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Warriors Novellas#19-21

A Warrior's Choice

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A collection of three thrilling, never-before-seen novellas in the #1 nationally bestselling Warriors series: Blackfoot’s Reckoning, Daisy’s Kin, and Spotfur’s Rebellion.

Discover untold stories about three cats of the warrior Clans: a ShadowClan leader’s path to redemption; a ThunderClan cat forced to choose between her past and future; and a young warrior’s choice to defy her leader for the good of all five Clans.

Spectacular new adventures await both first-time readers and dedicated fans of the New York Times bestselling series that has sold more than twenty-eight million copies!

336 pages, ebook

First published April 6, 2021

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About the author

Erin Hunter

Erin Hunter is the pseudonym of five people:Kate Cary,Cherith Baldry,Tui T. Sutherland,Gillian Philip,andInbali Iserles,as well as editorVictoria Holmes.Together, they write the Warriors series as well as the Seekers and Survivors series. Erin Hunter is working on a new series now called Bravelands.

Erin Hunter is inspired by a love of cats and a fascination with the ferocity of the natural world. As well as having a great respect for nature in all its forms, Erin enjoys creating rich mythical explanations for animal behavior, shaped by her interest in astronomy and standing stones.


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Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews
Profile Image for Carissa.
69 reviews27 followers
May 16, 2021
One of the better novella collections in my opinion. In fact, I'd consider this my second favorite, just below Shadows of the Clans.

-Daisy's Kin (4 Stars)

I wasn't expecting much from this novella. Daisy's always been mostly a meh character for me, and I was never a fan of the focus on pregnant cats dying painfully in childbirth in the books. However, the focus on the dilmena over what to do with kits who's lost their mother was actually pretty compelling. This plot's already been kind of done before in A Vision of Shadows, but it was a lot less messy and involved a lot less drama with the Clans being absolute morons and deciding to treat Twigkit and Violetkit like their personal property.

The book is about Daisy's former mate, Smoky, who asks her for help with his new mate, Cordiander giving birth to new kits. When Coriander unexpectedly dies in childbirth, Coriander asks Smoky not to take the kits to the Clans. However, this turns into a conflict between giving the kits to the Twolegs to give them a chance to survive, at the cost of never seeing them again, or... the obvious solution of letting another queen nurse the kits until they're big enough, with some added suspense of Coriander whining about Daisy taking away his kits, which... she'd only done to keep them away from Twolegs all the way back in The New Prophecy, but instead of defending herself, she lets Coriander keep screaming at her.

Overall, this was a solid novella, but I wouldn't consider it the best.

-Spotfur's Rebellion (3 Stars)

Spotfur is arguably my favorite TBC character. However, I can't give her novella a lot of credit. The novella didn't focus on the 'rebellion' aspect of Spotfur as much as I wanted, and half of the book ended up basically being an overview of Spotfur's life. It didn't really offer much from what we already knew in Veil of Shadows. While it wasn't specifically flawed or badly written compared to the other books, I feel like this novella didn't serve that much of a purpose.

-Blackfoot's Reckoning (2 Stars)

Definitely my least favorite novella. Blackfoot's never been my favorite character in Warrior Cats, and I was wondering how they'd pull off his redemption arc, and... I won't lie, I was pretty disappointed. The concept of him getting flashbacks of significant moments in his lives and some of the bad things he's done as he gets his lives was interesting, but I don't think it was executed well. Since his leader ceremony took up the entire book, instead of the readers seeing his redemption arc, we honestly only saw an overview of Blackfoot's life, and apparently, getting a bunch of flashbacks from StarClan are enough for someone to entirely recognize their faults and become a better person in the future.

And the question of 'Why StarClan forgave Blackstar' is kind of idiotic in my opinion since if they can give cats like Tigerstar nine lives and let Ashfur ascend to StarClan, it seems pretty obvious that StarClan really doesn't give two s*ts, but whatever.

Honestly, I was expecting more from this novella instead of Blackstar supposedly learning from his mistakes from a bunch of flashbacks, because it just seems like a rushed and lazy way to excuse his previous actions, and I was pretty bored for the majority of this book.


3 out of 5 stars. Definitely better than most novella collections, but not great.
Profile Image for Silverwillow.
7 reviews11 followers
January 30, 2022
First things first, as a Warriors fan, I loved this book, and as a reader, I loved it too.:)
These stories about three warriors, where the narrator reflects upon their choices leaving it up to the readers to debate on whether they are making good choices. There were three stories for this book, and I loved them all, with Spotfur's Rebellion as my favorite story, with Daisy's Kin as a close second. Overall, these novellas are to give us a better understanding of what goes on in a warrior's life, and that the things they are doing is completely out of the ordinary for the average warrior. Again, these stories were all amazing, and I love how the author went more in depth with the choices our beloved warriors made for the sake of themselves and the clans. Instead of doing negatives and positives, (because this is a 5-star review, I liked everything) I'm just going to list the stories down and say what I loved. <3

Daisy's Kin (4.7 stars)

I believe that Daisy needed more attention on her point of view, and this book didn't fail to do that. Her choice was on whether she should leave ThunderClan to spend time with Smoky and his kits, or stay in ThunderClan and continue taking care of the kits. Daisy needed to make a decision based on whether she wanted to be loyal to her clan, or loyal to her ex-mate, and this decision was quite difficult for her, but in the end, she chose well. I said 4.7 because overall, this story was quite simplistic, there was drama and emotion to make the story more interesting, and on top of that, no StarClan to influence Daisy's decision on whether she should stay or leave. The plot itself was just excellent, relationships in the book were portrayed really well and not stereotypically (like Daisy and Coriander being the best friends on the planet and that they haven't talked since Coriander got with Smoky), and Daisy made the decision that I'm sure any loyal warrior would make. Daisy isn't exactly a warrior, (sorry to the Daisy fans out there) but she has proved herself to be a true warrior, and I actually like her in personality, and she is a well-rounded cat. Again, I loved this story, it was really cute and emotional at the same time, and it was like the other light-hearted but also sad stories that Erin Hunter likes to create.

