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Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary

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Brace yourself for a shocking secret.

Two hidden artifacts have been found. Three more remain unrecovered. More preserves face destruction as the Society of the Evening Star relentlessly pursues new talismans. Reading in Patton’s Journal of Secrets, Kendra learns the location of the key to a vault housing one of the artifacts. In order to retrieve it, the Knights of the Dawn must enter a death trap — a dragon sanctuary called Wyrmroost. The mission cannot proceed without stealing a sacred object zealously guarded by the centaurs. Anybody seen Seth?

The race is on to acquire all five of the artifact keys to the great demon prison. Will the Knights of the Dawn conquer Wyrmroost? Who can stop the Sphinx? Can Vanessa be trusted to help? What artifact will be found next?

535 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2009

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About the author

Brandon Mull

Brandon Mull resides in a happy little valley near the mouth of a canyon with his wife and three children. He spent two years living in the Atacama Desert of Northern Chile where he learned Spanish and juggling. He once won a pudding eating contest in the park behind his grandma’s house, earning a gold medal. Brandon is the author of the New York Times bestsellingFablehavenseries andThe Candy Shop War.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,794 reviews
Profile Image for Lindsey Rey.
286 reviews3,065 followers
November 26, 2015
GUYS. This is a five star, first class series right here. DAMN THAT WAS SO GOOD!!!! I am so incredibly upset that I left book five at my apartment and will have to wait an entire 5 or 6 hours to continue with this series.
Profile Image for Garrett.
329 reviews6 followers
March 29, 2009
I had a hard time putting this book down. I read all 527 pages in about 8 hours. I forced myself to go to bed even though I was not done with the book, but I was getting really tired and couldn't keep my eyes open.

OK, so let's break it down:

Characters: There were a couple new characters and surprises on existing ones. I am totally liking Seth now that he is not quite so annoying and "stupid" (in that little brother way). And I loved it when Seth was taunting the poison dragon. Too funny! Brandon is great at making likable (as well as ones we love to hate) and well-rounded characters. He is also doing even better at giving each character a unique voice.

Setting: The dragon sanctuary was cool and Brandon did a good job in narrating their passage through mazes and traps.

Conflict: The action was even more intense and scattered throughout the book on this one, which I feel was a great improvement over the previous books.

Plot: I like how Brandon makes each book feel complete, and yet we know there is more to come. In fact, one more book in the series, to be precise. Interesting twist near the end too.

Text: Brandon is becoming a great writer. I anxiously await the final book in the series.
Profile Image for Kimberley doruyter.
879 reviews90 followers
July 4, 2020
bad mister mull ending on a cliffhanger like that.
i did love the completely different take on dragons.

two special words: fairy dragon.
Profile Image for Ahmad Sharabiani.
9,563 reviews224 followers
March 27, 2018
Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary (Fablehaven, #4), Brandon Mull
Fablehaven: Secrets of the Dragon Sanctuary is the fourth novel of Fablehaven series. This book starts off at the end of the third book, where the society of the Evening Star make some dangerous moves. Seth and Kendra are thrust into another dangerous adventure, where they leave the preserve and explore others. In this one they visit a preserve for dragons, wyrmroost, strange changes are wrought in Seth, and the society go farther than they ever have.
تاریخ نخستین خوانش: بیست و هشتم ماه ژانویه سال 2012 میلادی
عنوان: پنجگانه افسانه 4 اسرار پناهگاه اژدها؛ نویسنده: براندن (براندون) مال (مول)؛ مترجم: میلاد فشتمی؛ تهران، بهنام، 1390، در 527 ص؛ از مجموعه پنجگانه افسانه - کتاب چهارم؛ شابک: 9789645668783؛ موضوع: داستانهای کودکان از نویسندگان انگلیسی قرن 21 م
رقابت دو گروه «شوالیه های سحرگاه» و «انجمن ستاره مغرب» بر سر به دست آوردن ابزارها و طلسمهای مخفی است. اکنون دو ابزار مخفی کشف شده اند و اعضای انجمن ستاره مغرب برای به دست آوردن سه طلسم باقیمانده از هیچ تلاشی فروگذار نیستند. در تلاش برای متوقف کردن انجمن، شوالیه های سحرگاه درمییابند که کلید صندوق ابزار سوم در پناهگاه لانه اژدها مخفی شده است. اکنون رقابت برای به دست آوردن ابزارهای مقدس آغاز شده و اتفاقهای ناخوشایندی به وقوع میپیوندد. ا. شربیانی
Profile Image for Książkomanka.
392 reviews463 followers
February 8, 2022
4.75 / 5 ⭐

Ale to był świetny tom! Tyle emocji, intryg, zwrotów akcji i przeszkód na drodze bohaterów! Jestem ogromną fanką tej serii, nie mogę się już doczekać ostatniego tomu! 🤩
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,060 reviews195 followers
January 5, 2021
What a ride! Just when I think thatBrandon Mullcannot give anything better than his last book, he delivers and he delivers to knock it out of the preserve. I don't know how Mull does it but I'm left completely stunned and hungry for more at the same time.

