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Hogwarts Library#1

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

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An approved textbook at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry since first publication,Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Themis an indispensable guide to the magical beasts of the wizarding world. Muggles who have seen the eponymous film or read the Harry Potter novels will be familiar with some of these beasts - the Niffler, the Thunderbird, the Hippogriff... This new paperback edition features the recently revised 2017 text, which includes six curious new creatures that inhabit the North American continent, and a new foreword from Newt Scamander that sheds fascinating light on the events surrounding a serious breach in the International Statute of Secrecy which took place in New York in the 1920s.

This new paperback edition features gorgeously shimmery snakeskin detail on the foil effect jacket and line illustrations throughout by Tomislav Tomic. Newt Scamander's masterpiece has entertained wizarding families through the generations. Witches, wizards and Muggles of all ages will delight in discovering the extraordinary habits and habitats of magical beasts from across five continents.

144 pages, Paperback

First published March 1, 2001

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About the author

Newt Scamander

Pen name used byJ.K. Rowling


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 12,779 reviews
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews162k followers
December 10, 2020
This is INSANE. I love it.

Seriously, this is in thetop 5 audiobooks I've ever listened to.


First of all, it'sread by Eddie Redmaynewho played Newt Scamander in the movie.

He read the more recent version (Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them: The Illustrated Edition) so it really felt like "the author" was reading us a copy of his personal book - simply fabulous!

(Aside: could you imagine getting Emma, Rupert and Daniel to read their parts from the original? That would be just too awesome)

Second of all,Every animal came with side effects.And we're not just talking about an unicorn whinny or a dragon roar.

If a creature lived in the jungle - there'smonkeys chattering and trees rustling.

If the creature hatches from an egg - there will be eggs cracking in the background.

There's one creature that does not make a sound until its death - and we actually hearthe cacophony of noise.

This was such a quick read (only 2 hours) but it was SO much fun. I always love it when the audiobook creator put forth so much effort into a book.

This really felt like a whole new way to experience this book!

LOVED it!! (I mentioned that already...didn't I? Oh well, I double-loved this one!)

The 2018 PopSugar Reading Challenge - A book mentioned in another bookYouTube|Blog|Instagram|Twitter|Facebook| Snapchat @miranda_reads
Profile Image for Miranda Reads.
1,589 reviews162k followers
December 10, 2020
* Cue the inhuman shrieks of joy *

As a longtime fan, I am just reveling in this latest illustrating the HP books trend. Especially considering J.K.'s original bestiary gave scant descriptions of (some) wholly unknown and many extremely quirky creatures.Literally, over the moon.

In the new edition,Newt Scamander's forward is quick to mention that allproceeds go to comic relief- a truly admirable Muggle charity. In addition:
I was permitted to reissue the book only on that a disclaimer was included, assuring Muggle readers that it was a work of fiction.
We now havenewcreatures, including the Hodag, Horned Serpent, Thunderbird, Hidebehind, Wampus Cat and Snallygaster (my favorite), which brings up the total to 81. to reflect Newt's journey to America. Within the new creatures descriptions are references to Ilvermorny (U.S. version of Hogwarts).
Figure 1:Snallygaster - part lizard, part bird that is sometimes mistaken as the Loch Ness Monster - in part due to its curious nature.
Some of the creatures featured in the movies looked slightly different. Notably, the grindylow - instead of being an octopus-like water demon has become a mermaid with legs:
Figure 2:The "Grindylow" - a water demon. Famous for ruining Fleur de Lacour's chances at eternal glory.
Absent from this edition,the painfully small scribblings from Harry, Ron and Hermione. While I miss l missed their quirky musings and chatter,the full-color illustrationsmore than make up for that.This is truly a beautiful book.
It is my fondest hope that a new generation of witches and wizards will find in its pages fresh reason to love and protect the incredible beasts with whom we share magic
Figure 3:The Unicorn - by far the absolute best mythical creature in the world.

