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Losing Myself Brought Me Here

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Losing Myself Brought Me Here is my journey from being so completely lost in life, to finding the roads that lead me to where I wanted to go. Although I have found my way I still get lost at times. I go on detours, make pit stops, and hit dead ends, but I have learned to embrace the ride. Come with me on my road trip.

230 pages, Kindle Edition

Published June 2, 2019

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About the author

Jennae Cecelia

Jennae Cecelia is the self-published and best-selling author of the poetry books, Bright Minds Empty Souls, Uncaged Wallflower, I Am More Than a Daydream, and her latest release, an extension off of Uncaged Wallflower.

She has developed a strong passion for writing uplifting poetry that encourages
her readers to reach their full potential and learn about fulfilling their dreams.

Jennae's soul is happiest when she is meditating, doing yoga, drinking coffee, exploring nature, drawing, or being around people who lift up her spirits.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 164 reviews
Profile Image for bel rodrigues.
Author3 books21.6k followers
June 11, 2024
meu deus e quando ela disse "I am trying to become more like that fearless girl I was when I was young"???????????????????????????? vsf
Profile Image for Lia Strange.
547 reviews244 followers
February 17, 2021
"I wish you would listen to what
my story actually is
before you start writing the version
you think it should be. "

tengo un problema y es que la primera parte me encanto porque ella habla de estar pasándola mal, la segunda parte habla de como mejoro y no es que no sea lindo, es solo que yo necesito a alguien que se sienta una mierda conmigo, necesitaba leer su primera parte porque así me siento, sin esperanzas, sin ganas, como si solo estuviera respirando y esa es mi función y en la segunda parte ella me abandono, y ahora me siento aun mas sola en este sentimiento de ser una mierda y odiarme a mi misma.

"how am i alone
even when many people
are with me? "
Profile Image for Renata.
486 reviews346 followers
March 29, 2024
In some ways I felt every single page because lately I’ve been going through some hard moments in life and it makes you question everyting and many times without wanting you get lost on your way. But this book was pretty well written, talked a lot about things that I personally struggle and it was treated so well.
The perfect type of book that’s so easy to go through yet it hits home.

“I think I have grown
too comfortable with
getting another tomorrow.
So much so that
I waste today.”
Profile Image for Maede.
419 reviews568 followers
July 19, 2024
سادهنویسی همیشه شمشیر دولبهست. از طرفی بیشیله پیله بودن متن (یا اینجا شعر) باعث میشه بدون هیچ مانعی دست بندازه گردن خواننده و حرف بزنه. از طرفی همین سادگی ارزش محتوا رو گاهی پایین میاره و بیمعنیش میکنه. وضعیت این کتاب شعر دقیقاً همینه. شعرهایی داره که در عین سادگی عمیقند و شعرهایی داره که به خاطر سادگی سطحی هستند

از طرفی گاهی لحن موعظگرایانه و خودیاریطوری شعرها هم آزارم میداد، اما اون بخشهای صادقانه که انگار برای خود آدم نوشته شدند باعث میشه نخوام بهش کمتر از سه ستاره بدم. راستی خوندنش هم آسونه و میتونه شروع خوبی برای شعر خواندن به انگلیسی باشه

کتاب رو میتونید از اینجا دانلود کنید
Maede's Books

Profile Image for Cash.
459 reviews8 followers
April 14, 2020
"I fall in love with places that have importance, so why am I still struggling to fall in love with the body I have always called home?"
Profile Image for Trianna/Treereads.
1,026 reviews56 followers
August 11, 2019
I always find it challenging to rate and review poetry books, how it is fair to give a rating to a life experience? So this 5 star rating is because I could relate to so many of these poems and loved the extended diner metaphor. Unlike a lot of poetry, I can really personally relate to Jennae's writings.

Can't wait to read what else she writes! Also, y'all should be following her on IG because she posts so much positivity and lovely content.

