviews57 followers
September 14, 2016
I finished my first manga series ever! But seeing as how I've never wrote a review for it, I'll summarize its story a bit. It's about this seemingly perfect girl who only acts perfect because she loves to be flattered. She holds up this facade of hers and is always number one in her class... that is until she gets to high school where she meets this boy.... who is even more perfect than she is and beats her out for the number one position. She starts to panic and works even harder to regain her status but through some unfortunate circumstances, her perfect image slips and is revealed to him. She's forced to do his work or he'll reveal her for who she is-- a shallow and conniving girl-- but somewhere along the way, she ends up falling for him. He already likes her for her imperfections.. and eventually they both promise to let go of their facades and just be themselves. Thus begins this love story as our heroes are forced to face their real selves that they've been hiding. They have to also deal with the people who only see them as perfect and now are being told that it was only a ruse. Along the way, more characters and their stories are told as the heroes start making real friends and opening themselves up.
This manga series was awesome.. because it encourages you to be yourself despite how imperfect we may be. It's about facing our pasts and our histories to be able to face the present. I'm a little sad that I'm finished with the series... but it was a good while it lasted.
Profile Image for Devastatingwildness.
108 reviews92 followers
December 8, 2019
¡¡Para mí "KareKano" no terminará nunca!! ¡Es parte de mi vida, lo adoro!
Narie Tasaki, de Tokio


In response to another review I wrote this kind of review that dicusses the ending and the story overall. Of course, it will be spoilers.

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Profile Image for Hoppipolla.
333 reviews5 followers
October 1, 2023
Vale, es el volumen que MENOS me ha gustado con diferencia y la nota final que le doy es la que le doy en general a la obra.
Ha tenido partes que han sido supremamente buenas (la historia familiar de los Arima, el principio con Yukino, la madre de Arima, sus padres... Buenísimo) pero ha habido otras partes en que he sentido a la autora un tanto perdida e improvisando demasiado. Tratas que se queda sólo en la punta de un iceberg, tropos que se repiten entre si con distintos personajes sin sentido, me hubiera gustado mayor profundidad en algunas cosas también. También hay tramas (y traumas) que se resuelven con nada y que entiendo que que es una historia y tiene que tener un final feliz pero... No sé, cierta consciencia, cierto drama 🫤 no sé, he aprendido bastante y hay cosas que he disfrutado de leer pero... En general la veo un 3/5
Eso sí, considero que el anime necesita un remake completo aunque centrándose en algunas partes concretas que creo que agilizarian mejor la obra y contarían exactamente la misma historia.
Profile Image for -moonprismpower-.
2,549 reviews12 followers
November 22, 2023
Happy ending! (Except the whole Asaba and Sakura situation… ughh why even be okay with loving someone you basically helped raised??)
I loved being on this journey!!! I loved the psychological aspect to this series. It reminds me of Fruits Basket (without the animals lol). It dealt heavily with family trauma. I do wish there was more chapters about the side characters though. They seemed to disappear when the Arima arc came along..

Overall thoughts on this series:
I give it a 4.5/5 stars!!!

I really enjoyed this series. I liked seeing these kids grow up! Yeah, it got over dramatic at some points but it didn’t take me out of the element.
This series starts off so lighthearted but there were definitely hints of the “darkness” coming since the first volume. The mangaka also has a quirky sense of humor and I love it.
Profile Image for RaspberryRoses.
180 reviews
October 10, 2023
Kare Kano does it again - one last insane and uncomfortable twist before we wrap the series up. Asapin didn't deserve this Renesmee nonsense.

The series in general is... hard to recommend. But I'm still glad I read it. I think it's an interesting time capsule into the era it was created! And as a shoujo fan, you can definitely see how it influenced the genre. I was able to read all of them for free from my library, so I think that's a part of why I was able to stomach it, even as it's pacing and plot choices turned insane. If I was paying for these volumes, I think I would have given up around midway through the series.
Profile Image for StrawberryShojo.
275 reviews37 followers
May 20, 2021
Kare Kano is a gut-wrenching and wild ride. If you have only seen the anime, then you are missing a lot of the meat of this story. Kare Kano follows the story of Yukino who strives to be an image of perfection. She’s beautiful, is at the top of her class, and seems naturally good at everything she tries. However, this perfection is a complete facade. Yukino’s home life reveals her to be a messy, rude, narcissist, who is obsessed with being the best. Yukino’s obsessive pursuits seem to be fueled by the praise and admiration she receives from those around her, it becomes clear that she has a crippling fear of failure. Meanwhile, her class rival, Soichiro aims for perfection for entirely different reasons. Soichiro’s perfect life aims to conceal his dark past as he tries to make up for the abuse and trauma he faced as a child. He clearly has an overwhelming fear of loss and rejection.