The Finer Books Club - 2018 Reading Challenge: A book you picked because of the cover

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Profile Image for Mohammed Arabey.
709 reviews6,142 followers
September 14, 2017
"ملحوظة قبل البدء: هذا الريفيو قد تراه مجرد هراء..ولكنه الخيال، نعمة الهروب من ضغط الواقع ولو للحظات"
الكتاب الذي بين يديك نسخة مطبوعة من كتاب دراسي يستخدم في عالم لا نعرف عنه شئ

عالم بيننا لكن مخفي بين طيات عالمنا نظنه مجرد خيال، فانتازي
ربما قرأت عن هذا العالم في روايات تدعي انها قصه حياة الولد الذي عاش، هاري بوتر

حسنا، تلك النسخة من احد كتب مدرسته..مطبوعة من نسخته الخاصة
لذلك لا تتعجب كثيرا اذ ماوجدت "شخبطة" بالكتاب تخص هذا الـ "هاري" واصدقاءه

هذا الكتاب لا يحكي حكاية مؤلفه كالفيلم الحديث، وانما كتابه الذي ألفه شخصيا

إذن، ماذا في هذا الكتاب؟

هذا العالم المختفي بين طيات عالمنا يعيش به سحرة..هم ناس عاديون يملكون موهبه السحر
وبالتالي له مدرسة سحر,او مدارس في انحاء العالم..له وزارة سحر في كل دوله في العالم
وبالرغم من ان الانسان الذي يملك تلك الموهبة لا يختلف ادني اختلاف عني وعنك وعن اي انسان
الا ان هناك مخلوقات سحرية,حيوانات وطيور,زواحف ووحوش,مخلوقات عجيبة..فانتازيه
قد تجد لها موروثات في الخرافات المحلية، الحضارات القديمة، وقد تظن انها كائنات انقرضت من قل التاريخ
ولكنها بيننا

وهذا الكتاب الذي بين يديك هو دليل طبع خصيصا لمن يملكون موهبه السحر ككتاب مدرسي
دليل لهم للتعرف علي المخلوقات السحرية, طباعها وخصائصها ودرجة خطورتها..واين يمكن ان نجدها

كتبها باحث مهتم بتلك الكائنات منذ بدايات القرن الماضي ودار العالم ليكتب ذلك الكتاب الذي صار من اهم الكتب الدراسية بوقتنا الحالي

نعم اعرف انك ستسالني هذا السؤال...لماذا لا نري تلك المخلوقات؟
هناك احد خيارين..اما اننا اخترنا ان نسميها خرافات لاوجود لها
او ان وزارات السحر في كل دولة تقوم بعملها كما ينبغي في اخفاء اي اثر لتلك المخلوقات قد يظهر للعامة

ستجد في هذا الدليل او الموسوعة المصغرة مخلوقات اعتبرناها اساطير القدماء..والتي -من العجيب- اغلبها متشابهه بين حضارات مختلفة الزمان والمكان كابو الهول, العنقاء, الاحصنة المجنحة والتنانين والقنطور وستتعرف علي حقائقها و اماكن نشأتها واين تتواجد

ستجد ايضا مخلوقات ووحوش اعتبرناها "اساطير محلية" كوحش الثلوج و "الغول" و المذئوب وحوريات البحر وحتي الحقيقة وراء وحش البحيرة "لوخ نيس"

وايضا ستجد طيور وحيوانات غريبة ولكنها ليست جديدة علي اسماعنا كطائر الدودو الخجول او السلمندر
او ستتعرف علي الجنيات و الترول والعفاريت القزمة الإيرلندية "ايمب"
وكذلك سر التشاؤم من وجود دماء علي الارضيات بالبيوت المهجورة او اماكن الحروب

اما اذا كنت متابع جيد لسلسلة هاري بوتر فستجد عن بعض المخلوقات التي قد تعرضت لها في الروايات "او حتي في العاب الفيديوجيمز المبنية علي الافلام ستجدها واضحة جدا"
وايضا ستجد عن مخلوقات سحرية لم تسمع بها مطلقا من قبل
كل ذلك في اطار يقدمه الكتاب في مقدمه طويله نوعا حول كيف تم تصنيف "المخلوقات" وفقا لمجتمع عالم "السحرة" والتي فرضوا علي انفسهم قانون "السرية" والتخفي منذ القرن السابع عشر "في فتره حملات التفتيش والتطهير التي اتبعتها الكنائس في عالمنا الحقيقي والذي ادي لحرق الساحرات!" وكيف تم اصدار قوانين تحدد ماهي المخلوقات والوحوش السحرية وكيفيه اداره شئونها من قبل وزارات السحر للحفاظ علي سرية وخفاء مجتمع السحرة
مؤلف الكتاب "الاصلي" نيوت سكاماندر هو رجل جاب العالم من شرقه لغربه للتعرف وكشف الاسرار حول كل المخلوقات والوحوش السحرية ومنها كتب ذلك الكتاب بمساعده شغفه في المعرفة عن تلك الوحوش والمخلوقات السحرية منذ صغره

