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Men at Arms#1

Loving the Lieutenant

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Lieutenant Maxwell Davies returned from the Crimean War wounded and broken. He no longer fits into high society and wants nothing more to escape and hide the depth of his pain and trauma from the world.
Miss Josephine Brewer is an outcast of society due to the scandalous nature of her birth. The illegitimate daughter of a gentleman and his mistress, she stands between two worlds—neither of which she completely belongs to.
During a week-long house party, the two will succumb to a powerful attraction. Will Maxwell’s plans for a solitary life and Josephine’s unsuitability make any sort of future impossible for them—or will their burgeoning love prove strong enough to overcome it all?

Previously published as Mistletoe Kisses in the Once Upon a Christmas Wedding anthology. Newly released with added chapters!

157 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 1, 2020

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About the author

Elise Marion

Elise Marion is a lover books and has a special place in her heart for sweet and sensual romance. Writing about love across all walks of life is her passion, as is reaching people through the written word. The Army wife and stay-at-home mother of two spends most of her time taking care of her children. Her second job includes writing stories about characters that people can fall in love with. When the Texas native isn’t caring for her family or writing, you can usually find her with her nose in a book, singing loudly, or cooking up something new in the kitchen.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews
Profile Image for Rainelle.
1,845 reviews101 followers
November 12, 2020
Loving the Lieutenant, by Elise Marion has totally captured me. I actually had to take a breather after reading this book. I sighed. I reminisced of the good parts. And I sat back and actually took to heart what the author was conveying to her readers.
Elise writing doesn’t disappoint. I totally enjoy her style of writing. Her writing reads like a well written drama that’s made for the big screen or late night television drama. (Hello Dynasty). Other times Elise writing is like a darn good Hallmark movie.
I truly love that she writes her books with meanings behind them. What I” m trying to say is that her books give her readers food for thought. I should have said that in the first place, right? Let’s discuss a little about the main characters. Two love birds, Josephine and Max come together during the time were they have conflicting thoughts about their own dilemmas.
These dilemmas that the two feel are holding them back from enjoying their life and making their dreams come true. Take for instance Josephine whose a daughter from her fathers affair with her mother. Not having anyone to protect her from the cruelties of the world, and especially the ton. Josephine holds her head up high and fights the battles that stare down at her. Max, who returns home as a Lieutenant from the war, hiding an injury that makes him feel not whole as a person.
He feels that his mother doesn’t consider him of importance anymore. Max hides his hidden scars from the world and he suffers inside silently, until one day he sees a sign of spring that will show him love and compassion. Clearly I fell in love with the romance of this book. Elise chooses a thought catching a plot. Then she inserts intense drama and heart wrenching actions with impacting dialogue that will leave you a little shocked.
A bit mad. And a hell yeah, take it to the streets. Well, to the streets with grace and elegance, that is. Let’s get to the outline of the story. I will keep it short.
I promise. LOL. Short. Who am I kidding? Maxwell has been summoned by his mother to attend a two week Christmas gathering at the family country home with friends and family.
To stay sane, Max invites his close friend Gideon along. Josephine catches Max’s eye from the window and from that moment he pursues Josephine. Josephine whom most her life blends into the background, shy’s away from Max’s advances. Caught up in a snow storm Max and Josephine take shelter at a abandon cottage. Soon the strong passion and desire that burns between the two not only melts the snow on the outside, but the two hearts that instantly bond’s together.
Maxwell gives all his prowling, seductive, sexual desires over to Josephine. Josephine opens up and welcomes home the ecstasy that Maxwell can no longer hold back. Succumbing to Maxwell animalistic embrace, Josephine euphoric desires stimulates all the illicit and climatic desires she holds dear to her heart. My fellow readers, I recommend this book with two snaps and a Maxwell you naughty, naughty boy. Until next time you diehard readers... read on!
I voluntary reviewed this ARC after a free gifted copy
Profile Image for Leena Aluru.
597 reviews41 followers
April 16, 2021
Its boring predictable and trite. Every word and feeĺing oft mentioned and better in other books. I had expected so much more unfortunately its a disappointment. The only solace happens to be the interracial couple and the absolute acceptance of it.