Spotfur's Rebellion (5 stars)

This was my favorite story out of all the stories in the book. It was really cute to hear about Spotfur's apprentice days, and how she had grown to be a strong and independent warrior. Also, it was wonderful to hear about Spotfur, and her point of view towards Bramblestar as an impostor, and it also helped us understand what she had to endure, and how much she sacrificed to have StarClan back, and a normal life with her mate, Stemleaf. This also helped us see how much Bramblestar affected her life, because in Broken Code, I only got to see Bristlefrost's POV, and she was his follower. So, seeing how the average warrior saw Bramblestar, it really helped me with understanding Broken Code and the storyline better. I got to see how rebelling against fake Bramblestar began, but I don't love how they spoke about him. Bramblestar was talked about as a "good listener" and "noble warrior", because of one part where he said he wanted more reasonable punishments for misbehaving apprentices. He was never described as that in the other books, not Bramblestar's Storm, or any of the other books, he's more loyal to his clan and has the traits of a strong, capable leader, I wouldn't really say caring. Maybe to his kits or to his mate, but I haven't seen him express much kindness to any other cat, it was more courtesy and morality than anything else. Although some things were dwelled on a bit too much, like scenes from Broken Code, the story was still wonderful because I felt like I could relate to how Spotfur felt about the impostor.

Blackstar's Reckoning (4 stars)

There is quite a lot of controversy regarding this story, because of how Blackstar has good intentions but is still so naive to the point where he is a loyal follower to not one, but two evil cats. Now, I'm not rating the cat's personality, I'm rating the story, and I liked the story, but I still didn't understand its purpose. Leaders like the old Tigerstar and Brokenstar got a pass, so I don't know why it was so surprising to other people that this one cat did too. I felt like this story about him getting the nine lives was just a big wake up call on how Blackstar is a bad cat, but he's learning to form his own opinion, and to be a strong leader, which was nice. Blackstar clearly has sympathy, but I don't think he learned to think for himself, which was clearly an issue that StarClan wanted to fix. He's ashamed of the choices he's made, and I've read enough books to know that he wasn't a good cat, but a decent leader who learned compassion. I personally can't complain, there were good scenes throughout the story, giving him sympathy as a character trait was a very smart move for the authors to make, so then it doesn't look like it's his fault that he made all of those bad decisions in his life. He was simply blinded by the status of other cats, and this backstory gives the readers a bit more information on the older books, so that's why I gave this story 4 stars.

These stories were amazing, and I recommend for Warriors fans, I hope they loved them as much as I do, and I cannot wait to review another book from the Warriors series!
Profile Image for Areej Khan.
141 reviews1 follower
April 29, 2021
Wow. Just wow. This novella didn’t disappoint.
A power-packed novella with some lessons! 😁

Daisy’s Kin - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
If there is one thing I love about clan cats, it’s family. Daisy is a very family-oriented person and I understood her feelings and perspective every step of the way. I like the way she wasn’t insecure or immature about her situation and made the best of it. This was a good story, it stuck to the facts (almost), and had a positive ending. A real loyal clan cat is always a clan cat in the end.
Interestingly though, Daisy mentioned the fact that Mousewhisker was her only blood kin left even though Berrynose had two kits, Molewhisker and Cherryfall. Odd that she didn’t mention them. Maybe she forgot? 🤔 #daisyisagranny

Spotfur’s Rebellion - ⭐️⭐️
I personally wasn’t really looking forward to this story anyway. It was a ton of déjá vu and I always understood Spotfur’s perspective through Bristlefrost’s point of view in the main series so there was a lot of repetition. When the story lead up to Stemleaf’s and Spotfur’s love story, I could see how it happened. It did make sense, however, that Stemleaf treated Bristlefrost like a sister and how she must have misunderstood his actions. Anyway, this story might have been a filler... not too enthusiastic about it.

Blackfoot’s Reckoning - ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
It is true that the phrase “don’t judge a book by its cover” (or in my case - title) has a reason for its existence. I thought this story would victimize Blackfoot or show how Blackfoot grew up. Boy was I in for a surprise!! This book was very very accurate in past historical events in the warriors series’ timeline and also brutally retold Blackfoot’s past gruesome actions. I was very impressed with how his mind worked and how he actually made all of his decisions. It was relatable and made his overall character more realistic. Blackfoot was definitely a better leader that his predecessors and that has been shown many times throughout the books.

Overall I enjoyed this novella. It was worth the wait and excitement. I finished it in a day and with a smile on my face... Can’t wait for the next one! 😄
Profile Image for Miranda.
337 reviews2 followers
June 6, 2021
Overall, I think this novella collection was just ok.

