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Daughter of the Pirate King#2

Daughter of the Siren Queen

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Alosa's mission is finally complete. Not only has she recovered all three pieces of the map to a legendary hidden treasure, but the pirates who originally took her captive are now prisoners on her ship. Still unfairly attractive and unexpectedly loyal, first mate Riden is a constant distraction, but now he's under her orders. And she takes great comfort in knowing that the villainous Vordan will soon be facing her father's justice.

When Vordan exposes a secret her father has kept for years, Alosa and her crew find themselves in a deadly race with the feared Pirate King. Despite the danger, Alosa knows they will recover the treasure first... after all, she is the daughter of the Siren Queen.

352 pages

First published February 27, 2018

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About the author

Tricia Levenseller

Initially from a small town in Oregon, Tricia now lives next to the Rocky Mountains with her bossy dog, Rosy. She received her degree in English Language and editing and is thrilled that she never has to read a textbook again. When she’s not writing or reading, Tricia enjoys putting together jigsaw puzzles, playing volleyball, playing OVERWATCH, and watching shows while eating extra-buttered popcorn.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 11,193 reviews
Profile Image for Hailey (Hailey in Bookland).
614 reviews85.7k followers
February 27, 2019
This duology was super fun! Such a fast paced and steamy romance that had me swooning many times. The storyline with pirates and sirens was interesting too, so the story had many dimensions I enjoyed. Overall a very enjoyable series!
Profile Image for Melissa ♥ Dog/Wolf Lover ♥ Martin.
3,595 reviews10.9k followers
June 7, 2022
*Reread 2022 4.5 Stars

Sirens & Pirates! Oh My!

Alosa is back and bad to the bone! I loved the first one and love this one even more

The sound of my knife slitting across a throat feels much to loud in the darkness.

I catch the pirate before his corpse hits the ground and gently lower him the rest of the way. He is only the first of Theris's - no, Vordan's, I remind myself - crew who will die tonight

Alosa is now a captain of her own ship and has her own female pirates and we might just have some sirens too 😊

But will they defeat the Pirate King and get the gold? Read and find out.

Oh and lovely, Riden. Lord have mercy. I could say something naughty but I won't. Lol.

"Have you decided you want to be a permanent member of the crew, then?" I tease.

"Aye, Captain." He lifts the tricorne off my head and runs his fingers through my hair. "I'll sail with you anywhere. I don't care where we go it what we do as long as I'm with you

Gah! I need me a Riden!!

"And that was without even a single drop of rum."
-Captain Jack Sparrow- Pirates Of The Caribbean: At The World’s End

Happy Reading!

Mel 🖤🐶🐺🐾
Profile Image for Katerina.
422 reviews17.3k followers
March 18, 2018
Sheer Delight!

Tricia Levenseller's duology isutterly enjoyable!What I love the most about it is that it made me feelgenuinely, truly happy!Was I petrified most of the times?Aye!Did I want to murder Kalligan with a seething passion?Aye!Did I nearly lose myself to the perils of the deep blue, searching for hidden treasures and singing rich melodies with the sirens?Aye!Still,Tricia Levensellermade my heart swell withlonging, joy and laughter!Daughter of the Siren Queenwasenchanting,and while I'll never wield a sword or become a badass lady pirate or kiss Riden *cue ear-piercing wail*, I got a taste ofmindblowing adventuresthanks to Alosa, I became a part of her crew and I fell in love, and I did all those things without risking my life or getting eaten by cannibals! And that, my friends, is a privilege granted only to readers.
“I may not have been born in the sea, but I was born to rule it.
I am the daughter of the siren queen.”

InDaughter of the Siren Queen,Alosa retrieves the last piece of the ancient map leading to the world's greatest treasure, all too eager to please her father and prove her value. But when secrets of her father come to surface, and her life is turned upside down, she has no choice but to find the sirens' lair on her own, and claim their treasure for herself. The voyage of theAva-leeis nothing but dangerous. With her father's entire fleet on her heels, her only chance at defeating him is to control her siren nature, and use it to save her crew. But the siren is a murdering beast, trying to eradicate her humanity, and make Alosa use her abilities only for death and pleasure. Will she manage to outmaneuver her father? Will she save her crew, and be the Captain they deserve? And, most importantly,who will prevail, the siren or the human?