Recommended: meh 😐
Profile Image for Space Cowgirl.
4,027 reviews131 followers
March 30, 2020
Learning to Live and 💘Love Again

ADULT Victorian Biracial Romance💕
England 1856, after the Crimean War.
Lieutenant Maxwell Davies🐺🍆⛲🔪 is the second son of an Earl. He went to war and came home badly injured both in body and mind. He now feels like half a man.

His brother, Thadeus🐶, the future Earl of Windthorne, is having a house party, and Max🐺🍆⛲🔪 must attend and play the pitied injured war hero, even though he detests large gatherings. He would rather be left in solitude, with just his best friend, Captain Gideon Whitlock for company. Gideon was also badly injured, losing an eye, but he seems to have a much more positive outlook on life.

Josephine Brewer💃💋 is the illegitimate mulatto daughter of the wealthy but late Mr Burton and his beloved black mistress. Luckily for her, he provides for Josephine💃💋 in his will, because his wife hates Josephine💃💋 and tries to treat her like a non entity. She would have turned her out as soon as her husband died if she could have, but the Earl wisely inserted provisions into his will forcing his wife, Adelaide👺, to support Josephine or be disowned! Maybe Adelaide's👺 brand of mental and even some physical cruelty is even worse than being homeless. Adelaide👺 brings her to the House party, but wants her to keep her mouth shut and act like a potted plant.

Adelaide's daughter, and Josephine's half sister, Violet, is going to be put forth to become the betrothed of the tall, handsome, Thadeus🐶. Both young women were brought up together with the same education, but it's obvious Adelaide👺 never misses a chance to put Josephine💃💋 down as being a lesser person.

As soon as Max🐺🍆⛲🔪 sees Josephine💃💋 arrive, he is fascinated by everything about her. He knows he must meet her immediately!

ARC Provided by Booksprout🌱.
I also got this ebook with KU.

This is an awesomely unique and compellingly interesting ADULT Victorian Romance novel! Kudos to Author📚 Marion for her daringly different 💘Love story! Recommend for all lovers of the Historical ADULT Romance genre.
Profile Image for Karen Klink.
196 reviews14 followers
December 29, 2020
I am a sucker for historical novels, particularly about "men at arms." Plus, I wanted to give romance a chance, as I usually am not into it and some can be decent, and this novel did claim to be historical.

I got thirty percent through to give the author a thorough chance and was disappointed, nevertheless.

This is another one of those total love at first sight things. As readers, we know practically the entire story from the beginning, all but exactly how they will get together, but they will, of course. What is new here? Nothing. Cliches abound.

What is historical about this story? It is set during or right after the Crimean War; I am not sure. Yet there is nothing in the settings to put us there besides telling us so, instead of showing. There is no research to put the reader in the period. Good writing includes little details of setting. For example, our "heroine" goes to the library and finds a book to read. What book? We never know. We have no idea what interests her, which would give us some insight into her character and personality.

Of course, our "hero" appears in the middle of the night to find her in the library in her night clothes. How shocking! Are we ever made to understand how appalling this would be if they were to be discovered? No. Does the author know? Seems not. Our heroine certainly should be appalled for during this time period she would be totally compromised if anyone knew she was alone with a man, let alone in her night clothes in the middle of the night. By compromised I mean unable to marry. And he is no gentleman by being there with her. Is this fact mentioned? No.

Our hero is terribly despondent over being wounded in the war. I suppose the author meant to write of an early episode of PTSD. Perhaps she should have researched it more before writing about it. Maybe she writes more deeply from the lieutenant's POV further along.