Kendra and Seth have matured so much. Stingbulb Kendra was even better. I loved every single thing about this except for one, which was about Gavin being Navarog. Also the way Gavin stuttered and betrayed everyone reminded me of Harry Potter series' famous betrayal.

I particularly loved Patton's journal of secrets and how he was there to help them and guide them wherever the gang got stuck. The wayBrandon Mullslid those things in the story didn't seem forced or just there for the sake of getting the story going, they felt pieces of puzzle clicked together.

Don't even get me started on Rex being the cutest. He was so adorable yet the biggest hero of this book. Mull delivers one mystery after another and it's all just Wowza. Also, I was really shipping Kendra and Gavin. I really liked Gavin and I'm going to miss him.

4.5 stars
Profile Image for Eris.
119 reviews15 followers
March 18, 2009

I read the first and adored it, the story was tight and unique and fast. I read the second and loved it even more, though the cliffhanger annoyed me. The series pace quickened even more in the third, and the fourth did not let me down for action, strong characters, unique creatures and situations - but now I have to wait for the LAST book to come!! Ack!

Brandon Mull can write an action sequence like no one else, excellent visuals with rapid fire motion that I can follow. Oftentimes I find written action to be difficult to follow, either too choppy and jerky or far too polished to feel real. Mull has it down for sure. What most endears me to these books is his use of less common mythology for the creatures - we don't have the typical regurgitation of "Lord of the Rings" based archetypes, nor did he completely pull the mythical beings out of his ass. They are based on existing types, and well blended with what might be considered "accepted" lore, and lesser known but pre-existing lore. This means the world to me, and makes the unfolding story a constant delightful discovery.

A bit darker than the last three books, this one contains a couple of good, startling revelations about characters you have known and liked in the prior - and leaves just enough room at the end to keep your feet dangling. I hope the conclusion keeps up with the quality of the series thus far, it is one of my favorites to pass on to my customers so far.

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Trent.
24 reviews1 follower
April 7, 2009
Oh, my. Oh, my. I think I am too into the story. I pride myself in being able to outguess authors. Somehow, I forgot to even try as I read this book. How in the world can an author stay so original for so many pages in a row? This series certainly has the capacity to overtake Harry Potter on the "Freak, that was awesome!" scale. We'll see if Mull pulls it off in the last book.
Profile Image for Sam.
172 reviews4 followers
October 21, 2018
Damn. That is all I can say.
This book was shocking, but my predicting skills were correct in some ways. 1.) GAVIN IS A TRAITOR!!!!!!!! As I predicted, and not only a traitor, but he's also Naravog, the demon dragon prince. And so many things were left unanswered, like when Gavin was wearing the truth choker, and he said he had feelings for Kendra. But none of it really matters since he was eaten. And since Warren is trapped in another dimension with no way out, he is out of the running as well, but I suppose he was never really in it, considering his age, and that they were cousins.
So now the people still available for Kendra are Verl, the saytr, and Raxtus, the fairy dragon. Neither options seems likely, but I'll take what I can get.
Can we also talk about the fact that Mara is a complete and utter savage... in a good way. She is a dragon tamer, can tame magical wild animals, and got thrown off a cliff by a demon dragon, and only broke a few ribs? If she turns out to be bad, I think I'll just curl up an die.
And like, I'm really rooting for Vanessa to turn out good in the end, she is still not forgiven for the things she's done. I almost didn't want to finish this book, because I was afraid of who would end up betraying who next, and I almost couldn't take it.

5/5, overall this book was really good.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
142 reviews3 followers
June 6, 2024
Książka naładowana akcją, plot twistami, magicznymi stworzeniami, intrygami, a mimo to trochę mnie zmęczyła swoimi przeładowaniem dramatów. Mimo 4 tomu nie czuje się jakoś mocno związana z bohaterami, co też o czymś świadczy i nie spieszy mi się do kontynuacji. Tylko też patrząc z boku trudno nazwać tą książkę średnia, bo może się podobać.
Profile Image for Audrey.
1,170 reviews195 followers
September 20, 2020
This is book 4 and does require reading the previous books first. It’s quite long for MG and started feeling too long. They don’t visit the dragon sanctuary until past half-way. Then there are dragons.