Throughout the story, these two characters’ lives intertwine as they learn one another’s secrets and help one another work through their problems. Each of them grows as individuals separate from one another, but they also grow as friends and eventually a couple. If you have watched the anime, then your perception of this story is probably that it is a romantic comedy. While you are not necessarily wrong, this manga reaches levels of depth and darkness that the anime definitely does not prepare you for. This story tackles topics like self-harm, suicide, domestic abuse, sexual assault, and unwanted pregnancy, and a whole slew of mental health-related issues. While the manga covers much of these topics with noticeable care and sensitivity, I will say that given that the manga ran from the mid-’90s to the early ’00s, its understanding of some of these issues can feel quite dated at times.
There are elements to this story that I think are actively harmful. Specifically, the great length’s to which Yukino attempts to heal Soichiro’s dark past. This establishes a narrative in which a woman’s strength is defined by her ability to stand by her man no matter what. Unfortunately, that kind of storytelling has real-world consequences no matter how realistic the depiction is in this case. While it is not at the forefront of the story-telling, this manga also perpetuates the idea that girls should pursue older men; that they have more to offer and are simply more suitable partners than more age-appropriate options. This is a sentiment that I absolutely do not agree with, and I believe it to be a harmful trope.

That being said, while this story is quite dark at times it has an undeniable honesty and relevancy to the narrative. In many ways, it feels realistic, even if it is uncomfortable, which is probably why so many manga readers still flock to this series years after its publication. If you liked Fruits Basket or Mars, then I think you would enjoy Kare Kano. I think Fruits Basket does a better job unpacking different kinds of trauma, especially in regards to toxic masculinity. However, for better or worse, Kare Kano never relies on metaphor or fantasy to soften the blow of hard-hitting topics and in that way feels all too real in its delivery.
Profile Image for Jasmine Rose.
654 reviews66 followers
January 15, 2015
I had a bit of a bumpy ride with Kare Kano overall. The anime was one of the first I watched when I just started getting into it all. The non-ending really sucked so I was looking forward to getting the whole story with the manga. I meant to read it right away, but my library only had a few random copies, so here I am approximately two years later having finally collected and read all 21 volumes. Maybe all that time got my hopes up a bit, but whatever the reason, I couldn't quite see what everyone else seems to see in the series.

The last few volumes were pretty good, but the first half of the series was a huge letdown. There really isn't much of a story to speak of for that first half. It's basically about Yukino and Soichiro getting together and then some random stories with a few poor excuses for conflict thrown in.

Things finally start to get good when it's time for Soichiro's side of the story. I mean, he has next to no personality before the focus is solely on him. I wish some more focus had also been given to some of the side characters. They were pretty fascinating once more of their character started to show, but I feel like we only ever scratched the surface. Well, I suppose that's not entirely fair as Tsubasa and Kazuna got two whole volumes to themselves. Which, honestly, come on! I would have been happy with anyone else. Honestly, those two volumes pissed me off. I never cared all that much for Tsubasa as a character anyway, and I certainly didn't want to see them get together. If any character deserved to volumes to themselves, it was Asapin. He was with them from the start and I always felt like there was so much more to his story that we couldn't see.

Although, Asapin did seriously disturb me with his feelings at the end of the story. I can't even imagine how weird that would be for Yukino and Soichiro.

I did appreciate the 16 year leap into the future. You don't often get that big of a jump and it was really interesting to see how everyone was doing after all that time. Tsuda did a wonderful job wrapping up everything and leaving me with a nice fuzzy feeling.

Also, the arc with Soichiro's dad was pretty interesting and definitely not something I could have predicted.

Overall, I'd have to say Kare Kano just didn't work for me as a series, but I think Tsuda managed to pull a good ending out of it all anyway.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Carmen8094.
407 reviews19 followers
May 22, 2016
Dopo gli importantissimi eventi narrati negli ultimi numeri, mi sono approcciata al volume 21, l'ultimo de Le situazioni di lui & lei covando grandi aspettative... naturalmente deluse.
In realtà avrei dovuto prevedere un volume più leggero, in cui si potesse tirare il respiro dopo tutte le rivelazioni precedenti. Che facesse da epilogo.
In questo numero, infatti, si cerca di indagare meglio Asaba, rimasto un po' ai margini della storia negli ultimi tempi e poi, dopo una breve incursione della zia Eiko, tutti i ragazzi protagonisti della storia prendono una propria strada, che li porterà inevitabilmente ad allontanarsi gli uni dagli altri. Mentre il loro posto, a scuola, viene preso dalla nuova generazione, impersonata da Kano, la sorella minore di Yukino.
Nell'atto finale, l'autrice ci catapulta nella storia ben sedici anni dopo gli eventi di cui abbiamo letto, e lo fa prendendo inizialmente in giro il lettore sulle sorti di lui e lei (ammetto che a me sarebbe piaciuto molto se le cose fossero andate davvero in quel modo).
Possiamo così fare una capatina nelle vite dei due protagonisti - ma che tristezza, Soichiro padre più che altro assente - e dei loro ex compagni di liceo.
Sono rimasta un po' perplessa per ciò che è stato scelto per Asaba, che alla fine si è rivelato un personaggio di gran lunga migliore di quello che pensassi (e che probabilmente ho bistrattato nelle recensioni). Non sono sicura che mi piaccia ciò che è stato lasciato in serbo per lui.