Daisy’s Kin: 4 Stars

This was a sweet story that gave me a bit more respect for Daisy. I’ve never been a big fan of her, but I think the Erins managed to put together something good here.

Spotfur’s Rebellion: 2 Stars

Yawn. I feel like I’ve read this novella before. Oh wait, that’s because I basically have. The ability of the Erins to write the same damn thing for what, four books straight? Is pretty astonishing at this point. At least we got to know more about some of the side characters like Spotfur and Stemleaf.

Blackstar’s Reckoning: 4 Stars

I know this is probably a bit controversial, but this is probably my favorite novella of the collection. StarClan granting Blackstar nine lives makes far more sense when they gave Tigerstar nine lives. I wonder when we’ll get that novella. Anyway, back to the point... I don’t think this story is so much as “BlackStar was bad but now he’s kinda good I guess” as much as it was “Blackstar was a weenie but this story tells the tale of him coming to his own and learning to think for himself.” Yay, character growth!

So yeah, decent read but not the greatest of novellas in my opinion.
Profile Image for Celeste.
44 reviews1 follower
April 26, 2021
Daisy's Kin: 5 Stars. I love this. It properly deals with and portrays a mother's and father's losses and how they express their own grief, as well as the nature of broken families, while keeping enough of the action to make it your typical Warrior Cats. The novella and its plot points are also affected by the time period it is set in and what is happening in the main books at the time; subtle enough that you don't have to read them to understand the novella, but well enough that the character's decisions intertwined with current events make sense and impact the story. It's lovely. I thoroughly enjoyed following Daisy through this prompt and nicely paced novella, and adored reading the conclusion she deserves.

Spotfur's Rebellion: 4 Stars. This is a good book. We follow Spotfur from the beginning of her apprentice journey to where Stemleaf is killed in the main series books, and we get from her perspective how everything has unfolded in the current arc and how truly close she was to Stemleaf. I love learning more about side characters and getting to know their values, priorities, and personality. It doesn't have the umph that makes a story 5 stars, but is definitely a nice read.

Blackfoot's Reckoning: 5 Stars. I love the concept of a leader's entire life being laid out while getting their nine lives from StarClan, and the Erin's executed it perfectly. Not only was it nice to travel back to the first series' storyline, but I've always been a fan of Blackstar, and loved getting to know him better and read about his experiences, judgements, and how they changed over time. It's just such a neat and satisfying layout of a story and development of Blackstar's personality and character arc as he learns to take accountability for his actions instead of denying any responsibility of other cats' pain. Not to mention the novella is just really well written in showing how messed up Brokenstar and Tigerstar's leaderships were. Blackstar is so interesting, too. Due to the fact that he was rejected as a kit because of his lineage, all he wants is acceptance, and he will do anything for his leader to have it. He's turned from a loyal, albeit blindly ignorant deputy to a pained but understanding and accepting leader. That's true growth, in such a short time, too. Warriors has never had such a grey character and I love it. The Erins really are getting better with their moral ambiguity when it comes to their characters instead of everything just being black and white. And, of course, the conclusion was just as satisfying and amazing as the story itself.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Kaylee.
138 reviews3 followers
June 18, 2024

SPOTFUR’S REBELLION: Low three stars. This novella was ok, I guess.
The idea of telling how Spotfur became a rebel leader is cool in theory, but in execution I think it underdelivered. I’ve always felt that for a rebel leader, Spotfur is VERY underwhelming in TBC, and I felt it even more here. Not only does she spend half of the book doing EXACTLY what Bristlefrost did in Lost Stars (padding after Stemleaf- but worse because she has no unique personality or traits whatsoever), but she also is just a bland, flat character that doesn’t really develop at all aside from making her rebel dreams a reality. Moreover, the downside to having less pages is that discussions need to be shortened and summarized, which makes it feel as though Spotfur isn’t involved in being a rebel at all.
Warriors novellas always struggle with telling rather than showing, and it was especially noticeable in this one. Even worse, most of the actual showing was spent on scenes in the beginning of the story when Spotfur was an apprentice. It’s good that the Erins tried to set up her personality and starting point, but then they don’t have any space left for payoff. It was just poorly paced in my opinion.
Overall, this was not a great novella. Spotfur was a boring character and the short length of the story really screwed the writing over.

DAISY’S KIN: Mid four stars. Again, since this is a novella, the short time constraint definitely stunts the possibility of showcasing character development in a meaningful way.
However, this was much better than Spotfur’s Rebellion. Daisy’s Kin focuses on a specific time period (though the small time jumps were a bit annoying) and a specific goal, which I think gives it a chance to be more developed. I liked getting to see what Daisy thinks and feels, especially after having her be a semi-important background character for several arcs now. I liked how her reasoning for leaving ThunderClan briefly and her journey to discover where she belonged felt very different and unique compared to Graystripe’s. Bringing Smoky back was a great idea, and I also loved the relationship between him and Mousewhisker.
I will say that it was annoying that the kits barely got a chance to talk, and I thought Daisy herself could have done just a bit MORE to feel like she had a presence, especially in the beginning. But Daisy was active for most of the story, and I understand that the novella had to be short, so there wasn’t much room for new characters.
Overall, I think that this was a very good exploration of some side characters, finally giving them the attention they deserve. This is probably one of my favorite Warriors novellas, aside from Ravenpaw’s Farewell.
Profile Image for Lila.
17 reviews3 followers
August 12, 2021
Wow. I really liked these novellas. It made characters that don't seem that important actually have a POV in their lives.


