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There is nothing to be found in the pages of these books but misery and despair. You still have time to choose something else to read. But if you must know what unpleasantries befall the charming and clever Baudelaire children, read on...

Sadly this next-to-last chronicle of the lives of the Baudelaire orphans, and it is next-to-first in its supply of unpleasantness. Probably the next-to-last things you would like to read about are a harpoon gun, a rooftop sunbathing salon, two mysterious initials, three unidentified triplets, a notorious villain and an unsavoury curry. Next-to-last things are the first thing to be avoided!

368 pages, Hardcover

First published October 18, 2005

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About the author

Lemony Snicket

Lemony Snicket had an unusual education and a perplexing youth and now endures a despondent adulthood. His previous published works include the thirteen volumes in A Series of Unfortunate Events, The Composer is Dead, and 13 Words. His new series is All The Wrong Questions.

For A Series of Unfortunate Events:

For All The Wrong Questions:


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,182 reviews
Profile Image for emma.
2,164 reviews69.7k followers
January 23, 2024
Do any of you secretly know how to time travel? Have like a weird DIY crystal-/laser-based contraption that gets the ol' hanging-out-with-Cleopatra job done?

I promise I won’t tell anyone, I just have one favor to ask.

Please go back in time and tell ten-year-old me reading this series for the first time that she is peaking.

I will never find a book like this one. Ever. It’s time to give up. I’m going to force myself to forget how to read in order to avoid the disappointment. Time to start my new life as Jared, 19.

They just don’t make books like this anymore!!!

This series is funny, it is wrenching, it is well-characterized, it is exciting, it is unique, it is unforgettable, it is SHOW-STOPPING. It gave me, a child, a moral compass that included justice and kindness and generosity and realism and forgiveness.

(Well, I was a child then. Not now. Adult woman, moral compass in place, etc. etc. Okay yes maybe I eat cookies for meals and enjoy bubbles more than any grown-up has any right to but still. Legally I am an adult.

I’m not okay with this series being "" "over" "" in any capacity. Even my reread of it.

This is my favorite book in my favorite series, and it has been for over a decade, and I am Voraciously, Fiercely Determined that that fact will never change.

Bottom line: I’M EMOTIONAL. Don’t tell anyone. It’ll ruin my reputation.


whenever i feel i must ask the question "emma, why are you like this?" i now know i can simply answer: because of how many times i read this series in childhood.

"Justice is out. Injustice is in. That's why it's calledinjustice. "

review to come / 5 stars

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i can FEEL the reading slump coming on...if my favorite book in my favorite series can't help me nothing can
Profile Image for Federico DN.
747 reviews2,270 followers
March 25, 2023
Denouement SADNESS.

After leaving Gorgonian Grotto and Fiona the mycologist behind, the self-sustaining Baudelaire travel to Hotel Denouement; the last meeting place of the secretive VFD; during their travel they meet Dewey, a sub-sub-librarian and secret caretaker. The orphans then start working as flâneurs to secretly gather intel, and they encounter almost every single secondary character from the past. A brief respite of stagnation takes place; until Olaf arrives at the hotel and, I hate to sound repetitive but, calamity strikes again.

I can’t hardly believe it. VFD still means Volunteers Fire Department! Wow. This is so… disappointing?! LOVED seeing Justice Strauss again, and Jerome Squalor; two past caretakers that have grown since their last appearance and now actively fight to help the orphans. LIKED Dewey some, despite his short lived role. Totally HATED Olaf, treacherous villain that likes to quarrel with loyal girlfriends and harpoon defenseless victims. Also HATED Esme, a backstabbing girlfriend who likes to wear ridiculous lettuce bikini and spoil bratty stepdaughters. And HATED Carmelita Spats, an obnoxious ballplaying cowboy superhero soldier pirate. And let’s not forget Charles, Sir, Nero, Hugo, Colette, Kevin and several others, who were also there. The Baudelaire still noble enough as ever, but suffering internally again after being forced to use despicable tactics, such as disguising, harpooning and *accidentally* torching the place; and wondering just how different they truly are to dear Countie Olaf.

I have mixed feelings regarding this sequel. I found the first half to be quite boring and repetitive, luckily the second half was actually quite entertaining and full packed. It was marvelous seeing the reunion of almost every single character the series had so far. And their fate a big question mark after their flaming escape. The sugar bowl still ever elusive; the orphans and Olaf sailing to an uncertain future. And the final conclusion, just waiting on one more final read.