That's exactly the most frequent (and decent) exclamation that left my lips while I was readingDaughter of the Siren Queen.Tricia Levenseller,being the cunning siren that she is, erased everything from my brain, and left only the desire to inhale her story, to follow the adventures of theAva-leeand get drunk in adrenaline and elation. The stakes were even higher, the losses many, and I cursed like a pirate every time Kalligan and his foul men were one step ahead. Theaction was non-stop,Alosa's inner turmoil well-depicted, and the call of the sea, simplymagical.We got to spend time with the sirens, to explore uncharted territories, to smirk at hilarious banters and witness loyalty and friendships that defied the wicked and the cruel.Daughter of the Siren Queenwas pirate adventure at its finest!
“Your enchantments last long after your song fades.”

Be still my thawing, dark heart. Riden was moredeliciousthan ever, and I'm surprised thetensionbetween him and Alosa didn't set theAva-lee's sails on fire! I relished all those charged and angsty and heated and tender moments so much that I had to discreetly wipe the drool from my chin! Phew, for a book taking place in the sea,Tricia Levensellersurely knew how to consume me in flames!

If you're in the mood for afun, light-hearted and amusing read,then look no further! Let's hoist the colours, me hearties, set sail for faraway lands, and sing one last time, with rum running in our veins,

Profile Image for Tricia Levenseller.
Author20 books15.2k followers
August 2, 2023
And now DAUGHTER OF THE SIREN QUEEN hit the USA Today bestseller list!!! So happy that these books are receiving so much love. Thank you, readers!
Profile Image for Ida.
129 reviews235 followers
March 22, 2021
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Simply amazing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

’’THE SOUND OF MY knife slitting across a throat feels much too loud in the darkness.’’

You know the kind of book that just pulls you inn from the start and doesn't let go until you've turned the last page? The one you can hardly put down, because you just have to know what happens next?
This is one of those.

Daughter of the Siren Queen is an action packed adventure where the author puts so much love into creating her characters that you can't help but love them yourself.


After having recovered all three pieces of the map, all is set for the big fleet to set out for the legendary Siren island and the promised treasure.
When Vordan exposes a secret the Pirate King has kept hidden for years, Alosa and her crew find themselves in a deadly race against her ruthless father. Now their only hope is to find the island and retrieve the treasure themselves, or suffer the consequences.


Alosa is the brutal, strong willed and level headed heroine who puts her crew before everything.
“If I have to ask you one more time, I’ll start singing,” I warn. “What should I make you do first? Break your legs? Draw pictures on the walls in your own blood?”

Not only is she a badass pirate, but the author managed to make her even more awesome by making her a half-siren feminist.
"To be the siren is to never be afraid. To never hunger or thirst. Never doubt or worry. Never fear."

“You wouldn’t give a second thought to a couple of men aboard your ship behaving in such a way or talking such talk. You do not get to judge us more harshly for being women. It’s not fair, and it doesn’t make sense. Not to mention I’ll throw your arse overboard if I catch you doing it again.”


Not to mention she has her priorities straight.
"I will go to her as soon as we’re safe. For now, I need to be captain."

"I need to swallow my nausea and pride in this moment. Forget what it does to my dignity."

I was hooked from start to finish, and even though I would have loved to read more about Alosa, Riden and their crew, I feel like this is a worthy ending to an epic adventure.

Now we need more Sorinda and Kearan!
"Part of me will always miss it, I think. This place where my family resides. But I will be back when we can spare the time."

I think this sentence was created for all of her readers, because I will,with out a doubt,re-read this duology, when I have time to spare.
March 10, 2018

Story ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Reasons why it is absolutely freakin cool to be a siren:
- breathtaking beautiful
- Pretty strong
- Can dry your clothes and hair in a few seconds
- Swimming in the sea is no problem at all
- Men are the weaker gender, because you can make them do things for you, hypnotize them with the perfect image of their dream woman or see what they’re actually feeling
- No one can beat you at karaoke because you have the perfect voice
- Also your hair is always on fleek 👌🏻

The Island the la Carta is just one treasure map away, when Alosa and her new crew get into a new big adventure.
This book was even better than the first one. It was still super cool, funny and exciting, but now it had an even faster pacing and we get into more depth with the characters and relationships.
We get fights, death, betrayal and a lot more!
I really really liked this book.
This is no book for people who love absolut perfect world building, detailed characters or beautiful different writing.
It’s for times when you need something funny and light to read.
Something to travel to another world filled with pirates and sirens.

Characters ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I said it in the review for the first book and I say it again.
Alosa is like the female badass version of Captain Jack Sparrow aka the best and funniest pirate in the world.
She is strong, intelligent and extremely loyal to her own crew. Also we see how the siren part of her gets stronger and more developed.
Riden - Alosas love interest and partner in crime - was a great character with a beautiful personality. He was kind, loyal and the love he had for Alosa was so sweet.
The rest of the crew - boys and girls - were so cool and I would have loved to be a part of this crew!
All of the characters are a bit plain and not really developed, but the fun I had while reading it definitely helped forgetting this.

World ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Did you love the Pirates of the Caribbean movies? Yes? Than you’ll love this duology.
It’s filled with ruthless pirates, badass women, beautiful sirens and an island full of treasures.
Also there were other monsters waiting on small islands.

Relationships ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If you want a fluffy romance, you should probably avoid reading this book.
It was kind of sweet - but in his own kind of way. It was slow and filled with fear and insecurity. Fear of realizing their own weakness. It felt real and I was so happy for the both of them. They deserve to be happy.

Writing style ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oh, this book was so much fun! It was funny and filled with action and so so cool.
There weren’t many beautiful lines, but I didn’t really care, because that wouldn’t really fit into this book.
This book is for girls and boys who love adventures, who adore the sea, Pirates and sirens.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
521 reviews261 followers
May 22, 2018
“The sound of my knife slitting across a throat feels much too loud in the darkness.”

I absolutely adore it how the sirens have such a big part in this book. I’m obsessed with anything siren and pirates.
So yeah, this books was just made for me.

I expected this book to be a lighthearted read, and it was, sometimes, there was a lot more death then I expected and everything getting in the way of my OTP finally getting together was just irritating me so bloody much.
All the time I was like

Alosa is such a badass, seriously she never gives up even when things go to shit and when it seems like there isn’t a way out she keeps going until she finds it. She’s very sarcastic too.

Riden is BAE. I wanted to see a book with his POV. Sad we didn’t get that.

All of the crew were just fantastic, and I adore them all.
And all of them were shipping Alosa and Riden together.
And we got a character that was drunk the majority of the time.
Profile Image for High Lady of The Night Court.
135 reviews5,295 followers
December 18, 2018
The first book introduced us to Alosa's crew and in this book we learnt much more about their history and how they came to he a part of Alosa's crew. In the first book we merely caught a few glimpses of her crew, but in this book we embark on a nerve-racking mission which allows us to watch the crew work together, understand them and undeniably fall in love with each and every one of them.

In the first book Alosa said that,
"I value brilliant minds, honest souls, and those with long endurance. I forge relationships based on trust and mutual respect, not fear and control.” The truth in those words is clearly reflected in her relationship with the members of her crew and loyalty and respect they exhibit towards her. It also gives us an opportunity to see Alosa in her well deserved role as captain of her ship.

The adorable moments in this book make you want to squeal with happiness let it be the crew of the Ava-lee or Alosa and Riden. In the middle of the book, the small interactions with Roslyn(who you will meet in this book) are some of the most endearing conversations I have read.

This book starts off with Alosa handing over the last piece of the map to her father and capturing Vordan who reveals something that Alosa can't quite wrap her head around, but it inevitably leads her to move against the pirate king, endangering not only her life but also that of her crew. We also witness her struggle to master the siren part of her that wants nothing more than to join the sea.
Just like the first book, I was completely bewitched by this one and I rate it 5 stars with any hesitation whatsoever.

A book about pirates, sirens, and a girl caught between the two world she never quite fit in. Will choose to fight for herself and everything she believes in or will she succumb to the part of her that is constantly fighting for dominance and will grant her the power she so desires but will endanger everything she loves?
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,837 reviews12.4k followers
June 29, 2024

Daughter of the Siren Queenaccompanied me on my 2019-Labor Day holiday travels. While I won't be adding it to my Favorites List, it was anentertaining weekend read.

Picking up where the first installment left off, we find Alosa back on her ship with the best crew in the business.

Her old enemies are now her captives and she feels successful having gathered the pieces of the map leading to the treasure of theIsla de Canta

She plans to work alongside her father to recover the spoils, however, things change when a giant family secret is revealed.

Alosa is devastated to learn her father has been lying to her about something very important. She feels betrayed and extremely angry.

With this new knowledge of her father's true nature in mind, she decides to set out on her own to claim the booty for herself and her crew. She feels no more allegiance to him.

Her skills as a Captain are put to the test, but there's no denying her fierce nature. Struggling to gain control of her Siren powers, she grows closer to Riden and realizes something about him being near makes her powers easier to handle.

I did enjoy the development of their relationship and reading more about the Sirens.

Although this was action-packed, I still found my mind wandering quite a bit. I am not sure if that was more due to the circumstances under which I read it (on vacation), or whether it was because I just wasn't fully engaged with the narrative.

I think for me personally, it read on the younger side of YA. Definitely a solid story however, so if you enjoy a good pirate tale, go ahead and pick up this duology and give her a go.