*Thank you so much for Jennae for a copy of her book! All thoughts are my own*
Profile Image for K. ♡.
91 reviews13 followers
July 21, 2022
“This world may seem too crowded for you to make your mark, but millions of stars still fit in the sky and shine like they are the only one doing so. -shine like you are the only one.” This book is perfect if you’re in a state of transition. If you’re moving, taking on a new opportunity or just tired of living the same way you’ve always been, now is the time to lose your old self, so you can embrace your new self. Growth and change is beautiful, so keep going until you reach your destination.
Profile Image for Marjolein.
495 reviews51 followers
September 9, 2022
My favourite of hers so far. The other collections I've read didn't really resonate with me, but this one did. Maybe it was the focus on anxiety, something I struggle with myself. And I love the hope and positivity she poured into her poems. Really enjoyed it!
Profile Image for Reading_ Tamishly.
5,200 reviews3,195 followers
February 20, 2023
Couldn’t enjoy this collection at all. Dnfed it halfway. I loved the other collection by the author so much though.
Profile Image for Zipora Zipora.
184 reviews4 followers
February 6, 2022
Throw the map into the backseat. Put your phone on airplane mode. Just enjoy the ride. Wherever you may go.
I am clinging to the sunsets I remember coming at the end of the day to remind me of all the beauty I forgot to notice along the way.
I want to be the friend that checks in and asks you how you are doing daily. I want to be the friend that keeps track of all the events happening in your life. I want to be the friend who reminds you about all the amazing things you are doing. I want to be that friend, and I am trying to be that for myself too.
No matter how many times I think I have found who I am, there is always a shift eventually. Big or small. For the good or for the bad. I know I can not stay one constant person. That is what growing really is.
There are memories I want to forget. Pack away in a box that will only collect dust. Leave abandoned in a house I no longer go to. But no matter how many times I hide them they still find a way to pop back up.
I saw all the caution signs and the ones that kept telling me to turn around. I ignored all the signs right in front of me, and then blamed the Universe for trying to take me down with no warning.
You may feel the most lost in a place that should feel like home. You may feel the most at home in a place you barely know. Maybe it is time to wander to somewhere new. Hit the road and go.
I have a hard time finishing anything because endings are not easy for me to embrace. I do not want things to end. I want to be able to look forward to it each day.
There is something so freeing about sharing your soul with people who have no expectations about who you should be or where you should go.
Just for tonight, let us pretend we have no fears. Just for this moment, let us live right here. Right now. Just for tonight, can we leave our fears behind?
She found beauty in the way the waves could wipe the sand clean of any past mistakes.
I have too many expectations and they are constantly being crushed. I have too many expectations and when they do not happen I get mad and lost.
I felt like the book on the shelf that you had every intention of getting to, but you just kept looking past. And with each new book you brought home, I knew I was becoming more and more forgotten. I just wanted you to read me. Understand me. Please do not forget.
I have left so many tears at the ocean that I started to wonder if that is why it is saltwater. Is the ocean filled with tears of all the people who sit on the coastline and spill their heart and soul out into the unknown?
I desire to still believe in dreams and wishing the same way I did when I was young and made wishes on pennies thrown into mall fountains.
It is easy to reel me back in because I am always hoping this is the time I will be enough. Even after I have been thrown overboard time and time again. It is easy to reel me back in because it is a safety net for me to be with someone *anyone* rather than alone.
I do not even know what, I love you really means. Other than being a bunch of words you seem to throw around with ease.
I want to be still, but I need the earth to be still with me. She keeps spinning no matter what.
Life is not dropping bread crumbs leading me to where I am supposed to go. I have to bake my own bread and make my own way, because I will never learn if I am handed everything.
I am trying to pull myself out of a dark well. I do not know how I will get out, but I can see the light so I know there is a way. There is a way. I will try with all my might.
It is not about who is only at the finish line to cheer you on. It is about who is on the sidelines along the way when you have yet to be victorious, but they still believe you will get there.
Nothing is scarier to me right now than not doing anything at all.
I stopped letting others’ opinions take the driver’s seat for my life. They can either be a supportive passenger, or find another ride.
I am strong. I am worthy. And the person who I need to hear it from most is me.
And I realized things were going to be alright. Even if alright was just today. That was a start.
These hard times may seem forever, but one day this will be the past you thank for making you better.
Alone is sometimes all I need to be. Eyes closed. Mind open. Sipping iced coffee between the silence and the breeze. Alone does not have to mean lonely.
Find me with my head out the window. Sun-kissed hair blowing in the breeze. As I look on at the contrast of the orange sunset and the blue sea. Find me replaying this moment in my mind. The simple things in life. This minimalistic time.
I just needed to move on to what would bring me joy and feed my dreaming soul. So to the girl I left on the beach that cloudy morning, I just want you to know that the new version of yourself is doing much better than okay. She feels less alone more and more each day.
Loving yourself is a do it yourself project that you will not regret.
One day you will say, “I made it.I am great. I am better than okay.” And that one day? That one day can start today.
It is not about if let if go. It is when that you will want to hold on to.