I am afraid she is approaching the entire thing somewhat too simplistically. "Wounded soldier returns from war. Wounded soldier saved by love of the right woman." Skimming along the surface of such incidents does them no service.

With so many good writers out there trying to get published, I don't understand how books like this manage. Women buy any sort of thing that says "romance," I guess. Thank goodness I downloaded this for free.

Please, author, do your research before writing anything historical in the future. I do not enjoy writing harsh reviews such as this.
Profile Image for Nora.
11 reviews
November 25, 2020
For me this was a dnf: although not entirely sure why. Could be since I did not realise that it was a novella going in, the romance was too insta for my liking.

He looks upon her through a window and forgets everything but trying to get to her? This while suffering from coming back from the war and not knowing how to interact with people, how to "small talk" anymore.

And she spends her life trying to be a paragon of virtue, but after twenty years of restraining herself forgets everything, all possible consequences, since she is attracted to him? She does not know his intentions yet or if he is honourable towards her, but finds herself in a situation that might become devastating just for her and does not leave?

I just did not feel this was very realistic, even though the premise is really good and could be great if taken the time to explore the characters. So maybe the reason I did not finish, is that it is a novella for me.
Profile Image for Sandra R.
3,124 reviews46 followers
February 16, 2022
A well written, dramatic historical romance novella, with excellent details of the time in which it is set:- 1856 England. Events take place at a country house party during the Christmas period. Josephine's half sister is hoping to marry the first son of the Earl, so Josephine has been brought along to make up even numbers. This story is all about the romance between her and the second son, Max. He's a brooding, injured ex-soldier, still recovering after nearly losing his life in battle during the Crimean war. Our heroine (a ward), is pretty much ignored by her deceased father's wife and daughter - her only remaining 'family' - because she's the child of his much loved mistress. Max takes one look at her when he sees her arrive and is instantly smitten. So it's insta-lust/love for this couple and their relationship is slow burn until the second half of the book, when lots of erotic and steamy romance scenes take place. You can feel their connection.

I will say some of the situations they get themselves into have been done to death by many authors, both historical & contemporary. Bumping into each other in the library in the middle of the night, getting caught in a storm in an isolated cottage, etc. There isn't much in-depth interaction with side characters, as this shorter novel is all about the romance, but I enjoyed what back-story there was. It is pretty swoon-worthy in some parts and it's obvious the author has done background research on the time period. We don't really know much about the H/h before the party, except for what they tell each other, so I couldn't say there was a great deal of character development, but I enjoyed it for what is was and will be picking up more books by this author. 💝

PS - At last! A historical author who has remembered men wore braces... 🤣🤣
Profile Image for Colette.
132 reviews4 followers
January 6, 2021
This book was a joy! Christmas in spring and the perfect read during this period of hibernation. Well-written like all of the books by Elise Marion I've read. I'm reminded how I need to catch up on others as she always delivers a great story with sweetness and spice!

Exciting, interesting turn of events and truly wholesome. Maxwell and Josephine have a special romance that is well paced, given the confines of a novella. Even falling in love so fast, it feels believable from how well magnetic attraction between them is build up.

My one complaint is the diversion from their love story to lead into the sequel. The story ends at the beginning of another character's story. It dulled the impact of the original tale for me, and draws attention away from it. There were enough hints in the story to infer there was more to this second character and that he would have his story without wrapping up the story on someone else's tale. Otherwise, again, perfect cutesy hibernation read.
Profile Image for Kat Ryker.
788 reviews40 followers
March 18, 2020
I'd read this book when it was first published as part of an anthology about Christmas Weddings. I was enamored, at that time, of the story itself. Seldom have I read anything about the Charge of the Light Brigade except in history books. And rarely would I ever have heard the Battle of Balaclava mentioned. In fact rarely is the Crimea mentioned in a fiction novel, let alone a romance.