Daisy was never a character that I thought much of. She was just there. But here we see how she really thought. Even though all her kits grew up, and all but one died, she still cared so much about every cat in her clan. And when her former mate found someone else, she didn't get jealous. She even did everything she could to help Corinader give birth properly. This novella made me have more respect for Daisy, and her pain about all her lost kits, and it also made me really notice Mousewhisker, because he was always just a random character who was always there, but was never really that important.

Total Stars: 4.7/5


Spotfur's an interesting cat. This novella helped us see how Bramblestar's change affected the cats in Thunderclan, because we only see it from Bristlefrost's POV in The Broken Code, and she was a loyal follower of Bramblestar. I just didn't like the way it jumped around a lot; I had to actually go 'okay, where in the timeline are we now exactly?' We also see how the whole group of 'rebels' began.

Total Stars: 4.2/5


I think this was my favorite in the book. Blackstar was always a cat who I hated. He killed ruthlessly, made bad choices, trusted evil cats, and generally made everything worse. But in this novella, we see how guilty he felt. some part of him believed he didn't deserve to lead his clan. He's followed Brokenstar, followed Tigerstar, driven Windclan out of their home, and killed Stonefur, among other things. Every time a cat comes to give him a life, a flashback hits him, reminding him of every bad thing he ever did. Cats whom he hurt, killed, or lied to gave him lives he thought he didn't deserve, and it nearly broke him. We see how a cat who'd always seemed to be evil really regretted every action he'd made, every word he spoke. It made him more of a character I can understand, and feel compassionately for. So now, when I reread the Warriors Saga, I actually might like him a bit.

Total Stars: 5/5
Profile Image for Michelle *is in a BG3 reading slump*.
769 reviews136 followers
June 29, 2023
Daisy's Kinis probably 2* on its own, it's fine because, if you've been keeping up with the series, she hasn't been the center of attention for a long time and it gives her something more to do. It's not great, either imo, but it's harmless.

ButSpotfur's RebellionandBlackfoot's Reckoning,on the other hand, are just a retelling of events covered in the main arcs. They're told from different perspectives than the main arcs, but they really don't add anything worthwhile enough to justify writing and reading a whole "new" story about them. You don't feel for the characters any more just because you see their side. It's literally just recap, basically.
Profile Image for Mikaela Garcia.
711 reviews55 followers
March 11, 2023
Daisy's Kin *****
I always have apprenticed Daisy since Arc 2. She is the most important cat in Thunderclan. She helped the queens and she loved her job. But. after she lost almost all her kits she hasn't idea if she can still stay in Thunderclan after Berrynose and Rosepetal death.

Spotfur's rebellion. ****
It was good know-how Spotfur rebellion side started in the first place.

Blackfoot's reckoning *
Never like him
Profile Image for Emma.
229 reviews8 followers
July 25, 2022
I don’t think any of these characters needed these novellas. They were nice and all, and kinda deserved them but really. Daisys purpose is to take care of kits the reader knew that, and her family knew that, but she… hadn’t yet? Black stars was great, but really should have been with Sol, how he was convinced by a rouge to change his whole clan! Spotfurs was great too and really affirmed her romance with Stemleaf, which was sweet but unnecessary. All the stories were very intriguing and interesting, and I liked them but they could have been a little better.
Profile Image for ✿ Kenzie ✿.
155 reviews7 followers
June 13, 2023
My favorite part of this book was Daisy’s backstory with Smokey’s kits. The other two stories were all right to read, and my favorite character in this book was Spotfur. Overall, I liked the backstory.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Chantal Kloth.
304 reviews2 followers
December 24, 2023
never cared too much about these characters, but i do more now after reading this book. i really enjoyed
Profile Image for Charlie.
117 reviews3 followers
June 2, 2021
Okay! This was certainly one of the better novella collections out there, both for choosing characters that are pretty iconic, but also ones that have been sidetracked and given some pretty realistic stories. Lets part them into three! Spoilers ahead!


Always a fan of stories focused on queens, so even if I've always kind of ignored daisy, my own interest and the plot she was given here made it interesting and fun. Her relationship w Smoky was really interesting, in how even though both of them have moved on long ago, they still have strong feelings for each other, and the fact that they were able to be adults about it and keep themselves in check when needed was so great. I always love plots that involve kits and the muddled emotions of new parents making bad decisions before getting it together for the kits.

Honestly though, if the clan hadn't been in a state of chaos with leaders missing along terrible corruption and so much nepotism, I'd have rooted for the ending where daisy returned to the clan to do what she loved - but that was exactly the clan that awaits her. Yes the clan needs strong loyal warriors to survive this, and i don't doubt daisy can do it, i just doubt that the erins will continue to write her as complex and kind once she returns to background status for all the precious mains.


I really thought this was going to be another boring look through a cat´s life, until i was reminded of how much Spotfur was part of the resistance from the start, and then i got really into it. Sad that a lot of it was just repeating scenes from a new perspective, some details cool but others just meh. Spotfur was given a very focused and direct personality that i enjoyed a lot, but because of the already established plot, the Erins ofc couldn't deviate a lot from what happened, and that sucks.

Sidenote: Hated how old bramble was portrayed as kind and patient and a good listener, when he has not been any of the sort throughout the series. Clearly a lot of it was written to line up, but it just makes it feel empty. Bramble was a bad leader and mate even before ash, and doesn't deserve to be spoken of like he was a noble warrior.