Today I am loving myself as I come. I am not trying to turn myself into someone I wish I was. The woman I woke up as today has more than enough to give. Does she have room for improvement? Of course. But that does not mean she is not still amazing as she comes. Start your morning thanking yourself for who you are right now.
I want to collaborate like the sun and rain do for our beautiful nature. I do not want to compete like animals that think the other is going to bring danger.
You can sit and wait for the weather to get better. Look out the window. Complain it is dreary. Or you can get out, dance in the rain, and get ready to chase the sun when it comes.
What song will play for you as you drive off into the sunset you always dreamt of? The sunset that is your dream come true. The reds, yellows, and bright blues. What anthem will be there to play for you, like you are the closing scene in that feel-good movie?
I will no longer allow someone else to write my story for me. They do not know my plots or turning points. They do not know who I am beyond who they think they are for me.
I had to stop saying yes all of the time in order to get to where I wanted to go this time.
It may hard to not be all the people that everyone else would like you to be. But only you know what your soul needs. Keep that in mind. Listen to your heart. Listen to what people have to say, but do not allow them to steer your life in a direction you know you would never want to take.
I am trusting that today’s struggles are tomorrow’s victories. I am trusting there is some reason all of this is happening to me.
I want to thank failure. You taught me resilience. You taught me to hope. But most importantly you taught me that things will not always go my way. Failure is growth.
She follows her intuition. Planting seeds with no doubt they will grow. Willing to open it up as a community garden, because she never wants someone to feel alone.
Are you daydreaming or are you seeing what the future holds? Only you can decide which one it is.
When everything is going just right, take it is a sign. Do not question if it is justa coincidence this time.
Yes, everything comes to an end but an end is really just the beginning of all the opportunities ahead.
I no longer tiptoe around people who once intimidated me. I walk past them confidently. I started to realize that they were not threatening at all. They are as human as I am. They have insecurities, they trip, and they fall.
You are not weak for asking for help from another. Some days we need support more than others.
I have left the words I wish I could say on napkins across the whole country- I hope they bring you company.
Every person will not be your person, and they do not need to be. That is why there are so many people on this earth. Find the people you can count on. The people who care deeply for you. Do not worry about pleasing everyone. It is an exhausting task you will never have enough time to get through.
No one will care about your dream more than you. No one will work harder for your dream more than you. You are in the driver seat of your dream and if you do not push the gas, you will not get far. Because no one is going to pick up your dream in their car.
When I told you all of my dreams late at night through the phone, instead of telling me I was crazy, you whispered back, “Dream bigger.” And for once I felt seen. For once I was not alone.
I can be fearless and still cry. That does not make my fearlessness any less mine.
Go for your dreams at whatever pace you would like. Run, skip, or walk. Go for your dreams at whatever pace you would like. Some dreams take time.
You reminded me of honey, because you stuck around long after you were gone. And cleaning up after you was not a simple task. You left your mark. You left your trash.
All my smiles may look the same, but my brain can recognize all the ones that are real and all the ones that are fake.
Who thought I would love the rain when I used to only crave the nice weather. But then I realized how much the rain is looked down upon when all it is trying to do is bring nourishment and make things better.
It is ok to let go of places only disguised as home. Hit the road and roam. It is your life. Do not fear taking control.
I will try and I will try to bottle my happiness up like sand from the ocean. Place it on a shelf within reach. So even as time passes I can open it up and remember how I felt mid-June, with eagerness in my eyes under the full moon.
I thought I was lost all of the time, but really it was just people telling me I was lost because where I was did not align with where they wanted me to be.
I laid down and looked up at the stormy skies and said, “you will not take me down, this is my fight”.
Do not be afraid to tell your story. Do not think your story is going to be boring. There is no exact story like yours. Your story wants to be heard. Someone out there needs it.
I would ask you what you looked for in someone you were attracted to. Then I let that be the guidelines to how I would be. Not anymore. Not anymore. I know I will find someone who truly loves ME.
This is not my, now she lives happily ever after. This is my, now she lives in a way she can recognize what makes her happy after all.
Profile Image for Katherine Turner.
Author8 books37 followers
October 13, 2020
This was a beautiful and heartfelt poetry collection about being lost and journeying to find oneself. There were several pages in here that I know I'll go back to with regularity, the words resonating deep in my soul. While not at all funny, I also found myself laughing softly at times in that way you do when you fundamentally understand what someone is talking about; anxiety is a beast and is recognizable within these pages. At times I felt like she was talking about me. This was my first book by the author, but I'll definitely be reading more.
Profile Image for libby stefanova.
77 reviews
April 11, 2023
some parts of this book really hit home for me, kind of wish i had found it a couple of years ago, i think i would have enjoyed it even more back then— would have helped me feel less alone in the darkest parts of my own self, which sadly we cannot run from.
still, a nice and uplifting self-empowering book.❤️
Profile Image for Gemma Marie.
Author4 books7 followers
June 8, 2019
Another gorgeous read

