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The Writer's Cats

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From the best-selling author ofThe Elegance of the Hedgehogcomes this delightful, delicate tale that pays tribute to the poetry of the everyday, to Japanese philosophy, and to the ingenuity and sardonic humor of cats.

What a mysterious, confounding thing is a writer! Yet, spend a little time with the writer's cats and one might just understand her better.

Muriel Barbery, via her feline friends and co-conspirators, takes readers into her atelier, offering them a behind-the-scenes peek into her process and problems, joys and disappointments. The tale is told from the perspective of one of the writer's four cats, Kirin, who, together with her cohort, may or may not be a reliable narrator. There's Ocha, the leader of the gang, a tough guy with a soft heart; the bandy-legged and affectionate Mizu, Ocha's sister; the phlegmatic and refined Petrus, lover of flowers; and finally, pretty Kirin, narrator of this bewitching story.

A superb, funny, and touching text for writers, readers, fans of Muriel Barbery's best-selling novels, and cat lovers.

69 pages, Kindle Edition

Published November 9, 2021

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About the author

Muriel Barbery

Muriel Barbery is a French novelist and professor of philosophy. Barbery entered the École Normale Supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud in 1990 and obtained her agrégation in philosophy in 1993. She then taught philosophy at the Université de Bourgogne, in a lycée, and at the Saint-Lô IUFM.

La timide et très discrète Muriel Barbery ne s’imaginait sans doute pas faire l’objet de l’engouement qu’elle suscite aujourd’hui, bien malgré elle.

Ce succès, elle le connaît grâce à ses deux livres: Une Gourmandise et surtout L'élégance du hérisson.

Née au Maroc, à Casablanca en 1969, Muriel Barbery regagne la France, le Calvados plus précisément, pour se consacrer à ses études. Elle s’inscrit à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud et y fait des études en philosophie. Elle obtient alors un DEA, qui lui permet de devenir professeur.

Habitant les environs de Bayeux, toujours en Basse Normandie, elle enseigne d’abord dans un lycée, à Saint-Lô.

Muriel Barbery plonge dans bon nombre d’ouvrages, mais confie volontiers que, plus que tous les autres, Guerre et Paix du romancier russe Léon Tolstoï, la fascine encore aujourd’hui.

Sa manière d’écrire insolite, et qu’elle qualifie elle-même de désordonnée, ne lui fait pas penser qu’elle se lancerait un jour dans la fabuleuse aventure qu'est la sienne.

Pourtant, en 2000, Stéphane, son époux qui a été pour beaucoup dans sa réussite, l’encourage à écrire et à publier son premier roman, qu’elle intitule Une Gourmandise (éditions Gallimard). Le succès est énorme, et la surprend elle-même. Traduit en 12 langues et vendu à 200 000 exemplaires, ce livre raconte l’histoire du plus grand des critiques gastronomiques, qui, ayant appris qu’il vivait ses derniers jours, part à la recherche d’une saveur bien particulière mais insaisissable qui le replonge dans son enfance.

Mais c’est en 2006 que Muriel Barbery vit ses plus grands moments de gloire. En effet, c’est l’année où Gallimard publie L'élégance du Hérisson, qui la propulse littéralement parmi les meilleurs auteurs populaires. Elle se retrouve notamment classée dans les 10 romanciers les plus vendus en 2007. L’Élégance du Hérisson relate la vie de trois personnages. Renée, une concierge d’immeuble, avec tous les attributs que l’on prête habituellement aux concierges, qui est secrètement passionnée de philosophie. Paloma est une adolescente bourgeoise. Et le troisième est un riche amateur d’art japonais. Cette satire sociale sera vendue à plus d’un million d’exemplaires.

Suite à la parution de ce roman, Muriel Barbery reçoit deux belles distinctions: le Prix des Librairies et le Prix des Bibliothèques pour tous. Elle est aussi couronnée du Prix Georges Brassens et du Prix Rotary International.

Ce succès commercial lui permet de réaliser son rêve et d’assouvir sa passion pour le Japon, puisqu’elle décide de mettre sa vie de professeur de philosophie entre parenthèses pour s’installer à Kyoto pendant quelques temps.