For once this time skipping thing was actually done well, and that's bc blackstar wasn't somecat we knew much of to begin with. It did feel a bit cheap to reshape him as "soldier who just followed orders but sometimes felt bad about doing mean stuff," but i get why they went with it.

Giving him a sympathetic heart is smart, and i loved that he didn't take the leader role bc he wanted to, but bc he knew someone had to do it, and he was most trusted. Knowing what he'll turn into fits that, and honestly, he's my favorite of the shadowclan leaders, resembling the most what Shadowstar set out with; A reasonable leader able to make tough decisions, even if he doesn't personally agree, but sees the benefits for his clan.

I liked that he was self-conscious and nervous, and that his shame was what kept him going through each life. We don't get to see many leader ceremonies outside of Thunderclan, or without their involvement, so this was interesting. Gray Wing and Shadowstar being two of the lives felt both forced and fitting. Fitting by their own reasoning, that this was the mark of a new time for Shadowclan, and also forced by that reason. Personally i think they just didn't have enough significant cats in his life to pull at, but it gave for some good scenes, so i cant complain too much.

All in all, it was a nice read, especially compared to the last novellas, so here's to hoping for the future!
Profile Image for London Green.
19 reviews1 follower
May 6, 2021
Daisy's Kin:
I'm surprised by how much I enjoyed this novella! It was nice for Daisy to take the spotlight, and we get to view the motherly instincts and her duty as a queen through her eyes. It's easier to sympathize with her, and though it didn't have much to play in the overall plot of the series, it worked well as a side story. I couldn't help but feel bad for Daisy as she reflected on how she had lost all of her kits but one, and her boredom and conflicted emotions over where she belongs are understandable and help develop her character. I liked the interactions she had with Smoky and how Mousewhisker slowly grew closer to him and accepted him as a father, and of course I felt bad for Coriander's kits. I was actually hoping that Daisy would choose to stay at the horseplace with Smoky and his kits (though that's probably just because I think ThunderClan's overpopulation is a problem) but the ending was satisfying when she was pulled back to her Clan due to Spotfur's kitting. My only complain was that the part with the Sisters was a little rushed, and I actually think she could've considered staying with them as well, but overall, it was a good read.

Spotfur's Rebellion:

Though I had a couple of minor problems with this novella, I ended up liking it for the most part. It was cute to see Spotfur in her apprentice days, and the troublesome streak and determined personality she showed was really likeable. However, I feel like her point of view and motives were portrayed well enough in the Broken Code arc even though we only get to see this from Bristlefrost's eyes. It touched a bit more on her relationship with Stemleaf, which I enjoyed, but for the most part, there was a lot of backpedaling and reflecting on events that we already got to read about in the earlier half of The Broken Code. Definitely not a must-read or a key part to the arc, but if you like Spotfur and don't mind seeing some key events from her point of view, then this is satisfactory.

Blackfoot's Reckoning:

Out of the three novellas, this one has to be my favorite for several different reasons. I loved going through Blackstar's past and reliving his memories of his blind obedience to the dictatorship of both Brokenstar and Tigerstar, and he proves to have grown as a leader while realizing the mistakes he made. It was surprisingly accurate in continuity to the time it took place. I was worried Blackstar would either be victimized or have inconsistent motives, but surprisingly, all of his actions made sense and made for an interesting backstory. The only problem I had, though entertaining, was how StarClan was putting him on trial so he could be accepted. However, StarClan doesn't have a lay in who or who cannot lead the Clan, as we saw them grant both Tigerstar and Brokenstar nine lives. Besides that little inconsistency, I thoroughly enjoyed this novella.
Profile Image for Mia Stewart.
4 reviews
May 15, 2021
Beautiful novellas! Loved every single one.
Daisy’s Kin- I loved reading through Daisy’s POV and seeing how she was dealing with the situation with the Clans(and the death of Berrynose). I also liked seeing more of Mousewhisker’s character and seeing their interactions with Smoky. I’m sad Coriander died, she seemed very nice ):

Spotfur’s Rebellion- IT WAS AMAZING!
Spotfur is such a complex interesting character- seeing through her apprentice years and how her rebellious attitude developed into her & Stemleaf creating the rebellion later on. Stemleaf & Spotfur’s Love Story was beautiful to read about; they’re one of the best couples of the arc!
Hearing their hope for their future together was so heartbreaking, and seeing his death through her POV )):
But knowing that Spotfur was pregnant gave a hopeful end, knowing that Stemleaf wouldn’t die in vain.

Blackstar’s Reckoning- This was very interesting.
I had a hard time liking his character before because of his past actions, but reading through his POV, I felt sympathy and more understanding of him. Hearing his thoughts and feelings as he looked back on his memories really showed how Brokenstar & Tigerstar’s sheer manipulation molded him before.
The nine lives ceremony was so unique and beautiful as you find out more about his past.
An amazing novella!

All of these were beautiful complex and interesting novellas that didn’t fail to catch my interest! 11/10!!!!😆
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
852 reviews5 followers
March 6, 2022
This was a good book - not the best but it was a good book.

I liked this one a lot. I love Daisy and I loved seeing her grow and make a choice between living a safe life in a barn or going back to Thunderclan. There are also some really sad parts in this book- seeing her thinking about cleaning her dead kit's fur after the battle.... that was heartbreaking to read about.

