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Young Ebenezer: Confronts the School Bully

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‘A Halloween treat, much better than sweets.’

A time for candy and costumes,
pumpkins and ‘Trick or Treat’.
But beware of the bully
lurking just down the street.

Ebenezer is really excited! It’s his first Halloween to go out ‘Trick or Treating’. Jacob Marley is excited too, but this school bully plans to steal all the kids’ sweets.Can Eb and his friends, along with the magical clock Grandfather Time teach Jacob the error of his ways? Or is the boy doomed to a life of crime, just like his wicked father?

The story of‘Ebenezer and the Bully’is a magical rhyming tale of behaviour matters, and the importance of being kind. It’s a treat for families to share or for reading alone, aimed at children aged 8-12 years old. With characters loosely based around the Charles Dickens classic‘A Christmas Carol’,you’ll meet the Ghost of Christmas Past - a golden red puppy named Miss Ruby Heart - along with the Grim Reaper who will surprise Jacob by revealing his future self.

100 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 1, 2019

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About the author

Rose English

Living on 'England's Green & Pleasant Land', amongst the gentle rolling hills of the Herefordshire Countryside, Rose's house is wall to wall books. She even has a 'leaning tower of paperbacks'.

Rose is a dreamer, preferring a simple & quiet life. Often spending time lone, although never lonely, being ever surrounded by great characters when lost in a good book. She loves theatre and the arts, adoring live performances on stage. Rose has very eclectic tastes.

Working as a school librarian, and sharing her love of books with the children was the best job she ever had. However, life moves on and another chapter was only a page turn away.

Now working in an entirely different library, in Hereford's Wye Valley NHS Trust Hospital, Rose spends her day cleaning and issuing 'Medical Equipment'.

Most days she can be found walking around, with her head in a book or eyes glued to a kindle. (In all the years she has been partaking of this pastime, there has only ever been one accident, when she walked into a street lamp, but then she had been momentarily blinded by the sun. Not that there is a lot of sun in the UK).

Writing for Rose has only ever really been a hobby, something she has done for many years but on reaching the half century she received a book ‘Things to do now you are fifty’ and on that list was ‘write a book’.

Winning second prize in a Daily Bookworm competition for the short story ‘One Breath’, then being encourage by online Facebook friends to enter a holiday DigiWriting contest and winning FIRST PRIZE with ‘The Magic of Grandfather Christmas’ Rose was inspired to turn one of the stories, if not both into full length novels.

Rose also has a little friend, a red golden King Charles Spaniel (Ghost of Christmas Past from the Young Ebenezer series) named Miss Ruby Heart. Ruby loves children's books and can be found on social media as @MissRubyHeart1

One final little secret for you, she has a very serious addiction;
Rose English is a Read-a-holic.

Happy Reading:-)




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Profile Image for Laura.
1,163 reviews58 followers
November 9, 2020
‘A Halloween treat, much better than sweets.’

The story of ‘Ebenezer and the Bully’ is a magical rhyming tale of behaviour matters, and the importance of being kind. It’s a treat for families to share or for reading alone, aimed at children aged 8-12 years old. With characters loosely based around the Charles Dickens classic ‘A Christmas Carol’, you’ll meet the Ghost of Christmas Past - a golden red puppy named Miss Ruby Heart - along with the Grim Reaper who will surprise Jacob by revealing his future self.

Especially designed for families to share during the Halloween Season, or for young readers to try for themselves, this little story has all the markings of a delightful timeless classic.

Clever rhymes set on gorgeously illustrated pages will not only enchant with a magical tale, but also teach the little ones a little about the consequences of being selfish, unkind and a bully. And due to a wonderful adaptation to our modern day life, this little tale allows children to easily identify.
From the excitement about going out for trick or treat to the school bag and blazer thrown in the corner, every little thing is bound to strike a note.
But what I loved about it the most is the message it sends out. To bullies and bullied children alike. Not the message I, as a grown up, perceived. The message the little ones understand from it.

How do I know what that is?! Because I had this little book as Halloween read aloud at a little Halloween party yesterday night! After all the games were done and the prizes collected, we all sat down with the cookies and milkshakes and read a scary Halloween tale. Eight children aged 5 to 13 were part of my Halloween troop last night - a few witches and wizards, a cowboy and even Harry Potter. Not the one of J.K. Rowling, but my own.:D

To make it short, everyone lovedYoung Ebenezer: Confronts the School Bully.And not even one of the little munchkins tried to wiggle out of the read. Fact that in itself speaks volumes, after a night full of play and fun! Everyone was eager to see what happens next. And because of the easy flow of the rhymes, we even had a little contest seeing who can recite the best.