"بالمناسبه مؤلف الكتاب الاصلي" نيوت سكاماندر "سيتم ايضا عمل فيلم عن رحلاته للتعرف علي المخلوقات والوحوش التي كتب عنها في هذا الكتاب.. بنفس شركه الانتاج التي انتجت قصه حياه هاري بوتر من قبل
هذا الخبر الذي صدر في 12 سبتمبر 2013 أدي الي رفع معدلات المبيعات بدرجات كبيره ورفع اسهم هذا الكتاب في محركات البحث بالرغم من ان اول طبعاته ترجع الي 2001 "

ويقدم لك الكتاب في مقدمته ناظر قدير بمدرسة السحر ببريطانيا "البوس دمبلدور".. يوضح لك طبيعة هذا الكتاب ويؤكد لك انه كتاب خيالي وليس حقيقي فلا داعي للفزع من تخيل وجود هذه المخلوقات حولنا
فهدف الكتاب الاساسي الحقيقي والسحري واحد..هذا الهدف هو
"الاعمــال الخيرية"
للفقراء والاطفال المحتاجين بعالمنا الحقيقي فجزء من عوائد هذا الكتاب تذهب لمنظمه خيريه كبيره تعمل في جميع انحاء العالم. _حقيقه

كما قلت في الريفيو الانجليزي
كيف تكون رواية خيالية روايه ممتازة؟

الاجابه في كيف يمكنك "صنع" عالم خيالي مقبول وسهل تخيله
عالم خيالي مبني علي اغرب حقائق عالمنا الحقيقي
عالم خيالي يمكنك بابسط تخيل ممكن ان تشعر انه قد يكون حقيقيا

هذا العالم الخيالي المحكم الصنع هو ما ارست قواعده ملكة العالم السحري "جي كي رولينج" منذ اول صفحات هاري بوتر وحجر الفلاسفه في 1997 وعندما وصل لقمة نجاحه في 2000 بجزءه الرابع قامت في 2001 "لسد فترة التباعد بين الجزء الرابع والخامس" باصدار ذلك الكتاب "المكمل" للعالم السحري

في هذا الكتاب لمحات من تاريخ السحر كما تصورته الملكة..ربطت بحرفية شديدة وقائع حقيقية تاريخية عن محاكم التفتيش والتطهير وحرق الساحرات وبين قوانين خيالية لمجتمع السحرة والتي تحكم تخفيهم بيننا

وفي هذا الكتاب ايضا مزج لكل الكائنات والوحوش الخرافية التي يرجع اصولها لاساطير قدماء المصريين و الاغريق والرومان –كما قلت في حاله ابو الهول "سفنكس" - وايضا مزج للوحوش التي ترجع اساطير احدث او ا��اطير محلية و غيرها من الخيال واساطير عالمية او حتي حقائق غرائبية، كل هذا ممزوج باطار من الكائنات الاخري التي ابدعتها المؤلفه نفسها سواء في اجزاء الرواية السابقة لهذا الكتاب او حتي اللاحقة له لو حتي موجوده فقط لهذا الكتاب

كل هذا يجعل من الكتاب, السلسلة او العالم الخيالي ككل الذي ابدعته جي كي رولينج مقبولا بدرجة كبيرة
وباضافه عنصر الكتابة التشويقي او المثير او حتي الكوميدي ذو الحس الفكاهي كما في هذا الكتاب لتخفيف حده الطابع "الموسوعي" للكتاب - فلاحظ انه كتاب "موسوعي" وليس مغامرات- جعل من السلسلة كلها وكتبها "الملحقه" كهذا الكتاب اشهر وانجح الروايات الخياليه في العالم

نعم لقد قلت في بداية الكتاب ان الخيال هو نعمة الهروب من ضغوط الواقع
ولكنه ايضا ليكون جيدا، يجب ان يغير من نظرتك للعالم الواقعي للافضل والاجمل

فلا يبغي ان ننسي الهدف النبيل الذي تقدمه لنا المؤلفة بعمل هذه الكتب الملحقة للسلسله الأساسية