We could all use a little more swashbuckling in our lives!
Profile Image for Charlotte May.
771 reviews1,233 followers
June 21, 2020
“I may not have been born in the sea, but I was born to rule it. I am the daughter of the siren queen.”

Swashbuckling fun!

Alosa and her crew once again hit the high seas in this wonderful sequel.

After successfully collecting the final map piece that leads to the Siren’s treasure, Alosa’s father Kalligan plans on taking everything from the “terrible monsters” Alosa has been told about.

However, when a terrible secret comes to light. Alosa isn’t sure if she ever really knew her father, whether he just uses her for his own gains.

A sea tale full of action, magical sirens and romance. If you are looking for action packed fun then look no further.
Profile Image for Poppyflowerjj.
241 reviews
March 12, 2023
4.5/ 5⭐
.5 /5 🌶️

This duology was super fun! Tricia Levenseller brings an outstanding conclusion to the Daughter of the Pirate King duology with Daughter of the Siren Queen. The story takes off right after the events of the first book. The plot was well written, it flowed smoothly and it kept the pace up. The characters are well developed and one can’t help but fall in love with them. I loved Alosa and Riden love story. The fights, the joy, the sadness of death, and the victories tie this series up in one big bow of success.

I’m super curious about Sorinda and Kearan, wish there was another book out there I could read more about them, especially Sorinda. I really want a love story for them.


“Your enchantments last long after your song fades.”

“Because we are not our fathers. We saw what evil looked like, and we knew we wanted to be different.”

“The first step to feeling good is looking good, and I look like the royalty I am.”

“I think you love me,” I say. “I do.” “And I think I love you.” “You think?” “I know.”
Profile Image for sam.
405 reviews735 followers
February 11, 2019
Daughter of the Pirate King:4.25⭐

If I had to use a book to describe what loyalty and friendship are...this book would definitely be one of my first choices.

I read the first book in this duology,The Daughter of the Pirate Kinglast July and I really enjoyed it. I loved this sequel more than the first book. If you're looking for a quick read, I'd highly recommend this duology to you.

This book takes place a couple of weeks after where the first book left off. We get into the background of most of Alosa's crew and how they came be aboard theAva-Lee.Though we got glimpses of them here and there in the first book, here we get to know them individually and I have undoubtedly fallen in love with each and every member of the crew. The devotion and support they show towards one another is so beautiful.

As captain of theAva-Lee,Alosa's utmost duties are to her ship and crew. Throughout the book we see how many times she was willing to sacrifice her life if it was for the well being of her crew- proving that she was definitely worthy of her position. Another thing I really liked was how the author brought Alosa's siren part to life. It was as if the siren was a completely different person and was so interesting to read about. We also got to see how much Alosa struggled with controlling her siren nature which wanted nothing more than for her to live in the sea. It was one of the major plus points of this book.

And Riden. A definite swoon worthy love interest. I loved the parts that had both Alosa and Riden together and it gave me so many warm feelings...*sighs*

It has everything from a badass crew of female pirates to a smoking hot love interest to a captain who'd rather give up her own life than see her beloved crew perish...a book that you definitely do not want to miss out on.

An adventure across the high seas. Prepare yourselves for an action packed novel with a swoon worthy romance and secrets long since buried.

Profile Image for benedicta.
391 reviews539 followers
August 10, 2023
3.5⭐️ Riden deserves so much better than Alosa 😭

I thought Alosa was amazing in book one but then I disliked her in this one. I just liked book one better overall. I tried not to let my dislike for her influence my rating.
Profile Image for Lucie V..
1,103 reviews2,979 followers
September 24, 2022
"I may not have been born in the sea, but I was born to rule it. I am the daughter of the siren queen."

✅ Pirates
✅ Mermaids
✅ Strong main character
✅ Pace
✅ Action
🆗✅ Plot
🆗 Relationship / Romance
🆗 Ending

3.5 stars

It wasn’t as good as the first book, but it is still worth it if you enjoyed the first book. It is still entertaining and has a lot of action, pirates, and sirens, but the romantic drama was not to my taste, and the ending felt underwhelming.

Daughter of the Siren Queen takes place a few months after the end ofDaughter of the Pirate King,as Alosa and her crew, set sails towards Isla de Canta, the island of the mermaids. After betraying her father, Alose sees no other solution than to acquire a fortune big enough to defeat the Pirate King, and buy the loyalty of his men as a pirate is usually loyal to the richest.

“How did we turn out the way we did when such horrible men raised us?” I wonder aloud.
“Because we are not our fathers. We saw what evil looked like, and we knew we wanted to be different.”