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Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews
Profile Image for s.penkevich.
1,323 reviews10.8k followers
August 31, 2024
Goodreads user s.penkevich isn’t here right meow, so we, the reviewer’s cats will be pawing this one up. Don’t be alarmed, they are alive and are simply out at the moment taking our roommates, the dogs (rolls eyes), out for a walk. We simply felt it was only proper for fellow feline comrades to deliver the message of Muriel Barbary’s cats inThe Writers Catsto all you fine humans (and your cats, make sure to get them. To the cats reading:miaou, meeeow, miau, nyaa, me-ooow-ow-wow, miauw, meu, Meow). This is a cute little story about the four cats who live with Muriel Barbary that chronicles their unique personalities and high class tastes but most importantly, their unrecognized abilities as literary advisors. ‘Enough is enough,’ they tell us and so they brought this book into the world. We, fellow cats across the ocean, find it to be our duty to help spread their plea.
How can you not love this sweet littletailtale of Kirin, Petrus, Ocha and Mizu. We learn why they are named as they are and the ways they may have inspired some of Barbery’s characters in her novels. We also learn of Barbery’s love for Japan which also works it’s way into most of her books. But most importantly, we learn how the cats help Barbery with her writing and cope with what they have determined to be the three afflictions of writers:
1. Restlessness
2. Doubt
3. Denial
You see, these cats have learned to read. Take note, humans, your cats may have been inspired by your love of reading and taught themselves as well. They might be writing behind your back. We might even have our own version of goodreads where we rate our owners (s. gets a 3.5 out of 5 for not enough treats and not letting us keep the mice we kill). So heed the cats in this book's warning and give us the credit we deserve! We particularly enjoyed when the cat farts on the manuscript pages they think need more work.
So if you like cats, and we think you should, you will probably enjoyThe Writer’s Cats.It even has cute artwork by Maria Guitart and it is a purrfect quick read.

Thank you for your time,
Marlowe and Flame
Profile Image for Cathy.
1,330 reviews299 followers
October 18, 2021
What’s this, Cathy reading a book about cats (and an illustrated one at that) when she’s not even that much of a cat lover? Well, I’m so glad I did because this is a charming book by Muriel Barbery (whose book A Single Rose I read and reviewed recently) with wonderful illustrations by Maria Guitart.

I loved the clever touches such as the fact the illustrations stick predominantly to the same colour palette as Chartreux cats – grey and orange – and that the writer is seen only from the back until the very end of the book. Just as it should be, Kirin, Ocha, Mizu and Petrus would say, as after all we’re the stars of the book.

There’s lots of self-deprecating humour about the trials and tribulations of being a writer which, as her cats observe, manifests itself in three ways: restlessness, doubt and denial. I loved the way the cats discuss the writer’s latest output, assessing it for language and style as well as ‘consistency, relevance and the narrative progression of the text’. When it comes to denial – the tendency of writers to try to convince themselves that what they’ve written is good when in their heart they know it’s full of holes – the cats are only too happy to help. After all who needs an editor when you have Mizu farting noisily on the offending lines?

The Writer’s Cats is charming, funny and beautiful to look at. It would make a wonderful gift for the cat lover in your life… and at the same time contribute to the share of the royalties demanded by Muriel’s cats.
Profile Image for Phyllis.
641 reviews168 followers
January 17, 2023
This is an adorable illustrated short-story/novella, translated from French, about four cats who are the literary advisors to a writer. The illustrations are beautiful. The story is told by the youngest of the four Chartreux cats, Kirin.

Four-year-old Kirin, her brother Petrus, their uncle Ocha, and their aunt Mizu all live in a house in the country with a writer and her husband who is a musician. They love their writer, but they feel it is high time they receive recognition for their contributions to her work. In making their case, they describe each of their personalities & most notable attributes, consider who among the writer's community might serve as an ally to them, and explain a typical workday for the writer and the "three afflictions" from which writers suffer (restlessness, doubt, and denial). Finally, they detail exactly how they have saved the writer's work from her afflictions and compulsions, beginning by their learning how to read.
Profile Image for Victor The Reader.
1,567 reviews17 followers
February 10, 2022
This is a breezy and charming story, which is like a picture book with a novella, of a writer’s four Charteux cats who want to show her that they’re more than just her majestic muses and they manage to be just as lovable as any housecat.A- (91%/Excellent)
Profile Image for Robin.
445 reviews3 followers
August 21, 2022
A short tale, written by a cat on behalf of her cat mates! They love their owner, a writer who benefits from their literary expertise. The feline writer shares their collective thoughts with much hilarity.
The illustrations are adorable and make the book all the more fun. It is quite short, as you can imagine but if you want sheer entertainment, this quick read is for you.
Profile Image for Simone Milia.
5 reviews
April 17, 2021
Leggero, divertente, poetico.
Emerge prepotente il grande amore della scrittrice per i felini. I gattari doc capiranno perfettamente.
Profile Image for Susan.
160 reviews3 followers
December 15, 2021
A fun little book for everyone who loves writers and cats!
Profile Image for laladebombay.
83 reviews46 followers
August 3, 2022
I love Muriel Barbarey and this book was an absolute delight. I miss having a cat around and a peek into her life has reminded me not to talk life's little joys for granted.
Profile Image for Richard Seltzer.
Author17 books131 followers
August 26, 2022
Tongue-in-cheek ramblings about the challenges of writing fiction, narrated by one of the author's four cats. The format is that of a child's picture book, but this is not addressed at children. It's a quick enjoyable read.