الهدف الخيري وبالاخص مساعدة الاطفال الفقراء في العالم لاستكمال تعليمهم
فهنا بدأت جي كي رولينج اضافه المساعدات للاعمال الخيرية كما قلت في
بدايه ريفيو كتاب حكايات بيدل الشاعر
حسنا في النهاية حتي اذا لم يكن لك سابق قراءة سلسلة هاري بوتر ولكن قد شاهد جزء من احد اجزاء الفيلم..فانصحك بتجربه هذه الموسوعة الصغيرة لتستمتع برحله لعالم اخر..
عالم متخفي بين طيات عالمنا نطلق عليه مجرد "خيال" او فانتازي

محمد العربي
في 18 سبتمبر 2013
Profile Image for Aj the Ravenous Reader.
1,086 reviews1,158 followers
January 24, 2018
As a proper witch (muggle born), I was required to have a copy of this book as Professor Dumbledore declared in the foreword that “no wizarding household is complete without a copy of this book.” So I wasted no time and got myself a copy atFlourish and Botts!

My very own duplicate of Harry Potter’s copy and I enjoyed it a lot especially Professor Dumbledore’s foreword! You only have to read a part of his foreword to be convinced to read the book. But what I enjoyed even more were Ron’s, Harry’s and Hermione’s scribbling on random pages of the book. Just a few samples:

“Harry loves Moaning Myrtle” (Bahaha!)
”The 1965 Ban on Experimental Breeding has made the creation of new species illegal.”--->“but no one’s told Hagrid.”
I’m pretty sure it’s Ron who classified ACROMANTULA with 10 X’s.(Lol!)

Billywig, Gnomes, Kneazles and of course Hippogriffs are some of my favorite magical creatures! This is the best schoolbook ever! It’s informative, creative, smartly written or more accurately, very nerdily written, fun and of course, magical! It prolonged my magical experience and I couldn’t stop myself from ending my sentences with exclamation marks! It’s like J.K. (yep, we’re that close) knows exactly what I need! Thank you! <3 Now I’m even more excited for the movie!

More importantly, happy early birthday to my wonderful friend,Trixi!(Click her name for her review, oh andMarch 5is her actual birthday).May the flame of happiness never blow out of your life, my friend! <3
Profile Image for Nayra.Hassan.
1,259 reviews6,041 followers
June 12, 2022
ما هو كتابك المدرسي المفضل؟ لا تحاول..فلن تجد
هل تخيلت يوما ان تشتري كتاب دراسي لمزاجك الخاص؟ (فعلتها مرة واحدة "القانون الجنائي"..لأسباب واضحة طبعا )ا
و الوحوش المذهلة كان ثاني و اجمل كتاب دراسي اشتريه و اقرأه. بكامل ارادتى الحرة
منهم من ينطق بلسان البشر..منهم من تجده في الأساطير
وحوش: قد تصبح خفية عند تهديدها
او خطرة عند استغفالها
هم وحوش سحرية تنتمي لهناك لارض هوجوارتس و بعيدا عنها..لعالم الخيال..و اهله

الكتاب موسوعة قصيرة ممتعة لمن وقع في غرام سلسلة هارى بوتر...فقط انا منهم بالطبع
او وقع في غرام الفيلم الذي يحمل اسم الكتاب..و يريد ان يعرف الكثير عن ما سيراه من وحوش في الأجزاء التالية

بعضهم وثبنا هلعا من مجرد رؤيته مع هاري و رون مثل اراجوج ذو العيون الثمانية
و منه�� من فرحنا لمقتله مثل البازيليك اكبر تعابين العالم
وحوش لا تزيد على عقلة الاصبع و لها أجنحة رقيقة
هناك من يحمل رأس نسر و جسم حيوان: أسد..او حصان مثل الهيبوجريف الذي وقعنا في حبه جميعا
منهم من نعرفه من الأساطير مثل السنتور..اليونيكورن..الياتي..سفنكس..الغول
و منهم من هو ثمين جدا و يصنع من شعره عبايات الإخفاء

لكن يظل اجمل ما في الكتاب هو خط هاري بوتر و رون و هو يزين الصفحات..بملاحظات مرحة لذيذة..و احيانا العاب مثل: ×ه
و يبقى أهم سؤال يطرحه هاري..
هل قرأ هاجريد هذا الكتاب ابدا ؟
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews224 followers
December 8, 2021
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Hogwarts Library), Newt Scamander, J.K. Rowling

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a 2001 book written by British author J. K. Rowling (under the pen name of the fictitious author Newt Scamander) about the magical creatures in the Harry Potter universe.