I always like to be surprised. I like to be surprised with the hot lick of passion where I least expect it. I like to be surprised by a plot that pulls the Crimean battles into a wonderful historical romance. I like to be surprised that the heroine is a person of color who has so much more class than the family who has raised her. I especially like to be surprised when the hero of said romance is smitten from the first glance. And more than anything, I love to be surprised by a lasting love that begins on a snowy night when there are no more secrets between them.

But you know what I like even more? I like the way Elise Marion writes. She is sensitive, loving, sensual, giving, imaginative, and will wow you with her talent winding around the written word. Frankly, I can't believe I didn't know of her books years ago, and I would highly recommend that you go grab a few - this new series of her about soldier of the Crimea would be a great start, but she also has a series on her make-believe world of Cardenas that will also wow you into silence.

If you are looking for erotic steam, you won't find it here. What you WILL find is sensuality that will make you fall in love with the characters bit by bit.

Elise Marion's books are the kind I want to curl up with and not be interrupted until the plot is done and the hero is with his heroine forever. Thank you for a wonderfully written, and thoroughly enjoyable book. The sensuality was off the charts and served as a lovely backdrop for Josephine and Maxwell to fall in love.
Profile Image for shadiedaze.
299 reviews1 follower
January 2, 2021
Lieutenant Maxwell Davies, the second son of a peer, is at his family home recuperating from his injuries sustained during the Crimean War. The atrocities he witnessed and injuries obtained during the war have changed Maxwell emotionally and psychologically. Not only his body damaged, so is his spirit. Being present during his family’s annual Christmas holiday house party is not on his list of things to do. Josephine Brewer is only at the Davies holiday house party by circumstance. She has been given her role and intends to play it. She is just trying to make it to her 21st birthday so she can take control of her inheritance and leave the clutches of her stepmother. Will Father Christmas give each of them what they need to be complete again?

This is the first novel I have read by the author, Elise Marion. I was intrigued because of the cover and all of the hoopla about the Shonda Rimes “Bridgerton” series on Netflix. This novel is not long; 170 pages on my e-reader. This is also the first time I have read a British historical interracial romance novel. Mrs. Marion did not disappoint. From the start of the story, Josephine’s parentage is explained and why she is given a slight cut instead of the cut direct in polite society. Josephine is aware she has more privileges than other Blacks in the UK. I think Mrs. Marion does an excellent job of showing prejudice as well as the influence of money and status during the Victorian Era. I do wish the internal conflict for Maxwell would have been stronger. The development of the romantic relationship between Maxwell and Josephine in the face of the external and internal conflicts was endearing to read. Overall, this novel was beautifully written and ends on a HEA. I have found a new historical romance writer.
95 reviews1 follower
March 21, 2020
More than love

The story was great, I really liked how you see the passion developed between the main characters. Maxwell is a war veteran and losses all hope on really living again. His family also treated him like a leper except for his brother and best friend. It wasn't until he first set his sights on Josephine that he his willing to get past his own personal sorrow. Josephine also has been living in the shadows dealing with her parents scandalous relationship in high society which led to her birth. Also her skin Color has been ostracized by the world she raised. She is battling the negative consequences of her father's actions and stereotypes that were created before she was born. She fights hard to maintain a good respectful reputation and constantly proves her innocence. She makes sure to love a quiet little and make show NO possible attention is brought her wa good or bad. When they both meet she wants more to life than being a ghost of the past. These two ignite a love worth fighting for.
Profile Image for Janet.
4,453 reviews48 followers
March 17, 2020
Lieutenant Maxwell Davies returned from the Crimean War seriously wounded and broken, now a year later he’s well on the way to recovery but has still lost his joie de vivre. Miss Josephine Brewer is an outcast of society due to the scandalous nature of her birth but is invited to the house party along with her step mother & sister to make up the numbers. Beneath the mistletoe during a the house party, the two will succumb to a powerful attraction. I just loved this short story of the two misfits who found each other, it fit the bill of a heart warming Christmas short story in every way. I shuddered at the recounting of some of the events of the Crimean War & sighed at the lovely proposal. It ticked every box for me. I first read this in the Once Upon a Christmas Wedding anthology but this edition has new material added which enhances it even more
Profile Image for CLorraine.
1,388 reviews4 followers
March 5, 2021