Benché Le situazioni di lui & lei non mi abbia del tutto conquistata e, per alcuni aspetti, non mi abbia sempre del tutto convinta, mi è dispiaciuto lasciare definitivamente tutti i suoi personaggi, dopo averli visti praticamente crescere sotto i miei occhi.
Credo che ciò significhi che la storia ha fatto il suo dovere.

Profile Image for Eli Gimeno.
112 reviews1 follower
August 6, 2020
Empecé a leer el manga tiempo después de haber visto el anime y en ningún momento esperé que la historia me fuese a envolver de la forma en la que lo ha hecho. Menudo viaje ha sido. Y que pena me da tener que separarme de estos personajes. Una gran historia poco reconocida hoy en día
Profile Image for Miriam.
499 reviews6 followers
August 25, 2020
Que penita haber terminado este manga y es un digno final que cierra toda la historia. Bravo por este manga y también por el anime. Es de mis favoritos junto con Sakura e Inuyasha.
Profile Image for Esmeralda.
158 reviews7 followers
October 9, 2020
TOMO #21

Todo iba bien, en serio que iba todo muy bien mientras leía el tomo final hasta que empieza el asunto de Hideaki con la hija de Arima (ya no recuerdo su nombre).
¿Cuál era el punto de hacer eso?
Entiendo que era divertida la broma de Arima siendo la pareja ideal en versión hombre de Hideaki, pero hacerlo realidad tomando a la hija del propio Arima ¿era necesario? Es extraño e incómodo, para mí en ningún sentido es atractiva la idea.
Y no creo que sea una exageración, o sea, Hideaki la conoce desde que era un bebé, ayudó a criarla, básicamente es como un segundo padre.
Hubiese sido mejor que desarrollaran la historia de la primera chica con Hideaki.

Ahora bien, sobre la cuestión de los respectivos destinos de Yukino y Arima, no lo negaré me sentí un poco decepcionada.
Por un lado estuvo bien ya que cambió de forma inesperada lo que se esperaba de ambos: un futuro prometedor repleto de altos reconocimientos sociales.
Visto desde otra perspectiva, duele saber cuánto potencial fue desperdiciado.
Sin embargo, comprendo que una vida más normal (ama de casa y policía) para ellos también termina por encajar, después de todo la visión de Kare Kano va sobre otros rumbos y no de convertir a sus protagonistas en unos líderes nacionales.

*Opinión final*
Kare Kano es uno de mis animes favoritos además de ser de los primeros que vi, debido a lo cual creo que se entiende el especial cariño que le tengo a la historia. Con todo esto, es una lástima que el efecto que tuvo su manga no haya sido el mismo.
No me malentiendan, el manga en general me gustó pero no me encantó.
Si creo que la primera mitad del manga fue mucho mejor a la segunda, sobre todo las presentaciones de Yukino y Arima, así como el conflicto entre chicas (Maho y Yukino). La segunda parte fue más pesada con capítulos y capítulos dedicados a personajes secundarios y el conflicto familiar de Arima también dio paso a lo mismo. A eso agréguenle el nacimiento de un Arima emo y su pronta resolución mágica. Asimismo se perdió la esencia de ciertos personajes COF COF YUKINO para poder hacer brillar otros.
En resumidas cuentas, esa segunda parte fue un desastre.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kristin ✨.
1,194 reviews24 followers
March 5, 2024
And this final cover is looking a bit creepy...

And that's a wrap! What a ride that was. Usually my love for a series will be quite steady but these volumes were rated everything between 2 and 5 stars. It was a mixed experience for sure. An enjoyable ride, but still some questionable things.

My favorite part is still the beginning of the series, and Arimias back story. I also liked the Ying & Yang band story but the rest is a little questionable.

It is interesting to be that Yukino who in the beginning seemed to be the main character was absent or did not have her own character arc for most of the story after the first initial volumes, many other characters stories also feel a bit unfinished or uncomplete.

It is clear that the story was not planned out carefully before and that we were along for the ride of Tsuda figuring out where she wanted to go. Which has both it's positives and negatives.