The original version purports to be Harry Potter's copy of the textbook of the same name mentioned in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (or Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone in the US), the first novel of the Harry Potter series.

It includes several notes inside it supposedly handwritten by Harry, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, detailing their own experiences with some of the beasts described, and including in-jokes relating to the original series.

تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز هشتم ماه می سال2002میلادی

عنوان: جانوران شگفت انگیز و زیستگاه آنها؛ نویسنده: نیوت اسکمندر؛ اقتباس: جی.کی رولینگ؛ با مقدمه: آلبوس دامبلدور؛ مترجم: ویدا اسلامیه؛ تهران، تندیس، سال1380؛ در109ص؛ شابک9645757142؛ چاپ دوم سال1380؛ چاپ سوم سال1382؛ چاپ چهارم سال1384؛ چاپ پنجم سال1386؛ موضوع حیوانات اساطیری - سده 20م

جانوران شگفتانگیز، و زیستگاه آنها؛ کتابی اثر جی.کی رولینگ (با نام مستعار «نیوت اسکمندر»)، نویسنده ی سری داستانهای «هری پاتر»؛ و در باره ی موجودات جادویی دنیای خیال انگیز «هری پاتر» است؛ از کتابهای درسی «هری» در «هاگوارتز»، و برای آشنایی با جانوران جادویی، و موجودات خیالی بوده؛ کتاب، از آن خود «هری پاتر» بوده، و «هری» همین نسخه از کتاب را، در نخستین رمان از مجموعه، با عنوان «هری پاتر و سنگ جادو»، در مدرسه ی «هاگوارتز» مطالعه میکند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 14/10/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ 16/09/1400هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Alejandro.
1,182 reviews3,680 followers
February 10, 2017
Merlin's beard!!!

Important: This is the original reference book, published by JK Rowling and not the 2016's novelization of the movie with the same title.


This reference book about the magical beasts in the world ofHarry Potteris truly fantastic!

While I have no doubt that the decision of doing movie adaptations about this reference book is basically to keep "milking" the magic cows of theHarry Potter's saga, now that I finally read the reference book, I have to admit that there is a lot of material here to be used on movies and even showing several creatures that you never read about on the novels of the saga.

Obviously you will "learn" about known beasts like dragons, centaurs, werewolves, basilisks and even acromantulas, you will read too about many other fantastic beasts with detailed info about each of them and that they never appeared on the seven novels of the series.

J.K. Rowling did a magical work here! It's truly amazing so much imagination and details that she developed here, even more impressive taking in account that many of those creatures never appeared in the saga.

Also, you will read about all the politics behind of defining how to control those beasts even on times before of the existence of the Ministry of Magic! And of course, also, during the course of the ministry, even detailing how complicated and polemic became to classify certain creatures easily seen as beings instead of beasts.

Definitely this is a quick but wonderful engaging reading of the magical world ofHarry Potter.

Profile Image for Sean Barrs .
1,122 reviews46.8k followers
August 22, 2018
J.K Rowling is a clever witch. She conjured up a beautifully imaginative world when she wrote the Harry Potter series, and she only cements it here.

I love the fact that we actually get to read a physical book that appears in her universe, as if we were students at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It’s a great idea and I think only add depth to her story. It also shows how early on she was thinking about Fantastic Beats (the movie) and reading this adds a little more to that brilliant film.

I only wish it’d been a little longer.
Profile Image for Mohammed Arabey.
709 reviews6,142 followers
September 13, 2013
How can we say it is A Good Fiction?

For me one of the elements that make me fall in love easily into a fiction book is how realistic it can be.
ofcourse not the "non-fiction" realistic, but real enough that makes the world very fantasy and at the same time acceptable to imagine it easily.
I don't know how to explain but just look at that world J.K.Rowling"AKA:The Queen of United Magic Kingdom"creates..Wizard and Witches lives deep in London, across the UK and even all over the world.
They got their way to hide from us -The Muggles; the non magical folks:)- and since there's "real" wizard and witches in that world -our world; the one created by Rowling - there's also magical creatures, pets and beasts..