It’s still packed with lots of magical creatures and mortal peril and mystery. And there’s the BETRAYAL. After this book, I never trust any of Mull’s characters. I see traitors everywhere.

So it’s another fun book but felt a little long.
Profile Image for colleen the convivial curmudgeon.
1,218 reviews301 followers
February 20, 2012

I really liked the first book of this series, and had high hopes for it. I even recommended it to people - people who have gone on to enjoy the series, as a whole, more than I seem to be doing.

But, for me, every book has gotten progressively less interesting, and I'm glad that it's only a 5 book series because I don't think I'd stick around if there were more than just the one book left.

Not that it's all bad. Seth is maturing and his developing powers are interesting, especially the way that his dark powers interact with Kendra's light powers. And it is very action packed, so for those who like a high amount of action and don't mind sort of shallow characters and rationales for that action, then I'm sure it's a very exciting book.

But therein lies my problem - the characterization remains weak, and this is doubly disappointing 'cause it's one of the things I liked about the first book - the development of Seth and Kendra. But whereas Seth is developing, Kendra seems kind of stuck in a rut - not to mention she refuses

But the other characters are pretty thin, too. I went back and reread my review from the last book and I said something about how all the adult characters, with minimal exceptions, are pretty interchangeable and just there to protect the kids. This remains true for this book, and is perhaps even worse.

And, really, it's just one adventure after another after another. And they're thrown into these situations, told they have slim chance of surviving, and yet don't seem to have much trouble real with it. They always seem to have the right maguffin for the job, and I just never felt any suspense of intensity.

I actually had to actively stop myself from skimming towards the end. Even after the big twist I still didn't really feel connected. I had a twinge of "Huh, really? Well, that sucked," but that's it. AndI should've felt sad, or angry, or heartbroken, or something. Anything.

I think part of it is the thin characterization, but part of it is the writing, too. There are big info-dumps that arrive at conveniently placed plot-points, the writing - especially the dialogue - is kind of clunky and unrealistic sounding, and everything is spelled out, leaving no room for any kind of subtext.

I know someone is reading this and thinking "you're expecting too much of a kids book", or something to that effect, and all I'll say is that I read a lot of middle grade books that manage it, so that's no excuse.

Anyway, I just really hope that the last book in the series wows me in some way, 'cause I really don't want to walk away from this series feeling disappointed.
Profile Image for rachel, x.
1,779 reviews927 followers
November 2, 2016
I cannot stress enough how much this series means to me. Not only was the series my childhood but it is honestly one of the most beautifully and brilliantly written middle grade series out there. I know I keep saying that but it’s so goddamn true that it needs reiterating until everyone had read it and knows for themselves that I speak the truth. Mull is so underappreciated and this sequel definitely highlights that.

Honestly, I could go on for hours on end how well written all of the characters are but I’ll try to keep it condensed. Kendra and Seth may be ridiculously young to be participating in such dangerous missions butthey know it.All of the adults are aware of it and go out of their way to make sure their exposure is minimal. It’s so realistic! I also loved how the balanced this age barrier and their personalities out, especially how Seth was still childish at times with his pranks and antics. I also adore their relationship with their grandparents and the other maternal/paternal figures. Warren, in particular, will forever hold a special place in my heart. He’s everything I wanted Sirius Black to be! Verl also had me in peels of laughter and man, those stayrs had me laughing out loud at times. Raxtus, however, definitely gives Warren some competition as my favourite character. I really hope he turns up in the next book. I cannot remember if he does or not!

The plot was so clever. I forget how brilliant Mull is at weaving complicated plotlines that blow your mind. This book has one of the most shocking plot twists I have ever read in it and even though I knew that it was coming, it still left me slack-jawed. I also love that even though it’s a middle grade story, it doesn’t hold back it’s punch. It’s gritty and raw and definitely gets heavy at times. People die. It’s violent at times but never needlessly so. It will definitely keep you on your toes. We also got to learn some new mythology in this story - dragons, sky giants, astrids, hydras, you name it!


This series is near and dear to my heart and always will be. In the stress surrounding year twelve exams, this was the perfect reread. I love these characters sooo much, and that we got to meet some new ones in this sequel. The plotline was completely addictive and kept me on the edge of my seat. Th
Profile Image for Heather.
1,074 reviews74 followers
April 19, 2009
I just finished reading my PERSONALLY SIGNED COPY of the book last night. Being that it was personally signed by the author means my book was more exciting than just a regular book. Okay, maybe not. But it was plenty exciting on its own. Holy keep me up until 4 in the morning, Batman.