I have to say though that I am not entirely satisfied with the way this adventure concludes. This book was a long setup for the final grand confrontation between Alosa and her father, but the ending feels rushed and everything was wrapped up way too quickly. The main "villains" from the first book are not there anymore, one died at the beginning of the book, and the other just left the adventure and is now enjoying himself on a quiet island, or paddling off into the setting sun. We don't know because he is never mentioned again. Then there is the main villain in this book, who's been a strong and intimidating character all throughout the duology, but ends up disappearing from the story in the span of 3 pages. It felt underwhelming honestly after the big built up that led to the last part of the book.

“I have twenty-eight excellent girls aboard this ship, and their pasts have shaped them. Just as yours has shaped you. And every single one of them, down to little Roslyn, deserves your respect.”

I really enjoyed seeing more of Alosa's crew, but while there were many side characters, they lacked depth and some of them felt interchangeable. I loved them, and the crew's dynamic, but I didn't grow attached to them that much.

As for the romance... Let's just say that the funny/flirty banter and sexual tension between Alosa and Riden disappeared in this book. Instead, they just spent their time trying to figure out each other's feelings and not admitting how they were in love with each other and I am sad to say that it was annoying at times. I LOVE angst and drama, but the way it was developed in this book felt more like a teenage romantic drama than a complex angsty romantic drama.

Daughter of the Pirate King⭐⭐⭐⭐.5
Riden's Chapter⭐⭐⭐

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Profile Image for Imme van Gorp.
692 reviews1,018 followers
June 27, 2024
|| 3.0 stars ||

First things first, I really really loved Alosa’s pirate crew, and all of their dynamics together were by far my favourite thing about this entire book! Not only is Alosa a great captain, I also truly loved all the men and women under her command. It was clear they all cared so deeply for each other but also had so much respect and admiration for what they each contribute! They all found a family in one another that loves them unconditionally.

That said, I think the romance part of this book was just plain bad. Riden was beyond frustrating to me from beginning to end, and neither did I enjoy any of his interactions with Alosa. The way he treated her irked me quite a bit, and they also lacked chemistry. There weren’t any real bonding moments between them, and all they did was bicker or make unfounded love declarations. I didn’t like it.

Opposingly, I was far more intrigued by the hints and glimpses we got of Kearan and Sorinda’s blossoming romance. We didn’t get much, but I ate up every little scrap we got. I love Sorinda’s black cat energy, and I adore the way Kearan seems to pine after her. I love that he truly wants to be better for her while she reluctantly wants to take care of him. It’s why I can’t wait to see their story develop inVengeance of the Pirate Queen,which I just found out will be their own book! So exciting!

All in all, I don’t think this book was all that amazing, but I did read it easily and with enjoyment. It was, once again, a rather simple story with straightforward writing, but I liked it less than book one because it didn’t have as many fun scenes that showed Alosa’s sassy personality. I really missed the way she was in the first book! This particular story also didn’t have as many twists and turns, thus making it a little less engaging. Overall, this book was okay. Nothing more, nothing less.

'Daughter of the Pirate King' series:
1.Daughter of the Pirate King- 4.0 stars
2. Daughter of the Siren Queen - 3.0 stars
Profile Image for Eliza.
599 reviews1,507 followers
March 16, 2018

What a fun conclusion to this series! I’m actually somewhat sad that it’s over; however, it all turned out well, so there’s no complaints with that.

Daughter of the Siren Queenwas probably just as good asDaughter of the Pirate King,though both wavered and weren’t perfect. With both, there would be moments where I’m extremely invested and loving everything going on, only to feel bored five minutes later. Those highs and lows were odd, I have to admit. Regardless, it was still a good story.

Alosa was borderline savage in this one—especially in the beginning—with the way she treated Riden. It somewhat ticked me off how rude she was, with how obvious it was that Riden wasn’t her enemy.Any who,it all worked out in the end because they made-up and set rules between them and whatnot, so the progression of their relationship was nice to see.

The plot and action throughout this one was fine—though this is where most of the negatives come from—it felt as though there was not down time after each strand of action. There wasalwayssomething going on. And while I normally don’t mind that, for some reason in this one it felt forced at certain points. Maybe that’s just me.

Another small issue I had were with some of the characters. Not Riden, Alosa or the Pirate King…rather, with the “lesser” characters. Those I didn’t like too much because we never get to know them well enough. They felt too filler-like and one-dimensional. And because of that I didn’t care if they lived or died.

Overall,a decent conclusion to this series! It certainly isn’t a perfect book/series; however it surely keep your attention with all the constant-action and love-hate relationship going on between Alosa and Riden & I’m glad to have read it.