The Book Starts with a introduction to get to know the author of this Mini-Encyclopedia "Newt Scamander" who had traveled the world to collect these precious information about the magical "Fantastic" creatures.
Then a description of the "Beast-being" as the Magizoology and the Wizard low says. and it was a real piece of the "History of Magic"-a book I wish to be made for muggles one day:)-

And then the encyclopedia of the Fantastic beasts and creatures starts, with it's origins and legends and how dangerous it is,in a very funny way yet keeping a professional tone of Encyclopedia.
Rowling takes us in a "brief" journey into the fantastic world of these beast and creatures, The Great thing here is that some of those are common, even famous among our "Real" world..such as the paranormal, mysterious creatures like "Loch Ness", "Bigfoot" and even the trolls.


or the legendary from famous myths and legends like "Dragons", "Phoenix", "Sphinx" and even unicorn


Or the other "wired" animals and birds like the "Salamanders" or the "Dodo" Bird


May be there's some complains of the lack of pictures, but I believe it isn't that disadvantage since some of the creatures are known previously from old legends and myths and others the writer just prefer that you'd let your imagination works on its own.
I didn't like it also at the beginning but find it better later, and I find out the creators of the Harry Potter Video Games that based on the movies take the descriptions of many of the creatures that appears at the games from that books since most of them wasn't at the novels or the movie itself.

Finally it's a real fun reading, full of information about a world..That may be hidden at our world:)
You can read it even if you didn't read Harry's books before

Mohammed Arabey
Alexandria in 19-3-2013
Profile Image for Tessa.
23 reviews55 followers
September 9, 2014
“Warner Bros. announced on 12th September 2013 that J.K. Rowling would be making her screenwriting debut with ‘Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them’, the first in a new film series which is part of their expanded creative partnership with J.K. Rowling. The films will be inspired by Harry Potter’s Hogwarts textbook of the same name, and will feature the book’s fictitious author, Newt Scamander.”
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we’re getting a film for a book that was mentioned in a book and was then written into an actual book based on the book mentioned in a book

i;m slowly going crazy and i'm fired up again and i'm SO EXCITED to have something new to look forward to because i've spent the last two years assuming that's it, it's all done, finito, that's all we're going to get but no, now we're getting a whole new series written by JK Rowling and you know what that means
it means only the parts she thinks aren't so important will be cut out
no more sacrificing character development
no more sacrificing plot lines
The best thing about this is we don’t even have to worry about the film being shit because JO’S WRITING IT
i'm going to pass out

Profile Image for Jayson.
2,422 reviews3,635 followers
July 3, 2024
(B) 75%| More than Satisfactory
Notes:Off-beat fun but hardly stuns, a flat-out reference book, some tales here but mostly geared to creature traits and look.

*Check out progress updates for detailed commentary:[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>[ "br" ]>
Profile Image for Anne .
183 reviews276 followers
February 8, 2016
Did you watch the trailer of the movie adaptation of this book and think, like me, that the book is about a bunch of magical creatures escaping into the world and wreaking havoc, threatening the balance between magical and non-magical relations?Did you imagine action and chaos?

"The adventures of writer Newt Scamander in New York's secret community of witches and wizards seventy years before Harry Potter reads his book in school."

I swear, that's what I thought I was going to be reading about.I never read the blurb for the book, not once. Not even before I started reading-to at least know what I was getting into. I just walked into this book blind.
So we've been duped then!No we've not. This book is genius: We've been given our very own directory ofmonstersfantastic beasts. I no longer have to wonder about why the centaurs never wear clothes, or what would happen if I ever meet anAcromantula-I won't live to tell the story, that's what. Oh J.K, do I love you or what! I had so much fun reading about the different beasts Potter's world has to offer. I've always been curious about the many creatures I read about in theHarry Potter series.And in the same vein, I've too been curious about those that never left the dark, those many others I never encountered but knew existed. My curiosities have finally been laid to rest.

I WANT J.K ROWLING'S HANDS(and brain) ⬅Not creepy at all

Just look at how they're desecrating the sanctity of a school book! **eyebrow dance** Don't we all.
This is aschool book for students at Hogwartsdocumentation which holds a register of all known magical creatures in the wizardry world fromA-Z, written byNewton Artemis Fido Scamander.Try saying that without slicing your tongue in half - just Newt Scamander.
▶ It gives valuable information about the geographical distribution of all creatures, what areas they're restricted to, places they may be found, and even the places where they're believed to have originated from. I know now never to venture into the black forest of Germany, for there lies theErkling.And me love life.

▶ It offers a classification of all creatures based on dangerousness and perilousness of a creature.