Almost everyone was outraged at Jacob bullying the smaller kids and every single one of them cheered for Ebenezer when he decided to make a stand. All hands went up when asked if school bags are thrown in a corner and everyone agreed Jacob turned out to be pretty cool by the end.

There is one thing I asked them all.'Why do you think Jacob was so mean?!'

Here are the answers I got at the beginning of the tale:

'Because he is mean!
Mean kids are just mean like that!
We have some in our school and nobody likes them!
I will never be friends with a bully!'

And here are the answers to my question but after the little tale:

'He was just sad! He was sad and lonely and that's why he was a bully!
Maybe if Jacob had had friends he wouldn't have been so mean!
Maybe if the mean boy in our school, had friends he wouldn't be so mean anymore?'

Understanding and caring, and a wish to help. As well as a desire to change ones ways! A beautiful uplifting message for children of all ages. This little enchanting read delivers it spot on! In the perfect manner to be both accepted and understood.
I had a few parents too settling close by and listening to our read and I've already been made to promise thatYoung Ebenezer: A New Christmas Carolwill be the read-aloud book at our Christmas party.

The unanimous rating received from my troop was and I quote,'a cool 5 star rating!'
Some did rate it a 10 star too, but GR only accounts for 5 so we'll have to leave it at that!:)

If you're on the lookout for a beautiful picture book for your little ones, give Young Ebenezer a try.

Honest to goodness! It's beauty, magic and meaning on a page!

Happy reading my friends
and remember!

"Try your best to be good
fill your heart full of caring
and never forget
the great joy of sharing. "

Find this review and more on my book review and cover art blog The Magic Book Corner
Profile Image for J.S. Burke.
Author6 books470 followers
September 21, 2020
This creative Halloween story is a poem with a positive message and colorful pictures on each page. Three teenage friends are trick-or-treating together when they witness the school bully, Jacob, robbing other trick-or-treaters. It’s a clever retelling of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”, with the added twist of a magical Grandfather’s clock and a beautiful ghost dog.

Magic blossoms to help Jacob see his future and help him change, “to help him make friends and find joy and laughter.” The magic recognizes Jacob’s loneliness while pointing the way to a better life. I love the message: “Please never forget the great joy of sharing.” This is an excellent, uplifting family book.

Profile Image for Bookworm86 .
1,663 reviews128 followers
March 15, 2024

Review for 'Young Ebenezer: Confronts The School Bully' written by Rose English.

Read and reviewed for Rose English and Gillari Books.

Publication date: 24th September 2019

This is the fourth book we have read by this author. We have also read 'A Christmas Carol With Grandfather Time', 'The Magic Of Grandfather Time' and 'Young Ebenezer: A New Christmas Carol'. We would highly recommend them all!!