[2005] [353p] [Children’s] [3.5] [Almost Recommendable] [Noble enough Baudelaire] [Kit Snicket?] [Odious Lusting After Finance] [Die Olaf DIE!] [Die Esme DIE!][ “Ha yourself, Olaf” ]

★★★★☆1. The Bad Beginning[3.5]
★★★★☆2. The Reptile Room[3.5]
★★★☆☆3. The Wide Window
★★☆☆☆4. The Miserable Mill[2,5]
★★★★★5. The Austere Academy[4.5]
★★★☆☆6. The Ersatz Elevator
★★★★★7. The Vile Village
★☆☆☆☆8. The Hostile Hospital
★★★☆☆9. The Carnivorous Carnival[3.5]
★★★☆☆10. The Slippery Slope[3.5]
★★★★☆11. The Grim Grotto
★★★☆☆12. The Penultimate Peril[3.5]
★★★★☆13. The End
★★★★☆14. The Complete Wreck


TRISTEZA de Desenlace.

Después de dejar la Gruta Gorgonian y a Fiona la micologista atrás, los autosuficientes Baudelaire viajan al Hotel Desenlace; el último lugar de encuentro de la secreta VFD; durante el viaje conocen a Dewey, un bibliotecario y secreto guardián. Los huérfanos luego empiezan a trabajar como conserjes para secretamente juntar información, y se encuentran con casi todos los personajes secundarios del pasado. Un breve respiro de estancamiento tiene lugar; hasta que Olaf llega al hotel y, odio ser repetitivo pero, la calamidad golpea otra vez.

No puedo creerlo. ¡VFD sigue significando Voluntarios Departamento contra Fuegos! Wow. Esto es tan... ¡¿decepcionante?! AME ver a Justice Strauss de nuevo, y a Jerome Squalor; dos guardianes pasados que han crecido desde su última aparición y ahora activamente luchan para ayudar a los huérfanos. Me GUSTO Dewey algo, a pesar de su corto rol. Totalmente ODIE a Olaf, un traicionero villano que disfruta romper con novias leales y arponear victimas indefensas. También ODIE a Esme, una novia traicionera que disfruta vestir ridículos bikinis de lechuga y consentir a hijastras malcriadas. Y ODIE a Carmelita Spats, una odiosa pelotera vaquera superhéroe soldada pirata. Y no nos olvidemos de Charles, Sir, Nero, Hugo, Colette, Kevin y otros tantos, que también estuvieron ahí. Los Baudelaire todavía suficientemente nobles como siempre, pero sufriendo internamente de nuevo después de verse forzados a usar tácticas despreciables, como disfrazarse, arponear y *accidentalmente* incendiar el lugar, y preguntándose cuán diferentes son en verdad de su querido Condecito Olaf.

Tengo sentimientos cruzados respecto a esta secuela. Hallé la primera mitad bastante aburrida y repetitiva, afortunadamente la segunda mitad fue bastante entretenida y cargada de acción. Fue maravilloso ver la reunión de casi todos los personajes que tuvo la serie hasta ahora. Y su destino una gran incógnita después de su flamante escapada. El cuenco de azúcar elusivo como siempre; los huérfanos y Olaf navegando hacia un futuro incierto. Y la conclusión final de la serie, sólo esperando en una lectura más.

[2005] [353p] [Libro para Niños] [3.5] [Casi Recomendable] [Suficientemente nobles Baudelaire] [¿Kit Snicket?] [Muere Olaf ¡MUERE!] [Muere Esme ¡MUERE!][ “Hacete Ha vos mismo, Olaf” ]
Profile Image for Mark Lawrence.
Author73 books53.8k followers
March 26, 2024
I'm fairly sure I've never read 12 books in one series before (with the possible exception of Enid Blyton's Famous Five - which I read in random order with gaps, because they're all stand-alones).

To be honest, I don't think that even as a child I would have reached #12 in the Series of Unfortunate Events - which is not to say that they are bad books, more testimony to my need for change.

Anyway, I'm reading these to my daughter and we're in til the bitter end (Book 13).