A few memorable passages. (There are no page numbers). (NB -- this was written in French and translated by Alison Anderson).
"In reality, writing and doubt are two facets of the same art."
"The writer is a perverse creature who has chosen an impossible trade, a calling that will doom her (or him) to dissatisfaction for all eternity, when all she dreams of is nothing more than finishing her crossword while she sips her drink."
"... writers are practied schizophrenics who know very well just what they don't want to know."
"... beauty and harmony are our only roots in a world that is adrift."
:Well, as far as visual harmony or beauty goes, we provide her in her everyday life with ample amounts of it, and then some. What's more, we add movement. We are flawless lines travelling through space, we are moving calligraphy, always changing, always sublime. Our very aspect, our elastic beauty, our please curves make of us a living art, an organic stuff of inspiration: a vector of beauty making its way through this imperfect world, leavng in its wake a perfume of perfection (and a whiff of Japan). "
Profile Image for Karan.
295 reviews3 followers
December 27, 2021
A fun read, and I learned a few things about cats! Thank you Alan: ) A beautiful edition.

I've also read her The Elegance of the Hedgehog, on Cheryl's recommendation.
Profile Image for Ryan Miller.
1,522 reviews6 followers
December 31, 2021
Cute, well-written, enchantingly illustrated little story of four cats who live with (and assist) a French writer
Profile Image for Niriel08.
234 reviews26 followers
April 29, 2023
Con este pequeño libro, ilustrado maravillosamente y escrito de la forma poética más bella posible; Muriel nos muestra una vez más su capacidad de hablar desde la ternura.

Qué dicha conocer a sus asesores gatunos🖤
Profile Image for Hargun Kaur Sachdev.
183 reviews28 followers
July 3, 2023
A charming little illustrated short story. Just what you need when you're a writer who cannot go to sleep and is in the process of falling in love with cats.
Profile Image for Elene ⭐️  Figuer.
173 reviews116 followers
October 2, 2022
Me ha decepcionado. Muriel Barbery, autora de "La elegancia del erizo" contando de boca de uno de sus gatos la reivindicación por ser "laboralmente" reconocidos, los gatos de su casa digo.

En primer lugar... que hace este libro en los estantes infantiles de una biblioteca pública???... "Nos lanza tapones de corcho [...] cuando bebe vino (algo que ocurre con cierta frecuencia)."... "Cuando van a Japón, nuestra escritora y su marido beben mucha cerveza (y también bastante sake)."... "[...] salvo yo que, por pudor, prefiero la discreción del sótano, al pie de los botelleros de vino"... "[...] con el esmero con el que vacía la bodega de sus autores."... "[...] no tarda en ahogar en una copa de vouvray, [...]"... ¿A cuento de qué las reiteradas referencias al alcohol en un libro para niños? ¿Es que se pretende normalizar su consumo en las tiernas mentes prepuberes? Llamadme puritana, lo tomaré como un piropo.

En segundo lugar... "Para empezar, la gente no tiene ni idea de lo difícil que es el trabajo del escritor. [...] si solo hubiera que contar una historia, sería fácil." Aquí es donde yo me digo... "y ahora nos va a contar lo difícil que es hacer que el lector entre en el libro y lo sienta y tal y tal...". PUES NO!!! Ahora es cuando Barbery suelta una perodata sobre trabajar la lengua, el estilo, la poesía, las florituras complicadas; y los tres "males" del escritor: los nervios, la duda y la negación, ¿?, a su criterio supongo. ¿Y dónde quedó lo de que un escritor no solo se dedica a escribir historias, sino que se dedica a que sus lectores la sientan y tal y tal? Pues en ninguna parte. Solo le faltó decir que un escritor se dedica a fabricar historias como churros (eso sí, técnicamente correctas) y venderlas.

Decepcionante, muy muy decepcionante. Ni con gatitos de por medio le pongo más de 1 estrella.
Profile Image for Angela.
73 reviews1 follower
November 27, 2022
❤️🐈‍⬛ Los gatos de Muriel Barbery (la misma autora de La elegancia del erizo) cuentan su historia: cómo es vivir al lado de la escritora y qué hace cada uno para engrandecer el talento de ella y, por extensión, su carrera literaria. La narradora es la gata Kirin, quien con ironía y humor ácido analiza cómo es posible la convivencia de Muriel, su marido y los gatitos en un apartamento parisino fuertemente influenciado por la cultura japonesa, a pesar de las diferencias entre residentes. La dinámica familiar es intensa y cariñosa porque felinos y escritora son, en efecto, inseparables. Sin embargo, el relato es una queja, una denuncia del grupo de gatos defraudados, sin compensación económica por sus servicios literarios profesionales.
Estilística y temáticamente, el libro se compara a El Portero de Reinaldo Arenas, fantástico relato de un grupo de mascotas que residen en un edificio de lujo
Profile Image for Diane.
2,081 reviews5 followers
November 14, 2021

I'm a reader not a writer but have always been curious by what inspires an author and what makes their creative juices flow. For French writer, Muriel Barbery, it appears to be all things Japanese, flowers, and her (4) Chartreux cats (gray fur with amber eyes). There is Kirin, graceful and charming, brothers Petrus and Ocha and sister Mizu. The story narrated by Kirin with humor and a cat's insight gives us a look at the author's day to day life and her writing process. How does the author know when something needs to be revised? A clue is when a particular page gets swished to floor by a cats tail or, maybe it's when a cat sits on a page way too long that tips her off.