I absolutely enjoyed Ms. Marion’s take on the historical Romance novel with diverse elements. I have read one other shorter story by this author but really felt that with more scope she created a HEARTFELT story about two rather lost people. Maxwell is the second son of an earl wounded in the Crimean War. He is not the carefree wastrel he was before and his family does not know how to take him. Josephine is the daughter of a mistress and a gentleman. She has been foisted off on her father’s widow and she lives an uncomfortable and uncertain existence. These two people, a woman of color and a man in limbo, meet at the estate of Maxwell’s family. Their love affair is truly LOVELY.
Profile Image for Bookwurm637.
455 reviews7 followers
December 22, 2022
Lt. Maxwell Davies returns from the Crmean war wounded and broken. He locked himself away where he does not have to see the curiosity and pity in everyone's eyes.

Josephine Brewer is an outcast of society. A product of her white father's affair with her black mother. After their deaths she is left to be raised by her father's wife, who let's her know at every opportunity how she dispises her.

His family is wealthy and very social. So after years of him being a recluse they decide to have a big Christmas party where friends and family stay for a week.

Of course, they meet and it's everything I needed in a romance. Including trapped in a cabin in a snowstorm. 😍

I look forward to the next book with his friend Captain Gideon Whitlock.
Profile Image for VirgoLady81.
17 reviews1 follower
March 22, 2020
I Love A Good Historical BWWM Romance

This was a very cute read! It also made me remember why my first love of genre is historical romance. Finding BWWM historical romance novels is difficult at times, so I'm glad I came across this book. Josephine and Maxwell had a solid story line. Both characters felt out of place in their respective families, so it was nice to see their love story unfold. I'm even looking forward to the next series because the supporting characters were well written. I definitely want an update on Josephine and Maxwell's story in the next book...it's what we deserve...lol. Overall, this was a very good story.
4,721 reviews37 followers
May 4, 2020
The hero and heroine find their forever.
A tale of two souls both who had faced sorrow, scandal, and have been broken and wounded in the heart and body. Josephine the illegitimate daughter of a gentleman and Maxwell a soldier from the Crimean War makes up the two main characters. There is a great deal of unexpected things in this sweet tale of acceptance and love. The tale was imaginative and brought the characters to life. I must say it was a splendid job of writing by the author. I enjoyed the book and I am happy to recommend it to all my friends. I did receive a free copy of this book and voluntarily chose to review it.
Profile Image for Laura Shipley.
Author13 books19 followers
May 11, 2021
This was my first read by Elise Marion. It was a novella and I devoured it in less than a day. Even though it was short, it gripped me from the start. I love reading about characters who think they are unlovable and then find true love. It gets me everytime. The female character being of mixed race which was a refreshing change, and the story delved into her issues with dealing with the hatred that this caused back in the day. Overall the characters were well developed, the story was well paced, and nothing beats a good old snow storm to drive two people together. I am getting the other book in this series right now!!
3,495 reviews13 followers
June 17, 2020
Loving The Lieutenant is a fantastic historical romance by Elise Marion. Ms. Marion has given her readers a well-written book. The characters are outstanding. Maxwell lost part of his leg in battle but after he returned home he lost more of it. Josephine lives with her step-mother and her sister, and is hated by her step-mother. Maxwell and Josephine's story is packed with drama, humor and spice. I loved this book from cover to cover. Loving The Lieutenant is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.
Profile Image for Bridget Love to read Lewis.
1,890 reviews12 followers
April 12, 2021
Acceptance at last