This volume takes place almost entirely within the boundaries of the Hotel Denouement. Much of the humour derives from the fact that the hotel is arranged according to the Dewy Decimal system. I suspect that the author took more pleasure in this than his audience of ten year olds... library cataloging humor being somewhat dry for children.

On the plus side we get to see many old favorites from other books, all summoned, whether villains or volunteers, to the hotel for a grand meeting / party.

Despite (or perhaps in defiance of) the title, don't expect many mysteries to be unfurled, or many story lines to come to neat conclusions. Confusion abounds, we don't know who can be trusted, what plans are afoot, or why.

The sugar bowl remains of prime importance... but we don't find out the reason.

The already muddy lines between good and evil are trampled over still further. Our heroic children are called upon to do their direst deeds yet, including murder(ish) and arson... Good people come to the fore again, and fail, again. Justice remains blind. Doubt is even cast upon the Baudelaires' saintly parents.

Things come to a head and at the last the children escape in vexed circumstances, presumably for the last time.

One more book to go!

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Profile Image for Mischenko.
1,021 reviews96 followers
November 17, 2019
We've finally finished the 12th book inA Series of Unfortunate Events"The Penultimate Peril."
This turned out to be one of our favorite installments.

Mild spoilers

In the beginning of the story, the Baudelaires are traveling with Kit Snicket to the Hotel Denouement. Here they'll take up positions as concierges to spy on some of the guests staying there. Their mission is to discern who's working for and against V.F.D. and to investigate who this mysterious J.S. person is in the hotel.

"You're not children anymore, Baudelaires. You're volunteers, ready to face the challenges of a desperate and perplexing world."

The children split up to assist guests of the hotel and all run into familiar characters from previous installments, eventually having a run in with Esme, Carmelita, Principal Nero, and Count Olaf once again. Count Olaf's plan remains finding the sugar bowl (a mysterious object all the enemies want) and also the Medusoid Mycelium (deadly fungus that nearly killed Sunny) from the previous bookThe Grim Grotto.

The children are so close to getting much-needed information from an important character, but then someone dies, and the hotel is in complete chaos with everyone trying to figure out what went wrong. It's no surprise, of course, that the blame is on the Baudelaires once again. Even Mr. Poe thinks they're responsible for the death, so who can they trust? After having a trial, the children attempt to tell their whole story from the very beginning, but everything goes awry and they end up in Count Olaf's clutches once more.

“There are some who say that you should forgive everyone, even the people who
have disappointed you immeasurably. There are others who say you should not forgive anyone, and should stomp off in a huff no matter how many times they apologize.
Of these two philosophies, the second one is of course much more fun, but it can also grow exhausting to stomp off in a huff every time someone has disappointed you, as everyone disappoints everyone eventually, and one can’t stomp off in a huff every minute of the day.”

The Penultimate Perilleft me much more curious about Count Olaf because a few bits of information are given regarding his history that left me asking:What is it that makes Count Olaf so villainous in the first place?

I'm convinced after reading this installment that it's very possible we'll finish this series and not get the ending we're hoping for. The Baudelaires' lives just seem to be getting worse with no hope in sight. Not only that, it's so full of uncertainty and impossible to figure out. We still have no idea what this strange artifact the sugar bowl is or who can be trusted. This series is full of mystery. I'm left to wonder how all this will wrap up in the final bookThe End.

Overall,The Penultimate Perilturned out to be one of the best yet. The tone seemed to be more upbeat and we really enjoyed the reunion of old characters, which was unexpected. The final quarter of the book had us on edge. We're moving right on to the final book.


You can also see this review @www.readrantrockandroll.com
Profile Image for Larissa.
75 reviews2 followers
March 6, 2012
This is clearly the book Daniel was aching to write. The best, most complex, most complete, most well-constructed and most enlightening installment in the series. This is the book with the denouement of the series, indeed, and the main theme of the novels shines darkly through to the end. Kit's early insistence that the children will be able to observe nobility in others, to the final pages where nothing at all about nobility could be foggier, the moral ambiguity of adulthood and the wickedness in even the most well-intentioned of people ends the book on a bittersweet note.Just noble enough.