Just pre-ordered this. Can't wait until I get it in 10 days!!
July 2, 2023
3.75 ⭐

I had such a great time reading this!! 🤩🤩 it was a really enjoyable sequel and just as fast-paced and fun as the first one 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️💗💗

Daughter of the Siren Queen is the sequel to Daughter of the Pirate King. We continue to follow Alosa and Riden as Alosa explores her powers and discovers dark secrets about her family as she struggles with her growing feelings for Riden....

The first one was such a fun time that I went into this one with quite high expectations- and luckily they were met!! 🤩🤩 at the start i was worried it would be disappointing, but it was an equally entertaining read! 💗💗

Starting with the characters! ✨ for me the characters in this series are decent, but not amazing. Alosa really began to annoy me in this one- she can be so stubborn and arrogant at times which really annoyed me 🙄 and some of the decisions she made were definitely *questionable*. But she did have some good moments I guess. As much as I don't love alosa tho, I still love riden! 💗 he's so hot 😩😩 and I also feel like he had a ton of growth in this book, which was awesome 💕

I still really like the writing and plot in this series. This author's writing is literally like crack to me- I CANNOT stop reading it and I fleww through this book 😩😩 like why is it so addictive?! The plot also makes it easy to read bc this book was super fast-paced and action-packed, which i really enjoyed!! 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️💗💗

There is also a romance subplot in this series, which I do really like!! 🤩🤩 in the first book, it felt very fun and there was a lot of banter, but there was a little more depth to it in here 🥰 I do really like riden and alosa as a couple 💗💗 HOWEVER, they kept inventing reasons to not be together and had SO MANY arguments & that did get quite annoying 🙈

Overall, tho, this was another great read!! 🤩🤩 would recommend this book & this series if you want:

✔ Addictive writing
✔ Fast-paced plot
✔ Enjoyable romance
✔ Pirates 🏴‍☠️

This series was so much fun 💗💗

《 2023 Challenge: Book 84 of 110 》


This was a lot of fun!! 🤩🤩 once again I FLEW through it and ended up thinking it was a great conclusion to the series! Really enjoyable 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️💗💗

June 5, 2023
I finished this one last night and I have to say that I really love this series overall - even though I wish there had been more with the sirens in this one?🏴‍☠☠️⚓🧜

Tricia Levenseller's writing style is super fluid which is a major reason I enjoyed this series. It never felt like anything drug on or any parts of the story were unnecessary? However, as I mentioned above - I wish more had been included about the siren side of Alosa and her interactions with her people! I love stories about mermaids - I'm a Ariel/Little Mermaid gal for life - but overall it was enjoyable.

Will I Read the Next Book?No.I feel like the series ran it's course for me mentally and as much as I enjoyed the foray back into fantasy reads.. I think it's time to move on to something else!

↑↑ Update - Finished June 6th, 2023 ↑↑

Starting this one because I'm getting back into fantasy, and I LOVED Daughter of The Pirate King! It was so good, and I love Alosa's character!

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↑↑ Update - Started May 23th, 2023 ↑↑
Profile Image for She-who-must-not-be-named .
180 reviews1,486 followers
May 7, 2021
Bloodshed. Gore. Adventure. Pirates racing against time and and the wrath of the Pirate King. What could possibly go wrong?

This is a story that is waiting to be read, a journey waiting to be embarked of a crew whose members share a bond that is undeterred even by constant threats.

5 ⭐
Profile Image for Riley.
447 reviews23.4k followers
June 27, 2018
This was a really good conclusion! Highly recommend if you are looking for a fun fast-paced pirate book
Profile Image for Kezia Duah.
447 reviews411 followers
February 17, 2022

“We are not our fathers. We saw what evil looked like, and we knew we wanted to be different.”

I’m still pretty much in love with Alosa! She is such a good character even though she appears to be this tough, heartless person to other people. The way she cares for her crew is so beautiful! She literally does not think twice about putting herself in danger, but touch her crew and she will come for your head.

We learn a lot about her parents as well. We already knew from the first book that the father is a bit wicked, but you would think he would be different towards his daughter right? Well, that might not be the case, and we learn alongside Alosa throughout the book that there’s so much more to him.

“Your enchantments last long after your song fades.” -Ryden! Yep, he’s still here. He has a very important role in helping Alosa learn more about herself. This helps their relationship grow in this book in a great way. It’s not always romantic. They also connect in the similarities of their upbringing, which also lets us the readers learn more about them individually.

And yes!! She’s still half-siren, which I think is still very cool! How do her abilities help her learn more about herself and the people she loves?