To be honest I don't care about Stemleaf or Spotfur - they are barely in the new books - especially Stemleaf before he died so I didn't really get attached to either of them - they are just.... there. And this story was just.... there. It existed. It's the longest of the three, it dragged a little bit and I didn't particularly care about this one.

This one was easily the best of the three. The entire story is just him receiving his nine lives which would be boring but instead each cat that grants him his lives shows him a painful memory related to them and him and he has to choose to accept or reject the life. If he wavers and doesn't accept the life they will pick a new leader. I also love that two cats he killed are two of the cats that give him two of his nine lives and I love that they don't just instantly forgive him but they stay mad at him and they aren't sympathetic. This one made me love Blackstar much more than I loved him before.
Profile Image for Bailey.
469 reviews
June 4, 2021
So at first I did 3 stars, then changed to 4. It was because I was sitting here mad that I hate Blackstar and Daisy. And then I realized if I hate them that the Hunters wrote well enough to make me feel something for them...lol.

So my issue with Blackstar is that he never should have been made a leader after all the awful crap he did. His blind loyalty killed Stonefur and contributed to killing Badgerfang, and other events as well. And he was still defending himself during his leadership ceremony. Like stfu no.

Daisy is whiny and awful. It’s not a permanent nursery position I have gripes with, it’s her being whiny and lazy and dense when there were no kits/queens in the nursery. Ferncloud helped repair camp, hunted, etc. Daisy’s all “I’m so bored.” Stfu. Your own damn fault. And she was trying to push a relationship between Smoky and Mousewhisker. Like, dude, they’ll talk and stuff if they want, who died and made you boss?
Regardless of this, I felt so bad for Smoky and was invested in their story to see where they ended up. So good read.

Spotfur...I like her. I never thought about her much until reading this, and this made me appreciate her character and the growth she’s had.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Judah.
23 reviews
May 4, 2021
Blackfoot's Reckoning was my favorite of the three, as it offered the most new material and character insight. I enjoyed getting some insight to a cat who had done some genuinely horrible things! I think the format of the novella was really great, as well; it worked a lot better than if they had, eg, had 9 disconnected snippets of his life and ended with his leader ceremony.

Daisy's Kin was sweet, as I like Daisy and appreciated the chance to learn more about her. I don't have much else to say about it!

Spotfur's Rebellion was the weakest of the bunch imo, which is sad because she is my favorite of these three characters. It was basically the story we already knew from TBC, but told from a different viewpoint without adding much new information. I liked the first few chapters most, because they were about a period in her life we hadn't seen yet (her apprenticeship), and I actually felt like they included some really cute characterization moments.

I liked it more than some other warriors books I've read lately [coughtbc5cough], but still only 3 stars because even the best warriors book is only of middling quality compared to the other stuff I read, lol.
Profile Image for Taylor.
110 reviews
October 17, 2021
Since this is a collection of three novellas, I will briefly review the novellas and then the rating of this book will be based off of the average of the three's scores.

Daisy's Kin: 3/5

This was a sweet and simple story, but honestly really forgettable. I really liked Daisy's dilemma about her place in ThunderClan because it was realistic and made sense for her character. However, the story doesn't necessarily leave much of an impact on the reader and is very forgettable. I like Daisy, but I kind of wished that we got a slightly more interesting story with her.

Spotfur's Rebellion: 2/5

This story was basically pointless. Novellas are a great way to flesh out characters or events, but this did neither. Almost everything we know about Spotfur we know from the current books, and we already knew what was happening with her rebellion because main characters were involved in it. I was hoping that this story could maybe focus more on her relationship with Stemleaf, and while it kind of did, it was underwhelming. They just kind of became mates without much thought. I did enjoy the first few chapters though; they added new content and characterized Spotfur nicely.

Blackfoot's Reckoning: 4/5

Easily the best novella of this collection. I've always found Blackfoot to be an interesting character and this book doesn't disappoint. I was a little bit scared of the narrative disregarding the bad things that the character did (*cough* Leopardstar's Honour *cough*), but it thankfully didn't! I love how Stonefur and Rosetail don't forgive him, and the narrative treats it as an ok and good thing to do. I think this message of people not always deserving forgiveness (even if they're sorry) should be more prevalent in media. Aside from that, I thought this book did a clever way of going through important events in Blackstar's life. Usually, novellas will just have them time jump between chapters, which makes it feel rushed and somewhat confusing, but this book did it as him reliving his memories. I liked that, as it felt less confusing and more cohesive. Anyways, the biggest flaw of this novella is Nightstar excusing Blackfoot's crimes by saying that everyone makes mistakes. Uh, no Nightstar. Killing people isn't an 'oopsies' mistake.
December 19, 2021
When Daisy's former mate Smoky asks for her help, his new mate Coriander is giving birth and she needs help. Daisy must find out about her purpose with her clan while her loyalty is tested.
Spotpaw is a apprentice finally, with her growing friendship with Stempaw, they build affection towards each other. Spotpaw now Spotfur, and Stempaw now Steamleaf, lead a rebellion against the false Bramblestar.