Dreary indeed, but very very insightful and mature for what is much more than a simple children's series. I'm interested to see how Olaf changes in the final installment.Perhaps there is a touch of personal vendetta to what Olaf has done, a victimization complex reinforced by his brutal brand of survival. There has to be some reason he trusts no one and liquors his life away, after all.
Profile Image for Carissa.
729 reviews10 followers
April 26, 2008
same formula as all the others, but the plot thickens! favorite snicketism from this volume? “the three adults smiled at the children, and the children smiled back, but of course the baudelaires were not born yesterday, an expression which means “young or innocent enough to believe things certain people say about the world.”…violet was born more than fifteen years before this particular wednesday, and klaus was born approximately two years after that, and even sunny, who had just passed out of babyhood, was not born yesterday. neither were you, unless of course i am wrong, in which case welcome to the world, little baby, and congratulations on learning to read so early in life.” as always, for me, the pleasure of reading these books lies not in the often disparaged formulaic plot. for me, the enjoyment comes from mr. snicket’s use of language. i find them fun, just don’t make the mistake of taking them too seriously. look around, he’s sparked a whole slew of imitators, but… nothing (at least that i’ve found so far) is quite the same.
Profile Image for Ruben.
104 reviews54 followers
October 4, 2007
Here's the point: The Penultimate Peril continues to tie it all together, and the return on your investment is shockingly huge.Lemony Snicketmanages to tease out a few underlying themes, like what to think when good people let you down, and whether doing evil things makes you an evil person. There are incredible images here of reflections, fire and justice. The illustrations are also picture perfect. And even though the series grows dimmer and darker, it still manages to be one of the funniest I've ever read. I don't get it. I also don't understand why this is called a children's series. The lexile level (the reading difficulty score--check out lexile.com) of this book is 1280, which is higher thanWar and Peace(1200) andPride and Prejudice(1100). I love these books. And if you're reading this, you too have probably read them all, and you probably love them as much as I do.
Profile Image for b. ♡.
363 reviews1,470 followers
January 12, 2021
the concept of being “noble enough” is going to stick with me forever i think
Profile Image for Sophia.
2,252 reviews341 followers
May 27, 2021
This is one of (if not) my favourite of the later stories in this series!
I can tell by how much of the story I actually remember (I have a really bad memory).

I think my opinion of this book is raised by the episodes of the show.
I love how they used the twist in this book and kinda played with the viewers a little bit at the beginning.
Anyway, this isn’t a show review…

Tim Curry is great as usual.
Again my audio book had a full song play at the end which again, was a little weird.