Cat lovers will recognize the things cats do to get our attention both to annoy us and endear us - often. at the very same time. Quirky, fun and peppered with charming illustrations, this 80 page book is easy to read in one sitting and would be a fun gift for the cat lover in your life.
Profile Image for Cecilia Muñoz.
142 reviews9 followers
April 9, 2024
¿Qué puedo decir? Fue una lectura agradable, de esas que se hacen para pasar el rato, lo que ocurre cuando sientes debilidad por la lectura, las escritoras y los gatos.
¿Fue increíble? No realmente. Como ya he dicho, es una lectura para pasar el rato, un bonito ejercicio de la imaginación que ciertamente no muchos pueden conseguir: dar voz no sólo a uno, sino a varios gatos. Pero es hasta cierta forma tierno...
Sin embargo, si me hacen escoger, prefiero este libro a "Ella y su gato". Este al menos habla de algo. Aquél nunca me dio la impresión de tener un hilo conductor, una historia que relatar. Aunque mi gato acaba de tirar uno de mis lapiceros en este momento, así que tal vez sea esté equivocada y esa sea su forma de dármelo a entender. Nunca lo sabrémos.
Profile Image for Beth Gea.
Author2 books41 followers
October 18, 2023
Una historia muy tierna, en la que la escritora destila de una manera muy simple todo el amor que siente por sus gatos.

Pero nosotros llenamos su vida diaria de belleza y armonía visual y, además, a ello le añadimos el movimiento. Somos líneas irreprochables que se desplazan en el espacio, caligrafías movedizas, siempre cambiantes, siempre sublimes. Por nuestra apariencia misma, nuestra belleza flexible y nuestras curvas amables, constituimos un arte vivo, un material orgánico de inspiración: un vector de belleza que cruza este mundo imperfecto dejando tras de sí un aroma de perfección (y una nota nipona).
57 reviews2 followers
May 20, 2024
My five-star rating is for cat lovers only! If you have never lived with a cat, this beautiful little book is not for you. The narrator, Kirin, one of Barbery's four Chartreux cats, explains how she and her siblings aid the author in the writing process. These felines argue they have not received the credit (nor the royalties) they deserve and I, for one, certainly agree. The fact that neither Kirin nor Petrus nor Ocha nor Mizu are listed as co-authors shows that their efforts have been undervalued. The book is lovingly and humorously illustrated by Maria Guitart, which leads to its charm.
591 reviews1 follower
October 18, 2022
I absolutely loved this short, witty story about the author and how her four Chartreux cats who are bound and determined to be an important part of her writing. Cats, being the super smart beings they are, realized she needed help in putting together this book....so together they decided to give her a hand (or should I say a paw). This is a book I could read over and over. For all cat lovers out there and, even if you are not, give this short read a try. You may think differently!
Profile Image for Christie Kaaland.
929 reviews7 followers
October 23, 2022
Told from the voice of one of the four Chartreux cats, Kirin, who reside with the writer and her musician boyfriend. Kirin describes the angst and turmoil of a writer's life and concludes with her other Chartreux to help her with her writing. Much discussion about the writing process is poetically revealed. The fine pale orange and gray illustrations are a lovely complement to this tongue-in-cheek tale.
Profile Image for Rrshively.
1,483 reviews
April 7, 2022
This book might be appropriate from any interested person from about 5th grade on up. Ms. Barbery's cats tell the story of her struggles as a writer and how they help. Do they deserve a better reward than just kibble? In many ways this is a charming story with interesting illustrations. When I rate a story okay, I mean that it really is an okay book.
Profile Image for Mary Dent.
375 reviews
March 6, 2022
Lovely portrait in the life of Muriel Barbery’s three Chartreux cats. The illustrations add to the charm of this lovely vignette. For cat lovers who appreciate the hard work of writing and creation of art.
Profile Image for Julie Thomason.
Author3 books18 followers
January 18, 2024
I loved this little book. I'm a cat lover, writer and enjoyed the elegant of the hedgehog and the gourmet by this author. The cat's voice is captured well the by the writer and sort of feline memoir. A nice short fun relaxing read. My criticism I wish it had been longer.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 81 reviews

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