▶ It relates the distinctive peculiarities and characteristics of every creature: Be them beasts, beings or spirits(a comprehensive distinction between the three concepts is made-or rather, attempted- in the introductory pages written by Newt our Newton)

▶ It helps you understand why so much effort is put into hiding the wizardry world from muggles:to ensure that future generations of witches and wizards enjoy their strange beauty and powers as we have been privileged to do.


IT'S FUN TO POKE FUN AT HAGRID AND EVERYTHING ELSE (try to guess who makes what comment. I think most of it is Ron's doing)

The I965 ban on Experimental breeding has made the creation of new species illegal.
↪ But no one's told Hagrid.

Supposedly the most dangerous of all dragon
you're not kidding ↩

However, since Basilisks are uncontrollable except by parselmouths, they are as dangerous to most Dark wizards as to anybody else, and there have been no recorded sightings of Basilisks in Britain for at least four hundred years.
that's what you think

**Snort** Yes. Because that thing we met in the Chamber of Secrets looked very much like a common garden snake.
Dried Billywig stings are used in several potions and are believed to be a component in the popular sweet Fizzing Whizzbees.
↪ last time I eat them then

☑ If you've ever wonderedabout what some wizardry stuff is made from, the components that make up some magical items like invisibility cloaks, love potions, and various other things, depending on how active you are as an animal rights activist(kidding) and on your disgust threshold, you'll be:

Option 2:DOWNRIGHT SHOCKED #BecauseIaskedforaheartattack

Option 3:Hmmm...I really don't think it's worth crawling across the floor for. And I don't think you'll get very far either trying to run away from what you learned. But you can try!

Option 4:QUITE
DISGUSTED --Like I was when I found out what love potions were made from. I always assumed they were made from plants of some sort. What did/do you think? Okay, so now you want to know what they're really made from. Or youthinkyou want to know. My condolences to all those who have drank one.

#Oh god poor Ron.

Or it just won't matter to you at all
This was actually my reaction to most of the revelations. But my friends who read this with me had different reactions, so I just wanted to joke about it **smiles sheepishly**

And yes, I'm SO FREAKING HAPPY I READ IT!!! Now I know a great deal about the many creatures that roam Potter's world. I'm ready for the movie!!! Gimmeeeeee.

Profile Image for Bradley.
Author5 books4,484 followers
February 9, 2017
I guess I expected something a little more.

I mean, there's a whole movie out there now that I still need to watch, but this, aside from a few humorous anecdotes, is just a short encyclopedia!

Not that it didn't have it's moments, of course, particularly how some wizards use ghouls as pets and talking points at parties, or Ron's funny scribbled interjections in the text, but on the whole it was just a what's-what breakdown of the magical creatures seen through the movies.

I give it a three for sheer nostalgia.:) I kinda wish I'd gotten the SCREENPLAY now. lol
Profile Image for Liza.
423 reviews35 followers
April 7, 2016
I find it amazing how J.K. Rowling came up with all of these amazing creatures, not only what they look like, but what they do, their classifications, and the amazing introduction about what classifies a beast; as well as doing research to back up her qualities of these creatures. This was phenomenal, and as I said before about Quidditch Through The Ages, this book deserves all the stars simply because of all the wondrous effort and love that was put into it. Please read these little extra Harry Potter novellas, since anything to do with the series just adds to the magic. 5 out of 5!
Profile Image for Sandee is Reading.
683 reviews1,272 followers
December 29, 2014
Reading this is like being a Hogwarts student yourself. I know I'm too old to get a letter from an owl, but whatevs...I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter.
Profile Image for Shruti.
136 reviews61 followers
Want to read
September 12, 2013


Profile Image for Mohammed Arabey.
709 reviews6,142 followers
January 18, 2018
I mean, what's better read after reading Prisoner of Azkaban?

PS: so far the Art much lower than what I expected 😢.... No offence to the current illustrator, but why not Jim Kay? Who's doing a very good work at Potter series?
Profile Image for Vanessa J..
347 reviews619 followers
March 3, 2016
What happens when you see: 3 stars review + J.K. Rowling + Harry Potter world?

But see, the thing is, no matter how funny the handwritten notes in the book were, no matter how much I giggled at them and the introduction and every time they mentioned the word "Muggle", the content of the book itself was... boring.