There are some hilarious parts, some tense parts, some sweet parts, some action parts and then some 'he totally snookered me' parts. I knew, I just knew someone was going to betray them but I picked the wrong person and was so blindsided. I loved that. Most books are fairly easy to predict and I appreciated that I couldn't see it coming. And man, was it a slam to my gut.

This book is a little darker than the previous ones. Maybe because the betrayal was so big. There is plenty of light to offset the dark though.

I continue to love the witty dialogue and the great characters. The plot always moves quickly and fluidly. I also absolutely love the morals of this story. Maybe I read too much into it, maybe I don't, but it seems that there are plenty of subtle lessons on choosing the right or what happens when you choose the wrong, about trust, courage, faith, etc. I appreciate the struggles that Seth in particular goes through and how he is trying to figure out what is right. There are so many excellent discussion points here and in the previous books.

I can't wait for the next book, but am sad in a way that it will end. The author said he'll have a new series out soon which I will be watching for.

And on a personal note, two of my sisters met Brandon Mull and said he is a very nice man.

Profile Image for Seth.
68 reviews15 followers
April 15, 2009
if i weren't such a sucker for juvenile fantasy this book would get maybe 1 star. it's so much fun though. the writing is more similar to a college research paper (awkward, technical, and far from poetic). The story is really interesting if you like magic and fantasy. Don't expect ANY insights into human nature. Don't expect any of the characters to be remotely human or familiar. Don't expect any substance whatsoever and you might have a great time. Fablehaven is like playing video games...its fun and captures your imagination but is utterly unfulfilling and something that you would probably rather not admit to your new friends.

Now if I haven't scared you off from it yet, then, read it and enjoy some comical dialogue (exactly "some" ) and an original fantasy. Sure the griffins, and fairies, and demons, are all borrowed material, however, his mythical concoction is unique. I especially enjoyed all the scenes with the satyrs. If Mull could write all the story as well as he brings the satyrs to life, then, he could quickly dominate the juvenile fantasy market. Satyrs and settings are great...writing style and insight not so much.

Profile Image for Seth.
243 reviews
May 7, 2011
There are really a ton of spoilers in this. If you haven't read it, don't read the review.

Okay, okay. WOW. This book was amazing, I think the best in the series. Books 2 + 3 are like a huge lie! I mean with Gavin not being real, and Naravog pretending to be him, how can Kendra trust anyone anymore? I do agree with her though: The only person she can really trust is Seth. But what if he were a stingbulb or something? Patton was definitely right. Trust no one but yourself. Kendra learns that the hard way. And I say destroy the key, so that the Sphinx can never find it! I hate that Dougan was eaten by Gavin (Naravog) and I hate what happens to Warren (I'm sure Bubda won't care). So anyway, I love this book, and I love Kendra and Seth.:)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Mina Batra.
11 reviews1 follower
June 27, 2016
I am so glad I finished this book. It was definitely long,535 pages to be exact. But it was totally worth it when I finished it. I am not going to give it away though because I know there are people like Liam Michael and Nishi who want to read the series.
Profile Image for Powolneczytanie.
77 reviews7 followers
April 19, 2024
Zaspojlerowałam sobie wydarzenia z końcówki, ale nie miałam pojęcia, że będą mieć miejsce właśnie w tym tomie! Przecudowna zabawa! Ostatnie półtorej godziny (słuchałam audiobooka) nie mogłam usiedzieć z nadmiaru emocji❤️
December 18, 2014
{December 17th, 2014} MINI-REVIEW

3.5 stars, would have been 4 to 4.5 originally--reason why in spoilers.

“What you call idiot points, I call awesome dollars."

DRAGONS. This has certainly been one of my fave books but something happened with dinged some starpower for me. Idk. It just made me go NOPE. Honestly it wasn't Seth--Seth, oh he's definitely grown and I've gotten used to his unique brand of stupidity. And everyone else is just perfect as well. The story itself just continues to build and expand in ways I'm pleased to be a part of. There's just something magical about this series...

So where did this go wrong for me, inevitably making me dock points?

Mull, this series was doing SO well until...THAT.




I'm torn and disappointed with that specific part. While it was brilliantly done, I just feel like it fell short and made me rage thus taking away my enjoyment. Hell, it even ripped me out of the story to rage about it for a few minutes.

Anyways, the race is on to finish the final book!

Let's see if I can succeed in finishing before I have to hand it in by the end of the day!

“....there is a difference between hearing and listening. You can't always help what you hear. But you can control what holds your interest, what you choose to dwell on.”