I've been reading this book with my morning coffee over the past week and I love the inspiration and encouragement it gives me for the day! Beautiful beautiful words <3
Profile Image for Norie.
141 reviews
December 22, 2023
this one was just “okay” for me. didn’t really resonate with many of the pieces which is totally fine, but felt a lot like basic instagram poetry which is not my favorite. i liked a few though! just not my favorite collection from this poet
Profile Image for Jessica.
678 reviews23 followers
April 20, 2020
There are only so many
weekends you can live for,
summers you can wait for,
and winters you can beg to end,
before all you are doing
is wishing through life.
Have you stopped to love today
or are you already
dreaming of all the
next times?

Alone is sometimes all
I need to be.
Eyes closed.
Mind open.
Sipping iced coffee
between the silence
and the breeze.
Alone does not have to
mean lonely.

I want to thank failure.
You taught me resilience.
You taught me to hope.
But most importantly
you taught me that things
will not always go my way.
Failure is growth.

I got tired of being the girl
who never would forgive.
I got tired of remembering
all of my grudges.
Give grace.
Give grace.
Give grace.
It is what you would want
someone to do for you too.

There are playlists I will repeat forever and ever.
From that summer.
That beach.
Our beautiful weather.
Even after we have long departed
from each other,
you will still find me pressing play
while the lyrics
pull us back together.
Profile Image for Akshaya.
445 reviews7 followers
June 24, 2022
I have previously read another collection of poems from Jennae Cecelia, and I thought it was just okay, but this one! I feel like I read this one at the right time of my life, and it resonated with me. It deals with topics of anxiety, and as someone who writes poems and has anxiety it was very relatable, and I enjoyed the whole book. It made me feel seen.

"I am in a house with no windows. I do not want anyone to see in. I do not want to feel vulnerable."

"I will not be there today. I am taking time to myself. My self care comes first.
What I want to send out in a mass text, but would anyone truly understand that I am not actually ditching them? "
Profile Image for Mercedes Sanders.
13 reviews1 follower
January 29, 2024
I’ve never been a fan of poetry.. but a friend recommended this book of poems and some of them truly hit home. Take the time to read through them and see if any of them resonate with you. 💙

“I fall in love with places that have importance, so why am I still struggling to fall in love with the body I have always called home?”
Profile Image for Laura Bedwell.
18 reviews
June 6, 2024
This book was delightful in the way that nostalgia can be sweet and bitter.

My heart and body empathized with so many of her words and feelings. It brought up things that still stir in me.

I really appreciate the loud anthem of story telling through poetry. It beats, “you are not alone” so loudly. It crescendos an embrace I cannot put into words.
Profile Image for grace.
135 reviews16 followers
October 1, 2020
"Lost above the clouds,
or found beneath the trees.
I am a dreamer who is still
learning to live presently "

This poetry book is like my soul is in there. To the author of this book, thanks for making this book.
Profile Image for mar✰.
568 reviews38 followers
December 31, 2020
I am alone in the most crowded places.
Around familiar or unfamiliar faces.
I am alone in this big city.
How am I alone even when many people are with me?
Profile Image for Saeda Marwan.
Author1 book50 followers
September 29, 2021
"I think I have found who I am, there is always
a shift eventually.
Big or small.
For the good or for the bad.
I know I can not stay
one constant person. "
Profile Image for Daylin.
16 reviews4 followers
July 15, 2022
I felt every page in this book. Loved it so much!
Profile Image for Alexis .
6 reviews1 follower
July 30, 2022
I was waiting for someone to stop and ask me, "Hey, are u actually ok?"
But instead I stopped myself
As I looked into the river bed and I said,
"I know you are not ok.
What can I do for you?
How can I make you feel better? "
Sometimes I need to hear it more from myself than others.....💝🤗
Profile Image for Cassie ♡.
114 reviews11 followers
August 12, 2023
I liked it

I resonated with a lot of the poems. I've struggled with mental health for forever, so I feel like some of these poems were right on the money with things.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 164 reviews

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