2.5 stars
Daisy's novella was ok, I don't actually know a lot about her because I've only read around a quarter of all the warrior books. All I knew before is that she spends times nurturing and watching kits grow up. This book takes place during the events of Broken Code, after losing many of her kits with only Mousewhisker left, Daisy is dealing with grief unsure of her purpose. I did think it was very lame that Daisy thinks that without any kits she has no purpose with no kits to raise. Smoky her former mate has had 3 mates, Daisy, Coriander, and Floss, and kits with each of them 🙄. It was really interesting to see Daisy's grief, regret, and anger at Smoky, and the tension between them. I liked the tension between Daisy, Mousewhisker, and Smoky and it was sad when Smoky would sometimes dismiss Daisy-or say things like he has no kits left when Mousewhisker is still there. I overall liked the story Daisy wasn't a bad character.


This was my favorite one in the novella, we actually got to see Spotfur and Stemleaf's affection for eachother and better understand how they became friends. This one took place during the Broken Code too, there are a few time jumps. We get to see Spotfur as a young apprentice, and a new warrior. I really loved getting to know Spotfur more, she has a rebellious, righteous, and loving personality. It was really interesting seeing events or conversations that happened in the Broken Code but in another perspective. I liked getting to know Stemleaf better too. Spotfur's grief made it easier to understand in her perspective.

( I did't read the 3rd short story because I don't know who Blackfoot is-and it takes place in a time period that I haven't read yet).
Profile Image for Hannah.
430 reviews
May 10, 2023
Daisy’s Kin
“’I’m called Tom-Tom.’

That’s the weirdest name I’ve ever heard!...It’s like if my name were She-cat-She-cat!”
This story is: arguing with your ex, but you don’t love each other anymore, it’s just familiarity.
I haven’t read the newest series yet, so this book spoiled a bit for me, and I was like WTH when I read about the weird events with impostors. Also, I guess the Sisters from the other novella fits into the new plot, too.
I had always considered Daisy not really fitting in. Now that her kits are grown and there are no new kits in ThunderClan, she feels useless. Smoky, her previous mate from the horseplace (he had like, three mates, btw), comes for her to help Coriander give birth. Daisy feels needed (and guilty about taking their kits away from him). Coriander doesn’t make it and Daisy helps Smoky for a while. It was super weird when Smoky named his kits after his ex and his dead mate…
Spotfur’s Rebellion
“’It’s always been you.’”
– ah this line will never not get me <3
Hehe this one starts off with cute apprentices flirting:3. Spotpaw was a little prankster and it was kinda embarrassing. Also…is StarClan silent because the moonpool is frozen…? Bramblestar impostor/possession decrees no one talk to Spotfur for a moon (or quarter moon?). Maybe the impostor is just the extreme, legalistic version of him, because Bramblestar is kinda really into loyalty. Anyways, the ending of this story was tragic, my heart is broken because Stemleaf.
Blackfoot’s Reckoning
“Every leader has made choices they regret. It isn’t necessary for a leader to be perfect. But it is important that you can learn from the past and change.”

This one was really good. It was nice to read something during the time period of the old series. While it’s been awhile since I’ve read those, they are engrained in my memory because I’ve read them multiple times. This story goes through Blackstar receiving his nine lives. Each life brings back some regretful memories, when he had followed Brokenstar. All the ShadowClan drama came back to me and wow such good stories!
Profile Image for Cami.
540 reviews9 followers
July 12, 2022
I really enjoyed all of the novellas in this collection. "Daisy's Kin" addresses the ramifications of characters deaths that have largely gone unremarked upon. (What happens to side characters whose families have been torn apart by off-screen deaths and used as fodder for raising the protagonists' stakes?) "Spotfur's Rebellion" gives its title character more voice and personality than "The Broken Code" by showcasing her rebellious attitude from the earliest days of her apprenticeship. (I appreciated this, because the title led me to believe that this novella would simply rehash what "The Broken Code" already showed of the false Bramblestar's reign, but from a different perspective.)

I was most dubious about "Blackfoot's Reckoning," because I have no fondness for the ShadowClan leader and don't think that Warrior cats portrays character development well. Usually, it comes across as characters being defined not by their own personalities and choices but by the demands and convenience of the narrative. (Mothwing bullies Shadowsight to garner sympathy for the protagonist; Mistystar exiles her own cats because someone needed to be the villain once Bramblestar had been deposed; Sparkpelt begins voicing conservative beliefs to generate conflict between herself and Alderheart; etc.) I was dreading another narrator who might spend the entire story justifying his actions and attempting to earn sympathy even though he was one of Tigerstar's supporters in the first series, or worse, pretend that he had never done wrong.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Blackstar's novella is centered on his leadership ceremony, instead of his earliest war crimes in the old forest. The scenes where cats receive their nine lives from StarClan are often emotional and some of my favorite moments in the series. This story adds an interesting spin to it by accompanying each life with a chapter-long memory. I'm not sure whether I like Blackstar anymore after this novella, but at the very least, I appreciate how his tale was formatted. It could have been a lot worse!
Profile Image for Anna.
186 reviews1 follower
August 26, 2021
I read this so I could understand the description of the book. For instance with Daisy's kin, I read it to find out what "How did Daisy decide if the rouge from her past should be part of her future.?" I was curious what that meant. What happens in the story didn't have anything to do with the description. In the store Daisy gets a visit from Smoky her former mate, his new mate dies giving birth. I thought that Smoky was rather stubborn about how his kits should survive, they could of gotten a two leg to take care of them, but rather then do that he puts his kits at risk of dying to avoid that. Then in the end he goes to live with two legs anyways and live in a barn.:/ yea okay then..