Hey! Don't make those faces at me! I'll explain: The thing is, I'm not entertained by reading tye descriptions of the 75 so far known species of fantastic beasts. Sure, they're interesting and I'm glad I now knoe how they look and behave, but...I feel like I'm reading a school book!

"But that's what you just did!",you're saying. Well, yeah, this is supposed to be a Hogwarts text book. I couldn't expect to be as blown away as I was with the original series. Still, it was a little tedious, especially since I read it in less than a day.

I need to praise the author, though, for writing this. Every time I read about another of the creatures in this book, I told myself, "wow, she really gave lots of thinking for this... I mean, these are the descriptions formagical beasts!

And of course, since this edition is supposed to be a copy of Harry's own book, it's full with things he and Ron Weasley wrote. Honestly, I'm very grateful for them, because they made the book more bearable, and please, I can't deny they were hilarious.

Anyway, now that I've read this I can say, if I were a Hogwarts student, I don't think I'd take Care of Magical Creatures. I think this book is suffice for me to know I wouldn't exactly enjoy that subject, buuuuut of course I'm gonna watch the movie.
Profile Image for Shainlock.
788 reviews
August 31, 2020
Oh, the hogwartiness and yet the outside of all that, that Newt brings to this is a breath of fresh magic! I loved seeing and hearing about the animals and his passion for them. He's like a small Hagrid. I love that. I know my husband's gonna love this bc he's like a tall, skinnier Hagrid too. I loved the rating system, so you knew what to expect. I wanted to read this book, not the scripted, nor see the film- first. I wanted this to be my first experience with this branch of HP or the Wizarding World. The pictures are beautiful. I cannot wait until I go to Universal and be the biggest geek ever w my husband someday.

As always JK R, Five stars from me. I love your Lumos foundation. This book was from the Pottermore Store and was an ebook, but it did not disappoint. Those drawings were true and bold. The colors were vivid. So until we can scout out a copy to hold, this will definitely do. Thanks for bringing some of that world back, just know I don't think plays are doing so well.
Profile Image for Anniebananie.
600 reviews477 followers
April 14, 2017
Auch hier kann ich wieder nur meinen imaginären Hut vor Rowlings Fantasie ziehen. Sich so viele magische Geschöpfe so bildhaft auszudenken und zu beschreiben, Wahnsinn. Einige kennt man auch schon aus dem Film "Phantastische Tierwesen und wo sie zu finden sind", wie z.B. den Niffler und den Demiguise. Auch der Basilisk, bekannt aus der Kammer des Schreckens wird behandelt. Ich würde mich nach diesen 3 Büchern aus der Hogwarts Bibliothek über noch mehr Veröffentlichungen für Muggel freuen 😉 bspw. etwas über Zaubersprüche oder Zaubertränke vielleicht? 🤔
Profile Image for Alex ☣ Deranged KittyCat ☣.
651 reviews422 followers
November 21, 2016

Well, one thing is for sure. Hogwarts is my dream school. Everything magic-related is my thing. And this book would have been a treat to study (dragons are far more fascinating than bacteria).

On the other hand, if I had to learn all this stuff, I'm sure I would have not liked it that much anymore.:D Becausehaving tonever worked for me in school. I tended to hate everything that was mandatory.

Anyway, this is a fun little read that will take you back to the wizarding world of Harry Potter.
Profile Image for April (Aprilius Maximus).
1,133 reviews6,477 followers
April 19, 2020
Listened to the incredible audiobook narrated by Eddie Redmayne (AKA Newt Scamander AKA my husband) while also flipping through the stunning illustrated edition and WHAT A TIME. I absolutely adored it.

Also can i plz have a pet Romanian Longhorn dragon & a pet kneazle plz and thank u.
Profile Image for Emily B.
472 reviews491 followers
April 19, 2021
This was a really cool audiobook! Very short but sweet.
I loved the extra little sounds of the creatures and learning a bit more about the world of magic.
Profile Image for Cintia.
144 reviews97 followers
August 1, 2022
I have a full review on the first movie in my blog:http://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2...

One on theCrimes of Grindelwald:http://abookandateacup.blogspot.com/2...

And one of forThe Secrets of Dumbledore:

I absolutely love this book, and the movie is fantastic. I can't wrap my head around how Rowling could imagine all these creatures, and put her own twist in the traditional ones, like dragons and unicorns, to make them unique. But she's a genius and I love her even more. Long Live the Queen of Magic!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 12,779 reviews

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