Profile Image for Danica.
10 reviews1 follower
February 13, 2017
This book was wonderful! I highly recommend it to any fantasy lovers! Personally I am amazed at the detail Brandon Mull wrote about the dragons! Anyways, to the book,
It started off when Kendra got kidnapped when she was working at the day-care, and a stingbulb took place. (Stingbulb stings somebody and then takes their form.) Seth and Warren, (Warren watches over them.) got suspicious because "Kendra" wasn't acting right, so one night they snuck into her room one night and lay'd it all out to her so "Kendra" killed herself. Little do they know the sphinx, (Ruler of the Society of the evening star and their greatest enemy) has her. The sphinx then makes her try to use the occulus. (All seeing crystal) She gets overwhelmed and almost dies. The fairy queen helped her out of the trance. Kendra then is stuck there until she gets some outside help. Once she is freed they go and travel to the Dragon Sanctuary in fear that the society will find one of the last keys to unlock the demon prison. When they go they face multiple dragons and even a hydra! They pass them all and then they get what they came for. As they leave two dragons are setting a trap and the gang gets surrounded. They all make it out of there alive except for Dougan who is aiding them on this mission. As they are getting attacked Gavin (Dragon Tamer) turns into a humongous black dragon and scares them away. Kendra then realizes that she is not dealing with Gavin, but Navarog, the demon prince. Disguised as Gavin, he secretly attacks Kendra, when a dragon that helped Kendra along the way that was raised by faries, comes along and eats him. Cautiously, they head back and meet up with the rest of the survivors and head back home, with happy and relieved faces waiting.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Miku.
1,286 reviews21 followers
April 15, 2022
Chyba pierwszy raz opis książki zmylił mnie dosyć mocno. Czego się spodziewałam? Ograniczenie Setha do minimum i podróży Kendry po kolejny artefakt. Co zastałam było dużo lepsze.

Początek był bardzo zaskakujący i spodobała mi się cała koncepcja związana ze śmiercią Kendry. Byłam ciekawa jak autor z tego wyjdzie i w sumie obronił to w stylu nie odbiegającym od serii. O dziwo - jak ogólnie nie trawię postaci Setha to tutaj zaczęłam go nawet lubić, ale tak tylko troszkę, bo nadal niewiele się w jego charakterze zmieniło. Kendra oczywiście nadal zyskuje moją największą sympatię za swój rozsądek oraz poukładanie w głowie. Fabuła przesuwa się nadal konsekwentnie do przodu i zbliżamy się do nieuniknionego finału serii.

Ciekawa jestem finału i mam nadzieję, że się nie zawiodę.
Profile Image for jenny✨.
579 reviews886 followers
June 6, 2020
In the series’ penultimate book, the gang heads to Wyrmroost, an inhospitable dragon sanctuary. Their mission? To retrieve the key to a third artifact—the Translocator, which controls space and is one of the three that remain undiscovered. It’s their most dangerous quest yet, and also the most important: the Sphinx has gotten ahold of the Oculus, an artifact that grants him the ability to see anything, anywhere, anytime. He's gonna be hot on their trail.

Along the way, Seth develops his newfound powers as a shadow charmer under the tutelage of Graulas the demon, and we’re afforded a greater glimpse into centaurian society. Kendra is abducted by her clone and forced to use the Oculus artifact. While she learns of a secret ally within the Society of the Evening Star, she must also cope with a devastating betrayal.

Seth’s character development was marked in this novel. After he believes Kendra to have died under the influence of the Society of the Evening Star, he displays a solemnity I’ve never seen of him. He takes a meticulously calculated risk to approach Graulas and steal the centaurs’ most prized and well-guarded belonging.

I noticed thatSecrets of the Dragon Sanctuarylacked the history-laden horrors and thrills that the previous books brought, like the revenant in the grove (and the mysterious catatonic albinism that ailed Warren and others), or Ephira, the spectral woman with a darkly fraught backstory. In contrast, the escapade into Wyrmroost was made dangerous by rocky terrain—all steep ravines and tiny ledges—and the sheer size/power of the beings that inhabit the sanctuary: griffins, perytons (winged deer with wickedly sharp antlers), dragons, a a hydra, and even a clever sky giant.

But things picked up at the Dragon Temple, and I found myself flipping pages faster and faster to see what would happen as they faced the three guardians. ThenNavarogshowed up (in exactly the fashion I expected because for some reason I don't remember anything from my first read of this book except this) and all hell broke loose.

As a final shout-out, Raxtus is byfarmy favourite part of the book. From his scales to his softboi nature, he’s definitely wyrmed (har har) his way into my heart! Up there with the nipsies and Hugo and post-Muriel Mendigo is shiny, endearing, drive-in-movie-watching, fairy-touched Raxtus.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 3,794 reviews

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