The second story was about Spotfur and why she decided to disobey the traitor and her clan in order to prove that Bramblestar wasn't himself anymore, even to the point she causes the death of two cats including Stemleaf who she loved. The description is say "What made Spotfur risk everything to defy her clans deputy" Well the deputy had nothing to do with anything.:/ sure I guess, but this store wasn't really needed, because we already knew this reading Broken code series, this story was wasted and I thought unnecessary.

So the last story is about Blackfoot. Well do we really need this story? I mean we know he becomes the leader.. We know he made mistakes. Yea, I think it was also unnecessary as well.. They ask the question why Starclan forgives him, its like duh.. of course, he made mistakes, but he was always trying to do what he thought was for the good of Shadowclan.:/
Profile Image for Gracie.
6 reviews
April 23, 2024

I honestly liked Daisy's section of pov first but im gonna subject this to Blackfoot for the first rating

3/5 for Blackfoot, I really never knew who he was, The sadest thing was Badgerfang dying, Im pretty 100% sure it brought people to pouring rain of tears, im gonna hop of Blackfoot's topic cuz im still confuzled.

Spotfurs was the one i was interested in, but i feel bad for Bristlefrost, imagine just getting to have courage to face your crush and he says he like someone else? Its natural tbh but off of the Stemfrost point. I never liked Spotfur i felt sympathy for Bristlefrost wanting to give her an imaginary hug, But i also feel bad for Spotfur, She lost her mate and she was expecting kits, I think Stem was only with her for 1 moon, I just feel bad for her. I still dont like her but she didn't deserve to lose her mate to Brambleash (Imposter name i wanna call him)

Last subject on the last pretty cat, Daisy, I LOVE daisy, and i also feel bad like spotfurs glance. Daisy has Been with Smoky before, but i would be mad if my ex-mate had got alot of mates and they died, But coriander's situation reminds me of silverstreams, they both died giving birth and the thing that made me cry was when they named the kits daisy and coriander, i forgot the other dead kits name but im pretty sure they never had a named or a name subjected around them. But i still feel bad and i hope they wont cut off Daisy's life like they did to many other cats in the books.

^^ overall amazing book
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Emma.
11 reviews
August 3, 2021
Daisy's Kin: This short story was a classic case of who asked for this. While I did enjoy the story, it wasn't anything special or memorable. Daisy is a nice character, but this story about Smoky coming to her for help with his new litter just wasn't interesting enough to read about.

Spotfur's Rebellion: I love Spotfur, but I also feel like nobody asked for this POV. It was nice to see some of her younger years and her motivations for beginning the rebellion, but we got a lot of that in the main book. Though I'll admit that a novella that was just about her younger years might've been boring.

Blackfoot's Reckoning: This was a really different kind of book, but I loved it. It was a new take on the leader ceremony, and we got to learn so much about Blackstar. He has always been my favorite leader, and now I know so much more about him. This is a POV I needed to see. Fantastic story, Erins 👏
Profile Image for AmazonHamster.
35 reviews
January 1, 2024
Daisy’s novella was alright! I was glad to see her as she’s an interesting cat set apart from the rest. It’s also always good to be able to explore a different way of living then just the clans. However this book was just okay. Can’t help but find the cats hypocritical in how they’d let their kits die instead of seeing a two-leg and that’s good whereas when Smokey actually has a reason he’s deemed as stupid.

Spotfur’s Rebellion was just a retelling of the broken code added basically nothing.

Blackstar probably had the best one. He came off as someone who loved his clan but had blind loyalty. He wasn’t scared or threatened but actually believed in Brokenstar. Sometimes that may be believing his lies or always justifying his ideals. He had his good points but they didn’t shy away from letting him kill in cold blood.

Decent book and worth a read. Probably won’t be your favourite collection though.
Profile Image for Maya.
38 reviews
July 1, 2021
Daisy's Kin:
I read the first novella in one sitting, and enjoyed it thoroughly. I'm glad we got Daisy's POV, and her internal conflict deserves even more screentime! 5/5 stars

Spotfur's Rebellion:
It took me the longest to get through SR, due to the middle section. I loved the beginning, which showed us Spotfur as an apprentice, but the middle rehashed a lot of old ground. However, I adored Spotfur and Stemleaf's relationship, and the pay-off at the end was decent. 3/5 stars

Blackfoot's Reckoning:
I loved the divergent format. This novella is now one of my favourite leadership ceremonies; the memory gimmick worked perfectly. The novella length (around 100 pages) works perfectly to tell a concise story, but falls just short of rounding out Blackfoot/Blackstar's later character development. I really like the format, however, so I am a bit biased in my rating. 4.5/5 stars
Profile Image for Véronique Laplante Grenier.
1,194 reviews7 followers
June 19, 2021
A warrior's choice is three novellas set in the Warriors world by Erin Hunter.

You follow three cats from the differents clans, Daisy, Spotfur and Blackstar with events before A Place of no stars. Daisy who will help her ex-mate with the delivery of his current mate, Stormfur who will rebel and try to resolve the problem of the impostor that's inside Bramblestar and Blackstar and why have Starclan forgiven him with what's he's done back in the old forest and how he got his nine life. Blackfooth's Reckoning was my fave of the three.

I have really love those novellas and can't wait for more books in the warrior world. Always love to have some PoV of the others characters.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 66 reviews

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