This book is yet another fantastic book by Rose English for children and adult's alike. Out of all the books i have read by her I would say this is one of the ones that sends the most important message. In this book we meet young Ebenezer again that we met in both 'A Christmas Carol With Grandfather Time' and in 'Young Ebenezer: A New Christmas Carol'. When we met him in the previous books Eb was being visited by three ghosts he is visited by a gorgeous red golden puppy called Miss Ruby Heart, Santa and a Dream Keeper to help him change his ways. Eb was a spoilt child who really was not one for caring, and he certainly hated sharing. by the end of the book Eb was like a different boy. In this book Eb is excited as it is his first Halloween to go out Trick Or Treating. Eb is having fun dressed up as a skeleton with his friend Su who is dressed as a zombie and Rory who is dressed as a vampire. However, they come across the school bully Jacob Marley who is determined to bully everyone into giving him their sweets. Ed tries to talk to him and help him change his ways by telling him how he changed and his life has become better. Jacob Marley ignore him and this is where our old friends from Rose's other books Grandfather Time, the ghost of Christmas Past a Ruby King Charles Spaniel called Miss Ruby Heart and the Grim Reaper. Can they show Jacob Marley how the mistakes he makes now will change his future? Will Jacob Marley change his ways like Eb did? Well, grab this lovely children's book now to find out!! This is a fantastic story which is perfect to read all year around but would make a fantastic book for Halloween with the story being based around that time! One of the things that I really liked about this book and what stood out for me is the fact that it carries several important messages but in a way that is very child friendly. It teaches children that it is important to share, to be kind, to listen, to care and to make amends when they have done wrong. We all loved the fact that it is a rhyming book which makes it even more fun to read and it is also a great way to help children read. My children had loads of fun guessing what the next rhyming words were!! It wasn't just myself that enjoyed reading it but my 11 year old son and also my 6 year old twin boys. It was written in a way that is easy for children and adults to read and we all took it in turns to read a page. When we read the previous books by Rose Ryder (one of my twin boys) wasn't talking but now he has learnt to talk and read it was delightful listening to him read some of the words along with my other two sons. We had loads of fun naming all the different things that the children could see in the photos and naming all the colours. It truly is an amazing and fantastic book and I would say it is suitable for any child from the age of 6-8 years above. This book is lovely and short and can be a quick read or be made into a fun long read whichever the reader wishes. The font is a nice style and size making it easy for adults and children to see and read too which is definitely a bonus as I have struggled with some fonts that authors have used in children's books in the past. We love the little images of cats, pumpkins and webs that surrounded the pages which were really eye catching. I read the paperback version of this book that I got directly from the author. It came stunningly gift wrapped and the book is amazing quality!!! It would be a perfect book for children to be read to by their teachers in school as well as friends and family members. In fact this book should be absolutely everywhere a child could be as it really is just, as we say in Wales, LUSH!!! Let your children's imaginations come alive with this beautiful Halloween book which teaches them to be kind to others and how their actions can have negative consequences. I really cannot wait to read more books by the amazing Rose to my children (and for myself) and hope that she is busy writing the next one already!

My 11 year old son Malaki had this to say about this book:

I really liked reading this book by Rose. I like the fact that the bully Jacob Marley was shown what would happen to him if he carried on being horrible. I had problems with some boys being bullies in school but after speaking to my Mum who spoke to my teacher they have left me alone since but bullies are not nice at all. i wish Ruby Heart and her friends were real to teach all bullies a lesson. My favourite character is Ruby!!! I love dogs and Ruby is so cute and sleeps on Eb's bed like my cat Caramac does!!! I loved reading it to my brothers who are 6 year old. I am taking this book to school to show the teachers as I think it is a good book for teachers to read in classes.

This book is one of my absolute favourite children's book!!! It is not just a great story but one that teaches children to be kind too which is so important!! To write a gorgeous, fun book with a fantastic lesson to teach children. This is why you are in my favourite author, Thank you for doing such an amazing thing and congratulations!!! I cannot wait to get stuck into the rest of your past and future books and here is to your next guaranteed success 🥂!!!

Congratulations Rose on writing yet another absolutely fantastic children's book!! This is exactly why you are on mine, Malaki, Hunter and Ryder's favourite children's authors list!!. Here is to your next success 🥂

Overall a fantastic rhyming children's book with several important messages.

100 pages

This book is just £2.99 on kindle, free with Kindle Unlimited and £8.99 in paperback via Amazon at time of review which is an absolute bargain for this gorgeous story!!

Rated 5/5 ( We all loved it ) on Goodreads, Instagram, Amazon UK and Amazon US and on over 30 Facebook pages plus my blog on Facebook.

Feel free to add me on Goodreads or follow me on my website or Facebook for more reviews.

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Profile Image for Maureen Turner.
Author18 books13 followers
November 6, 2020

I saw this book advertised on facebook and thought it was a new release. I was surprised to find that it was published a while ago. How did I miss it??? I toyed with the idea of purchasing it for my granddaughter's kindle but wanted to check it out so I downloaded it to my Kindle first. It is a delightful short story told in verse about the age old story of mean spirited Ebenezer Scrooge. This version was ideal for a younger reader enabling them to understand the concept of 'bullying' and meanness. I was much impressed by the author's telling of the story and especially the wonderful graphic designs on every page. As soon as I finished reading it I ordered a second copy for my granddaughter too. This is a lovely book combining both a Christmas story and one for the Halloween period too.
Profile Image for Carrie Weston.
Author11 books74 followers
December 28, 2020
A beautifully versed tale perfect for young readers. This is a story that teaches the importance of kindness and our actions towards others. Highly recommend

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