Maxwell at times felt half a man after returning from war with half a leg! Josephine always felt rejected because her mother was a mistress! Her father loved her enough to leave an inheritance once she turned 21 or married! These two would seem complete opposite as Maxwell is also an Earls son! Two lonely souls exactly what the other needs! Maxwell notices Jo's beauty not her skin color and she notices Maxwell handsome features and honorable character! Loved this!
330 reviews2 followers
March 21, 2020
I really enjoyed this book! The main character, Maxwell, is a veteran of the Crimean War and suffers from war injuries. He wants nothing to do with people until he meets Josephine. Her mother was her father's mistress, yet she was raised as a lady by her step-mother. Both Maxwell and Josephine have hidden scars that are brought out in the story, It is a touching love story. I would definitely recommend it.
Profile Image for Jocelyne.
4,270 reviews17 followers
July 27, 2020
This was my first Elise Marion's book. This is the first book in the Men at Arms. This is an interesting story. Maxwell and Josephine's story is sweet, sexy, and beautiful. They are both fantastic characters. Sarah Kempton did a great job with the narration. I enjoyed it. Looking forward to listen to the next book in the Series, Cherishing the Captain. I was given a free review copy of the audiobook at my request and have voluntarily left this review.
Profile Image for Pat Dupuy.
509 reviews12 followers
January 28, 2021
I am a sucker for the wounded warrior trope and this story did not let me down. A Crimean war veteran, gravely wounded, recovers at home but cannot reintegrate into society. Until he meets a woman who is also emotionally alone, living on the fringes of society. Such a satisfying journey with familial surprises here and there. His fellow wounded veteran Gideon is there for support and provides a wonderful teaser for his story to follow.
Profile Image for Annette.
1,175 reviews
May 2, 2021
LOVING THE LIEUTENANT: is an interesting quick read. I gave it 4 stars because the story is different from any I’ve read, however, wish the tale were more developed. JOSEPHINE is the bastard daughter of a black woman and white society father. MAXIMILLIAN, Second son of an Earl is a wounded lieutenant of the Crimean War, who has withdrawn from society after losing his leg. This is the first interracial Victorian romance I’ve read. Happily ever after.
Profile Image for Connie Haynes.
175 reviews
April 10, 2020
Such a great love story

This was such a great love story. Maxwell and Jo were soulmates who found each other during the most wonderful time of the year. I loved how Ms. Marion brought these two together and loved how there wasn’t too much drama to their love. I can’t wait to read more from this author
Profile Image for Jamilla.
360 reviews32 followers
May 23, 2020
This was quite a lovely little historical...a dash of Cinderella and sprinkle of beauty and the beast.
The MCs had a little love at first sight going on, and the hero was a bit insecure but the heroine was there to break down his walls and slay his dragons.
Would definitely recommend and re-read!

*it was free on Amazon recently!*
Profile Image for Ariel.
1,028 reviews73 followers
November 3, 2020
Things Ariel likes in her Regency Romances:

1.A tortured, brooding, dark hero (bonus points if that hero has gone to war)
2.A headstrong heroine (bonus points if that heroine is Black)
3.Longing glances, improper behavior, forced proximity.

I got all of that and more here. My only dislike is that it wasn't longer.
Profile Image for Michaela H.
3,197 reviews33 followers
March 16, 2020
A good regency with wonderful characters with their own hurts and pasts. I enjoyed these two getting to know each other and the care they showed. There were a few steamy scenes.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
752 reviews8 followers
April 9, 2020
Linda Christiani

I was so happy to find that love and passionate love making was present in this story most historical fiction doesn't have that so definitely recommend this book and author!!
Profile Image for Bonnie Klein.
343 reviews
July 17, 2020
Love and Prejudice

A wonderful story of love and healing between Josephine, a lady of mixed birth and Maxwell, the second son of an Earl, seriously wounded in battle. I enjoyed reading about them as their love blossomed while they faced the prejudices of their time.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 41 reviews

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