A part of me felt like a second book was not needed after reading the first book, but I still really enjoyed this book. I think it was somewhat needed because we did learn a lot about Alosa and other characters in the book.
Overall, we get an adventure throughout!! If you’re looking for that, pick up this book.

Profile Image for Julezreads.
292 reviews1,269 followers
August 5, 2023
3,5-4⭐️! Diese Reihe ist leicht, unterhaltsam und lässt sich unfassbar flüssig lesen - genauso wie in Band 1 hatte ich super viel Spaß und kann es dementsprechend weiterempfehlen. Im Vergleich zum ersten Teil sind mir hier nun aber doch einige Schwächen aufgefallen. So fühlte es sich eher wie eine Auserzählung an, in der alle Handlungsstränge von Band 1 aufgelöst wurden. Der Humor und die spannenden Dynamiken zwischen den Charakteren gingen dadurch etwas verloren. Jegliche Figuren fühlten sich weniger lebendig an, als wären sie in ihrer Entwicklung stehen geblieben. Das Potential der Geschichte und der Charakterkonstellationen wurde meiner Meinung nach nicht vollständig ausgeschöpft. Insgesamt fehlt mir die Tiefe, um mich als Fantasy-Reihe zu überzeugen, aber unterhalten konnte es mich allemal!
Profile Image for Ronak Gajjar.
270 reviews95 followers
May 19, 2018
Pure fun + Action + Twists + Romance (ughh)=Princess Alosa + Riden Allemos
Certainly balanced equation!
Characters Bespoken:3.5 /5.0
World Building:3.25 /5.0
Much more elaborate and colorful version than the first book, I never expected that it would turn out this good. (*I was expecting a movie script – Thankfully it is not but it could be turned into a movie.)
Not a single second remained empty while reading it, the fast pacing and turn of events simultaneously is the most captivating factor of it.
A simplest storyline so fantastically executed – Just like aSiren’s songthat kept me under its charm until the last page. Let us begin the war then:
I really appreciate the author’s clarity for villainous and heroic sides. The so crystal clear motives of both sides with coated consequences. In addition, the most exquisite part - Ava lee ’s crew that made me andRidenboth fall in love with them.
Start of the Journey forRiden:
End of it!
From littleRoslynto Princess Alosa’s first mate -Niridia- the 90% crew is women with their strongest wills to fight any damn situations with any weapons handy!
The clashes betweenKalligan’sarmy and the crew are epically portrayed that they strike your mind just like their cutlasses.
There is no chance you miss:
Alosa- Getting mad at Riden like all the times!
Riden- Whip lashing at Alosa’s every command with his sharp and witty words.
Alosa- Doing something stupid just to irritate Riden.
Riden- Irritating Alosa, even more, being so handsomely loitering around with girls to make her jealous as hell.
Alosa- Saving Riden each time and then fighting about it.
Riden- Saving Alosa each time and then fighting about why she even dared to save him.
Alosa- Depending on Riden’s words for taking decisions like her whole crew’s life depends on it!
Riden- Fighting with his own past demons to save Alosa’s siren side from being monstrous.
Alosa- Falling in love with the human Riden.
Riden- Loving Alosa enough to bring her back to land and stay as Siren whenever she opts.
Alosa&Riden-Their love for the crew!- Totally adorable!
Clichéd romance and bantering which never ends!
Profile Image for Rae.
220 reviews162 followers
July 27, 2018
“I may not have been born in the sea, but I was born to rule it.
I am the daughter of the siren queen.”

I didn't think it would be possible for me to like this book any more than I did the first, but let me tell you folks, THESE BOOKS ARE GREAT! The Daughter of the Siren Queen held all the swashbuckling and sword fighting that we didn't get much of in Daughter of the Pirate King. In this book we get to see Alosa not as a prisoner, but as a pirate of her own ship, fierce as ever. The tides have turned on poor Riden who is nowherprisoner, and Alosa won't soon let him forget just how it feels to be locked up and under watchful eye.

The action starts right away from the moment you open the book, and doesn't stop until the very last page. Alosa is still her witty self and the love for her crew is evident. She loves them, and they her, and there isn't much she wouldn't do to protect them. In return they would all lay down their lives for her as well. This is the kind of crew that you need to watch out for, because they are the ones that have everything to lose, and they will fight til the end to keep it safe. This is the kind of pirate ship you can respect, down to every last crew member, even little Rosalyn the lookout! (she might have been one of my favorite characters).

“I braved the ocean for you. Will you brave land for your queen?”