My least favourite part of this book is the end where no one seems all that concerned when people are screamingFIRE!
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews224 followers
January 12, 2019
The Penultimate Peril (A Series of Unfortunate Events #12), Lemony Snicket
The Penultimate Peril is the twelfth novel in the children's novel series A Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snicket. The Baudelaire orphans, Violet, Klaus and Sunny are travelling with pregnant V.F.D. member Kit Snicket to Hotel Denouement, the last safe place for volunteers to gather. She tells them that, prior to V.F.D.’s gathering in two days, they will be disguised as concierges to observe the mysterious 'J.S.,’ in order to identify him as a volunteer or a villain of V.F.D. The hotel's managers are identical triplets Frank, Dewey and Ernest - Frank is a volunteer, while Ernest is on the opposing side as a villain, and Dewey is someone of legend who many do not believe exists. He has created a book cataloging all information of the V.F.D....
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: روز بیست و هفتم ماه آوریل سال 2011 میلادی
عنوان: خطر ماقبل آخر: (مجموعه ماجراهای بچههای بدشانس #12)؛ نویسنده: لمونی اسنیکت؛ مترجم: رضا دهقان؛ تهران، انتشارات ماهی، 1385؛ در 259 ص؛ شابک: 9789649971254؛ چاپ سوم 1387؛ چاپ چهارم 1388؛ ششم 1392؛ موضوع: داستانهای نویسندگان امریکایی - سده 21 م
خطر ماقبل آخر، عنوان دوازدهمین کتاب، از سری ماجراهای بچه های بدشانس است. این کتاب توسط «دنیل هندلر» با نام مستعار «لمونی اسنیکت» نوشته شده، و «برت هلکوئیست» تصویرگر آن است. «بودلر»ها، به کمک «کیت اسنیکت»، به «هتل دینومان» میرسند، تا برای وی.اف.دی ماموریتی انجام دهند. ولی در پایان، وادار به آتش زدن هتل، و فرار با «کنت الاف» میشوند. ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Lee  (the Book Butcher).
315 reviews73 followers
September 20, 2022
the Baudelaire's are back! fresh off the boat taken from the beach where they found out their parent died straight into the hotel denouement. They're taken by the author's sister Kit Snicket. But are throw in the mess of V.F.D. Villains and volunteers are on both sides all set to claim their innocent or blame their guilt. past character from the series are on both sides, I'm a huge fan of that. There is also a pair of identical twins Frank and Ernest who run the hotel one a volunteer the other a villain. The children are told to watch them to tell who is who. You can imagine that did not go well for them. They are put in constant concern of being a villain or volunteer and chose the Baudelaire path. This is a bit of a crime novel with a hotel setup and a Baudelaire court trial. One of my favorites in the series!
Profile Image for Ashley Daviau.
1,985 reviews973 followers
March 4, 2017
This is by far the most complex and interesting book out of the series! I just adored the whole concept of the Hotel Denouement and all the mysteries it contained. And once again we're introduced to a bunch of new and quite interesting characters that really add to the story. I also quite enjoyed the reappearance of characters from previous novels! This is by far one of my favourite out of the series and I'm quite sad I only have one more book left to read!
Profile Image for Kon R..
287 reviews155 followers
November 16, 2022
I am so tempted to give this book 2 stars. Not that it's a bad book, but because of my frustrations with this series. This installment seemed unnecessary. Nothing was answered in The Grim Grotto and nothing was answered here. At least TGG had a decent plot. This one I found boring. It was more fanfare than installment as all the previous characters we loved and hated returned here in one way or another. I feel like the author was deadset on having a 13 book series... because... you know...13 is bad luck. The bar has been set exceptionally high for the final book and you know what? I think it's going to be a flop. It really is a series of unfortunate events afterall.
Profile Image for Hannah Azerang.
141 reviews108k followers
August 26, 2016
I know I said this about the last one but THIS is my favorite one so far.
102 reviews
February 20, 2021
I love this series. I am ready to read the last book and finish the series! I already know what happens though because I have seen the Netflix series but I still can’t wait to read it!
Profile Image for kate.
1,401 reviews971 followers
March 3, 2017
3.75* another fun addition to the series. I really enjoyed all characters that returned in this and the fact that the Baudelaire's somewhat had more people on their side! I can't wait to see how this all wraps up in the end. I'm just hoping (although doubting) all my question will finally be answered...
Profile Image for Elaina.
339 reviews203 followers
June 2, 2017
~3.5 stars~
I'm kinda sad there is only one book left in the series, but I'm really curious how this is going to end lol So I definitely will be picking the last book up at the library when I get a chance xD
Profile Image for Carlos Peguer.
254 reviews4,501 followers
February 28, 2018
Uno de los que más me ha gustado de la saga.Me ha encantado reencontrarme con personajes del pasado y cómo ha ido resultando todo. Ya sólo falta uno para que todo se termine y no sé cómo sentirme al respecto.:(
Profile Image for Ellie.
103 reviews59 followers
August 24, 2019
۵ ستاره؛ هزاران هزار بار ۵ ستاره!
این همون کتاب کاملیه که تمام اهداف و سوظنهای مجموعه رو پاسخ میده؛ در این راه هم از تکنیک منحصر به فردی استفاده میکنه: سوالهای بیشتری رو پیش میکشه که جواب هر کدوم از اونها میتونه خیلی ترسناک باشه. بودلرا در این کتاب تنها نیستن؛ «کیت اسنیکت» اونها رو به آخرین مکان امن میبره تا بالاخره با آدمهای خوب ملاقات کنن و بتونن خوبی رو با هم اشتراک بذارن؛ اما هیچچیز اون طور که براش برنامهریزی شده پیش نمیره. همهچیز آشفته و بهمریختهست؛ م��ل لابی هتل شلوغی که پر از همهمهی مشتریاشه.
تو این کتاب با سوال بزرگی روبرو میشیم: «آیا آدمهای خوب از خط قرمز رد شدن و بالاخره لغزیدن و یا نه.» احتمال میدم که جواب این سوال برای آدمهای متفاوت، مختلف باشه. در نهایت هم همهچیز در آتش جنایت انسانهای بد خواهد سوخت و «آخرین مکان امن، دیگه امن نیست.»
Profile Image for P42.
272 reviews1,673 followers
February 14, 2019
poziom absurdu jaki osiąga ta książka pod koniec jest niesamowity
Profile Image for ✧ hayley (the sugar bowl) ✧.
341 reviews58 followers
April 12, 2024
➳ 5 ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚

╰┈➤”the last safe place is safe no more.”

so i’d like to start off by saying this book is my absolute favorite in the whole series. i adore the hotel setting, of course, and the trial that takes place there, but i think my favorite part about this book is the coming together of many characters we know throughout the series.

the mystery element is phenomenal this book and there are so many individuals doing (and scheming) so many different things. it is a very busy novel, but that is what makes it intriguing. i love this book from the very beginning when the baudelaire’s meet the hotel managers.

a few times throughout this book, violet, klaus, and sunny are split up and we read each of their perspectives which is fun. esmé is still desperate for the sugar bowl, and that was one of my favorite plot lines to read. also dewey 😭✋ count olaf’s small character developer moment was also a pleasant surprise. i do love a complex villain.

overall, this book was full of surprises, confusion, reveals, and tragedy all while not solving nearly anything and it leaves you waiting, desperately hoping, that the final book will finally answer our burning questions. i say, don’t get your hopes up…

also dewey is my newest fictional husband don’t judge 🤭

╰┈➤”for beatrice - no one could extinguish my love, or your house.”

୧ ‧₊˚ 🍓 ⋅ ☆
Profile Image for Tasha.
219 reviews627 followers
February 10, 2017
I think this is now my favorite in the series. As per usual, a lot of frustrating and sad things happened but I loved seeing old characters again and having more mysteries solved. I really hope the last book won't leave too many questions unanswered - I wouldn't be surprised though.
Profile Image for Charity (Booktrovert Reader).
664 reviews471 followers
February 14, 2023
It takes a village to capture the Baudelaire children!

The second to the last book finished. What a sprint. Almost ready for this to be over and hoping for a cheerful ending for this series.

In this book, the Baudelaire children are taken to a hotel where the last safe place is at. Where they must once again go undercover to find out what the evil VFD are up to. There are highlights of a lot of the old guardians and the misfortune of the children in this one.

This was a great read, and I wasn't expecting the ending of this one. Which I enjoyed. I am looking forward to reading what happens next and finishing this series.

Profile Image for Jennifer.
326 reviews117 followers
August 3, 2017
Guys, I don't know what to do. But I cried. I'm not sure what that says about me, but this book was really dark, and it made me get a little teary.

And now the wait for "The End" begins.
Profile Image for Layla.
376 reviews430 followers
September 20, 2020
4.5 stars

I am always perplexed on how smart and unique Lemony Snicket writes his stories. This book is such a great children's book, that even non-children can read (including me lol). Not only does it teach you important lessons, but also terms, phrases, and defenitions, and intertwines them into the story making it fun to learn, that is why I wish I would have read this when I was younger. Not only are you being educated but also following a story of these 3 intellectual and bonded sibling orphans that is bittersweet yet soooo enjoyable. I am sad my journey with this series is almost over as there is now only one book left in this series for me to read.

brief audiobook review:
I listened to this as an audiobook. My rating of the audiobook are mostly positive. But I must say not all of Tim Curry's impressions were my favorite, but I guess he has to make every character sound different for distinguishable reasons and at some point you will run out of voices. I still enjoyed it though, and found it easy to keep along with the story.
Profile Image for ✦BookishlyRichie✦.
641 reviews1,055 followers
May 8, 2016
This series could’ve easily been 11 books to be honest. Books 11 and 12 were filler books in my opinion and a bit on the boring side but I still enjoyed them because I love the characters so much. I’m really glad I got the audio books for 11 and 12, it made reading them a whole lot better and fun. There were some more mysteries thrown in in book 12 and a bunch of characters from previous books make a return which was fun. I hope 13 wraps all of this up. I’m going to miss these characters and world when it’s all over.

- Richard:)
Profile Image for Kristi C..
48 reviews1 follower
June 12, 2023
You cannot go wrong with the ASOUE books or Lemony Snicket! (Even the Netflix series was well done.) We were reading this series during quarantine, but I never finished the last two, so I wanted to complete the series. One more to go, unless of course I read all the accompanying books. It has been awhile since I read the first eleven, but I think Penultimate Peril might be my favorite book in the series because of all the characters included. Highly recommend for both the young and older!
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