And also what I'm the world was that ending with the child being the best friend soul mate. A little too Jacob from Twilight for me personally.

Always entertaining, not always good? But enjoyable nonetheless.
Profile Image for Cristina.
852 reviews9 followers
August 13, 2020
Per una volta la serie a cartoni non ha strafalciato il sentimento del manga che è davvero fenomenale.

Sentimenti al femminile ed al maschile posti a confronti e pronti ad unirsi ed a maturare attraverso esperienze di vita comuni e non fantastiche come si suole pensare.

Ragazzi orgogliosi, innamorati, superbi, generosi, odiosi ma pur sempre ragazzi uniti sotto mura di libri e di complicità che crescono senza battere ciglio ma mostrando a pieno il proprio IO combattuto e nascosto con dolore.

Bellissima serie dal primo all'ultimo volume che non manca di farti sorridere per la comicità di alcune situazioni e di farti commuovere per il profondo macchiavellismo d'introspezione che si insidia in ogni pagina!
Profile Image for Ya Boi Be Reading.
431 reviews3 followers
June 1, 2024
4.5 man I'm gonna miss this series;n;
The first half is a strong closing cinch to the high school life of Miyazawa and co. It’s got a decent amount of retrospection and has a bunch of comedic fun to really hammer home the strength of the high school friend group. Then we get a timeskip and it’s very sweet. Everyone gets a happy ending and the idea of them meeting up after so long really ties in well with the bittersweet squee-ness of knowing this is the final volume. Tsuda definitely knows how to end a story. There is some offputting set dressing though like Tsuda committing to the band guy marrying his step-sister. There is also Soichiro’s daughter having an interest in Asapin who is like a second father to her. I think it’s meant to tie into the BL-ness of Arima and Asaba as multiple times they’ve had BL-inspired moments and characters have said is Arima was a girl they would be a couple. But maybe just create a female version of Arima instead of Arima’s daughter. Luckily these are short moments so the uncomfiness of them does not linger.
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Profile Image for Ignacio Vera.
167 reviews2 followers
May 4, 2020
Y bueno llegue al final, quiero en primera comentar que encuentro lo de Asaba terrible (mala suerte para él) y que 16 años me pareció una exageración total y que solo lo hicieron para el chiste de Asaba con Sakura

En cuento al final si estuvo bonito, pero siento que me faltó algo, en vez de darme tanto relleno con la historia Arima me pudieron dar un poco más de Asaba con esa chica que salió en el único capítulo de él

Me encanto la determinación de Yukino y yo pienso que es una gran lección la que ella deja
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Profile Image for Wendy El Blog de Wendy.
309 reviews48 followers
January 21, 2022
Entre tanto drama, cosillas turbias, otras muy muy turbias y un poquito de alegría para terminar, el final es un sí, pero no. Y eso que, en general, es una historia que obviando sus partes más turbias, oscuras y flipantes, me gusta mucho.

La manera de acabar la historia principal y cómo cierran su historia los diferentes personajes es genial. La autora consigue darle a todo un giro que encaja genial con cada uno de ellos. Peeero, ha habido uno en especial que al ver por dónde iban los tiros y descubrir que realmente ha acabado como yo creía que iba a hacerlo, no me ha gustado nada:')
Profile Image for kimsa.
28 reviews
August 9, 2023
I loved the anime and watched it when I was 12. It’s still one of my favorite animes of all time. Unfortunately, it never received a proper ending, so I decided to start reading the manga which turned out to be a huge mistake. The ending is incredibly problematic and disturbing, involving themes like grooming and romanticized pedophilia, as well as other unsettling content. In hindsight, I really should have just stopped after watching the anime:( "
February 29, 2024
L'anime è un ricordo d'infanzia, lo vedevo con mia sorella tutti i pomeriggi e dopo anni ho deciso di iniziare il manga. Mai mi sarei aspettata tutta questa trasformazione dei personaggi, la spiegazione del comportamento dei familiari di Arima. Ho apprezzato molto anche la storia familiare di Asaba. Questa serie di manga è stata come un caldo abbraccio per me, un po' ritorno all'infanzia e un po' cambiamento nell'età adulta ❤️
Profile Image for Travis.
629 reviews11 followers
September 10, 2017
I liked this series quite a bit, even when it took a turn for the angsty and started focusing on Arima (actually I think I liked his story best of all).
Profile Image for Charlie.
1,039 reviews5 followers
June 25, 2018
Kind of a spacy ending, but whatever. First time I'd read the ending.
Profile Image for pam.
104 reviews1 follower
December 5, 2022
4 stars

- very dramatic
- atleast di skin deep
- the characters really matured and im proud of them
- iffy abt some parts tho like the amount of underage × grown person pairings????
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Displaying 1 - 30 of 51 reviews

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