Alosa as a pirate is something that you wouldn't want to cross on a bad day. She is not only loved, but respected beyond measure for her tenacity and will to win no matter what circumstances in which she might find herself. She also seems to grow quite a bit over the course of this book when she finds out more about her family and upbringing and a few things she didn't know as well. Her father might not be everything she thought he was, but cutting ties with him might be just what she needed to become everything she was meant to be. But freeing herself from the Pirate King is no easy task and it will take the whole crew to pull off this insane feat. If there is one crew who could manage it though, it would be that of theAva Lee.

“Your enchantments last long after your song fades.”

Riden and Alosa's relationship was nothing if not beautiful. I love that it wasn't love at first sight, but more of a slow burning, hate-turned-love passion that took FOREVER to become something more, but once they finally do admit their true feelings, my god! I was dying inside from the wait! I felt my heart bursting from my chest with every interaction between the two of them, and I couldn't handle the slowness of their attraction at some points. I like that through even this, Alosa never lets her guard down as the Captain of her ship, and Riden respects her for it, if not making her more attractive to him in the process. Her fearless leadership is prevalent to all other emotions, and he can't get enough. And neither could I! This was such a sweet love story to add to the rugged pirate story. I fell in love right with the characters.

It makes me sad to know that this is only the second book, and yet the last to this story. I could have read and read and read until my eyes quit working. But being just the two amazing books works, the story was told and finished so perfectly. I only wish there was more for my own selfish benefit of never wanting to leave these characters and this world. I wish I could join the pirate crew of theAva Leeand become a swashbuckling pirate along with Alosa and the rest of this amazing crew! What a fantastic journey that I wont soon forget. ARGH!

Happy Reading:)
Profile Image for Cindy ✩☽♔.
1,203 reviews975 followers
February 23, 2018
"I may not have been born in the sea, but I was born to rule it."

As was to be expected, this book was a roaring good time. It also got me out of my mini reading slump.

We are reunited with our fabulous cast of female pirates, our favorite first mate, Riden, and we finally get to meet Alosa infamous mother. And, as to be expected, nothing about Alosa's family is what she believed.

Just like its predecessor, this book is a fast-paced, fun, action-packed pirate adventure. Traveling to the Pirate King's, across the seas and straight into the lair of sirens our crew takes on more than any sane person would ever dare to. But for their freedom and each other, they risk it all.

In terms of romance, while there is still plenty of sexual tension and romantic moments, I do feel like we lost some of the clever banter between our dear captain and our newly captured Riden. Fortunately, the conversations and further development of our side characters filled some of this void. This time around there was no true obstacle standing in the way of our favorite ship, except for their trust issues. Alosa struggles to fully let Riden in for fear of making herself weak, vulnerable. While Riden refuses to do things in half measures and will not be with Alosa if he cannot have all of her.

The writing was solid, and while I liked the fast pacing overall, there were moments I wish it would have taken a little more time. Like I do wish we could have spent more time at the Pirate King's hideout, and I wish we could have seen a bit more of the interactions between Alosa and her father. But ultimately I think the book did a good job of engaging the reader with its quick pacing and it answered pretty much all of the important questions we had.

I had a lot of fun reading this and I am sure any fellow privateering fan will as well.

I received an ARC through a Goodreads giveaway. A huge thank you to the publishers and Fierce Reads.
Profile Image for Grace A..
440 reviews39 followers
February 6, 2023
Fast paced, action packed, bad-ass heroine, what’s not to like? In the first book, she had to play down her strengths, so she could steal a treasure map from another pirate 🏴‍☠️ ship. In this book, there was no disguise, she was full blown captain of her own ship, commanding respect everywhere she went and protecting those she loves fiercely.
There was not a single dull moment. Her father’s betrayal was hard for her to digest at first, but when it became clear that her father was only using her for his gain and care nothing for her, she faced it like a big girl and fought hard.
I really enjoyed this series.
4.5 stars!
184 reviews827 followers
March 7, 2018
how to sum up this book

• you know when your teacher gives you a review to study and says"it's going to be on the test"
• and you basically study the shit out of that review
• like dude, you're so confident for this test that you'll walk away with a 100%
• and you're mentally prepared to post your test mark on social media with the caption,"i don't even know how i got this mark #imshook"
• but then you get the test and sit there for 5 mins like,"...............what is this??"
• that's right
• everything you've prepared for wasn't there
• just like my expectations
• now you feel me??? because this was me
• i don't even know what happened with this book
756 reviews2,560 followers
Want to read
June 28, 2018
I want this book to slay me, I'm ready 😤😤 give me dem badass pirates and death.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 11,193 reviews

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